xfree86 4?

2002-01-06 Thread David Syphers

What are the plans about replacing XFree86 3.3.6 with XFree86 4?  The 
-current archives have a message saying this replacement already took place 
last October, but the JP SNAP I installed last November certainly wasn't 
aware of that fact, and the current.freebsd.org snapshot from January 6 still 
lists 3.3.6 as well.  Two more months and it will be two years since 

Looking at xfree86.org's comparisons of supported video cards, it seems quite 
obvious that XFree86 4 supports almost everything 3 did, and a lot more.  I 
just got a computer with a nvidia GeForce2 GTS - not exactly a new card, but 
completely unsupported in 3.3.6 - but well supported in 4.1.0.  3.3.6 is over 
two years old, and none of the ATI or nvidia cards (and that's just about all 
desktops, no?) made since then are supported.  There's always the port, but 
integration would be a much more friendly solution.  I must be growing lazy  
:)  Out-of-the-box XFree86 4 and easy PPPoE setup led me to use RedHat (desk 
top only - the server's still FreeBSD, of course), but I'm missing FreeBSD.  

Apologies if this has already been discussed to death, but such discussions 
aren't in the -current or -stable archives  :)


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Re: firewall_enable

2002-02-01 Thread David Syphers

On Friday 01 February 2002 11:56 pm, M. Warner Losh wrote:
> Actually, there's a simple way around this that is failsafe.
> firewall_enable=YES  What it deos now
>   =NOWide open
>   =FAILSAFE  Defaults to wired down.

Before the discussion on -stable degenerated, there were several calls for 
making this variable tri-state.  It definitely seems like the best solution.  
Now that this is on -current and we have something concrete, maybe it can get 
committed  :)


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problems configuring cardbus card

2000-12-08 Thread David Syphers

I'm running a FreeBSD 5-CURRENT snapshot from Dec. 5, and trying to 
configure an AmbiCom Cardbus ethernet card (a DEC Tulip base).  I've 
included cardbus, pccbb, miibus, and dc in my kernel, and enabled use of 
DHCP.  Since I haven't tracked -current since 4.x split off from it, I had 
a great deal of FM to R before I realized things like there's a file called 
/boot/device.hints that's very important.  Putting


into /boot/device.hints made the "watchdog timeout" errors I had been 
getting on boot go away, but the card still didn't work.  Do I need to 
specify drq or maddr, and how would I determine if 0x300 is the right 
port?  This may be due to the fact that it looks like my graphics card and 
my ethernet card are both assigned IRQ 11 (see clip from dmesg below).  But 
I really have no idea how to use device.hints or even how to set up an 
ethernet card under FreeBSD (I know, I should have picked something other 
than cardbus on -current for my first experience), so any help would be 
appreciated.  Thanks!

[part of dmesg output]

pci0:  at 2.0 irq 11
pccbb0:  at device 10.0 on pci0
pccbb0: PCI Memory allocated: 1802
pci_cfgintr_unique: hard-routed to irq 11
pci_cfgintr: 0:10 INTA routed to irq 11
cardbus0:  on pccbb0
pccbb0: WARNING: cannot attach pccard bus.
pccbb1:  at device 10.1 on pci0
pccbb1: PCI Memory allocated: 18021000
pci_cfgintr_unique: hard-routed to irq 11
pci_cfgintr: 0:10 INTB routed to irq 11
cardbus1:  on pccbb1
pccbb1: WARNING: cannot attach pccard bus.
pccbb0: card inserted: event=0x0009, state=3b20
pccbb0: pccbb_power: CARD_VCC_0V and CARD_VPP_0V [44]
pccbb0: bad Vcc request. ctrl=0x0, status=0x3b20
pccbb_power: CARD_VCC_0V and CARD_VPP_0V [44]
pccbb0: pccbb_power: CARD_VCC_3V and CARD_VPP_VCC [11]
pccbb0: bad Vcc request. ctrl=0x33, status=0x3b20
pccbb_power: CARD_VCC_3V and CARD_VPP_VCC [11]
TUPLE: LINKTARGET [3]: 43 49 53
Product version: 5.0
Product name: AmbiCom, Inc. | AMB8100 | Fast Ethernet CardBus PC Card | 1.00 |
Manufacturer ID: 13958100
Functions: Network Adaptor, Multi-Functioned
Function Extension: 0102
Function Extension: 0280969800
Function Extension: 0200e1f505
Function Extension: 0301
cardbus0: Opening BAR: type=IO, bar=10, len=0080
TUPLE: CONFIG_CB [7]: 03 01 00 00 00 00 ff
TUPLE: CFTABLE_ENTRY_CB [5]: 41 80 fb 00 ff
dc1:  port 0x3000-0x307f mem 
0x1804-0x1807,0x18022000-0x180223ff irq 11 at device 0.0 on cardbus0
dc1: Ethernet address: 00:80:00:80:00:80
miibus0:  on dc1
dcphy0:  on miibus0
dcphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
pccbb1: removal of nonexistant card!

Note:  "dc1" used to be "dc0" before I put the lines in device.hints, but 
then I got "watchdog timeout" errors.

-David Syphers

Cannibalism is a small price to pay for popularity.

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XFree86 4.0.2

2001-01-20 Thread David Syphers

How should I install XFree86 4.0.2 on a system running a -current snapshot 
from January 20?  I tried downloading the binaries from xfree86.org, but 
Xinstall.sh complained that my extract file was bad (it wasn't), and when I 
ran 'sh Xinstall.sh -check' it told me that "binaries are not available for 
this version" of FreeBSD, namely 5.x, despite the fact that I downloaded 
the binaries from a directory labeled "FreeBSD 5.x".  So I tried the ports, 
and it built fine for a long time, and then after about 35300 lines of 
output to the screen, ran into

make: don't know how to make ../../../fonts/encodings/encodings.dir. Stop
*** Error code 2

Stop in /usr/ports/x11/XFree86-4/work/xc/fonts/bdf.

This system is a fresh install, except for a custom kernel and some rc.conf 
changes.  Any suggestions other than waiting until cardbus support 
_finally_ gets in to -stable so I can stop trying to run -current?  Thanks,


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trouble with ogle performance after going to 5.0-R

2003-02-01 Thread David Syphers
I recently installed 5.0-R (and KDE 3.1, thus the cc:). Ogle now has terrible 
performance - very jerky. Last weekend, when this computer (an Athlon XP 
1800+) had 4-stable and KDE 3.0.5, ogle perfomance on the same DVD was 
perfectly smooth. Since ogle didn't change, I assume it's something to do 
with FreeBSD. Any idea what could be causing it?

At first I thought it was that I hadn't put CPU_ENABLE_SSE in my kernel, like 
I had in 4-stable, but after putting it in, the performance is still just as 
bad. While playing a DVD the load goes from about 0.02 to about 1.5. 
Unfortunately I don't know what it did under 4-stable, but if anyone else can 


"Whatever it is that the government does, sensible Americans
would prefer that the government does it to somebody else. 
This is the idea behind foreign policy."
-P. J. O'Rourke

Astronomy and Astrophysics Center
The University of Chicago

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Re: trouble with ogle performance after going to 5.0-R

2003-02-01 Thread David Syphers
On Saturday 01 February 2003 05:43 pm, Scott Long wrote:
> Have you made
> sure that the DVD drive is using DMA?  'sysctl hw.ata.atapi_dma' will
> tell you, and can be set at boot from /boot/loader.conf.

This was the main problem. Turning on DMA makes everything run smoothly and 
drops the load averages significantly. I must have made this change to my 4.x 
system once about a year ago, and completely forgotten about it since. I 
should write an addition to the handbook about this... Thanks!


"Whatever it is that the government does, sensible Americans
would prefer that the government does it to somebody else. 
This is the idea behind foreign policy."
-P. J. O'Rourke

Astronomy and Astrophysics Center
The University of Chicago

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Re: BOOT2_UFS=UFS1_ONLY works for today's current

2003-02-23 Thread David Syphers
On Saturday 22 February 2003 08:55 pm, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> Just in case anyone tries to build today's current and sees
> it fail because of boot2, you can always set BOOT2_UFS=UFS1_ONLY
> or BOOT2_UFS=UFS2_ONLY in your make.conf and rebuild.

I added BOOT2_UFS=UFS2_ONLY to my make.conf, and my buildworld still dies in 
boot2. I'm trying to upgrade from a Feb. 19 -current (because it's crashing 
all the time, and I need to enable debugging stuff). Is there a fix, or would 
other information be helpful?



Astronomy and Astrophysics Center
The University of Chicago

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Re: BOOT2_UFS=UFS1_ONLY works for today's current

2003-02-23 Thread David Syphers
On Sunday 23 February 2003 11:10 am, Richard Arends wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Feb 2003, David Syphers wrote:
> > I added BOOT2_UFS=UFS2_ONLY to my make.conf, and my buildworld still dies
> > in boot2. I'm trying to upgrade from a Feb. 19 -current (because it's
> > crashing all the time, and I need to enable debugging stuff). Is there a
> > fix, or would other information be helpful?
> Same problem over here. I reverted back the last commit on
> /usr/src/sys/ufs/ffs/fs.h in my source tree and that "fixed" the build. Of
> course, this is a workaround !!

Okay, I've verified that the problem is due to rev. 1.39 of 
/usr/src/sys/ufs/ffs/fs.h. Peter Wemm pointed out that the problem is not the 
commit, but gcc's bad handling of 64-bit operations. Nonetheless, this commit 
does break world for a lot of people... is there some official solution? The 
make.conf line only works for UFS1 - if it's set to UFS2, buildworld still 
fails. (Am I correct in assuming a 5.0-R install defaults to UFS2?)



Astronomy and Astrophysics Center
The University of Chicago

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transferring data (after losing all non-root logins)

2003-06-23 Thread David Syphers
I recently forgot my root password, rebooted single-user and changed it,
and immediately afterwards the computer denied the existence of any
non-root users (home directories still there for those that had them,
they still have login shells, etc.). This was the only change made to
the system. This is a -current system from late April that was in storage
for a while. I was planning on wiping this system to install 5.1-R anyway,
but I need to back up the data first. I can't burn a CD because I didn't
have mkisofs installed and can't install it (no man user), I can't run
sshd (no ssh user), and I can't figure out how to make telnet allow root
logins (I know, a Very Bad Idea(tm) usually, but it's not a security issue
when I'm allowing it from one IP for 5 minutes and will be changing
passwords anyway).

So... I'm think of trying to find another hard drive, to install that and
transfer the data. Does anyone have any other ideas?


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Re: transferring data (after losing all non-root logins)

2003-06-23 Thread David Syphers
On Mon, 23 Jun 2003, Matthew Emmerton wrote:

> Well, it really sounds like your password database got got hosed.  Does
> /etc/master.passwd have entries for all of your non-root users?
> If so, then probably all you need to do is regenerate your password
> database.  The easiest way to do this is run "vipw", make some kind of
> change (and undo the change -- this is just so it thinks the file has been
> changed) and exit.  Your password database will be regenerated.

Thanks... better than a workaround, solving the problem is always nice :)
All the files, including master.passwd, were fine, which is what puzzled
me, but regenerating the password database worked.


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Re: The great perl rewrite - progress report

2002-06-11 Thread David Syphers

On Tuesday 11 June 2002 06:10 pm, Doug Barton wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Jun 2002, Andrew Boothman wrote:
> > Will Andrews wrote:
> > > On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 05:31:12PM +0100, Mark Murray wrote:
> > >
> > >>/usr/sbin/sysinstall  * - fix - *
> > >
> > >
> > > What part of this uses perl??
> >
> > Perhaps it was just a general comment ;-)
> Please don't send guesses to the list. Definitely do not send guesses to
> the list when the correct answer was given a long time ago.

I think it was a joke, not a guess.  Just saying we should all be doing our 
part to support the libh project  :)


Everyone who believes in telekinesis, raise my hand...

Astronomy and Astrophysics Center
The University of Chicago

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Re: 5.0-DP2 questions

2002-11-29 Thread David Syphers
On Friday 29 November 2002 12:12 pm, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 29, 2002 at 12:11:42PM -0500, Robert Ames wrote:
> > 2. My machine is a Pentium 166 with only 16 MB of RAM.  I'm trying
> > to rebuild the kernel and so far the compile has been running for
> > almost 24 hours and it's not finished yet.  Is this to be expected?
> Yes.  gcc 3.x is slower, and the kernel contains more code.  Your
> machine is probably swapping a lot just doing the compilation, which
> will make it even slower.

Out of curiosity, how much slower is a 5.x kernel compilation than a 4.x, on 
average? My 486, 66 MHz and 16 MB RAM, compiles a 4.x kernel in about 3 
hours. Thus by Robert's data point, -current seems at least 10-15 times 


On the whole I am against mass murder. I rarely commit it myself, and
often find myself quite out of sympathy with those who make a habit of it.
-Bernard Levin

Astronomy and Astrophysics Center
The University of Chicago

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Re: 5.0-DP2 questions

2002-11-29 Thread David Syphers
On Friday 29 November 2002 01:32 pm, David Wolfskill wrote:
> That should, at least, provide a reasonably valid set of comparisons.


I suppose Robert's results might be abnormally long if -current requires a lot 
more memory than -stable, thus requiring a lot of swap, as Kris pointed out. 
Looks like my 486 won't be jumping to -current soon  :)


On the whole I am against mass murder. I rarely commit it myself, and
often find myself quite out of sympathy with those who make a habit of it.
-Bernard Levin

Astronomy and Astrophysics Center
The University of Chicago

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