Re: Crypto progress! (And a Biiiig TODO list)

2000-02-21 Thread Paul Richards

Mark Murray wrote:
> > Mark Murray wrote:
> > > > I'm very uncomfortable with requiring Yet Another Daemon to manage
> > > > (and screw up) password checking.  Generally speaking, if I wouldn't
> > > > trust a program with root privileges, I wouldn't trust it with my
> > > > password, either (for obvious reasons).
> > >
> > > If "all those" suid programs could be "de-suid'ed", and replaced with
> > > a simple "does this username/password pair check out?" daemon/module,
> > > would that make you happier?
> >
> > As long as there is some sort of rate limiting system so that it doesn't
> > provide a trivial online brute force password cracking service...  Getting
> > this right would be an interesting challenge. :-)
> Easy to do of the daemon is not on by default, or if it is pretty fascist by
> default, with lots of options to define the fascism.

I think there are risks with this approach and I'm not sure the benefits
are clear cut.

My main concern is single point of failure. It's only an improvement on
what we have now if we can remove suid programs. If you do that then the
*only* way to authenticate is via the daemon. If you screw the daemon in
some way and you don't already have a root session then your only option
is to hit the power switch.

At the moment, if you screw login you can su, if you screw su then you
can login at the console etc etc.

The daemon becomes an obvious target for DOS given how critical it is
and any weakness that would cause it to fail would result in a
catastrophic system failure. There aren't many (any?) system processes
that are that critical.

How are you  going to deal with single-user boots? I can't really see
how you can remove all password related suid programs, only a few of

The other concern is that at the moment you can't get access to the
encrypted password without being root. With a daemon any user can
process can access that information. I accept that this might not be a
losing position since any user script could run su or password
repeatedly but it seems to me that there isn't a *clear* security
enhancement here.

The daemon approach actually has benfits that I'm keen on that aren't
related to security. A single point of access to the data means that the
backend can be changed so that passwords can be in a different file or a
database, without having to worry about rebuilding all the binaries. You
could even split users across different back end systems.

It would be interesting to extend the whole idea so that there were
username classes e.g. system account, web site user and so on. Then you
could use the same database to hold all account information. This is of
course what NT does and most people hate that because the web server
then has access to the login passwords. If you're going to have a daemon
though that any user process can connect to then this is the direction
you're moving in so you may as well take the added functionality that
comes with it and make it a generic authentication system that can be
used for things like web servers.

On the whole though, I'm not sure that this is a direction that has a
definate win to it. How many binaries are there that have access to the
master.passwd file? How many lines of code need to be audited for those
binaries, compared to the number of lines of code needed to implement a
secure daemon solution?


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Re: feedback on CD install of 4.0-RC2

2000-02-21 Thread Paul Richards

Jonathan Lemon wrote:
> In article [EMAIL PROTECTED]> you write:
> >Kai Großjohann wrote:
> >>
> >> "Jordan K. Hubbard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>
> >> > I really kinda wish you'd point them to Novice^H^H^H^H^HStandard
> >> > instead since it does more than be a bit more verbose, it also makes
> >> > sure that all the appropriate steps are covered and prevents even
> >> > relatively skilled people from hanging themselves.
> >>
> >> Does this mean that this option should be called `guided'?  I know a
> >> little bit about Unix but haven't installed FreeBSD more than five
> >> times or so.  And I always thought that the novice install meant that
> >> I didn't get as many choices...
> >
> >"Guided". I like it. That's *PRECISELY* what this installation option
> >is. There is NO difference in the number of choices available in any of
> >the three types.
> >
> >Guided/Express/Expert. That's my vote.
> Cool, seconded.  I actually use "novice" most of the time, simply
> because I like the hints that help me not to screw up, and I've been
> using this option (or equivalent) since 1.1.5 at least.
> Guided sounds like a better description to me.

Possibly, the mistake here is to present the "custom" option as an
install method at all. Given that "novice" walks you through the install
steps but still allows you to do a customised install, it should perhaps
be called "installation", the custom option should be changed to
something like "maintenance" because really that's where it's useful in
that you can go fix any bit of the system without having to walk through
all the installation steps.

No new users would try and use "maintenance" to do their installation


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Re: ssh strangeness in -current...

2000-03-08 Thread Paul Richards

"Jordan K. Hubbard" wrote:
> > I have upgraded a machine to the latest -current snapshot (it
> > was running a -current from the end of January before).  Every-
> > thing went fine, except for one thing: ssh didn't work anymore.
> > It used to work fine before.
> You really need to read the -current mailing list if you're going to
> run -current.  Saying that openssh took you by surprise as a -current
> user is sort of like saying you didn't know Elvis was dead. :-(

but he isn't!

He was working in a chip shop last I heard.


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2000-03-12 Thread Paul Richards

Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 12, 2000 at 05:59:09AM +, Paul Richards wrote:
> >
> > Are expressions like ((uid_t)0-1) portable/safe ? Maybe that's a better
> > way of approaching this.
> To get the all-1's number, maybe it's better to use ((uid_t)~0), but
> that is a rather controversial topic anyway.

Well it would be worth deciding on some standard way of dealing with
this problem.

I've been wandering around the code for the last few days and the same
issue crops up all over the place i.e. bounds checking. There are a lot
of programs that currently work on alpha only because no-one is hitting
the boundary conditions e.g. ipfw checks for rule number limits based
upon ULONG_MAX rather than the size of the field that holds the rule

We could create a new include file that we use for constants that are
related to FreeBSD specific types or we can agree on a coding style for
performing bounds checking using tricks like ((uid_t)0-1)

The code solution is robust in that if the type changes size the code
still works. Using constants has the advantage that it is easy to
document what the limits are on certain paramters such as IPFW rule
numbers since you'll be able to look them up.

All we have to do then is write all the bounds checking code :-)


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2000-03-12 Thread Paul Richards

Garrett Wollman wrote:
> < said:
> > We could create a new include file that we use for constants that are
> > related to FreeBSD specific types or we can agree on a coding style for
> > performing bounds checking using tricks like ((uid_t)0-1)
> Or we can do it the right way, by assigning to a variable of the
> correct type and checking that the value remains unchanged.

I'm not just trying to determine whether a value fits into a type, I'm
also trying to find out what the maximum value the type can hold is.
e.g. in the following code snippet

id = strtoul(p, (char **)NULL, 10);
if (errno == ERANGE) {
warnx("%s > max uid value (%lu)", p, ULONG_MAX);
return (0);

you also have to print out the maximum value. Not an uncommon
requirement for error reporting.

You're solution doesn't help with the second part.

What I'm looking at is the following.

id = strtoul(p, (char **)NULL, 10);
if ((errno == ERANGE) || (id >= ((uid_t)0-1))) {
warnx("%s > max uid value (%lu)", p, ((uid_t)0-1));
return (0);

or the alternative

id = strtoul(p, (char **)NULL, 10);
if ((errno == ERANGE) || (id >= UID_MAX)) {
warnx("%s > max uid value (%lu)", p, UID_MAX);
return (0);

When you see it written out like that the latter is a lot more
informative. It also provides the flexibility to limit the parameters
max value even if the type allows it to be larger. This is of particular
significance to UIDs which are currently limited to a far smaller value
than would fit in a uid_t.


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2000-03-12 Thread Paul Richards

John Polstra wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Paul Richards  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > They must not go into .  That header file is defined by
> > > the ANSI/ISO C standard.  The standard doesn't permit polluting the
> > > namespace with extra stuff.
> >
> > Umm, ok. I don't think our limits.h actually has anything in it that
> > meets the ANSI/ISO standard, every line is ifdef'd :-) Where would be a
> > better place for constants like this?
> Sheesh, criticism isn't enough?  Now it has to be constructive too? ;-)
> I guess it could go into  in the
> "!defined(_ANSI_SOURCE)" section.  Bruce might have a better idea.

I don't think  is the right place. These are constants
that are definately not architecture dependent. The whole problem at the
moment is that the code is abusing architecture dependent constants in
lieu of anything better.


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2000-03-12 Thread Paul Richards

Peter Jeremy wrote:
> On 2000-Mar-13 12:01:03 +1100, Paul Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >id = strtoul(p, (char **)NULL, 10);
> >if ((errno == ERANGE) || (id >= UID_MAX)) {
> >warnx("%s > max uid value (%lu)", p, UID_MAX);
> >return (0);
> >}
> You can do this now.  Just add the following:
> pid_t   UID_MAX = ~0;
> somewhere before the code.

I assume you meant uid_t, but anyway, yes that can be done but I'm
looking for a more generic solution since this is a widespread problem
in the userland code.
> >When you see it written out like that the latter is a lot more
> >informative. It also provides the flexibility to limit the parameters
> >max value even if the type allows it to be larger. This is of particular
> >significance to UIDs which are currently limited to a far smaller value
> >than would fit in a uid_t.
> AFAIK, there's no real hard limit.  adduser(8) limits uids to 32000
> to prevent portability problems with systems using a signed 16-bit
> uid_t (whilst allowing for a few `special' uids near the top of the
> range).  Other potential limits are ~65000 (16-bit unsigned) and
> 9 (5 decimal digits).

The actual limit is 4294967295, which is the largest number that will
fit into the the 32-bit uid_t. This does work, I've been playing around
with it for the last few days. At least, it works from a kernel
perspective, there are many applications that screw things up, most of
them use atol to do conversions which limits the UID to half that. If
you stick within the signed 32 bit limits most things seem to work.

> It would be nice if there was a system-wide constant that could be
> used for this, but it's not obvious where this should be located.
> (And note that adduser(8) is a perl script, so it can't use a C
> header file without some contortions).

Perl can use C include files (after performing some magic) so that
wouldn't be a problem.


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The pw command

2000-03-09 Thread Paul Richards

Non-root users can use the pw command to get information from the
master.passwd file e.g.

ps showuser paul
paul:*:1000:1000::0:0:& Richards:/home/paul:/usr/local/bin/bash

which shows the class, password expiry and account expiry. I'm not sure
whether that's information that should be kept secure but it does seem
like 'pw' is the only command that makes it available. The 'chsh'
command doesn't show this information except when run as root for


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2000-03-12 Thread Paul Richards

John Polstra wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Paul Richards  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > John Polstra wrote:
> > >
> > > I guess it could go into  in the
> > > "!defined(_ANSI_SOURCE)" section.  Bruce might have a better idea.
> >
> > I don't think  is the right place. These are constants
> > that are definately not architecture dependent. The whole problem at the
> > moment is that the code is abusing architecture dependent constants in
> > lieu of anything better.
> Hmm, you're right.  How about ?

That sounds ideal :-)

I guess my next question is, are there any objections to

#define UID_MAX ((uid_t)0-1)

which would actually give us the best of both worlds. I assume that gcc
optimises the calculation away so it's effectively a constant but
automagically of the right size.

I can see the flaw in that straight away in that uid_t isn't available

On the other hand, since you may want to limit the MAX_UID (or some
other paramter) independently of the size of the type then its probably
best to maintain the value manually in any case.


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2000-03-12 Thread Paul Richards

Peter Jeremy wrote:

> On 2000-Mar-13 13:14:40 +1100, Paul Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >#define UID_MAX ((uid_t)0-1)
> ...
> >I can see the flaw in that straight away in that uid_t isn't available
> >in 
> Not a problem.  C macros are just text expansions.  The `uid_t' isn't
> evaluated unless/until the macro is used - at which point uid_t must
> be available.

Uhh, yeah. It's the middle of the night here I obviously wasn't awake
when I said that :-)


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Re: The pw command

2000-03-10 Thread Paul Richards

Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Fri, 10 Mar 2000, Paul Richards wrote:
> > Non-root users can use the pw command to get information from the
> > master.passwd file e.g.
> >
> > ps showuser paul
> > paul:*:1000:1000::0:0:& Richards:/home/paul:/usr/local/bin/bash
> % pw showuser kkenn
> kkenn:*:1000:0::0:0:Kris Kennaway:/home/kkenn:/usr/local/bin/tcsh
> % grep kkenn /etc/passwd
> kkenn:*:1000:0::0:0:Kris Kennaway:/home/kkenn:/usr/local/bin/tcsh
> % ls -l /usr/bin/pw
> -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  53180 Mar  4 00:49 /usr/sbin/pw*
> In other words, pw(8) runs with no special privileges and can only read
> what the user can normally read.

Ok, as Mike mentioned in his email pw gets its info from pwd.db, I knew
that. What I had assumed was that pwd.db was the same as the contents of
/etc/passwd. I spent most of last night trying to work out how a
non-root user was getting access to master.passwd based on that flawed
assumption :-)

My /etc/passwd does not have the class and expiry fields in it. I've
deleted it and let it be recreated and it still doesn't have those
fields. I've browsed through the code in pwd_mkdb and it looks to me
like it deliberately creates the old style /etc/passwd file, which makes
sense from a comatibility perspective. 

So what I'm puzzled about now is how come yours is different and do we
think its correct that pwd.db and /etc/passwd have different information
in them?


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2000-03-11 Thread Paul Richards

The fix I applied to pwd_mkdb is an improvement over what was there
before i.e. nothing, but is a poor solution at the moment since it won't
work correctly on the alpha.

The following code snippet is OK on the i386 but on the alpha ULONG_MAX
is 64 bits and so is a totally wrong constant to check a max uid

id = strtoul(p, (char **)NULL, 10);
if (errno == ERANGE) {
warnx("%s > max uid value (%lu)", p, ULONG_MAX);
return (0)

I think we need a MAX_UID and a MAX_GID to perform checks like this.
Anyone got any objections to adding them to /usr/include/limits.h ?


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2000-03-11 Thread Paul Richards

John Polstra wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Paul Richards  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I think we need a MAX_UID and a MAX_GID to perform checks like this.
> > Anyone got any objections to adding them to /usr/include/limits.h ?
> They must not go into .  That header file is defined by
> the ANSI/ISO C standard.  The standard doesn't permit polluting the
> namespace with extra stuff.

Umm, ok. I don't think our limits.h actually has anything in it that
meets the ANSI/ISO standard, every line is ifdef'd :-) Where would be a
better place for constants like this?

Are expressions like ((uid_t)0-1) portable/safe ? Maybe that's a better
way of approaching this.


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2000-03-14 Thread Paul Richards

Bruce Evans wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Mar 2000, John Polstra wrote:
> > Sheesh, criticism isn't enough?  Now it has to be constructive too? ;-)
> >
> > I guess it could go into  in the
> > "!defined(_ANSI_SOURCE)" section.  Bruce might have a better idea.

Trying to draw some closure on this discussion.

> This is the same as putting it in  in the
> "!defined(_ANSI_SOURCE)" section.  Anyway, the names should be FOO_MAX,
> not MAX_FOO.
> In C99, there are about 50 *_MAX and *_MIN values defined in 
> for Standard C types alone.
> I would prefer standard maxof() and minof() interfaces that work on
> any arithmetic type.  These can almost be written in portable C, at
> least in C89 where types are restricted to char, signed char, ...,
> long double:
> #define isfloat(type)   ((type)0.5 != 0)
> #define issigned(type)  ((type)-1 < 0)
> #define isschar(type)   (!isfloat(type) && issigned(type) && sizeof(type) == 1)
> #define isuchar(type)   (!isfloat(type) && !issigned(type) && sizeof(type) == 1)
> ...
> #define maxof(type) ((type)(isschar(type) ? SCHAR_MAX :
> isuchar(type) ? UCHAR_MAX ...))

Where do you think these macros should go then?

Having though about this some more, although the above macros are useful
and can be used in a lot of the places where bounds checking needs to be
done, there is still probably a need to define certain constants, such
as UID_MAX, because the range of valid values may not necessarily be the
same as the range of values supported by the type.

UID_MAX being a good example, since FreeBSD does not support 32-bit UIDs
at the moment even though the kernel does. Most applications are
limiting themselves to USHRT_MAX, those applications should be fixed to
use UID_MAX, even if we still limit UID_MAX == USHRT_MAX for backwards

So,  seems like the right place for constants like
UID_MAX. Any disagreements there?

I guess the above macros should really be machine specific if we're
going to be pedantic. Would  be an appropriate
location for them?


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Re: patches for test / review

2000-03-20 Thread Paul Richards

Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> * Poul-Henning Kamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000320 11:45] wrote:
> > In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Alfred Perlstein writes:
> >
> > >Keeping the currect cluster code is a bad idea, if the drivers were
> > >taught how to traverse the linked list in the buf struct rather
> > >than just notice "a big buffer" we could avoid a lot of page
> > >twiddling and also allow for massive IO clustering ( > 64k )
> >
> > Before we redesign the clustering, I would like to know if we
> > actually have any recent benchmarks which prove that clustering
> > is overall beneficial ?
> Yes it is really benificial.

Yes, I've seen stats that show the degradation when clustering is
switched off.
Richard Wendlake (who wrote the OS detection code for the Netcraft web
server survey) did a lot of testing in this area because of some
pathological behavior he was seeing using Gnu's dbm package. 

Richard, do you want to post a summary of your tests?

> I'm not talking about a redesign of the clustering code as much as
> making the drivers that take a callback from it actually traverse
> the 'union cluster_info' rather than relying on the system to fake
> the pages being contiguous via remapping.
> There's nothing wrong with the clustering algorithms, it's just the
> steps it has to take to work with the drivers.

Well, there is something wrong with our clustering algorithm. It always
starts a new cluster when the first block of a file is written to. I
found this when trying to explain some of the pathological behavior that
Richard was seeing.

Imagine an algorithm that will write blocks 0,5,2,7,4,1,6,3,0,...

The clustering algorithm starts a new cluster if the block is at the
of the file, so writing block 0 will always start a new cluster. When
block 5 is written out, the clustering code will try and add it to the
existing cluster, will fail and so will flush the existing cluster which
only has block 0 in it and then start another cluster, with block 5 in
it. This continues, with the previous cluster being flushed and a new
cluster being created with the current block in it. Eventually, we get
to the point where 7 blocks have been flushed and the current cluster
contains block 3. When it comes to write out the next block 0 the
clustering algorithm doesn't bother trying to add the block to the
existing cluster but immediately starts a new one so the cluster with
block 3 in it *never gets flushed*.


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Re: FreeBSD random I/O performance issues

2000-03-21 Thread Paul Richards

Richard Wendland wrote:

I spent a bit of time analysing these results when I first saw them. I
don't think it has anything to do with the cache, it has to do with how
we write out blocks.

> One interesting observation is that for non sync, async or noclusterw
> mounts ~8750 I/O operations are done, which is 7/8ths of the 10,000
> writes.  If I change the program to use 16 blocks there are ~9375
> I/O operations which is 15/16ths of the 10,000 writes.  Guessing,
> this is as if writes are forced for all blocks but one.

This is due to a quirk of the clustering algorithm. See below or my
previous email.

> With async filesystem mounts very little I/O occurs, and with
> noclusterw there are ~10,000 operations matching the number of
> writes.
> With sync it's ~20,000 operations matching the total of reads &
> writes.  This demonstrates another aspect of the bug, sync behaviour
> should cause 10,000 operations; the reads aren't being cached.

This isn't quite true. It's 20,000 *write* operations. I put this down
to the mtime update for each write doubling the number of actual write
operations. No read operations take place, the data *does* come out of
the cache. There's nothing wrong with reading as far as I can tell.
> Another aspect of this issue is the effect of changing the seek
> blocksize, and write blocksize, by 1 byte each way from 8192, thus
> doing block unaligned I/O.  In some cases this changes the amount
> of I/O recorded by getrusage to zero, and drops elapse time from
> half a minute or so to less than 1 second.
> Thanks to Paul Richard for noticing this.  I've not spent much time
> researching this, so can only present my small set of measurements.
> To do these tests you have to recompile my test program each time eg
> gcc -O4 -DBLOCKSIZE=8191 -DWRITESIZE=8193 seekreadwrite.c

This is because of the fact that if the filesystem block is full it is
written immediately, or rather the clustering code is called
immediately. The rationale is that a full block isn't likely to be
written to again so it might as well be pushed out to disk. Richard's
program deliberately writes full blocks, which is apparently what db
does, so it always forces a write to take place. Given the behaviour of
db it might be more sensible to remove this feature and just mark full
blocks dirty the same as other blocks since it's likely that they will
be written to again shortly if the db record is written to frequently.

The clustering code has a bug in that an old cluster is not pushed out
if the block no is 0 because the code that would do so never gets

if (lbn == 0)
vp->v_lasta = vp->v_clen = vp->v_cstart = vp->v_lastw = 0;

if (vp->v_clen == 0 || lbn != vp->v_lastw + 1 ||
(bp->b_blkno != vp->v_lasta + btodb(lblocksize))) {
maxclen = vp->v_mount->mnt_iosize_max / lblocksize - 1;
if (vp->v_clen != 0) {
 * Next block is not sequential.
 * If we are not writing at end of file, the process
 * seeked to another point in the file since its last
 * write, or we have reached our maximum cluster size,
 * then push the previous cluster. Otherwise try
 * reallocating to make it sequential.


In Richard's program the next block is never sequential so the previous
cluster is always pushed *except* that when the program seeks back to
block zero the
"if (vp->v_clen != 0)" fails and a new cluster is started without
pushing out the previously started one. That dirty block in the previous
cluster then hangs around until it is flushed as dirty blocks normally
would be.

It is the combination of this clustering behaviour and the fact that the
program always writes full blocks that causes the 8750 writes below.
Since the blocks are full file system blocks rather than mark them dirty
they are immediately passed to the clustering code, because they are
never in sequence the clustering code always starts a new cluster and
flushes the previous one except for 1 in every 8 blocks that doesn't
happen because when block 0 is written the previous cluster is not
pushed out but hangs around.  The end result is that 7/8 blocks get
written immediately which is 8750/1 writes.

When the write size drops below the filesystem block size then the
clustering code never gets called because the buffers are just marked
dirty and cached.

I think if we fixed the issue of writing out full blocks this behviour
would stop but I also think the clustering code could do with a fix. It
should at least check to see if there is a cluster being built when the
blockno is 0 and push it out. Possibly though it'd be better to not push
out clusters of only one block and just leave them in the cache.

> Sorry it's that crude.  These results are from a FreeBSD
> 2.2.7-RELEASE+CAM, ccd stripe=2 (PII 400MHz, 512MB) system,
> though exactly the same pattern is apparent with 

Re: Another current crash (cvs-cur.6183

2000-03-21 Thread Paul Richards

Stephen Hocking-Senior Programmer PGS SPS Perth wrote:
> cvs-cur.6183 appeared to fix the crash I reported under disk activity & NFS
> but another one has reared its face, when using java with tya15 jit, running
> the Together java IDE.
> #0  boot (howto=256) at ../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:304
> #1  0xc013d7e5 in panic (fmt=0xc0273534 "from debugger")
> at ../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:554
> #2  0xc01265bd in db_panic (addr=-1071292639, have_addr=0, count=-1,
> modif=0xc5988c64 "") at ../../ddb/db_command.c:433
> #3  0xc012655d in db_command (last_cmdp=0xc02abc2c, cmd_table=0xc02aba8c,
> aux_cmd_tablep=0xc02e4578) at ../../ddb/db_command.c:333
> #4  0xc0126622 in db_command_loop () at ../../ddb/db_command.c:455
> #5  0xc0128733 in db_trap (type=3, code=0) at ../../ddb/db_trap.c:71
> #6  0xc0255cc1 in kdb_trap (type=3, code=0, regs=0xc5988d6c)
> at ../../i386/i386/db_interface.c:158
> #7  0xc0262690 in trap (frame={tf_fs = 16, tf_es = 16, tf_ds = 16, tf_edi = 0,
>   tf_esi = -979913536, tf_ebp = -979857996, tf_isp = -979858024,
>   tf_ebx = -1044942540, tf_edx = 0, tf_ecx = -1070604512, tf_eax = 26,
>   tf_trapno = 3, tf_err = 0, tf_eip = -1071292639, tf_cs = 8,
>   tf_eflags = 12870, tf_esp = -1070994081, tf_ss = -1071140376})
> at ../../i386/i386/trap.c:549
> #8  0xc0255f21 in Debugger (msg=0xc027b1e8 "d_iocmd botch")

I've got a different but I think related panic.

#9  0xc0143280 in panic (fmt=0xc0250460 "vm_page_wakeup: page not
at ../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:552
#10 0xc01df583 in swp_pager_async_iodone (bp=0xc3236250)
at ../../vm/vm_page.h:346
#11 0xc0167ae6 in biodone (bp=0xc3236250) at ../../kern/vfs_bio.c:2706
#12 0xc0126b8d in dadone (periph=0xc092e380, done_ccb=0xc093f400)
at ../../cam/scsi/scsi_da.c:1230
#13 0xc0122acb in camisr (queue=0xc029def0) at ../../cam/cam_xpt.c:6298
#14 0xc01228dd in swi_cambio () at ../../cam/cam_xpt.c:6201
#15 0xc021188b in doreti_swi ()

A few more details

#11 0xc0167ae6 in biodone (bp=0xc3236250) at ../../kern/vfs_bio.c:2706
2706(*b_iodone) (bp);

#10 0xc01df583 in swp_pager_async_iodone (bp=0xc3236250)
at ../../vm/vm_page.h:346
346 KASSERT(m->flags & PG_BUSY, ("vm_page_wakeup: page not busy!!!"));

I've got the dump if you want more diagnostics. It's hitting the KASSERT
on the second of 16 pages in the buf but none of them have PG_BUSY set
and it's only not panicing on the first page because
bp->b_pager.pg_reqpage is 0 and the call to vm_page_wakeup is skipped.


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Re: Another current crash (cvs-cur.6183

2000-03-21 Thread Paul Richards

Paul Richards wrote:
> A few more details
> #11 0xc0167ae6 in biodone (bp=0xc3236250) at ../../kern/vfs_bio.c:2706
> 2706(*b_iodone) (bp);
> #10 0xc01df583 in swp_pager_async_iodone (bp=0xc3236250)
> at ../../vm/vm_page.h:346
> 346 KASSERT(m->flags & PG_BUSY, ("vm_page_wakeup: page not busy!!!"));

I meant to add, people developing current should have INVARIANTS set and
then they'd spot panics like these before I do :-)


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RSA library problems

2000-03-22 Thread Paul Richards

I've posted this to current because it seems to be related to the
OpenSSL code.

Apache-modssl throws out the error below when you try to access a SSL
port. The only place I can find this message is in the
openssl/rsaref/rsaref_stubs.c where it tries to open

I'm picking up my secure code from internat so why is modssl trying to
use rsaref rather than the international rsa?

Is there a document that explains how all this is supposed to work, I've
lost track of how the crypto code is organised.

** RSAPrivateEncrypt: Unable to find an RSAREF shared library
** Install the /usr/ports/security/rsaref port or package and run this
** program again. See Chapter 6.5 in the FreeBSD Handbook, located at
**, for more information.
[Thu Mar 23 01:53:19 2000] [error] mod_ssl: SSL handshake failed (server, client (OpenSSL library
error follows)
[Thu Mar 23 01:53:19 2000] [error] OpenSSL: error:1409B004:SSL
routines:SSL3_SEND_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGE:nested asn1 error


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Re: RSA library problems

2000-03-22 Thread Paul Richards

Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, Paul Richards wrote:
> > I'm picking up my secure code from internat so why is modssl trying to
> > use rsaref rather than the international rsa?
> Because the dlopen() of fails.

Ok, I give up :-) Why would that happen then ?

I can't see anything wrong with librsaINTL.* that would prevent it from
being loaded.

I'm not the only person seeing this, it's been reported on the ports
list by someone else as well.

> > Is there a document that explains how all this is supposed to work, I've
> > lost track of how the crypto code is organised.
> See the handbook. If thats not clear enough please tell me what you'd like
> clarified..thanks

Do you mean section 8.5? I was looking for implementation details not a
general overview.

e.g. what goes on in libcrypto that determines which of the librsa*
libraries to load. Yes, I know I could read the code but I'm just
looking for some general pointers as to what's supposed to be going on.


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Re: RSA library problems

2000-03-22 Thread Paul Richards

Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, Paul Richards wrote:
> > > Because the dlopen() of fails.
> >
> > Ok, I give up :-) Why would that happen then ?
> I don't know :-)
> > I'm not the only person seeing this, it's been reported on the ports
> > list by someone else as well.
> Hmm, I think I missed this mail.

Actually I had this one in mind

Subject: Problems with apache+php+mod_ssl-1.3.12+3.0.15+2.6.2
   Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 17:28:00 +0200 (SAST)
   From: Khetan Gajjar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

but it's about a different problem.

> > Do you mean section 8.5? I was looking for implementation details not a
> > general overview.
> >
> > e.g. what goes on in libcrypto that determines which of the librsa*
> > libraries to load. Yes, I know I could read the code but I'm just
> > looking for some general pointers as to what's supposed to be going on.
> libcrypto tries to dlopen() librsaintl, or failing that, librsausa when a
> RSA function is called.
> librsaintl contains the OpenSSL RSA code.
> librsausa contains wrappers which interface to the RSAREF API, and calls
> librsaref via dlopen().

Ok, I looked at the code. It looks like the rsaref_stubs.c getsym() is
being called, which doesn't even try to open the INTL lib.

As far as I can see libcrypto is being built with rsa_stubs.c so how
come the other getsym() is being called! 

I haven't managed to work out how that's happening, 
> If you need more than that, perhaps either read the code or the mailing
> list archives for the last month. I've explained it all N>>1 times :-)

The mail archive isn't returning any results at all for 2000, I'd
already tried looking there :-)


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Re: RSA library problems

2000-03-23 Thread Paul Richards

Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, Paul Richards wrote:
> > > Because the dlopen() of fails.
> >
> > Ok, I give up :-) Why would that happen then ?
> I don't know :-)

I stuck a dlerror() in there and the problem is

usr/lib/ Undefined symbol "BN_mod_exp_mont"


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Re: FreeBSD Build status

2000-04-17 Thread Paul Richards

"Jordan K. Hubbard" wrote:
> > But does this also check the kernels ?  It was my understanding that
> > it only did world/release ?
> It only does the world/release (and it's the chrooted make release
> "world build" which is reported on, not the host system's BTW) but
> could easily add a kernel build just for the benefit of the
> mailing list folks.  It would be trivial to add.
> > As for the lists being tedious and long: I've sorted the content by
> > relevance, and it was my hope that over time they would shrink to
> > zero if we annoyed people enough with them.
> I think that's too much annoyance, really.  I can see most people
> simply unsubscribing from -current in the face of a mail that long and
> tedious (and daily) and -current was never created as a place for
> daemons to talk to people in any case, it was created as a discussion
> forum.  Let's do this, by all means, but let's plase do it elsewhere.
> Anyone who starts sending daily automated anythings to any of our "top
> level" mailing lists will classify themselves as a spammer on my and
> many other people's radar.

Not sure I agree with the annoyance issue. It's already got a few people
thinking about some of the issues so I think it's useful.

If we lose some readers of -current because a report of development
problems is too much for them then they probably shouldn't be -current
subscribers in the first place. Hackers is supposed to be the mailing
list for people generally interested in hacking on FreeBSD, current
*should* be for people who want to see long tedious reports on the
problems in the current branch.

Also, the length of the report should fall dramatically as the problems
are addressed and a sudden long report will immediately focus developers
attention to the cause.


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Re: Stale modules (Re: panic in the morning)

2000-04-20 Thread Paul Richards

Warner Losh wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Alex Zepeda writes:
> : Perhaps it's time to implement some sort of versioning in the modules to
> : prevent them from being loaded into the incorrect kernel.
> In theory that sounds nice, but in -current the kernel ABI changes too
> quickly for that to be effecitve.  The general rule in -current is
> that the modules must be compiled at the same time as the kernel, or
> from the same sources.  Anything else might work, but is unsupported.
> I don't know of a good way to serialize (eg assign a serial number to)
> the sources that would work.

Why not just use a UTC timestamp? If your kernel is newer than the
module then don't load the module. Maybe make it a sysctl as well so
that rapid developer folks can disable it.

Even if it was used just as a warning it would remind people to think
about the modules. I've lost count of the number of times that I've
chased a kernel bug before remembering to rebuild modules.

I know a timestamp doesn't guarantess ABI compatibility but it solves
the most common problem, which is rebuilding a kernel but forgetting to
rebuild the modules.


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Re: Stale modules (Re: panic in the morning)

2000-04-20 Thread Paul Richards

Will Andrews wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 20, 2000 at 11:56:08AM +0100, Paul Richards wrote:
> > that rapid developer folks can disable it.
> ITYM "rabid". And I kinda resent that.. ;-)

I really did mean rapid, as in those that are installing kernels every
10 mins to test changes.

Though, these days there does seem to be a lot of foaming at the mouth


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Re: SMP changes and breaking kld object module compatibility

2000-04-25 Thread Paul Richards

Bill Fumerola wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 04:46:43AM -0500, Richard Wackerbarth wrote:
> > >From the USER's perspective, anything that requires me to as much as reload
> > a module/program that I have already installed "breaks" it.
> > The fact that it is only necessary to recompile it in order to fix it only
> > means that it is easy to fix IF I have the source code.
> No-one forces you to upgrade you systems. Partial upgrades are something that are
> nice when they work, but understood when they don't.
> We don't accept bug reports (typically) when a person hasn't upgraded their world,
> kernel, and modules. I don't understand why we're accepting preemptive bitching.

The trouble is, if you're running a production system then there will be
cases where you really must carry out an upgrade, because of a critical
bug fix, even though as the admin you really don't want to touch a live

When you're running a "stable" code base you expect to be able to patch
in these bug fixes if they're required with relatively little pain.
However, if rebuilding your kernel to incorporate a critical bug fix 3
months down the line means that you're proprietary drivers no longer
work then you're stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Stable should mean stable and stability means not changing things unless
they're critical bug fixes. Development on the stable branches has
become far too fast and loose. It *is* affecting the perception of
FreeBSD by commercial users who really aren't interested in getting new
features on stable branch, in the main if you want new features you wait
for the next major release and you go through all the hassles of
regression testing your application on the new version. That's not
something done lightly or often and breaking the stable branch and
preventing the incorporation of genuine fixes, rather than enhancements,
is not helping the adoption of FreeBSD by serious commercial users.


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Re: SMP changes and breaking kld object module compatibility

2000-04-25 Thread Paul Richards

"Brandon D. Valentine" wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Apr 2000, Daniel C. Sobral wrote:
> >Because if we do not provide a STABLE ABI, we WON'T get third-party
> >(binary only) kernel modules.
> >
> >I'm very divided in this issue. 4.x has just started, and would be
> >seriously impaired if no further improvements to it's SMP get in.  On
> >the other hand, if we can't garantee third party vendors a stable ABI,
> >we won't get third party vendors.
> The number one excuse large third party server vendors use to justify
> use of NT over Linux on their high end SMP systems is the poor
> performance of Linux SMP.  This is a tremendous opportunity for FreeBSD
> to take market share.  People are seeing the virtues of free, open
> source operating systems in the server farm and providing top notch SMP
> support in FreeBSD will help to see that we make further inroads that
> the Linux guys do.  If the BSDi code assists us in improving SMP
> performance and if the corporate backing helps our PR image, then we
> could be in for a fun ride.  This is the time to start thinking in terms
> of "What can we do better?" or we're going to lose the battle.  Sure,
> those changes could go into 5.x and be released when RELENG_5 is
> branched a year from now.  But in this business, a year is 6 months too
> late.  Think about that before you object to what appear to be vast
> improvements in the performance of the RELENG_4 branch while it is just
> getting off the ground.

I totally disagree, my experience is that commercial users upgrade not
more than once a year and they expect things to continue working on
their chosen branch for that year and to continue to receive bug fix
support on that branch (most places upgrade much less often than once a

"a year is 6 months too late" is true for development branches but it is
not the case for production code. Having a happy user base will mean
that a FreeBSD 5 with improved SMP will be anticipated and widely
adopted when it is released sometime next year (I'd hope). The more we
piss off the production users with unnecessary incompatibilities in
stable branches the more entrenched they become with their existing
releases, regardless of the improvments in later versions, because they
don't trust the project to have a professional release strategy. I've
seen this happen already and early adopters of 4.0 are going to be
really pissed off to find that there is an ABI change in a stable
branch. Most commercial users are not developers, and have no interest
in anything relating to development. Professional sysadmins are
conservative creatures, they expect professional quality code to play by
the rules of the industry and those rules are widely accepted as meaning
that stable branches do no undergo ABI changes. Such changes are
reserved for major upgrades because of the consequences and risks


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Re: Breaking "build world" costs $5? (was: Can we please have acurrent that compiles?)

2000-05-15 Thread Paul Richards

"Brian W. Buchanan" wrote:
> On Mon, 15 May 2000, Greg Lehey wrote:
> > > I see this money scheme as an extension of the "finger pointing"
> > > which does nothing to build team spirit.
> >
> > That depends very much on the way it's taken.  At the moment, people
> > take the pointy hat voluntarily, not because it's forced on them.
> > It's my expectation that the $5 should be in the the same spirit.
> Exactly... it's not meant to be a complicated system of fines or to
> discourage people from developing (at Desktop, we certainly don't want
> that!), it's just a little bit of good-natured public humiliation to
> encourage people to think (and maybe test) before they commit. :-)

The only problem being that at Desktop you can drop the $5 into the fine
box when you leave work but I'd have to walk down the bank and either do
a wire transfer or send an international money order. Apart from the
hassle involved there's the fact that all told it will cost me in the
region of $30-40 to pay the fine!

A nice idea but not very practical for the FreeBSD project.


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Re: Panic during boot under current

2000-06-11 Thread Paul Richards

Brian Somers wrote:
> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Archie Cobbs
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
> > >Brian Somers writes:
> > >> Also (Mark sits beside me at work), is there anyone else out there
> > >> that actually runs FreeBSD-current under VMWare (irrespective of the
> > >> host OS) ?
> >
> > This problem has now been traced down to a bug in the lnc driver, where
> > multiple instances are installed.
> >
> > This surfaced as a result of changes made on 16th May.
> Specifically, the lnc driver declares NLNC softcs.  Mark has an isa
> style ``device lnc0'' in his config and then uses vmware with two
> configured devices.

Actually, PCI cards allocated their own softc dynamically, only ISA
cards accessed the softc array.
> config  produces lnc.h which contains ``#define NLNC 1'' and
> if_lnc_pci.c dives in and starts writing to the second softc.
> I'll look at fixing this at some point if you don't have time Paul :-I

Just got back from the Perl cruise, still catching up with things.
> This may have broken because Paul changed the softc decl from static
> to just global (so that the other if_lnc*.c modules can get at it)
> either that or Mark has been ``just lucky'' so far and the lnc driver
> has never worked properly with more than one device.  This would neatly

It was working with more than one device (one PCI and one ISA) the day I
left, which was 19 May. I think the changes to the PCI and ISA
compatibility code modified something relating to unit number allocation
that caused the ISA driver to get a unit number > NLNC whereas before
the ISA instances would come first and the PCI instances would get unit
numbers after the ISA cards, since the PCI part of the driver creates
softc structures dynamically that worked fine.


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Re: Ugly, slow shutdown

2000-08-07 Thread Paul Richards

David Greenman wrote:
> >>Can you give a reason why we'll have to now start coding defensively
> >>because our arguments to tsleep() are just "advisory" now?
> >
> >It is not something we "suddenly have to do" it's been The Right Way
> >even since I first sharpened my teeth on unix kernels many years ago.
>Uh, Poul, I think you're full of it. The previous behavior of tsleep where
> you can make assumptions about who wakes you and under what conditions is a
> long and well established idiom. We (the kernel developers of BSD) have always
> coded to the established kernel programming interface and most of us consider
> it bad form to check for conditions which can't happen because the kernel
> API doesn't allow it. For example, we don't check for a NULL return from malloc
> in the case of !NO_WAIT, because we knew that the code would never do that.
> There are many other examples of similar assumptions in the kernel. We write
> the code to be efficient and only check for bogus conditions that might
> happen. The only exception to this is programatic ASSERTs that do internal
> consistency checks, but the purpose of those is quite different.

In the particular case of sleeping though, a woken process does need to
check the condition that it slept on because one of the other processes
sleeping on that resource may have had a chance to run first and changed
some state. So as a general rule, you shouldn't assume that everything
is fine when you return from being asleep because it might not be.

I agree with your sentiment about defensive coding in the kernel though.
Defensive coding should only be used on the boundary of your interface,
i.e. if you're getting non-deterministic data from somewhere, most
commonly user behaviour. Everything inside the kernel implementation
should be deterministic and therefore there shouldn't be any need for
defensive programming. Any cause of errors that defensive programming
catches in the kernel can only be caused by bugs and therefore falls
into the category of diagnostics. There's actually a lot of defensive
programming creeping into the kernel which should really be wrapped in
an #ifdef INVARIANTS.


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Re: Ugly, slow shutdown

2000-08-07 Thread Paul Richards

David Greenman wrote:
> >In the particular case of sleeping though, a woken process does need to
> >check the condition that it slept on because one of the other processes
> >sleeping on that resource may have had a chance to run first and changed
> >some state. So as a general rule, you shouldn't assume that everything
> >is fine when you return from being asleep because it might not be.
>No, that's not true, and there are many examples in the kernel where a
> bogus wakeup would lead to bad things happening. I recall some code in the
> advisory locking code, and VM system, that assume that there is only one
> wakeup event and that the thing causing it assures that certain other
> things have occured before issuing it. That's just the way it has worked
> since the dawn of time.

I did say "as a general rule". If you know that "by design" nothing else
is going to mess with what you're sleeping on before you wake up then
you can make tighter optimisations but that's not the general case.
There is such a thing as over optimisation though and for the sake of a
simple if statement it is probably better to write code that is robust
to changes made elsewhere in the system rather than squeeze every inch
of performance out of the code, unless there's a real need to optimize
in that particular area.


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Re: make buildworld br0ken in libutil

2000-08-22 Thread Paul Richards

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven wrote:
> -On [2822 17:55], Ollivier Robert ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >According to Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven:
> >> Alternatively the sentiment just rose why we couldn't just collapse the
> >> crypt/hash functions of libcrypt into libc.
> >>
> >> It would make sense.
> >
> >It would make even make more sense to convince the other BSD to do the same
> >(haven't checked recently what they do) and do the merge.
> I very much agree.
> Would it be sensible for the regular cypherpunks to discuss this with
> the NetBSD and OpenBSD brothers?
> Otherwise I would be willing to open this discussion on the appropriate
> lists.

Is there any current policy on what libc is? It certainly isn't "libc"
as required by C and hasn't been for almost ever but there needs to be
some rational to its existence otherwise why not fold everything into
libc and not bother with any other libraries!

A growing libc makes static binaries grow and makes it more difficult to
strip out unneeded functionality from a minimalist system install. I'd
been inclined to try and move things the other way and strip stuff out
of libc into separate libraries but that's obviously not in vogue at the

Why does crypt need to be in libc? Not even a significant fraction of
applications need crypt?


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Re: Why no CDR ioctls for SCSI cds?

2000-08-23 Thread Paul Richards

"Kenneth D. Merry" wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 22, 2000 at 20:43:15 -0400, Laurence Berland wrote:
> > On a vaguely related topic, after much searching I can't seem to see one
> > way or the other if we can do a complete bit-by-bit copy of a cd with
> > either cdrecord or burncd, though it's possible I'm looking in the wrong
> > place.
> I think cdrecord can burn CDs in disk-at-once mode, and I think cdrdao (in
> ports/audio) can do it as well.
> As far as getting an image, you can use dd to dump off an image of a CD if
> it is a standard ISO9660 CD.  (I've used that method to clone CDs before.)

That didn't seem to work when I tried it a couple of days ago. Got a
"device not configured" error.


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Re: Why no CDR ioctls for SCSI cds?

2000-08-23 Thread Paul Richards

Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> On 23 Aug, Paul Richards wrote:
> >> > On a vaguely related topic, after much searching I can't seem to see one
> >> > way or the other if we can do a complete bit-by-bit copy of a cd with
> >> > either cdrecord or burncd, though it's possible I'm looking in the wrong
> >> > place.
> >>
> >> I think cdrecord can burn CDs in disk-at-once mode, and I think cdrdao (in
> >> ports/audio) can do it as well.
> >>
> >> As far as getting an image, you can use dd to dump off an image of a CD if
> >> it is a standard ISO9660 CD.  (I've used that method to clone CDs before.)
> >
> > That didn't seem to work when I tried it a couple of days ago. Got a
> > "device not configured" error.
> You've done something wrong, it works here.

Yep, just tried it again and you're right I was doing something wrong. I
was trying to dd from the blank in the CD-RW rather than the master in
the CD (blush).
> BTW:
> If I need a copy of a data cd I use "cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=0,1,0
> -eject -isosize /dev/cd1c" (cd1 is my CD-ROM, cd0 (dev=0,1,0) is my CD
> burner).

That's what I used in the end.


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Re: make buildworld br0ken in libutil

2000-08-24 Thread Paul Richards

Mark Murray wrote:

> > Why does crypt need to be in libc? Not even a significant fraction of
> > applications need crypt?
> Goes for very many libc components. Quite a lot of userland needs libcrypt
> (not much as a proportion, but a non-insignificant number).

This runs counter to my gut instinct of development which is to
modularise code. Modularisation is accepted as a goal in all other areas
of the tree it doesn't make sense to me why that thinking is being put
to one side when it comes to the libraries.

Maybe this should move to arch because I guess I'd like to see a actual
design discussion as to why the current thinking is to collapse
libraries into libc rather than to actually go the other way and
modularise the code.


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Re: Request for review/comments - new option for uname(1)

2000-08-25 Thread Paul Richards

Mark Ovens wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 09, 2000 at 02:33:44PM -0400, Will Andrews wrote:
> > On Wed, Aug 09, 2000 at 12:59:29AM +0100, Mark Ovens wrote:
> > > Is there any reason why this is unacceptable and could not be committed?
> >
> > Because it can be done with an awk/sed script?
> >
> I'll forget about it then. I only did it because I was fed up with
> manually editing the output so it was tidier in e-mails and PRs. Like
> I said, it's not important.

I think this might be one of those rare cases where adding another
option is more efficient than using tools. Running awk/sed to correct
the formatting is overkill when a few printfs in the code would do it
much more efficiently.


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Re: Undefined symbol "__stderrp"

2001-09-29 Thread Paul Richards

--On Friday, September 28, 2001 19:04:39 -0700 Matthew Jacob

> So, you're gonna be rude and drive away a user because they missed one
> line?

Well, -current is supposed to be for developers and if you don't know C
you're probably not a developer. We certainly want to encourage more
developers to run -current but we don't really want users to be running it.

Paul Richards
FreeBSD Services Ltd

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Re: HEADSUP ATA support for newer SiS chipsets added

2001-12-04 Thread Paul Richards

--On Monday, December 03, 2001 11:10:47 +0100 SXren Schmidt

> It seems Miklos Niedermayer wrote:
>> I think they are idle (looking at vmstat -i), but i can't be sure.
>> However i have 2 machines here with VIA 82C596 chipset...
>> atapci0:  port 0xd800-0xd80f at device 4.1
>> on pci0 ata0: at 0x1f0 irq 14 on atapci0
>> ad0: 28629MB  [58168/16/63] at ata0-master
>> UDMA66
>> 524288 bytes transferred in 0.025247 secs (20766367 bytes/sec)
>> It's idle (the LED isn't blinking after/before dd and vmstat -i doesn't
>> show any ata0 activity).
>> Even my Intel PIIX4 ATA33 controller with the same disk performs better
>> (a little)...
> Hmm, yes that looks somewhat on the low side...
> Well, two things, the older VIA chips are not the best performers, but
> I still think it should be better than that, I'll run some tests here,
> I might have messed up something...
> Are we talking -current or -stable here ?

I'm getting even worse performance.

root@lobster# for n in 1 2 3 4 5
dd if=/dev/ad0 of=/dev/null bs=512k count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
524288 bytes transferred in 0.056385 secs (9298353 bytes/sec)
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
524288 bytes transferred in 0.062027 secs (8452580 bytes/sec)
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
524288 bytes transferred in 0.056339 secs (9305947 bytes/sec)
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
524288 bytes transferred in 0.056325 secs (9308271 bytes/sec)
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
524288 bytes transferred in 0.056482 secs (9282398 bytes/sec)

atapci0:  port 0xb800-0xb80f at device 31.1
on pci0

ad0: 58644MB  [119150/16/63] at ata0-master tagged UDMA100

Paul Richards
FreeBSD Services Ltd

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Re: cp MAKEDEV /dev - on a system with devfs

2001-03-15 Thread Paul Richards

Garrett Wollman wrote:
> < said:
> > There's one real oddity in FreeBSD:
> > lrwxrwxrwx   1 root wheel  13 Jan 28 13:42 rmt -> /usr/sbin/rmt*
> The pathname of the `rmt' program is a fundamental part of the `rmt'
> ``protocol'' such as it is.  We've been over this one many times.

Maybe the time's come to just deprecate rmt, I'd be surprised if there
are many people still using it.


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Re: Ethernet entropy harvesting seriously pessimizes performance

2001-03-16 Thread Paul Richards

"Matthew N. Dodd" wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Mar 2001, Mark Murray wrote:
> > Lots of security minded people what _all_ the interrupt entropy
> > they can get, and this method gives them that while allowing others
> > to throttle the harvester back.
> Lots of -CURRENT users want to be able to use their systems to write code
> without tripping over /dev/random and friends.
> I hear lots of people objecting to this code and alot of handwaving in
> response.
> Choose reasonable defaults already.
> The -CURRENT cvs tree isn't the proper venue for doing crypto research.

Well, I dunno about that. It dovetails into the thread in developers
about getting people to use FreeBSD for research and to my mind I think
-current probably is a legitimate place for research. As long as the
basic -current doctrine of not commiting totally non-functional code is
adhered to there's no reason why experimental code can't be tried out in

If you don't like the problems that research cause you then -current
isn't what you should be running -- it's an old mantra that isn't
repeated enough these days.

Of course, I'd much prefer it if -current wasn't totally hosed as much
as it has been recently but random hasn't caused half the turmoil that
some other changes have so it's unfair to pick on it as a major problem.

I think Peter gets the award for causing most downtime in -current
recently, which is quite a feat given the SMP work taking place :-)


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Re: Fw: Stop annoying message of lnc

2001-03-18 Thread Paul Richards

Ian Dowse wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mike Smith writes:
> >
> >I don't quite understand Paul's reasoning, though; it's not actually
> >useful to unload/reload parts of a device's bus attachment without
> >unloading/reloading all the downstream parts of the driver.

What do you mean by the downstream parts of the driver?

I think it makes sense to be able to load/unload the bus specific parts
of the driver independently. If you've only got a PCI device installed
there's no reason to keep the ISA bus code in the kernel.

We're not there yet, but I can see a time where we would want to
load/unload the probe functions as we do hardware probing and then only
pull in the rest of the driver when we associate that driver to the

> >I think the fix should probably be committed and the driver turned into a
> >single monolithic module.
> Yes, Paul essentially agreed to my doing this as an interim measure
> until ifconfig is "fixed" to use the module file name rather than
> the module name when loading drivers. I'll commit the change in a
> few hours after I have tested that it works.



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Lots of interrupts!

2001-05-06 Thread Paul Richards

My dev box seems to be a bit sick and has been for a day or two.

If anything disk intensive is taking place, and it seems to be particularly
when gzipping/unzipping files, say when building mozilla during the extract
step, things start to crawl and I'm seeing hundreds (500-1200) of
interrupts a second for ata0 in vmstat.

A network transfer at the same time, just scp a file across my 100M LAN,
crawls at around 20k/s with 50-100 interrupts/s.

Is anyone else seeing anything like this?


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su, PAM and zsh

2001-05-09 Thread Paul Richards

There's a strange interaction between su, pam znd zsh.

If you su to an account that has zsh as its shell and then hit ctrl-c it
will kill the shell that you invoked su from.

If you recompile su with -DNOPAM then the problems go away and this doesn't
seem to happen with any other shells either.


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Re: /usr/games/wtf

2001-08-21 Thread Paul Richards

--On Tuesday, August 21, 2001 14:18:19 +0700 Max Khon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> hi, there!
>> > I would like to add /usr/games/wtf from NetBSD to base system.
>> > Any opinions/objections?
>> wtf is it?
>  wtf - translates acronyms for you
>  wtf [is] acronym ...
> husky:~$wtf is pola
> POLA: principle of least astonishment
> husky:~$

I can't see any benefits to having this in the base system.

Make it a port instead.

Paul Richards
FreeBSD Services Ltd

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Re: /usr/games/wtf

2001-08-21 Thread Paul Richards

--On Tuesday, August 21, 2001 11:37:47 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> I can't see any benefits to having this in the base system.
>> Make it a port instead.
> Oh and /usr/games/wargames is such a huge benefit? By that logic all of
> /usr/games belong as ports. Which I wont argue with at all.

Neither will I :-)

Paul Richards
FreeBSD Services Ltd

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Re: DPT SmartRAID V, VI, Adaptec SCSI RAID driver committed

2000-09-13 Thread Paul Richards

Mike Smith wrote:
> > > I'd like to hear a few more success stories first (only one so far) from
> > > people using the kit to add the driver to their 4.x systems.  With all
> > > the breakage in -current's PCI support at the moment, I don't expect to
> > > hear too many people there reporting on it just yet.
> > >
> >
> >   Maybe I missed it...  Where is the kit?  I would be happy to
> > install and stress test a machine or two with SMP and without, just didn't
> > realize there was a kit ;)  must have been when I was reading my e-mail at
> > like 3 am or something
> --
> ... every activity meets with opposition, everyone who acts has his
> rivals and unfortunately opponents also.  But not because people want
> to be opponents, rather because the tasks and relationships force
> people to take different points of view.  [Dr. Fritz Todt]

That's a good quote, maybe it should go in fortune.

Paul Richards
FreeBSD Services Ltd

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Re: Patch for FILE problems (was Re: -CURRENT is bad for me...)

2001-02-13 Thread Paul Richards

David O'Brien wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 13, 2001 at 04:24:00PM +, Paul RichardsF wrote:
> > When we dropped minor numbers I had a worry that we'd run into one of
> > Windows' greatest problems and we have. Applications that are developed
> > and tested to work with a particular library might not work with a
> > different version,
> How is that???

Because applications expect a stable interface. If an application is
developed and tested against a particular behaviour of a library
function and that function's behaviour is changed it could and sometimes
does break the application. More often than not that sort of failure is
a side effect of *fixing* something that was previously broken.
> It is beter under ELF than a.out in that isn't making a guess as
> to which shared libs were compatible and which weren't.  The ELF
> does not look for shared lib, find and decide
> maybe they are close enough and use it instead.  The a.out would
> use when the binary was compiled and tested with

Instead what we have now is and which are
different from each other. When you've got an application that just
broken you've got no way of finding out which version of the library was
the working one, or any way of linking against it because it cannot
co-exist with the newer version because they've got the same name. This
is precisely the problem we've got now.

Maybe I didn't make it clear in my last email, it's not the old a.out
way of picking the library to link with that was better, it was the
finer grained versioning.

> > we're suffering a worst case scenario of this problem
> > now but even "fixes" in new versions can cause applications to break and
> Don't confuse development (which in years past would have never made it
> out of the "company's" development machines, with deployed releases.

This applies to released code as much as in-development code. When you
login to a strange machine and you're trying to diagnose a problem
there's no way to know whether the libc they've got installed is of
version X or version Y because there's nothing to tell you what sources was built from, it could be the .Z version with the X fixes or
the Y fixes. 

To be honest, DLLs are better than our scheme from that perspective.
While you might screw a load of applications by upgrading a DLL with the
same name you can at least look at the version number in the properties
to find out which version of that DLL it is. There's no way of looking
at a and say which version of it is. Although
`ident` does provide a slightly cumbersome way of getting some
information to help with that when you really need it.
> > we've already seen this many times in this iteration of -current.
> *Way*, way too many people are using -CURRENT that have no business doing
> so.

I agree with that, I've always been an advocate of raising the barrier
of entry to using -current.
> > I think we need some form of version control on libraries so that
> > applications know whether they're linking with the version they're
> > designed for and to be able to keep multiple versions around in the
> > system so all applications continue to work.
> We have that today and it works very well [in our released product].

> > I understand the reasoning that Elf doesn't need minor numbers but they
> > served an useful purpose in maintaining application compatibility that
> > we now lack.
> NO!  Please review the rules in both ELF and a.out varieties uses
> in finding a desired shared lib.

You've missed the point I was trying to make. Our reluctance to bump
what we perceive to be a major number is hampering our ability to
differentiate between different versions. It has nothing to do with the
difference between a.out and Elf library selection, it's a project
policy problem. We could just as easily use a minor numbering scheme
with Elf to indicate that a version change has occured but not an
interface change. To some extent a three figure version number does
something along those lines.

If we bumped the version number with a bit more abandon this problem
wouldn't even be a problem.


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Re: pkg_update

2001-02-14 Thread Paul Richards

Leif Neland wrote:
> > On Wed, Feb 07, 2001 at 08:23:35PM -0600, Michael C . Wu wrote:
> > > On Thu, Feb 08, 2001 at 01:56:11AM +0100, Leif Neland scribbled:
> > > | It seems pkg_update is only usable when installing from packages, not from
> > > | ports.
> > >
> > > Because it is a package update system.  If you want to update
> > > from the ports, use 'pkg_version -c |sh'
> >
> > Never, ever, *ever* do this.
> >
> Just installing a new version of a port seems to work.

I've actually run into some problems that are on my list of things to
look at.

The problem is that 'make install' in a port doesn't check dependencies
properly, whereas pkg_install does.

The way I currently use pkg_update (not ideal I've plans to improve it)
is to build the new version and then do 'make package'. This installs
the new version, over the top of any previous versions but that doesn't
matter because pkg_update cleans all that up. Once 'make package' is
finished you can run pkg_update using the newly created package.

The problem is that the 'make install' will happily succeed but the
pkg_install run via pkg_update will fail because the required
dependencies for the package are missing. Of course, by the time the
pkg_install fails the pkg_delete has uninstalled all your older
versions. This isn't fatal because pkg_update prints out the contents of
the +REQUIRES file when it fails so you can do a 'make install' to
install the new port version and then copy the dependencies into

I know that's not ideal but it prevents you getting totally screwed if
the pkg_install fails due to dependencies.

> Couldn't it be made possible to use just the update-of-dependencies part of 
>pkg_update without doing the pkg_delete/pkg_install bit?
> Perhaps I'll try...

I guess it might be useful to just print out the collated dependencies,
just like it does if the pkg_install step fails. It would be pretty
trivial to add a switch to add that functionality. That would allow you
to get the contents of what the new +REQUIRES file would be like if all
the pkg* steps were run but to not actually run them so you can do them
by hand.


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Re: pkg_update

2001-02-14 Thread Paul Richards

Will Andrews wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 03:10:14PM +, Paul Richards wrote:
> > The problem is that 'make install' in a port doesn't check dependencies
> > properly, whereas pkg_install does.
> Uh, actually, 'make install' does a better job.  pkg_install has no
> clue about substitute dependencies.

Ahh, that makes sense. That's what's happening then, 'make install' is
succeeding because it's using substitute dependencies but pkg_install
fails because the specific packages it expects to see are missing.

I misinterpreted the fact that pkg_install was complaining to mean it
was being more thorough.


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Re: Patch for FILE problems (was Re: -CURRENT is bad for me...)

2001-02-15 Thread Paul Richards

David O'Brien wrote:
> We only bumped due to interface changes in the .MAJOR.MINOR days.  The
> difference is *adding* an interface today does in cause a bump.  In the
> .MAJOR.MINOR days it would require a bump the MINOR number.  In both
> days, an incompatible change in an existing interface require(s)(ed) a
> MAJOR bump.

Yes, that was true. The way we used to do it didn't address all the
problems I'm alluding to either but I felt we had more versioning before
than we do now. Regardless of that the issues are important enough that
I think we should discuss them.

There are in my mind two issues:

1) Being able to have the system continue working when a significant
interface change occurs.
2) Being able to identify a specific version of a library on a system in
order to determine whether it's a rogue version for a particular

The former I accept works fine now as long as you can take the pain of
current. An asthetic requirement to have a nice library number is
counter-productive though when it screws the development team so
completely that the system is unusable for a week. While developers
should accept that they must occasionally suffer considerable pain when
running -current it's foolish to not consider alternative methods of
working when we run into a problem that causes the project to come to a
grinding halt.

Most of us don't have rooms full of development boxes, we have all our
day to day applications on our development box and having to rebuild it
completely is something we accept we may have to do on occasion but it's
something we should try and avoid having to happen because it's so
wasteful of everyone's time and energy. This library version problem is
a non-problem from a technological perspective, it's only a problem from
a policy perspective and it's a policy that's based entirely on asthetic

I don't want to see library versions get into the hundreds (unless we
adopt that as a convention i.e. 5xx) because we're bumping them all the
time but at the same time, if one is necessary then it's necessary, even
if it's current. Commercial vendors will skip version numbers in their
public releases if their internal development required more than one

I don't think the attempt to make the major number bump once per release
is a sensible goal. If we have to bump a major number on the stable
branch (god forbid, but it may happen one day) then we'll have to
deviate from that policy because it'll clash with the version number of
-current and therefore I think the policy is flawed because it doesn't
consider all the possible scenarios we might have to deal with.

The second issue is probably not related to bumping the library version,
since I accept your point that we didn't bump major or minor numbers for
every change to the library. I think some way of identifying a build of
a library would be a good thing though and perhaps we should discuss
adding a "properties" field to libraries so we can identify which
specific version of a library is installed.


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Re: 5.0 Freezes under high load with SMP.

2003-01-17 Thread Paul Richards
On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 05:19:36PM -0800, wade wrote:
> I tried this, but when the box froze, the keyboard was completely
> unresponsive, no numlock, nothing.

No interrupts getting serviced.

I don't know if it's the same bug or not but writing a CD with burncd
lock my box up solid as well. Strangely, I can do an erase pass but as
soon as I start a data pass it locks up.

I think there's a general problem somewhere though because I've been
experiencing lockups when running X and doing heavy disk activity as


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Re: ACPI thermal panics ThinkPad 600X

2003-02-16 Thread Paul Richards
Don't cross post current and developers.

The developers charter says it's for internal management i.e. how we
manage the project and not for discussing code issues. It's badly named,
we should have called it something like "members" or "admin".

On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 02:49, Ruslan Ermilov wrote:
> ACPI thermal panics my ThinkPad 600X, is anyone
> interested in a crash dump analysis?
> Cheers,
Paul Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
FreeBSD Services Ltd

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Text file busy

2003-09-04 Thread Paul Richards
Overwriting a file that's currently executing results in a "Text file
busy" error.

When did this start happening?

This was something that was fixed way back on FreeBSD but it seems to be
a problem again.


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Re: Text file busy

2003-09-05 Thread Paul Richards
On Thu, 2003-09-04 at 19:20, Tim Kientzle wrote:

> Depends on how you're installing the binary.  It has always been
> safe to do either of the following:
>* Rename the current executable and then install the new one.
>* Unlink the current executable and then install the new one.
> Many tools that claim to "overwrite" really do the latter, which
> causes a certain amount of understandable confusion.  (I'm pretty
> sure "install" does unlink/copy by default and will do rename/copy
> if you specify -b.)

I thought I remembered a discussion from the very early days where a
solution was implemented to copy the pages if a file was overwritten
into memory or swap but I can find no record of that now other than a
suggestion in a thread that Solaris might do this.

I think I'm confusing the above impression with an actual problem that
was fixed where you'd still get the error even though the program had
stopped executing.


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Base packaging

2003-09-17 Thread Paul Richards
I've got a prototype setup that packages the base tree. It turned out to
be very simple. It needs a lot more polishing and testing but it looks
like this can definitely be made to work with just some tidying up and
re-arranging of our existing make files. I've succesfully created
packages of /sbin by adding the following to /usr/src/sbin/Makefile


host# pkg_info -Im FreeBSD\*

Patches below:

Similar patches are needed in and
if you need to create packages in leaf directories. I've
tested that but not included the diffs here since it's
more likely a package would be at a higher directory level.

***   Wed Sep 17 12:47:11 2003
---   Wed Sep 17 13:07:01 2003
*** 90,95 
  .if !target(afterinstall)
! install: beforeinstall realinstall afterinstall
! .ORDER: beforeinstall realinstall afterinstall
--- 90,99 
  .if !target(afterinstall)
! .if defined(PORTNAME)
! .include 
! .else
! install: beforeinstall realinstall afterinstall fake-pkg
! .ORDER: beforeinstall realinstall afterinstall fake-pkg
! .endif



install: beforeinstall realinstall afterinstall generate-plist fake-pkg

.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"

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Re: Base packaging

2003-09-17 Thread Paul Richards
On Wed, 2003-09-17 at 15:45, Mark Murray wrote:
> Paul Richards writes:
> > I've got a prototype setup that packages the base tree. It turned out to
> > be very simple. It needs a lot more polishing and testing but it looks
> > like this can definitely be made to work with just some tidying up and
> > re-arranging of our existing make files. I've succesfully created
> > packages of /sbin by adding the following to /usr/src/sbin/Makefile
> > 
> > --
> > PORTNAME= FreeBSD-sbin
> > COMMENT=sbin
> > --
> ... etc.
> This is excellent!
> However, I suspect that a marginally better place to use these would be
> in the "make distribute" target that "make release" uses. This way, the
> files are already separated out into directory structures, and it may be
> easier to build complex pkg-plist's with find(1). ALSO, it may be easier
> to make more fine-grained packages (DISTRIBUTION=foo) with this.

I looked into this originally so that I could use the standard BSD make
includes for a project in work but I needed some way to have "install"
wrappered so that any files installed by my project were registered in a
package. Therefore, I wouldn't want it restricted to just FreeBSD
release scripts since I want to be able to use it outside of the FreeBSD

I was thinking of adding an option to install so it registers the file
in a plist rather than actually doing the install. A seperate "make
plist" target could then be used as a helper target to automate the
generation of plists.

If we want to get even more resilient, we could pass a plist file to
install and have install abort if the file to install is missing from
the plist e.g. return an "out of date package" error or something.


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Re: Base packaging

2003-09-17 Thread Paul Richards
On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 06:53:41PM +0100, Nik Clayton wrote:
> On Wednesday, September 17, 2003, at 04:27  pm, Paul Richards wrote:
> >I was thinking of adding an option to install so it registers the file
> >in a plist rather than actually doing the install. A seperate "make
> >plist" target could then be used as a helper target to automate the
> >generation of plists.
> I think the NetBSD guys have already done something like this.  Luke 
> Mewburn (IIRC) mentioned this in his 'cross building' talk at BSDCon.

Yeah, I've been looking at that.

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it has been achieved and wisest of all to know when it is unachievable
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Re: Base packaging

2003-09-18 Thread Paul Richards
On Thu, 2003-09-18 at 11:25, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 16:27:03 +0100
> Paul Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > However, I suspect that a marginally better place to use these would be
> > > in the "make distribute" target that "make release" uses. This way, the
> > > files are already separated out into directory structures, and it may be
> > > easier to build complex pkg-plist's with find(1). ALSO, it may be easier
> > > to make more fine-grained packages (DISTRIBUTION=foo) with this.
> > 
> > I looked into this originally so that I could use the standard BSD make
> > includes for a project in work but I needed some way to have "install"
> > wrappered so that any files installed by my project were registered in a
> > package. Therefore, I wouldn't want it restricted to just FreeBSD
> > release scripts since I want to be able to use it outside of the FreeBSD
> > tree.
> We have programs in the ports tree which use our bsd.*.mk
> infrastructure. Will there be a problem if such a program gets installed
> from ports (will it try to register itself 2 times)?

I don't know, have you got an example port I can look at?


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Re: Base packaging

2003-09-18 Thread Paul Richards
On Thu, 2003-09-18 at 12:09, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 11:28:31 +0100
> Paul Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > We have programs in the ports tree which use our bsd.*.mk
> > > infrastructure. Will there be a problem if such a program gets installed
> > > from ports (will it try to register itself 2 times)?
> > 
> > I don't know, have you got an example port I can look at?
> sysutils/portupgrade for sure, probably games/freebsd-games and
> net/freebsd-uucp too.

No they won't. If there's no PORTNAME in the Makefile then the old mk
files will behave the same as they always have. The way I'm doing it I
modify the install target if PORTNAME is defined.


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Re: Base packaging

2003-09-19 Thread Paul Richards
On Fri, 2003-09-19 at 02:02, M. Warner Losh wrote:
> Why would you want to package sbin?  Where do you see this work going?
> What problems do you think this will solve?  Doing things a top level
> directory at a time isn't very interesting, but since it looks like a
> demo, perhaps you could sketch out what the polishing you'd envision.

Well, as I mentioned in a followup. I'm actually doing this work so that
I can use the system mk files for our product development, but I also
wanted to be able to registered all the installed files from our
products in the pkg db too. Having tried parallel trees, and hacking the
ports mk files to get our code directly out of CVS and various other
attempts eventually I found out that it's quite easy to link the two
together, so that's what I did. So that's the problem it solves :-)

I only chose sbin as a demo, you can put the PORTNAME entry in any
Makefile and the granularity of the package it creates is going to be
based on the content of the pkg-plist and not where in the tree the
Makefile is. I'll reply to your other mail with specific points.


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Re: Base packaging

2003-09-19 Thread Paul Richards
On Fri, 2003-09-19 at 02:10, M. Warner Losh wrote:
> P.S.  How do you handle the packlist generation?  The ports system
> doesn't automatically generate these things, as far as I can tell, and
> I didn't see anything that you've added to do this.
> My agenda, if you will, on this is to deal with:
>upgrades: portupgrade can grok packages.  If you had a good way to
>generate the package list, then we could make it a lot easier to do
>binary upgrades.  Thie would let me have a big meta-port that
>covers all the 'standard' things on the machine, including the os.
>Chances are good that some care would need to be taken in
>portupgrade to make sure that it doesn't use binaries in place that
>will be replaced.

It should be able to do this. Anything you can do with ports I hope
you'll be able to do in the standard tree, i.e. have dependencies and
meta ports etc.

>subsetting: with the proper set of subsetting, one could easily
>create packages such that they could install just what they
>needed.  It might be good to have a few like "minimal to boot with
>rc.d" and the like.

This will probably work already. There's no real magic to what I did,
you can convert any makefile to understand ports just by adding PORTNAME
to it, but it doesn't hook into all the ports targets, just fake-pkg. So
basically if you do make install with one of these modified Makefiles
then it will register a package based on the pkg-plist in that
directory. That plist could contain anything you want.

So, you can create a Makefile in the main tree to build a package with
any files you want, you just have to craft the plist e.g. you could have
/usr/src/dists/{minimal,full, sources} etc and in each dir you'd have a
skelton port, with a Makefile, pkg-descr, pkg-plist etc. The pkg-plist
would determine the list of files in each dist. You could of course
break this down to be much more fine grained in the makefiles that
actually build the code to create lots of small packages and then have a
meta package at the dist level to pull them all together.

>nopriv: it should be possible to build a release w/o any privs at
>all.  NetBSD does this with hacks to install and pax to journal
>installation stuff in a certain mode and a new mkfs program to take
>that info and create a file system image that can be used in the
>target environment.

I haven't done any work on this, but it's on my todo list for different
reasons. I'd like to be able to run a dummy install to generate a plist
i.e., if I wanted to package sbin then in /usr/src/sbin I could run make
plist to create the pkg-plist for me based on everything under
/usr/src/sbin, just to save the effort of it being done manually.

To achieve that I'll do something similar to NetBSD and have an option
to install that registers the installation in a file rather than
actually doing it, so you could run this dummyinstall step and then make
package and you'll end up with a load of package files that can be
installed later as root.


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Re: VFS: C99 sparse format for struct vfsops

2003-06-06 Thread Paul Richards
On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 02:43:20PM +0100, Doug Rabson wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-06-04 at 14:16, Paul Richards wrote:
> > On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 01:33:46PM +0100, Doug Rabson wrote:
> > 
> > > Interfaces actually can be added at runtime. Existing objects (i.e.
> > > objects instantiated before the new interface was added) will continue
> > > to work as before. If methods from the new interface are called on old
> > > objects, the default method will be called.
> > 
> > How can you add an interface at runtime?
> By loading a kernel module. If I load e.g. the agp kernel module, I add
> the agp_if interface to the kernel.

Yes, I know that you can load a pre-compiled interface at runtime
and thereby add that interface, but you can only "create" interfaces
at build time because each method in the interface is uniquely
identified by a kobjop_desc struct, which is what I was referring to.

> The code which is doing the method dispatch has no real idea what
> methods (or what interfaces for that matter) that the object's class
> implements. You can't use the classes method table layout for the ops
> table since the caller has no way of knowing that layout (and the layout
> will be different for almost every class in the system).
> One possible way of making this slightly simpler might be to make the
> class point at a table indexed by interface ID, each entry of which is a
> table indexed by a method ID from that interface. This sounds fine in
> theory but in practice, it would end up slower due to the two memory
> accesses.

That's along the lines of what I suggested at the start of the thread :-)

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Re: VFS: C99 sparse format for struct vfsops

2003-06-06 Thread Paul Richards
On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 04:06:16PM +0100, Doug Rabson wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 15:51, Paul Richards wrote:
> > On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 02:43:20PM +0100, Doug Rabson wrote:
> > > On Wed, 2003-06-04 at 14:16, Paul Richards wrote:
> > > > On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 01:33:46PM +0100, Doug Rabson wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > Interfaces actually can be added at runtime. Existing objects (i.e.
> > > > > objects instantiated before the new interface was added) will continue
> > > > > to work as before. If methods from the new interface are called on old
> > > > > objects, the default method will be called.
> > > > 
> > > > How can you add an interface at runtime?
> > > 
> > > By loading a kernel module. If I load e.g. the agp kernel module, I add
> > > the agp_if interface to the kernel.
> > 
> > Yes, I know that you can load a pre-compiled interface at runtime
> > and thereby add that interface, but you can only "create" interfaces
> > at build time because each method in the interface is uniquely
> > identified by a kobjop_desc struct, which is what I was referring to.
> What has build time got to do with anything? At build time, you have no
> idea what interfaces are available either. Besides modules can be built
> at a different time from the rest of the kernel.

My point was simply that interfaces can't be "created" other than
at compile time because the kobjop_desc structures are used as
unique identifiers. I wasn't making this point in relation to the
discussion on knowing what methods are in the class, just from the
point that interfaces can't be created or modified at runtime.

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Re: Way forward with BIND 8

2003-06-06 Thread Paul Richards
On Fri, Jun 06, 2003 at 03:01:02AM -0700, Doug Barton wrote:
> On Fri, 6 Jun 2003, Brad Knowles wrote:
> > At 12:09 AM -0700 2003/06/06, Doug Barton wrote:
> >
> > >  FYI, for those wondering why I'm not considering BIND 9 for import, please
> > >  see
> >
> > I might be able to buy your arguments for supporting BIND 8
> > instead of BIND 9 in -STABLE, but not in -CURRENT.
> Regardless of whether I agree with the points you make here or not, the
> FreeBSD development model requires that what we import in -current, for
> the most part, be what we plan to eventually MFC. That factor alone
> eliminates the possibility of importing BIND 9 at this time.

Why? There's no basis for assuming that everything that goes into
-current must be MFCd. The -current branch is for our next generation
version of the OS with all the new whizzy features we might want and
BIND9 is therefore exactly the sort of thing to add to -current, with no
intention of ever MFCing it.

The requirement is that nothing goes direct into -stable, that it must
all go through -current first. that doesn't however imply that
everything going into -current must be suitable for MFCing.

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Re: gbde Performance - 35Mb/s vs 5.2 MB/s

2003-05-28 Thread Paul Richards
On Wed, May 28, 2003 at 10:11:19AM +0200, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Guido van Rooij writes:
> >On Mon, May 26, 2003 at 02:25:08PM +0200, Heiko Schaefer wrote:
> >> 
> >> Poul gave me the following tip on this list in a mail on Tue, 29 Apr 2003:
> >> 
> >> "Remember to set the sectorsize in gbde (gbde init -i) to the fragment
> >> size of your filesystem (typically 2048 for ufs), this is critical
> >> for performance."
> >> 
> >
> >If this is so important, why isn't this the default?
> Because I have no way of knowing that peple will in fact be using
> UFS/FFS on the GBDE encrypted partition, and even if they do, I have
> no way of knowing the fragment size they will use.
> I considered making the sectorsize a mandatory argument, but decided
> against it.  Maybe I was wrong.

It might make more sense to mandate an argument that indicates what
filesystem they intend to put on top of it and then base the defaults
from that. It would be more user friendly.

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Re: policy on GPL'd drivers?

2003-05-29 Thread Paul Richards
On Wed, May 28, 2003 at 12:04:17PM +0200, Marcin Dalecki wrote:
> Harti Brandt wrote:
> >MD>NO no and again no. This would repeat the same design mistake
> >MD>that is already in Linux. On API level you DO NOT WANT versioning.
> >MD>What you really want is: type signature cheking. Like for example
> >MD>done through C++ symbol mangling rules. If you can't do it like that
> >MD>then better leave it off as it is. Versioning in itself
> >
> >Type signature checking doesn't help you if the semantics of an API change
> >without type changes. APIs should be semantically and syntactically stable
> >in -STABLE. In -CURRENT they are expected to change. Managing a 3rd party
> >driver for current is a nightmare, but may no be necessary once we have a
> >-STABLE based on FreeBSD5.
> Sure sure. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. Versioning doesn't help you
> *anything* at all, but it is introducing new problems instead. Tons of them 
> in
> fact, if one looks at the Linux pain in this area. I suggested type 
> signature
> cheking in C++ style just to show how fundamentally flawed the idea of
> version cheking is, but I can perfectly life with the situation as it is.
> Symbol versioning is good to implement "multi-flavoured" single binary

I don't think anyone is talking about symbol versioning. The issue is
stamping the API at a particular point in time that shows it behaves in
a specified guaranteed way.

The module system has all the hooks to deal with versioning. What's
missing is not the mechanism but the knowledge, i.e. we don't know that
module X won't work with kernel Y becuase we don't know what APIs module
X may invoke and whether kernel Y supports them.

Some of the suggestions, such as using an MD5 hash, will prevent panics
by refusing to load kernels that haven't been rebuilt since the kernel
was, but it's a bit of a sledgehammer, since you don't want to have to
rebuild all your modules every time you rebuild the kernel and in some
cases (third party modules) you won't be able to, so such a mechanism
won't work in practice.

The only true solution to this is to version the APIs in the kernel and
use the module versioning hooks to not load modules if the version isn't
the right one.

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Re: policy on GPL'd drivers?

2003-05-29 Thread Paul Richards
On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 17:48, dave wrote:
> >
> > I don't think anyone is talking about symbol versioning. The issue is
> > stamping the API at a particular point in time that shows it behaves in
> > a specified guaranteed way.
> >
> > The module system has all the hooks to deal with versioning. What's
> > missing is not the mechanism but the knowledge, i.e. we don't know that
> > module X won't work with kernel Y becuase we don't know what APIs 
> > module
> > X may invoke and whether kernel Y supports them.
> >
> > The only true solution to this is to version the APIs in the kernel and
> > use the module versioning hooks to not load modules if the version 
> > isn't
> > the right one.
> Will this require *any* new infrastructure to implement properly?  Or is
> it simply a matter of maintaining API metadata regarding versions.

I think it'd just be a question of maintaining the metadata. There may
be a little code missing but I don't think it would take a lot of work
to complete the versioning mechanism. Creating all the metadata to
actually define and version the APIs is another issue entirely though.

Each module can maintain dependency data, stating which versions of
other modules it can work with. The kernel would need to create virtual
modules that held the faked module version for that API component. That
wouldn't be very hard, just a linker set to record the API version in a
module version structure. Ideally, whenever possible each API component
should be grouped into a module anyway, but when that isn't possible
just defining a faked module version should work.

The kernel wouldn't then load a module if the kernel didn't support the
APIs that the module depended upon.

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Re: cvs commit: src/sys/contrib/dev/acpica - Imported sources

2003-06-03 Thread Paul Richards
On Wed, May 28, 2003 at 03:39:44PM -0700, Nate Lawson wrote:
> On Wed, 28 May 2003, Larry Rosenman wrote:
> > > --On Wednesday, May 28, 2003 03:59:24 -0500 Larry Rosenman
> > >> Ok, with today's sources, I still get a page not present panic for
> > >> address (0x7) on transistion to battery.
> > > as a followup, with this code, I no longer get the panic at ACPI
> > > shutdown, just some messages about references.
> >
> > As a further followup, today's update of the ACPI sources get's rid of the
> > ACPI errors in the dmesg, but I STILL have the panic at 0x7 on
> > transition to battery.
> There's something wrong with your DSDT and/or the Intel acpica interpreter
> such that reference counting on ns objects is incorrect.
> > Is this going to be released like this?
> I'm doing my best as a volunteer.  If none of us finds the problem before
> release, the answer is "yes".  In that case, you should disable acpi or
> use apm.  Or feel free to hunt down the problem yourself.

Just a note, but using apm is rarely a solution to using acpi because
for a lot of people (me included) the box doesn't work at all without
acpi support, interrupt routing and/or timecounter support is screwed to
the point that FreeBSD doesn't work.

ACPI isn't a power management tool, that's just one small aspect of it.

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Re: Libthr stable enough for testing

2003-06-03 Thread Paul Richards
On Thu, May 29, 2003 at 06:28:26PM -0400, James Tanis wrote:
> On Thu, 29 May 2003 17:39:18 -0400 (EDT)
> John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > It has been committed.  Build rtld with WITH_LIBMAP defined and then
> > setup a libmap.conf.
> > 
> > -- 
>   Alright, I compiled and installed libthr, built rtld WITH_LIBMAP, and created 
> the libmap.conf. I am using the example from the man page to have all programs use 
> the libthr library. As far as I can tell my system is running perfectly fine, but 
> there's nothing particularly special about my setup. Is there a way to find out for 
> sure that the programs are now using libthr? As far as I can tell they should be, 
> but I'd like to have a definitive answer.

You can use ldd to check the binaries and it will show how libmap
affects the library mappings.

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Re: VFS: C99 sparse format for struct vfsops

2003-06-03 Thread Paul Richards
On Mon, Jun 02, 2003 at 09:04:11AM -0700, Hiten Pandya wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 02, 2003 at 08:17:03AM -0700, Terry Lambert wrote:
> > Hiten Pandya wrote:
> > > My fingers have been itching to do this since the day phk@ planted this
> > > idea in my brain (re: cdevsw initialisations).  Basically, it changes
> > > the vfsops to use C99 sparse format, just like cdevsw.  It removes a lot
> > > of junk default initialisations, and duplication.
> > 
> > I really dislike the changes to vfs_init().  Specifically, it's
> > not the overhead, so much as it's the implied side effects.
>   And how many times is vfc_register() called?  Its not in the
>   patch of an I/O operation or anything.  Its just a mount time
>   overhead which will go through -- a one time thing.
> > Consider this going forward: someone adds a new VFSOP to the
> > list of allowable VFSOPs, and the vfs_init() doesn't have any
> > specific code for it.

You should look at kobj, it's precisely this sort of dynamic
dispatching that it was designed to support.

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Re: VFS: C99 sparse format for struct vfsops

2003-06-04 Thread Paul Richards
On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 08:56:59AM -0600, M. Warner Losh wrote:
> In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     Paul Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> : You should look at kobj, it's precisely this sort of dynamic
> : dispatching that it was designed to support.
> Too bad it is a little slow and not MP safe in its implementation.

Yes, but it has the right design philosophy for this sort of
situation and should be researched as an example of how to solve
these sorts of problems.

I'm not sure the dispatch is slow enough to cause serious overhead in
the context of the tasks being performed and it maybe could be improved
a little.

I'm not sure that kobj actually needs to be MP safe if the kobj
struct is always embedded in a structure at a higher level i.e.
a use of kobj in say the device driver code will not interact with
it's use by say the linker code so the locking can be done on device
driver or linker level structs.

I think that's the case currently, though perhaps not something we've
defined as part of the API, but there's no reason we could not do so and
then that simplifies the use of kobj by avoiding having to add locks
right at the very bottom of the structure tree where they wouldn't be

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Re: VFS: C99 sparse format for struct vfsops

2003-06-04 Thread Paul Richards
On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 18:19, M. Warner Losh wrote:
> In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     Paul Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> : I'm not sure that kobj actually needs to be MP safe if the kobj
> : struct is always embedded in a structure at a higher level i.e.
> : a use of kobj in say the device driver code will not interact with
> : it's use by say the linker code so the locking can be done on device
> : driver or linker level structs.
> Lock lock data, not code.

Agreed, that's what I said :-) However, I was wondering if locking the
structure that the kobj was embedded in was enough to protect the kobj
itself. As you point out below, that's not the case.

> The kobj dispatch tables are shared between all instances of the
> object.  So if you have two instances of the driver, the driver locks
> protect softc for that driver.  However, both softc's reference the
> kobj structures, directly or indirectly, that are not MP safe.  If
> instance 1 takes out a lock, that doesn't prevent instance 2 from
> getting screwed by the following code:
> #define KOBJOPLOOKUP(OPS,OP) do { \
>   kobjop_desc_t _desc = &OP##_##desc; \
>   kobj_method_t *_ce =\
>   &OPS->cache[_desc->id & (KOBJ_CACHE_SIZE-1)];   \
>   if (_ce->desc != _desc) {   \
> [1]   kobj_lookup_method(OPS->cls->methods, _ce, _desc);  \
>   } else {\
>   }   \
> [2]   _m = _ce->func; \
> } while(0)
> Notice how OPS has a cache array.  If instance 1 is calling the same
> ID as instance 2, modulo KOBJ_CACHE_SIZE, then a collision occurs and
> a race happens betwen [1] and [2]:
> thread 1thread 2
> _ce = ...
>   _ce = ...
>   MISS
>   set's *_ce via kobj_lookup_method
> _m gets set
> _m called
>   _m set
>   _m called
> Notice how thread 1's _m gets set based on the results of the kobj
> lookup, and we have a race, even if thread1 and thread2 took out their
> driver instance locks.

That means we have to lock the dispatch table before every method is
looked up and hold it until the method returns (the alternative would be
to free it inside the method once it had been called but that'd be a
right mess).

Actually, in practice it doesn't matter, though that's an accident of
the kobjs we currently create. The reason being that the hashing
algorithm is really simple and just lops off some high bits of the
method id so unless we have more than 255 methods they always have an
unique slot. There's no mechanism to change the actual function
associated with the method at the moment. Even if there was, it might
not matter as long as the number of methods was still below 255, because
what you'd actually be doing is, say, changing which attach function to
call when you were indirecting through the attach method entry and by
the time thread 1 gets to actually call the method it might even be
considered correct for it to call the newly mapped one.

However, I take your point and we either have to implement locking of
the method table or redesign the caching mechanism to guarantee that
there's no race. I don't think anything other than _ce is a problem (is
there anything else?).

If we ensured that the cache entry couldn't have collisions (perhaps by
not having a hash and instead indexing a unique position in an array
using the method id) then only the latter race would exist (changing the
function associated with a method) and that might be acceptable

The tradeoff with using an index into an array is that there'd be a
heavy penalty for growing the array if an extra method didn't fit, but
that would be exceptionally rare and with our present usage we'd never
have that happen.

Incidentally, if we implement a lock on the method table we'd
effectively have code locks :-)

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Re: VFS: C99 sparse format for struct vfsops

2003-06-04 Thread Paul Richards
On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 21:04, Paul Richards wrote:

> The tradeoff with using an index into an array is that there'd be a
> heavy penalty for growing the array if an extra method didn't fit, but
> that would be exceptionally rare and with our present usage we'd never
> have that happen.

I'm not sure this is actually a problem after all since the Interface
doesn't change and therefore we know a-priori how many methods there can
be so we can pre-allocate an array. I wonder why Doug didn't do this,
perhaps he thought that there'd be very large interfaces and 255 was a
reasonable compromise for a cache. However, in practice we'd save a lot
of space per kobj by preallocating the actual number of entries we
needed for the Interface instead and then we could do away with the _ce
problem. This would actually speed up the dispatch a lot too since we
wouldn't have to traverse a list looking for a matching method entry and
could call the function directly from the method table.

Doug, am I missing something?

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Re: VFS: C99 sparse format for struct vfsops

2003-06-04 Thread Paul Richards
On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 22:36, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Baldwin writes:
> >
> >On 02-Jun-2003 Paul Richards wrote:
> >> On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 21:04, Paul Richards wrote:
> >> 
> >>> 
> >>> The tradeoff with using an index into an array is that there'd be a
> >>> heavy penalty for growing the array if an extra method didn't fit, but
> >>> that would be exceptionally rare and with our present usage we'd never
> >>> have that happen.
> >> 
> >> I'm not sure this is actually a problem after all since the Interface
> >> doesn't change and therefore we know a-priori how many methods there can
> >> be so we can pre-allocate an array.
> I thought the point in KOBJ was that it was extensible so you could
> KLD load stuff which added more methods ?

Not exactly. It allows for dynamic binding of methods that implement a
specified interface. It gives you 2 things mainly:

1) Not all the interface has to be implemented within a particular
object, and things will just work if unimplemented parts of the
interface are called on an object.
2) The actual functions called for a particular method can by
dynamically changed (or at least they could be, I don't think there's
actually any API that does this at the moment so in fact they just get
mapped the once when the object is instantiated).

The possible methods available in an interface are fixed, they're
defined in the .m files.

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Re: fxp0: device timeout with 5.1BETA2

2003-06-04 Thread Paul Richards
On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 22:00, Tobias Roth wrote:
> Hi
> I still get a 
> fxp0: device timeout

I get these as well. Is it on irq9 by any chance, along with acpi0 ?

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Re: VFS: C99 sparse format for struct vfsops

2003-06-04 Thread Paul Richards
On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 23:09, M. Warner Losh wrote:
> In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     Paul Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> : The possible methods available in an interface are fixed, they're
> : defined in the .m files.
> No it isn't.  One can add additional interfaces at any time without
> breaking binary compatibility, so you don't know, a priori, the number
> of methods in a given interface when you build a client of that
> interface.

I don't think that's true.

The interface is defined in the .m file and it's created using makeobjs.
You can't do that at runtime because it creates the kobj_desc struct
that uniquely represents the existence of that method globally for the
whole of the kobj subsystem. The set of all kobj_desc defines all
possible methods that can be implemented by an object, and yes you can
extend that interface later and previously built modules will still work
because they only implement a subset of those possible methods, but the
set of all methods that can exist is determined at compile time from the
interface definitions

A class is then defined which specifies the set of methods that objects
instantiated into that class *can* implement (but are note required to).
The set of methods in a class is also fixed, since it's basically the
method table plus some class fields and the method table is created at
compile time. Again though, if you later extend the class older compiled
modules will still work because if the method doesn't exist in that
older module the default from the kobj_desc will be used or the
kobj_error_method will be called (which is safe).

So yes you can extend the interface and the class and keep backwards
compatibility but that all happens at compile time, and therefore at
runtime when the object is instantiated you know the maximum number of
methods that the object can possibly call.

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Re: fxp0: device timeout with 5.1BETA2

2003-06-04 Thread Paul Richards
On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 23:17, Tobias Roth wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 02, 2003 at 10:59:22PM +0100, Paul Richards wrote:
> > On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 22:00, Tobias Roth wrote:
> > > 
> > > fxp0: device timeout
> > > 
> > 
> > I get these as well. Is it on irq9 by any chance, along with acpi0 ?
> No. It's on irc 11 device 8 (as dmesg states). All irqs in bios are
> set to 11 (factory default). ACPI is disabled.

Ok, well that's a useful data point (for me anyway) since it means
there's a problem with fxp losing interrupts that's not related to some
other ACPI problems I've experienced, suggesting that it's therefore a
fxp driver problem.

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Re: VFS: C99 sparse format for struct vfsops

2003-06-04 Thread Paul Richards
On Wed, 2003-06-04 at 00:03, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paul Richards wr
> ites:
> >On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 22:36, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
> >> I thought the point in KOBJ was that it was extensible so you could
> >> KLD load stuff which added more methods ?
> >
> >Not exactly. It allows for dynamic binding of methods that implement a
> >specified interface. It gives you 2 things mainly:
> >
> >The possible methods available in an interface are fixed, they're
> >defined in the .m files.
> Then I don't see the justification for the hashing & caching when it
> can be resolved at compile time...

kobj basically provides us with some OO type functionality. The linkage
can't be determined at compile time since you don't know what methods an
object is going to implement or what actual function implements a
particular method until the object is instantiated, it's sort of late

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Re: VFS: C99 sparse format for struct vfsops

2003-06-04 Thread Paul Richards
On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 10:01:07AM +0100, Doug Rabson wrote:
> On Tuesday 03 June 2003 12:00 am, Paul Richards wrote:
> > On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 23:09, M. Warner Losh wrote:
> > > In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >
> > > Paul Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > : The possible methods available in an interface are fixed, they're
> > > : defined in the .m files.
> > >
> > > No it isn't.  One can add additional interfaces at any time without
> > > breaking binary compatibility, so you don't know, a priori, the
> > > number of methods in a given interface when you build a client of
> > > that interface.
> >
> > I don't think that's true.
> >
> > The interface is defined in the .m file and it's created using
> > makeobjs. You can't do that at runtime because it creates the
> > kobj_desc struct that uniquely represents the existence of that
> > method globally for the whole of the kobj subsystem. The set of all
> > kobj_desc defines all possible methods that can be implemented by an
> > object, and yes you can extend that interface later and previously
> > built modules will still work because they only implement a subset of
> > those possible methods, but the set of all methods that can exist is
> > determined at compile time from the interface definitions
> >
> > A class is then defined which specifies the set of methods that
> > objects instantiated into that class *can* implement (but are note
> > required to). The set of methods in a class is also fixed, since it's
> > basically the method table plus some class fields and the method
> > table is created at compile time. Again though, if you later extend
> > the class older compiled modules will still work because if the
> > method doesn't exist in that older module the default from the
> > kobj_desc will be used or the kobj_error_method will be called (which
> > is safe).
> >
> > So yes you can extend the interface and the class and keep backwards
> > compatibility but that all happens at compile time, and therefore at
> > runtime when the object is instantiated you know the maximum number
> > of methods that the object can possibly call.
> It is true, I'm afraid. A class is can implement any number of 
> interfaces so knowing the compile-time size of an interface doesn't 
> help you reserve space for a class. The system is intended to have a 
> robust ABI so that e.g. a class implementing an interface can be used 
> safely by a kernel in which new methods have been added to that 
> interface.

I though Warner meant adding interfaces at runtime, but he meant
build time (I misread that).  My comments about interfaces where
therefore in rebuttal of the possibility to extend them at runtime.
So yes, what Warner asserted is true but as I did also point out
above and you've confirmed below, it's the class that determines
the methods for an object and that is fixed when the object is
instantiated into that class.

> The class is a concrete definition of a set of methods (at this level, 
> the interfaces are mostly ignored). Objects instantiated in that class 
> use exactly that set of methods, no more, no less. There is no choice 
> involved. You appear to be confusing class and interface here.

Given that we agree that the method table is fixed at object
instantiation time, why isn't allocating a fixed array appropriate?

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Re: VFS: C99 sparse format for struct vfsops

2003-06-04 Thread Paul Richards
On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 12:09:00PM +0100, Doug Rabson wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 21:04, Paul Richards wrote:
> > On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 18:19, M. Warner Losh wrote:
> > > 
> > > Notice how thread 1's _m gets set based on the results of the kobj
> > > lookup, and we have a race, even if thread1 and thread2 took out their
> > > driver instance locks.
> > 
> > That means we have to lock the dispatch table before every method is
> > looked up and hold it until the method returns (the alternative would be
> > to free it inside the method once it had been called but that'd be a
> > right mess).
> Don't even think about trying to put a mutex into the kobj dispatch

I wasn't, I was just pointing out what would be necessary if the
cacheing problem wasn't resolved :-)

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Re: ACPI and PCI vs interrupt routing on Sony VAIO's

2003-06-04 Thread Paul Richards
On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 04:42:56AM -0700, Jun Su wrote:
> Good Explain.
> The same problem is in my PCG-R505DC.

Yes, it sounds exactly like the problem with my laptop too.

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Re: VFS: C99 sparse format for struct vfsops

2003-06-04 Thread Paul Richards
On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 01:33:46PM +0100, Doug Rabson wrote:

> Interfaces actually can be added at runtime. Existing objects (i.e.
> objects instantiated before the new interface was added) will continue
> to work as before. If methods from the new interface are called on old
> objects, the default method will be called.

How can you add an interface at runtime?

All of this runtime activity is theoretically possible, i.e. all
these structures can be messed around with to add methods to existing
objects etc. but wasn't kobj supposed to provide an OO type
abstraction and therefore the interfaces and classes are determined
at compile time.

I'm not aware of any actual code that changes interfaces or classes
at runtime and if we added that functionality then I think it would
break the abstraction and complicate the usage of kobj for no real

Coming back to the central point, I don't understand why we need
a cache at all. I don't see the reason for having to support the
dispatching of anything other than the methods in the class that
the object was instantiated into, so that means a relatively small
fixed size method dispatch table.

The only argument for that not working is if the class gets extended
after the object is created but I'm not convinced yet that that's
something to worry about in practice at least at the moment since we
don't extend classes anywhere.

Even if we added code to make that possible at runtime it would be
simple enough to get a "miss" when looking that method up in older
objects and to realloc the method table in the object to accomodate
the new methods. Extending the class is something that is likely
to be so rare that some performance penalty should that happen
would be palatable.

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Panic - blockable sleep lock

2003-06-10 Thread Paul Richards
Just got this:

panic: blockable sleep lock (sleep mutex) sellck @
Stopped at  Debugger+0x54:  xchgl   %ebx,in_Debugger.0
db> t
Debugger(c029bc34,c02de7a0,c029e847,df12da20,1) at Debugger+0x54
panic(c029e847,c02a9469,c029f08e,c029f065,4a6) at panic+0xab
witness_lock(c03041e0,8,c029f065,4a6,c029cf40) at witness_lock+0xaf
_mtx_lock_flags(c03041e0,0,c029f065,4a6,c6594030) at _mtx_lock_flags+0xb1
selwakeup(c6594004,c6594030,73,c6594030,df12dad0) at selwakeup+0x2f
ptcwakeup(c6594030,1,df12dadc,c01b0beb,c6594030) at ptcwakeup+0x2e
ptsstart(c6594030,df12daf4,c01b2984,c6594030,c6594030) at ptsstart+0x37
ttstart(c6594030,c6594030,7,df12dbf4,df12db10) at ttstart+0x1b
tputchar(73,c6594030,1,c02af00f,c21abab0) at tputchar+0x54
putchar(73,df12dbf4,0,c02e1b10,0) at putchar+0x6b
kvprintf(c02af00e,c019c650,df12dbf4,a,df12dc14) at kvprintf+0x7d
printf(c02af00e,7,c02dfdc0,7,296) at printf+0x57
sched_ithd(7,c02df540,c21aa84c,c21abab0,df12dc58) at sched_ithd+0x63
i386_unpend(570cb146,c02dcae0,c21a9180,df12dcb4,c0184585) at i386_unpend+0xc7
cpu_unpend(a8,df12dcc0,c0184354,c21abab0,df12dce0) at cpu_unpend+0x2a
cpu_critical_exit(c21abab0,df12dce0,c017533d,c02dcae0,1) at cpu_critical_exit+0x15
critical_exit(c02dcae0,1,c029b144,1ba,c21a9180) at critical_exit+0x24
_mtx_unlock_spin_flags(c02dcae0,0,c0299a15,231,c21aa790) at _mtx_unlock_spin_flags+0xbd
ithread_loop(c21a9180,df12dd48,c02998d2,30c,0) at ithread_loop+0x27a
fork_exit(c016b200,c21a9180,df12dd48) at fork_exit+0xc0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0x1a
--- trap 0x1, eip = 0, esp = 0xdf12dd7c, ebp = 0 ---

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Re: kernel: lnc0: Missed packet -- no reviece buffer QWE

2003-06-11 Thread Paul Richards
On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 09:51:02PM +1000, Anthony Wyatt wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I'm in the process of hand building a FreeBSD 5.1 CURRENT #2 box.  I now have a 
> booting system that I can log onto and use, but my network interface does not work 
> :-(
> I get lots of:
> kernel: lnc0: Missed packet -- no recieve buffer
> and the occasional
> kernel: lnc0: Device timeout -- resetting

Can you send the the dmesg output and pciconf -v -l

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sh job control

2003-06-11 Thread Paul Richards
I've installed a current built last night and job control no longer
works in /bin/sh or /usr/local/bin/zsh, but it does with csh. ctr-c and
ctrl-z are just ignored with both the sh style shells.

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Re: CURRENT console setttings borked

2003-06-11 Thread Paul Richards
On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 11:21:16PM -0400, Andrew Lankford wrote:
> Info about my buildworld:
> FreeBSD bogushost2 5.1-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT #0: Wed Jun 11 21:33:34 EDT 2003  
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/ARL5KERNEL  i386
> In addition to my pppoe/adsl connection no longer working, I find that I cannot use 
> control-c to kill running programs when I'm logged in directly to the console 
> (without invoking "stty intr ^c" first)
> yerprompt$  stty #(syscons console, TERM=cons25)
> speed 115200 baud;
> lflags: echoe echoke echoctl pendin
> oflags: -oxtabs
> cflags: cs8 -parenb
> discard dsusp   eof erase   intrkilllnext   quitreprint 
> start   stopsuspwerase  

Ahh, that's what I'm seeing too, but not with csh, just bourne style

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Re: kernel: lnc0: Missed packet -- no reviece buffer QWE

2003-06-11 Thread Paul Richards
On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 03:39:33PM +0100, Bruce Cran wrote:
> I get this all the time on my FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE system, which is a P75 with a
> lnc NIC.  The man page does say this driver is one of the more verbose ones,
> and I think the message about no recieve buffer is just that the system cannot
> keep up with the incoming data, and so there is no buffer left.   Certainly
> on my system doing NAT across lnc0 and sis0, the system uses 30-40% CPU just
> to act as a router!  I still get 600KB/s through it, which I have heard is 
> fairly reasonable from a 10Mbit ISA network card.

That is what the error message means. However, the driver was able to
handle 900k-1M load on a 486 when I wrote without maxing out the cpu so
there's something wrong somewhere. It might be the sis driver though, I
don't know much about that but I've not heard good things about them.
The lance does most of it's work on the chip so all that the CPU
does is copy the buffers into an mbuf, which shouldn't put much load on
the cpu.

Is it possible for you to do some testing on that box by disabling each
interface in turn and doing some load testing on each individually?

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Re: Email accounts on FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE

2003-06-21 Thread Paul Richards
On Fri, Jun 20, 2003 at 05:16:11PM -0400, Alex Ayala wrote:
> Ok, maybe...yes I read what I wrote and didn't quite explain what I really
> wanted to say.
> I want to setup accounts on my box so users can retrieve emails by accessing
> my pop server. Do I need to setup user accounts on my box with the "adduser"
> command? I don't want them to be able to have access to the shell by any
> means.  Is like when I wanted to give someone access to my ftp server I just
> created an account and took out the shell part in the passwd file.  Sorry my
> english is not the greatest.  Trying to explain something and can't find the
> right words.
> Is that a bit better to understand?

The answer depends a bit on which pop server you're using. If you
don't want to create user accounts on the box for mail users then
use something like Cyrus, which manages it's own authentication
and so doesn't require any system accounts to be created for mail

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Re: Removing perl in make world

2002-07-05 Thread Paul Richards

On Fri, 2002-07-05 at 16:24, Sheldon Hearn wrote:
> On (2002/07/05 05:22), Terry Lambert wrote:
> > > This would not fit in with the rest of the world target, which doesn't
> > > clean out stale headers, stale libraries or stale binaries.
> > > Special-casing certain things will surprise people.
> > 
> > Headers and libraries arguably should be removed, so as to avoid
> > errors; not ports headers or libraries -- which aren't in the
> > installation target paths in the first place -- but things like
> > deprecated system headers, etc..
> You and Paul are both pretty "out there" if you think -current users
> will graciously accept a new world order in which ports linked
> dymanically against system libraries won't work between a system upgrade
> and the next port reinstall.

I'm reluctant to suggest something that scares away -current developers,
since I don't think enough people are really working on -current these
days. However, if you are developing FreeBSD then you do need to make
sure you're running -current and not -cruft.

The old mantra of "-current is for developers" still holds and if the
development environment becomes ineffective because people are relying
on current as a work environment then maybe we should tighten the
development environment so it's more suited to those people who are
actually working on FreeBSD itself.

On my -current box I usually rebuild ports quite regularly anyway
because ports get updated pretty frequently.

The only real issue with backwards compatibility is the libraries,
there's nothing else that should severely impact existing installations.
Libraries can easily be dealt with by just moving them to a compat dir.

> If you want to clean out crap left behind by `make world', just do this:
> make world
> rm -r /usr/include# Make world really should overwrite
> make installincludes  # header files!
> find /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/lib /usr/libexec /usr/share \
>  -type f -mtime +1 -delete

That is precisely what I do periodically (along those lines anyway), and
it is often the case that when I do so I find that I've been running
-cruft and not -current at all.

Paul Richards|
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Re: Removing perl in make world

2002-07-05 Thread Paul Richards

On Sat, 2002-07-06 at 01:07, Garance A Drosihn wrote:
> At 3:33 PM -0700 7/5/02, Terry Lambert wrote:
> >
> >So, to summarize:
> >
> Let me summarize my own position.
> There are a number of files which installworld does install.  After
> an installworld is done, there may be a number of files on a person's
> hard disk which were not put there by the most recent installworld.
> For each of those files, the issue is one of intent.
>1) Is it there because the administrator explicitly wanted it
>   to be there, for explicit reasons that may be perfectly valid
>   even while testing the latest snapshot of current?
>2) or is it left-over cruft from some previous install, and
>   which is only getting in the way of proper testing?
> If you keep it that simple, instead of writing 200-line summaries
> of what is going on (and the possible motivations of everyone), then
> the solution is also simple.  The above is just a slight variation
> from what happens with /etc config files during a new installworld.
> We should not have anything which automatically blows away those
> files.  We should have an "unmergemaster" script, which will find
> those files, and **ASKS THE DEVELOPER** what they want to do for
> each of those files (or maybe for each set of files).  No automatic
> process is going to be 100% right 100% of the time.

I think a -current system is something that should be assumed to be a
semi-known environment though.

Let's start with a premise: No-one running current is using it for
anything other than developing FreeBSD.

Given that premise, then there shouldn't be anything in /usr outside of
/usr/local, that wasn't put there by make world. Likewise the same
should be true of /sbin and /bin.

Therefore running, 

find $listofdirs -newermt $date -delete

should be perfectly OK since it's only going to clear out old files that
are no longer part of FreeBSD (where $listofdirs is directories that
should not be touched other than by make world, and $date is the date of
the last install).

The only tweak that is necessary is in the case of /usr/lib, where files
should be moved to a compat dir and not deleted.

I do this periodically on my dev box and it does show up issues. I think
it's something we should build into our infrastructure as a step towards
a better known environment for testing -current.

Paul Richards   |
FreeBSD Services Ltd| Order 4.6 on DVD now. |

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Re: Removing perl in make world

2002-07-06 Thread Paul Richards

On Sat, 2002-07-06 at 03:46, Garance A Drosihn wrote:
> At 3:05 AM +0100 7/6/02, Paul Richards wrote:
> >Let's start with a premise: No-one running current is using
> >it for anything other than developing FreeBSD.
> This is assumption is too limiting.

It shouldn't be. You're trying to defend a position that the project
doesn't support. The -current branch is for FreeBSD developers, or
volunteers brave enough to test the -current branch.

As such, don't be surprised if it wipes your hard disk clean.

> People running -current are doing it to test the latest builds.
> What they *do* to test it is their business.  Ie, if I want to
> install some port in /usr instead of /usr/local, that is something
> I should be able to do.

You're free to do that, but you're not really testing -current then,
since you're doing things outside the scope of what -current is designed
to support.

If you're doing stuff to stress it in some way that's particular to
you're testing regime then fine, but that's something you'd need to be
aware of and it's not that different to installing a personal, more up
to date version of gcc in the base, if you do that you need to be aware
that the standard current build system will overwrite your changes.

A 'sysclean' target would be the same in my mind. If you're "within
spec" of what -current supports then running that target shouldn't hose
you. If you're outside spec then you need to take your own precautions.

I'm not suggesting that 'sysclean' be a default part of installworld
anymore. I suggested that removing perl should be, but the debate has
moved on from that position and I think the sensible thing now would be
to create a 'sysclean' target, that could be run as desired that was
more comprehensive than just removing perl or other deprecated apps. A
more aggressive cleaning target I think solves more problems more
effectively and if it's an optional target I can't see any problems.
Probably a make.conf knob, like the update target uses, so people can
have it on or off as part of the standard build as they desire.

I think having it as a make target is a good thing, since it would allow
us to easily document that people who truly want to test current should
run that target after a build to ensure they're not running old stuff.
It keeps the code tied into the build process too. A separate optional
script wouldn't be as well integrated into our build setup.

Paul Richards   |
FreeBSD Services Ltd| Order 4.6 on DVD now. |

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Re: Removing perl in make world

2002-07-06 Thread Paul Richards

On Sat, 2002-07-06 at 13:29, Ruslan Ermilov wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 05, 2002 at 10:45:41AM +0100, Paul Richards wrote:
> > I think we should add a target to make world that checks for the
> > existence of an old base install of Perl and removes it if it exists.
> > 
> > As a general principle, if we do things like remove code during -current
> > development then make world needs to cater for that change. The idea of
> > make world is that what you get at the end of it is a pristine install
> > of a snapshot of FreeBSD from the current branch.
> > 
> > The bootstrap target was originally added for this purpose, to deal with
> > issues during releases i.e. to bootstrap from one version of current to
> > another. It's got misunderstood along the way to mean bootstrapping
> > tools needed early in the build process.
> > 
> > I'd like to resurrect it's original meaning and add code to clean out
> > old versions of Perl.
> > 
> I strongly object to this unless we clearly define the procedure of
> deleting the old stuff like libraries, headers, programs, etc.
> I routinely do the cleanup by installing the world into a separate
> DESTDIR, and comparing it with what is available under /.  I don't
> see a major problem with this except maybe a space.  Another approarch
> is to compare the modification times with the current date; this
> works almost ok for all things except headers and (now) static
> libraries plus some miscellaneous stuff that is getting installed
> with -C.

You need to catch up with the rest of this thread, since I think we're
moving towards something more acceptable.

However, in the particular case of Perl, I think it does highlight a
slightly separate issue in that our build process has no concept of
deprecating parts of the OS.

The 'sysclean' target will "accidentally" deal with the Perl issue, but
I don't think it's wrong to have a target remove a module that has been
removed from source since that's what installing the system should
really do if the system has opted to deprecate something.

Paul Richards   |
FreeBSD Services Ltd| Order 4.6 on DVD now. |

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Current issues

2002-12-10 Thread Paul Richards
I'm trying to thrash 5.0 a bit but I've run into some rather more
basic issues right off.

1) I think I'm suffering from the 1GB memory hang problem. I'm
definitely getting the hangs :-) I'll leave this for now since I'll
do some more testing tonight and it's already been raised by someone
else anyway, so this is just a "me too".

2) The IPFW2 syntax is not compatible with IPFW. The latter accepts
rules in the form of

1 add ... 

whereas IPFW2 doesn't understand that format and requires

add 1 ..

3) The compiler won't build some C++ packages, evolution being the
particular one bothering me at the moment. Is this a known issues
that the 5.0 compiler won't build all packages?

I will report other problems as I find them :-)


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Re: Current issues

2002-12-10 Thread Paul Richards
On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 04:02:14PM -0500, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 15:48, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> > On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 02:01:08PM +0000, Paul Richards wrote:
> > 
> > > 3) The compiler won't build some C++ packages, evolution being the
> > > particular one bothering me at the moment. Is this a known issues
> > > that the 5.0 compiler won't build all packages?
> > 
> > Yes.
> Evo isn't a C++ application.  I haven't seen any build logs for it,
> either.  I'm doing a build on my i386 machine now just to be sure.

You're right, it was one of the dependencies, maybe aspell. Anyway, I've
got it built now, it was old include files that was the problem since
this had originally been a 4.x machine.


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cdefs and XFree86

2002-04-04 Thread Paul Richards

The recent changes to /usr/include/sys/cdefs.h have broken the build of

The problem is with the _XOPEN_SOURCE macro. At line cdefs.h it's
checked i.e.

#if _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 600

but in XFree86 it's defined as



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