Re: cd writer recommendation?

1999-08-15 Thread Mike Muir

Amancio Hasty wrote:
> Any one care to recommend a CD writer for FreeBSD-current since thats
> typically what I run over here.

Well, im using a Sony 948S here, works fine under -CURRENT with GCOMBUST
a front end to mkisofs, mkhybridfs and cdrecord).. except that GCOMBUST 
occasionally cant figure out the target, rerunning it seems to get past
this minor


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Re: Weird X problem

1999-08-19 Thread Mike Muir

Tomer Weller wrote:
> very weird X problem, I can only load an X server if I have a ppp connection
> upi and running...
> Xfree86 3.4, -CURRENT(made world today)

You might want to check your resolv.conf, having an ip that you cant
access in there could be causing some things to load extremely slowly as
they have to wait for a query to 
timeout or something - running ppp obviously lets you access your ISP's
name server providing you have resolv.conf setup for that ip - you could
always run your own caching only name server for that and chuck the
boxes own ip into resolv.conf.
Mebe upgrading /etc to be inline with -CURRENT you overwrote a few name
resolution related files.. 


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Re: help

1999-08-22 Thread Mike Muir

Tattr wrote:
> Hi
> i wonder if you can help me please?
> my friend has just bought a cam for his pc
> its a webstar and we are having a problem
> we have loaded the cd and the cam wont work cos it keeps saying video
> capture devise missing
> i have the same cam as he and instakked it the same way
> i went into my control panel to multiemedia and went to video and under it
> was
> ppc2
> his does not have anything  under his
> i think we need to download this driver (if thats what it is)
> can you please tell me where i get it or what to do?
> As you can tell neither of us know too much about computers.
> Thanks for any help you can give.
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Is this someones idea of a joke... im laughing.. honest
-current mailing list..
windows problem..
H - what kinda mental tard would do that?

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followup to apm problems.

1999-08-23 Thread Mike Muir

Ive been following the apm problems and changes in apm threads in hope
that I would fix the problems that I too am having.

I am using the latest sources for apm, apmconf and apmd, as well as the
kernel. (as of 23/8/99, NZST, which is yesterday evening)

dmesg is:

apm0:  on motherboard
apm: APM BIOS version 0102
apm: Code16 0xc00f, Data 0xc00fdfa0
apm: Code entry 0x8010, Idling CPU enabled, Management enabled
apm: CS_limit=0x, DS_limit=0x
apm: Engaged control enabled
apm: found APM BIOS v1.2, connected at v1.2
apm: Slow Idling CPU enabled
Add hook "default suspend"
Add hook "default resume"
---and then later on
psm0:  irq 12 on atkbdc0
Add hook "PS/2 mouse"

after going 'apmconf -e'
apm shows:

APM version: 1.2
APM Managment: Enabled
AC Line status: on-line
Resume timer: disabled
Resume on ring indicator: enabled
APM Capacities:
global standby state
global suspend state
resume timer from standby
resume timer from suspend

'apm -Z' for standby jumps into standby mode for like.. an instant, then
comes right back out (while playing mp3)


APM ioctl: cmd = 0x2000500c
Execute APM hook "default resume."
resumed from suspended mode (slept 00:00:00)
Execute APM hook "PS/2 mouse."

'zzz' or 'apm -z' for suspend jumps into suspend mode, and just the same
way, comes right back out (while playing mp3s again)


APM ioctl: cmd = 0x20005001
Execute APM hook "default suspend."
Execute APM hook "default resume."
resumed from suspended mode (slept 00:00:01)
Execute APM hook "PS/2 mouse."

it should be noted that the cpu fan does turn off momentarily for both
of these events, and the mp3 that is playing stops, then starts up again
where it left off.
Even without playing anything through the sound device, it does the same
If i leave the thing on with no activity, while running apmd, it goes
into suspend or standby (depending on the timers set in the bios) every
now and again, but jumps back out as soon as it does.
Also, all the PM timer interrupts are disabled.

Motherboard is an Abit BH-6


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Re: followup to apm problems.

1999-08-24 Thread Mike Muir

Yeh, i just got all the latest sources (as of 24th August) and made em:
$Id: apm.c,v 1.103 1999/08/23 20:58:36 phk Exp $

So yes i do have that recent version, but my problems persist. :(

Nick Hibma wrote:
> Are you running CURRENT?
> Could you check whether you have at least rev. 101 of
> src/sys/i386/apm/apm.c

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Re: followup to apm problems.

1999-08-28 Thread Mike Muir

Mitsuru IWASAKI wrote:

> OK.  Probably `slept 00:00:00 - 00:00:40' problem was caused by PS/2
> mouse, I think.  Do we need something to do with psm on suspending as
> well as resuming?

Im not sure anything needs to be done for PS/2.. check out these

> > > > ed1:  irq 3 at device 9.0 on pci0

> Ahh, I meant just unplug cable tentatively to confirm.
> # and uninstall NIC if possible :)
> After the problem analyzed, we just try to fix it in proper place.

Unplugged NIC, not diabled:


Aug 29 18:33:44 pyros /kernel.old: APM ioctl: cmd = 0x2000500c
Aug 29 18:36:28 pyros /kernel.old: Received APM Event:
Aug 29 18:36:28 pyros /kernel.old: Execute APM hook "default resume."
Aug 29 18:36:28 pyros /kernel.old: resumed from suspended mode (slept
Aug 29 18:36:28 pyros /kernel.old: Execute APM hook "PS/2 mouse."
Aug 29 18:36:28 pyros /kernel.old: APM ioctl: cmd = 0x40284164
Aug 29 18:36:28 pyros /kernel.old: APM ioctl: cmd = 0x40284164
Aug 29 18:36:28 pyros apmd[355]: apmevent 000b index 3 
Aug 29 18:36:28 pyros apmd: resumed at 19990829 18:36:28
Aug 29 18:36:28 pyros /kernel.old: APM ioctl: cmd = 0x40284164

And i pressed a key because i couldnt be biffed waiting any longer :) So
it seems to be working properly!
(Yes i am running apmd as well)


Aug 29 18:41:17 pyros /kernel.old: APM ioctl: cmd = 0x20005001
Aug 29 18:42:33 pyros /kernel.old: Execute APM hook "default suspend."
Aug 29 18:42:33 pyros /kernel.old: Received APM Event: PMEV_NORMRESUME
Aug 29 18:42:33 pyros /kernel.old: Execute APM hook "default resume."
Aug 29 18:42:33 pyros /kernel.old: resumed from suspended mode (slept
Aug 29 18:42:33 pyros /kernel.old: Execute APM hook "PS/2 mouse."
Aug 29 18:42:33 pyros /kernel.old: APM ioctl: cmd = 0x40284164
Aug 29 18:42:33 pyros /kernel.old: APM ioctl: cmd = 0x40284164
Aug 29 18:42:33 pyros apmd[355]: apmevent 0003 index 5 
Aug 29 18:42:33 pyros apmd: resumed at 19990829 18:42:33
Aug 29 18:42:33 pyros /kernel.old: APM ioctl: cmd = 0x40284164

Same deal, I resumed it manually - so it seems to be working also.

> At least, apm is in /usr/sbin/, apm -z touches /dev/apm and apmd
> writes log on /var/log/ via syslog :)
> Using `sysctl -w machdep.apm_suspend_delay=30 (or enough time for
> spinning down)' and moving `camcontrol stop' to the end of command
> list would be success.  Otherwise, please forgive me. :)

I tried that and the drive spins down, and right about 5 seconds before
the 30 seconds is up, it spins back up again by itself, then it goes
into suspend, but then comes right back out (presumably because of the
disk activity).

P.S plugging it back in, i do notice it resumes whenever there is
activity on the hub :D

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Re: followup to apm problems.

1999-08-28 Thread Mike Muir

Kazutaka YOKOTA wrote:

> The PS/2 mouse generates interrupt when /dev/psm0 is open and
> the user moves the mouse.
> If you are running moused or X when you suspend the system, /dev/psm0
> is left open and might generate interrupts.  I think modern motherboard
> BIOSes have a setup menu that lists which IRQ will wake up the system.
> I wonder what if you remove IRQ 12 (PS/2 mouse interrupt) from this list.

Disabling it on the BIOS list of timer interrupts stops the movement of
the mouse from ejecting you from a Standby or Suspend.

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Re: breakage in this morning's build

1999-08-29 Thread Mike Muir

Pascal Hofstee wrote:

> I am suffering from the exact same problem here as well ... (tried about 4
> times now ... without success)

Mines a little (little) different:

install -c -s -o root -g wheel -m 555   mv /usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/bin
/usr/obj/usr/src/bin/mv created for /usr/src/bin/mv
cd /usr/src/bin/rm; /usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/usr/bin/make -DWORLD -DNOINFO
/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/usr/bin/make -DWORLD -DNOINFO -DNOMAN -DNOPIC
/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/usr/bin/make -DWORLD -DNOINFO -DNOMAN -DNOPIC
rm -f .depend /usr/obj/usr/src/bin/rm/GPATH
/usr/obj/usr/src/bin/rm/GRTAGS  /usr/obj/usr/src/bin/rm/GSYMS
cc -O -pipe -Wall -Wformat   -I/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/usr/include -c
cc -O -pipe -Wall -Wformat   -I/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/usr/include -c
cc -O -pipe -Wall -Wformat   -I/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/usr/include  -static
-o rm rm.o stat_flags.o  
install -c -s -o root -g wheel -m 555   rm /usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/bin
rm: /usr/obj/usr/src/bin/rm: Inappropriate ioctl for device
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/bin/rm.
*** Error code 1

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Re: request for review: move of /var/cron/log to /var/log/cron.log

1999-09-05 Thread Mike Muir

Doug wrote:
> Nick Hibma wrote:
> >
> > Please review the following patch to get all the log files in one place.
> > The commit will be accompanied by a HEADS UP. If no one objects I will
> > commit this in a couple of days.
> The only thing I don't like about this is that it introduces a point of
> incompatibility between FreeBSD and other unices, and I'm not sure the
> benefit is worth it. I would bring up the idea of creating a symlink in
> /var/log, but I know that the purists would never approve of that...

Whats wrong with FreeBSD going to the fore as far as common sense goes?
Are there standards that specify the location of cron's logs? So why
not.. maybe other unices will do the same when they see FreeBSD doing it


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Re: NewPCM and Quake :)

1999-09-09 Thread Mike Muir

I also get this, on an SB32-PNP, with the pcm0 device (setup for pnp)
I havnt tried q3atest on the sb0 stuff though.. I might do this weekend.

Daniel O'Connor wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying NewPCM on -current with an AWE64.
> It works fine for normal sound apps like esd, splay etc etc.. but Quake 1 & 2
> which use the DMA buffers to play their sound. It is allowed to do this (the
> ioctl is supported), but it stutters very badly.
> Its a bit hard to explain :)

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Re: Anyone running CompuPic?

1999-09-10 Thread Mike Muir

I get the same problem, after brandelfing to linux and running it, the
splash screen comes up and...disappears with:

compupic: abnormal termination: (null)

Brandelf -t FreeBSD segfaults it without even showing the splash screen.

Nice helpful error message.. can anyone shed some light on that?

Tom Embt wrote:
> Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get it to run.  I'm not in FreeBSD
> right now so I'm working from memory, but I had some trouble with the
> install process (it is obviously not as portable as they'd have you
> believe).  I seem to recall setting $UID and installing bash, but the
> script still bombed after it was installed.  Then I had to brandelf it.  I
> tried both "Linux" and "FreeBSD" branding and one was working better than
> the other though I don't recall which.  End result:  It starts to load,
> brings up a splash screen, and exits.  I do recall it leaving messages on
> the console but forget which signal it was dying with.  I can get more info
> if it's wanted but first I'm just asking if anyone else has either had
> better luck than I.

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Re: Anyone running CompuPic?

1999-09-10 Thread Mike Muir

Not so for me, although there are alot of errors (like looking for linux
specific system files and not finding them, which doesnt make it die
immediately).. then nearing the end:

[...syscall gettimeofday(0x82f9fdc,0x0)
returns 0 (0x0)...times about 2000..]

syscall gettimeofday(0x82f9fdc,0x0)
returns 0 (0x0)
syscall linux_readlink(0xbfbf92b4,0xbfbfa2b4,0xffe)
errno -2 'No such file or directory'
syscall linux_newstat("/[h]images",0xbfbfc410)
errno -2 'No such file or directory'
syscall linux_open("/[h]images/cpiceye.jpg",0,0644)
errno -2 'No such file or directory'
syscall close(-1)
errno -9 'Bad file descriptor'
syscall linux_readlink(0xbfbf90dc,0xbfbfa0dc,0xffe)
errno -2 'No such file or directory'
syscall linux_newstat("/[h]images",0xbfbfc0a0)
errno -2 'No such file or directory'
syscall gettimeofday(0x82f9fdc,0x0)
returns 0 (0x0)
syscall gettimeofday(0x82f9fdc,0x0)
returns 0 (0x0)
syscall gettimeofday(0x82f9fdc,0x0)
returns 0 (0x0)
syscall linux_readlink(0xbfbf92b4,0xbfbfa2b4,0xffe)
errno -2 'No such file or directory'
syscall linux_newstat("/[h]images",0xbfbfc410)
errno -2 'No such file or directory'
syscall linux_open("/[h]images/cpiceyex.jpg",0,0644)
errno -2 'No such file or directory'
syscall close(-1)
errno -9 'Bad file descriptor'
syscall linux_readlink(0xbfbf90dc,0xbfbfa0dc,0xffe)
errno -2 'No such file or directory'
syscall linux_newstat("/[h]images",0xbfbfc0a0)
errno -2 'No such file or directory'
syscall gettimeofday(0x82f9fdc,0x0)
returns 0 (0x0)
syscall gettimeofday(0x82f9fdc,0x0)
returns 0 (0x0)
syscall gettimeofday(0x82f9fdc,0x0)
returns 0 (0x0)
syscall write(2,0xbfbfb898,39)
returns 39 (0x27)
syscall linux_unlink(0x82fddc0)
returns 0 (0x0)
syscall exit(0xb)
process exit, rval = 2816

Im guessing it should know where to find its images, as it does at least
find one of them for the splash screen.. so im not sure why its failing
to find cpiceyex.jpg (it exists).. as for the rest --> !?!?!? at a
guess.. its trying to write something thats not open? 

Tom Embt wrote:
> I just tried to run it again and both compupic and truss core dumped.  Both
> cores as well as truss.out and dmesg available at
> .

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Re: Compupic - yes, it works.

1999-09-10 Thread Mike Muir

YOU DA MAN.. that works fine on -current also

"Gray, David W." wrote:

> MOVE YOUR /usr/compat DIRECTORY aside - rename it temporarily. Run compupic
> once. You should now be able
> to move /usr/compat back into place (or /compat, if you left it there...)
> Why? I dunno. Found it by accident.

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Re: A record?

1999-10-04 Thread Mike Muir

Mark Newton wrote:

> A similar box which I rebooted (for an upgrade from 2.2.5 to 3.2) about
> a fortnight ago:
>  3:38PM  up 471 days,  5:59, 1 user, load averages: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00
> ... and, before this thread gets completely out of control, I direct
> posters to (warning: if you're easily offended,
> don't bother).

Using options HZ (without a value) you can make any system run as fast
as it can, one p100
was elapsing days in 20 minutes.. i had its uptime around 1100days in
about 2 weeks..
so nerr my dick is bigger than yours ;)

P.S nothing BAD happened over the year 2000 !

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Re: intpm0: Could not allocate Bus space

1999-10-26 Thread Mike Muir

"Alexander N. Kabaev" wrote:

> uhci0:  irq 9 at device 7.2 on pci0
> usb0:  on uhci0
> uhub0: Intel UHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
> uhub0: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
> intpm0:  at device 7.3 on pci0
> intpm0: Could not allocate Bus space

Take a look in intpm(4) under the bugs section:

This device requires IRQ 9 exclusively. To use this, you should enable
ACPI function in BIOS configuration, or PnP mechanism assigns conflicted
IRQ for PnP ISA card. And don't use IRQ 9 for Non-PnP ISA cards.

Your USB bus controller being on irq 9 might be causing this problem..
Have a play around with IRQ's.


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Re: Make World dies.......

1999-11-13 Thread Mike Muir

William Woods wrote:
> Shit, I will loose all my custom other way around this

Try compiling and installing the kernel first, reboot, buildworld..
should work (did for me but hey, im x86..) NO PROMISES! heh


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Re: To MFC or not to MFC, that is the question.

2000-04-23 Thread Mike Muir

Good greif that last one failed to go to stable@ or current@.. time to
fix mail.

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Re: To MFC or not to MFC, that is the question.

2000-04-23 Thread Mike Muir

"Jordan K. Hubbard" wrote:
> >Really, then you have a short memory.  Why don't we ask Jordan for a
> >clarification.
> How about if you let me review the patches in question and I'll render
> a decision.
> If you, Matt, could put the SMP and linux stuff into -current first
> and then give me a day or so to check it out, I'll submit my own
> opinion on whether or not this is "immediate MFC" material.
> That covers the operational side of the discussion, and on the
> procedural side I unfortunately see a lot of arguing about "our
> policy" for things like this in spite of the fact that there has never
> really been an absolutely clear-cut mandate about when/where things
> should be MFC'd.  It's a more complex mesh of judgement calls
> revolving around:
>  o Whether the change is absolutely mandated by security criteria
>or just-plain-brokenness in -stble.
>  o Whether the change is cosmetic or otherwise minor enough that
>there's no reason not to Just Do It right away.
>  o How close we are to an impending release in the -stable branch
>in question.  As has been stated frequently in the past, the
>release engineer would prefer for big changes in -stable to come
>along early in the game for maximum testing time rather than
>the day before code freeze starts.
> Determining where one sits with respect to all three of these
> merge-justification criteria comes down to a judgement call in each
> case, not some precise committer's checklist. I also personally don't
> mind that too much since no checklist can be written to cover all
> cases or codify the full range of "good judgement", so it ultimately
> comes down to personal opinion.  I see two very big differences of
> personal opinion on this one and am willing to arbitrate between the
> two.
> In the longer-term, this kind of thing should be handled by the
> architecture group or the conflict-resolution committee depending on
> whether it's an architectural dispute or a simple clash between
> personalities or styles.  In this case, I'd say it was a job for the
> CRC if we currently had one. :)

I'll be your CRC and say stop yer bickering and discuss this like adults
(assuming you both are infact classed as such) which means no cheap shot
insults (im sure you both have great memories and excusing that would be
your workloads which im sure are right up there) and getting over
whatever personal differences either party might have.
ok good!

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Re: Linux emulation scripting fix to be committed to 5.x and 4.x wednesday

2000-04-23 Thread Mike Muir

Nate Williams wrote:

> I was under the impression that 4.x hasn't been designated as the stable
> branch (yet).  That will happen when 4.1 is released, but until that
> happens 3.x is still considered the -stable release.

That would kinda make sense since cvsuping with tag=RELENG_3 seems to
give me FreeBSD 4.0-STABLE (#0: Sat Apr 22 20:59:03 PDT 2000)..

But besides that, this whole back and forth dont-do-this-do-that charade
is going to get pretty juvenile soon.. I mean we're (matt) already at
bad memory insults heh so how bout you both kiss/reevaluate and make up
before it gets so bad you try to keep away from each other next time
you're both at one of these conventions or whatever.. hmm now theres an
uncomfortable situation to be in for both sides.

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Re: Linux emulation scripting fix to be committed to 5.x and 4.x wednesday

2000-04-23 Thread Mike Muir

Mike Muir wrote:
> Nate Williams wrote:
> > I was under the impression that 4.x hasn't been designated as the stable
> > branch (yet).  That will happen when 4.1 is released, but until that
> > happens 3.x is still considered the -stable release.
> That would kinda make sense since cvsuping with tag=RELENG_3 seems to
> give me FreeBSD 4.0-STABLE (#0: Sat Apr 22 20:59:03 PDT 2000)..

Ok wait im a moron.. been using the stable-supfile instead of the
4.x-stable-supfile.. hm.


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Re: When Good DIMMS go Bad (or how I fixed my sig11)

2000-08-04 Thread Mike Muir

Stephen Hocking wrote:
> About a week ago, I complained of mysterious Sig 11s during a make world.
> After some experimentation, a PC100 DIMM was found to be better suited for a
> 66MHz memory bus in another machine, who obligingly donated a DIMM in return
> that actually works with a 100MHz bus. I think the trip from Australia and
> this Texas heat finally pushed the dodgy one over the edge.

Have you tried any memory testing routines such as memtest86 ? Its the
only you write to a floppy and it runs before any bootstrap kicks in --
independant of the OS -- and takes around 18 hours for a single pass. It
appears to be quite a comprehensive torture test. If so, how did that
dodgy DIMM perform? (The reason I ask is that I'm interested in knowing
if these tests can reveal the problems that building world did in your


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Re: vga0, atkbdc0, fdc0 attaching to ISA bus?

2000-08-06 Thread Mike Muir

"Brandon D. Valentine" wrote:
> On Sun, 6 Aug 2000, Donn Miller wrote:
> >Anyone know why these devices want to attach to the ISA bus on a primarily
> >PCI bus machine?  My MoBo is an Asus SP97-V, which has a mixture of ISA
> >and PCI slots.  I was wondering maybe if even machines that have all PCI
> >slots, that there's still an internal ISA bus?  Check out my dmesg.
> I've got a machine with an Abit SL6 w/ AGP/PCI/CNR onboard, but no ISA
> slots, and it still has an ISA to PCI bridge built in.  Some of the
> devices still register with the kernel on the ISA bus, even though they
> are quite obviously connected to the PCI bus.  I suspect that some of
> these devices may be tied to the ISA bus in the BIOS for arcane PC/AT
> reasons.  I would be interested to know details though, if someone could
> spare a moment to give an over-the-top explanation of why this is true.

I'm working on a little util similar to pciconf -l right now.. but using
a large array of vendor/device strings for the id's.. Does pciconf -l
display those devices as being part of the PCI bus or are they out of
the picture completely?


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Re: emu10k1 problems solved

2000-08-08 Thread Mike Muir

Alexander Sanda wrote:
> At 09:15 07.08.2000 +0200, Benedikt Schmidt wrote:
> >Just wanted to say that with the recent changes in the
> >emu10k1 driver all my problems with it have disappeared.
> >
> >There are no more "dodgy irq" messages
> >and the sound quality has improved too (no more crackling).
> Just a quick question...
> Is it possible to get this driver working under 4.1-STABLE aswell, or are
> the changes in the -current kernel already too big?
> Or is it officially planned to merge this updated driver into the -STABLE
> branch?

Grab /sys/dev/sound/pci/emu10k1.c
and  /sys/gnu/dev/sound/pci/emu10k1.h 
from -current and recompile kernel.. no problems.


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