PnP problems on install floppy in 4.0-SNAPS from

1999-10-08 Thread Jason DiCioccio

Yes yes.. Long subject, but anyhow.. The problem I am having is that 4.0
insists on detecting my ethernet card PnP at installation even though Id
ont want it to.. When it does, it freezes up, and its much easier for me
just to input the settings manually info the visual config.. I need to
disable on install disk, or get a 4.0 floppy that doesn't freeze on
'unknown0', of course, not having it detected at all would be preferable

Thanks in advance,
Jason DiCioccio

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Re: PnP problems on install floppy in 4.0-SNAPS from

1999-10-09 Thread Jason DiCioccio

I use visual_userconfig set ed0 to 0x240 and irq 7 and it detects it
 I dont need the PnP probe on ISA bus.

On Sat, 9 Oct 1999, Daniel C. Sobral wrote:

> Jason DiCioccio wrote:
> > 
> > Yes yes.. Long subject, but anyhow.. The problem I am having is that 4.0
> > insists on detecting my ethernet card PnP at installation even though Id
> > ont want it to.. When it does, it freezes up, and its much easier for me
> > just to input the settings manually info the visual config.. I need to
> > disable on install disk, or get a 4.0 floppy that doesn't freeze on
> > 'unknown0', of course, not having it detected at all would be preferable
> > :)..
> I don't get it... why is it that you'd prefer it not to detect your
> card, even if it did not freeze?
> --
> Daniel C. Sobral  (8-DCS)
>   "I always feel generous when I'm in the inner circle of a
> conspiracy to subvert the world order and, with a small group of
> allies, just defeated an alien invasion. Maybe I should value myself
> a little more?"

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Re: PnP problems on install floppy in 4.0-SNAPS from

1999-10-09 Thread Jason DiCioccio

I shall try again :)

On Sat, 9 Oct 1999, Doug Rabson wrote:

> On Sat, 9 Oct 1999, Jason DiCioccio wrote:
> > 
> > Yes yes.. Long subject, but anyhow.. The problem I am having is that 4.0
> > insists on detecting my ethernet card PnP at installation even though Id
> > ont want it to.. When it does, it freezes up, and its much easier for me
> > just to input the settings manually info the visual config.. I need to
> > disable on install disk, or get a 4.0 floppy that doesn't freeze on
> > 'unknown0', of course, not having it detected at all would be preferable
> > :)..
> There was a problem with the pnp code which caused freezes like this which
> I fixed. What date was the snap that you tried?
> --
> Doug Rabson   Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Nonlinear Systems Ltd.Phone: +44 181 442 9037

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Re: PnP problems on install floppy in 4.0-SNAPS from

1999-10-09 Thread Jason DiCioccio

as i've said, because it freezes my machine when it detects it PnP..
And, as you can imagine, I do not want my installation freezing on me :)

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, Daniel C. Sobral wrote:

> Jason DiCioccio wrote:
> > 
> > I use visual_userconfig set ed0 to 0x240 and irq 7 and it detects it
> >  I dont need the PnP probe on ISA bus.
> Well, I don't need C, I could program in assembly language, but I
> still think using C is easier.
> I'm asking why do you *object* to your card being recognized by the
> PnP probe instead of configured manually.
> --
> Daniel C. Sobral  (8-DCS)
>   "I always feel generous when I'm in the inner circle of a
> conspiracy to subvert the world order and, with a small group of
> allies, just defeated an alien invasion. Maybe I should value myself
> a little more?"

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Re: PnP problems on install floppy in 4.0-SNAPS from

1999-10-10 Thread Jason DiCioccio

I just tried the latest -CURRENT snapshot, 19991009 ,.. Now, on the old
floppy, I could set the parameters for ed0 and it would find ed0.. now it
doesn't find ed0 at all although it still finds 'unknown0' .. When you
fixed this freezing, did this ruin some other detection or something to
that effect?  I told it to probe 0x240 @ IRQ 7 which is where it is.. all
my bios settings etc have no changed since last time I used floppy (the
one that froze but still found ed0) ..

Thanks in advance,
Jason DiCioccio

On Sat, 9 Oct 1999, Doug Rabson wrote:

> On Sat, 9 Oct 1999, Jason DiCioccio wrote:
> > 
> > Yes yes.. Long subject, but anyhow.. The problem I am having is that 4.0
> > insists on detecting my ethernet card PnP at installation even though Id
> > ont want it to.. When it does, it freezes up, and its much easier for me
> > just to input the settings manually info the visual config.. I need to
> > disable on install disk, or get a 4.0 floppy that doesn't freeze on
> > 'unknown0', of course, not having it detected at all would be preferable
> > :)..
> There was a problem with the pnp code which caused freezes like this which
> I fixed. What date was the snap that you tried?
> --
> Doug Rabson   Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Nonlinear Systems Ltd.Phone: +44 181 442 9037

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Re: PnP problems on install floppy in 4.0-SNAPS from

1999-10-10 Thread Jason DiCioccio

Sorry I can't get pnpinfo, I can tell you though that dmesg does not even
show ed0 being probed at all.. In other words, it does nto even say 'ed0
not found at 0x240' .. And I am not deleting the device :-).. Are there
any conditions where this would happen?


On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, Doug Rabson wrote:

> On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, Jason DiCioccio wrote:
> > I just tried the latest -CURRENT snapshot, 19991009 ,.. Now, on the old
> > floppy, I could set the parameters for ed0 and it would find ed0.. now it
> > doesn't find ed0 at all although it still finds 'unknown0' .. When you
> > fixed this freezing, did this ruin some other detection or something to
> > that effect?  I told it to probe 0x240 @ IRQ 7 which is where it is.. all
> > my bios settings etc have no changed since last time I used floppy (the
> > one that froze but still found ed0) ..
> To debug this, I need the output of dmesg and pnpinfo from a kernel which
> exhibits the problem.
> --
> Doug Rabson   Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Nonlinear Systems Ltd.Phone: +44 181 442 9037

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Re: PnP problems on install floppy in 4.0-SNAPS from

1999-10-10 Thread Jason DiCioccio

Another note :) .. PnP also probes unknown0 on the wrong irq (irq 3) while
it should be on irq 7

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, Doug Rabson wrote:

> On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, Jason DiCioccio wrote:
> > Sorry I can't get pnpinfo, I can tell you though that dmesg does not even
> > show ed0 being probed at all.. In other words, it does nto even say 'ed0
> > not found at 0x240' .. And I am not deleting the device :-).. Are there
> > any conditions where this would happen?
> Due to the nature of the pnp code, it might be probed as ed1 instead of
> ed0. If at all possible, could you put the card into a working FreeBSD box
> so that I can see the pnpinfo. If we are missing a pnp ID for the card,
> I need that information to fix it.
> --
> Doug Rabson   Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Nonlinear Systems Ltd.Phone: +44 181 442 9037

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Re: PnP problems on install floppy in 4.0-SNAPS from

1999-10-10 Thread Jason DiCioccio

It worked when it was probed non-pnp :-).. As long as I set the params..
DId you get my email with pnpinfo and dmesg?

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, Doug Rabson wrote:

> On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, Jason DiCioccio wrote:
> > Another note :) .. PnP also probes unknown0 on the wrong irq (irq 3) while
> > it should be on irq 7
> Actually, we can put the card on any irq which it supports as long as
> there isn't a conflict. Unless you have a sio1 in that box (which normally
> uses irq 3), it is perfectly ok.
> Your card is an SMC EtherEZ (8416). I think that needs some special extra
> tricks to get it supported. Matt Dodd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was working on
> this recently but I don't know if he has it working yet.
> --
> Doug Rabson   Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Nonlinear Systems Ltd.Phone: +44 181 442 9037

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FW: Filesystem gets a huge performance boost

2001-04-09 Thread Jason DiCioccio

Hash: SHA1

Taken from:

Aaron Campbell writes : "Two aspects of the FFS filesystem in OpenBSD
have received significant improvements since 2.8, increasing
performance dramatically. Thanks to art, gluk, csapuntz, and a host
of other developers and testers, Soft Updates are now much more
stable than ever before. The second improvement, contributed by
[EMAIL PROTECTED], is a new directory allocation policy (codenamed
"dirpref"). Coupled with soft updates, the new dirpref code offers up
to a 60x speed increase in gluk's tests, documented here:"

I am personally running 4 of my machines with the latest changes
(1.2GHz 256MB, 333MHz 160MB, P200MMX 32MB, PIII600 190MB Laptop) and
things are working great. I didn't stress test it thoroughly myself,
but here are some numbers: it took 19.26 seconds to untar the OpenBSD
2.8 srcsys.tar.gz file (7200 RPM UDMA100 IDE drive) and only 2.76
seconds to rm -rf it, on my 1.2GHz system. (Sorry, I do not have
older numbers to compare to, see the above URL for comparison tests.)
Another important change is that it is no longer necessary to run
tunefs in single user mode to activate soft updates. All that is
needed is to add the "softdep" mount option to the partitions you
want soft updates enabled on in /etc/fstab."

- -

Is this happening and/or could this be done in FreeBSD?

I especially like not having to run tunefs :-)

Pardon me if this has already been discussed.

- -JD-

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Re: IPFilter licence update

2001-06-03 Thread Jason DiCioccio

Darren Reed wrote:

>The licence is intended to mean that people can use (which includes modify
>or patch or tune, as seen fit) IPFilter as found within FreeBSD/NetBSD for
>whatever purpose they desire - so long as the conditions (due credit and the
>notice) are met.  
So, out of curiosity, does this mean that only the slightly modified 
derivatives of IPFilter found in FreeBSD
and NetBSD may be modified?   Or am I reading this wrong?  If not, are 
you just changing the
interpretation of the license?  Or are you effectively granting 
permission for modification as stated in your

Thanks in advance,

Jason DiCioccio - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - PGP Key @

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