Re: new rc.diskless{1,2} files

2001-04-02 Thread Danny Braniss

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>you write:

}I've found that one can reduce a lot of common file duplication by
}reversing that logic, going after "default" first, then
}"network-specific", finally followed by "host-specific" files:
}  if [ -d /conf/default/etc/ ]; then
}  cp -Rp /conf/default/etc/* /conf/etc
}  fi
}  if [ -d /conf/${bootp_ipbca} ] ; then
}  cp -Rp /conf/${bootp_ipbca}/etc/* /conf/etc
}  fi
}  if [ -d /conf/${bootp_ipa} ] ; then
}  cp -Rp /conf/${bootp_ipa}/etc/* /conf/etc
}  fi

i like it!, since that's almost what i did here, but this morning couldn't
remember why :-)

as to using local disks, all our 'diskless' actualy have disk, im still
in the design stage, since some of the have other os installed,
some want to use the disk as scratch, some may need big swap ...


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No Subject

2000-09-14 Thread Danny Braniss

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Problem with RC3

2003-01-15 Thread Danny Braniss
hi all,
firstly, hats off, great stuff!

so far i have 2 problems to report:
1- I managed to boot of the cd, but later stage of the install
   refuses to recognize the cd.
2- tried to install over the net, 'em' is not in generic


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Re: Problem with RC3

2003-01-15 Thread Danny Braniss
> On Wed, 2003-01-15 at 09:43, Danny Braniss wrote:
> > hi all,
> > firstly, hats off, great stuff!
> > 
> > so far i have 2 problems to report:
> > 1- I managed to boot of the cd, but later stage of the install
> >refuses to recognize the cd.
> Which later stage, and what is the CDROM, and the machine?
when it wants to install, it asks from where, but choosing cd gives
some error - cd not found or something.

acd0: CDROM  at ata1-master PIO4


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Re: Diskless: 5.0R scripts, boot, NFS mount problems I didn't have in 4.7S

2003-02-22 Thread Danny Braniss
I have been using diskless boots for some time, and selecting different
kernels is very easy, see

> :Seems like diskless clients would have to have separate kernels with
> :the "option BOOTP" while any servers must omit this option.
> :
> :How do you keep them separate? or am I missing something fundamental?
> :
> :Thanks.
> You can compile pxeboot with the LOADER_TFTP_SUPPORT=YES option.
> Add LOADER_TFTP_SUPPORT=YES to your /etc/make.conf and recompile
> /usr/src/sys/boot (make clean; make obj; make; make install from
> within /usr/src/sys/boot).
> If you do this pxeboot will attempt to load the kernel via TFTP
> instead of via NFS.  You then put your kernel in /tftpboot right along
> side a copy of pxeboot.
> This allows you to netboot a different kernel then the one in the 
> server's root directory.
> :PS: could you show me your dhcpd.conf so I can see how you're
> :specifying your root filesystem? Mine's currently:
> : option root-path"";
> subnet netmask {
> range ...;
> server-name "";
> option subnet-mask;
> option domain-name-servers;
> option domain-name "";
> option broadcast-address;
> option routers;
> group {
>   filename "pxeboot";
>   option root-path "";
>   host net1 {
> # Alternative server to boot -current
> # option root-path "";
> # next-server;
>   hardware ethernet ...;
>   }
>   host net2 {
>   hardware ethernet ...;
>   }
>   ...
> }
> }
>   -Matt
>   Matthew Dillon 
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Re: GEOM Gate.

2003-10-15 Thread Danny Braniss
> From: Richard Tobin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Ok, GEOM Gate is ready for testing.
> > > For those who don't know what it is, they can read README:
> > 
> > Aaargh!  It's the return of nd(4) from SunOS.
> Excuse me?
> # uname -a
> SunOS galaxy 4.1.4 18 sun4m
> # man nd
> No manual entry for nd.
> #
back in the days when the internet was LAN, SUN invented 'The Network is the
Computer', YP for yellow pages (now NIS), and ND for Network Disk (A RPITA).
but disks where expensive so it was rather neat, ND was replaced by NFS, but
NIS is is still around :-).

PS: as some like to say, nothing new under the sun

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Re: pam_ldap and passwd

2003-11-24 Thread Danny Braniss

while you are at it can you:
--- passwd.cTue Jul 15 12:31:13 2003
+++ passwd.c.orig   Sat Apr 19 00:27:09 2003
@@ -119,10 +119,6 @@
fprintf(stderr, "Changing NIS password for %s\n",
-   case _PWF_HESIOD:
-   fprintf(stderr, "Changing HESIOD password for %s\n",
-   pwd->pw_name);
-   break;
/* XXX: Green men ought to be supported via PAM. */


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Re: nfs lockup

2004-02-14 Thread Danny Braniss
just an update, with a newer -current it still hangs exactly in the same place,
and on two very different hosts!

xpc# ps lwp  21002
   18 21002 20990   0  -7  0  1572 1036 nfsfsy D p00:00.00 ar cq 
libbsdxml.a xmlparse.o xmltok.o xmlrole.o

i need help in tracking down this problem,


> hi,
>   for some time now, probably since 5.2, make buildworld will hang
> and strangely enough at the same point,
>18 21097 21085   0  -7  0  1572 1052 nfsfsy DLp20:00.00 ar cq 
> libbsdxml.a xmlparse.o xmltok.o xmlrole.o
> the setup is:
>   -current running on a diskless host.
>   CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2800+ (2079.56-MHz 686-class CPU)
> i changed the NIC, from the onboard nvidia to an Intel, so i don't think
> the problem is there.
> any help i can provide to trace this anoying problem?
> thanks,
>   danny
> ___
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rcNG & automonter(amd)

2003-06-07 Thread Danny Braniss
  I have a problem with /etc/rc.d/amd, because of the line


${amd_program} gets run in the background, ldconfig failes to cache libraries
in /usr/local/lib (which is automounted :-)

  Is there realy a need for the "&"? amd will background itself after it's done
with the initialization stage anyway - and if not then it probably means


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Re: rcNG & automonter(amd)

2003-06-07 Thread Danny Braniss

> This may have been because of a missed merge from rcOG. How does the following
> work for you?
> Cheers.

it will fix my problem, but in an 'obscure way', just have to remember to
set amd_flags

my point is that amd should not be backgrounded by default, it does so anyway
once it managed to register with the portmapper and some other initialization


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Re: rcNG & automonter(amd)

2003-06-07 Thread Danny Braniss

> Amd is poorly designed the way it blocks and is overly sensative to one's
> network setup.  Your's is the first trouble I've heard of with back
> grounding its invocation, and several were happy with it.  I don't know
> what to say.  remove rev 1.127 if you like.

what's needed is a simple way to:
1- keep the default - &
2- turn it off by request

after coffee i'll see if i can come up with a solution.


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Re: acpi patch for dell laptop?

2003-06-21 Thread Danny Braniss

> On Fri, Jun 20, 2003 at 05:29:30PM -0400, Mike Sturdee wrote:
> > Where can I find the latest, greatest patch that fixes this?
> Try this URL:
> and let me know if it works.
> --Stijn

just to confirm that it works on a Dell Latitude C800


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tunning 5.1

2003-07-03 Thread Danny Braniss
i run a small program that writes to file, these are the numbers

Fbsdlocal disk  nfs
4.8 44.86   42.54
5.1 34.37   16.42

are these values (MB/s) acceptable? comments?
while disk io is less that 30% slower, network is over 60% slower!


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ACPI problem?

2003-07-15 Thread Danny Braniss
the motherboard is Intel STL2, which works fine with 4.8-stable.
just tried 5.1-current and it hangs on boot:

BIOS drive A: is disk0
BIOS drive C: is disk1

PXE version 2.1, real mode entry point @9d3a:0106
BIOS 637kB/785344kB available memory

FreeBSD/i386 bootstrap loader, Revision 1.1
([EMAIL PROTECTED], Tue Jul 15 17:13:47 IDT 2003)
pxe_open: server addr:
pxe_open: server path: /roots/FreeBSD/i386-5.1
pxe_open: gateway ip:
Loading /boot/defaults/loader.conf 
/boot/kernel/kernel text=0x42d0f4 data=0x78094+0x829e0 

Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or any other key for command prompt.
Booting [/boot/kernel/kernel]...   
/boot/kernel/acpi.ko text=0x39c14 data=0x1638+0xf68 
Copyright (c) 1992-2003 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT #2: Tue Jun 24 15:51:59 IDT 2003
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/r+d/obj/r+d/src/sys/HUJI
Preloaded elf kernel "/boot/kernel/kernel" at 0xc073.
Preloaded elf module "/boot/kernel/acpi.ko" at 0xc0730244.
Timecounter "i8254"  frequency 1193182 Hz
Timecounter "TSC"  frequency 933074142 Hz
CPU: Intel Pentium III (933.07-MHz 686-class CPU)
  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0x686  Stepping = 6
real memory  = 805240832 (767 MB)
avail memory = 774459392 (738 MB)
Pentium Pro MTRR support enabled
npx0:  on motherboard
npx0: INT 16 interface
acpi0:  on motherboard
pcibios: BIOS version 2.10
acpi0: power button is handled as a fixed feature programming model.
Timecounter "ACPI-safe"  frequency 3579545 Hz
acpi_timer0: <24-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> port 0x404-0x407 on acpi0
acpi_cpu0:  on acpi0
acpi_cpu1:  on acpi0
acpi_tz0:  on acpi0
acpi_tz0: _CRT value is absurd, ignored (-217.-7C)
acpi_tz0: _ACx value is absurd, ignored (-247.-7C)
acpi_tz1:  on acpi0
acpi_tz1: _CRT value is absurd, ignored (-217.-7C)
acpi_tz1: _ACx value is absurd, ignored (-247.-7C)
acpi_tz2:  on acpi0
acpi_tz2: _CRT value is absurd, ignored (-217.-7C)
acpi_tz2: _ACx value is absurd, ignored (-247.-7C)
acpi_button0:  on acpi0
pcib0:  port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0
pci0:  on pcib0
pcib0: slot 2 INTA is routed to irq 11
pcib0: slot 3 INTA is routed to irq 9
pcib0: slot 6 INTA is routed to irq 5
pcib0: slot 15 INTA is routed to irq 9
pci0:  at device 2.0 (no driver attached)
fxp0:  port 0x1400-0x143f 
mem 0xf910-0xf91f,0xf9001000-0xf9001fff irq 9 at device 3.0 on pci0
fxp0: Ethernet address 00:d0:b7:b6:90:53
miibus0:  on fxp0
inphy0:  on miibus0
inphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
em0:  port 
0x1440-0x145f mem 0xf902-0xf903,0xf904-0xf905 irq 5 at device 
6.0 on pci0
em0:  Speed:N/A  Duplex:N/A
isab0:  port 0x580-0x58f at device 15.0 on pci0
isa0:  on isab0
atapci0:  port 
0x1460-0x146f,0x374-0x377,0x170-0x177 at device 15.1 on pci0
ata0: at 0x1f0 irq 14 on atapci0
ata1: at 0x170 irq 15 on atapci0
ohci0:  mem 0xf9002000-0xf9002fff irq 9 at 
device 15.2 on pci0
usb0: OHCI version 1.0, legacy support
usb0:  on ohci0
usb0: USB revision 1.0
uhub0: (0x1166) OHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub0: 4 ports with 4 removable, self powered
pcib1:  on acpi0
pci1:  on pcib1
pcib1: slot 4 INTA is routed to irq 9
pcib1: slot 4 INTB is routed to irq 10
ahc0:  port 0x1800-0x18ff mem 
0xfb00-0xfb000fff irq 9 at device 4.0 on pci1
aic7899: Ultra160 Wide Channel A, SCSI Id=7, 32/253 SCBs
ahc1:  port 0x2000-0x20ff mem 
0xfb001000-0xfb001fff irq 10 at device 4.1 on pci1
aic7899: Ultra160 Wide Channel B, SCSI Id=7, 32/253 SCBs
sio0 port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 on acpi0
sio0: type 16550A, console
sio1 port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on acpi0
sio1: type 16550A
ppc0 port 0x778-0x77f,0x378-0x37f irq 7 drq 3 on acpi0
ppc0: SMC-like chipset (ECP/EPP/PS2/NIBBLE) in COMPATIBLE mode
ppc0: FIFO with 16/16/8 bytes threshold
ppbus0:  on ppc0
plip0:  on ppbus0
lpt0:  on ppbus0
lpt0: Interrupt-driven port
ppi0:  on ppbus0
fdc0:  port 
0x3f7,0x3f0-0x3f5 irq 6 drq 2 on acpi0
fdc0: FIFO enabled, 8 bytes threshold
fd0: <1440-KB 3.5" drive> on fdc0 drive 0
atkbdc0:  port 0x64,0x60 irq 1 on acpi0
psm0:  irq 12 on atkbdc0
psm0: model Generic PS/2 mouse, device ID 0
acpi_ec0:  port 0xca7,0xca6 on acpi0
ACPI-0340: *** Error: Could not release ACPI Global Lock, AE_BAD_PARAMETER
ACPI-0340: *** Error: Could not release ACPI Global Lock, AE_BAD_PARAMETER
ACPI-0340: *** Error: Could not release ACPI Global Lock, AE_BAD_PARAMETER
ACPI-0340: *** Error: Could not release ACPI Global Lock, AE_BAD_PARAMETER
ACPI-0340: *** Error: Could not release ACPI Global Lock, AE_BAD_PARAMETER
ACPI-0340: *** Error: Could not release ACPI Global Lock, AE_BAD_PARAMETER
ACPI-0340: *** Error: Could not release ACPI Global Lock, AE_BAD_PARAMETER
ACPI-0340: *** Error: Could not release ACPI Global Lock, AE_BAD_PARAMETER
ACPI-0340: *** Error:

Re: ACPI problem?

2003-07-16 Thread Danny Braniss
> Your asl seems bogus since there are a lot of unexpected values (i.e. for
> TZ and EC port values).  Since it worked in 4.8R, follow the instructions
> for disabling ACPI.
> -Nate

thanks, that did it, but now, is there anyway i can help fix this so
acpi will work? i have several of this boxes and booting them diskless
will be a problem.


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2003-07-17 Thread Danny Braniss
I just run rpcinfo:

# rpcinfo
rpcinfo: can't contact rpcbind: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Success


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Re: ACPI problem?

2003-07-18 Thread Danny Braniss
> On Thu, 17 Jul 2003, Danny Braniss wrote:
> > > Your asl seems bogus since there are a lot of unexpected values (i.e. for
> > > TZ and EC port values).  Since it worked in 4.8R, follow the instructions
> > > for disabling ACPI.
> > >
> > > -Nate
> >
> > thanks, that did it, but now, is there anyway i can help fix this so
> > acpi will work? i have several of this boxes and booting them diskless
> > will be a problem.
> Try man acpi:
>  To disable the acpi driver completely, set the kernel environment vari-
>  able hint.acpi.0.disabled to 1.  Some i386 machines totally fail to oper-
>  ate with some or all of ACPI disabled.  Other i386 machines fail with
>  ACPI enabled.  Non-i386 platforms do not support operating systems which
>  do not use ACPI.  Disabling all or part of ACPI on non-i386 platforms may
>  result in a non-functional system.
> Hints can go in /boot/loader.conf.  Later, after the system is working for
> you, you can go back and install a new BIOS and see if that fixes the
> problem with ACPI enabled.
> -Nate

sorry, i guess i was not clear, i did 'unset acpi_load', and got the system
up, i was offering to help in fixing the acpi (actually debugging, since
my head hurts from reading the acpi stuff :-)


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Re: HEADS UP: rc.d is in the tree

2002-06-14 Thread Danny Braniss

in amd, 
# REQUIRE: rpcbind mountall ypbind nfsclient
since i don't use yp, how can i override this?

or in other words, can REQUIRE be configurable too?


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Re: HEADS UP: rc.d is in the tree

2002-06-14 Thread Danny Braniss

> On Fri, 14 Jun 2002 15:30:19 -0700
> Terry Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Ick.
> > 
> > What should be used instead of REQUIRE to mean that it will be
> > started?
> > 
> > I.e. if "REQUIRE" describes soft dependency ordering, what
> > describes hard dependency ordering?
> Correct, the REQUIRE line only describes the dependency ordering. To start
> it you twiddle the appropriate rc.conf knob.


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Re: VFS panic is now fixed.

2002-09-26 Thread Danny Braniss

> The VFS panic that was introduced in my recent commits has been fixed.  I
> accidentally commited extra stuff from my tree that was not entirely
> correct.

i just cvs'ed.

i'm getting:
panic: vn_finished_write: neg cnt


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R e: VFS panic is now fixed.

2002-09-26 Thread Danny Braniss

if this is of any help:

panic: vn_finished_write: neg cnt
Stopped at  Debugger+0x54:  xchgl   %ebx,in_Debugger.0
db> trace
Debugger(c04b2d1c,c05664e0,c04bcd6b,cb4607d8,1) at Debugger+0x54
panic(c04bcd6b,cb46082c,c0325417,c05298e0,0) at panic+0xab
vn_finished_write(c05298e0,0,c04bc4e0,3ad,c03deb2b) at vn_finished_write+0x22
getnewvnode(c04ce4c9,c240fe00,c1fbc500,cb460884,c67a10ae) at getnewvnode+0x2b7
ffs_vget(c240fe00,831a,2,cb4608f4,8180) at ffs_vget+0x93
ffs_valloc(c25c2940,8180,c241af00,cb4608f4,cb4608f8) at ffs_valloc+0x100
ufs_makeinode(8180,c25c2940,cb460bec,cb460c00,602) at ufs_makeinode+0x69
ufs_create(cb460a48,cb460a68,c0333249,cb460a48,c04e3e60) at ufs_create+0x39
ufs_vnoperate(cb460a48,c04e3e60,c25c2940,cb460bec,cb460c00) at 
VOP_CREATE(c25c2940,cb460bec,cb460c00,cb460aac,2) at VOP_CREATE+0x39
vn_open_cred(cb460bd8,cb460cd8,180,c241af00,cb460cc4) at vn_open_cred+0x179
vn_open(cb460bd8,cb460cd8,180,28f,0) at vn_open+0x29
kern_open(c1f5d240,80b32e0,0,602,1b6) at kern_open+0x183
open(c1f5d240,cb460d10,c04dab80,418,3) at open+0x30
syscall(2f,2f,2f,80b32e0,0) at syscall+0x2be
Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x1d
--- syscall (5, FreeBSD ELF32, open), eip = 0x8054953, esp = 0xbfbff75c, ebp = 
0xbfbff7a8 ---

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Re: R e: VFS panic is now fixed.

2002-09-26 Thread Danny Braniss

> On Thu, 26 Sep 2002, Danny Braniss wrote:

> I am not able to reproduce this.  Can you tell me how your kernel conf
> differs from GENERIC as well as provide some details on how you trigered
> this?
> Jeff
the kernel is GENERIC, no changes. (with one change, in /sys/kern/vfs_subr.c i 
in getnewvnode:
vnmp = 0;
because it seems suspiciosly not initialized. but it also panics - differently 
without it.

the host is diskless, as long as the disk is not touched, all seems ok. 
i can reproduce the panic so:

shuttle# newfs /dev/ad0s2a
/dev/ad0s2a: 500.0MB (1024000 sectors) block size 16384, fragment size 2048
using 4 cylinder groups of 125.02MB, 8001 blks, 16128 inodes.
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
 32, 256064, 512096, 768128
shuttle# mount /dev/ad0s2a /mnt-root
shuttle# cd /mnt-root
shuttle# rsh dev -n dump 0f - /c/4 | restore rf -
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Fri Sep 27 09:54:49 2002
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  DUMP: Dumping /dev/aacd0s4e (/c/4) to standard output
  DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: estimated 377991 tape blocks.
  DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  DUMP: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]

and after short while:

lock order reversal
 1st 0xc058bfe0 vnode_free_list (vnode_free_list) @ 
 2nd 0xc23fbab8 process lock (process lock) @ /r+d/5.0/src/sys/i386/i386/trap.c

Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
fault virtual address   = 0x48
fault code  = supervisor read, page not present
instruction pointer = 0x8:0xc0325226
stack pointer   = 0x10:0xcfbca7e0
frame pointer   = 0x10:0xcfbca82c
code segment= base 0x0, limit 0xf, type 0x1b
= DPL 0, pres 1, def32 1, gran 1
processor eflags= interrupt enabled, resume, IOPL = 0
current process = 2651 (restore)
kernel: type 12 trap, code=0
Stopped at  getnewvnode+0xc6:   cmpl$0,0x48(%ebx)
db> trace
getnewvnode(c04ce4e9,c2453200,c1fbc500,cfbca884,c6c450ae) at getnewvnode+0xc6
ffs_vget(c2453200,5f9,2,cfbca8f4,8180) at ffs_vget+0x93
ffs_valloc(c293f000,8180,c241,cfbca8f4,cfbca8f8) at ffs_valloc+0x100
ufs_makeinode(8180,c293f000,cfbcabec,cfbcac00,602) at ufs_makeinode+0x69
ufs_create(cfbcaa48,cfbcaa68,c0333259,cfbcaa48,c04e3e80) at ufs_create+0x39
ufs_vnoperate(cfbcaa48,c04e3e80,c293f000,cfbcabec,cfbcac00) at 
VOP_CREATE(c293f000,cfbcabec,cfbcac00,cfbcaaac,2) at VOP_CREATE+0x39
vn_open_cred(cfbcabd8,cfbcacd8,180,c241,cfbcacc4) at vn_open_cred+0x179
vn_open(cfbcabd8,cfbcacd8,180,28f,0) at vn_open+0x29
kern_open(c23fa000,80b32b3,0,602,1b6) at kern_open+0x183
open(c23fa000,cfbcad10,c04daba0,418,3) at open+0x30
syscall(2f,2f,2f,80b32b3,0) at syscall+0x2be
Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x1d
--- syscall (5, FreeBSD ELF32, open), eip = 0x8054953, esp = 0xbfbff75c, ebp = 
0xbfbff7a8 ---

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Re: R e: VFS panic is now fixed.

2002-09-30 Thread Danny Braniss

if i can help, please let me know!

all im doing is:
newfs /dev/ad0s2a
mount /dev/ad0s2a /mnt-root
rsh dev -n dump 0f - /c/4 | restore rf -
and after a short while it panics.

with today's cvsup, and with this 'fix':
*** vfs_subr.c  2002/09/29 08:16:40 1.1
--- vfs_subr.c  2002/09/29 10:36:04
*** 877,883 
s = splbio();
 * Try to reuse vnodes if we hit the max.  This situation only
 * occurs in certain large-memory (2G+) situations.  We cannot
--- 877,883 
s = splbio();
!   vnmp = 0;
 * Try to reuse vnodes if we hit the max.  This situation only
 * occurs in certain large-memory (2G+) situations.  We cannot

im now getting a differnet panic :-)

lock order reversal
 1st 0xc058fd20 vnode_free_list (vnode_free_list) @ 
 2nd 0xc26653d8 process lock (process lock) @ /r+d/5.0/src/sys/i386/i386/trap.c

Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
fault virtual address   = 0x48
fault code  = supervisor read, page not present
instruction pointer = 0x8:0xc03268d6
stack pointer   = 0x10:0xcc8287e0
frame pointer   = 0x10:0xcc82882c
code segment= base 0x0, limit 0xf, type 0x1b
= DPL 0, pres 1, def32 1, gran 1
processor eflags= interrupt enabled, resume, IOPL = 0
current process = 267 (restore)
kernel: type 12 trap, code=0
Stopped at  getnewvnode+0xc6:   cmpl$0,0x48(%ebx)
db> trace
getnewvnode(c04d18c9,c25d3a00,c2301700,cc828884,c757d0ae) at getnewvnode+0xc6
ffs_vget(c25d3a00,8cdd,2,cc8288f4,8180) at ffs_vget+0x93
ffs_valloc(c2a04de0,8180,c2741400,cc8288f4,cc8288f8) at ffs_valloc+0x100
ufs_makeinode(8180,c2a04de0,cc828bec,cc828c00,602) at ufs_makeinode+0x69
ufs_create(cc828a48,cc828a68,c0334919,cc828a48,c04e7780) at ufs_create+0x39
ufs_vnoperate(cc828a48,c04e7780,c2a04de0,cc828bec,cc828c00) at 
VOP_CREATE(c2a04de0,cc828bec,cc828c00,cc828aac,2) at VOP_CREATE+0x39
vn_open_cred(cc828bd8,cc828cd8,180,c2741400,cc828cc4) at vn_open_cred+0x179
vn_open(cc828bd8,cc828cd8,180,28f,c056a5c0) at vn_open+0x29
kern_open(c22a1480,80b32d3,0,602,1b6) at kern_open+0x183
open(c22a1480,cc828d10,c04de480,418,3) at open+0x30
syscall(2f,2f,2f,80b32d3,0) at syscall+0x2be
Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x1d
--- syscall (5, FreeBSD ELF32, open), eip = 0x8054953, esp = 0xbfbff41c, ebp = 
0xbfbff468 ---

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panic in getnewvnode

2002-10-02 Thread Danny Braniss

there is something fishy going on :-)
with latest current,
the tests are run on a diskless host, and just after booting,
this is what i do:
newfs /dev/ad0s2a
mount /dev/ad0s2a /mnt-root
cd  /mnt-root
rsh dev -n dump 0f - /c/4| restore rf -

panic: vn_finished_write: neg cnt

zeroing vnmp in getnewvnode, i get:

panic: getnewvnode: free vnode isn't
Stopped at  Debugger+0x54:  xchgl   %ebx,in_Debugger.0
db> t
Debugger(c04b615c,c056a400,c04bfa5a,cc8117e4,1) at Debugger+0x54
panic(c04bfa5a,0,c04bfa00,39a,c03e038b) at panic+0xab
getnewvnode(c04d19e9,c2761a00,c2301700,cc811884,c75810ae) at getnewvnode+0x3c6
ffs_vget(c2761a00,46cd,2,cc8118f4,8180) at ffs_vget+0x93
ffs_valloc(c23cc128,8180,c2744a00,cc8118f4,cc8118f8) at ffs_valloc+0x100
ufs_makeinode(8180,c23cc128,cc811bec,cc811c00,602) at ufs_makeinode+0x69
ufs_create(cc811a48,cc811a68,c0334a59,cc811a48,c04e78a0) at ufs_create+0x39
ufs_vnoperate(cc811a48,c04e78a0,c23cc128,cc811bec,cc811c00) at 
VOP_CREATE(c23cc128,cc811bec,cc811c00,cc811aac,2) at VOP_CREATE+0x39
vn_open_cred(cc811bd8,cc811cd8,180,c2744a00,cc811cc4) at vn_open_cred+0x179
vn_open(cc811bd8,cc811cd8,180,28f,0) at vn_open+0x29
kern_open(c22a1270,80b32e1,0,602,1b6) at kern_open+0x183
open(c22a1270,cc811d10,c04de5a0,418,3) at open+0x30
syscall(2f,2f,2f,80b32e1,0) at syscall+0x2be
Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x1d
--- syscall (5, FreeBSD ELF32, open), eip = 0x8054953, esp = 0xbfbff3ec, ebp = 
0xbfbff438 ---

BTW, I'm compiling on a 4.6 stable (cc version: gcc version 2.95.4)

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Re: The official "GEOM is in the tree" speech.

2002-10-05 Thread Danny Braniss

good speech!, i hope that GEOM is as good!
(or maybe I should have sayed that in reverse order?)


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Re: rshd on 5.0-DP1

2002-04-11 Thread Danny Braniss

i went down the same road, rlogin works fine, but rshd does not work, for
anybody - including root. my guess the problem is in the PAM stuff.


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pam_rhost Re: rshd on 5.0-DP1

2002-04-12 Thread Danny Braniss

for what it's worth, i've set up a pam_rhost:

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FreeBSD 5.0 Developer Preview #1 Now Available / diskless booting

2002-04-22 Thread Danny Braniss

Haven't tried all the new stuff, but i've installed it on several different
hosts and so far have had no real problems, good work!!

Since im very interested in diskless/dataless, and i've been at it for some
time now, i made some changes to libstand/bootp.c and /etc/rc.diskless1
which i wouldn't mind receiving commnets/suggestions, and if possible

the stuff is in:


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Re: FreeBSD 5.0 Developer Preview #1 Now Available / diskless booting

2002-04-22 Thread Danny Braniss

> I'll commit this to rc.diskless1
this will only work if you include the changes to bootp.c
> +if [ -z "`hostname -s`" ]; then
> +hostname=`kenv`
> +hostname $hostname
> +echo "Hostname is $hostname"
> +fi

> BUT you've missed the point with this point:
> +else
> +mount_md 4096 /conf/etc 0
> +chkerr $? "MFS mount on /conf/etc"
> +mount -t unionfs /conf/etc /etc
> +/bin/chmod 755 /etc
> +find /etc > /dev/null
> +touch /etc/.sentinel
> That being that some of us actually WANT /etc to be left the fsck alone.
> We NFS mount / and that / has /etc as it should be.  I also cannot follow
> what you are trying to do with /etc/conf.  Perhaps you could comment that
> part?

i don't understand what you mean by 'left the fsck alone', but i'll try to

/ ( and whatever is under it) is NFS mounted read only, as should be.
the 'original' solution is to make /etc writable is to mount a MD, then copy 
/conf/default/etc to it.
my 'solution' is to mount union /etc/conf as the 'writable' part. 1) i don't
have to copy - and hence 2) have only one copy of /etc for all my diskless.
since the next part of rc.diskless1 copies files specific to the host/cluster,
and there are some cases that i want to actually remove a file, i do that
in rc.local (configurable via rc.conf.local).

thanks for looking into this,


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Re: FreeBSD 5.0 Developer Preview #1 Now Available / diskless booting

2002-04-22 Thread Danny Braniss

> On Mon, Apr 22, 2002 at 10:40:44AM +0300, Danny Braniss wrote:
> > Since im very interested in diskless/dataless, and i've been at it for some
> > time now, i made some changes to libstand/bootp.c and /etc/rc.diskless1
> > which i wouldn't mind receiving commnets/suggestions, and if possible
> > incorporated.
> > 
> > the stuff is in:
> >
> The bootp.c.diff looks like it could be useful; but I see you changed
> some stuff related to PXE booting and I cannot easily test that.  Maybe
> someone else can.

if you change #define CLASSID"FreeBSDc" to
#define CLASSID"PXEClient"
you will get same behaviour as before.
the rest is just an addition to put stuff in the environment.


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Re: FreeBSD 5.0 Developer Preview #1 Now Available / diskless booting

2002-04-23 Thread Danny Braniss

> On Tue, Apr 23, 2002 at 12:19:58PM -0400, Robert Watson wrote:
> > diskless_root_readonly="NO" # Make it "YES" for readonly
> good.
> > diskless_etc_localmd="NO"   # Make it "YES" to have the
> >   # diskless environment md-mount and replicate /etc from /conf
> Seems the "if [ -d ]" tests in rc.diskless are OK already.  If we add
> this knob, then a knob should also be added for the source of the files
> rather than assuming /conf/etc or /conf/{client}/etc.  In other words
> either really engineer this to make diskless properly configurable, or
> have the minimal number of knobs, etc.

nice, but impractical, because of the chicken and egg problem, or in other
words, the load/over-write of rc.conf[.local] happens a bit later ...


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Re: diskless booting

2002-04-23 Thread Danny Braniss

> On Tue, Apr 23, 2002 at 08:32:51PM +0300, Danny Braniss wrote:
> > > On Tue, Apr 23, 2002 at 12:19:58PM -0400, Robert Watson wrote:
> > > > diskless_root_readonly="NO" # Make it "YES" for readonly
> > > 
> > > good.
> > > 
> > > > diskless_etc_localmd="NO"   # Make it "YES" to have the
> > > >   # diskless environment md-mount and replicate /etc from /conf
> > > 
> > > Seems the "if [ -d ]" tests in rc.diskless are OK already.  If we add
> > > this knob, then a knob should also be added for the source of the files
> > > rather than assuming /conf/etc or /conf/{client}/etc.  In other words
> > > either really engineer this to make diskless properly configurable, or
> > > have the minimal number of knobs, etc.
> > 
> > nice, but impractical, because of the chicken and egg problem, or in other
> > words, the load/over-write of rc.conf[.local] happens a bit later ...
> Please explain farther what is impractical and where the chicken-and-egg
> problem is.  I rc.diskless1 already has:
> if [ -d /conf/default/etc ]; then
> ..snip..
>   if [ -d /conf/${i}/etc ]; then

in rc.diskless1 is where the decision is made about /etc, /tmp, /var.
the mount is done some lines before the test.

i guess a first run could be made, before the actual mount:
echo "Interface ${bootp_ifc} IP-Address ${bootp_ipa} Broadcast ${bootp_ipbca}"

for i in ${bootp_ipbca} ${bootp_ipa} ${hostname} ; do
if [ -d /conf/${i}/etc ]; then
if [ -r /conf/${i}/etc/rc.conf ]; then
. /etc/defaults/rc.conf

IMHO, the solution is a bit of klduge :-), and sort of breaks the KISS 



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Re: FreeBSD 5.0 Developer Preview #1 Now Available / diskless booting

2002-04-23 Thread Danny Braniss

> Robert Watson wrote:
> > This would provide full compatibility with the current model for those
> > that want it (and I think it's more people than you think) at the same
> > time as changing the system to provide easy support for the environment
> > you're looking for.  If the default settings are changing, it should be a
> > "5.0 feature" not a "4.x feature".
> FWIW, I thought this was a "new feature", since diskless/dataless
> has never really worked for me, without a lot of local hacking to
> make it work.
the first time around this was a real problem for me, starting off with 
FreeBSD and
also doing the diskless stuff, now some time later (hum, about 2 years?), i 
it from scratch with 5.0 - it took me almost no time! adding the local mods 
took more
time since i was (not very successfuly) recording the changes i was doing :-(
btw, i did not have to do no 'lot of local hacking' to get it working:
newfs /c/2; cd /c/2; dump 0f - / | restore rf -
(brute force to get most of the local environment :-)
make installworld DESTDIR=/c/2
and i could start booting 5.0

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Re: FreeBSD 5.0 Developer Preview #1 Now Available / diskless booting

2002-04-23 Thread Danny Braniss

> Robert Watson wrote:
> > I have't really used the diskless environment with 4.x, but use it
> > extensively in my test/development environments for 5.0.  Stateless
> > workstations are great when it comes to file system debugging, especially
> > since newfs is orders of magnitude faster than fsck :-).
> THat is what I primarily use them for, as well.
> -- Terry

true, true, it's nice to be able to fix bugs on a running system, and trying 
it out
on a diskless/dataless!
but im also deploying servers dataless, it makes upgrading them less 


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Re: FreeBSD 5.0 Developer Preview #1 Now Available / diskless booting

2002-04-23 Thread Danny Braniss

> On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, David O'Brien wrote:
> > +if [ -z "`hostname -s`" ]; then
> > +hostname=`kenv`
> > +hostname $hostname
> > +echo "Hostname is $hostname"
> > +fi
> If you wanted to match the style for most of the rc* files, and avoid an
> unecessary call to 'test,' you could do:
> case `hostname -s` in
> '')
>   foo
>   ;;
> esac
> Not a big deal, but I thought I'd mention it. :)
> Doug

done, and thanks,


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what if/diskless booting

2002-04-24 Thread Danny Braniss

at stage 1, the diskless host sends out a bootp/dhcp request, the dhcpd 
servers sends
back some packets, and pxeloader gets tftp'ed.

i modified libstand/bootp.c to place all the tags - that dhcp provides - in 
the kernel
environmet, so that they can be used later - eg in rc.diskless1.

what if:
we place the rc.conf[.local] there?
in the dhcpd.conf:
option rc-conf ""
and so - automagicaly -
`kenv rc.conf.diskless_root_readonly`
kenv | grep rc.conf | sed 's/rc.conf.//' > rc.conf

i'll work now on the 'automagicaly' part :-)


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Re: what if/diskless booting

2002-04-24 Thread Danny Braniss

> Note that Luigi has recently committed something similar to create the
> sysctl kern.bootp_cookie (see /sys/nfs_client/bootp.c rev 1.36).
i will check that out asap.

> I have also been doing the same thing for some time, but the difference in
> my version is that I use four separate DHCP options (133,134,135,136 at
> present, though this isn't important) and concatenate their together onto
> the end of the (MFS copy of)  /etc/rc.conf from rc.diskless1.
well, not much different from my proposal, which probably means that we are 
somewhat alike :-)
with my scheme, i could concat more than one file, and place all the 
name/value pairs
in the environmet.
im trying to solve the chicken and egg problem: there are some (few) things 
that have
to be dealt very early - ie. is / RO or RW, etc.
secondly, im also getting bogged down trying to configure clusters/few/single 
with some particularities, and having some kind of central control is 
escential so
that i can keep my sanity.

we developed a very sophisticated (in other words complicated) system to 
our linux boxes, and it's getting to the point that too much time is spent 
the system each time a new hardare/box appears :-)

the freebsd scheme is much more to my liking, it just needs something more ...

> The reason for using four options is that in the DHCP configuration there
> are a number of different scopes in which you can put the option
> assignments, all of which are potentially useful for diskless
> configuration options.
> For example, in our setup we have some things that need to be set
> per-subnet (eg. which servers to use), some that need to be per group{} of
> machines in the dhcpd.conf (eg. we have one group of 486-class machines
> that are pure X-terminals, and another of more powerful machines which are
> allowed to run more services locally), and finally there are some options
> that need to be set per-machine (eg. which machines need to run lpd
> because they have a printer attached).  Each scope gets its own DHCP
> option, and then they are all concatenated together onto the end of
> rc.conf.
> Before implementing this scheme, we tried to use the /etc/conf/
> scheme, but this didn't really scale well.  We started with just two
> classes of hardware, so had two /etc/conf/{IBM,COMPAQ} directories with
> symlinks for each of the machines of that class, but then as the network
> expanded we needed per-subnet configuration and the /etc/conf/${ipba}
> scheme didn't work as we still needed the per-machine-class configuration
> too.  Then we started adding local printers and we now had
> /etc/conf/{IBM-net10,COMPAQ-net10,IBM-net11,COMPAQ-net11,IBM-net10-printer}
> etc and then we got some new hardware that wasn't quite the same...
he he, been there too! we get a batch of 50 machines, they are all alike, 
great, then
some want to swap localy, fine, then some change the cd to cdr, they add a 
sound card, etc, etc, 

> With the new scheme, everything is configured in just one place and
> adding a new machine or a new per-subnet service is easy.

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Re: FreeBSD 5.0 Developer Preview #1 Now Available / diskless booting

2002-04-24 Thread Danny Braniss

> Danny,
> What do you think about doing a little more polishing and rolling a new
> set of patches taking this /etc/rc.conf option into account?  Your kernel
> env dhcp variables are really good.  I know that many do want to do what
> you are doing (large scale RO /); but up until now /etc/rc.diskless* has
> not been well engineered.

polishing wont help, if i don't know all the problems :-)

in the begining, there was no way to mount / ro - sunos would not run, and
so we had zilions of /, one for each host, linux makes a mfs image, so even if
freebsd is a bit messy it is by far better engineered - my .5$

the root_rw_mount is fine, but it's a bit late.
now that devfs is here (great!) the only problem to solve is what/how to deal
with /etc
and some othere local-configurable files.

the name/value knobs are fine - though some more documentation ... :-)

btw, there is still another tricky problem: if i have / ro, and shared among 
many hosts,
i can't:
1- easely specify different kernels
i do this at the moment by commenting out kernel= in boot/loader.conf 
passing it as a dhcp tag.
2- loadable modules
for the very early modules:
like unionfs, no harm in loading it, so fine
but what about others that might cause problems?
later ones, i load from rc.local

and now for some coffee,


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diskless configuration, was ... diskless booting

2002-04-24 Thread Danny Braniss

im modifying libstand/bootp.c, and im trying to read a file via tftp/nfs,
while i'm sure i'll figure it out - eventualy, can someone help me out



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3Com 3c905C-TX

2002-04-29 Thread Danny Braniss

sorry for the cross posting, but this is true for both, stable and current.

the onboard ethernet (the motherboard is a tyan tiger dual MPX)

xl0: <3Com 3c905C-TX Fast Etherlink XL> port 0x3000-0x307f mem 
0xfa001000-0xfa00107f irq 5 at device 8.0 on pci2

at 100baseTX  is slower than 10Mgb :-(

it's not the cable/switch, because i can connect the same cable to another
host, and it works as expected - fast.

btw, the PXE is also extreamly slow - still looking for a flash upgrade.



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Re: 3Com 3c905C-TX

2002-05-01 Thread Danny Braniss

> Out of curiosity, do only 3c509's exibit this behavior, or is this
> the core problem with 3c59x's as well?  My experiences have not
> been consistent with these cards, and I had assumed it was due
> to buggy code in the 3-Com chipset.  I've noticed flaky behavior from the
> "Vortex" [3c59x] card as well.  
no problem with: (the ethernet is OnBoard)
Dell GX-115: 3Com 3c905C-TX Fast Etherlink XL
Dell GX-150: 3Com 3c905C-TX Fast Etherlink XL

(PXE et.all)


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Re: FreeBSD 5.0 Developer Preview #1 Now Available / diskless booting

2002-05-15 Thread Danny Braniss

> What do you think about doing a little more polishing and rolling a new
> set of patches taking this /etc/rc.conf option into account?  Your kernel
> env dhcp variables are really good.

i was thinking of adding something like this to dhcp:

option FBSD.rc-conf "";

and bootp can then tftp/nfs the file and parse it, making the result available 
via kenv
and there is no real problem to concatenate serveral conf files - just comming 
with a nice/simple syntax :-)

as a proof of concept, there is no major problem to tftp this, but only from 
host, to make it realy flexible there is one major obstacle, the stand alone 
io has to be
modified/augmented/complicated to have more than one socket. so,
1- is there a market for this?
2- is this a bad idea?
3- any work done already? 


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diskless boot, take n+2

2002-05-28 Thread Danny Braniss

comments please

new changes i made to libstand/bootp.c:

now, apart from placing all the dhcp stuff in the kenv, if the tag rc-conf
is set i.e:
option FBSD.rc-conf "";
it will read the file and place the "name=value" in the kenv as"value"
it will also try rc-conf[1-9].

in rc.diskless1 this could be done:
case `kenv rc.conf.root_rw_mount` in
case `kenv rc.conf.populate_etc` in

the stuff is available from:

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make buildworld fails

2002-05-29 Thread Danny Braniss

cvsup'ed about 1 hour ago

in /etc/make.conf
and with setnev MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX /r+d/obj

make buildworld
FATAL: can't create /usr/src/gnu/lib/libstdc++/../../../contrib/gcc/cp-demangle
.o: Permission denied

how can i fix this?


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