Re: HEADS UP! Inetd wrapping OFF by default

1999-06-30 Thread Keith Stevenson

On Wed, Jun 30, 1999 at 12:09:13PM +0200, Sheldon Hearn wrote:
> Damnit! I forgot the most important part of my argument -- people
> upgrading from 2.2.8 and don't read the release notes are going to have
> an /etc/rc.conf that sets inetd_flags="", hence their systems won't
> wrap!

Wouldn't it stand to reason that these people would fall into one of the
following categories?

1) already running tcpd, which will continue to work
2) they will be unwrapped just like they were before the upgrade

This is what happened to me when I upgraded from 2.2.8 to 3.1 w/o reading the
release notes. 

--Keith Stevenson--

Keith Stevenson
System Programmer - Data Center Services - University of Louisville
PGP key fingerprint =  4B 29 A8 95 A8 82 EA A2  29 CE 68 DE FC EE B6 A0

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Re: userland ppp - startup

1999-07-07 Thread Keith Stevenson

On Wed, Jul 07, 1999 at 01:19:02PM -0700, Alex Zepeda wrote:
> On Wed, 7 Jul 1999, Ladavac Marino wrote:
> > [ML]  You do not really want these on the command line for
> > everyone to see with ps. (nor in rc.conf for everyone to see with e.g.
> > cat)
> Why is rc.conf readable by world?!

Why not?

--Keith Stevenson--

Keith Stevenson
System Programmer - Data Center Services - University of Louisville
PGP key fingerprint =  4B 29 A8 95 A8 82 EA A2  29 CE 68 DE FC EE B6 A0

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Re: "The Matrix" screensaver, v.0.2

1999-08-20 Thread Keith Stevenson

On Fri, Aug 20, 1999 at 04:11:42PM -0600, Oscar Bonilla wrote:
> I haven't seen Andrzej's screensaver, but if it is about those
> green letters that fall from the top of the screen (aka the matrix)
> then xlock already includes a module for this... I'm using it on my
> laptop..

I like Andrzej's module a _lot_ better than the xlock module.  It looks (IMO)
more like the screen from the movie and doesn't eat all of my CPU cycles.

--Keith Stevenson--

Keith Stevenson
System Programmer - Data Center Services - University of Louisville
PGP key fingerprint =  4B 29 A8 95 A8 82 EA A2  29 CE 68 DE FC EE B6 A0

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Re: ASDM and linux emulation?

2000-01-27 Thread Keith Stevenson

On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 01:39:38PM +0100, F. Heinrichmeyer wrote:
> I would like to use an ASDM (backup software) with linux-emulation. I
> get
> the following in /var/log/messages:

Have you tried the SCO client with the IBCS module loaded?  I've been using it
with great success for a while.

--Keith Stevenson--

Keith Stevenson
System Programmer - Data Center Services - University of Louisville
PGP key fingerprint =  4B 29 A8 95 A8 82 EA A2  29 CE 68 DE FC EE B6 A0

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Re: [URGENT] OpenSSH changes

2000-03-13 Thread Keith Stevenson

On Mon, Mar 13, 2000 at 03:33:05PM -0800, William Woods wrote:
> Is there actually a RELENG_4 (release) ? I have seen a couple messages saying
> there is and a few saying there isnt.

There is a RELENG_4 branch, but no 4.0-RELEASE as yet.

--Keith Stevenson--

Keith Stevenson
System Programmer - Data Center Services - University of Louisville
PGP key fingerprint =  4B 29 A8 95 A8 82 EA A2  29 CE 68 DE FC EE B6 A0

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Re: Perl 5.6.0?

2000-04-06 Thread Keith Stevenson

(cc-list pruned)

On Thu, Apr 06, 2000 at 09:24:06AM -0300, The Hermit Hacker wrote:

> My stupid question, though, is why is this such a big issue?  Would it be
> too hard to extend our /usr/src build process so that it is smart enough
> to do an install out of ports, and just build the ports version of 5.6.0,
> vs trying to integrate it into our build tree?  Create a symlink to
> /usr/ports/devel/perl560 so that when it cd's to the perl directory and
> does a 'make', it builds that?

Take a look at perl's build process.  After you are done, take a look at how
Mark M. mangled it to make it fit nicely into FreeBSD's buildworld process.
After your eyes uncross, you'll understand why no one is falling all over
themselves to tackle the issue.  It's not trivial.

Parts of the core OS depend on perl.  Making those parts depend on a port is
unacceptable.  Importing a new version of perl, ESPECIALLY a version which is
not 100% backwards compatible with the one currently in the tree is a delicate
process.  Unfortunately, perl's build process makes it much harder than it

If you need the new functionality, install the port.  I have every 
confidence that perl 5.6.x will eventually be imported into the tree.  Now is
a bit too soon though.

--Keith Stevenson--

Keith Stevenson
System Programmer - Data Center Services - University of Louisville
PGP key fingerprint =  4B 29 A8 95 A8 82 EA A2  29 CE 68 DE FC EE B6 A0

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Perl 5.6.0

2000-04-07 Thread Keith Stevenson


  I had some free time today so I started converting perl 5.6.0 to bmake.
So far, I've gotten libperl to build and plan to keep at the rest of it.
Given my schedule, it will probably take me another week to get the build
right and another week or so to test its integration with build/installworld.

--Keith Stevenson--

Keith Stevenson
System Programmer - Data Center Services - University of Louisville
PGP key fingerprint =  4B 29 A8 95 A8 82 EA A2  29 CE 68 DE FC EE B6 A0

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