error message during "mergemaster"

2019-09-16 Thread M&S - Krasznai András
In FreeBSD 13.0 when I update the kernel and world I receive the following 
error message during mergemaster:

ka-freebsd:/usr/src# mergemaster

*** Creating the temporary root environment in /var/tmp/temproot

*** /var/tmp/temproot ready for use

*** Creating and populating directory structure in /var/tmp/temproot

make[4]: "/usr/src/lib/libc/net/" line 130: warning: duplicate 
script for target "afterinstallconfig" ignored

make[4]: "/usr/src/lib/libc/gen/" line 554: warning: using previous 
script for "afterinstallconfig" defined here

I looks like the generated kernel correctly works but the error message should 
not be there...

What can be the cuase and how can I repair it?

Best regards

Krasznai András

1136 Budapest, Pannónia utca 11.
Tel:  +36 1 703 2923
Mobil: +36 30 703 2923
Központ:  +36 1 703 2920
Fax:  +36 1 703 2949

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Re: "Sleeping with non-sleepable lock" in NFS on recent -current

2019-09-16 Thread Peter Jeremy
On 2019-Sep-16 09:32:52 +0300, Konstantin Belousov  wrote:
>On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 04:12:05PM +1000, Peter Jeremy wrote:
>> I'm consistently seeing panics in the NFS code on recent -current on aarm64.
>> The panics are one of the following two:
>> Sleeping on "vmopar" with the following non-sleepable locks held:
>> exclusive sleep mutex NEWNFSnode lock (NEWNFSnode lock) r = 0 
>> (0xfd0078b346f0) locked @ /usr/src/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clport.c:432
>> Sleeping thread (tid 100077, pid 35) owns a non-sleepable lock
>> Both panics have nearly identical backtraces (see below).  I'm running
>> diskless on a Rock64 with both filesystem and swap over NFS.  The panics
>> can be fairly reliably triggered by any of:
>> * "make -j4 buildworld"
>> * linking the kernel (as part of buildkernel)
>> * "make installworld"
>> Has anyone else seen this?

>Weird since this should have been fixed long time ago.  Anyway, please
>try the following, it should fix the rest of cases.
>diff --git a/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clport.c b/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clport.c
>@@ -540,7 +541,7 @@ nfscl_loadattrcache(struct vnode **vpp, struct nfsvattr 
>*nap, void *nvaper,
>   } else {
>   np->n_size = vap->va_size;
>   np->n_flag |= NSIZECHANGED;
>-  vnode_pager_setsize(vp, np->n_size);
>+  setnsize = 1;

Should this else block include a "nsize = np->n_size;"?  Without it,
nsize will remain set to 0, which looks wrong.

Peter Jeremy

Description: PGP signature

Re: "Sleeping with non-sleepable lock" in NFS on recent -current

2019-09-16 Thread Konstantin Belousov
On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 05:44:28PM +1000, Peter Jeremy wrote:
> On 2019-Sep-16 09:32:52 +0300, Konstantin Belousov  
> wrote:
> >On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 04:12:05PM +1000, Peter Jeremy wrote:
> >> I'm consistently seeing panics in the NFS code on recent -current on 
> >> aarm64.
> >> The panics are one of the following two:
> >> Sleeping on "vmopar" with the following non-sleepable locks held:
> >> exclusive sleep mutex NEWNFSnode lock (NEWNFSnode lock) r = 0 
> >> (0xfd0078b346f0) locked @ /usr/src/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clport.c:432
> >> 
> >> Sleeping thread (tid 100077, pid 35) owns a non-sleepable lock
> >> 
> >> Both panics have nearly identical backtraces (see below).  I'm running
> >> diskless on a Rock64 with both filesystem and swap over NFS.  The panics
> >> can be fairly reliably triggered by any of:
> >> * "make -j4 buildworld"
> >> * linking the kernel (as part of buildkernel)
> >> * "make installworld"
> >> 
> >> Has anyone else seen this?
> ...
> >Weird since this should have been fixed long time ago.  Anyway, please
> >try the following, it should fix the rest of cases.
> >
> >diff --git a/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clport.c b/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clport.c
> ...
> >@@ -540,7 +541,7 @@ nfscl_loadattrcache(struct vnode **vpp, struct nfsvattr 
> >*nap, void *nvaper,
> > } else {
> > np->n_size = vap->va_size;
> > np->n_flag |= NSIZECHANGED;
> >-vnode_pager_setsize(vp, np->n_size);
> >+setnsize = 1;
> Should this else block include a "nsize = np->n_size;"?  Without it,
> nsize will remain set to 0, which looks wrong.

Yes, you are right.

diff --git a/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clport.c b/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clport.c
index 471e029a8b5..63ea4736707 100644
--- a/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clport.c
+++ b/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clport.c
@@ -511,10 +511,10 @@ nfscl_loadattrcache(struct vnode **vpp, struct nfsvattr 
*nap, void *nvaper,
 * zero np->n_attrstamp to indicate that
 * the attributes are stale.
-   vap->va_size = np->n_size;
+   nsize = vap->va_size = np->n_size;
+   setnsize = 1;
np->n_attrstamp = 0;
-   vnode_pager_setsize(vp, np->n_size);
} else if (np->n_flag & NMODIFIED) {
 * We've modified the file: Use the larger
@@ -526,7 +526,8 @@ nfscl_loadattrcache(struct vnode **vpp, struct nfsvattr 
*nap, void *nvaper,
np->n_size = vap->va_size;
np->n_flag |= NSIZECHANGED;
-   vnode_pager_setsize(vp, np->n_size);
+   nsize = np->n_size;
+   setnsize = 1;
} else if (vap->va_size < np->n_size) {
 * When shrinking the size, the call to
@@ -538,9 +539,9 @@ nfscl_loadattrcache(struct vnode **vpp, struct nfsvattr 
*nap, void *nvaper,
np->n_flag |= NSIZECHANGED;
setnsize = 1;
} else {
-   np->n_size = vap->va_size;
+   nsize = np->n_size = vap->va_size;
np->n_flag |= NSIZECHANGED;
-   vnode_pager_setsize(vp, np->n_size);
+   setnsize = 1;
} else {
np->n_size = vap->va_size;
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Re: "Sleeping with non-sleepable lock" in NFS on recent -current

2019-09-16 Thread Peter Jeremy
On 2019-Sep-16 11:19:02 +0300, Konstantin Belousov  wrote:
>diff --git a/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clport.c b/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clport.c
>index 471e029a8b5..63ea4736707 100644

Thanks, that patch seems much more stable.

Peter Jeremy

Description: PGP signature

hang up with r352239 and r352386 with i5-7500

2019-09-16 Thread Masachika ISHIZUKA

  My machine (with core i5-7500) is hangup when loading i915kms.ko
on r352239 and r352386 (1300047).
  This machine was working good with r351728 (1300044).

  /etc/rc.conf has the following line.

  It is good wowking with core i7-4500U on r352239 (1300047).
Masachika ISHIZUKA
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Re: hang up with r352239 and r352386 with i5-7500

2019-09-16 Thread Niclas Zeising

On 2019-09-16 13:09, Masachika ISHIZUKA wrote:


   My machine (with core i5-7500) is hangup when loading i915kms.ko
on r352239 and r352386 (1300047).
   This machine was working good with r351728 (1300044).

   /etc/rc.conf has the following line.

   It is good wowking with core i7-4500U on r352239 (1300047).

Which version of drm-current are you using?  Have you recompiled it 
after updating the kernel?  What happens if you change to 

There is a patch here: 
that might solve the issue, can you apply that and recompile 
drm-current-kmod and see if it works?

Niclas Zeising
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panic: sleeping thread on r352386

2019-09-16 Thread Masachika ISHIZUKA

  This panic happens on 1300047 (both r352239 and r352386) with core
i5-7500 as follows. This panic dose not happen on r351728 (1300044).
(The following lines were typed by hand so they might have some miss
typed letters.)

Sleeping thread (tid 100177, pid 1814) owns a non-sleepable lock
KDB: stack backtrace of thread 100177:
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x3f0/frame 0xfe008bc0e590
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x172/frame 0xfe008bc0e5c0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x110/frame 0xfe008bc0e600
sleepQ-wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfe008bc0e630
vm_page_sleep_if_busy() at (snip)
vm_object_page_remove() at (snip)
vnode_pager_setsize() at (snip)
nfscl_loadattrcache() at (snip)
ncl_writerpc() at (snip)
ncl_doio() at (snip)
nfssvc_iod() at (snip)
fork_exit() at (snip)
fork_trampoline() at (snip)
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
panic: sleeping thread
cpuid = 3
time = 1568633100
KBD: stack backtrace:
db_trace_self_wrapper() at (snip)
vpanic() at (snip)
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
KDB: enter : panic
[ thread pid 2108 tid 100236 ]
Stopped at kdb_enter+0x3b: movq   $0,kdb_why
Masachika ISHIZUKA
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Re: hang up with r352239 and r352386 with i5-7500

2019-09-16 Thread Masachika ISHIZUKA
>>My machine (with core i5-7500) is hangup when loading i915kms.ko
>> on r352239 and r352386 (1300047).
>>This machine was working good with r351728 (1300044).
>>/etc/rc.conf has the following line.
>> kld_list="i915kms.ko"
>>It is good wowking with core i7-4500U on r352239 (1300047).
> Hi!
> Which version of drm-current are you using?

 Thank you for reply.

% pkg info drm-current-kmod
Name   : drm-current-kmod
Version: 4.16.g20190828
Installed on   : Mon Sep  2 14:42:56 2019 JST
Origin : graphics/drm-current-kmod
Architecture   : FreeBSD:13:amd64
Prefix : /usr/local
Categories : graphics kld
Licenses   : BSD2CLAUSE, MIT, GPLv2
Maintainer :
Comment: DRM modules for the linuxkpi-based KMS components
DEBUG  : off
FreeBSD_version: 1300042
repo_type  : binary
repository : FreeBSD
Flat size  : 122MiB
amdgpu, i915, and radeon DRM modules for the linuxkpi-based KMS components.
Currently corresponding to Linux 4.16 DRM.
This version is for FreeBSD CURRENT.
amdgpu and radeonkms are known to fail with EFI boot.


> Have you recompiled it after updating the kernel?

> What happens if you change to kld_list="/boot/modules/i915kms.ko"?

  The same hangup has occured.

> There is a patch here:
> that might solve the issue, can you apply that and recompile
> drm-current-kmod and see if it works?

  Thank you. I did the following.

# portsnap fetch
# portsnap update
# cd /usr/local/sys/modules/drm-current-kmod/linuxkpi/gplv2/include/linux
# vi pagevec.h
(comment out line 49)
# cd /usr/ports/graphics/drm-current-kmod
# make
# make deinstall
# make install
# reboot

But, it hangs up.
Masachika ISHIZUKA
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Re: hang up with r352239 and r352386 with i5-7500

2019-09-16 Thread Trond Endrestøl
On Mon, 16 Sep 2019 20:09+0900, Masachika ISHIZUKA wrote:

>   My machine (with core i5-7500) is hangup when loading i915kms.ko
> on r352239 and r352386 (1300047).
>   This machine was working good with r351728 (1300044).
>   /etc/rc.conf has the following line.
> kld_list="i915kms.ko"

Pardon the intrusion.
What happens if you add drm2.ko and/or switch to absolute paths?

This is what I had to put in my /etc/rc.conf for a Dell Latitude 
E5530 to get rid of the message of drm2 being deprecated:

kld_list="/boot/modules/drm2.ko /boot/modules/i915kms.ko"

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Re: svn commit: r351858 - in head: bin/uuidgen ...

2019-09-16 Thread Emmanuel Vadot
On Sat, 14 Sep 2019 19:41:06 +0200 wrote:

> Building a jail from pkgbase packages after base r351858 shows this cap_mkdb 
> message:
> to create the jail this command is used:
> pkg --rootdir /jails/test01 -o 'ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=true' -o 
> 'ABI=FreeBSD:13:amd64' install --repository FreeBSD-base FreeBSD-utilities 
> FreeBSD-rc
> (note: FreeBSD-base is the repository name, not a package)
> ...
> Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
> [1/20] Installing FreeBSD-clibs-13.0.s20190914152450...
> [1/20] Extracting FreeBSD-clibs-13.0.s20190914152450: .. done
> [2/20] Installing FreeBSD-runtime-13.0.s20190914152450...
> [2/20] Extracting FreeBSD-runtime-13.0.s20190914152450: .. done
> cap_mkdb: file argument: No such file or directory
> [3/20] Installing FreeBSD-utilities-13.0.s20190914152450...
> [3/20] Extracting FreeBSD-utilities-13.0.s20190914152450: .. done
> [4/20] Installing FreeBSD-rc-13.0.s20190914152450...
> [4/20] Extracting FreeBSD-rc-13.0.s20190914152450: .. done
> ...
> This happens, after the login.conf file was moved into the Freebsd-utilities 
> package.
> The order in which the packages are installed is problematic, since cap_mkdb 
> is executed in step 2, the FreeBSD-runtime package installation,
> but the login.conf file is installed in step 3, the FreeBSD-utilities.
> I opened a bugreport:
> --
> Martin


 thanks for the report, it's now fixed in r352389.

Emmanuel Vadot  
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Re: hang up with r352239 and r352386 with i5-7500

2019-09-16 Thread Masachika ISHIZUKA
>>   My machine (with core i5-7500) is hangup when loading i915kms.ko
>> on r352239 and r352386 (1300047).
>>   This machine was working good with r351728 (1300044).
>>   /etc/rc.conf has the following line.
>> kld_list="i915kms.ko"
> Pardon the intrusion.
> What happens if you add drm2.ko and/or switch to absolute paths?
> This is what I had to put in my /etc/rc.conf for a Dell Latitude 
> E5530 to get rid of the message of drm2 being deprecated:
> kld_list="/boot/modules/drm2.ko /boot/modules/i915kms.ko"


  Thank you for mail.
  I'm using 13-current and it has no longer drm2.ko.
  This machine was working good on r351728 as follows.
r351728% kldstat
Id Refs AddressSize Name
 1   90 0x8020  2336bb0 kernel
 21 0x82537000 7278 ums.ko
 31 0x82ef9000 aa70 tmpfs.ko
 41 0x82f04000 4fb8 linprocfs.ko
 54 0x82f09000 3d70 linux_common.ko
 61 0x82f0d000 24fe linsysfs.ko
 71 0x82f1   12eb90 i915kms.ko
 81 0x8303f00077e90 drm.ko
 94 0x830b7000125f0 linuxkpi.ko
102 0x830ca00013f30 linuxkpi_gplv2.ko
112 0x830de000  8e0 lindebugfs.ko
121 0x830df000 240d i915_kbl_dmc_ver1_04_bin.ko
131 0x830e2000 a218 if_lagg.ko
141 0x830ed000 3f00 ng_ubt.ko
156 0x830f1000 a998 netgraph.ko
162 0x830fc000 9378 ng_hci.ko
173 0x83106000  9c0 ng_bluetooth.ko
181 0x83107000 c890 snd_uaudio.ko
191 0x83114000 1840 uhid.ko
201 0x83116000 1b00 wmt.ko
211 0x83118000 d560 ng_l2cap.ko
221 0x8312600019900 ng_btsocket.ko
231 0x8314 2100 ng_socket.ko
241 0x83143000263b0 ipfw.ko
251 0x8316a0003c960 linux.ko
261 0x831a700034b70 linux64.ko
271 0x831dc000 45a0 autofs.ko
281 0x831e1000  acf mac_ntpd.ko
Masachika ISHIZUKA
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Re: hang up with r352239 and r352386 with i5-7500

2019-09-16 Thread Niclas Zeising

On 2019-09-16 15:13, Masachika ISHIZUKA wrote:

   My machine (with core i5-7500) is hangup when loading i915kms.ko
on r352239 and r352386 (1300047).
   This machine was working good with r351728 (1300044).

   /etc/rc.conf has the following line.

Pardon the intrusion.
What happens if you add drm2.ko and/or switch to absolute paths?

This is what I had to put in my /etc/rc.conf for a Dell Latitude
E5530 to get rid of the message of drm2 being deprecated:

kld_list="/boot/modules/drm2.ko /boot/modules/i915kms.ko"


   Thank you for mail.
   I'm using 13-current and it has no longer drm2.ko.
   This machine was working good on r351728 as follows.
r351728% kldstat

Id Refs AddressSize Name
  1   90 0x8020  2336bb0 kernel
  21 0x82537000 7278 ums.ko
  31 0x82ef9000 aa70 tmpfs.ko
  41 0x82f04000 4fb8 linprocfs.ko
  54 0x82f09000 3d70 linux_common.ko
  61 0x82f0d000 24fe linsysfs.ko
  71 0x82f1   12eb90 i915kms.ko
  81 0x8303f00077e90 drm.ko
  94 0x830b7000125f0 linuxkpi.ko
102 0x830ca00013f30 linuxkpi_gplv2.ko
112 0x830de000  8e0 lindebugfs.ko
121 0x830df000 240d i915_kbl_dmc_ver1_04_bin.ko
131 0x830e2000 a218 if_lagg.ko
141 0x830ed000 3f00 ng_ubt.ko
156 0x830f1000 a998 netgraph.ko
162 0x830fc000 9378 ng_hci.ko
173 0x83106000  9c0 ng_bluetooth.ko
181 0x83107000 c890 snd_uaudio.ko
191 0x83114000 1840 uhid.ko
201 0x83116000 1b00 wmt.ko
211 0x83118000 d560 ng_l2cap.ko
221 0x8312600019900 ng_btsocket.ko
231 0x8314 2100 ng_socket.ko
241 0x83143000263b0 ipfw.ko
251 0x8316a0003c960 linux.ko
261 0x831a700034b70 linux64.ko
271 0x831dc000 45a0 autofs.ko
281 0x831e1000  acf mac_ntpd.ko

Can you please use absolute paths to i915kms.ko anyway, just to test?
Niclas Zeising
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Re: hang up with r352239 and r352386 with i5-7500

2019-09-16 Thread Masachika ISHIZUKA
> Can you please use absolute paths to i915kms.ko anyway, just to test?

  The same hang up occure with kld_list="/boot/modules/i915kms.ko"
in /etc/rc.conf.
Masachika ISHIZUKA
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Re: hang up with r352239 and r352386 with i5-7500

2019-09-16 Thread Niclas Zeising

On 2019-09-16 16:06, Masachika ISHIZUKA wrote:

Can you please use absolute paths to i915kms.ko anyway, just to test?

   The same hang up occure with kld_list="/boot/modules/i915kms.ko"
in /etc/rc.conf.

Even after applying the patch I suggested?
Niclas Zeising
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Re: panic: sleeping thread on r352386

2019-09-16 Thread Alastair Hogge
On Monday, 16 September 2019 7:55:32 PM AWST Masachika ISHIZUKA wrote:
>   Hi.
>   This panic happens on 1300047 (both r352239 and r352386) with core
> i5-7500 as follows. This panic dose not happen on r351728 (1300044).
> (The following lines were typed by hand so they might have some miss
> typed letters.)
> ==
> Sleeping thread (tid 100177, pid 1814) owns a non-sleepable lock
> KDB: stack backtrace of thread 100177:

[removed backtrace]

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Re: hang up with r352239 and r352386 with i5-7500

2019-09-16 Thread Masachika ISHIZUKA
> On 2019-09-16 16:06, Masachika ISHIZUKA wrote:
>>> Can you please use absolute paths to i915kms.ko anyway, just to test?
>>The same hang up occure with kld_list="/boot/modules/i915kms.ko"
>> in /etc/rc.conf.
> Even after applying the patch I suggested?


  kld_list="/boot/modules/drm.ko /boot/modules/i915kms.ko"
will hang as well.

/boot/modules/{drm,i915kms}.ko is patched modules.

# /boot/kernel.r352239/{drm,i915kms}.ko is not patched.
Masachika ISHIZUKA
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r352368 can't boot

2019-09-16 Thread KIRIYAMA Kazuhiko

Yesterday I've updated latest head (r352368) and rebuild
13.0-CURRENT. All went fine, but when I boot, it's stopped
at boot stage. Then I typed `boot', booted normally and put
login prompt and login go ahead. But `shutdown -r now',
stopped at loader prompt same as login case. What happened?
All I've done is whithin bhyve VM.

root@vm:~ # vm start tbedfc
Starting tbedfc
  * found guest in /vm/tbedfc
  * booting...
root@vm:~ # vm console tbedfc

OK boot
/boot/kernel/kernel text=0x16d7bdc data=0x1c8af8+0x64e118 
/boot/entropy size=0x1000
GDB: no debug ports present
KDB: debugger backends: ddb
KDB: current backend: ddb
Copyright (c) 1992-2019 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT #0 r352368: Mon Sep 16 13:37:27 JST 2019
root@tbedfc:/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/GENERIC amd64
FreeBSD clang version 8.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_801/final 366581) (based on LLVM 
WARNING: WITNESS option enabled, expect reduced performance.
VT: init without driver.
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1230 v6 @ 3.50GHz (3503.56-MHz K8-class CPU)
  Origin="GenuineIntel"  Id=0x906e9  Family=0x6  Model=0x9e  Stepping=9
  AMD Features=0x24100800
  AMD Features2=0x121
  Structured Extended 
  XSAVE Features=0x1
  TSC: P-state invariant
Hypervisor: Origin = "bhyve bhyve "
real memory  = 5368709120 (5120 MB)
avail memory = 4090740736 (3901 MB)
Event timer "LAPIC" quality 600
random: registering fast source Intel Secure Key RNG
random: fast provider: "Intel Secure Key RNG"
random: unblocking device.
ioapic0  irqs 0-31
Timecounter "TSC-low" frequency 1751779076 Hz quality 1000
random: entropy device external interface
kbd1 at kbdmux0
000.42 [4335] netmap_init   netmap: loaded module
module_register_init: MOD_LOAD (vesa, 0x811bcfa0, 0) error 19
[ath_hal] loaded
acpi0: Power Button (fixed)
atrtc0:  port 0x70-0x71 irq 8 on acpi0
atrtc0: registered as a time-of-day clock, resolution 1.00s
Event timer "RTC" frequency 32768 Hz quality 0
attimer0:  port 0x40-0x43 irq 0 on acpi0
Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
Event timer "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 100
hpet0:  iomem 0xfed0-0xfed003ff on acpi0
Timecounter "HPET" frequency 16777216 Hz quality 950
Event timer "HPET" frequency 16777216 Hz quality 550
Event timer "HPET1" frequency 16777216 Hz quality 450
Event timer "HPET2" frequency 16777216 Hz quality 450
Event timer "HPET3" frequency 16777216 Hz quality 450
Event timer "HPET4" frequency 16777216 Hz quality 450
Event timer "HPET5" frequency 16777216 Hz quality 450
Event timer "HPET6" frequency 16777216 Hz quality 450
Event timer "HPET7" frequency 16777216 Hz quality 450
Timecounter "ACPI-fast" frequency 3579545 Hz quality 900
acpi_timer0: <32-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> port 0x408-0x40b on acpi0
pcib0:  port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0
pci0:  on pcib0
virtio_pci0:  port 0x2000-0x203f mem 
0xc000-0xc0001fff irq 16 at device 4.0 on pci0
vtblk0:  on virtio_pci0
vtblk0: 8192MB (16777216 512 byte sectors)
virtio_pci1:  port 0x2040-0x205f mem 
0xc0002000-0xc0003fff irq 17 at device 5.0 on pci0
vtnet0:  on virtio_pci1
vtnet0: Ethernet address: 58:9c:fc:0c:10:58
vtnet0: netmap queues/slots: TX 1/1024, RX 1/512
000.000150 [ 503] vtnet_netmap_attach   vtnet attached txq=1, txd=1024 
rxq=1, rxd=512
isab0:  at device 31.0 on pci0
isa0:  on isab0
atkbdc0:  port 0x60,0x64 irq 1 on acpi0
atkbd0:  irq 1 on atkbdc0
kbd0 at atkbd0
atkbd0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
driver bug: Unable to set devclass (class: atkbdc devname: (unknown))
psm0:  irq 12 on atkbdc0
psm0: model Generic PS/2 mouse, device ID 0
uart0: <16550 or compatible> port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 flags 0x10 on acpi0
uart0: console (9600,n,8,1)
uart1: <16550 or compatible> port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on acpi0
vga0:  at port 0x3b0-0x3bb iomem 0xb-0xb7fff pnpid PNP0900 
on isa0
Timecounters tick every 10.000 msec
usb_needs_explore_all: no devclass
WARNING: WITNESS option enabled, expect reduced performance.
Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/vtbd0p2 [rw]...
Setting hostuuid: fd03833b-4ce8-11e8-a966-589cfc0c1058.
Setting hostid: 0x13d7974a.
Starting file system checks:
/dev/vtbd0p2: clean, 376431 free (7015 frags, 46177 blocks, 0.6% fragmentation)
Mounting local filesystems:.
ELF ldconfig path: /lib /usr/lib /usr/lib/compat
32-bit compatibility ldconfig path: /usr/lib32
Setting hostname: tbedfc.
Setting up harvesting: 
Feeding entropy: .
lo0: link state changed to UP
vtnet0: link state changed to UP
Starting Network: lo0 vtn

Re: panic: sleeping thread on r352386

2019-09-16 Thread Masachika ISHIZUKA
>>   This panic happens on 1300047 (both r352239 and r352386) with core
>> i5-7500 as follows. This panic dose not happen on r351728 (1300044).
>> (The following lines were typed by hand so they might have some miss
>> typed letters.)
>> ==
>> Sleeping thread (tid 100177, pid 1814) owns a non-sleepable lock
>> KDB: stack backtrace of thread 100177:

  Thank you for reply.

  I updated to r352431 and this does not panic. Thank you very much.
  But 'make buildworld' fails by segment fault like below.
(buildworld is running over the nfs file system.)

--- modules-all ---
--- ath_hal_ar5211.ko.debug ---
objcopy --only-keep-debug ath_hal_ar5211.ko.full ath_hal_ar5211.ko.debug
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
*** [ath_hal_ar5211.ko.debug] Error code 139
make[4]: stopped in 
/usr/altlocal/freebsd-current/src/sys/modules/ath_hal_ar52111 error

  The position of segment fault is diffrent each time.
  The below is output of another 'make buildworld'.

--- kernel.full ---
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
*** [kernel.full] Error code 139
make[2]: stopped in 

  /var/log/messages is shown as bellow.

Sep 17 11:22:56 okra kernel: Failed to fully fault in a core file segment at VA
0x800a0 with size 0x163000 to be written at offset 0x84a000 for process nm
Sep 17 11:22:56 okra kernel: pid 53593 (nm), jid 0, uid 16220: exited on signal
11 (core dumped)
Sep 17 11:22:57 okra kernel: Failed to fully fault in a core file segment at VA
0x800a0 with size 0x163000 to be written at offset 0x88b000 for process 
Sep 17 11:22:57 okra kernel: pid 53603 (objcopy), jid 0, uid 16220: exited on 
signal 11 (core dumped)

  Retry 'make buildworld'

Sep 17 12:24:05 okra kernel: Failed to fully fault in a core file segment at VA
0x8002f6000 with size 0x93000 to be written at offset 0x239000 for process nm
Sep 17 12:24:05 okra kernel: pid 96873 (nm), jid 0, uid 16220: exited on signal
11 (core dumped)
Sep 17 12:24:05 okra kernel: Failed to fully fault in a core file segment at VA
0x80035f000 with size 0x93000 to be written at offset 0x281000 for process 
Sep 17 12:24:06 okra kernel: pid 96889 (objcopy), jid 0, uid 16220: exited on 
signal 11 (core dumped)

  Retry 'make buildworld'

Sep 17 14:01:39 okra kernel: Failed to fully fault in a core file segment at VA
0x8048da000 with size 0x112000 to be written at offset 0x1a33000 for process 
Sep 17 14:01:51 okra kernel: Failed to fully fault in a core file segment at VA
0x8117cc000 with size 0x1e7000 to be written at offset 0xe925000 for process 
Sep 17 14:01:53 okra kernel: pid 50292 (ld.lld), jid 0, uid 16220: exited on 
signal 11 (core dumped)

  I can 'make buildworld' successfully on r351728(1300044).
Masachika ISHIZUKA
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Re: r352368 can't boot

2019-09-16 Thread Toomas Soome

> On 17 Sep 2019, at 08:30, KIRIYAMA Kazuhiko  wrote:
> Hi,all
> Yesterday I've updated latest head (r352368) and rebuild
> 13.0-CURRENT. All went fine, but when I boot, it's stopped
> at boot stage. Then I typed `boot', booted normally and put
> login prompt and login go ahead. But `shutdown -r now',
> stopped at loader prompt same as login case. What happened?
> All I've done is whithin bhyve VM.

> Consoles: userboot  
> FreeBSD/amd64 User boot, Revision 1.1
> (Mon Jun 18 16:11:55 UTC 2018
> Loading /boot/defaults/loader.conf
> xemit not found
> Error while including /boot/frames.4th, in the line:
>h_el @ xemit
> can't load 'kernel'
> Type '?' for a list of commands, 'help' for more detailed help.
> OK 

This is unfortunate case where the guest image has more recent boot scripts 
than hosts /boot/ has. I did push the fix for that issue to 
stable/11 and stable/12. The patch does introduce xemit word.

Such situation is unfortunate, but accident waiting to happen with this method 
where we are attempting to use bootloader ( from older system to 
load  guest vm. 


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