Re: Fixing other people's code (was: world broken in vinum (PATCH))

1999-07-02 Thread Amancio Hasty

In this case where the module is actively being maintained people can afford
to wait and an iterim bandage-type style email posting is sufficient .

Amancio's Latest mantra on his DSL line: Live Long and Prosperous !!

> On Friday,  2 July 1999 at 15:26:35 -0400, Brian F. Feldman wrote:
> > On Fri, 2 Jul 1999, Brian F. Feldman wrote:
> >
> >> Here's the fix. I'm sure it's not absolutely the same as what Greg will have,
> >> but if anyone wants to commit it, it will fix world.
> >
> > I know I _could_ commit it, but it's someone else's work that's being actively
> > maintained. It still does break world, but I don't think I have authority to
> > commit over Greg's work.
> I personally think that, in such a case, you'd be justified to commit
> it as a temporary measure.  Due to the difference in time zones, this
> has hit people while I've been asleep.  That doesn't mean the commit
> would stay, of course, but at least it would save people unnecessary
> pain.  Note, of course, that I have now committed the correct file,
> which I had forgotten last night.
> What do you others think?
> Greg
> --
> See complete headers for address, home page and phone numbers
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 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Soft-updates feedback

1999-07-02 Thread Amancio Hasty

Make sure that you have dma enable on your IDE disks . Basically, soft-updates
does short bursts of disk activities which can crash a disk or slow down
a system during the disk i/o operations using PIO. Yes, I have seen disks
spin mindlessly due to the "intensive" short burts of disk io activities and 
problem went away by switching to DMA.


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: loads of SetAttrs in cvsup of cvs repo

1999-07-04 Thread Amancio Hasty

Curious why are you cvsupping every couple of minutes ?


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: loads of SetAttrs in cvsup of cvs repo

1999-07-04 Thread Amancio Hasty

Arghh...  Yeap, upon reading the original message again it reads
as you have stated . 

I need more sleep ... 8)


> On Sun, 4 Jul 1999, Amancio Hasty wrote:
> > Curious why are you cvsupping every couple of minutes ?
> I think what was meant was that the CVSup process takes a few minutes
> usually, but has taken over an hour now.
> - alex
> I thought felt your touch
> In my car, on my clutch
> But I guess it's just someone who felt a lot like I remember you.
>   - Translator


 Amancio Hasty

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1999-07-04 Thread Amancio Hasty

I am playing around with configuring the system and providing a CLI , 
programmatic interface and a html interface .

Floating in my mind is to present a uniform configuration repository similar
to windows registery however the information repository is implemented 
with LDAP. See for info on LDAP.

The tough part is creating the LDAP schemas for the various daemons
or services.

Got lucky and found an IETF draft : 

   An LDAP Schema for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Service

I am using the above draft to explore configuring dhcpd. My first cut at 
configuring dhcpd via LDAP is to extract all the configuration information
from the LDAP server and writing the information to dhcpd's configuration
file and then have dhcpd parse the configuration file. This approach
minimizes the changes to dhcpd and provides persistent configuration
information for dhcpd.

The start of my html interface is at:

Thats just a dummy front end . The real interface is being implemented as a  
and will provide a more rich presentation --- help files , How To, etc...

The CLI interface can be as easy as using the existing ldap shell tools.

The programmatic interface is simply the LDAP C and Java interface available
from :

So far I have a simple ldap schema based upon the IETF draft which I can 
manage from my servlet and query from dhcpd.

What do you guys think?


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: LDAPed FreeBSD

1999-07-04 Thread Amancio Hasty

Yes,  I am trying to configure my entire system using LDAP as 
a backend.

If there any bugs in the ldap server I will probably fix them or 
better yet the people working on openldap will fix them. 

I know about the issues that you are describing which is why I am 
targetting one daemon dhcpd  and hopefully I will solve them.

cross-validation of data should be easy to implement  for instance I can 
locate all
the ip assigned addresses:

/usr/local/openldap/bin/ldapsearch "objectclass=DHCPRange",, c=us

Record locking and batch requests is a bit more difficult to solve perhaps
someone in the list can shed light into this problem for instance does
LDAPv3 provide such mechanism?


> Are you trying to configure your entire system using LDAP as the database
> backend, or are you trying to serve current system info?
> If you are trying *configure* the system using LDAP as a database, then
> good luck.  Our company, Cybernet Systems, has spent over ten man-years
> developing a HTML-based front-end for just such a purpose.  When we (I)
> first started this project (NetMAX,, we evaluated
> LDAP as a backend.  I found it too buggy (at the time) for our purposes.
> Does it implement record locking on read/write?  Does it allow you to
> "batch" your changes?  Does it provide for server start/restart when
> appropriate?  Can you do cross-validation of data, for example, can you
> make sure that you give the DHCP server an IP address that is not already
> taken, or make sure that it is in one of your subnets?
> There are lots and lots (gobs!) of these kinds of checks that need to
> be done for a "complete" system configuration service.
> If it doesn't daemon restarts, batch-mode changes, and system checking/cross-
> validation, then you'll probably end up with something similar to
> webmin (
> You could easily spend years making a complete interface to setup your
> server, or you could purchase the NetMAX software (about $500, see
>  A FreeBSD 3.2 version is in-the-works (a
> 2.2.7-system/2.2.8-kernel is currently available).  Also, a Linux version
> (based on RedHat 5.2 with a 2.0.37 kernel) is currently in beta (the
> distributed beta is a 2.0.36 kernel, though).
> -Mark Taylor
> NetMAX Developer
> On 04-Jul-99 Amancio Hasty wrote:
> > 
> > I am playing around with configuring the system and providing a CLI , 
> > programmatic interface and a html interface .
> > 
> > 
> > Floating in my mind is to present a uniform configuration repository similar
> > to windows registery however the information repository is implemented 
> > with LDAP. See for info on LDAP.
> > 
> > The tough part is creating the LDAP schemas for the various daemons
> > or services.
> > 
> > Got lucky and found an IETF draft : 
> > 
> >An LDAP Schema for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Service
> >
> > 
> > I am using the above draft to explore configuring dhcpd. My first cut at 
> > configuring dhcpd via LDAP is to extract all the configuration information
> > from the LDAP server and writing the information to dhcpd's configuration
> > file and then have dhcpd parse the configuration file. This approach
> > minimizes the changes to dhcpd and provides persistent configuration
> > information for dhcpd.
> > 
> > The start of my html interface is at:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Thats just a dummy front end . The real interface is being implemented as a  
> > servlet
> > and will provide a more rich presentation --- help files , How To, etc...
> > 
> > The CLI interface can be as easy as using the existing ldap shell tools.
> > 
> > The programmatic interface is simply the LDAP C and Java interface available
> > from :
> > 
> > So far I have a simple ldap schema based upon the IETF draft which I can 
> > manage from my servlet and query from dhcpd.
> > 
> > 
> >   What do you guys think?
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > 
> >  Amancio Hasty
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: LDAPed FreeBSD

1999-07-05 Thread Amancio Hasty

Again,  I think it is appropiate to use LDAP for configuring 
network services such as DHCPD , DNS , PPP,  etc and to
a limited extend sendmail -- see sendmail's modification to
support user's delivery address : and actually

We  can ask the Standford team about some of the problems mentioned
on this list to see what they think about it ;specially, if their LDAP service 
is deployed ...

True LDAP (v2 or v3) does not provide record locking . Now the question is
does Novell's NDS 8 -- a native LDAP v3 -- , Oracle's Directory
Server or Microsoft Active Directory does if they do then how ?

Mantaining state information such as DNS is not a good idea as
Kurt has stated .

Again my emphasis is on configuring network services or other system services
if appropiate and to provide a HTML interface which is sufficiently rich to be 
user friendly.

My little test bed project is coming along fine . My servlet which implements
my dummy html interfface,,  is fully 
and it was not hard to wirite whats left is to provide error checking
and cross data validation .  The mods to dhcpd to support ldap are 
already in place. 

Searching the LDAP database  for existing DHCPD entries is also fairly 
straight forward and I
do have a servlet to locate dhcpd servers which accepts regular expressions
as suppported by LDAP --- search : www* will locate all the dhcdp servers
starting with www 8)


> At 02:29 PM 7/4/99 -0700, Amancio Hasty wrote:
> >Record locking and batch requests is a bit more difficult to solve perhaps
> >someone in the list can shed light into this problem for instance does
> >LDAPv3 provide such mechanism?
> LDAP (v2 or v3) does not provide record locking, client/server
> transactions, nor any specific batching requests.  The "L" in LDAP
> means lightweight.
> I think LDAP-based directory service could be used to manage
> a wide variety of system information including configuration
> information for various other network services.  However, using
> LDAP directory services to manage network-services state information
> is likely not appropriate application of LDAP.
> For example, while it may make sense to use an LDAP directory
> service to manage the configuration and master zone information
> for a Domain Name Service, it would not be wise to use an LDAP
> directory service to maintain state information (such records
> created due to DHCP operations) of Domain Name Service.
> >If there any bugs in the ldap server I will probably fix them or 
> >better yet the people working on openldap will fix them. 
> OpenLDAP, like FreeBSD, is user maintained and developed.  All
> users are encouraged to contribute to the project.  We can
> surely use your help!
> Kurt


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: SQLed FreeBSD [Was: Re: LDAPed FreeBSD]

1999-07-05 Thread Amancio Hasty

Hi Guys,

Lets pick up this discussion on and 
the mailing list :




 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Latest currents 'hang' on biord? [ Appears only on my system? :( ]

1999-07-09 Thread Amancio Hasty

Not sure if this will help 

My test / compile box : Pentium III 450 MHZ with 8 gig ide disk drive
does not hang at all . FreeBSD-current is about a week old.



 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Question about MTRR boot message

1999-07-18 Thread Amancio Hasty

Is a nice feature if you happen to have a fast video card . It speed up writes 
four times. 

Long time ago, tests writing to my Matrox millenium would yield about 20MB/sec.

With MTTR enabled -- wrote a litte hack over here to do it -- the same
test generated about 80MB/sec create for dumping raw video to my 
Matrox Millenium.

The MTTR stuff is an old hack which some motherboards enabled it
automatically for you. 

So to answer your question , the MTTR stuff is supposed to disabled caching
to your VGA card.


> Hi,
> There's the following message in my dmesg:
>"Pentium Pro MTRR support enabled, default memory type is uncacheable"
> I seriously hope that it does not mean that my memory
> is not chached...  does it?  I haven't found any manual
> pages or other docs about it.
> (If it matters:  I cvsupped and built a -current world
> yesterday.  It's an SMP box (dual Celeron), which seems
> to run fine so far.)
> Regards
> -- 
> Oliver Fromme, Leibnizstr. 18/61, 38678 Clausthal, Germany
> (Info: finger userinfo:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
> "In jedem Stück Kohle wartet ein Diamant auf seine Geburt"
>  (Terry Pratchett)
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 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Soft-updates feedback

1999-07-19 Thread Amancio Hasty

Have you checked your syslog to see if you are getting disk errors?

Also, I noticed that you have a VIA chipset and I know that 
at least with the Bt848 driver they have caused havoc. I would
stick to Intel PCI chipsets.

Not sure if your motherboard supports or not do you have
the latest microcode for your VIA chipset? 


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Soft-updates feedback

1999-07-20 Thread Amancio Hasty

Glad that is working out for you. I am not into PCI low level bugs they are 
difficult to indentify and in certain cases impossible to fix.

To give you a little hint:

1.6825 May 1999 Roger Hardiman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
   Due to differences in PCI bus implementations from various
motherboard chipset manufactuers, the Bt878/Bt879 has 3
PCI bus compatibility modes. These are
  NORMAL PCI 2.1  for proper PCI 2.1 compatible chipsets.
  INTEL 430 FXfor the Intel 430 FX chipset.
  SIS VIA CHIPSET for certain SiS and VIA chipsets.
Older Intel and non-Intel chipsets may also benefit from
either 430_FX or SIS/VIA mode.

Usually, the kind of problems that I have heard of is systems hanging hard
for instance with the Bt848 driver.

The bottom line is that if it is working for you great.


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Unkillable processes

1999-07-25 Thread Amancio Hasty

while you are at it try to compile a kernel with symbols ...


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Unkillable processes

1999-07-25 Thread Amancio Hasty

> On Sun, 25 Jul 1999, Amancio Hasty wrote:
> > while you are at it try to compile a kernel with symbols ...
> I already have (this is my standard practice). What should I do with it
> here?
> Kris

Well, if the process is not in a zombie state and you can't kill it . We may 
to examine the process structure.



 Amancio Hasty

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Re: IRIX 6.5.4 NFS v3 TCP client + FreeBSD server = bewm

1999-07-28 Thread Amancio Hasty

Try tcpdump which is in the system . man tcpdump.


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Kerberos 5, how to build whole system including X11R6 with it ?

1999-08-01 Thread Amancio Hasty

I would starrt by looking at the api and making the mods to X11R6 
and if you can do a net search on xdm and kerberos -- there is an 
X11R6 xdm for kerberos 5 floating around.


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Kerberos 5, how to build whole system including X11R6 with it ?

1999-08-01 Thread Amancio Hasty

Fine , take it  up with the kerberos group over at MIT -- it is hard
to believe that they would not have patches for X11R6 and 
proper protocol.

> Amancio Hasty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I would starrt by looking at the api and making the mods to X11R6 
> No, the protocol used in the X11R6 code is wrong.  You would need to
> design and implement a new one.
> > and if you can do a net search on xdm and kerberos -- there is an 
> > X11R6 xdm for kerberos 5 floating around.
> That's quite different.
> /assar


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Sh still is not working for MAKEDEV

1999-08-02 Thread Amancio Hasty

Well, he can run "ktrace -di ./MAKEDEV " then
kdump >foo.dump

Or compile sh with debug symbols and trace down the failure.


 Amancio Hasty

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cd writer recommendation?

1999-08-15 Thread Amancio Hasty

Any one care to recommend a CD writer for FreeBSD-current since thats
typically what I run over here.


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: cd writer recommendation?

1999-08-15 Thread Amancio Hasty

Sorry about that . The emphasis is more on the hardware and second is the 
software -- I usually get around problems with the software.

Is there any support for IDE CD writers or are they not worth bothering with 
on FreeBSD.


> On Sun, 15 Aug 1999, Amancio Hasty wrote:
> > 
> > Any one care to recommend a CD writer for FreeBSD-current since thats
> > typically what I run over here.
> Are you asking for recommendation about hardware or software? It's not
> evident from your wording.
> > 
> > Tnks
> > -- 
> > 
> >  Amancio Hasty
>  Brian Fundakowski Feldman  _ __ ___   ___ ___ ___  
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   _ __ ___ | _ ) __|   \ 
>  FreeBSD: The Power to Serve!_ __ | _ \._ \ |) |
>  _ |___/___/___/ 


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: cd writer recommendation?

1999-08-15 Thread Amancio Hasty

Most Cool!
Is there a list of  IDE cd writers which work FreeBSD?

Tnks Again!
> On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, Amancio Hasty wrote:
> > 
> > Sorry about that . The emphasis is more on the hardware and second is the 
> > software -- I usually get around problems with the software.
> > 
> Mkisofs is good for creating an ISO 9660 file systems. Wormcontrol and
> dd are a good combination for writing them.
> > Is there any support for IDE CD writers or are they not worth bothering with 
> > on FreeBSD.
> > 
> Yes, there is support for them :)
> > Tnks!
> > 
> > > On Sun, 15 Aug 1999, Amancio Hasty wrote:
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Any one care to recommend a CD writer for FreeBSD-current since thats
> > > > typically what I run over here.
> > > 
> > > Are you asking for recommendation about hardware or software? It's not
> > > evident from your wording.
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Tnks
> > > > -- 
> > > > 
> > > >  Amancio Hasty
> > > 
> > >  Brian Fundakowski Feldman  _ __ ___   ___ ___ ___  
> > >  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   _ __ ___ | _ ) __|   \ 
> > >  FreeBSD: The Power to Serve!_ __ | _ \._ \ |) |
> > >  _ |___/___/___/ 
> > > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > 
> >  Amancio Hasty
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
> > 
>  Brian Fundakowski Feldman  _ __ ___   ___ ___ ___  
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   _ __ ___ | _ ) __|   \ 
>  FreeBSD: The Power to Serve!_ __ | _ \._ \ |) |
>  _ |___/___/___/ 


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Linuxulator: emulation? [was: Q: Extending the sysctl MIB...]

1999-08-16 Thread Amancio Hasty

I think that emulation usually denotes simulation so I would find another term
or invent one to describe the linux emulation layer.


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: cd writer recommendation?

1999-08-16 Thread Amancio Hasty


I forgot to ask about heat generation. My 10k rpm scsi disks are external 
due to that they like to run hot so  my cd recorder most likely will also 
be external.

Tnks for the info on the Yamaha!


> On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, Amancio Hasty wrote:
> > 
> > Sorry about that . The emphasis is more on the hardware and second is the 
> > software -- I usually get around problems with the software.
> I have a Yamaha 4416 (or something close to that) which has worked attached 
> to every machine I have tried.  (FreeBSD, Linux, ScumOS, HP/UX, spit NT)  I 
> would buy an external one, as they generate quite a lot of heat.
> > 
> > Is there any support for IDE CD writers or are they not worth bothering with 
> > on FreeBSD.
> There is support, but I don't think they are worth bothering with on any OS.
> David Scheidt


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: cd writer recommendation?

1999-08-16 Thread Amancio Hasty


So can we have the manufacture and model of your cd-recorder ? 8)

Browsing a little over at and noticed that they
have quite a few Plextor cd recorders so I am wondering if 
anyone has any experience with Plextor cd recorders...



 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Linuxulator: emulation? [was: Q: Extending the sysctl MIB...]

1999-08-16 Thread Amancio Hasty

And whats Whistle market capitilization since becoming part of IBM ? 8)

> On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, Tom Bartol wrote:
> > 
> > I absolutely agree with Jordan on this point.  I'm having an increasingly
> > hard time keeping our lab running FreeBSD over Linux due to pressure from
> > higher-ups who aren't in the technical trenches with me and who don't
> > understand the very good technical reasons I have for running FreeBSD
> > here.  One constant sticking point is the linux compatibility module.  The
> > higher-ups see the word "emulator" and all manner of warning messages go
> > off in their uninformed heads.  
> > 
> > In a previous e-mail on this or a related thread I saw the term:
> > 
> > "Linux image activator"
> > 
> > or something close to this pass by.  I think this term gave me a much
> > closer feeling to what I imagine is really going on the the "linuxulator"
> > than the term "emulator" and all its baggage.  So we could name it the
> > "Linux image activator" or "Lin-Axe" or some such...
> I'd just like to have it described as running a program in "linux mode"
> In Linux mode, FreeBSD appears exactly a s alinux muchine would to a Linux 
> program and  the program can run un-modified.
> (Now that Red Hat has a market capitialisation of 5Billion$ there will be
> a lot more linux stuff available)
> > 
> To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Linuxulator: emulation? [was: Q: Extending the sysctl MIB...]

1999-08-16 Thread Amancio Hasty

Well, okay.

They are sort of hiding the fact that they are using FreeBSD and
you will have to ask them why is FreeBSD is not more prominently 
advertised. Not too long ago I read a review on various
internet appliances and Whistle listed their OS as BSD/UNIX.

On the other hand, Juniper does have a nice web article on why they are
using FreeBSD 8)

And I have to kill this thread lets continue on -chat 



 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Linuxulator: emulation? [was: Q: Extending the sysctl MIB...]

1999-08-16 Thread Amancio Hasty

Okay, I will bite.

What would you call the linux emulator to convey the proper
meaning to the suits types?


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: cd writer recommendation?

1999-08-16 Thread Amancio Hasty

I take it that the absence of the interface means your cd-recoder uses scsi.

Tnks A Lot!

> > So can we have the manufacture and model of your cd-recorder ? 8)
> Yes, it's a "Smart and Friendly" (gah!) "Rocket Recorder" - it does
> 8X CDR, 6X CDRW and 24X CD.  I like it. :)
> - Jordan


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: cd writer recommendation?

1999-08-16 Thread Amancio Hasty

Oh Guys,

I simply am trying to get  information on which cd-recorder works
well on FreeBSD. It will help to avoid confusion and postings if
there was a cd-record handbook section explaining all the gory


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: cd writer recommendation?

1999-08-17 Thread Amancio Hasty

You got to be joking . Is not that I do or don't want to write documentation
is rather that I don't feel qualify to write such a document.

Besides, the recent scrimmage between Jordan and Brian
does not give me a warm fuzzy feeling to dive into writing 
the documentation. Have Brian write the doc.



 Amancio Hasty

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Re: cd writer recommendation?

1999-08-17 Thread Amancio Hasty

Lets see what the CAM people have to say about providing an
interface to ATAPI CDs including CD recorders.

> On Tue, 17 Aug 1999, Kevin S. Brackett wrote:
> > For a list of "reported to work" drives that work with cdrecord check out:
> > 
> > 
> > Also, notice the "It should run on: All SCSI-3/mmc compliant drives, All
> > ATAPI/mmc compliant drvies"
> > 
> > The HP 7200 drive is listed, so maybe it will work with your drive.
> Hmm, actually it requires Linux's `scsi emulation layer' which makes
> atapi's look like scsi's (I know this is a simplification) - FreeBSD
> currently has no equivalent :) .
> Andrew.


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: gdb

1999-08-17 Thread Amancio Hasty

 A side note on gdb-4.18 8)

(gdb) run
Starting program: /tmp/./sieve 

Program received signal SIGBUS, Bus error.
0x281eeac7 in GC_find_limit (p=0xbfbfcff8 "", up=1)
at ../../../../libgcj-2.95/boehm-gc/os_dep.c:681
681 ../../../../libgcj-2.95/boehm-gc/os_dep.c: No such file or directory.
Current language:  auto; currently c
(gdb) cont
Running Sieve benchmark.
This will take about 10 seconds.

Breakpoint 1, Sieve.runSieve () at
16   int SIZE = 8190;
Current language:  auto; currently java
(gdb) list
11   System.out.println(results1);
12   System.out.println(results2);
15static void runSieve() {
16   int SIZE = 8190;
17   boolean flags[] = new boolean[SIZE+1];
18   int i, prime, k, iter, count;
19   int iterations = 0;
20   double seconds = 0.0;
(gdb) list
21   int score = 0;
22   long startTime, elapsedTime;
24   startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
25   while (true) {
26  count=0;
27  for(i=0; i<=SIZE; i++) flags[i]=true;
28  for (i=0; i<=SIZE; i++) {
29 if(flags[i]) {

It still needs a little work however gdb appears to work java programs
compiled with  "gcj" -- GNU's java compiler -- java to native binary ..

gcj still needs work however it is starting to shape up.



 Amancio Hasty

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Re: cd writer recommendation?

1999-08-17 Thread Amancio Hasty

Perhaps PHK could add this item to his list of baby 
hacker projects...

> Amancio Hasty wrote...
> > Lets see what the CAM people have to say about providing an
> > interface to ATAPI CDs including CD recorders.
> > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > On Tue, 17 Aug 1999, Kevin S. Brackett wrote:
> > > 
> > > > For a list of "reported to work" drives that work with cdrecord check out:
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Also, notice the "It should run on: All SCSI-3/mmc compliant drives, All
> > > > ATAPI/mmc compliant drvies"
> > > > 
> > > > The HP 7200 drive is listed, so maybe it will work with your drive.
> > > 
> > > Hmm, actually it requires Linux's `scsi emulation layer' which makes
> > > atapi's look like scsi's (I know this is a simplification) - FreeBSD
> > > currently has no equivalent :) .
> > > 
> > > Andrew.
> The reason the ATAPI subsystem isn't under CAM is because Soren hasn't been
> terribly interested in doing it.  Justin and I have offered to help, but we
> won't be the ones doing the bulk of the work if it happens.
> Perhaps if Soren or someone else has the time and inclination at some
> point, it will happen.  I wouldn't count on it anytime soon, though.
> Ken
> -- 
> Kenneth Merry


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: cd writer recommendation?

1999-08-17 Thread Amancio Hasty

> This is not a "baby" hacker project by any means.  It will take someone
> with a reasonable amount of knowledge and skill to do it.
> Ken
> -- 
> Kenneth Merry

I am not that familiar with Soren's work nor with CAM however
my dealings with Soren in the past have not beeng that 
smooth -- This is not a flame rather a fact. 

Nevertheless, if no one else volunteers to respond to the linux
challenge I can take a peek at the CAM stuff and ATAPI to
see how difficult it would be to integrate .


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: cd writer recommendation?

1999-08-17 Thread Amancio Hasty

Where did you get your Yamaha cd writer ?



 Amancio Hasty

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Re: cd writer recommendation?

1999-08-17 Thread Amancio Hasty

Tnks I will drive around a little , Fry's , compusa , central computers --
they are all very close to were I live in Sunnyvale, California.

Tnks Again Guys!


 Amancio Hasty

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No Subject

1999-08-17 Thread Amancio Hasty

Subject: Re: cd writer recommendation? 
In-reply-to: Your message of "Tue, 17 Aug 1999 17:38:27 PDT."
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

I just picked up a Yamaha CR6416sz internal scsi 2 for $339 
from Central Computers  should have gone to CompUSA but didn't
feel like driving around too much in the traffic .

It appears that CompUSA has a good deal with the Yamaha CRW6416sz .

The nice lady at Central Computer stated that they have less returns 
with the Yamaha CD-Recorder than with the Plextor cd-recorders.

And from Matt's report it is probably worth a short drive to CompUSA to
pick one up if you are thinking about buying a cd-recorder.

Hate to ask, do we support CD-RW?

And I will probably bug next the multimedia group;however, 
those guys appear to be in trance playing Myth2 8)

Last but not least tnks to all who responded to my original


P.S.: Going off-line to install my brand new cd recorder and I am very
   happy to get off my dat drive for backups 8)


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: [re]writable cdrom drive

1999-08-17 Thread Amancio Hasty

Again a very good advice.

Got four CD-RW . Two came with the unit and I bought 2 HP CD-RW disks.
Plus got 5 CD-R . Those I will save much much later 8)

Tnks Again!


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: [re]writable cdrom drive

1999-08-17 Thread Amancio Hasty

Hi Guys 

Is me again 8)

mkisofs -R /mount/dir | cdrecord -v fs=6m speed=2 -dev=0:1:0

Okay,  whats the magic device name to access  the yamaha cd recorder .
I have tried several combinations of names with no success.

dmesg says that I have:

cd0 at ahc0 bus 0 target 1 lun 0
cd0:  Removable CD-ROM SCSI-2 device 
cd0: 10.000MB/s transfers (10.000MHz, offset 15)
cd0: Attempt to query device size failed: NOT READY, Medium not presen



 Amancio Hasty

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Re: [re]writable cdrom drive

1999-08-17 Thread Amancio Hasty

> :The device is probably dev=0,1
> I'm sorry, I meant 1,0.  Also 0,1,0 should work.
> Try:
>   cdrecord dev=1,0 -inq
> You should get:
>   Cdrecord release 1.8a22 Copyright (C) 1995-1999 Jörg Schilling
>   scsidev: '0,3,0'
>   scsibus: 0 target: 3 lun: 0
>   Device type: Removable CD-ROM
>   Version: 2
>   Response Format: 2
>   Capabilities   : SYNC 
>   Vendor_info: 'YAMAHA  '
>   Identifikation : 'CRW6416S'
>   Revision   : '1.0b'
>   Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-RW.
>   -Matt

Yeap, that seems to be the magic incantation.

 cdrecord dev=1,0 -inq
Cdrecord release 1.8a22 Copyright (C) 1995-1999 Jörg Schilling
scsidev: '1,0'
scsibus: 0 target: 1 lun: 0
Device type: Removable CD-ROM
Version: 2
Response Format: 2
Capabilities   : SYNC 
Vendor_info: 'YAMAHA  '
Identifikation : 'CRW6416S'
Revision   : '1.0b'
Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-RW.

Just managed to write my first CD-RW and it feels good !

Cool !


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: [re]writable cdrom drive

1999-08-18 Thread Amancio Hasty

I have to agree with Matt on this plus the set of defaults is system wide .

Is it possible to get a system bus enumeration from the system so 
a program such a cdrecord can attempt to make an intelligent
decision as to which device is the cd recorder for instance we
know that the system can print the device's name and its
scsi address:

cd0 at ahc0 bus 0 target 1 lun 0
cd0:  Removable CD-ROM SCSI-2 device 


 Amancio Hasty

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CD writer : Baby Hacker II

1999-08-18 Thread Amancio Hasty

1. Modify cdrecord so that if a device is not specified it will
   do a -scanbus . Present the user with a choice of cd recorders
   from which to chose from . 

   Ideally  there should be a generic device query interface to the system so
   other similar utilities can do the same thing .

2. Create an LDAP schema to store the configuration for cdrecord.
   the entry should have:
   host , InetOrgPerson, cd recorder brand/model, device name, scsibus address,
   CD-R speed, CD-RW speed...

   I can provide a servlet which can manage the configuration 
   of the LDAP server. If you are interested on LDAP 
   see: and/or send me email.

3. A bit more dificult. Create a shared library module out of cdrecord
with an interface similar to netscape's plug-in . Pick a graphical
utility for instance gcombust and interface it to the plug-in.

4. Pie in the sky:
Do step 2 and use xml as your protocol . For instance , if
an app such gcombust sents a  status query to the plug-in
its response should be encapsulated in xml : detailing the device , 
current status : recording/pause/playing/stop.



 Amancio Hasty

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Re: [re]writable cdrom drive

1999-08-18 Thread Amancio Hasty

> Amancio Hasty wrote...
> > I have to agree with Matt on this plus the set of defaults is system wide .
> What are you agreeing with him on?  Why not quote what you're talking
> about?
> > Is it possible to get a system bus enumeration from the system so 
> > a program such a cdrecord can attempt to make an intelligent
> > decision as to which device is the cd recorder for instance we
> > know that the system can print the device's name and its
> > scsi address:
> If you want a bus number, there's a really easy way to get it:
> # camcontrol devlist
>   at scbus0 target 3 lun 0 (pass0,ch0)
> at scbus0 target 4 lun 0 (pass1,sa0)
> at scbus1 target 0 lun 0 (pass2,da0)
> at scbus1 target 1 lun 0 (pass3,da1)
>  at scbus1 target 3 lun 0 (pass4,cd0)
>   at scbus1 target 6 lun 0 (pass5,cd1)
> at scbus2 target 0 lun 0 (pass6,da2)
> So, in this case, the bus,target,lun combination for my CD-R is 1,3,0.
> cdrecord itself also has a slightly more obtuse way of doing the same
> thing:
> # cdrecord -scanbus
> Cdrecord release 1.8a22 Copyright (C) 1995-1999 Jörg Schilling
> scsibus0:
>   0) *
>   1) *
>   2) *
>   3) 'EXABYTE ' 'EXB-10i ' '2.6 ' Removable Juke Box
>   4) 'EXABYTE ' 'EXB-8500-85Qanx0' '0415' Removable Tape
>   5) *
>   6) *
>   7) *
> scsibus1:
> 100) 'SEAGATE ' 'ST31230W' '0510' Disk
> 101) 'SEAGATE ' 'ST32155N' '0318' Disk
> 102) *
> 103) 'PLEXTOR ' 'CD-R   PX-R412C ' '1.04' Removable CD-ROM
> 104) *
> 105) *
> 106) 'PLEXTOR ' 'CD-ROM PX-4XCS  ' '1.04' Removable CD-ROM
> 107) *
> scsibus2:
> 200) 'SEAGATE ' 'ST34371N' '0484' Disk
> 201) *
> 202) *
> 203) *
> 204) *
> 205) *
> 206) *
> 207) *
> The camcontrol output is easier to figure out, though.
> Ken

This is about ease of use . cdrecord in the absence of a device specification 
query the bus and present the user with a choice of cd recorder devices ideally
if there is one cd recorder it should go ahead an use it if such behavior is 
not desired then create an option "--confirm" to ask the user if its okay
to use the "guessed" cd recorder.

camcontrol is a generic scsi command line interface and very nice . What I am 
is a generic bus enumerator  API so apps like cd recorder or fxtv can use
to locate the device in the absence of a specified device.



 Amancio Hasty

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Re: [re]writable cdrom drive

1999-08-18 Thread Amancio Hasty

> Amancio Hasty wrote...
> > > Amancio Hasty wrote...
> > > > I have to agree with Matt on this plus the set of defaults is system wide .
> > > 
> > > What are you agreeing with him on?  Why not quote what you're talking
> > > about?
> > > 
> > > > Is it possible to get a system bus enumeration from the system so 
> > > > a program such a cdrecord can attempt to make an intelligent
> > > > decision as to which device is the cd recorder for instance we
> > > > know that the system can print the device's name and its
> > > > scsi address:
> > > 
> > > If you want a bus number, there's a really easy way to get it:
> > > 
> > > # camcontrol devlist
> > >   at scbus0 target 3 lun 0 (pass0,ch0)
> > > at scbus0 target 4 lun 0 (pass1,sa0)
> > > at scbus1 target 0 lun 0 (pass2,da0)
> > > at scbus1 target 1 lun 0 (pass3,da1)
> > >  at scbus1 target 3 lun 0 (pass4,cd0)
> > >   at scbus1 target 6 lun 0 (pass5,cd1)
> > > at scbus2 target 0 lun 0 (pass6,da2)
> > > 
> > > So, in this case, the bus,target,lun combination for my CD-R is 1,3,0.
> > > 
> > > cdrecord itself also has a slightly more obtuse way of doing the same
> > > thing:
> > > 
> > > # cdrecord -scanbus
> > > Cdrecord release 1.8a22 Copyright (C) 1995-1999 J_rg Schilling
> > > scsibus0:
> > >   0) *
> > >   1) *
> [ ... ]
> > > The camcontrol output is easier to figure out, though.
> > > 
> > > Ken
> > 
> > This is about ease of use . cdrecord in the absence of a device specification 
> > should
> > query the bus and present the user with a choice of cd recorder devices ideally
> > if there is one cd recorder it should go ahead an use it if such behavior is 
> > not desired then create an option "--confirm" to ask the user if its okay
> > to use the "guessed" cd recorder.
> If you think cdrecord should do something different, talk to Joerg
> Schilling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> about it.
> > camcontrol is a generic scsi command line interface and very nice . What I am 
> > after
> > is a generic bus enumerator  API so apps like cd recorder or fxtv can use
> > to locate the device in the absence of a specified device.
> There is a generic SCSI bus enumerator API, and one for PCI as well.  There
> isn't a generic API to get trees of devices of any type in the system,
> though.  With new-bus that might be possible, but having done two
> enumerator APIs already (I wrote the CAM and PCI enumerator code), I can
> predict that it might be very complicated to do properly.  (Things get
> really hairy when you have to keep the device tree from changing while
> you're traversing it.)
> In any case, for the two applications you specified, cdrecord is only
> interested in SCSI devices, and there is already an API -- that cdrecord
> already supports -- to do bus/device enumeration.  The cdrecord -scanbus
> code already uses that API.
> Similarly, there is already a PCI device listing interface, so fxtv should
> be able to easily pull out the devices it is interested in.  All it has to
> do is search for all "meteor" or "bktr" devices to find what it wants.
> Ken

Now how can I map a device name from this bus enumeration  so that I can issue
an "open" to the device:

pciconf -l
chip0@pci0:0:0: class=0x06 card=0x chip=0x12378086 rev=0x02 
isab0@pci0:1:0: class=0x060100 card=0x chip=0x70008086 rev=0x01 
ide_pci0@pci0:1:1:  class=0x010180 card=0x chip=0x70108086 
rev=0x00 hdr=0x00
chip1@pci0:1:2: class=0x0c0300 card=0x0000 chip=0x70208086 rev=0x01 
de0@pci0:9:0:   class=0x02 card=0x11001385 chip=0x00091011 rev=0x22 
bktr0@pci0:10:0:class=0x04 card=0x13eb0070 chip=0x036e109e 
rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
none0@pci0:10:1:class=0x048000 card=0x13eb0070 chip=0x0878109e 
rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
ahc0@pci0:11:0: class=0x01 card=0x chip=0x81789004 rev=0x00 
ahc1@pci0:12:0: class=0x01 card=0x chip=0x71789004 rev=0x03 
vga-pci0@pci0:13:0: class=0x03 card=0x chip=0x0519102b 
rev=0x01 hdr=0x00


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: [re]writable cdrom drive

1999-08-18 Thread Amancio Hasty

> Amancio Hasty wrote...
> > > There is a generic SCSI bus enumerator API, and one for PCI as well.  There
> > > isn't a generic API to get trees of devices of any type in the system,
> > > though.  With new-bus that might be possible, but having done two
> > > enumerator APIs already (I wrote the CAM and PCI enumerator code), I can
> > > predict that it might be very complicated to do properly.  (Things get
> > > really hairy when you have to keep the device tree from changing while
> > > you're traversing it.)
> > > 
> > > In any case, for the two applications you specified, cdrecord is only
> > > interested in SCSI devices, and there is already an API -- that cdrecord
> > > already supports -- to do bus/device enumeration.  The cdrecord -scanbus
> > > code already uses that API.
> > > 
> > > Similarly, there is already a PCI device listing interface, so fxtv should
> > > be able to easily pull out the devices it is interested in.  All it has to
> > > do is search for all "meteor" or "bktr" devices to find what it wants.
> > > 
> > > Ken
> > 
> > Now how can I map a device name from this bus enumeration  so that I can issue
> > an "open" to the device:
> > 
> > pciconf -l
> > chip0@pci0:0:0: class=0x06 card=0x chip=0x12378086 rev=0x02 
> > hdr=0x00
> > isab0@pci0:1:0: class=0x060100 card=0x chip=0x70008086 rev=0x01 
> > hdr=0x00
> > ide_pci0@pci0:1:1:  class=0x010180 card=0x chip=0x70108086 
> > rev=0x00 hdr=0x00
> > chip1@pci0:1:2: class=0x0c0300 card=0x chip=0x70208086 rev=0x01 
> > hdr=0x00
> > de0@pci0:9:0:   class=0x02 card=0x11001385 chip=0x00091011 rev=0x22 
> > hdr=0x00
> > bktr0@pci0:10:0:class=0x04 card=0x13eb0070 chip=0x036e109e 
> > rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
> > none0@pci0:10:1:class=0x048000 card=0x13eb0070 chip=0x0878109e 
> > rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
> > ahc0@pci0:11:0: class=0x01 card=0x chip=0x81789004 rev=0x00 
> > hdr=0x00
> > ahc1@pci0:12:0: class=0x01 card=0x chip=0x71789004 rev=0x03 
> > hdr=0x00
> > vga-pci0@pci0:13:0: class=0x03 card=0x chip=0x0519102b 
> > rev=0x01 hdr=0x00
> Only one of the above devices actually has a character device interface in
> /dev.  All you have to do is something like this:
> sprintf(foo, "/dev/%s%d", p->pd_name, p->pd_unit);
> The only way it would become complicated is if the device name in the
> kernel were different than the device name in /dev.
> Ken

Or if there is a system call  or modification to open such that I can issue :
open("pci0:10:0", .)

On the kernel side, I hope that the pci code can translate a bus enumeration
to an actual major , minor device.

The only problem that I see with such an approach is security and I would
rather deal with that later.


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: SIGBUS [was Re: gdb]

1999-08-18 Thread Amancio Hasty

> On 18 Aug 1999, Joel Ray Holveck wrote:
> > > (gdb) run
> > > Starting program: /tmp/./sieve 
> > > Program received signal SIGBUS, Bus error.
> > 
> > That reminds me.  I thought that SIGBUS meant byte-alignment errors.
> > What does it mean on FreeBSD/x86?
> Another possible source for SIGBUS should be generated when accessing
> a mmap'd region past the end of a file.

The boehm garbage collector  is trying to find the memory limit so I guess
in FreeBSD is going to get a SIGBUS.

In linux they get SIGV


 Amancio Hasty

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patches for tosha?

1999-08-18 Thread Amancio Hasty

Or does tosha work with CAM?

tosha -t 1
Device: /dev/cd0c -- "YAMAHA" "CRW6416S" "1.0b"

 track   playing  startend raw size  mp3 size   # of   track
 number   timesector  sector   in bytes  128 kbps  frames  type
14:37'07   0   20781   48879264   4434328   10608  audio
error sending CD-DA read command: Invalid argument

gdb tosha

139 if (readcmd == 0xd8)
150 csio_build (&hdl->ccb->csio,
159 if ((result = cam_send_ccb(hdl->cam_dev, hdl->ccb)) < 
0) {
160 perror ("error sending CD-DA read command");
error sending CD-DA read command: Invalid argument
(gdb) bt
#0  toscsi_readsectors (hdl=0x8062490, start=0, endpp=20782, outfd=7)
at toscsi.c:161
#1  0x8049e2b in main (argc=3, argv=0xbfbfd170) at tosha.c:763
#2  0x8048ba9 in _start ()

At least  tosha is able to read the index of the AUDIO CD:

{root} tosha -i 
Device: /dev/cd0c -- "YAMAHA" "CRW6416S" "1.0b"

 track   playing  startend raw size  mp3 size   # of   track
 number   timesector  sector   in bytes  128 kbps  frames  type
14:37'07   0   20781   48879264   4434328   10608  audio
24:38'73   20782   41704   49210896   4464408   10680  audio
35:17'47   41705   65526   56029344   5082861   12160  audio
43:50'18   65527   82794   40614336   36846758814  audio
54:11'17   82795  101636   44316384   40204619618  audio
65:28'58  101637  126294   57995616   5261208   12586  audio
74:40'72  126295  147366   49561344   4496195   10756  audio
83:55'38  147367  165029   41543376   37689419016  audio
94:57'27  165030  187331   52454304   4758595   11384  audio
   104:45'53  187332  208759   50398656   4572141   10938  audio
   113:40'65  208760  225324   38960880   35347018456  audio
   125:21'07  225325  249406   56640864   5138328   12292  audio
 total  55:25'32  249407 sectors  586605264  53290417  127302



 Amancio Hasty

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Re: [re]writable cdrom drive

1999-08-18 Thread Amancio Hasty

> Matthew Dillon writes:
>  > And to head off another question:  When you are recording to a CD-RW
>  > you can do a 'quick erase' of the media using 'cdrecord blank=fast'.
>  > This does not actually erase the data, so if you have used say 100MB
>  > you will only have 550MB left.  You can actually erase the media using
>  > 'cdrecord blank=all', which takes a while.
> In my experience, this is not true.  I have used blank=fast on a CDRW
> that has over 500 MB written, and then written another 500 MB without
> a problem.

I could be wrong;nevertheless, last nite I made a couple of CDs over
500MB with "blank=fast" and it worked.


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: [fwd] [fm/news] newsletter for Aug 18th 1999, 23:59

1999-08-18 Thread Amancio Hasty

It wouldn't surprise me if it was a linux fan who made the posting
and probably in reaction to the great success of Red Hat's IPO:

"They are making fortunes with my code!! "

Well thats what I read and I think it was on 


 Amancio Hasty

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: [re]writable cdrom drive

1999-08-19 Thread Amancio Hasty

> : > you can do a 'quick erase' of the media using 'cdrecord blank=fast'.
> : > This does not actually erase the data, so if you have used say 100MB
> : > you will only have 550MB left.  You can actually erase the media using
> : > 'cdrecord blank=all', which takes a while.
> :
> :In my experience, this is not true.  I have used blank=fast on a CDRW
> :that has over 500 MB written, and then written another 500 MB without
> :a problem.
> Really?  I'll have to mess with it some more.  Maybe I had tried to
> write more data then I thought in my last test.

I just happen to be writing another cd  8)
mkisofs -R /mount/cdrom | cdrecord -blank=fast -v fs=10m speed=3 -

Track 01: 597 MB written (fifo 100%).Total extents actually written = 311018
Total translation table size: 0
Total rockridge attributes bytes: 1076001
Total directory bytes: 3112960
Path table size(bytes): 15778
Max brk space used 84a29c
311018 extents written (607 Mb)
Track 01: 607 MB written (fifo 100%).
Track 01: Total bytes read/written: 636964864/636964864 (311018 sectors).
Writing  time: 2190.437s
Fixating time:  129.090s
cdrecord: fifo had 10034 puts and 10034 gets.
cdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 9713 times full, min fill was 89%.

This is like the third  time that I writing pretty much the same image 
to the CD.



 Amancio Hasty

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: patches for tosha?

1999-08-19 Thread Amancio Hasty

> As Amancio Hasty wrote ...
> > 
> > 
> > Or does tosha work with CAM?
> It does for me... (3.2-stable).


I think is that tosha does not know how to read audio tracks with
my Yamaha cd  recorder.  The Yamaha have a slightly weird
way of reading the audio tracks .  I have cdda2wav as
an example on how to read audio tracks on Yamaha CDs.
The only gotcha is that is for linux so I will have to 
translate the linux scsi commands to CAM.

Writing audio tracks is no problem with "cdrecord".


 Amancio Hasty

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: patches for tosha?

1999-08-19 Thread Amancio Hasty


I am totally full of joy to be able to read audio CDs in FreeBSD . 

{root} ./cdda2wav -D0,1,0 -B
266240 bytes buffer memory requested, 4 buffers, 27 sectors
Read TOC CD Text failed (probably not supported).
#Cdda2wav version schily0.4_freebsd_4.0-current_i386_i386 real time sched. 
soundcard support
AUDIOtrack pre-emphasis  copy-permitted tracktype channels
  1-12   no  no audio2
Table of Contents: total tracks:12, (total time 55:27.43)
  1.( 4:37.09),  2.( 4:38.97),  3.( 5:17.63),  4.( 3:50.24),  5.( 4:11.23)
  6.( 5:28.77),  7.( 4:40.96),  8.( 3:55.51),  9.( 4:57.36), 10.( 4:45.71)
 11.( 3:40.87), 12.( 5:21.09),

Table of Contents: starting sectors
  1.(   0),  2.(   20782),  3.(   41705),  4.(   65527),  5.(   82795)
  6.(  101637),  7.(  126295),  8.(  147367),  9.(  165030), 10.(  187332)
 11.(  208760), 12.(  225325), lead-out(  249407)
CDDB discid: 0xb80cfd0c

Tnks A Lot!


 Amancio Hasty

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: [re]writable cdrom drive

1999-08-19 Thread Amancio Hasty

Please Matt "burn" a summary document ... (Gosh I have been
burning too many CDs 8) )


 Amancio Hasty

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: patches for tosha?

1999-08-19 Thread Amancio Hasty


I am all set . cdrecord-1.8a22 includes cdda2wav as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
pointed out and it does work with my Yamaha cd recorder .

In summary using FreeBSD-current of about two weeks ago , I am now able to :
1. to burn iso 9660 with mkisofs + cdrecord 
2. extract CD audio tracks with cdda2wav
3. Burn audio cds with cdrecord . No other external program 
   is necessary to burn the Audio CD.

A bit more work is needed to make the creation of CDs on FreeBSD
user friendly and the responsibilty for that falls more on the
authors of the CD tools.

With FreeBSD-current as of this morning, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arno J. 
just reported having problems with cdd2wav panicking the system with:
launching cdda2wav immediately panics with:
panic: setrunqueue: invalid rtprio type


> As Amancio Hasty wrote ...
> > > As Amancio Hasty wrote ...
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Or does tosha work with CAM?
> > > 
> > > It does for me... (3.2-stable).
> To qualify that a bit more: it works on my Toshiba XM-5701TA 
> (surprise..) and also on my Philips CDD-3600 CDRW drive.
> > I think is that tosha does not know how to read audio tracks with
> > my Yamaha cd  recorder.  The Yamaha have a slightly weird
> > way of reading the audio tracks .  I have cdda2wav as
> > an example on how to read audio tracks on Yamaha CDs.
> > The only gotcha is that is for linux so I will have to 
> > translate the linux scsi commands to CAM.
> Maybe a check on the xmcd source code is of interest. It has a number
> of vendor-unique support files with interesting info.
> Wilko
> -- 
> |   / o / /  _ Arnhem, The Netherlands    - Powered by FreeBSD -
> |/|/ / / /( (_) Bulte  WWW  :


 Amancio Hasty

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

How To Burn CDs

1999-08-20 Thread Amancio Hasty
 an exchange of using the tool team for 
buffering vs cdrecord's own buffering scheme:

"Another possibility, if you have the RAM, is to use the team(1)
program (it's in the ports) to buffer the data as it goes to the burner.
You basically put it into the pipeline between mkisofs and cdrecord, and
it buffers up to 5MB in memory (default, adjustable).  Of course, you've
got to have enough RAM to not go into swap during the operation.  It's a 
very nice program, and I've been told that, with enough memory
(32-64MB), you can be running X11 and compiling programs while the CD is 
burning (this is with a 2X burner, though)."

"It should be noted that the 'cdrecord' program implements a FIFO itself,
and you can specify the size.  The default is 2MB.  cdrecord uses a
shared memory segment and forks so the process buffering the data is
made independant of the buffer draining it.

Modern CD writers usually have 1-2MB of buffer internally.  The newer
Yamahas, for example, have 2MB.

So right off the bat we have around 4MB.  Still, when you are writing at
600KB/sec it is possible to get behind if the filesystem you are building
has lots of small files.  Apart from writing the mkisofs output to a file,
the easiest solution is to tell cdrecord to burn at a slower rate - e.g.
1x or 2x instead of 4x or 6x.

Possible Problem and we need clarification

And to head off another question:  When you are recording to a CD-RW
you can do a 'quick erase' of the media using 'cdrecord blank=fast'.
This does not actually erase the data, so if you have used say 100MB
you will only have 550MB left.  You can actually erase the media using
'cdrecord blank=all', which takes a while.
  In my experience, this is not true.  I have used blank=fast on a CDRW
  that has over 500 MB written, and then written another 500 MB without
  a problem.

  I have the same experience. Maybe someone into the physics of the media
  can explain what the pros-cons are as far as the media itself is concerned?

Hardware : 

Yamaha CRW6416sz scsi 2 internal cd recorder

I bought the Yamaha CRW6416sz scsi 2 iternal because it is 
somewhat cheap and reliable . You can buy one at CompUSA for

Reported scsi CD recorders which work and by no means this
list is not  exhaustive rather is nice to know from a FreeBSD user
that it works on their boxes.

1.  JKH swears by his Smart and Friendly Rocket Recorder
scsi cd recorder  8)
Honest is probably a good drive because JKH burns 
quite a few CDs.

2.  Plextor scsi recorders 4x and 8x good recommendation from
the list.

3.  Philips CDD-3600 CDRW drive

4.  Yamaha 4416 scsi recorder known to work on FreeBSD, Linux, SCO, 
HP/UX, and NT

5.  Yamaha 6416sz scsi cd recorder.

Hidetoshi Shimokawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> reported:
  I bought DVD-RAM drive for $400.
  5.2GB(double side) media is around $35, you can use them as 2.3GB x 2

  Enabling raw-write in scsi_cd.c, you can newfs/mount DVD-RAM as UFS.
  Write speed is around 500KB/s, and read speed is around 1.4MB/s.

  Now this sounds like a very nice scsi cd recorder .

  Further input on DVD-RAM is welcome . 


 Amancio Hasty

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: user friendly creation of CDs (was: Re: patches for tosha?)

1999-08-20 Thread Amancio Hasty

Yes, I tried gcombust and opted for the command line approach

gcombust looks great ;however, I expect for user firiendly land
less knobs for instance: 

burn iso 9660 cd 
Select files or directories
type of CD : CD-R , CD-RW

then pull the appropiate information for buffering and
optimal speed from a database. 

You need something special to burn your CD ? pull out the "expert"
tab menus.

If I showed gcombust to Bettina , she would snap you
got to be kidding and I have to confess that she is right.
She already ask me is the system ready for you and I
had to respond sorry not quite there yet you will have
to wait about a week and she responded thats not
bad take your time . Sometimes being the hacker
of the house is not an easy task 8)



 Amancio Hasty

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: [fwd] [fm/news] newsletter for Aug 18th 1999, 23:59

1999-08-21 Thread Amancio Hasty


Linux land does not look so pretty now days ...

Playing with Sun's java jre on linux.

Ran  jre libgc on redhat 6.0 no problem.

slackware 4.0 appears to only like jre libc

Suse 6.1 does not like either jre libc nore jre libgc.

So on

My customer should ship an entire linux box with their product 8)

Be Happy

 Amancio Hasty

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: How To Burn CDs

1999-08-21 Thread Amancio Hasty

If you have the physical memory sure however if you don't then 
you will start swapping and most likely your cd recording will

Hence my recommendation for a small size buffer. 

And to the list.

Please keep the comments or suggestions rolling and hopefully
by early next we will have a nice "How To Burn CD " document.


> > "Another possibility, if you have the RAM, is to use the team(1)
> > program (it's in the ports) to buffer the data as it goes to the burner.
> Any reason not to use ``cdrecord -fs=64m'' (or some simular size)
> -- 
> -- David    ([EMAIL PROTECTED]  -or-  [EMAIL PROTECTED])


 Amancio Hasty

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: How To Burn CDs

1999-08-21 Thread Amancio Hasty

>If you don't have the time to trim, we don't have the time to read your

Easy , Easy we are coming along fine so far so please keep 
the flame temperature down. If you are compelled or annoyed
at the poster send him private e-mail and possibly a pointer
to net - etiguette. If you do it nicely you may actually make
a long term friend ...



 Amancio Hasty

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: How To Burn CDs

1999-08-21 Thread Amancio Hasty

> Then there is no advantage in using `team' vs. ``cdrecord -fs=XX'', right?
> -- 

As far as I can tell there is no difference other one component less to use
and ease of use.


 Amancio Hasty

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: How To Burn CDs

1999-08-21 Thread Amancio Hasty

> As David O'Brien wrote ...
> > > "Another possibility, if you have the RAM, is to use the team(1)
> > > program (it's in the ports) to buffer the data as it goes to the burner.
> > 
> > Any reason not to use ``cdrecord -fs=64m'' (or some simular size)
> Any reason to? I mean, I never had to go over the default cdrecord
> uses. But I only have a 2x writer and I generally create an iso image
> file first.

At 2x,  300kb/sec , the default  cdrecord fs's buffer size  provides 13 
seconds of buffering
that should be enough for  most cases. At higher speed the amount of 
that mkisofs does starts playing a more important role however if you have 
a iso image then mkisofs is not a factor.

For illustrative purposes, here is a sample command execution for mkisofs 
an iso 9660 file stream to cdrecord:

mkisofs -R /mount | cdrecord -blank=fast -v fs=4m speed=3 -

That sample command syntax is sufficient for a "normal" cd creation someone
like JKH can probably tell us if it is sufficient for creating a  FreeBSD 
"package" distribution  --- that is a resonable large filesystem structure.



 Amancio Hasty

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: How To Burn CDs

1999-08-21 Thread Amancio Hasty

> > > > "Another possibility, if you have the RAM, is to use the team(1)
> > > > program (it's in the ports) to buffer the data as it goes to the burner.
> > > 
> > > Any reason not to use ``cdrecord -fs=64m'' (or some simular size)
> > 
> > Any reason to? I mean, I never had to go over the default cdrecord uses. 
> Since the author was already suggesting the use of team(1) he obvisiously
> wants a larger buffer.  I was mearly asking if there was something about
> team(1) better than ``cdrecord -fs=XX''.

To  me in the context of cdrecord, cdrecord's option "fs" and team are
about the same. Perhaps someone more  familiar with cdrecord fifo.c's 
circular buffer algorithm and team can express a different opinion.



 Amancio Hasty

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: user friendly creation of CDs (was: Re: patches for tosha?)

1999-08-21 Thread Amancio Hasty

In my case is a lot easier to customize a simple shell script and use it.
Is just that gcombust comes from linux perhaps if I keep using
I can get over my hurdle 8)

Have Fun Guys!

> Heh.  I see, you want a program that one could use without
> having to know _anything_.  Your right thats not what gcombust is,
> but its still useful for those of us who know `something'...
> On Fri, Aug 20, 1999 at 05:02:07PM -0700, Amancio Hasty wrote:
> > Yes, I tried gcombust and opted for the command line approach
> > 
> > gcombust looks great ;however, I expect for user firiendly land
> > less knobs for instance: 
> > 
> > burn iso 9660 cd 
> > Select files or directories
> > type of CD : CD-R , CD-RW
> > 
> > then pull the appropiate information for buffering and
> > optimal speed from a database. 
>  Not sure a database would be enough for that, as these not only
> vary for each system (hardware) but also depend on
> . the type of files to be written (big ones or many small ones)
> and of course the performance of the disk/controller/fs their on
> (and the net if their not local)
> . current and near-future system load (for example any cronjobs
> coming up that will be hammering the source disk, or network?)
>  (is that all?)  of course you could reduce the problems by simply
> always creating an image file but then you can't write CDs once
> your low on free space.
> >...  Sometimes being the hacker
> > of the house is not an easy task 8)
>  :)  Still i'd like to know of any solution you come up with...
>  Regards,
> -- 
> Juergen Lock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> (remove dot foo from address to reply)


 Amancio Hasty

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: gcc compile error

1999-12-28 Thread Amancio Hasty

The details were previously posted by .

Good Nite


 Amancio Hasty

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: gcc compile error

1999-12-28 Thread Amancio Hasty

> On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, Amancio Hasty wrote:
> > The details were previously posted by .
> > 
> > Good Nite
> > 
> > 
> Whatever ate the details on your previous post seems to be at it again.

Here is a copy of my mail post which I received from the -current mail list
that is my post went out intact.

Posted on Sat, 25 Dec 1999 23:17:45 -0800

While trying to compile the latest version of XFree86 I found the following
compiler bug.

{root} gcc -v
Using builtin specs.
gcc version 2.95.2 19991024 (release)

I assume that this an old version of gcc...


cc -c -pipe -O2 -ansi -pedantic -Dasm=__asm -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes 
-Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs   -I. 
-I../include -I../../../exports/include/X11 -I../../../include/extensions   
-I../../../include/fonts -I../mi -I../../../programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/common 
-I../../../include/fonts  -I../../.. -I../../../exports/include  -DCSRG_BASED -DSHAPE 
-DXFreeXDGA -DXvExtension -DXFree86LOADER  -DXFree86Server -DXF86VIDMODE  
-DNARROWPROTO xf86vmode.c
In file included from xf86vmode.c:41:
../include/extnsionst.h:91: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
../include/extnsionst.h:100: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
../include/extnsionst.h:106: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
xf86vmode.c: In function `ProcXF86VidModeGetMonitor':
xf86vmode.c:1320: Unable to generate reloads for:
(insn 300 298 302 (parallel[ 
(set (reg:SI 0 %eax)
(fix:SI (fix:SF (subreg:SF (reg:SI 0 %eax) 0
(clobber (mem:HI (plus:SI (reg:SI 6 %ebp)
(const_int -34 [0xffde])) 0))
(clobber (mem:HI (plus:SI (reg:SI 6 %ebp)
(const_int -36 [0xffdc])) 0))
(clobber (mem:SI (plus:SI (reg:SI 6 %ebp)
(const_int -40 [0xffd8])) 0))
(clobber (scratch:HI))
] ) 145 {fix_truncsfsi2+1} (insn_list 293 (nil))
(expr_list:REG_DEAD (reg:SI 0 %eax)
(expr_list:REG_UNUSED (scratch:HI)
*** Error code 1


 Amancio Hasty

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: gcc compile error

1999-12-28 Thread Amancio Hasty

Look I stated previously and only a few hours ago:

>Yes, I can rightfully claim that you cannot build XFree86 3.9 xxx dated 
>December 24 with the default gcc compiler on FreeBSD -current.
>I am running FreeBSD -current and XFree86 3.9xxx current.

More precisely :

FreeBSD -current was last cvsup on my system on Dec 23 18:59.

XFree86  was cvsup on December 24th   I am sorry but this is 
sufficient information to reproduce the problem.

> Amancio Hasty wrote:
> > > On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, Amancio Hasty wrote:
> > > 
> > > > The details were previously posted by .
> > > > 
> > > > Good Nite
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > Whatever ate the details on your previous post seems to be at it again.
> > 
> > Here is a copy of my mail post which I received from the -current mail list
> > that is my post went out intact.
> It isn't much use to anyone like this...  We need to be able to reproduce
> this.  What release of xfree86 is this?  3.9.16 as released? if not you will
> need to give us code if you want help.
> Failing that, how about a cc -E of the file in question so we can compile it
> standalone and see what is going wrong with the inline asm?
> > Posted on Sat, 25 Dec 1999 23:17:45 -0800
> > ---
> > 
> > While trying to compile the latest version of XFree86 I found the following
> > compiler bug.
> > 
> > {root} gcc -v
> > Using builtin specs.
> > gcc version 2.95.2 19991024 (release)
> > 
> > 
> > I assume that this an old version of gcc...
> > 
> > 
> > xc/programs/Xserver/Xext
> > 
> > 
> > cc -c -pipe -O2 -ansi -pedantic -Dasm=__asm -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-pr
> ototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wne
> sted-externs   -I. 
> > -I../include -I../../../exports/include/X11 -I../../../include/extensions
>-I../../../include/fonts -I../mi -I../../../programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/
> common 
> > -I../../../include/fonts  -I../../.. -I../../../exports/include  -DCSRG_BASED
> ONT -DDPMSExtension  
> -DXFreeXDGA -DXvExtension -DXFree86LOADER  -DXFree86Server -DXF86VIDMODE  
> ARROWPROTO xf86vmode.c
> > In file included from xf86vmode.c:41:
> > ../include/extnsionst.h:91: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
> > ../include/extnsionst.h:100: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
> > ../include/extnsionst.h:106: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
> > xf86vmode.c: In function `ProcXF86VidModeGetMonitor':
> > xf86vmode.c:1320: Unable to generate reloads for:
> > (insn 300 298 302 (parallel[ 
> > (set (reg:SI 0 %eax)
> > (fix:SI (fix:SF (subreg:SF (reg:SI 0 %eax) 0
> > (clobber (mem:HI (plus:SI (reg:SI 6 %ebp)
> > (const_int -34 [0xffde])) 0))
> > (clobber (mem:HI (plus:SI (reg:SI 6 %ebp)
> > (const_int -36 [0xffdc])) 0))
> > (clobber (mem:SI (plus:SI (reg:SI 6 %ebp)
> > (const_int -40 [0xffd8])) 0))
> > (clobber (scratch:HI))
> > ] ) 145 {fix_truncsfsi2+1} (insn_list 293 (nil))
> > (expr_list:REG_DEAD (reg:SI 0 %eax)
> > (expr_list:REG_UNUSED (scratch:HI)
> > (nil
> > *** Error code 1
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > 
> >  Amancio Hasty
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
> > 
> > 
> Cheers,
> -Peter
> --


 Amancio Hasty

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: gcc compile error

1999-12-29 Thread Amancio Hasty

> Sending out an attachment of that size to a public mailing list was
> hardly necessary, and the increasing stridency of your posts leading
> up to this only serve to indicate that you may be heading in the truly
> wrong direction with all this and seriously need to rethink your
> strategy before you do something that has people howling for your
> blood.

Thats fine . Actually "someone" did start working on the problem 8)

    Take Care


 Amancio Hasty

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: gcc compile error

1999-12-29 Thread Amancio Hasty

> Sending out an attachment of that size to a public mailing list was
> hardly necessary, and the increasing stridency of your posts leading
> up to this only serve to indicate that you may be heading in the truly
> wrong direction with all this and seriously need to rethink your
> strategy before you do something that has people howling for your
> blood.
> - Jordan

Okay folks, 

This is the scoop. 

For the benefit of those which don't have access to the latest XFree86 release you can
download the file from

uname -a
FreeBSD 4.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 4.0-CURRENT #2: Mon Dec 27 13:55:25 PST 
1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/compile/MUADIB  i386

gcc -v
Using builtin specs.
gcc version 2.95.2 19991024 (release)

 gcc -c -O2  bug.c
xf86vmode.c: In function `ProcXF86VidModeGetMonitor':
xf86vmode.c:1320: Unable to generate reloads for:
(insn 300 298 302 (parallel[ 
(set (reg:SI 0 %eax)
(fix:SI (fix:SF (subreg:SF (reg:SI 0 %eax) 0
(clobber (mem:HI (plus:SI (reg:SI 6 %ebp)
(const_int -34 [0xffde])) 0))
(clobber (mem:HI (plus:SI (reg:SI 6 %ebp)
(const_int -36 [0xffdc])) 0))
(clobber (mem:SI (plus:SI (reg:SI 6 %ebp)
(const_int -40 [0xffd8])) 0))
(clobber (scratch:HI))
] ) 145 {fix_truncsfsi2+1} (insn_list 293 (nil))
(expr_list:REG_DEAD (reg:SI 0 %eax)
(expr_list:REG_UNUSED (scratch:HI)


Without -O or -O2 the program compiles okay.

gcc -c bug.c

According to Peter, the ports/lang/gcc-devel (the current snapshot)  appears to 
compile this program fine -- that is the compiler bug has been fixed.

So there appears to be two solutions to get around this problem:

1. compile without -O 
2.  installed the latest snapshot of gcc.

    Take Care Guys


 Amancio Hasty

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gcc compiler problem part deux

1999-12-29 Thread Amancio Hasty

Forgot to post about this new feature of /usr/libexec/cpp :
1. Test file

 main() {
 #ifdef __FreeBSD__

1. old freebsd-current

2.   gcc -v
  Using builtin specs.
  gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314 (egcs-1.1.2 release)

 /usr/libexec/cpp foo.c
 # 1 "foo.c"
 main() {



/usr/libexec/cpp has __FreeBSD_ defined --- and this is not 

2. Now a very recent FreeBSD -current
gcc -v
Using builtin specs.
gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314 (egcs-1.1.2 release)

/usr/libexec/cpp foo.c
 # 1 "foo.c"

 main() {


Voila! the "printf " disappeared.

This behavior breaks the XFree86 3.9.17 build because the procedure
to build imake depends on /usr/libexec/cpp defining __FreeBSD__

I patched locally the imake build so just for FreeBSD it adds a

I presumed that the latest /usr/libexec/cpp behavior is also going to 
break other package. Again for me is not a problem because
after a few hours I managed to circumvent the new /usr/libexec/cpp


 Amancio Hasty

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: gcc compiler problem part deux

1999-12-29 Thread Amancio Hasty

There are packages such as XFree86 which called directly the installed
cpp.  Those packages which rely on the old behavior of /usr/libexec/cpp
for instance defining __FreeBSD__ are now broken .

> This was discussed weeks ago, and the new behaviour is correct.  You 
> should be using 'cc -E' instead.
> > 
> > Forgot to post about this new feature of /usr/libexec/cpp :
> > 1. Test file
> > foo.c
> > 
> >  main() {
> >  #ifdef __FreeBSD__
> >  printf("hello\n");
> >  #endif
> >  }
> > 
> > 1. old freebsd-current
> > 
> > 2.   gcc -v
> >   Using builtin specs.
> >   gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314 (egcs-1.1.2 release)
> > 
> >  /usr/libexec/cpp foo.c
> >  # 1 "foo.c"
> >  main() {
> > 
> >  printf("hello\n");
> > 
> >  }
> > 
> > /usr/libexec/cpp has __FreeBSD_ defined --- and this is not 
> > problem.
> > 
> > 2. Now a very recent FreeBSD -current
> > gcc -v
> > Using builtin specs.
> > gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314 (egcs-1.1.2 release)
> > 
> > /usr/libexec/cpp foo.c
> >  # 1 "foo.c"
> > 
> > 
> >  main() {
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > }
> > 
> > Voila! the "printf " disappeared.
> > 
> > This behavior breaks the XFree86 3.9.17 build because the procedure
> > to build imake depends on /usr/libexec/cpp defining __FreeBSD__
> > 
> > I patched locally the imake build so just for FreeBSD it adds a
> > -D__FreeBSD__
> > 
> > I presumed that the latest /usr/libexec/cpp behavior is also going to 
> > break other package. Again for me is not a problem because
> > after a few hours I managed to circumvent the new /usr/libexec/cpp
> > feature.
> > 


 Amancio Hasty

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: gcc compile error

1999-12-29 Thread Amancio Hasty


We just have a buggy version of gcc and it appears that 
the register allocator is the main problematic area.

This is not really a problem for me because what I first
try out  is a newer version of gcc if I can not get 
around the compile problem. At any rate remember
that at least my reported compiler bug appears to be fixed in 
the latest gcc-devel port.

> On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, Amancio Hasty wrote:
> !>
> !>Without -O or -O2 the program compiles okay.
> !>
> !>gcc -c bug.c
> !>
>   Ouch! This looks an awful lot like the last report with `GCC' and
>   `problem' in the subject. As Matt just mentionned one or two posts ago,
>   and as I observed in the last thread, have you tried making some of the
>   variables `volatile?' Assuming of course that the code does compile well
>   without the optimization flags, one would assume that the "problem"
>   occurs because of caching of certain variable values in registers (not
>   that this should be a problem, mind you; one would assume that the
>   optimization isn't performed too well).
>   Due to lack of time, and generally speaking, lack of experience with
>   GCC, I haven't taken a detailed shot at debugging this.
>   Bosko.
> --
>  Bosko Milekic
>  WWW:
> --


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: gcc compiler problem part deux

1999-12-29 Thread Amancio Hasty

It is more of a question of whether the packages for FreeBSD expect
/usr/libexec/cpp to define __FreeBSD__ and in my case XFree86.
Once I managed to find out what was wrong it was indeed easy for
me to fix. If the "other" applications managed to compile correctly
on FreeBSD because of /usr/libexec/cpp then I don't consider
them to be broken. 

> > There are packages such as XFree86 which called directly the installed
> > cpp.  Those packages which rely on the old behavior of /usr/libexec/cpp
> > for instance defining __FreeBSD__ are now broken .
> XFree86 is trivial to patch, since it already supports this behaviour (see
> our port), and other applications that expect cpp to define
> platform-specific symbols have always been broken.
> > > This was discussed weeks ago, and the new behaviour is correct.  You 
> > > should be using 'cc -E' instead.
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Forgot to post about this new feature of /usr/libexec/cpp :
> -- 
> \\ Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. \\  Mike Smith
> \\ Tell him he should learn how to fish himself,  \\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> \\ and he'll hate you for a lifetime. \\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Amancio Hasty

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: gcc compiler problem part deux

1999-12-29 Thread Amancio Hasty

The usage came about oh about 8 years ago with the very first port
of X to 386bsd by yours truly 8)

Don't forget I did fix the problem on my X build and I am running
the latest XFree86 3.9.xx on my other box.

Take Care

> > Forgot to post about this new feature of /usr/libexec/cpp :
> NO ONE should have ever have been using /usr/libexec/cpp directly.  I
> have no idea where this usage came from.  /usr/bin/cpp should have been
> used.
> > 2. Now a very recent FreeBSD -current
> > gcc -v
> > Using builtin specs.
> > gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314 (egcs-1.1.2 release)
> Yes this is very well known, and has been discussed on both Ports and
> Current several times.  A new /usr/bin/ccp is in the works that is a real
> binary and not the shell script we have today.
> *IF* world had been buildable today, we would probably have a new
> /usr/bin/cpp that does everything you want it to.
> > This behavior breaks the XFree86 3.9.17 build because the procedure
> > to build imake depends on /usr/libexec/cpp defining __FreeBSD__
> So use ``cc -E'' instead.  Simple.
> -- 


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: gcc compile error

1999-12-29 Thread Amancio Hasty

> 3. Raise this issue with Cygnus.

Not really Cygnus is the wrong organization to raise this issue . 
As someone else pointed out the gcc-devel port does not exhibit the bug
which I posted.


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: gcc compile error

1999-12-29 Thread Amancio Hasty

>Gcc 2.96 will not be out before 4.0.  So Gcc 2.95.x is what is going into
>4.0.  Now should a Gcc 2.95.3 were to come out, then we'd get a new
>compiler for 4.0.

>Lets think about this in FreeBSD terms -- 4.0 does not have some problem
>that 3.4-R does.  However it wasn't known that 3.4-R had this problem and


I am running FreeBSD -current and I got no clue as to what is
going on FreeBSD The problem was reported for FreeBSD

Okay, lets hope that  gcc 2.9.53  comes out before the release of FreeBSD 4.0.

    Take Care


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: gcc compile error

1999-12-29 Thread Amancio Hasty

Hi David,

Last time, the problem does not exist with the  gcc-devel port
which directly implies that the problem has been fixed so I see
no point on reporting the bug to Cygnus.  I can in the future
report the bug to Cygnus if the bug has not been fixed
in a subsequent snapshot.

I will play with gcc-devel some tonite to see if I can use
it for all my ports.

Some background:

I am working on XFree86 to help bring about yuv + scaling
hardware support -- my main priority is X for I  if get too 
side tracked I may miss my window of opportunity to 
hack .

Take Care


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: gcc compile error

1999-12-30 Thread Amancio Hasty

> "David O'Brien" wrote:
> > On Wed, Dec 29, 1999 at 11:37:18AM -0800, Amancio Hasty wrote:
> > > This is the scoop. 
> > ..snip.. 
> > > gcc -v
> > > Using builtin specs.
> > > gcc version 2.95.2 19991024 (release)
> > ..snip..
> > > Without -O or -O2 the program compiles okay.
> > 
> > What other platforms w/gcc 2.95 have you tried to build this X11 version
> > on?  What other non-Linux platforms w/gcc 2.95 have you tried to build
> > this X11 version on?  Do you have a problem if you download the official
> > GCC 2.95.2 release and build it the old GNU'fashion way?  Does a purely
> > stock GCC 2.95 bomb on this??  If so, it is a GCC problem and the issue
> > should be raised with Cygnus.  
> Yes it is a gcc-2.95.2 bug.  It's fixed in the 2.96 snapshot in
> ports/lang/gcc-devel.
gcc-devel installed from the ports directory:

 gcc -v 
Reading specs from /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/i386-portbld-freebsd4.0/2.96/specs
gcc version 2.96 19991110 (experimental)
{root} gcc -c -O2 bug.c

That is as Peter said the bug is fixed on the 2.96 snapshot and I am currently
rebuilding X on my other system will find out more when the build finishes in
about 1/2 hour.

Take Care


 Amancio Hasty

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gcc 2.96 snapshot and X

1999-12-30 Thread Amancio Hasty

Last nite , I managed to compile all of XFree86 3.9.17 with no
compiler bugs from gcc.

/usr/local/bin/gcc -v
Reading specs from /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/i386-portbld-freebsd4.0/2.96/specs
gcc version 2.96 19991110 (experimental)



 Amancio Hasty

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Hicup , Hicup ....

2000-01-01 Thread Amancio Hasty

   Joy and Happiness to All on this New Millenium !!

 Amancio & Bettina


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Your misleading, no, LYING message to me

2000-01-02 Thread Amancio Hasty

I have to say that PHK has become the MASTER at pissing 
people off, ensuring that his opponent goes the deep end 
and  staying calm so the blame obviously does not fall on
him. Got to admit his formula is very very nice 8)

By a long shot the problem is NOT Karl. It takes at least
TWO to engage in a combatitive conflict -- that is if
you are not schizophreniac.

The proper tactic to resolve the conflict should have
been to wait a cool off period and then slug it off 
technically. Nevertheless, instead of waiting for 
Karl to cool off and attempt to ration with him , 
it was much easier to drive him further down: hence
thru censorship the "technical" argument was won
with virtually no technical effort at all -- Like I said
earlier very very nice tactic !


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Your misleading, no, LYING message to me

2000-01-02 Thread Amancio Hasty

Hi David,

My post is not really based upon the last Karl vs. Pohl thread.

It is more on what I have observed quietly over the last 
few months . If the behavior is left unchecked you can
rest assure that their will be more flares up. 

Again, to have waited for Karl to cool off is not
that unreasonable to ask if the interested party
wanted to reason with him. I supposed that there are
some who are a virtuoso at calming and reasoning
with extremely angry people. I have always opted
to wait for the person to calm down and then 
try to reason with them. Perhaps , in this
new WWW world my ways are wrong and old fashioned...

Take Care Guys, I am back to hacking and yes 
I am having a great time !


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: 4.0 code freeze scheduled for Jan 15th

2000-01-06 Thread Amancio Hasty

Curious , what is ? 8)


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: 4.0 code freeze scheduled for Jan 15th

2000-01-06 Thread Amancio Hasty

> In some email I received from Matthew Dillon, sie wrote:
> [...]
> > We are not going to repeat the 3.0 mess.   IPV6 and IPSEC are important,
> > but not important enough to delay the already-delayed 4.0 release.  4.1 
> > is not too late for these babies.
> [...]
> Well, let me put it this way.
> 4.0-RELEASE sounds like it will start becoming available at about the same
> time as other OS's make new releases *with* IPv6/IPSec.  You work it out
> whether or not FreeBSD will win or lose from those two being there or not
> there.

For the short term the impact will be nill , zero , nada... Is not like companies
get hold of a new technology and instantly start deploying it -- it will take 
some time ;specially, nowdays after a lot of companies are getting somewhat
of a relief from Y2K work or scare  

With respect to FreeBSD people can always get an upgrade or cvsup . They
want more ? Talk to  JKH I am sure is willing to strike a sweet deal 8)


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: So, tell me again why we can't read audio CDs in SCSI drives

2000-01-06 Thread Amancio Hasty

say do you know how to create an audio cd?

I want to extract tracts from different audio cds  and create my
own audio cd.  I have a Yamaha scsi cd writer.



 Amancio Hasty

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Re: So, tell me again why we can't read audio CDs in SCSI drives

2000-01-06 Thread Amancio Hasty


Tnks for the tip!

I just thought that I would need to add an audio intergap between tracks
but hey if cdrecord can do it great!



 Amancio Hasty

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atap cd?

2000-01-07 Thread Amancio Hasty

{root} mount -t cd9660 /dev/acd0a /cdrom
cd9660: Block device required
{root} mount /dev/acd0a /cdrom
mount: Block device required

Partial dmesg output:

acd0:  CDROM drive at ata0 as slave 
acd0: read 7562KB/s (7562KB/s), 128KB buffer, UDMA33
acd0: Reads: CD-R, CD-RW, CD-DA stream, packet
acd0: Audio: play, 255 volume levels
acd0: Mechanism: ejectable tray
acd0: Medium: CD-ROM 120mm data disc loaded, unlocked

config file:

controller  ata0
device  atadisk0# ATA disk drives
device  atapicd0# ATAPI CDROM drives

ls -ald /dev/acd0c
brw-r-  1 root  operator   19,   2 Jan  7 20:27 /dev/acd0c


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: atap cd?

2000-01-08 Thread Amancio Hasty


Yes, I am running current as of today . also while trying to read a DVD 
I think that your driver is not setting cap.dvdrom flag so when I ask for
report key it returns with failure.  Just wondering if you her of such 
a problem currently. I am more than happy to hack the driver to read
the key 8)



 Amancio Hasty

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: atap cd?

2000-01-08 Thread Amancio Hasty

Oh wow that looks  cool -- Oh excuse me :
Never mind about the problem with report_key not working .

Back to watching  ...



 Amancio Hasty

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: atap cd?

2000-01-08 Thread Amancio Hasty

> It seems Amancio Hasty wrote:
> > Tnks 
> > 
> > Yes, I am running current as of today . also while trying to read a DVD 
> > I think that your driver is not setting cap.dvdrom flag so when I ask for
> > report key it returns with failure.  Just wondering if you her of such 
> > a problem currently. I am more than happy to hack the driver to read
> > the key 8)
> Erhm, if thats the drive you posted the dmesg from, that is a CDROM
> drive, it cannot read DVD's. I know that cap.dvdrom is set when used
> on DVD drives and have no reports telling otherwise.
> The driver works for all thats needed to read/play a DVD given that
> you use the right tools. Look at for the patches
> needed to css-auth (you have to get the source form somewhere else)
> and a ported nist player.
> Remember that I just changed the DVD ioctls, so if you use older
> compiled tools they wont work...

I did a fresh re-install and all is working well over here. Now my real hacking
begins that is to modify the DVD mpeg player to use the brand new spanking
functions in XFree86 to do yuv->rgb + scaling with hardware assist 8)


If any of you are running XFree86 3.9.17 I have a modified mpeg player
which should work with a matrox mga 200 or matrox mga 400 vga with 
hardware assist yuv->rgb + scaling :

Thats a quick hacked up mpeg_play to use XvPutImage which does
the yuv-rgb + scaling magic.

So we can now watch video at 1600x1200 at any color depth well at least at
 8, 15,16, 24, 32 8)

If mpeg_play with XFree86 3.9.17  and an mga 200 or mga 400 doesn't work for you 
just let me know cause I am running XFree86 -current .

Have Fun Guys


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: load spike strangeness

2000-01-09 Thread Amancio Hasty

> At 8:29 PM -0800 2000/1/8, FreeBSD wrote:
> >  Again, I ask, if all you want to do is flame, take it to private e-mail and
> >  let's leave the lists out of this.
>   I don't think you get the point.  If you continue to use an alias 
> (as opposed to your real name), then it looks like everyone is just 
> going to filter out your e-mail, and therefore it will do no good 
> whatsoever to attempt to continue to post here.
>   And if you go too far in this questionable behaviour, we may have 
> to ask the FreeBSD Postmaster to remove you from the mailing lists 
> and put you into the "spam" filters so that you are no longer capable 
> of sending anything to the lists.
>   Please cease and desist, before you do more damage to yourself 
> and the lists.

And whats the point of refusing him because he is using an obvious alias?

For instance, just because someone  has an email name which resembles
a real name lets say "Brad Knowles" does not necessarily mean that the
real "Brad Knowles is sending the mail assuming of course that there
is a Brad Knowles.

Let me put another way I sure hope we don't assume that any given email
truly identifies the individual and that the person is legally responsible 
for his email handle .


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: XFree86 3.9.17

2000-01-17 Thread Amancio Hasty

For those using XFree86 3.9.17 or higher  and have a Matrox 
g400 or g200  feel free  to use mpegplay or mpeg2play from
my ftp site . Both programs have been modified to use the new XFree86 Xv PutImage
extension which can do yuv->rgb + scaling hardware assisted -- for instance 
mpeg play can scale an image to 1600x1200 .

You will need this simple patch for Xv if you are running XFree86 3.9.17 :

diff  -c xvdisp.c~ xvdisp.c
*** xvdisp.c~   Thu Dec 16 18:18:46 1999
--- xvdisp.cThu Jan  6 20:54:25 2000
*** 1131,1137 
--- 1131,1140 
  ev.shmseg = stuff->shmseg;
  ev.offset = stuff->offset;
  WriteEventsToClient(client, 1, (xEvent *) &ev);
+   return (client->noClientException);
  static int 


 Amancio Hasty

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Re: boot messages for pci devices...

2000-01-18 Thread Amancio Hasty

> fxp0:  port 0xc400-0xc43f mem 
>0xefe0-0xefef,0xe000-0xefff irq 9 at device 14.0 on pci0
> Is this level of verbosity really helping anybody ?
> I thought we printed out the port/mem stuff for ISA because it is
> usually jumpered by the admin, but for dynamic allocation busses/devices
> I think this should be "bootverbose" material.
> Or maybe we should always make the resource allocations bootverbose stuff
> now ?
I think that the pci info should be displayed onlly in verbose mode .
Some of the pci devices specially the newer graphic cards have tons
of memory map registers and it is of virtually no use to users.

 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Neat little DPT utils...

2000-01-19 Thread Amancio Hasty

> On Wed, 19 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> > Unfortunately, we currently have a regression problem in FreeBSD.
> > Newer releases tend to drop support for things that have no active
> > maintainer (or a maintainer who is too worn out by continually
> > rewriting his or her software to cope with changed interfaces).
> > Another unfortunate side effect of this is that some developers base
> > their work on older releases rather than chase the moving target of
> > -current.
> If thats the case, then FreeBSD should stop changing :).
> Rather, with the capabilities of NewBus and the module system could it not be
> organized in such a way that the interface the driver requires is loaded along
> with the driver itself?   Perhaps older interfaces just call the functions of
> the new interfaces.   Give them a 1 or 2 year grace period to convert over
> before dropping them cold.  (Thats 1 year in -stable, and 1 year of -current).

My strategy in the past has been to develop kernel stuff for -current . The interfaces
to device drivers or modules is usually a very tiny part of the driver or module.

 Amancio Hasty

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Re: rtld-elf, java + tya

2000-01-21 Thread Amancio Hasty

I am fairly certain that Java + TYA worked before Jan 7 -- haven't
upgraded my system since then.

 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Please help spread the CVSup mirror load more evenly

2000-01-21 Thread Amancio Hasty

If the user does specifiy a cvsup , can you decide for the user which
server is best based upon some simple statistic?
 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Please help spread the CVSup mirror load more evenly

2000-01-21 Thread Amancio Hasty

So have the cvsup client do the pinging to the server and extract
its current work load or other vital statistic.

 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Please help spread the CVSup mirror load more evenly

2000-01-21 Thread Amancio Hasty

> > My only point is that the first response to a problem isn't to necessarily
> > pull out emacs and start hacking away on code.
> Yea, it is easier to do in a regular zone file then to implement the
> network measurement logic into cvsup.

Yes, it is a rather cool idea to rotate on the cvs servers without
respect to latency, work load  or rate of service response from 
the server.

 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Please help spread the CVSup mirror load more evenly

2000-01-21 Thread Amancio Hasty

Hi David,

John can implement a ping echo packet protocol for cvsup whose
response can have "cool" information on the server. Steven's
book on Networking already has the code for doing network latency
calculations . It is more like if John has the time to implement
such scheme 

 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Please help spread the CVSup mirror load more evenly

2000-01-21 Thread Amancio Hasty

> > Hi David,
> > 
> > John can implement a ping echo packet protocol for cvsup whose
> > response can have "cool" information on the server. Steven's
> > book on Networking already has the code for doing network latency
> > calculations . It is more like if John has the time to implement
> > such scheme 
> You don't even need to modify the protocol.  Just write a small
> tcp program that times the 3 way handshake on open to all the
> servers, take the one with the sortest time and spit that out
> for the user to stuff in his cvsupfile.
> 15 lines of perl should be more than enough :-)

Thats gross server load balancing . The network travel time
does not tell you how how loaded the machine is or the server.

There are  couple of RFCs on network load balancing with 
respect to servers or services and I am sure that there
are also widely available research papers. 

Here is a "cool" pointer to a RFC archival with a query 

Have Fun Guys!

 Amancio Hasty

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Re: Please help spread the CVSup mirror load more evenly

2000-01-22 Thread Amancio Hasty

> > 
> > There are  couple of RFCs on network load balancing with 
> > respect to servers or services and I am sure that there
> > are also widely available research papers. 
> Most of those concentrate on balancing the load on the server
> itself.  How about balancing the load on the network paths,
> I doubt very much that we have a server load problem near as
> much as we have a network load problem due to people not
> having ready access to the data that says ``this server is
> closest network wise to me''.

Hi Rod!

Perhaps RFC 2391 may be of use.

Network Working Group   P. Srisuresh
Request for Comments: 2391   Lucent Technologies
Category: Informational   D. Gan
  Juniper Networks, Inc.
 August 1998

   Load Sharing using IP Network Address Translation (LSNAT)


 Amancio Hasty

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