Re: Workaround for hanging on exit: patch for review

2000-04-26 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Thu, Apr 27, 2000 at 01:14:02AM +0400, Andrey A. Chernov scribbled:
| I often notice processes hanging forever on exit's ttywait when TCP
| connection dropped. Here is a patch I plan to commit which restrict
| waiting for output drain by 3 minutes. Any comments, improvements or
| objections?
---end quoted text---

This sounds really absurd and "bike shed"ish.
Please make that 5 minutes.  I frequently connect
to places that have 2~3 minute lag. :)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Is this a stupid host?

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Re: Small breakage in -Current, libc man page strunvisx.3.gz

2000-07-03 Thread Michael C. Wu

| /usr/share/man/man3/vis.3.gz -> /usr/share/man/man3/strunvisx.3.gz
| ln: /usr/share/man/man3/strunvisx.3.gz: No such file or directory
| *** Error code 1
| Stop in /usr/amd/realmounts/slave/usr/current/src/lib/libc.
| *** Error code 1
| I had just did a 'make cleandir' and started with a clean /usr/obj right
| before this buildworld. I just cvsup'ed and didn't see anything that
| looked like it would make a difference.
---end quoted text---
cp /usr/share/man/man3/strunvis.3.gz /usr/share/man/man3/strunvisx.3.gz

do that right after installworld fails, and start installworld again
Sorry, temporary fix.

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about Kern/15436

2000-07-04 Thread Michael C. Wu

Will you consider looking at :

It is an additional functionality and should not
pose a stability/tradition/POLA issue.

Perhaps we can get this done in time for for 4.1-R?

| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: monetdef/msgdef/numericdef fixes for zh_* locales

2001-02-17 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Sat, Feb 17, 2001 at 05:24:41PM +0800, Jing-Tang Keith Jang scribbled:
| -current's zh_TW.Big5 and zh_CN.EUC are both broken due to
| the lack of LC_MESSAGES, LC_MONETARY, and LC_NUMERIC files.
| Can anybody with src/ commit bit send in the attached patch,
| so apps like perl or gtk can function as before?

I tested this and it works for me.

However, would the person who committed this breakage please explain 
why he/she did this?  And, why was this not sent to -i18n for review?

| Thanks.
| -- 
| Less facilities, more enjoyment.

zhang3bei4 guo3ran2 shi4 zhang3bei4.
chi3cun4 gen1 neng2li4 guo3ran2 mei2 guan1xi4.

| --- ./share/monetdef/zh_CN.EUC.src.orig   Sat Feb 17 15:38:55 2001
| +++ ./share/monetdef/zh_CN.EUC.srcSat Feb 17 14:33:17 2001
| --- ./share/monetdef/zh_TW.Big5.src.orig  Sat Feb 17 15:38:55 2001
| +++ ./share/monetdef/zh_TW.Big5.src   Sat Feb 17 14:28:47 2001
|   ko_KR.EUC \
| - ja_JP.EUC
| + ja_JP.EUC \
| + zh_TW.Big5 \
| + zh_CN.EUC
| - ja_JP.EUC
| + ja_JP.EUC \
| + zh_TW.Big5 \
| + zh_CN.EUC
| + zh_TW.Big5 \
| + zh_CN.EUC

| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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FFS snapshot with today's CURRENT freezes and reboots.

2001-02-23 Thread Michael C . Wu


I hate to do an 'as title' post.  However, I did a make world
about 6 hours ago.  And when I execute mount snapshot -u -o /xxx/snap1 /xxx
The machine always freezes for about 15 seconds and reboots without
warning.  This is a Sony VAIO laptop z505js with ATA disk. (if that is
even of relevance).  Since I discovered the problem at 1am,
I really have no other debug information to be put up, just a heads up.

I am wondering if this is just me, or is anybody having the same problem?
If this problem is repeatable for others, I'll generate a 
bug report that will make Bill Paul smile. :)

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Re: **HEADS UP** essential setlocale(3) fix

2001-03-02 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Fri, Mar 02, 2001 at 06:00:25PM +0300, Andrey A. Chernov scribbled:
| On Fri, Mar 02, 2001 at 15:42:27 +0200, Ruslan Ermilov wrote:
| > I am not checking src/ to see what other fixes are required.
| > The typical fix will be "LC_TIME=C date" -> "LC_ALL=C date",
| > probably preserving the "LC_TIME=C" setting so that the
| > upgrade path from the old system isn't broken.
| I don't think it worth to preserve LC_TIME=C, those parts are not critical

Hmm? LC_TIME for wall(1)? w(1)? who(1)? date(1)?
Not critical ? :)
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Re: **HEADS UP** essential setlocale(3) fix

2001-03-02 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Fri, Mar 02, 2001 at 02:52:10PM +0200, Ruslan Ermilov scribbled:
| I have just committed the following fix to the setlocale(3)
| that changes the meaning of the LC_ALL environment variable
| so that it conforms to ISO and POSIX standards.

In the future, can you also send the request for review email to -i18n?

| On Fri, Mar 02, 2001 at 04:45:53AM -0800, Ruslan Ermilov wrote:
| >   Fix setlocale() to conform to the ISO C and POSIX standards.
| >   The below text is quoted from the latest POSIX draft:
| >   
| >   : The values of locale categories shall be determined by a precedence
| >   : order; the first condition met below determines the value:
| >   :
| >   : 1. If the LC_ALL environment variable is defined and is not null,
| >   :the value of LC_ALL shall be used.

Thanks for the fix.
| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: Whatever happened to CTM?

2001-03-19 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 02:07:13AM +0200, Vladimir Kushnir scribbled:
| Is there anything wrong with our CTM system now? There doesn't seem to be
| any deltas (either src-cur, or ports-cur) since Mar 12 :-(

For all connections greater than 9600baud modems, we recommend
using CVSup to get src-all and ports-all updated. At the worst case, 
be able to CVSup a ports-all collection within an hour, with heavy
packet loss and low bandwidth.

i.e. CTM sucks, don't use it. :)
| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Request for review [Re: /bin/ls patch round #2]

2001-03-19 Thread Michael C . Wu

Hi Everyone,

This patch should allow our /bin/(color)ls to output Chinese,
Japanese, Korean, and all European languages(including Russian)
correctly.  Thinker and I both tested this independently.
isprint() already checks for _CTYPE stuff that Ache asked us to check.

Thinker also fixed the infinite loop in this patch.
This should all us to catch up with GNU/Linux and gnuls somewhat. :)

Please review this patch and comment on it.  I plan to commit
this in a few days if there are no more objections.


On Mon, Mar 19, 2001 at 07:54:38PM -0600, Michael C . Wu scribbled:
| Hi everyone,
| Is this satisfactory with you all?  
| Ache: how should we check for Russian and single-byte char compatibility?
| - Forwarded message from thinker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
| From: thinker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Following is new patch file for /bin/ls.
| -
| --- util.c.orig   Sun Mar 18 16:35:12 2001
| +++ util.cTue Mar 20 09:49:47 2001
| @@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
|  #include 
|  #include 
|  #include 
| +#include 
|  #include "ls.h"
|  #include "extern.h"
| @@ -60,15 +61,36 @@
|  prn_printable(s)
|   const char *s;
|  {
| - unsigned char c;
| - int n;
| + const char *p1, *p2;
| + char *r, *ri;
| + int len, dc;
| + rune_t c;
| - for (n = 0; (c = *s) != '\0'; ++s, ++n)
| - if (isprint(c))
| - putchar(c);
| - else
| - putchar('?');
| - return n;
| + p1 = s;
| + dc = len = strlen(s);
| + ri = r = (char *)malloc(len + 1);
| + while(*p1 != 0) {
| + c = sgetrune(p1, dc, &p2);
| + if(c == _INVALID_RUNE) {
| + p1++;
| + dc--;
| + *ri++ = '?';
| + } else {
| + dc -= p2 - p1;
| + if(isprint(c))
| + while(p1 != p2)
| + *ri++ = *p1++;
| + else
| + while(p1 != p2) {
| + *ri++ = '?';
| + p1++;
| + }
| + }
| + }
| + *ri = 0;
| + printf("%s", r);
| + free(r);
| + return len;
|  }
|  /*

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Re: Request for review [Re: /bin/ls patch round #2]

2001-03-19 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 03:53:21PM +0900, MINOURA Makoto scribbled:
| |>  "Michael C . Wu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > Please review this patch and comment on it.  I plan to commit
| > this in a few days if there are no more objections.

Please do not type in all capitals.  

| In general direct manipulation of rune is evil.
| It is an internal data structure in libc; using it from
| ordinary applications breaks portability and is not

portability to what?  We import colorls from outside,
and I do not know what you want to "port" to that this
would not work on.

| future-proof (in case we'd overhaul the locale
| implementation).
| Actually NetBSD does not export .

So, will you please tell me how to solve this without
having me rewrite libc?

We could always have a ports//colorls...Oh wait,
we can just use gnuls.
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Re: /bin/ls mb patch again

2001-03-20 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 04:31:53PM +, thinker scribbled:
|   Sorry, I forget to diff with -u. I send the patch again.
| Following is mb patch file for /bin/ls.
| -- begin -
| --- util.c.orig   Sun Mar 18 16:35:12 2001
| +++ util.cTue Mar 20 16:11:37 2001

| + if (isprint(c)) {
| + while(sz--)
| + *ri++ = *p++;
| + } else {
| + p += sz;
| + while(sz--)
| + *ri++ = '?';


Thinker thinks that memset() is too costly to use here
to modify one or two bytes. I agreed with him in that
filenames can't be that long to justify the memset()
overhead.  However, with today's CPU power, I think
memset()'s overhead will only be noticeable with a
large directory filled with data.  Please tell Thinker
what you think.

(DES: please resist the ironies and the -chat post ;) )

| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: CURRENT breakage in usr.sbin/amd/mk-amd-map

2001-03-20 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 12:41:08PM -0800, Bruce A. Mah scribbled:
| This is a first for me, I think...finding a CURRENT buildworld bogon.
| Freshly cvsup-ed -CURRENT system, trying to buildworld:
| [much output]
| ===> usr.sbin/amd/mk-amd-map
| Diffs show that someone was perhaps a little overzealous in a
| manpage-related cleanup:
I think a unified diff is easier to read.  How about this one? :)
[Warning: cut-n-paste diff]

cvs diff: Diffing .
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/usr.sbin/amd/mk-amd-map/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -r1.11 Makefile
--- Makefile2001/03/20 18:16:16 1.11
+++ Makefile2001/03/20 21:37:46
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@

 .PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../contrib/amd/mk-amd-map

+MAN8=  mk-amd-map.8
+SRCS=  mk-amd-map.c
 PROG=  mk-amd-map


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Re: CURRENT breakage in usr.sbin/amd/mk-amd-map

2001-03-20 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 02:03:29PM -0800, Bruce A. Mah scribbled:
| That reverts all of Ruslan's change.  You don't want to put the MAN8=
| definition back, because that was the point of his commit.  Just the 
| SRCS= needs to be reverted.
| Now Ruslan (or someone) needs to go and fix all of these files too:
| src/usr.sbin/amd/wire-test/Makefile
| src/usr.sbin/ancontrol/Makefile
| src/usr.sbin/usbdevs/Makefile
| src/usr.sbin/wicontrol/Makefile
| src/usr.sbin/wlconfig/Makefile

I'll do it in about two hours when I get back from class if Ruslan
does not wake up by then. :-p

| There may be others, these were just selected files that I checked 
| (buildworld found the first one for me).
| I'm definitely not going to get my -CURRENT machine rebuilt today.  :-p

| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: CURRENT breakage in usr.sbin/amd/mk-amd-map

2001-03-20 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 04:13:17PM -0600, Michael C . Wu scribbled:
| On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 02:03:29PM -0800, Bruce A. Mah scribbled:

I have just finished making the patch to fix this problem.
I will start the buildworld now.  In the mean time,
if someone has a fast box, please test the patch at

| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: CURRENT breakage in usr.sbin/amd/mk-amd-map

2001-03-20 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 07:07:35PM -0800, Peter Wemm scribbled:
| "Michael C . Wu" wrote:

I just committed a fix that should unbreak world.  Please
let me know if there are any problems.  It is a trivial
mistake that could been spared by a little testing.

Thanks Bruce M., Peter, Warner, and Bruce E. :)

| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: Request for review [Re: /bin/ls patch round #2]

2001-03-21 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 03:29:52PM -0500, Don Croyle scribbled:
| "Andrey A. Chernov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| > I fully agree. wctype.h and isw*() must be implemented first instead of
| > hacking or using private interface (like runes) in userland program.
| > It will be easy to implement them over existen ctype mechanism masking
| > runes with wchar_t. Any takers?
| If we're not going to bring in CITRUS, I'd prefer to see runes junked

We(I) will. 

| as an unnecessary layer of abstraction.  Doing so would break
| backwards compatibility for locales, but I think we're going to end up
| doing that eventually anyway.

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current kernel build broken in sc0

2001-03-24 Thread Michael C . Wu

I get this when I add the following lines to my kernel build

[snip make depend]
/kern/link_aout.c /usr/src/sys/kern/subr_diskmbr.c /usr/src/sys/libkern/divdi3.c  
/usr/src/sys/libkern/moddi3.c /usr/src/sys/libkern/qdivrem.c 
/usr/src/sys/libkern/ucmpdi2.c  /usr/src/sys/libkern/udivdi3.c 
/usr/src/sys/libkern/umoddi3.c param.c vnode_if.c hints.c config.c 
In file included from /usr/src/sys/dev/fb/vga.c:34:
opt_syscons.h:2: unterminated string or character constant
opt_syscons.h:2: possible real start of unterminated constant
In file included from /usr/src/sys/dev/syscons/schistory.c:33:
opt_syscons.h:2: unterminated string or character constant
opt_syscons.h:2: possible real start of unterminated constant
In file included from /usr/src/sys/dev/syscons/scmouse.c:29:
opt_syscons.h:2: unterminated string or character constant
opt_syscons.h:2: possible real start of unterminated constant

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Re: current kernel build broken in sc0

2001-03-24 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Sat, Mar 24, 2001 at 10:35:58PM -0600, Michael C . Wu scribbled:
| I get this when I add the following lines to my kernel build
| [snip make depend]
| genassym.c 
| /kern/link_aout.c /usr/src/sys/kern/subr_diskmbr.c /usr/src/sys/libkern/divdi3.c  
|/usr/src/sys/libkern/moddi3.c /usr/src/sys/libkern/qdivrem.c 
|/usr/src/sys/libkern/ucmpdi2.c  /usr/src/sys/libkern/udivdi3.c 
|/usr/src/sys/libkern/umoddi3.c param.c vnode_if.c hints.c config.c 
| In file included from /usr/src/sys/dev/fb/vga.c:34:
| opt_syscons.h:2: unterminated string or character constant
| opt_syscons.h:2: possible real start of unterminated constant
| In file included from /usr/src/sys/dev/syscons/schistory.c:33:
| opt_syscons.h:2: unterminated string or character constant
| opt_syscons.h:2: possible real start of unterminated constant
| In file included from /usr/src/sys/dev/syscons/scmouse.c:29:
| opt_syscons.h:2: unterminated string or character constant
| opt_syscons.h:2: possible real start of unterminated constant

Sorry, forgot to mention that it was fresh src/ 
cvsupped three hours ago.
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Re: picobsd and mdconfig

2001-06-21 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 10:52:32AM -0400, Omachonu Ogali scribbled:
| vnconfig has changed to mdconfig in -current, but the
| picobsd build script still references vnconfig, also
| CONFIG isn't defined anywhere in the script, resulting
| in the process dying when it tries to configure the
| kernel, a couple of punctuation mods here and there,
| and dumped the "vnode is..." log.

Hi Omachonu,

Do you mind posting a URL with the above patch 
in unified form? (i.e. diff -u)


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Re: picobsd and mdconfig

2001-06-21 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 11:02:02AM -0400, Omachonu Ogali scribbled:
| On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 10:03:27AM -0500, Michael C . Wu wrote:
| > On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 10:52:32AM -0400, Omachonu Ogali scribbled:
| > | vnconfig has changed to mdconfig in -current, but the
| > | picobsd build script still references vnconfig, also
| > | CONFIG isn't defined anywhere in the script, resulting
| > | in the process dying when it tries to configure the
| > | kernel, a couple of punctuation mods here and there,
| > | and dumped the "vnode is..." log.
| > 
| > Hi Omachonu,
| > 
| > Do you mind posting a URL with the above patch 
| > in unified form? (i.e. diff -u)

Attached is my questions about this.
The rest of it looks great.  We shouldn't have any problem
with this patch at all.  I will test this tonight or at USENIX.

| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

| --- src/release/picobsd/build/picobsd.origThu Jun 21 04:49:46 2001
| +++ src/release/picobsd/build/picobsd Thu Jun 21 10:08:00 2001
| @@ -2,3 +2,3 @@

| -gzip -9 etc/*
| +for f in `find etc/ -type 'f'` ; do gzip -9 $f ; done
|  log "---> Compressed files in etc/

Good idea!

| +newfs -i ${MFS_INODES} -m 0 -p 0 -o space /dev/md${VNUM}c > /dev/null
| +mount /dev/md${VNUM}c ${MFS_MOUNTPOINT} || fail $? no_mount
| +log "`df /dev/md${VNUM}c`"
|  }
| @@ -527,3 +518,3 @@
|   log "---> Copy generic floppy_tree into MFS..."
| - cp -Rp ${BUILDDIR}/floppy.tree/* ${MFS_MOUNTPOINT}/fd
| + cp -Rp ${BUILDDIR}/floppy.tree/* ${MFS_MOUNTPOINT}/fd || fail $? ftree_copy

| +
| +du -k kernel.gz
| +df -k ${MFS_MOUNTPOINT}
| +cp -p kernel.gz ${MFS_MOUNTPOINT}/kernel || fail $? kernel_copy

Why do you call du and df?

Re: support Pentium3 SSE

2001-06-21 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 04:07:25PM +0100, David Malone scribbled:
| On Wed, Jun 20, 2001 at 05:39:55PM -0400, Andrew Gallatin wrote:
| > While we're at it, I know that the AMD AthlonMP supports SSE, but I

I think we already detect AthlonMP's SSE automatically.
I recall reading Peter's dmesg of his Tyan board and seeing
SSE in the config.

| > can't seem to find which bits they're using in their features for it.
| > It would be nice if somebody who knew that spoke up so that we
| > supported SSE on Palamino right off the bat..
| Is this page any good to you:
| Otherwise, maybe we can ask someone in AMD.

If only we had libraries that did SSE/3DNOW

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Re: picobsd and mdconfig

2001-06-21 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 06:18:47PM +0200, Luigi Rizzo scribbled:
| would you mind resubmitting a patch for the version of
| "picobsd" i committed this morning, also keeping in mind the
| following:
| * it would be better to define a variable, say MD, which holds
|   the string "vn" or "md", and is used in accessing the memory
|   device, so we have mostly the same script working on both current
|   and stable with just a one-line change.
| * you are recursively gzipping files in /etc now, so you should
|   also modify the mfs_tree/etc/rc script which decompresses things;
|   This might be annoying as gzip is unable to recurse in a
|   directory tree.
| * re. the CONFIG variable... it does not seem to give problem with
|   the version i committed this morning. I think there was a bug
|   in the previous commit, but now it should be ok.
| * i am not sure the way you handle arguments is correct, from your
|   patch it appears that you ignore THETYPE (first argument) if there
|   are not two arguments. This is wrong, the second argument is optional.

I have more questions regarding this:

* Do we want NO_SWAPPING on or off in PicoBSD?
  I understand that many PicoBSD devices do not have swapspace.
  However, my understand of -current is that we do require 
  swapping to work well.

* Do we want SOFTUPDATES?

* Statically compiling device.hints seems to be awkward.
  Perhaps we should be using a customized /boot/device.hints.
  This way, many devices can be disabled or enabled easily
  without recompiling PicoBSD/ version
| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: Recent kernels won't boot

2000-10-07 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Sat, Oct 07, 2000 at 03:30:25PM +0100, Bob Bishop scribbled:
| Kernels built from recent cvsup (<24 hrs) quit immediately on boot, back to
| the BIOS, no messages no nothin'.

Try removing the ACPI options in kernel and apply Mike Smith's latest
ACPI megapatches.  Please also include info on your hardware/BIOS when
your system cannot boot like your situation.

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Re: /boot partition?

2000-10-13 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 07:22:20AM -0500, Mike Meyer scribbled:
| Just curious - now that the kernel has moved into /boot/kernel/kernel,
| does anyone know how well would it work to put /boot in it's own
| partition (possibly in it's own slice)?

I do not think loader can see stuff in other partitions.
The loader also resides in /boot.
Besides, if you can't mount / (including /etc), there really is no
point to keep /boot somewhere else.

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BSDCon I18N Meeting on Wednesday night

2000-10-17 Thread Michael C . Wu


I talked to Warner Losh tonight and we agreed that we should have a
Internationalization/Localization meeting on Wednesday night 8-9pm
at BSDCon.  Please check the message board at the conference
center 1st floor.


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I18N Progress, Plans, and Proposals

2000-10-19 Thread Michael C . Wu

At the BSDCon I18N BOF, we discussed several things that could/should
happen with the future of I18N(internationalization) in FreeBSD.
We would like some inputs and comments regarding the following:

* Moving to message catalogue style error messages for the kernel and
  userland.  (AIX style)  Each time the system outputs an error
  either from the kernel or userland, the error message is a
  formatted alphanumerica string mapped to verbose error messages.
  The error messages can be mapped to various languages.
  The advantages are :
A. Easy bug reporting by users. (e.g. "I have error 2398423")
B. I18N error messages

  The main disadvantage is that it will be a long term work
  to maintain it and to keep error messages updated.

1. The future of sysinstall (or whatever should replace it)
   The future installer/management utility should be
   able to handle arbitrary character sets.
   In other words, it should be able to display Chinese/Japanese/etc.
   with user selection.  To be discussed.

2. Needing a graphics console to display various character sets.
   There should be a kernel or loader option to start
   a graphics console by default.

3. Itojun mentioned that the CITRUS Japanese people will be able
   to import the wchar* and libxpg4 changes soon.

4. ports//auto-l10n  Auto-localization port
   It will be like ports/x11/gnome and depend on all necessary
   ports.  The user will be able to choose what kind of applications
   s/he requires, like the old Apache ports.

5. Produce /usr/share/skel/ that allow
   admin to specify the default language for the users
   login.conf bla bla bla

6.  All language development groups should coordinate efforts
in order to not reinvent wheels.  Suggest using [EMAIL PROTECTED]

7. Documentation should have an automatic implementation of notifying
   various language documentation groups to update changes.
   This allows for quick changes to translated efforts.

8. waiting for ICONV from Konstantine

I am willing to coordinate these things, but I would like
some help. ;)



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Re: I18N Progress, Plans, and Proposals

2000-10-19 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Thu, Oct 19, 2000 at 05:17:38PM +, Terry Lambert scribbled:
| > * Moving to message catalogue style error messages for the kernel and
| >   userland.  (AIX style)  Each time the system outputs an error
| >   either from the kernel or userland, the error message is a
| >   formatted alphanumerica string mapped to verbose error messages.
| >   The error messages can be mapped to various languages.
| >   The advantages are :
| > A. Easy bug reporting by users. (e.g. "I have error 2398423")
| > B. I18N error messages
| >
| >   The main disadvantage is that it will be a long term work
| >   to maintain it and to keep error messages updated.
| I have a tool which uses a macro preprocessor and macros to do
| the majority of this work.  It extracts messages from programs
| which have macro wrapped their I/O strings, and can automatically
| create XPG/4 message catalogs from them.
| I wrote this tool on my own time, but it has additions for

| I can provide a version with the Whistle stuff ripped out in a
| week or so, if that's considered desirable, but would prefer to
| leave the code alone.  Doing it this way will have a latency in

Please send me the code. :) We would to have as much as possible.

| Let me know if there is any interest in the pre/post-processor
| code.

Yes, I would be interested and wish to see it. :)

| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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I18N Paper URL

2000-10-19 Thread Michael C . Wu{,i18n.*}
This is our paper presented at BSDCon.

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Re: I18N Progress, Plans, and Proposals

2000-10-20 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Thu, Oct 19, 2000 at 08:38:47PM +0200, Johan Granlund scribbled:
| On Thu, 19 Oct 2000, Michael C . Wu wrote:
| > At the BSDCon I18N BOF, we discussed several things that could/should
| > happen with the future of I18N(internationalization) in FreeBSD.
| > We would like some inputs and comments regarding the following:
| > 2. Needing a graphics console to display various character sets.
| >There should be a kernel or loader option to start
| >a graphics console by default.
| The magic word is option :)
| We have to be careful to not loose the ability to boot a bare-bone system
| if / when having problems.

Right, it will/should be an option.

| I _still_ like VAX/VMS ability to be "talked" up thru the boot process.

Er, *meep* too young to know what you are talking about
| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: I18N Progress, Plans, and Proposals

2000-10-20 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Thu, Oct 19, 2000 at 01:16:12PM -0700, Jordan Hubbard scribbled:
| >   The advantages are :
| > A. Easy bug reporting by users. (e.g. "I have error 2398423")
| > B. I18N error messages
| Let me just say, as someone who's done "escalation tech support" for
| major ISVs (the people who get called whenever front-line tech support
| is confronted with a "I have error 2398423" question), that this can
| also be a tremendous pain in the butt when done wrong.

The format I have in mind is more like:



| Done wrong, a message catalog-using program will emit cryptic numeric
| errors whenever a message catalog file cannot be found or is
| corrupted.  Done right, the program is written in such a way as to
| contain a default message which can also be overridden from the
| message catalog file if some different text is found in the
| appropriate language.  I believe this is the way that catgets(3)
| currently works, but you'd be amazed how many programmers just skip
| providing a default message since the appropriate message catalog is
| always found on *their* system.
| There's also nothing more unreadable than code which tests a failure
| condition and then calls a message catalog routine with some numeric
| constant, the actual text of the error message being an aid to the
| programmer as well as the user when reading someone else's code and
| trying to figure out what varioups parts of it are trying to do.

So can we output the message catalogue name along with the plaintext

| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: skipping mouse pointer

2000-11-06 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Mon, Nov 06, 2000 at 04:18:17PM -0500, Bakul Shah scribbled:
| I upgraded my system from the -current sources as of Aug-1 to
| Nov-4 and find that now the mouse pointer skips while
| dragging -- the pointer tracks mouse motion fine for a while,
| then freezes and then jumps to a new location quite a few
| pixels away.  The same thing happens under X as well as on a
| virtual console.  Though the effect is not as pronounced on
| a virtual console.  The new things I added were

The lag is device random harvesting entropy from mouse, and
has been fixed in the latest current builds.

| Also, rc.conf is considerably different since I hadn't upgraded
| it in quite a while.  Has anyone else run into this?  Of course
| I will remove the new options and see if the symptom goes away
| but I thought I'd ask here as well...

mergemaster please.

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Re: Reproduceable current kernel panic.

2000-11-07 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Tue, Nov 07, 2000 at 04:13:37PM +0800, Clive Lin scribbled:
| may panic because of several IPFIREWALL options. The panic message I could
| tell is about trap 12, swi6: clock and page fault. And the machine hangs
| solidly right away, I have no idea how to provide a back trace :(

What is your motherboard and hardware config?

| There're 2 ways to triger the panic. 1) ssh to a 4.X machine. (In my
| environment, 4.1.1-RELEASE) 2) Wait and see, it will panic in multi-user
| mode soon or latter.
| Attached 2 files are my kernel configuration file and diff against
| GENERIC. (comments stripped)
| My /usr/src is about time after [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s es137x mixer fix. The
| way I buildkernel is make buildkernel. No CFLAGS and COPTFLAGS defined
| in my /etc/make.conf. Of course, buildworld and installworld has been done
| successfully before buildkernel.
| GENERIC kernel works pretty smooth.

Can you compile a kernel with TCPDEBUG, DDB, INVARIANTS, KTR,
and all the debugging options on both sides?
Dump via DDB if possible.

Tcpdump outputs before/during/after crash/trap12 would be great.

Finally, have you tried upgrading 4.1.1-R to RELENG_4 and newer -current?
I have presmpng, smpng, and 4.2-BETA on my lan working fine.

| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: umount -f busted

2000-11-08 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Wed, Nov 08, 2000 at 07:43:24AM -0700, Warner Losh scribbled:
| In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Johan Karlsson writes:
| : At Tue, 07 Nov 2000 14:54:50 MST, Warner Losh wrote:
| : > In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Alfred Perlstein writes:
| : > : Yes, this used to work quite well for some time, I have no idea
| : > : who broke it.  Maybe you can sprinkle some printfs in the code and
| : > : narrow it down a bit?
| : > I'll give it a shot.  I'm glad to see it is a "should work but is
| : > busted" rather than a "depreicated functionality, cope." situtation.
| : This seems to be an realy old problem, see PR 765
| :

| It is a problem that I could have sworn worked before SMPNG.

I distinctly remember trying to do the exact same thing and
not being able to in 4.0-current vs. 3-stable.  (Because it
eventually panic'ed the nfs client and cost me a night of work.)

Was this a "works sometimes" thing?
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Re: CURRENT is freezing again ...

2000-11-16 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Thu, Nov 16, 2000 at 10:27:39PM +0100, Soren Schmidt scribbled:
| It seems John Baldwin wrote:
| >
| > 1) What revision of sys/kern/kern_synch.c do you have?  I fixed several things
| > yesterday, and the latest version is 1.108.
| 1.108
| > 2) If you do have the latest version, have you compiled a kernel with WITNESS,
| > INVARIANTS, and INVARIANT_SUPPORT to see how it runs?
| Have those in too...
| It still cant compile a kernel, it hangs itself in ~30 secs, no messages,
| no hints, no nothing, the machine just locks up solid as usual..
| Mind you the same machines run 4.2 and PRE_SMPNG without a hitch...
| > Also, I have noticed that occasionally on my SMP boxes the console seems to
| > lose itself.  By lose itself, I mean that all output stops, and it doesn't
| > process any input.  If I hit Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to break into the debugger, it
| > suddenly catches up and processes all pending events before dropping into teh
| > debugger, but hangs again when I continue from ddb.  However, the rest of hte
| > machine works fine during this time.  I can ssh in, build kernels, reboot, etc.
| > without any problem.
| It has been like this almost since the SMPNG stuff vent in, at least on all my
| -current machines...

I had those problems too a while ago on a UP p3-650 laptop.  Finally I just
newfs'ed the machine and installed the 20001028 snapshot, then cvsupp'ed
to 20001122.  The laptop now works well.  What I saw was processes
forking and forking again until the machine runs out of memory and
swap.  I think it may be some old libraries left over from
upgrades and make world.

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Re: RFC: /dev/console -> /var/log/messages idea/patch

2000-11-30 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Sat, Nov 25, 2000 at 07:39:33AM -0800, Cy Schubert - ITSD Open Systems Group 
| In message <1050.974925641@critter>, Poul-Henning Kamp writes:
| >
| > The attached patch is a "proof-of-concept" on which I would like
| > to get some comments:
| >
| > It bugs me big time that the output from /etc/rc and all other output
| > to /dev/console is volatile and lost once it scrolls of your console.
| It's a no-brainer.  Let's do it.

How about networked ddb/gdb over {ether,ppp,usb,firewire,IrDA}?
Firewire and IrDA are works in progress AFAIK, but certainly
ddb/gdb networked debugging is what all FreeBSD dream of, right? :)

The PPC port would greatly benefit from this, as newer Apple stations
do not even have a serial port.

Darwin seems to have networked debugging.
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Re: Progress report: Multilingual sysinstall for -current

2000-12-06 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 05:28:28PM +0900, Tatsumi Hosokawa scribbled:
| I've ported Multilingual sysinstall to -current.  I put the latest
| source and binaries (Japanese/Englush only) is at
| (please note that non-English docuemnt files are based on 4.2-RELEASE)
| Currently, this implementation supports Japanese, Korean, Traditional
| Chinese, and Russian.  The status of translation work is:
| Japanese: finished
| Korean:   finished
| Traditional Chinese:  about to finish
| Russian:  only *.hlp files have been translated
| This code has some minor problems, but it works.  I think it's better
| to change the development of this project to open style.  I would like
| to import this code to -current CVS repositry soon if there's no
| objections.

As we wait for libh development, I do not think we should exert
efforts to try for another solution.  This tends to allow for
slack in further development of better products.
A good example would be a proposal by Alfred Pernstein to slightly
modify RELENG_4 SMP for the duration of SMPNG development.  The proposal
was not well accepted due to the reason I stated above.

We really should concentrate on libh as a complete and _clean_ solution.

In addition, the purpose of putting localized sysinstall in -CURRENT
is rather dubious.  -CURRENT/HEAD is a developers' branch, people
who use this branch should be able to read English and the system
error messages.  If they cannot install the system with English
sysinstall, I would have doubts on their programming and testing ability.

People who run -CURRENT should be able to read and write English to
understand the code comments, report bugs, and post to the lists in English.

I would have no objections to L10N'ized sysinstall being maintained in
the same way that PAO is maintained.  The boot floppies and iso images
can be put up somewhere for download, and maintained in RELENG_4.

Normally, I would welcome any I18N/L10N efforts in FreeBSD.
However, the FreeBSD Project's official position paraphrased is
"If you don't know what to do with -CURRENT, don't install it."
Combined with the point that we should not divert efforts from libh,
I hold the opinion that we should not import this.

Finally, still many thanks and applause to Tatsumi and others
for this work.

| FYI: for 4.2-RELEASE,
| contains source, and binaries for all supported languages.

| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: Progress report: Multilingual sysinstall for -current

2000-12-06 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 02:30:21AM -0800, Alfred Perlstein scribbled:
| * Michael C . Wu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [001206 01:46] wrote:
| > On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 05:28:28PM +0900, Tatsumi Hosokawa scribbled:
| > | I've ported Multilingual sysinstall to -current.  I put the latest
| > | source and binaries (Japanese/Englush only) is at
| > |
| > | (please note that non-English docuemnt files are based on 4.2-RELEASE)
| > |
| > | Currently, this implementation supports Japanese, Korean, Traditional
| > | Chinese, and Russian.  The status of translation work is:
| > |
| > | Japanese: finished
| > | Korean:   finished
| > | Traditional Chinese:  about to finish
| > | Russian:  only *.hlp files have been translated
| > |
| > | This code has some minor problems, but it works.  I think it's better
| > | to change the development of this project to open style.  I would like
| > | to import this code to -current CVS repositry soon if there's no
| > | objections.
| >
| > As we wait for libh development, I do not think we should exert
| > efforts to try for another solution.  This tends to allow for
| > slack in further development of better products.
| No, this motivates those working for a greater good to produce
| more than just promises of what's to come.


| > People who run -CURRENT should be able to read and write English to
| > understand the code comments, report bugs, and post to the lists in English.
| Why?  It's my native tongue and even I have issues on occasion with
| comments and manpage additions that forieners correct (Bruce, Eivind,
| Asmodai and Sheldon to name a few.)  Having a problem with english
| doesn't make anyone less of an intellectual.
| > I would have no objections to L10N'ized sysinstall being maintained in
| > the same way that PAO is maintained.  The boot floppies and iso images
| > can be put up somewhere for download, and maintained in RELENG_4.
| Maybe after libh is released... since you guys aren't basing your
| work on sysinstall, it's not like you'd have to deal with a code
| merger.
This is not about a code merge, this is about how we will support
users who use this stuff.  If we want to do this, we need to
have a centralized support system/mailing lists, instead of the
currently very segmented local support systems.

I would have no objections if we can figure out a way to support
this in a bug reporting system, mailing lists.  But I agree you
are right, we could use this in 4.x.  Perhaps I did not
think this one thoroughly.

| I think it should be brought in and quickly MFC'd for the next
| 4.3 release.
| I see no conflict between these two efforts and since one seems
| pretty much completed, I'd like to see it in the base system.

| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: Progress report: Multilingual sysinstall for -current

2000-12-06 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 05:28:28PM +0900, Tatsumi Hosokawa scribbled:
| I've ported Multilingual sysinstall to -current.  I put the latest
| source and binaries (Japanese/Englush only) is at
| (please note that non-English docuemnt files are based on 4.2-RELEASE)

Just an idea. :)
Do you have Alpha boot floppies? Does kons25/big5con/korean compile
on Alpha?  Would this fit on our ever growing mfsroot.flp and kern.flp?
I recall seeing the release engineers struggling with fitting the kernel.
It would be hard to make OpenBOOT and SRM do what we do in kons25.
(Doable, but someone has to do it.)  I also know that Alpha
SRM+vidcontrol+sc0 can only have one video mode, 80x25.  Can
Mr. Yokota clarify this for me?

If this makes into the normal sysinstall, can we simply have several
versions of the boot floppies built during make release?


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Re: growfs(8) for FreeBSD

2000-12-07 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 10:34:44AM -0800, Christoph Herrmann scribbled:
| Due to vinum it is no problem to add disks and grow your volumes but up to
| now you couldn't easily make use of that new space for a file system, except
| using sequence of ufsdump/newfs/ufsrestore or something similar.
| Thomas ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and me ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) have written a growfs(8)
| for FreeBSD. Currently we can only grow unmounted file systems (in a clean
| state) without any active snapshots inside. It is foreseen to enhance growfs to
| grow mounted file systems as well, and handle active snapshots correctly.
| This requires some infrastructure which is then only available in FreeBSD-5,
| whilst the current design runs also happily on FreeBSD-4 and FreeBSD-3
| (tested) and possibly even on FreeBSD-2 (untested).
| To help us gathering the needed data for fixing bugs in growfs we additionally
| wrote ffsinfo(8), a (very) extended version of dumpfs.

Could you please put the code up somewhere that we can also look at?

| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: Progress report: Multilingual sysinstall for -current

2000-12-09 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Sat, Dec 09, 2000 at 11:36:26AM +0900, Tatsumi Hosokawa scribbled:
| At Wed, 6 Dec 2000 18:18:50 -0600,
| Michael C . Wu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > 
| > Do you have Alpha boot floppies? Does kons25/big5con/korean compile
| > on Alpha?  Would this fit on our ever growing mfsroot.flp and kern.flp?
| I don't have alpha machine and my knowledge about Alpha architecture
| is very limited.  But kons25 currently can't be compiled on Alpha
| machine, and is disabled if ARCH==alpha (perhaps
| release/localization/kon2 should be release/localization/i386/kon2).
| > I recall seeing the release engineers struggling with fitting the kernel.
| I have committed to move *.ko modules to mfsroot.flp (and I think it's
| easily extended to the third floppy or CD-ROM) last month.  This is
| not enabled on Alpha currently, but I think it can be also used on
| alpha architecture.  I've not put it to alpha floppy only because I
| dont have alpha testbed.
| If you copy release/i386/drivers.conf to release/alpha and edit it to
| fit the alpha architecture, drivers will be moved to mfsroot.flp
| easily.
| > It would be hard to make OpenBOOT and SRM do what we do in kons25.
| > (Doable, but someone has to do it.)  I also know that Alpha
| > SRM+vidcontrol+sc0 can only have one video mode, 80x25.  Can
| > Mr. Yokota clarify this for me?
| Does vidcontrol on Alpha support loadable font option?  Russian
| support uses only this function and does not use graphics console.
| Other European languages can be supported in this way.

Yes, vidcontrol on Alpha supports loadable fonts.  But foxfair told
me that he and vanilla looked into kons/big5con for Alpha.  Their
conclusion was that it is pretty impossible, but not too impossible. :)

DECUnix/Tru64 has support for CJK and many other languages in SRM.
However, FreeBSD's vidcontrol cannot do what SRM does, for some reason.

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Re: Sony jog dial driver

2000-12-10 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Sun, Dec 10, 2000 at 03:19:06PM -0800, Nick Sayer scribbled:
| Attached is a preliminary driver for the Sony jog dial. It's enough that
| you can create a /dev/jogdial and watch letters come out.

W00t! :)  You did it!  How did you wrestle documentation out of 
Sony? (or did you ever?)  If you managed to get a Sony contact,
can I contact him too?

| It needs a lot of improvement:
| 1. Use interrupts instead of polling.
| 2. Present mouse-oriented events instead of letters.

I recall you talking about the Fn+LCD brightness and such to 
be controlled by the same controller also.  Do you have any work in that area?

IMHO, we should have:
scroll up/down : mouse 4 and 5 (just like mouse wheel)
press down while scrolling up/down : mixer vol +/-
press down one time : mouse middle paste

| 3. Fix the probe routine so that it tries to detect the presence of the
| device rather than the magic 0x10a0 port location.
| 4. Eventual ACPIification of the driver.
| 5. Create a 2nd device to deal with other devices like the lid switch,
| capture button, etc.
| But I wanted to get this much out there for people to play with.

I'll test this tonight. :)
| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: Sony jog dial driver

2000-12-10 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Sun, Dec 10, 2000 at 06:44:45PM -0600, Michael C . Wu scribbled:
Oops, nevermind my questions about contacts and Fn+* functions,
should have read the code before I reply. :)
| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: [current] Re: Confusing error messages from shell image activation

2000-12-11 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Mon, Dec 11, 2000 at 12:37:54AM -0500, David Gilbert scribbled:
| For foreign or not-so-foreign packages and software, I've seen
| /usr/local, /local, /usr/contrib, /opt and /usr/pkg.  One site that I
| worked at was even pedantic that /usr/contrib was for externally
| generated software and /usr/local was for software written and/or
| maintained locally.  I've also worked in environments where different
| directory structures implied the level that the IS guys intended to
| support the software.

I know I should not jump into this bikeshed.  But IMHO, whereever
we have our packages install to, we should also place
our ports metadata (/var/db/pkg) and the ports skeleton in the
same place, preferably a mountpoint.  This allow me to switch
between different sets of installation with ease.  (No, please
do not tell me to change PREFIX and mv /usr/local /usr/local.bak)
With this setup, I can rm -rf , and
have a clean system again.  For the ports developers, we can 
switch between configurations without the need for chroots or
jails taking up disk space.

| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: gcc-devel and 5.0-current

2000-12-23 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Sat, Dec 23, 2000 at 12:42:18PM -0600, Peter Schultz scribbled:
| Just wondering if anyone has gotten make world
| to work with this combo.  It is expected that

No, and gcc-2.96 is broken enough.  In addition, we need wchar*
for gcc-3.  Even -O3 in gcc-2.95 is not supported/recommended.
You would be a brave soul to try this.

/me flees

| gcc 3.0 will become the default compiler for
| FreeBSD 5.0?

I highly doubt the feasibility of that.  Look at Redhat's blunder
with gcc-2.95.  The latest is not always the best, IMHO.

| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: libc i18n and l10n

2000-12-25 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Tue, Dec 26, 2000 at 07:48:42AM +0300, Ilmar S. Habibulin scribbled:
| What do community think about subj? First of all i mean localization of
| error strings, returned by strerror(3). Or i choose wrong mailist for my
| question?

Use [EMAIL PROTECTED] for future discussions.
When you reply, please trim the freebsd-current cc line.

I have discussed the idea with many people.  The best I can think of
is a message cataloguing system like AIX.  However, the whole thing
will have to wait for several works-in-progress before we can 
implement such.  It's on my to-do list.

| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: Unicode support in cd9660 [patch for review]

2000-12-27 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 12:05:57PM +0200, Maxim Sobolev scribbled:
| Several days ago I got a CD with Russian filenames on it and discovered that
| I'm unable to read those filenames. After some hacking I produced a patch,
| which should solve this problem in the manner similar to what we have in
| msdosfs module (i.e. user-provided conversion table). I have to emphasize that
| it's a temporary solution until we will have iconv support in kernel.
| Please somebody review attached patches.

Please do not assume Unicode.  I18N/L10N efforts have been crying for
programmers to *not* and *never* assume *anything*.  :)

Also, this belongs more on -i18n more than anything else.  I really
do not want to generate all the traffic on -i18n alone.. :)

Have you seen ports/chinese/big5fs?  Japanese/Korean do the same thing too
You could simply make a port of this that loads KLD's.  This enables us 
to have the support without having hacks in src/sys.  I talked
to Boris at length about this.  And I think this would be the best way
to implement "temporary" hacks.

As to the progress of iconv, we should have it soon, as soon as
itojun and I work out how to import either the Citrus code
or Konstantin's code. 

If you make this a port, I say "go for it." :) If you wish to commit
to src/sys, I have strong doubts about this.  I hope you do not
mind my bluntness about this, as I really want to express the feelings.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,
| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: Unicode support in cd9660 [patch for review]

2000-12-27 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 05:57:19PM +0200, Maxim Sobolev scribbled:
| Motomichi Matsuzaki wrote:
| > At Wed, 27 Dec 2000 15:38:58 +0200,
| > Maxim Sobolev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > > > But your solution is no effective and much harmful to multibyte users.
| > > You are not quite right. For multibyte users my solution (workaround?) is at 
|least equial to the previous no-unicode case . I do
| > > not see how it can be harmful.
| >
| > 1. In just your workaround, multibyte users will take no merits.
| >
| > 2. Based on your direction, the size of loadable conversion table
| >will immensely expand for multibyte support, or be abandoned.
| >Fundamental misdesign will lead to such unfortunate situation.
| >So I said your solution was harmful.
| Proposed by me patches is no way an official direction of the Project and as I 
|advertised are merely a workaround to allow non-English
| users to read CD with native filenames until comprehensive iconv for kernel will be 
|introduced. I would be glad if someone will
| replace my hack with more generic solution.

I think that making this "hack" a russian/xxxfs port and I think
everyone can be happy. If you want unicode FS like this, perhaps you
can have a sysutils/unicodefs.  :) 

After all, what are KLD's for but modularity? :)

| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: Unicode support in cd9660 [patch for review]

2000-12-27 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 08:32:26PM +0200, Maxim Sobolev scribbled:
| "Michael C . Wu" wrote:
| > On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 05:57:19PM +0200, Maxim Sobolev scribbled:
| > | Motomichi Matsuzaki wrote:
| > I think that making this "hack" a russian/xxxfs port and I think
| > everyone can be happy. If you want unicode FS like this, perhaps you
| > can have a sysutils/unicodefs.  :)

| No, it's no way a ports- commit.

Thank you for the one sentence reply without giving any reasons.
As a community, I thought we are supposed to communicate.
I have expressed my reasons and ideas, and you return the favor
with an one line comment.  :)

There is nothing wrong with have a port install a KLD, vmware does it.
And ports/emulators/linux_base depends on linux.ko. 

keichii@recursive:/usr/ports$ ls japanese/msdosfs/
Makefile files/   patches.5/   pkg-descr
distinfo patches.4/   pkg-comment  pkg-plist
keichii@recursive:/usr/ports$ ls chinese/big5fs/
Makefile distinfo files/   pkg-comment  pkg-descrpkg-plist
keichii@recursive:/usr/ports$ cat chinese/big5fs/pkg-descr 
This port installs two kernel modules, cd9660.ko and
msdos.ko, which will let users read Big5 filenames on
Joliet and VFAT filesystems.

Why do you think we did this?  You have admitted that this is an
ugly hack.  Since when did we allow ugly hacks in the kernel when
we can avoid it? Japanese/Chinese chose to do this because we
do not want dirty stuff in the kernel.  We have had this FS
support since 2.2.x.  

Please understand that we do not want hacks, and we certainly do
not want to be reliant on unicode alone.  We should never ever
assume stuff in I18N, and you are doing exactly this.  Have you
any idea what this would cause?  Do you know how hard it is to remove
something after it works for a while?  We do NOT ever want to have to
do legacy support in the future, because *you* want unicode and 
you want it now.  

In addition, this would probably mean laziness in the future to 
do this support properly.  In -SMP, they are avoiding to do hacks
to make things work temporarily.  Why should I18N do otherwise?

You can commit this to work with iconv() after iconv() gets in.
I would personally cheer you on.

I apologize for any harshness in the emails, it is quite hard
to express things without facial expressions.  I think we all
care about the project a lot.  Please be assured
that I mean no offense to you.
| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: Unicode support in cd9660 [patch for review]

2000-12-27 Thread Michael C . Wu

-audit trimmed, cc'ed to -i18n

On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 10:02:01PM +0300, áÎÄÒÅÊ þÅÒÎÏ× scribbled:
| On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 12:48:12 -0600, Michael C . Wu wrote:
| > On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 08:32:26PM +0200, Maxim Sobolev scribbled:
| > | "Michael C . Wu" wrote:
| > | > On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 05:57:19PM +0200, Maxim Sobolev scribbled:
| > | > | Motomichi Matsuzaki wrote:
| > | > I think that making this "hack" a russian/xxxfs port and I think
| > | > everyone can be happy. If you want unicode FS like this, perhaps you
| > | > can have a sysutils/unicodefs.  :)
| > 
| > | No, it's no way a ports- commit.
| I agree.

I disagree.

| > Thank you for the one sentence reply without giving any reasons.
| > As a community, I thought we are supposed to communicate.
| > I have expressed my reasons and ideas, and you return the favor
| > with an one line comment.  :)
| This is general method of telling kernel how to convert names from Unicode
| to any local charset, not particulary to Russian one. Anybody feel free to
| add their own single bytes charsets tables.

READ: "single byte"  
You are breaking CJK multibyte support.  Why? Why do you want make 
software engineering mistakes?  
| Yes, it is a per-FS hack, but until iconv or something like will be
| integrated, some hack needed just to read CDs selling at nearby shop.
| > keichii@recursive:/usr/ports$ ls japanese/msdosfs/
| Japanese etc. is _very_ different and needs tons of efforts even when
| implemented like similar hack, we currently talk about and limited to
| single bytes charsets only.

Why should you ignore the multibyte stuff because it is harder?
SMPng is hard, but no one is ignoring SMP because SMP is hard to implement.
Since device drivers for cheap hardware is hard to write/fix, should
we also ignore those?  Your logic fails to evaluate to TRUE.

| We have almost full single bytes charset localization in the
| kernel/userland, so this step is next logical extention in that direction.
| I can't say something like about double bytes charsets like Japanese etc.

Right, and as much as you want single byte stuff to work, CJK is also
a large market for FreeBSD.  Where else in the world is there a full-
fledged print monthly 200page magazine for BSD but Japan?
(Sorry, but DaemonNews is not 200 pages :)  

The proposal breaks multibyte support and I do not believe it is acceptable
to do this.  You want Russian to work, and us CJK people want CJK to work.
If you were looking at this from my point of view, would you say yes?
Probably not.  

The frustration with C charset is enough, can we please not make the mistake
that PDP-based BSD's made long ago? 

| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: Unicode support in cd9660 [patch for review]

2000-12-28 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Thu, Dec 28, 2000 at 11:19:16AM +0200, Maxim Sobolev scribbled:
| Boris Popov wrote:
| > On Wed, 27 Dec 2000, Maxim Sobolev wrote:
| > In the near future we'll have iconv interface in the kernel which
| > uses libiconv library written by Konstantin Chuguev. I'm really sorry for
| > delays, but my current job leaves nearly zero spare time to me and there
| > is a hope that January will be less busy.
| Ok folks, I'll do a port out of it.

Thank you very much!  :)  We can finally end this discussion and 
return -current back to its daily scheduled "is xxx build broken?" 

/me notes that keichii has generated more the 50% of -i18n traffic
in the last month... :(

| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: Problem installing on T20

2000-12-29 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Fri, Dec 29, 2000 at 06:44:28PM -0600, Wm Brian McCane scribbled:
[Snip IBM T20 woe's]

| Any ideas?

and -mobile archives within the last month for info.

Basically, IBM messed up on their BIOS, it won't boot with a 165(FreeBSD)
partition.  I am surprised you got that much info from IBM Tech Support.

| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: pkg_update

2001-02-07 Thread Michael C . Wu

On Thu, Feb 08, 2001 at 01:56:11AM +0100, Leif Neland scribbled:
| It seems pkg_update is only usable when installing from packages, not from
| ports.

Because it is a package update system.  If you want to update
from the ports, use 'pkg_version -c |sh'

| Even when I first do a make package, and then try a pkg_update it appears
| it does not work correctly, as it wants to uninstall the latest version
| before it reinstalls it.
| Could pkg_update be a target in

No, use the above.
| | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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Re: 3 floppy system for -current releases

2002-08-08 Thread Michael C. Wu

On Thu, Aug 08, 2002 at 06:32:40PM +0200, John Hay scribbled:
| Here is a try at a 3 floppy system. Most people should be able to
| install with the first 2 floppies (kern.flp and mfsroot.flp). Just
| those that need a driver on the third floppy (drivers.flp) will
| need it.
| If this idea is acceptable, we should probably tweak what should
| go on the second floppy and what is used the least and put that
| on the last one.
| To load drivers from the drivers floppy, go to "Configure" and then
| the last option there is "Load KLD".
| The last 2 files in the diff ( and driver-list.awk) are not
| really needed. That is part of my attempt to create a single .ko to
| save space on mfsroot.flp. But I can't get internal dependancies to
| work yet. Most drivers depend on miibus and that don't get loaded
| first.

I just want to remind you that there are other drivers 
which depend on another device to work.  At this time,
I can think of: cardbus & friends, SCSI/CAM, USB, ongoing work on IEEE1394
ACPI, and PCM(not that installing requires PCM)


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Re: rcNG and dhcp

2002-08-13 Thread Michael C. Wu

On Mon, Aug 12, 2002 at 12:40:20PM +0400, Vladimir B.  Grebenschikov scribbled:
| Hi 
| There is patch to teach rcNG do not try dhcp on not-connected ethernet.
| simply put
| ifconfig_fxp0="dhcp-if-carrier"
| into rc.conf
| It will be interested to somebody
| Theoretically there are another solution for problem - add new key to
| dhclient - check interface media before broadcasting.

I think that most network related stuff should do this as an
added function by user choice.  For example, no NFS if interface does
not exist. 


| -- 
| Vladimir B. Grebenschikov

| --- /usr/local/src/etc/rc.d/network1  Mon Jul 29 15:09:46 2002
| +++ /etc/rc.d/network1Mon Aug 12 11:43:03 2002
| @@ -157,6 +157,17 @@
|   case ${ifconfig_args} in
|   '')
|   ;;
| + [Dd][Hh][Cc][Pp]-[Ii][Ff]-[Cc][Aa][Rr][Rr][Ii][Ee][Rr])
| + # Load interface .ko if need
| + ifconfig $ifn > /dev/null 2>&1
| + sleep 3 
| + # Check media option of interface
| + media=`ifconfig $ifn | awk '($1 == "media:") { ok=1; print $4; 
|} END { if (ok != 1) { print "(none)"; } }' 2> /dev/null`
| + if [ "$media" != "(none)" ]; then
| + dhcp_interfaces="$dhcp_interfaces $ifn"
| + eval showstat_$ifn=1
| + fi
| + ;;
|   [Dd][Hh][Cc][Pp])
|   # DHCP inits are done all in one go below
|   dhcp_interfaces="$dhcp_interfaces $ifn"


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