Re: Soft-updates feedback

1999-07-20 Thread David Gilbert

[on IDE bus lockups]

I found that my IDE cdrom regularly caused lockups of FreeBSD in the
5-10 second variety.  I would suspect that any misbehaving IDE device
can do this.



|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
|Mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  equal if and only if they |
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Panic from NFS?

1999-12-30 Thread David Gilbert

Looks like the leasing stuff in NFS has a little buglet...

(This is with 4.0-CURRENT cvsup'd a few days before Christmas)

Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
fault virtual address   = 0x12ffa8d4
fault code  = supervisor read, page not present
instruction pointer = 0x8:0xc01b5bc9
stack pointer   = 0x10:0xcf632c40
frame pointer   = 0x10:0xcf632ccc
code segment= base 0x0, limit 0xf, type 0x1b
= DPL 0, pres 1, def32 1, gran 1
processor eflags= interrupt enabled, resume, IOPL = 0
current process = 3611 (cp)
interrupt mask  =
kernel: type 12 trap, code=0
Stopped at  nqsrv_send_eviction+0x9d:   movl0x14(%eax),%eax

nqsrv_send_eviction(cf5f4980,c263b140,,0,c24b0c00) at nqsrv_send_eviction+0x9d
nqsrv_getlease(cf5f4980,cf632dc0,6,,cf613680) at nqsrv_getlease+0x2cd
nqnfs_vop_lease_check(cf632e10,cf632de8,c0212229,cf632e10,cf632e84) at 
vop_defaultop(cf632e10,cf632e84,c0197787,cf632e10,0) at vop_defaultop+0x15
ufs_vnoperate(cf632e10) at ufs_vnoperate+0x15
vn_open(cf632edc,602,1a4,cf613680,c029394c) at vn_open+0xdf
open(cf613680,cf632f80,1,6,805465d) at open+0xb5
syscall(2f,2f,2f,805465d,6) at syscall+0x176
Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x26

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fsck of /, related to last post.

1999-12-30 Thread David Gilbert

Related to my last post, the system came up and started to fsck.  It
appears, with current, that the system will refuse to r/w mount root
even though the fsck has complete successfully.  Is this an rc-file
out-of-date issue, or has something changed in the kernel.

Root is an 18G SCSI (da0s1a) on a 2940-LVD controller.



|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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Re: fsck of /, related to last post.

1999-12-30 Thread David Gilbert

>>>>> "Bill" == Bill Fumerola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Bill> On Thu, 30 Dec 1999, David Gilbert wrote:
>> Related to my last post, the system came up and started to fsck.
>> It appears, with current, that the system will refuse to r/w mount
>> root even though the fsck has complete successfully.  Is this an
>> rc-file out-of-date issue, or has something changed in the kernel.

Bill> Reboot. I don't know why it works, but it does. :->

Right... I already knew that, but it's a manual reboot... and this is
"suboptimal" (ie. requiring operator intervention).


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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BOOTP still broken?

2000-01-03 Thread David Gilbert

I've followed the BOOTP threads in -current from the archives, but I
can't find any resolution of the issue.  I cvsup'd -current last night 
and still have a non-working BOOTP kernel.

Many of the posts centered around PXE negating the need for BOOTP
kernel support.  Just how are you supposed to mount root in that case?

Anyways, with both an ed0 and an ep0, the kernel ends up telling me...

Bootpc: hardware address is 
Bootpc-call: sosend: 13 state 00
panic: BOOTP call failed

... I suppose I could run -STABLE on this machine, but I'd rather not
have two complete bin trees.


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
|Mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  equal if and only if they |
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2000-01-06 Thread David Gilbert

options BOOTP and options IPFIREWALL appear to be incompatible in
-CURRENT.  I havn't tried -STABLE.  While the kernel compiles fine,
the BOOTP code fails to send the discover packet and panic()'s.

While it might not be immediately obvious that you'd want IPFIREWALL
in a BOOTP-loaded machine, there are good reasons for it...


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
|Mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  equal if and only if they |
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On a lighter note... how-to upgrade

2000-01-22 Thread David Gilbert

I have followed the UPDATES file... and I have source-make-world
upgraded several machines from 3.3 and 3.4 to 4.0-CURRENT recently.  I 
thought I'd contribute a method that is reasonably likely to work and
reasonably likely to not be going overboard.  Someone should maintain
a file like this.

(generate things needed to make kernel)
make all->install usr.sbin/config
make all->install usr.bin/genassym

(it appears that a lot of things don't work right until the new kernel 
 is in place, and it can be installed first)
make 4.0 kernel
reboot with 4.0 kernel

(remember de->dc change and other device name changes.)

(you will have trouble with root not being fsck'd if you crash in here 
 requiring manual intervention.  This goes away after you makedev your
 disks again.)

(bootstap compile process)
make all->install
1) lib/libc
2) lib/util
3) lib/kvm and usr.bin/top (if you like to watch things run)
4) usr.sbin/yacc
5) gnu/usr.bin/cc

make world
cp /usr/src/etc/MAKEDEV /dev; cd /dev; MAKEDEV all std
(you might also want to MAKEDEV any disk devices that you like)

make kernel again 
make world again
reboot again

The only problem I've run into ... and it was a system that had been
source upgraded repeatedly from somewhere back around 2.2.5 ... was
that I had a /usr/local/bin/makeinfo lying around that caused trouble
for the gnu/usr.bin/cc build.


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
|Mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  equal if and only if they |
| |   are precisely opposite.  |

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scanner stopps working under stable?

2000-01-25 Thread David Gilbert

I recently (this morning, I believe) cvsup'd and my scanner stopped
working.  Usually, scanimage recognises /dev/scanner which is a link
to /dev/pass4 ... which is my scanner.

I noticed several interesting things.  If I connect the scanner to
another SCSI bus (I have two), then camcontrol rescan doesn't find new 
devices --- I would expect the pass device to show up (it does at
boot).  Another thing is the output of scanimage -L (which tries to
probe the scanner):

[1:7:307]dgilbert@trooper:~> scanimage -L
 0: 00  ...
 0: 00  ...
 0: 00  ...
 0: 00  ...

... I tried recompiling and reinstalling scanimage (BTW... there's a
"syntax error" or two in the gimp port right now) ... but it's output
didn't change.  It did take slightly longer to produce the output
... I don't know if that is significant.


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
|Mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  equal if and only if they |
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Printer fiascos.

2000-01-29 Thread David Gilbert

Why is it that a properly functioning printer is such a moving target
in FreeBSD?

I don't mean to be argumentative, but under 3.x, the magic cookie to
make printers work (it appeared to be a flow control problem) was to

device  ppc0at isa? port? flags 0x40 net irq 7


device  ppc0at isa? port? flags 0x40 tty irq 7

Now... I've upgraded to -CURRENT, and it has a much more serious
problem.  The line now reads

device  ppc0at isa? port? irq 7

... so I havn't tried putting net or tty in it, but I have a printer
with a particular problem --- it will often fail to pick up a sheet of 
paper.  I suspect that this sets the paper out sense line of the
parallel port (?).

When this happens, the entire machine freezes until someone feeds the
printer --- the momment it starts printing again, the computer

Printer-port related things probe as:

ppc0:  at port 0x378-0x37f irq 7 on isa0
ppc0: Generic chipset (EPP/NIBBLE) in COMPATIBLE mode
ppbus0: IEEE1284 device found /NIBBLE/PS2/ECP
Probing for PnP devices on ppbus0:
ppbus0:  PCL,MLC,PML
lpt0:  on ppbus0
lpt0: Interrupt-driven port
plip0:  on ppbus0
ppi0:  on ppbus0

(I have tried putting the BIOS in different parallel port modes.)


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
|Mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  equal if and only if they |
| |   are precisely opposite.  |

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Re: Printer fiascos.

2000-01-29 Thread David Gilbert

>>>>> "Chris" == Chris Costello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Chris> On Saturday, January 29, 2000, David Gilbert wrote:
>> When this happens, the entire machine freezes until someone feeds
>> the printer --- the momment it starts printing again, the computer
>> unfreezes.

Chris>Could it be a printer-specific (or printer-compatibility)
Chris> problem?  My HP DeskJet 880C does not have that problem at all:

To my mind, the printer shouldn't be able to hang the comptuer ... no
matter what it does.  My biggest problem is that it hangs the system.

To your lack of problem, all I can say is that you might not have the
conditions to notice it.  To see the problem, you need the printer to
fail to pick up paper (or to run out of paper) while the job is still
being fed by the computer (does not count if the job is entirely
within the printer when it runs out of paper).

Now... I'm running LPRng, and it appears that only things printed by
Samba clients (as opposed to local jobs which go through a gs filter
first) hang the printer --- but this may be a red herring (that is all 
jobs might have the possibility to hang the printer, it's simply in
our experience that lpr-submitted jobs havn't ... but then the sample
of lpr jobs is very small compared to the sample of samba jobs).

Regardless... the fact that the printer is hard to get working is a
minor problem.  The fact that it hangs the whole system is a MAJOR

(This is a real hard hang.  Durning the hang no mouse/X response and
no network (not even ping) response)

When the printer is given paper, this problem disappears.


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
|Mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  equal if and only if they |
| |   are precisely opposite.  |

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Re: Printer fiascos.

2000-01-29 Thread David Gilbert

>>>>> "Sean" == Sean O'Connell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Sean> On 2000 Jan 29, David Gilbert opined:
>> >>>>> "Sean" == Sean O'Connell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Sean> lptcontrol -p
>>  I will try this.  It still seems that there's a misfeature that it
>> just doesn't work by default.

Sean> Yep. It is odd that it completely locks your box waiting for
Sean> paper.  I have seen other printers which end up printing garbage
Sean> after this but never a locked box.

That's a different problem... That problem has something to do with
flow control... and I've had that happen, too.



|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
|Mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  equal if and only if they |
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Re: Printer fiascos.

2000-01-30 Thread David Gilbert

>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Remski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Michael> ppc0 at 0x378 irq 7 flags 0x40 on isa ppc0: SMC-like chipset
Michael> (ECP/EPP/PS2/NIBBLE) in COMPATIBLE mode ppc0: FIFO with
Michael> 16/16/7 bytes threshold lpt0:  on ppbus 0
Michael> lpt0: Interrupt-driven port

I don't get the FIFO portion of the probe.


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
|Mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  equal if and only if they |
| |   are precisely opposite.  |

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On a lighter note... how-to upgrade (Version 2)

2000-02-01 Thread David Gilbert

In my origional version, I forgot the "make includes" line --- which
has frustrated a few friends, so:

Source Upgrade 3.4 to 4.x, Version 2:

I have followed the UPDATES file... and I have source-make-world
upgraded several machines from 3.3 and 3.4 to 4.0-CURRENT recently.  I 
thought I'd contribute a method that is reasonably likely to work and
reasonably likely to not be going overboard.  Someone should maintain
a file like this.

cd /usr/src
make includes

(generate things needed to make kernel)
make all->install usr.sbin/config
make all->install usr.bin/genassym

(it appears that a lot of things don't work right until the new kernel 
 is in place, and it can be installed first)
make 4.0 kernel
reboot with 4.0 kernel

(remember de->dc change and other device name changes.)

(you will have trouble with root not being fsck'd if you crash in here 
 requiring manual intervention.  This goes away after you makedev your
 disks again.)

(bootstap compile process)
make all->install
1) lib/libc
2) lib/util
3) lib/kvm and usr.bin/top (if you like to watch things run)
4) usr.sbin/yacc
5) gnu/usr.bin/cc

make world
cp /usr/src/etc/MAKEDEV /dev; cd /dev; MAKEDEV all std
(you might also want to MAKEDEV any disk devices that you like)

make kernel again 
make world again
reboot again

The only problem I've run into ... and it was a system that had been
source upgraded repeatedly from somewhere back around 2.2.5 ... was
that I had a /usr/local/bin/makeinfo lying around that caused trouble
for the gnu/usr.bin/cc build.


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
|Mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  equal if and only if they |
| |   are precisely opposite.  |

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Some current kernel wizdom.

2000-02-01 Thread David Gilbert

I'm looking at producing a netgraph node that is going to be
potentially very hard on kernel memory.  The node may have to manage
as many as 10K netgraph hook connections (each one requires a small
amount of memory) and access to the hooks requires that they be in a
table (not a linked list).

This means that I'm forced to make either a rather large static
allocation or making reallocations as required.  I'd like to poll the
collected wizdom of various strategies.

In this case, the actual usage is hard to predetermine and can range
from small (a few entries) to very large (a few thousand entries).

Is it bad, in the kernel context, to allocate a moderate amount and
then increase one's allocation a la realloc(3)?


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
|Mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  equal if and only if they |
| |   are precisely opposite.  |

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Re: Some current kernel wizdom.

2000-02-01 Thread David Gilbert

>>>>> "Alfred" == Alfred Perlstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Alfred> Why not use a linked list, with a hash header to reduce search
Alfred> times.

Well... I think a linked list is already created for me (we're talking 
netgraph hooks here) and a hash isn't required since I can canive my
problem to fit a completely used set of integers (by choosing unused
integers when I create a new hook).

That's not the problem.  I'm just concerned about statically
allocating (say) 10K pointers in that array for each instance of my
node and then only using 5 in one node and 5K in another.

Alfred> I don't think there is a realloc for the kernel btw.

Trivial exercise left to the reader, really.  I was just curious if
this type of behaviour tends to badly frustrate memory allocation in
the kernel.

Is it good, for instance, to plan reallocations at roughly the page
size in increments?


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
|Mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  equal if and only if they |
| |   are precisely opposite.  |

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New kernel, old boot... problems.

2000-02-06 Thread David Gilbert

In preparation for upgrading my laptop, I made it a 4.0-CURRENT kernel 
(cvsup'd Saturday morning) and tried to boot.  When this didn't work,
I made a GENERIC kernel (just in case some combination that I'd chosen 
was borked)... and it failed, too.

This is what it says:

/kernel.G4 text=0x1f5482
elf_loadexec: archsw.readin failed
can't load module '/kernel.G4': input/output error

... both errors were much the same.  Now... I thought that this might
be that the boot loaders needed to be updated (the ones on the laptop
would have been installed with 3.1), so I tried updating them.  They
claim BTX version 1.0 and version 0.5 for the bootstrap loader.



|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
|Mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  equal if and only if they |
| |   are precisely opposite.  |

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Re: New kernel, old boot... problems.

2000-02-06 Thread David Gilbert

>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel C Sobral <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Daniel> David Gilbert wrote:
>>  This is what it says:
>> /kernel.G4 text=0x1f5482 elf_loadexec: archsw.readin failed can't
>> load module '/kernel.G4': input/output error
>> ... both errors were much the same.  Now... I thought that this
>> might be that the boot loaders needed to be updated (the ones on
>> the laptop would have been installed with 3.1), so I tried updating
>> them.  They claim BTX version 1.0 and version 0.5 for the bootstrap
>> loader.

Daniel> The problem _is_ the use of a too old version of loader. I
Daniel> don't recall the minimum bootstrap loader version required,
Daniel> though. Anyway, you'd have to have WAY old sources for a newly
Daniel> compiled version of loader to display this problem. That, or
Daniel> you failed to install the newly compiled binaries. :-)

Well... I copied the new(er) versions of the loader from my
workstation to /boot on the laptop and then "disklabel -B wd0" on the
laptop.  Is there some other (non-obvious) step required?

I might take this momment to say (as someone who is constantly getting 
new disks) that throwing /stand/sysinstall's disk label and fdisk
editor into the regular tree would be a nice start.  Every time I've
ever used /stand/sysinstall to work on a disk, it has insisted on
newfs'ing it for me and/or crashnig the machnie.



|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
|Mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  equal if and only if they |
| |   are precisely opposite.  |

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USB problems.

2000-02-07 Thread David Gilbert

Since my new Viewsonic monitor included a USB hub and cable, I decided 
to connect them.  Under 3.3-STABLE (somewhere, forget when) this
worked and usbdev -v would show that the extra 4 port hub was
connected.  After upgrading to 4.0-CURRENT, I got:

uhci0:  port 0xcc00-0xcc1f irq 10 at device 
4.2 on pc
usb0:  on uhci0
usb0: USB revision 1.0
uhub0: VIA UHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub0: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhub0: device problem, disabling port 2
uhci1:  port 0xd000-0xd01f irq 10 at device 
4.3 on pc
usb1:  on uhci1
usb1: USB revision 1.0
uhub1: VIA UHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub1: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered

... note the "device problem, disabling port 2" --- that message will
follow whatever I plug the monitors USB hub into.


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
|Mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  equal if and only if they |
| |   are precisely opposite.  |

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Patch to try (was Re: Wierd AMD panics caused by VMWare?)

2000-02-24 Thread David Gilbert

>>>>> "Matthew" == Matthew Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Matthew> Please try the following patch and tell me if the crashes
Matthew> still occur.  If this fixes the problem then I'm homing in on
Matthew> the bug.

Matthew> I am beginning to suspect that there is a case where a
Matthew> pmap can get cleared without the tlb being flushed, causing
Matthew> origpte to be 0 when the new pte is later created again at
Matthew> the same spot.  When the new page is allocated and added to
Matthew> the pmap later on, it fails to flush the tlb entry in
Matthew> pmap_enter() because it believes it does not have to.

Matthew> This would explain why messing with the pmap_remove_all()
Matthew> case does not do what we expect -- I suspect that routine is
Matthew> not being called at all in certain cases.

Matthew> I have not found the case where the pmap gets cleared
Matthew> without being flushed yet but when I force the flush in
Matthew> pmap_enter(), it seems to stop the crashes (but I can't be
Matthew> 100% sure because I had to mess around with that file
Matthew> descriptor program to get it to crash the first time).

So... to get this straight, you'd like us to back out that other patch 
and apply this one?  I have to be honest that the machine that we have 
is only doing this once a month because we kept adding RAM to it until 
it stopped exhibiting the symptoms often.

If it helps, it appears to us that 3.0 didn't have the problem and 3.2 



|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
|Mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  equal if and only if they |
| |   are precisely opposite.  |

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AIC card not recognised?

2000-02-15 Thread David Gilbert

I get the following:

pci0: unknown card (vendor=0x9004, dev=0x5078) at 8.0 irq 11

from a machine that has:

# SCSI Controllers
#device ahb # EISA AHA1742 family
device  ahc # AHA2940 and onboard AIC7xxx devices
#device amd # AMD 53C974 (Teckram DC-390(T))
#device dpt # DPT Smartcache - See LINT for options!
#device isp # Qlogic family
device  ncr # NCR/Symbios Logic
device  sym # NCR/Symbios Logic (newer chipsets)

# SCSI peripherals
device  scbus   # SCSI bus (required)
device  da  # Direct Access (disks)
device  sa  # Sequential Access (tape etc)
device  cd  # CD
device  pass# Passthrough device (direct SCSI access)

in it's kernel (with a recent cvsup).  I would expect an ahc0 to come
up there.  It's the Adaptec 2920.  I had this in a 3.x machine for
quite a long time and it showed up as an ahc0.


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
|Mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  equal if and only if they |
| |   are precisely opposite.  |

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ipv6 default in current ports?

2000-02-18 Thread David Gilbert

I've come up against a number of ports lately assume IPv6 support if
you're running:

.if ${OSVERSION} >= 400014
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-ipv6

... I don't see INET6 in my GENERIC kernel.  This affects at least
net/mtr and lang/ruby.


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
|Mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  equal if and only if they |
| |   are precisely opposite.  |

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: ipv6 default in current ports?

2000-02-18 Thread David Gilbert

>>>>> "Chris" == Chris Piazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Chris> On Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 05:26:45PM -0500, David Gilbert wrote:
>> I've come up against a number of ports lately assume IPv6 support
>> if you're running:
>> .if ${OSVERSION} >= 400014 CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-ipv6 .endif
>> ... I don't see INET6 in my GENERIC kernel.  This affects at least
>> net/mtr and lang/ruby.

Chris> It doesn't need kernel support to build with ipv6 support.
Chris> Trying to use the ipv6 support without it in the kernel is the
Chris> only problem.

Well... ruby refuses to build with IPv6 if it's not enabled and mtr
dies with a "cannot open socket".

In escence, both ports (and possibly others) don't work in 4.0 without 
INET6 in your kernel.



|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
|Mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  equal if and only if they |
| |   are precisely opposite.  |

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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camcontrol rescan and sym0

2000-02-20 Thread David Gilbert

I used to have an Adaptec 2940UW in this machine, but I now have a:

sym0: <895> port 0xd800-0xd8ff mem 0xefffe000-0xefffefff,0xef00-0xefff irq 11 
at device 13.0 on pci0
sym0: Tekram NVRAM, ID 7, Fast-40, LVD, parity checking

This attaches:

sa0 at sym0 bus 0 target 3 lun 0
sa0:  Removable Sequential Access SCSI-2 device 
sa0: 10.000MB/s transfers (10.000MHz, offset 31)
sa1 at sym0 bus 0 target 9 lun 0
sa1:  Removable Sequential Access SCSI-2 device 
sa1: 40.000MB/s transfers (20.000MHz, offset 31, 16bit)
da1 at sym0 bus 0 target 1 lun 0
da1:  Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device 
da1: 80.000MB/s transfers (40.000MHz, offset 31, 16bit), Tagged Queueing Enabled
da1: 17522MB (35885168 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 2233C)
da0 at sym0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0:  Fixed Direct Access SCSI-2 device 
da0: 40.000MB/s transfers (20.000MHz, offset 15, 16bit), Tagged Queueing Enabled
da0: 8683MB (17783240 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 1106C)
Mounting root from ufs:/dev/ad0s1a
cd1 at sym0 bus 0 target 5 lun 0
cd1:  Removable CD-ROM SCSI-2 device 
cd1: 3.300MB/s transfers
cd1: cd present [1 x 2048 byte records]

... now sa1 is an external drive that I sometimes take somewhere else.
I've found that camcontrol rescan on this card can wedge the scsi bus
for a number of seconds.  This didn't happen on the adaptec, so I'm
assuming that this isn't normal behavior.  When things return to
normal, the rescan is successful, but the 30ish second wait isn't


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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Re: Wierd AMD panics caused by VMWare?

2000-02-23 Thread David Gilbert

I had reported this earlier, but the similarities are striking:

I too have seen strange AMD panics where stack variables inexplicably
go to zero.  My systems are K6/2-400's, and I have often witnessed the 
following fault (only happens on a *really* busy web server)

#0  boot (howto=256) at ../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:285
#1  0xc014aad1 in panic (fmt=0xc023878a "page fault")
at ../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:446
#2  0xc02098ce in trap_fatal (frame=0xcc74eecc, eva=134812896)
at ../../i386/i386/trap.c:942
#3  0xc0209587 in trap_pfault (frame=0xcc74eecc, usermode=0, eva=134812896)
at ../../i386/i386/trap.c:835
#4  0xc02091ba in trap (frame={tf_es = -887750640, tf_ds = -1036058608, 
  tf_edi = -1050208512, tf_esi = -1043943040, tf_ebp = -864751828, 
  tf_isp = -864751884, tf_ebx = 2287, tf_edx = -1036043576, tf_ecx = 0, 
  tf_eax = 134812884, tf_trapno = 12, tf_err = 2, tf_eip = -1072417321, 
  tf_cs = 8, tf_eflags = 66054, tf_esp = -1041509376, tf_ss = -1036024832})
at ../../i386/i386/trap.c:437
#5  0xc01435d7 in fdcopy (p=0xcc5796e0) at ../../kern/kern_descrip.c:954
#6  0xc014587b in fork1 (p1=0xcc5796e0, flags=-2147483596)
at ../../kern/kern_fork.c:379
#7  0xc014533b in vfork (p=0xcc5796e0, uap=0xcc74ef94)
at ../../kern/kern_fork.c:109
#8  0xc0209b17 in syscall (frame={tf_es = 39, tf_ds = 39, tf_edi = 236237520, 
  tf_esi = 236231856, tf_ebp = -1077952324, tf_isp = -864751644, 
  tf_ebx = 673171048, tf_edx = 163766316, tf_ecx = 672877149, tf_eax = 66, 
  tf_trapno = 7, tf_err = 2, tf_eip = 672936705, tf_cs = 31, 
  tf_eflags = 514, tf_esp = -1077952368, tf_ss = 39})
at ../../i386/i386/trap.c:1100
#9  0xc01feedc in Xint0x80_syscall ()

Now the interesting code here is at stack from #5:

(kgdb) list
948 fpp = newfdp->fd_ofiles;
949 for (i = newfdp->fd_lastfile; i-- >= 0; fpp++)
950 if (*fpp != NULL)
951 (*fpp)->f_count++;

(kgdb) p newfdp->fd_ofiles
$1 = (struct file **) 0xc23f2000
(kgdb) p fpp
$2 = (struct file **) 0x0

Now... the only operation on fpp is fpp++.  It should take a _long_
time for fpp to get around to 0 and you'd thing that *fpp would be
zero long before that (or cause a page fault at some other
non-existant location).

So... the similarity here is that deep in the kernel, we have a
automatic (possibly register) local variable that's getting zero'd.

I have half-a-dozen crash dumps of this nature.  For me, it always
happens in fdcopy().  This may be due to the fact that the machine is
running a large apache config --- so fork() is something it's doing

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Re: Wierd AMD panics caused by VMWare?

2000-02-23 Thread David Gilbert

>>>>> "Nick" == Nick Sayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Nick> The only thing I would add is that by AMD I didn't mean Advanced
Nick> Micro Devices. I meant /usr/sbin/amd. In my case this behavior
Nick> has been observed on a Pentium III and on a K7, so it's CPU
Nick> independent.

Nick> The common denominator seems to be that the machine has to be
Nick> very active. VMware stresses the vm system quite a bit (64M of
Nick> shared memory with multiple processes digging around, etc). A
Nick> very busy web server is going to do a lot of context switching
Nick> (I think?).  In that situation, it appears that the stack is
Nick> being smashed.

Nick> I tried insulating the code where my machines go nuts inside of
Nick> splhigh() / splx(), but it didn't help.

Nick> Is your machine running the automounter?

No... but someone sent me some patches that deal with file descriptor
coruption that may (or may not) solve my problem.  It at least sounds


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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kld problems.

2000-02-28 Thread David Gilbert

After stealing the /sys/netgraph/tee makefile (because I'm making a
netgraph node), I tried compiling it --- and that appeared to go
fine... however, when I tried to load it, I got:

[1:19:319]root@test:/u1/dgilbert> kldload ./ng_l2tp.ko
kldload: can't load ./ng_l2tp.ko: Exec format error
Feb 28 05:59:51 test /kernel: link_elf: symbol _DefaultRuneLocale undefined

What am I doing wrong?


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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Re: Printer fiascos.

2000-03-01 Thread David Gilbert

>>>>> "Nicolas" == Nicolas Souchu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Nicolas> On Sun, Jan 30, 2000 at 02:42:39PM -0500, Brian Dean wrote:
>> For what its worth, I am able to reproduce this problem on my
>> system.

Nicolas> Would you mind trying this patch before I send it to Jordan?

I certainly don't get any "hangs" any more, but I'm still experiencing 
"pauses" --- short half-a-second mouse unresponsiveness when someone
prints.  I'm currently seeing the following on boot:

ppc0:  at port 0x378-0x37f irq 7 on isa0
ppc0: Generic chipset (EPP/NIBBLE) in COMPATIBLE mode
ppbus0: IEEE1284 device found /NIBBLE/PS2/ECP
Probing for PnP devices on ppbus0:
ppbus0:  PCL,MLC,PML
ppi0:  on ppbus0
lpt0:  on ppbus0
lpt0: Interrupt-driven port
plip0:  on ppbus0



|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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Twice the clock, half the fun.

2000-03-02 Thread David Gilbert

I've been running FreeBSD (under FreeBSD) on VMWare lately to try to
test some kernel modules I'm writing.

However, the clock seems to run at nearly twice normal time.  Ntpdate
will set the clock back tot he right value, but ntpd doesn't appear to 
be able to reign in the runaway clock.

Is there a way that I can set some sysctl variable such that the clock 
is close enough to real time for ntpd to handle the remaining fine

I'm running NFS between the two FreeBSD's and this clock skew is
playing havok with things.


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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vmware stopped working?

2000-03-03 Thread David Gilbert

I just cvsup'd today (and I did also recompile the vmware modules,
just in case)... and the vmware binary started failing with the

[2:18:318]dgilbert@strike:/u7/dgilbert/vmware/FreeBSD> vmware
(USER) Dictionary_Create: unable to allocate memoryPanic without a VM
Segmentation fault

Any ideas?


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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ports/net/tund not compiling.

2000-03-06 Thread David Gilbert

Looks like some very recent breakage:

cc -O -pipe -g -DDEBUG -DNO_IDEA -static -o tund main.o tund.o secur.o scb.o utils.o 
md5.o alarm.o cipher.o search.o -L/usr/lib -lmd -lcrypto 
/usr/lib/libcrypto.a(rsa_lib.o): In function `RSA_new_method':
rsa_lib.o(.text+0x91): undefined reference to `RSA_PKCS1'
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/net/tund/work/tund-0.20.
*** Error code 1


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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Re: HEADS UP! old wd driver going away

2000-03-15 Thread David Gilbert

I still have hardware that works with wd and not ata.  I posted awhile 
ago that ata gets stuck in a retry loop on my system.  This is with a
CVSUP of a couple of days ago.

I can provide logins on the box if someone wants to take a look at it.



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make release failing?

1999-09-22 Thread David Gilbert

I'm getting 100's of these messages and then a failure of 'make

/usr/local/bin/jade:/usr/doc/ru_RU.KOI8-R/books/faq/book.sgml:9161:12:E: unexpected 
element name: QUESTION
/usr/local/bin/jade:/usr/doc/ru_RU.KOI8-R/books/faq/book.sgml:9162:75:E: unexpected 
element name: ANSWER

I tried blowing my source tree away and then cvsup'ing
RELENG_3_3_0_RELEASE, but I still get this error.  Any ideas?


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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AMI MEGARAID problems.

1999-12-15 Thread David Gilbert

I'm having trouble convincing -CURRENT to disklabel or newfs an AMI
MEGARAID adapter.

amr0:  irq 10 at device 11.1 on pci0
amr0: firmware GH89 bios 1.41  16MB memory
amrd0:  on amr0
amrd0: 122647MB (251181056 sectors) RAID 5 (optimal)

[1:22:322]root@raid1:~> fdisk amrd0
*** Working on device /dev/ramrd0 ***
parameters extracted from in-core disklabel are:
cylinders=15635 heads=255 sectors/track=63 (16065 blks/cyl)

Figures below won't work with BIOS for partitions not in cyl 1
parameters to be used for BIOS calculations are:
cylinders=15635 heads=255 sectors/track=63 (16065 blks/cyl)

Media sector size is 512
Warning: BIOS sector numbering starts with sector 1
Information from DOS bootblock is:
The data for partition 1 is:
sysid 165,(FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD)
start 63, size 251176212 (122644 Meg), flag 80 (active)
beg: cyl 0/ sector 1/ head 1;
end: cyl 274/ sector 63/ head 254
The data for partition 2 is:

The data for partition 3 is:

The data for partition 4 is:

[1:29:329]root@raid1:~> disklabel -w -r amrd0s1 auto
disklabel: ioctl DIOCGDINFO: Invalid argument
disklabel: auto: unknown disk type


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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AMI MegaRAID datapoint.

1999-12-16 Thread David Gilbert

I have the Enterprise 1400 Megaraid adapter with (currently 16M) on
it.  I have tested the various modes of operation (different raid
levels and striping) and find it to be working well.  My LVD array
consists of 8 18G Quamtum IV's.

Now... using vinum and either the 2940U2W (Adaptec LVD) or the TekRAM
(NCR) LVD (using the sym0 device) gives 30 to 35 M/s under RAID-5.
This is impressive and subject to the bug that I mentioned in -STABLE
which still hasn't been found.

The AMI MegaRAID 1400 delivers between 16.5 and 19 M/s (the 19M/s
value is somewhat contrived --- using 8 bonnies in parrallel and then
summing their results --- which is not 100% valid)... but the MegaRAID 
appears to be stable.

I would like to know, however, if there are any planned or
in-the-works utility programs for the amr device.  In particular, a
program to print the state of the array would be useful.


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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Re: AMI MegaRAID datapoint.

1999-12-16 Thread David Gilbert

>>>>> "Brad" == Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> This is impressive and subject to the bug that I mentioned in
>> -STABLE which still hasn't been found.

Brad>   Which one is this?

It's a really long thread. I'm not going to repeat it here.
Basically, under "enough" load, vinum trashes the kernel stack in such 
a way that debugging is very tough.  I have been talking to a number
of people about it in -STABLE.  I will continue to debug this on the
new news server I'm building (before it gets commissioned), but work
on this particular server had to halt with the instalation of the

Brad>   With luck, in about a month or so, I should be getting a new
Brad> server in with 1GB RAM, 450Mhz Pentium III w/ 1MB L2 cache, a
Brad> DPT SmartRAID V controller with 256MB ECC cache, and eight
Brad> Fujitsu MAE3182LC 7200RPM 18GB drives for RAID-5 configuration
Brad> on a single SCSI bus, for our new anonymous ftp server.

I got the MegaRAID 1400 because the DPT V drivers weren't available.
The MegaRAID should be roughly equivlanet to the DPT V.  Do go with
LVD if you can.

I have done benchmarking with bonnie instead of rawIO.  The output is
as follows:

1 process, for vinum:

  ---Sequential Output ---Sequential Input-- --Random--
  -Per Char- --Block--- -Rewrite-- -Per Char- --Block--- --Seeks---
MachineMB K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU  /sec %CPU
raid-1512  4554 20.0  4583  6.3  4495  8.3 18596 80.1 30001 25.9 446.0  5.3

1 process, for MegaRAID:

  ---Sequential Output ---Sequential Input-- --Random--
  -Per Char- --Block--- -Rewrite-- -Per Char- --Block--- --Seeks---
MachineMB K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU  /sec %CPU
mega  512  7419 32.4  7529 10.2  4653  9.6 14616 63.4 14942 18.8 345.4  5.0

... now the MegaRAID was at 16.5M/s block read with a different stripe 
size, but I don't have that output in front of me.



|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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Re: AMI MegaRAID datapoint.

1999-12-16 Thread David Gilbert

>>>>> "Brad" == Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Brad>   It sounds like the second RAID-5 bug listed on the page I
Brad> mentioned:

>>> 28 September 1999: We have seen hangs when perform heavy I/O to
>>> RAID-5 plexes. The symptoms are that processes hang waiting on
>>> vrlock and flswai. Use ps lax to display this information.
>>> Technical explanation: A deadlock arose between code locking
>>> stripes on a RAID-5 plex (vrlock) and code waiting for buffers to
>>> be freed (flswai).
>>> Status: Being fixed.

Maybe, maybe not.  My crashes have a different signature than your
according to Greg.

Brad>   I believe that I have seen this bug myself, but in my only
Brad>   I have never been impressed with the benchmarking that bonnie
Brad> is capable of.  In my experience, rawio is a much better tool,
Brad> because it handles coordinating large numbers of child
Brad> processes, doesn't lose information in communications between
Brad> the parent and the child processes, by-passes all the filesystem
Brad> overhead, etc

Brad>   If you want to do filesystem level benchmarking, I've been
Brad> more impressed by what I've seen out of Postmark.

... well... one of the pros that I have heard for bonnie is that you
get a number that is close to what you can expect with
applications... vs. something like rawio that is isolating one system
for intensive testing.  I often use bonnie as a good weathervane of
how fast a "whole system" is with it's disk.



|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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Re: AMI MegaRAID datapoint.

1999-12-17 Thread David Gilbert

>>>>> "Mike" == Mike Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> The AMI MegaRAID 1400 delivers between 16.5 and 19 M/s (the 19M/s
>> value is somewhat contrived --- using 8 bonnies in parrallel and
>> then summing their results --- which is not 100% valid)... but the
>> MegaRAID appears to be stable.

Mike> Hmm.  Those numbers aren't so great though.  I'd be interested
Mike> to know how busy the controller is during your test (use systat
Mike> -vmstat 1 and look at the amrd0 device), as well as how you've
Mike> configured it.  AMI's default configurations for those
Mike> controllers is wildly inconsistent between one BIOS version and
Mike> the next.

Well... it's RAID-5 across the same 8 drives with all 8 drives on one
LVD chain (same configuration as the other test).  I have tried the
128k stripe, but it was slower than the default 64k stripe.

>> I would like to know, however, if there are any planned or
>> in-the-works utility programs for the amr device.  In particular, a
>> program to print the state of the array would be useful.

Mike> I'm currently waiting on AMI for more documentation, at which
Mike> point there will indeed be more monitoring and control
Mike> facilities added.



|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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Re: AMI MegaRAID datapoint.

1999-12-17 Thread David Gilbert

>>>>> "Brad" == Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Brad> At 10:02 AM -0500 1999/12/17, David Gilbert wrote:
>> Well... it's RAID-5 across the same 8 drives with all 8 drives on
>> one LVD chain (same configuration as the other test).  I have tried
>> the 128k stripe, but it was slower than the default 64k stripe.

Brad>   One of the lessons I learned from Greg was that, when dealing
Brad> with RAID implementations in hardware, you should usually take
Brad> their "native" stripe size, since that's the one that will
Brad> usually perform best.

Brad>   It's only when you do software RAID (e.g., vinum) that you can
Brad> choose larger or smaller stripe sizes with a reasonable
Brad> expectation that you will get the particular performance
Brad> enhancement that you're hoping for.

Another thing that I find very different betweent he vinum software
RAID-5 and the hardware I've tried (I've used both the DPT and the
MegaRAID controllers) that the latency of a command can be incredible
on the hardware raid.  If you type (for instance) 'du -ks foo' where
foo is a big directory on the hardware raid, and then press CTRL-C, it 
can take 10 to 15 seconds to come back (I'm assuming that this is
queued I/O requests).



|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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Re: AMI MegaRAID datapoint.

1999-12-17 Thread David Gilbert

>>>>> "Mike" == Mike Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Mike> Try enabling DirectIO and WriteBack if you haven't already.
Mike> AMI's RAID5 implementation seems to suffer from rewriting the
Mike> entire stripe when you do sub-stripe-sized writes, but I'm not
Mike> sure about that yet.

Already done.  This would explain why 128K stripes are bad.

Mike> The Mylex controllers seem to have a small edge in performance,
Mike> which may be due to them doing cache-line-sized I/Os (usually
Mike> only 8k) in that case.

Maybe so, but they also don't seem to support the LVD-enabled versions 
of the Mylex cards.


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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Re: AMI MegaRAID datapoint... or is it NFS

1999-12-17 Thread David Gilbert

Another thing I've found with the MegaRAID (or maybe this is an nfs
thing?) is that large scale (100Mb, full duplex) hits on the NFS
server tend to lock up the nfs server (which has the megaraid in it).
Typically, this includes not being able to access the non-raid root
var and usr partitions.

Any ideas?  I can reproduce the problem, but it doesn't cause a panic.


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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How to de-select DMA to ad0?

1999-12-27 Thread David Gilbert

I've had my share of problems with this drive's DMA abilities.  I'm
convinced that it has none... even though it probes as such.

ad0:  ATA-0 disk at ata0 as master
ad0: ...
ad0: 16 secs/int, 1 depth queue, DMA

now... when I boot -v, I don't have a chance to write down what it
says, but it will hang every time with the following output:

ad0: ad-timeout: lost disk contact
ata0: resetting drives -- mask=03 status0=50 status1=50 ..

And that's it.  It never prints out "done" which I see in many of the
list messages.  Is there a way of disabling DMA on a specific drive?
I read a bit of the source, but didn't find any obvious documentation
on the issue.

(This is all on a kernel compiled from a cvsup this afternoon)


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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cd drivers and the 21143.

2000-03-22 Thread David Gilbert

I'm having some troubles with the dc driver and the 21143's.  I have
12 ports in a machine (3x 4 port cards).  Before I had more than 8 of
them connected, I never had any problems.  Now... I find that if I
unplug a cable and then reconnect it, that the driver will not
properly recognise the traffic on the interface.

It doesn't sound like the problem that if_dc.c version 1.4 was
addressing --- I can see traffic with tcpdump.

If I reboot the machine, the interfaces come up fine.


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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MegaRAID jiggles clock?

2000-03-25 Thread David Gilbert

I'm wondering if the AMI MegaRAID controller/driver might be the
reason that I'm getting a large number of clock resets from ntpd.
About every half hour, ntpd seems to feel the need to reset the clock
on the server by about 1/3 of a second.  The server has a moderate NFS 
load (going out through 12 dc interfaces) and an AMI MegaRAID 1400
controller with 8 disks in a RAID-5 config.

I have other servers with 12 dc ports, and havn't seen any
particularly bad time performance from them, which is why I'm
suspicious of the megaraid.  This machine is also using a motherboard
common to many of our other machines.  None of our other servers (we
have a "ring" of 5 time servers to which all our internal hosts
connect) or clients appear to have any issues.

I have considered setting the option on ntpd to only adjust time by
adjusting the frequency ... to see if this is just a bogon clock chip
or somesuch.



|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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Re: MegaRAID jiggles clock?

2000-03-25 Thread David Gilbert

>>>>> "Kevin" == Kevin Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

[about clock jiggling]

Kevin> Granted, this is an old 4.0-current machine(from around
Kevin> September), but  I've seen heavy NFS server load affect the
Kevin> clocks on all three of my NFS servers. The heavier the load,
Kevin> the faster the clock seems to run.

Kevin> Mar 25 10:00:01 nfs ntpdate[75363]: adjust time server
Kevin> offset -0.028636

Mmm but that adjustment is 10x smaller than mine:

Mar 25 16:53:29 raid1 xntpd[19242]: time reset (step) -0.340983 s


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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Kernel trace question (kernel doesn't compile _without_ -O)

2000-03-28 Thread David Gilbert

I'm puzzled over the following kernel trace.  'm' in frame 6 is
clearly not null... but in frame 5, it is.  I have compiled the
ng_l2tp module without -O... just in case that was the problem, but
line 391 (the for loop) explicitly tests m for NULLness anyways.

Also... I have noticed that several modules don't want to compile in
the kernel without -O, including kern_synch.c (undefined reference to
__cursig) and atomic.c (inconsistent operand constraints in an `asm').

(kgdb) bt
#0  boot (howto=256) at ../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:304
#1  0xc0155ed5 in panic (fmt=0xc026010f "page fault")
at ../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:554
#2  0xc022557a in trap_fatal (frame=0xc0269d58, eva=16)
at ../../i386/i386/trap.c:924
#3  0xc022522d in trap_pfault (frame=0xc0269d58, usermode=0, eva=16)
at ../../i386/i386/trap.c:817
#4  0xc0224db3 in trap (frame={tf_fs = -1071251440, tf_es = 9502736, 
  tf_ds = 16, tf_edi = 96, tf_esi = 1, tf_ebp = -1071211080, 
  tf_isp = -1071211132, tf_ebx = 0, tf_edx = 0, tf_ecx = 0, tf_eax = 0, 
  tf_trapno = 12, tf_err = 0, tf_eip = -1072237390, tf_cs = 8, 
  tf_eflags = 66054, tf_esp = -1038559808, tf_ss = -1072044908})
at ../../i386/i386/trap.c:423
#5  0xc016f4b2 in m_dup (m=0x0, how=1) at ../../kern/uipc_mbuf.c:763
#6  0xc019e4f3 in ngl2tp_ctrlq_timeout (arg=0xc218d5c0)
at ../../netgraph/ng_l2tp.c:393
#7  0xc015b245 in softclock () at ../../kern/kern_timeout.c:131
(kgdb) frame 6
#6  0xc019e4f3 in ngl2tp_ctrlq_timeout (arg=0xc218d5c0)
at ../../netgraph/ng_l2tp.c:393
393 n = m_dup(m, M_NOWAIT);
(kgdb) l
388 int i, error = 0;
389 u_char *d;
391 for(m=p->ctrlq, i=0; m && i < p->Swin; m = m->m_nextpkt, i++)
392 {
393 n = m_dup(m, M_NOWAIT);
394 if(n)
395 {
396 d = mtod(n, u_char *);
397 *((u_int16_t *)(d+10)) = htons(p->Nr); /* update window recd */
(kgdb) p m
$1 = (struct mbuf *) 0xc0752280

|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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(thoughts on) the mktemp() patch.

2000-06-11 Thread David Gilbert

Maybe the soltion is to think out of the box.  Maybe temporary
filestore should be a more official OS service.  Race conditions would 
be far less common if the OS itself was managing the namespace.

You might even expand the capability somewhat.  Provide process local, 
uid local and global namespaces.  You'd even gain the ability to
specify the limits on temporary filestore.


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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Worst case swapping.

2000-06-11 Thread David Gilbert

I'm running a 700Mhz K7 with 256M of RAM as my workstation.  I have
two fast SCSI drives with a Gig of swap between them.  The system
shouldn't normally be a bottleneck as a workstation.

I find, however, that there seem to be some bad worst-case senerios
popping up rather often.

Netscape is a good (common) example, but other memory stresses will
show if the system is busy, too.

What I'm talking about is a situation where some portion of the
application will be swapped out and then when the application becomes
active again, the swap will grind heavily reading and writing for
10-20 seconds (pushing 5M/s out and 5M/s in).

Now the application in question (Netscape) usually runs around 50 to
75 megs, so that swapping activity is effectively swapping an amount
of memory equavalent to the whole application out and then in again.
My fear that this is a worst case scenario comes from this fact: that
some other part of the application now-just-recently-active-again is
being swapped out to bring in a part that was already swapped out.

Now, you could argue that this case is hard to avoid, but I find this
happening during periods of constant browsing ... such that only a
small amount of the application could have been out.

I'm positive that its not a case of the working set being larger than
physical memory; it's one of choice of page to swap.

Has anyone done any thinking about this behaviour?  It occurs with
varying degree to many applications.


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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Re: Worst case swapping.

2000-06-11 Thread David Gilbert

>>>>> "Matthew" == Matthew Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Matthew> :Now the application in question (Netscape) usually runs
Matthew> around 50 to :75 megs, so that swapping activity is
Matthew> effectively swapping an amount

Matthew> 50-75MB is a lot, but if you have 256MB of ram it can't
Matthew> be the cause unless there are other active things eating
Matthew> similar amounts of ram.

Matthew> It kinda sounds like a runaway to me.  A ps axl during
Matthew> these heavy paging periods should shed some light on the
Matthew> problem.

Believe me, I look at these things.  Yes there is a lot going on and a 
lot using memory.  I normally have about 20% to 25% of my Gig of swap
used... meaning that I have allocated roughly double my RAM in

And when this worst-case happens, memory is full... but the only
active application is Netscape.

On my home machine, the same thing tends to happen.  It only has 128M
and vastly fewer things going on.  I see cases were I'm surfing for
20-30 minutes and I will hit this 10 to 30 second (longer, becase the
swap at home is slower) gap in netscape response.

The only other applications running would be something like a small
UUCP transfer or a small amount of NFS traffic when the wife's
(diskless) machine changes screensavers.


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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Re: (thoughts on) the mktemp() patch.

2000-06-13 Thread David Gilbert

>>>>> "Dan" == Dan Moschuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dan> I've avoided this conversation, but what would everyone think of
Dan> a tmpfs type of solution with a security minded design?  I took a
Dan> brief look at phk's md driver, and it could be quite easily
Dan> molded to do what I want to do.  Things like a sysctl option to
Dan> disallow symlinks in a tmpfs mounted directory I'm sure would
Dan> make a few people happy.  The downfall, for being memory backed,
Dan> is it's wiped on a reboot (some people, however, consider this to
Dan> be A Good Thing).

Well... if you're going Whole Hog (tm), there's likely a litany of
desirable options to a secure tmpfs.

The ability to create small files that never swap to disk, for
instance.  This would be the case where I need to create a tmp file as 
the result of decrypting something to view with an external viewer.

The ability to specify more restritive than just user credentials to
access the file ... possibly a file that can only be acessed by an
open file handle or by a random filename that doesn't show up in the
directory listing.

There is probably a longer list, too.


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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State of apm, etc?

2001-04-27 Thread David Gilbert

Under 4.3, apm works ... after a fashion on my Fujitsu lifebook.
Suspend and resume work and the battery status is available.  I also
find that the non-cardbus pccards work, after a fashion.

There are interactions, though.  One particularly gnawing one is that
pccards cease to work after a resume.  This is regardless of their
state beforehand.  I can, for instance, boot the computer, suspend,
resume and then insert a pccard... and it will not work.  Its as if
the interrupts are not connected.

I recently upgraded the laptop to current using an extra disk I had
laying around.  This was somewhat of an adventure, but I have nothing
particularly to complain about ... since the hint of using make -k a
few times gets me there eventually.  We all understand that this is
not supposed to be clean.

However, there is a significant degradation in the performance of

Like before, pccards don't work after a suspend.  They get recognised
and added post-resume, but traffic doesn't appear to flow.  This is
true both for my ethernet (3com 3cxfe57) and my compact flash (San
disk).  The sound card also doesn't seem to work after a resume
... which is similar to 4.3.  This is all after enabling apm in

Unlike before, ejecting the 3com card locks up the system reliably.
Inserting the 3com card can lock up the system, but sometimes
reinserting it will unwedge things.

I'm willing to track this down, but don't know where to start on apm
issues.  Is one of you significantly versed on apm to give me some
starting points?


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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[current] Re: Confusing error messages from shell image activation

2000-12-10 Thread David Gilbert

>>>>> "Brian" == Brian Dean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Brian> I'm really not exactly sure what you are complaining about.
Brian> For example, the last time I built Emacs for Solaris (several
Brian> years ago admittedly), by default it installed itself into
Brian> /usr/local.  If you install Emacs onto FreeBSD, it goes into
Brian> /usr/local.  The behaviour is the same.  Are you proposing that
Brian> since FreeBSD provides a set of patches so that Emacs builds
Brian> cleanly, that it should therefore install it somewhere other
Brian> than /usr/local?

I'm jumping into the middle of an argument that I havn't been reading, 
but I've had the very same argument with a number of people.  It's
fairly predictable.

For foreign or not-so-foreign packages and software, I've seen
/usr/local, /local, /usr/contrib, /opt and /usr/pkg.  One site that I
worked at was even pedantic that /usr/contrib was for externally
generated software and /usr/local was for software written and/or
maintained locally.  I've also worked in environments where different
directory structures implied the level that the IS guys intended to
support the software.

Arguing about any of that in an OSS project is silly.  However,

I believe that /usr/ports should install all it's software in one
place and that place _shouldn't_ be /usr/local.  Reasoning:

- having it install in /usr/X11R6 and /usr/local is confusing.  Having 
   random software put itself in either /usr/X11R6 or /usr/local is
   more confusing.  Having ports even migrate from /usr/local to
   /usr/X11R6 is even more confusing.

- having all ports under one tree allows you to share a tree of ports
   without sharing a tree of /usr.

- would allow package management (eventually) to say that every file
   under /blah is accounted for by the package database.

- (and the reason it shouldn't be /usr/local) ... many packages on the 
   net install in /usr/local by default ... so I can see the lazyness
   in just accepting that.  However, /usr/local is a useful place for
   an administrator to put things that are not part of the ports
   collection that he has hand compiled onto the machine.  In many
   cases an inordinate amount of work would be required to change a
   piece of software that was only to be installed on one machine.  It 
   also forces all ports to be PREFIX enabled ... which is useful.

Now... I think it would be useful to have arguments about more complex 
package software that allowed /usr/pkg/foo to hold all of foo and
linking /usr/pkg/bin/foo to /usr/pkg/foo/bin/foo ... 'n stuff like
that.  Complete separation and versioning are desireable things.  I
suppose if everything was dead accurate (which it's not) you could
account for every file in the namespace ... which would be way-cool
... but separating packages might be more sensible.

... but /usr/pkg supplanting /usr/local is one of the things that I
like about NetBSD.



|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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Preferred Gigabit interfaces for -CURRENT

2003-02-07 Thread David Gilbert
We're about to make the switch from 100M interfaces to GigE interfaces
for our transit routers ... which are FreeBSD-5.0 based SMP (Athlon)
boxes.  Our current favorite card is the intel i82559-based fxp
cards.  They handle the load best on our testing of 100M cards.
Remember that our load is large and small packets and that hardware
checksums are not a win (although hardware vlans are).

So... I need to know what GigE chipsets I should test.  I recently
tested Intel GigE cards ... with dismal results... less than half the
packets-per-second on the (otherwise) same hardware.  Small packets
(as in DOS attacks) are a real concern here.

I believe that someone here recomended Tigon III based cards ... but I
was recently looking through 5.0-RELEASE's hardware notes and couldn't
find any mention of Tigon III.

A hint on where to buy the cards may be helpful _and_ I'd like to know
if the choice might be different for -STABLE (as some of our routers
run -STABLE).


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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Simply impossible to format disk under current.

2003-02-19 Thread David Gilbert
I ran into an interesting problem last night ... that was very
frustrating.  I was recycling SCSI drives from some NetBSD machines
(that were client boxes) to add to a RAID server running

It's simply impossible to format NetBSD drives under current.

Let me expand on that.  /dev/da2 exists, but you can't say 'fdisk -I
da2' ... fdisk says that /dev/da2 doesn't exist.  /dev/da2 (and
/dev/da2c) isn't writable, so I can't blank the first few sectors.  I
even tried this in single user mode.

The problem appears to be that the FreeBSD-5.0 system sees the NetBSD
label ... so things like da2s1 don't exist.  da2a, da2b, da2c and da2g
do.  These are the NetBSD partitions.  Writing to them is verboten.  I
was hoping that da2c would allow me to blank the boot sector, but it
doesn't allow me to write.

... under FreeBSD-5.0, fdisk won't write to the disk and disklabel
won't change the NetBSD label, either.

I had to boot with my FreeBSD-4.7 recovery CD ... which would fdisk
and disklabel the disk (note that fdisking wasn't enough ... FreeBSD
still accepted the NetBSD label over the fdisk data) just fine.

... although I then ran into the issue that disklabel -e had
/mnt2/stand/vi hardcoded into it ... which is wrong.


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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Re: Simply impossible to format disk under current.

2003-02-19 Thread David Gilbert
>>>>> "phk" == phk  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

phk> /dev/da2 is always writable unless you have any of the partitions
phk> open.

The error was that /dev/da2 didn't exist.  I was confused too.  

fdisk da2  # worked, displyed one slice (3) that was NetBSD
fdisk -I da2   # error, /dev/da2 doesn't exist

... it seemed like anything that wrote to da2 would fail, but read

phk> I guess you have whacked the disk now, so I won't be able to get
phk> any debugging information.

In the process of determining that it worked with 4.7-RELEASE I did
format the disk, so I'm not sure that the disk itself is useful.

phk> In case of disk/GEOM related problems, I need the output from
phk> dmesg sysctl -b kern.geom.confxml or I won't really be able to do
phk> debugging...

I would bet that any NetBSD root disk installed by the NetBSD
installer would exhibit the same problems.  It should be easy to
duplicate.  I don't have a spare disk handy right now... but I might
be able to do this in a week or two.  I would expect that you can do
this on your bench, tho.

There wasn't anything special about the NetBSD disks ... they had just
been formatted through the install process that NetBSD does.  1.5.2, I



|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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Upgrade to 5.1 fixes wi0 accesspoint mode fubar.

2003-07-30 Thread David Gilbert
For various reasons, I upgraded my firewall from 4.8-STABLE to

Recently, I complained that the wireless clients of the wi0 PCI card
running in hostap mode would loose sync.  It was repeatable that they
clients would loose sync when the server was serving more interrupts.
One of the most obvious expamples was playing xmms on the server would
cause disassociations of the clients.

Upgrading the server to 5.1-CURRENT seems to have fixed the problem.

Just a report.  4.8-STABLE is still broken... but it's less convenient
for me to attempt any tests now.


|David Gilbert, Independant Contractor.   | Two things can only be |
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bge driver not recognising BCM 5705M

2003-07-31 Thread David Gilbert
I'm somewhat confused.  On a recent 5.1-CURRENT, boot -v gives me:

found-> vendor=0x14e4, dev=0x165d, revid=0x01
bus=2, slot=0, func=0
class=02-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
cmdreg=0x0116, statreg=0x02b0, cachelnsz=8 (dwords)
lattimer=0x20 (960 ns), mingnt=0x40 (16000 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
intpin=a, irq=11
powerspec 2  supports D0 D3  current D0

followed by:

pci2:  at device 0.0 (no driver attached)

This is the internal Gigabit ethernet on my Dell D800 laptop... but
it's not recognised, even though...

static struct bge_type bge_devs[] = {


"Broadcom BCM5705 Gigabit Ethernet" },



and ...

#define BCOM_VENDORID   0x14E4
#define BCOM_DEVICEID_BCM5705M  0x165D

... so why doesn't the bge driver kick in?

[3:5:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/home/dgilbert> kldstat -v | grep bge
29 pci/bge
30 bge/miibus


|David Gilbert, Independent Contractor.   | Two things can only be |
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Re: bge driver not recognising BCM 5705M

2003-08-01 Thread David Gilbert
>>>>> "Bill" == Bill Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> I'm somewhat confused.
Bill> So am I: where were you when I asked sent e-mail to this list
Bill> asking for people to test the 5705 changes before I committed
Bill> them?

I very well might not have had this machine.  When did you commit

>> On a recent 5.1-CURRENT, boot -v gives me:

Bill> Actually, boot -v gives you much more, like the date when the
Bill> kernel image was compiled. Too bad you decided not to show
Bill> everything to us.

I didn't want to spam, but my recent current is:

FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT #0: Tue Jul 15 17:54:29 EDT 
2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/CANOE  i386

Bill> You'll need to investigate this one for yourself. Make *SURE*
Bill> you booted from the right kernel image (strings -a
Bill> /boot/kernel/kernel | grep 5705).  A good way to experiment is
Bill> compile your kernel _WITHOUT_ bge support, and then build
Bill> if_bge.ko as a module:

Bill> # cd /sys/modules/bge # make; make load

I will do that presently.



|David Gilbert, Independent Contractor.   | Two things can only be |
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Re: bge driver not recognising BCM 5705M

2003-08-01 Thread David Gilbert
>>>>> "Bill" == Bill Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Bill> Actually, boot -v gives you much more, like the date when the
Bill> kernel image was compiled. Too bad you decided not to show
Bill> everything to us.
>>  I didn't want to spam,

Bill> *sigh* No. Spam is when you try to sell me viagra or bestiality
Bill> porn.  Providing detailed problem reports is not spam. It saves
Bill> me from having to _ask_ you for more information, thereby
Bill> prolonging what might otherwise be a simple one shot
Bill> exchange. It also can save time and wear and tear on developers,
Bill> since, in the process of collecting detailed information, you
Bill> might stumble upon possible solutions to your problem on your
Bill> own, to wit:

>> ...but my recent current is:
>> FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT #0: Tue
>> Jul 15 17:54:29 EDT 2003
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/CANOE i386

Bill> [/u/wpaul/xl/src/sys/dev/bge]{58}% cvs log if_bge.c

Bill> [...]   revision 1.44 date:
Bill> 2003/07/16 00:09:56; author: wpaul; state: Exp; lines: +226 -103
Bill> ^^ Add support for the BCM5705 and its ilk. Changes:

Ah... well ... must apologise.  I normally follow -current and
associated lists, but that was the week I was screwed out of my
company, fired, and tossed out on the street.

I'm feeling much better now.



|David Gilbert, Independent Contractor.   | Two things can only be |
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wi0 still not being a good hostap.

2003-07-31 Thread David Gilbert
Well... I was wrong.  Interrups under 5.1-CURRENT still cause the wi0
running in hostap mode to shed it's clients.  I'm not familiar with
what 802.11b does to authenticate et. al., so I'm posting this
ifconfig debug output from both the server and the client in hopes
someone else knows what's happening.  This particular system has two
clients.  It's worth noting that when I had a normal access point, I
had no problems.  This appears to be a problem with the wi0 in hostap

The server says:

wi0: sending assoc_resp to 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf on channel 11
wi0: station newly 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf associated
wi0: received disassoc from 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf rssi 42
wi0: station 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf disassociated by peer (reason 8)
wi0: received auth from 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf rssi 41
wi0: sending auth to 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf on channel 11
wi0: station already 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf authenticated
wi0: received assoc_req from 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf rssi 39
wi0: received auth from 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf rssi 42
wi0: sending auth to 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf on channel 11
wi0: station already 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf authenticated
wi0: received assoc_req from 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf rssi 42
wi0: sending assoc_resp to 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf on channel 11
wi0: station newly 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf associated
wi0: station 05:ae:05:ae:b1:bf deauthenticate (reason 6)
wi0: sending deauth to 05:ae:05:ae:b1:bf on channel 11
wi0: received auth from 00:04:e2:1e:11:d7 rssi 35
wi0: sending auth to 00:04:e2:1e:11:d7 on channel 11
wi0: station already 00:04:e2:1e:11:d7 authenticated
wi0: received assoc_req from 00:04:e2:1e:11:d7 rssi 33
wi0: sending assoc_resp to 00:04:e2:1e:11:d7 on channel 11
wi0: station already 00:04:e2:1e:11:d7 associated
wi0: received auth from 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf rssi 40
wi0: sending auth to 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf on channel 11
wi0: station already 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf authenticated
wi0: received deauth from 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf rssi 40
wi0: station 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf deauthenticated by peer (reason 3)
wi0: received assoc_req from 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf rssi 38
wi0: station 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf deauthenticate (reason 9)
wi0: sending deauth to 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf on channel 11
wi0: received auth from 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf rssi 37
wi0: sending auth to 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf on channel 11
wi0: station newly 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf authenticated
wi0: received assoc_req from 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf rssi 40
wi0: sending assoc_resp to 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf on channel 11
wi0: station newly 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf associated
wi0: station 00:40:05:ae:00:05 deauthenticate (reason 6)
wi0: sending deauth to 00:40:05:ae:00:05 on channel 11
wi0: receive packet with wrong version: d5
wi0: receive packet with wrong version: d5

The client says (not nearly so long a sample):

wi0:  at port 0x100-0x13f irq 11 function 0 config 1 
on pccard0
wi0: 802.11 address: 00:40:05:ae:b1:bf
wi0: using RF:PRISM2.5 MAC:ISL3873
wi0: Intersil Firmware: Primary (1.0.7), Station (1.3.5)
wi0: 11b rates: 1Mbps 2Mbps 5.5Mbps 11Mbps
wi0: station 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 disassociate (reason 8)
wi0: sending disassoc to 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 on channel 11
wi0: station 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 deauthenticate (reason 3)
wi0: sending deauth to 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 on channel 11
wi0: station 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 disassociate (reason 8)
wi0: sending disassoc to 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 on channel 11
wi0: station 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 deauthenticate (reason 3)
wi0: sending deauth to 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 on channel 11
wi0: station 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 disassociate (reason 8)
wi0: sending disassoc to 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 on channel 11
wi0: station 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 deauthenticate (reason 3)
wi0: sending deauth to 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 on channel 11
wi0: station 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 disassociate (reason 8)
wi0: sending disassoc to 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 on channel 11
wi0: station 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 deauthenticate (reason 3)
wi0: sending deauth to 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 on channel 11
wi0: station 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 disassociate (reason 8)
wi0: sending disassoc to 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 on channel 11
wi0: station 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 deauthenticate (reason 3)
wi0: sending deauth to 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 on channel 11
wi0: station 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 disassociate (reason 8)
wi0: sending disassoc to 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 on channel 11
wi0: station 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 deauthenticate (reason 3)
wi0: sending deauth to 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7 on channel 11


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Re: bootstrapping network (bcm) on Dell D800

2003-08-07 Thread David Gilbert
>>>>> "Andre" == Andre Guibert de Bruet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Andre> On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, Dr. Richard E. Hawkins wrote:

>> If I'm reading the recent messages correctly, the bcm driver won't
>> work unless updated to approximately July 17.
>> I burned 5.1 iso's, and installed most of it successfully.  How do
>> I bootstrap the network.  I saw Bill Paul's references to testing a
>> patch prior to committing it.  Is this something I can apply singly
>> to the source that comes on the ISO (and if so, just where do I
>> grab it?), and then build a kernel, reboot, and update the rest of
>> the source?

Andre> Does this new toy have a 32-bit pci slot available? If so, pop
Andre> in a nic (temporarily), cvsup and/or grab the needed patches
Andre> and rebuild away!

It has a mini-pci slot.  You'd have a hard time getting an ethernet
card in there.  Having just had a look at the patch, it's a little
large to be typing in by hand.

Here's the options I see for you:

1) the D800 has a serial port (rare on today's laptops).  Hook up a
modem or a null serial cable and network thusly to cvsup.

2) the D800 has a pccard slot.  Find someone with a wireless or
ethernet card.

3) the D800 has usb2 and firewire... both of which can have ethernet

4) if you remove your hard drive, you can cheaply get a dodad that
will convert the mini ide connector to a regular one.

5) burn a CD or a DVD on another machine with the new src tree.



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Re: ath0 driver

2003-08-11 Thread David Gilbert
>>>>> "Sam" == Sam Leffler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> I just have to ask: is this in any way related to the a/b/g network
>> card in my laptop that shows up as:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:3:0: class=0x028000 card=0x00011028 chip=0x432414e4
>> rev=0x02 hdr=0x00 vendor = 'Broadcom Corporation' class = network

Sam> if ("broadcom" == "atheros") use ath driver; else ask broadcom
Sam> for specs on their hardware.

I was hoping for some more contructive help on that... like how I
might figure this out.



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Re: ACPI battery state and resume not working on Inspiron 5150

2003-08-14 Thread David Gilbert
>>>>> "Kevin" == Kevin Oberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Kevin> Sorry, Joe. By the way, are you suspending with "acpiconf -s3"?
Kevin> Have you tried creating a hibernation partition (slice) and
Kevin> using -s4? That appears to work better than suspend on most
Kevin> platforms that support it at all.  -- R. Kevin Oberman, Network
Kevin> Engineer Energy Sciences Network (ESnet) Ernest O. Lawrence
Kevin> Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) E-mail:
Kevin> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: +1 510 486-8634

What does a hibernation partition look like?

My dell has a 31 meg partition that I havn't touched and my FreeBSD


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Re: bootstrapping network (bcm) on Dell D800

2003-08-14 Thread David Gilbert
>>>>> "Richard" == Richard E Hawkins  writes:

Richard> I finally figureed out that the removable floppy (which works
Richard> both as an external usb and internall) is treated as a scsi
Richard> device, not /dev/fd0.  So I tried moving the drivers from the
Richard> up to date machine.  No dice; they depend on another changed
Richard> function.

Richard> So I borrowed a usb zip drive, and found that a bzip2'd
Richard> source tree is only 83M.  I've moved that, and have a new
Richard> kernel compiling from a source tree updated this morning.  Am
Richard> I going to have to do anything else to get the bge device
Richard> detected, or will it just kernel installation and reboot take
Richard> care of this?

The bge device is in the kernel by default... so as long as you didn't
delete it, you'll be fine.

I forgot to mention that the system appears to be PXE compatible... so
you could PXE boot a newly compiled kernel (you need pxeboot and
kernel.GENERIC with new drivers on the boot server.  You can even have
a kernel with the mfsroot compiled into it on the boot server).


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Re: bootstrapping network (bcm) on Dell D800

2003-08-14 Thread David Gilbert
>>>>> "Andre" == Andre Guibert de Bruet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Andre> I'm under the impression that pretty much all of the 8xx-series
Andre> Latitudes have DB9 ports (Including C800, C820 and friends).

That may entirely be, but many of my local UN*X friends have ended up
with laptops from major vendors that don't include serial ports.

Several, running NetBSD, get serial from USB devices.  I don't know
the status of FreeBSD's USB-serial support.


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USB disables controllers.

2003-08-14 Thread David Gilbert
I don't know if this is common, but I find that unsuspending my laptop
with two USB devices plugged in, or plugging in two devices at once
often result in the disabling of one of the USB ports.  Is this a
known problem?


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Re: ath0 driver

2003-08-14 Thread David Gilbert
>>>>> "Sam" == Sam Leffler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> On Wed, 6 Aug 2003, Sam Leffler wrote:
>>> > Shouldn't that be  I run the latest current, and >
>>> hw.ath.hal.version is
>>> >
>>> You're right; I committed a slightly older version to FreeBSD than
>>> to Linux.
>>  Any chance that you could commit the newer version?  Or are the
>> differences too marginal?

Sam> There are no substantive differences.  The later version was
Sam> created to identify some fixes specific to Linux.

I just have to ask: is this in any way related to the a/b/g network
card in my laptop that shows up as:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3:0: class=0x028000 card=0x00011028 chip=0x432414e4 rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
vendor   = 'Broadcom Corporation'
class= network



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Re: ACPI battery state and resume not working on Inspiron 5150

2003-08-14 Thread David Gilbert
>>>>> "Kevin" == Kevin Oberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Kevin> I don't know if all laptops support both, but every one I have
Kevin> used does. IBM has a stand-alone tool on it's web site that
Kevin> creates a hibernation partition on ThinkPads (which I use). You
Kevin> probably need to check with the manufacturer of your system to
Kevin> see what is available.

I'm working on tracking that down for my Dell.  What's been
frustrating me ... is that the S1 is not very useful and the S3
suspend shuts the machine off.  I tried putting a value in the sleep
timeout as as suggested here recently... but it didn't help.

My only hope at this point is that S4 will do something useful.


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Re: ath0 driver

2003-08-14 Thread David Gilbert
>>>>> "M" == M Warner Losh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

M> The ath driver doesn't work with broadcom hardware.  You will need
M> to write your own driver, or find someone else that can write a
M> broadcom one for you.

OK ... so slap me down... Geez.  It certainly has been discussed that
the PCI vendor doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the
chipset.  Simple question ... so many snarky answers.


|David Gilbert, Independent Contractor.   | Two things can only be |
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bcm driver, no collisions.

2003-08-27 Thread David Gilbert
I have the new bcm drive installed on an inspirion 1100 laptop that's
plugged into a 100M hub.   The driver correctly sets half-duplex, but
the collisions never increase dispite heavy nfs traffic and dispite
the collision light (and other hosts on the hub) registering many

I don't have any evidence that the interface is misbehaving.  In fact,
the performance seems good.

The card probes up as:

bcm0:  mem 0xfcffe000-0xfcff irq 11 at device 1.0 
on pci2
bcm0: Ethernet address: 00:0b:db:e7:ac:9a
miibus0:  on bcm0
ukphy0:  on miibus0
ukphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto

It has said (I don't know if this is relavant):

bcm0: watchdog timeout
bcm_watchdog: intstatus = 0x0

and the current netstat -i output (notice 0 collisions):

bcm0   1500   00:0b:db:e7:ac:9a  2535135 0   517329 1 0
bcm0   1500 fe80:3::20b:d fe80:3::20b:dbff:0 -0 - -
bcm0   1500 H48.C241.tor. H58.C241.tor.velo  2530012 -   517303 - -

This is using bcm-0308252140.tar.gz and a -CURRENT cvsup'd yesterday.


|David Gilbert, Independent Contractor.   | Two things can only be |
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No mouse on Dell Inspirion 1100?

2003-08-28 Thread David Gilbert
I just configured a Dell Inspirion 1100 laptop for a friend ... and
this laptop has a built in touch pad ... much like my dell.  It's
running -CURRENT cvsup'd as of Monday.  When it probes the mouse (full
-v boot below), it get's this error (boot -v'd)

pci0:  at device 31.6 (no driver attached)
unknown: not probed (disabled)
psmcpnp0 irq 12 on acpi0
atkbdc0:  port 0x66,0x62,0x64,0x60 irq 1 on acpi0
atkbd0:  flags 0x1 irq 1 on atkbdc0
atkbd: the current kbd controller command byte 0065
atkbd: keyboard ID 0x41ab (2)
kbd0 at atkbd0
kbd0: atkbd0, AT 101/102 (2), config:0x1, flags:0x3d
psm0: current command byte:0065
psm0: the aux port is not functioning (-1).
unknown: not probed (disabled)

I'm somewhat at a loss ... as I really don't know how to proceed.

full boot -v follows:

Copyright (c) 1992-2003 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT #0: Tue Aug 26 18:37:07 EDT 2003
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/LUTE
Preloaded elf kernel "/boot/kernel/kernel" at 0xc0616000.
Preloaded elf module "/boot/kernel/snd_ich.ko" at 0xc06161f4.
Preloaded elf module "/boot/kernel/snd_pcm.ko" at 0xc06162a0.
Preloaded acpi_dsdt "/boot/Dell.aml" at 0xc061634c.
Preloaded elf module "/boot/kernel/if_bcm.ko" at 0xc0616390.
Preloaded elf module "/boot/kernel/acpi.ko" at 0xc061643c.
Calibrating clock(s) ... i8254 clock: 1193205 Hz
CLK_USE_I8254_CALIBRATION not specified - using default frequency
Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
Calibrating TSC clock ... TSC clock: 2192893472 Hz
CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.20GHz (2192.89-MHz 686-class CPU)
  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0xf29  Stepping = 9
real memory  = 535597056 (510 MB)
Physical memory chunk(s):
0x1000 - 0x0009efff, 647168 bytes (158 pages)
0x0063d000 - 0x1f5a7fff, 519483392 bytes (126827 pages)
avail memory = 513597440 (489 MB)
bios32: Found BIOS32 Service Directory header at 0xc00ffe80
bios32: Entry = 0xffe90 (c00ffe90)  Rev = 0  Len = 1
pcibios: PCI BIOS entry at 0xf+0xcfae
pnpbios: Found PnP BIOS data at 0xc00fe2d0
pnpbios: Entry = f:e2f4  Rev = 1.0
pnpbios: Event flag at 4b4
Other BIOS signatures found:
wlan: <802.11 Link Layer>
Pentium Pro MTRR support enabled
ACPI: DSDT was overridden.
ACPI-0375: *** Info: Table [DSDT] replaced by host OS
npx0:  on motherboard
npx0: INT 16 interface
acpi0:  on motherboard
pci_open(1):mode 1 addr port (0x0cf8) is 0x8050
pci_open(1a):   mode1res=0x8000 (0x8000)
pci_cfgcheck:   device 0 [class=06] [hdr=00] is there (id=25608086)
pcibios: BIOS version 2.10
Using $PIR table, 10 entries at 0xc00fcbb0
PCI-Only Interrupts: none
Location  Bus Device Pin  Link  IRQs
embedded0   29A   0x60  3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15
embedded0   29B   0x63  3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15
embedded0   29C   0x62  3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15
embedded0   29D   0x6b  3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15
embedded0   30A   0x60  3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15
embedded0   30B   0x61  3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15
embedded0   30C   0x62  3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15
embedded0   30D   0x63  3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15
embedded0   31A   0x62  3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15
embedded0   31B   0x61  3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15
embedded02A   0x60  3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15
embedded10A   0x65  3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15
embedded21A   0x61  3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15
embedded24A   0x60  3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15
embedded24B   0x60  none
embedded22A   0x62  3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15
embedded22B   0x63  3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15
embedded80A   0x62  3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15
embedded80B   0x63  3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15
embedded81A   0x62  3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15
embedded81B   0x63  3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15
acpi_bus_number: root bus has no _BBN, assuming 0
AcpiOsDerivePciId: bus 0 dev 31 func 0
acpi_bus_number: root bus has no _BBN, assuming 0
AcpiOsDerivePciId: bus 0 dev 31 func 0
ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 3, max = 4, width = 1
ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 3, max = 4, width = 1
ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 3, max = 4, width = 1
ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 3, max = 4, width = 1
ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 3, max = 4, width = 1
ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 3, max = 4, width = 1
ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 3, max = 4, width = 1
ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 3, max = 4, width = 1
ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 3, max = 4, width = 1
ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 3, max = 4, width = 1
Timecounter "ACPI-fast" frequency 3579545 Hz quality 1000
acpi_timer0: <24-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> port 0x808-0x80b on acpi0
acpi_cpu0:  on acpi0
acpi_tz0:  on acpi0
acpi_acad0:  on acpi0
acpi_cmbat0:  on acpi0
acpi_lid0:  on acpi0

Re: devd *NOT* called on wi0 insert?

2003-09-07 Thread David Gilbert
>>>>> "M" == M Warner Losh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

M> In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Larry
M> Rosenman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: : I have a (within the week)
M> -CURRENT system.  If I boot with my Linksys : WPC11 V.3 card
M> inserted : I get the dhcp actions and all is fine.  If I remove the
M> card, we don't : kill off dhclient.  : : If I boot without the

Actually, I think devd needs to be significantly smarter.  Consider
the average laptop: one or more permanent interfaces and one or more
transient interfaces.

Currently, if bge0 (my permanent interface) has link at boot, it gets
dhclient.  Similarly to the origional poster, if wi0 is inserted at
boot, it gets dhclient.

devd doesn't seem to do much else.

There is a caveat, of course.  You can't run multiple copies of
dhclient (say one for each interface).  This is broken.  You must, in
fact, run one copy of dhclient listing all the interfaces to
configure.  This is contrary (say) to moused ... which works well with
multiple mice.

Ideally, you would start dhclient on an interface when it had link and
stop it when it lost link.  You might want to put a 10 or 15 second
timeout on that (as it could be annoying with a flakey controller),
but this makes sense.  In this case, devd would not only have to watch
changes to the device tree, but device state transitions.

Less ideally, dhclient should run on all capable interfaces whenever
they're present.  In the current scheme, this requires some external
smarts as you must kill off the current dhclient and restart it with a
new list of interfaces.


|David Gilbert, Independent Contractor.   | Two things can only be |
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LS120, ATANg and Atapicam

2003-09-07 Thread David Gilbert
>>>>> "Mark" == Mark Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Mark> Hi, I'm not sure if this is a known problem, but I don't see any
Mark> references to it. I've gone from 5.1-RELEASE to todays CURRENT
Mark> to try to get rid of a different panic (no news on that yet),
Mark> but I have hit this one.

Mark> If I boot my system with no floppy in the LS-120, the system
Mark> panics where atapicam creates da0 for it. If there is a disk in
Mark> the drive, it works fine.

Mark> As yet, I havn't got the details of the panic, but if this is of
Mark> interest to anyone here, I will be willing to provide them with
Mark> them (they wil have to be be copied out by hand, so I'm lothe to
Mark> do it if nobody is interested).

Mark> Sorry if this email is a little vague, its been a long week.

I'm just about to try to reproduce a panic along the same lines.  My
laptop has two ide channels with the hard drive on one and the DVD+R
drive on the other.  With yesterday's cvsup, it somehow finds a
phantom ad3 _only_ if the DVD+R is in it's bay.  With the DVD+R
removed, the system is still functional (luckily).

More info to follow as I get a kernel with debugging symbols in it.



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patch for ATAng bug

2003-09-07 Thread David Gilbert
I submitted kern/56572 a few minutes ago.  It patches ata-disk.c to
reject a disk that has zero blocks.

This is a good thing ... malicious or broken disks (compact flash,
whatever) shouldn't crash machines.

But in this case, the detected ad3 doesn't exist.  The machine is a
laptop with a drive on channel 0 and a DVD+R on channel 1.  If the DVD
is removed, the phantom ad3 doesn't show up, either.

... so that issue with ATAng is unresolved.


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Re: ATAng and CF cards

2003-09-08 Thread David Gilbert
>>>>> "YazzY" == YazzY  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

YazzY> Isn't the ATAng code great?  It makes it affordable to get a
YazzY> 9007199253773098MB CF for the price of a 32 MB card.  Now I am
YazzY> taking backups of the internet on it.  :)

Pocket internet... now there's a product.


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Re: patch for ATAng bug

2003-09-08 Thread David Gilbert
>>>>> "Soren" == Soren Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Soren> It seems David Gilbert wrote:
>> I submitted kern/56572 a few minutes ago.  It patches ata-disk.c to
>> reject a disk that has zero blocks.
>> This is a good thing ... malicious or broken disks (compact flash,
>> whatever) shouldn't crash machines.
>> But in this case, the detected ad3 doesn't exist.  The machine is a
>> laptop with a drive on channel 0 and a DVD+R on channel 1.  If the
>> DVD is removed, the phantom ad3 doesn't show up, either.
>> ... so that issue with ATAng is unresolved.

Soren> Uhm, I'm working on finding the real problem, and I'd like that
Soren> to be the solution. However the above may be a good workaround
Soren> for those bitten by this...

Well... is it not possible for malicious hardware to claim to have
zero blocks (by claiming one of it's parameters is zero)?  Obviously
it is now.  Some of the other crashing complaints (complaints of
crashing only without media in a zip drive, for instance) seem

I agree that the real problem in my instance is that the phantom drive
shows up.  If I can be any help on that issue, I'd be happy to boot
test code.

But my question is: would the same parameters passed to ad_print()
result from a pathalogical device (a broken compact flash, hard disk
or whathaveyou)?  I put the fix in ad_attach() because I felt that
some other code might break ... but shouldn't we at least protect the
divide-by-zero ... or better reject devices of size zero at this
point.  I can't imagine that zero sizes devices are very useful for
storing things.



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most recently used by the ACD driver panic.

2003-09-10 Thread David Gilbert
I'm looking at a call to panic() at line 137 of vm/uma_dbg.c.  The
panic string was "panic: Most recently used by ACD driver".  If the
ACD is the ATA CD driver, it was removed from this laptop (hot
swapped) some time ago.  The laptop panic'd while it aparently had
many dirty buffers ... but while it was screen locked on my desk
... and shouldn't have been doing anything.

Any ideas on where to look in this crash dump?


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mdmfs failing.

2003-09-14 Thread David Gilbert
With today's cvsup, I cannot create a md based /tmp.  If I run
'mount_mfs -s 512m md /tmp' (what runs from the entry in fstab), it

mount_mfs: newfs exited with error code 36

if I separate the operations, mdconfig runs fine, but newfs says:

/dev/md0: 512.0MB (1048576 sectors) block size 16384, fragment size 2048
using 4 cylinder groups of 128.02MB, 8193 blks, 16448 inodes.
newfs: wtfs: 65536 bytes at sector 160: Bad address

What's up?


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DVD+RW not working with ATAng.

2003-09-15 Thread David Gilbert
As a status report, a recent CVSup fixed the phantom ad3 issue, but...

ATAng is failing to allow my DVD+RW to cut DVD+R's.  growisofs fails
with 'permission denied' as it's penultimate error ... even when run
as root.  It also seems to coaster the DVD ... which is getting

This is all using the atapicam layer ... as DVD software seems to only
understand the emulated SCSI.


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recursive lock problem.

2003-09-20 Thread David Gilbert
Running a recent current, I got a recursive lock panic with the lock
first acquired in net80211/ieee80211_node.c:525 and reacquired in 547.

The machine in question uses the following wi0 in hostap mode:

wi0:  mem 0xcecff000-0xcecf irq 11 at device 17.0 on pci0
wi0: 802.11 address: 00:05:5d:ee:e6:e7
wi0: using RF:PRISM2.5 MAC:ISL3874A(Mini-PCI)
wi0: Intersil Firmware: Primary (1.0.5), Station (1.3.4)
wi0: 11b rates: 1Mbps 2Mbps 5.5Mbps 11Mbps

With the following ifconfig line:

ifconfig_wi0="inet media autoselect mode 11b mediaopt hostap ssid 
f00dbar channel 11"


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wi hostap recently screwed.

2003-09-23 Thread David Gilbert
Obviously I don't understand enough about locks.  A recent (last week
or two) checkin screwed the wi driver such that it panic's saying that
ic_nodelock is used recursively first in line 525 and then in 547 of

On my own, I tried chaging line 87 to mtx_init() the lock with
MTX_RECURSE, but this causes the kernel to panic on line 472 saying
something about trying to spin.

I'm relatively certain that this is all only caused by hostap mode
... it doesn't appear to happen on my laptop (also running this week's

... Now, that said, some of my disassociation problems on the laptop
seem to have cured (associating with other access points) ...

So I need help with this really large bug in the wi code.


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pcm0 playing too fast.

2003-09-25 Thread David Gilbert
It's my perception that some recent current (and I'm not positive
when) has made a change that is causing the pcm device to play sounds
a tone or so too fast.  The device probs in the kernel as:

pcm0:  port 0xbc40-0xbc7f,0xb800-0xb8ff mem 
0xf4fff400-0xf4fff4ff,0xf4fff800-0xf4fff9ff irq 11 at device 31.5 on pci0

and it definately didn't have this behaviour in 5.1-RELEASE.


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Re: pcm0 playing too fast.

2003-09-25 Thread David Gilbert
>>>>> "Kevin" == Kevin Oberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> From: David Gilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003
>> 22:57:36 -0400 Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> It's my perception that some recent current (and I'm not positive
>> when) has made a change that is causing the pcm device to play
>> sounds a tone or so too fast.  The device probs in the kernel as:
>> pcm0:  port 0xbc40-0xbc7f,0xb800-0xb8ff mem
>> 0xf4fff400-0xf4fff4ff,0xf4fff800-0xf4fff9ff irq 11 at device 31.5
>> on pci0 pcm0: 
>> and it definately didn't have this behaviour in 5.1-RELEASE.

Kevin> Does it do this all the time or only after the system has been
Kevin> suspended and resumed? If so, take a look at
Kevin> I know Orion
Kevin> has looked at it, but I don't know when he might have a fix for
Kevin> it.

Kevin> You might check the value of hw.snd.pcm0.ac97rate. If it is not
Kevin> 48000, try setting it to that value.  -- R. Kevin Oberman,

As the author says, changing that value doesn't appear to have
effect... but 48000 is it's default setting.



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recent changes prohibit vinum swap.

2003-09-26 Thread David Gilbert
Recent changes to -CURRENT prohibit vinum swap:

[1:6:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> swapon /dev/vinum/swapmu
swapon: /dev/vinum/swapmu: Operation not supported by device


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Re: recent changes prohibit vinum swap.

2003-09-26 Thread David Gilbert
>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Robert> On Fri, 26 Sep 2003, David Gilbert wrote:

>> Recent changes to -CURRENT prohibit vinum swap:
>> [1:6:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> swapon /dev/vinum/swapmu swapon:
>> /dev/vinum/swapmu: Operation not supported by device

Robert> In order to support swapping, Vinum will need to be modified
Robert> to use struct disk and the disk(9) API, rather than exposing
Robert> its storage devices directly via struct cdevsw and
Robert> make_dev(9).  I.e., Vinum probably needs to start approaching
Robert> things as "disks" rather than "devices", a distinction that's
Robert> becoming more mature in -CURRENT.

>> From a quick read of vinumconfig.c, I'm guessing this wouldn't be
>> hard to
Robert> implement.  Some subset of struct sd, struct plex, and struct
Robert> volume will need to start holding a struct disk instance which
Robert> would be passed to disk_create() instead of a call to
Robert> make_dev().  Much of the remainder will just consist of a bit
Robert> of tweaking to make Vinum extract its data from
bp-> bio_disk->d_drv1 instead of bp->b_dev, replacing the ioctl dev_t
Robert> argument with a disk argument, etc.

Is this something that someone can help me with quickly, or should I
downgrade the machine until it's been done?  Is there a quick hack to
make it work for now?  If I must downgrade, what date would be

Robert> I also noticed that the vinum commandline tool is a bit
Robert> devfs-unfriendly, or at least, it gets pretty verbose about
Robert> how all the files/directories it wants to create are already
Robert> present.  It could be that a test for devfs conditionally
Robert> causing a test for EEXIST would go a long way in muffling the
Robert> somewhat loud complaining :-).

Well... vinum is fragile in a whole bunch of ways.  vinum rm often
leaves things in an inconsistant state.  I almost always reboot now
after using it.  vinum rename doesn't change the devfs vinum directory
... which then also requires a reboot to correct.

Another thing that's very fragile is resetconfig.  It blanks memory,
but not disk.  It's often hard to get things running after that.  Many
times, I've had to resetconfig, reboot without loading vinum, dd to
blank the disk, reboot, load vinum and start again.

That all said, I see raidframe has been sucked in.  Are there plans
with that?



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Tonight's current breaks IPFILTER

2003-09-26 Thread David Gilbert
Tonight's current breaks compiling IPFILTER.  It complains that it
can't find the 'PFIL_OUT' symbol.


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Re: recent changes prohibit vinum swap.

2003-09-26 Thread David Gilbert
>>>>> "Greg" == Greg Lehey  writes:

Greg> Don't hold your breath.  This will probably happen in the course
Greg> of migrating Vinum functionality to GEOM.

So... is vinum-as-we-know-it going to disappear into the GEOM monster?
There seems to be cross purposes here.


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more than one snapshot prevents sync.

2003-10-02 Thread David Gilbert
I don't know how exactly to frame this, but I've discovered that more
than one snapshot on large filesystems (55 and 99 gig) prevents the
sync that happens at shutdown from doing anything... it doesn't print
out any numbers at all.

I have smaller (< 1G) filesystems that don't seem to be affected by
this problem... but it's 100% repeatable on the larger filessytems and
appears to affect both this week's current and a current from Aug 1st.


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Screen blanking on suspend?

2003-10-07 Thread David Gilbert
It would appear that the screen on my Dell D800 laptop will shut of
it's backlight when DPMS turns off the screen (with the binary driver
from nvidia).  This is useful.

However, the screen does not turn off on suspend (in other messages to
this list I wrestle with the lack of S3 suspend, but not here).

It would be "good" if I could figure out how to run 'xset dpms force
off' on suspend, but this laptop is acpi-only.  rc.suspend doesn't
run.  Should this be a devd thing?  Would apmd work with the apm
deviced that is emulated by the acpi code?


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Repeatable ATAng panic.

2003-10-07 Thread David Gilbert
I have a repeatable ATAng panic.  The panic string is "vm_map_wire:
lookup failed" and it's caused by using cdrdao on my ATAPICAM
connected DVD writer.  In this particular case, I'm trying to write a
bin/cue format file onto a writeable CD.

The panic goes roughly like this:

panic: vm_map_wire: lookup failed

syncing disks, buffers remaining... 609 609 609 609 609 609 609 609 609 609 609 609 
609 609 609 609 609 609 609 609 
giving up on 508 buffers
Uptime: 2h21m40s
Dumping 1023 MB
 16 32

Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
fault virtual address   = 0x0
fault code  = supervisor read, page not present
instruction pointer = 0x8:0x0
stack pointer   = 0x10:0xe03fbcb0
frame pointer   = 0x10:0xe03fbcd4
code segment= base 0x0, limit 0xf, type 0x1b
= DPL 0, pres 1, def32 1, gran 1
processor eflags= interrupt enabled, resume, IOPL = 0
current process = 20 (swi7: task queue)
trap number = 12
panic: page fault
Uptime: 2h21m48s
ad0: timeout waiting for write DRQad0: timeout waiting for write DRQad0: timeout 
waiting for write DRQ 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 256 272 288 304 
320 336 352 368 384 400 416 432 448 464 480 496 512 528 544 560 576 592 608 624 640 
656 672 688 704 720 736 752 768 784 800 816 832 848 864 880 896 912 928 944 960 976 
992 1008

and the backtrace (without symbols) is:

(kgdb) bt
#0  0xc055d0db in doadump ()
#1  0xc055d702 in boot ()
#2  0xc055da58 in panic ()
#3  0xc0653912 in vm_map_wire ()
#4  0xc0656c43 in mlockall ()
#5  0xc0694873 in syscall ()
#6  0xc068571d in Xint0x80_syscall ()


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Re: cannot create partition entries for /dev/ad3

2003-10-09 Thread David Gilbert
>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel O'Connor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Daniel> The only reason most people will ever touch /dev is to either
Daniel> make devices (hence no longer necessary with devfs), or change
Daniel> permissions. The later is more difficult with devfs, but IMHO
Daniel> the tradeoff is worthwhile.

This brings me to my (small) beef with devfs.  When you invoke an
abstraction, a metric of the usefulness of that abstraction is how
well the abstractions metaphors map onto the target system's

So as a filesystem, devfs does will by replicating the average
person's view of should be in /dev ... subject to what devices are
actually found... 

But filesystems also have persistence.  In the trivial case, the
persistence of the object (say ... a disk) preserved the filesystems
node.  But if I walk into /dev and change the permissions on a node,
this persists only until the next reboot.

Now... part of the problem here is that there is no simple interface
for the kernel to access (and update) a file ... which might be an
easy way to store persistence... but that's all a larger design

Now we do have the /etc/devfs.conf ... but this doesn't (yet) approach
the topic of devices added and removed from the system.  Maybe this is
a natural extension for devd.



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XFree86-4-clients port broken.

2003-10-13 Thread David Gilbert
I don't really have a clue where to look for this fix as there seems
to be a serious amount of magic going into the divided XFree86-4 port
builds, but my XFree86-4-clients port fails saying:

make: don't know how to make 
/usr/ports/x11/XFree86-4-clients/work/xc/exports/lib/libfntstubs.a. Stop


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Re: XFree86-4-clients port broken.

2003-10-13 Thread David Gilbert
>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Wemm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Peter> David Gilbert wrote:
>> I don't really have a clue where to look for this fix as there
>> seems to be a serious amount of magic going into the divided
>> XFree86-4 port builds, but my XFree86-4-clients port fails saying:
>> make: don't know how to make
>> /usr/ports/x11/XFree86-4-clients/work/xc/exports
Peter> /lib/libfntstubs.a. Stop

Peter> I ran into this on my amd64 box too.  Is yours an i386?

Yes.  I'm getting it on an intel centrino.



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Re: XFree86-4-clients port broken.

2003-10-13 Thread David Gilbert
>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Wemm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Peter> Eric Anholt wrote:
>> On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 15:51, Peter Wemm wrote: > David Gilbert
>> wrote: > > I don't really have a clue where to look for this fix as
>> there seems > > to be a serious amount of magic going into the
>> divided XFree86-4 port > > builds, but my XFree86-4-clients port
>> fails saying:
>> > > 
>> > > make: don't know how to make
>> /usr/ports/x11/XFree86-4-clients/work/xc/exp
Peter> orts
>> > /lib/libfntstubs.a. Stop
>> > 
>> > I ran into this on my amd64 box too.  Is yours an i386?
>> This is a problem on ref5, too.  I am testing a fix right now.  The
>> confusing part is I can't find any change I (or anyone else) has
>> made that would have caused this.

Peter> Does the port have any exposure to make(1) at all?  Its been
Peter> futzed with fairly recently.  I know it's supposed to use
Peter> gmake, but perhaps there are still some "make" references?

If you look at the port, it uses make fairly extensively now.  The
Makefile (from my limited understanding) seems to charge into building
the port without calling gmake by adding sub directories much like the
/usr/src makefile seems to do.



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DVD+R burning flakey after ATAng.

2003-10-20 Thread David Gilbert
First of all, as someone noted with disk-at-once, DVD+R (which is
always disk-at-once) doesn't entirely burn properly.  I havn't been
able to nail it down, but certain ISO images work and certain ones

This all started screwing up with ATAng.  At first, ATAng didn't
support atapicam, but that was rectified.  Now the dvd+rw port
(growisofs) doesn't work at all ... it finishes with an error that I'm
loathe to coaster another (expensive) DVD to find out.  burncd will
successfully burn some images and not others.  I havn't found the
pattern yet.

Has anyone with knowledge in these areas looked at DVD burning?


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Re: DVD+R burning flakey after ATAng.

2003-10-23 Thread David Gilbert
>>>>> "Pierre" == Pierre Beyssac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Pierre> On Mon, Oct 20, 2003 at 09:10:39PM -0400, David Gilbert wrote:
>> This all started screwing up with ATAng.  At first, ATAng didn't
>> support atapicam, but that was rectified.  Now the dvd+rw port
>> (growisofs) doesn't work at all ... it finishes with an error that
>> I'm loathe to coaster another (expensive) DVD to find out.  burncd
>> will

Pierre> I've only tried DVD+R burning with growisofs since ATAng. My
Pierre> drive is a Ricoh MP5125. I've previously burned quite a few
Pierre> DVD+RW with burncd, it mostly worked before ATAng and it still
Pierre> does.

Pierre> One problem I have seen is at the fixation phase. I
Pierre> occasionaly have growisofs returning an error at the end,
Pierre> sometimes it doesn't seem to matter and sometimes it does (no
Pierre> TOC, preventing any access).  In the latter case I then tried
Pierre> a burncd fixate on it which made the coaster back into a
Pierre> DVD. It's funny enough since burncd is not supposed to handle
Pierre> DVD+R AFAIK, but the Ricoh drive apparently did the right
Pierre> thing anyway.

I tried combinations of this, but the 'burncd fixate' tends to not
spin the disk very much.



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Another ATAng failure.

2003-10-28 Thread David Gilbert
I have tried several times in recent days to burn DVDs with burncd,
growisofs and cdrecord ... all of which worked before atang.
Growisofs complains that it can't flush it's buffers.  Burncd doesn't
complain ... but the resulting disk is not mountable.

I thought at one point that some DVD images were writable.  I havn't
cvsup'd several times since them.  No images appear writable now
... so the problem appears to have gotten worse.

Burning CDR and CDRW appears to work fine, however.


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ICH4 gaps in sound.

2003-11-19 Thread David Gilbert
I have a 

pcm0:  port 0xbc40-0xbc7f,0xb800-0xb8ff mem 
0xf4fff400-0xf4fff4ff,0xf4fff800-0xf4fff9ff irq 11 at device 31.5 on pci0

in my laptop.  During sound playback I hear small gaps in the sound
output.  My sense is that they occur every second or so ... about the
size of the application buffers that are sent to the sound device.
I'm using xmms for playback.  The gaps are a pop or click in the sound
and don't seem to represent any change in the timing of the sound.


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USB locks on laptops.

2003-06-13 Thread David Gilbert
While I thought it might be an isolated example, I have several
laptops ... all of which lock up their ports when usb devices are
connected.  Typical messages include:

usb3: unrecoverable error, controller halted


usb3: device problem, disabling port 3

... which is an example from a new laptop with usb2.0, but an older
laptop with usb1.0 gives similar messages.

Jun 14 00:09:48 canoe /kernel: uhub0: device problem, disabling port 2

Now... on non-portable hardware, usb ports all seem to work.  All of
my desktop machine's USB ports work just fine with the same hardware.

Any ideas?


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Need acpi-event-d?

2003-06-16 Thread David Gilbert
First, I must say that it's cool that ACPI code can be examined and
rewritten.  In my laptop's case, this was key to make things fairly

Anyways, after a resume, it would appear I need to kill and restart
moused.  Under 4.x, apmd was used for this purpose ... but this new
laptop doesn't support apm at all.  /dev/apm seemed to be emulated by
acpi for the benifit of battery monitors, but apmd won't run.

Is there a facility to run things on resume, or is this reset
something better done inside the kernel?


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EHCI USB on _top_ of UHCI?

2003-06-17 Thread David Gilbert
I'm running 5.1-RELEASE and have USB2.0 ports in my Dell D800 laptop.
I also have a USB2.0 drive encloseure with a 120G drive in it... so
I'm very motivated to get this to work :).

To start, I posted briefly about this before... and some people
suggested that this may have a bad interaction with ACPI.  I have
ruled that out ... disabling ACPI or fixing ACPI (by obtaining fixed
ACPI code) doesn't change the EHCI behaviour.

So ... some datapoints.  USB 1.1 (UHCI) works.  If EHCI isn't in the
kernel all manner of USB devices work.  I have tested the drive, an
external DVD enclosure and a mouse.  This is good.

However, if EHCI is in the kernel, attaching the drive gives the
following messages:

Jun 13 22:15:46 canoe kernel: usb3: unrecoverable error, controller halted
Jun 13 22:15:46 canoe kernel: usb3: blocking intrs 0x10
Jun 13 22:16:05 canoe kernel: uhub3: device problem, disabling port 3
Jun 13 22:16:48 canoe kernel: usb3: port reset timeout
Jun 13 22:16:48 canoe kernel: uhub3: port 1 reset failed

... and then usb doesn't work thereafter.  Is this something that's
fixable?  I'm willing to do some work on this, but I'm a little at a
loss on where to start.  I intend to track -CURRENT with this laptop,
but my attempt to move from 5.1-RELEASE to -CURRENT was stymied by
source that wouldn't compile.

For reference, here are all the USB related probe lines with EHCI
compiled into the kernel:

Jun 13 21:51:04 canoe kernel: uhci0:  port 
0xbf80-0xbf9f irq 11 at device 29.0 on pci0
Jun 13 21:51:04 canoe kernel: usb0:  on 
Jun 13 21:51:04 canoe kernel: usb0: USB revision 1.0
Jun 13 21:51:04 canoe kernel: uhci1:  port 
0xbf40-0xbf5f irq 11 at device 29.1 on pci0
Jun 13 21:51:04 canoe kernel: usb1:  on 
Jun 13 21:51:04 canoe kernel: usb1: USB revision 1.0
Jun 13 21:51:04 canoe kernel: uhci2:  port 
0xbf20-0xbf3f irq 11 at device 29.2 on pci0
Jun 13 21:51:04 canoe kernel: usb2:  on 
Jun 13 21:51:04 canoe kernel: usb2: USB revision 1.0
Jun 13 21:51:04 canoe kernel: ehci0:  mem 
0xf4fffc00-0xf4ff irq 11 at device 29.7 on pci0
Jun 13 21:51:04 canoe kernel: ehci_pci_attach: companion usb0
Jun 13 21:51:04 canoe kernel: ehci_pci_attach: companion usb1
Jun 13 21:51:04 canoe kernel: ehci_pci_attach: companion usb2
Jun 13 21:51:04 canoe kernel: usb3: EHCI version 1.0
Jun 13 21:51:04 canoe kernel: usb3: companion controllers, 2 ports each: usb0 usb1 usb2
Jun 13 21:51:04 canoe kernel: usb3:  on ehci0
Jun 13 21:51:04 canoe kernel: usb3: USB revision 2.0


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.   | Two things can only be |
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