Drm-kmod and 14-CURRENT

2022-10-14 Thread Patrick Bowen
Hello all,

I've just used reinstall.sh to add a CURRENT boot environment to a 13.1 ZFS 
installation. Xorg doesn't load in CURRENT, presumably because the drm-kmod 
doesn't work with 14. I tried to build drm-current-kmod from ports but the 
build errors out.

I can send all the error messages and dmesg and such if necessary, but I'm 
betting it's just a simple fix that I'm unaware of. The graphics is i915 Intel 

TIA for your help,

Re: Drm-kmod and 14-CURRENT

2022-10-15 Thread Patrick Bowen

On Sat, Oct 15, 2022, at 6:52 AM, Graham Perrin wrote:
> On 14/10/2022 18:53, Pete Wright wrote:
>> On 10/14/22 10:14, Patrick Bowen wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I've just used reinstall.sh to add a CURRENT boot environment to a 13.1 ZFS 
>>> installation. Xorg doesn't load in CURRENT, presumably because the drm-kmod 
>>> doesn't work with 14. I tried to build drm-current-kmod from ports but the 
>>> build errors out.
>>> I can send all the error messages and dmesg and such if necessary, but I'm 
>>> betting it's just a simple fix that I'm unaware of. The graphics is i915 
>>> Intel BTW.
> Patrick: which version of FreeBSD, exactly? 
> freebsd-version -kru ; uname -aKU


FreeBSD Thanos 14.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT #0 main-n258598-07b1ea961af: 
Thu Oct 13 17:48:02 CDT 2022 
root@Thanos:/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/GENERIC amd64 1400072 1400072

>> I think you want to use graphics/drm-510-kmod
>> this is what i use on my systems running CURRENT, it tracks the 5.10 linux 
>> kernel.  iirc drm-current-kmod and drm-devel-kmod have been retired in favor 
>> of this one.
> True, drm-current-kmod and drm-devel-kmod were deleted on 1st May 2022: 
> <https://github.com/FreeBSD/freebsd-ports/commit/fae9e49dd63f411983cc9a7f62f0fa8418797b35>
> graphics/drm-kmod is a meta-port that does work on FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT. 7th 
> September: 
> <https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-ports/commit/e236c994bc87a3be67f030b5c7c6ff72df119ac5>
> graphics/drm-kmod should automatically install graphics/drm-510-kmod. 
> Packaged: 
> <https://www.freshports.org/graphics/drm-510-kmod/#packages>
> The package was built in a 1400072 jail environment on a 1400063 host: 
> <http://beefy18.nyi.freebsd.org/data/main-amd64-default/p73caab237543_sab9293239c/logs/drm-510-kmod-5.10.113_7.log>
> *Attachments:*
>  * OpenPGP_signature

  Patrick Bowen

Re: kldload i915kms screen goes black

2022-12-06 Thread Patrick Bowen

On Mon, Dec 5, 2022, at 11:43 PM, Pat Maddox wrote:
> On 5 Dec 2022, at 20:55, Chen, Alvin W wrote:
>>> I have a newly-built system with an ASUS Prime Z590M-Plus and Intel 
>>> 10900k
>>> with onboard graphics (UHD 630, according to intel).
>>> I specifically chose a 10th gen processor because I believed it was 
>>> well-
>>> supported by 13.1+. Unfortunately I can’t even install 13.1
>>> (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/cant-
>>> install-i-just-get-a-little-white-box-and-a-mouse-
>>> cursor.87334/__;!!LpKI!iRRMC3ef9hbS1NKXTBUoIDxlVz9pU_m1Jocnzh2Tlxfd
>>> s5SnkbHHXEM4iKqU7weuEiObV8rfJXfY$ [forums[.]freebsd[.]org])
>>> I have successfully installed
>>> FreeBSD-14.0-CURRENT-amd64-20221201-d1f3abc89250-259495.
>>> When I run `kldload i915kms`, the screen just goes black.
>>> I have never used graphics before on FreeBSD, so I’m not sure where 
>>> to
>>> begin diagnosing. I did as much research as I could upfront, but have 
>>> run into
>>> this obstacle.
>>> I’ll be content to run 14.0-CURRENT because I can still create 13.1 
>>> jails.
>>> Does anyone have suggestions for successfully loading the graphics 
>>> driver?
>>> Pat
>> You can get the drm 5.10 code for Freebsd here: 
>> https://github.com/freebsd/drm-kmod.
>> It should support Intel GPU older than ADL.
>> You may need build it by yourself.
> I believe I have that, otherwise `kldload i915kms` would return 
> “kldload: can’t load i915kms: No such file or directory.”
> I have tried installing drivers with:
> pkg install drm-kmod
> pkg install drm-510-kmod
> cd /usr/ports/graphics/drm-510-kmod && make install
> cd /usr/ports/graphics/drm-510-kmod && make GH_TAGNAME=drm_v5.11_0 
> install
> My understanding is that 13.1 supports 10th gen graphics well, so I 
> wouldn’t expect to need to use the absolute latest version from GitHub 
> (drm_v5.11_0 in this case).
> Pat

I had a similar problem. Got it fixed by uninstalling drm-kmod and then 
installing drm-510-kmod and adding "kld_list="i915kms"" to /etc/rc.conf.

On an old installation I think I had to build it from ports. On a fresh install 
you can ignore drm-kmod and just "pkg install drm-510-kmod".

Good luck!