Another idea that could work
/Rescue had nothing to do with this, i was doing a normal boot
it was working , not all of it
> -Mensagem original-
> De: Alexander Ziaee
> Enviada em: domingo, 14 de julho de 2024 22:06
> Para: tezeka
> Cc: freebsd-current
> Assunto: Re: i made a mess (forgot the buildworld and installworld)
> Hello!
> > I made a big mess here.
> > I (deleted my system libraries)
> If I have no snapshots:
> - boot into the installer
> - mount
> - copy /usr/*
> It's not good, but it's good enough to get going to restore from backup or
> makeworld at your leisure.
> Eventually, you want to learn to snapshot your system when you're touching
> critical directories. Then, it never matters. You can just roll back
> stressfree.
> > I do have a shell god knows why
> That would be due to /rescue/. God didn't do that, Tim Kientzle and Gordon
> Tetlow did that :)
> Best,
> Alex