Re: head -r325997: Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode (during a buildworld, virtualbox guest context) [2nd example]

2017-11-20 Thread Mark Millard
[Adding some analysis of where the 2 failures were in
source code terms.]

On 2017-Nov-19, at 9:07 PM, Mark Millard  wrote:

> [I got another of these. By the way: amd64 context.
> Again: buildworld was running.]
> On 2017-Nov-19, at 5:52 PM, Mark Millard  wrote:
>> Attempting a dump failed. I'm afraid all for
>> information is the below. The kernel was a
>> non-debug kernel (with debug information).
>> The following is hand typed from a screen shot:
>> Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
>> cpuid = 0; apic id = 00
>> fault virtual address = 0xff53f000e2b0
> New one:  0x806b49010
>> fault code= supervisor read data, page not present
> New one:  supervisor write data, page not present
>> instruction pointer   = 0x20:0x80f2b11e
> New one:  0x20:0x80f2b21b
>> stack pointer = 0x0:0xfe01aeb28970
> New one:  0x28:0xfe01aeb28970
>> frame pointer = 0x0:0xfe01aeb289f0
> New one:  0x28:0xfe01aeb289f0
>> code segment  = base 0x0, limit 0xf, type 0x1b
>> = DPL 0, pres 1, long 1, def32 0, gran 1
>> processor eflags  = interrupt enabled, resume, IOPL = 0
>> current process   = 20 (pagedaemon)
>> [ thread pid 20 tid 100089 ]
>> Stopped at pmap_ts_referenced+0x72e: movq (%rcx,rdi,8),%rbx
> New one: pmap_ts_referenced+0x82b: movq %rcx,0x10(%rax)
>> bd > bt
>> Tracing pid 20 tid 100089 td 0xf80003eb3560
> New one:td 0xf80003df6000
>> pmap_ts_referenced() at pmap_ts_referenced_0x72e/frame 0xfe01aeb289f0
> New one:
> pmap_ts_referenced() at pmap_ts_referenced_0x82b/frame 0xfe01aeb289f0
>> vm_pageout() at vm_pageout+0xdeb/frame 0xfe01aeb28ab0
> Correction to original:frame 0xfe01aeb28a70
> (new is the same)
>> fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x82/frame 0xfe01aeb28ab0
>> fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfe01aeb28ab0
>> --- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rpb = 0 ---
>> db>
>> The prior (cross) buildworld buildkernel had completed fine.
>> Until yesterday, I'd been running -r325700 or before and had not
>> seen such an issue ever before. I'd been using the virtualbox
>> version for a while before this as well.

Taking the case of:

Stopped at pmap_ts_referenced+0x72e: movq (%rcx,rdi,8),%rbx:

80f2b0fc  mov%rax,%rsi
80f2b0ff  shr$0x1b,%rsi
80f2b103  and$0xff8,%esi
80f2b109  mov(%rcx,%rsi,1),%rcx
80f2b10d  and%r10,%rcx
80f2b110  or %r9,%rcx
80f2b113  mov%eax,%edi
80f2b115  shr$0x15,%edi
80f2b118  and$0x1ff,%edi
80f2b11e  mov(%rcx,%rdi,8),%rbx
80f2b122  and%r10,%rbx
80f2b125  or %r9,%rbx
80f2b128  shr$0x9,%rax
80f2b12c  and$0xff8,%eax
80f2b131  lea(%rbx,%rax,1),%rsi
80f2b135  mov(%rbx,%rax,1),%rbx
80f2b139  mov%rbx,%rax
80f2b13c  and%rdx,%rax
80f2b13f  cmp%rdx,%rax
80f2b142  jne80f2b14f 

Which, if I understand right, is in the
"small_mappings:" code:

PG_A = pmap_accessed_bit(pmap);
PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap);
PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap);
pde = pmap_pde(pmap, pv->pv_va);
KASSERT((*pde & PG_PS) == 0,
("pmap_ts_referenced: found a 2mpage in page %p's pv list",
pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, pv->pv_va);
if ((*pte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW))
if ((*pte & PG_A) != 0) {

with the failure being during *pde in:

/* Return a pointer to the PT slot that corresponds to a VA */
static __inline pt_entry_t *
pmap_pde_to_pte(pd_entry_t *pde, vm_offset_t va)
pt_entry_t *pte;

pte = (pt_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(*pde & PG_FRAME);
return (&pte[pmap_pte_index(va)]);

Taking the case of:

New one: pmap_ts_referenced+0x82b: movq %rcx,0x10(%rax)

80f2b1fb  lock cmpxchg %rcx,(%rdx)
80f2b200  sete   %cl
80f2b203  test   %cl,%cl
80f2b205  je 80f2b27d 

80f2b207  test   %r12,%r12
80f2b20a  je 80f2b255 

80f2b20c  mov0x8(%r12),%rax
80f2b211  test   %rax,%rax
80f2b214  je 80f2b255 

80f2b216  mov0x10(%r12),%rcx
80f2b21b  mov%rcx,0x10(%rax) 
80f2b21f  mov0x8(%r12),%rax
80f2b224  mov0x10(%r12),%rcx
80f2b229  mov%rax,(%rcx)

Which, if I understand right, appears to be during

/* Rotate the PV list if it has more than one entry. */
if (pv != NULL &&

getfsstat / nullsfs / automount bug?

2017-11-20 Thread Jamie Landeg-Jones
There appears to be a bug in the system call related to getmntinfo(3) / 
, when if the "automount" flag is set on "nullfs" mounts, it is not returned on
a getfsstat "WAIT" call. The non-refreshed, non-blocking "MNT_NOWAIT" produces 
correct result.

I first noticed this when debugging why my nullfs autofs partitions weren't 
automatically unmounted. (FreeBSD current and release)

The somewhat hacked snippet from automount.c in the example below demonstrates 
this -
When called with no parameters, it performs a MNT_WAIT request, otherwise a 
request is performed:

Cheers, Jamie

 | #include 
 | #include 
 | #include 
 | int main(int argc, char **argv)
 | {
 |  struct statfs *mntbuf;
 |  int i, nitems;
 |  nitems = getmntinfo(&mntbuf, (argc == 1) ? MNT_WAIT : MNT_NOWAIT);
 |  if (nitems <= 0)
 |  printf ("getmntinfo fail\n");
 |  for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++) {
 |  if (strcmp(mntbuf[i].f_fstypename, "autofs") == 0) {
 |  printf("skipping %s, filesystem type is autofs\n",
 |  mntbuf[i].f_mntonname);
 |  continue;
 |  }
 |  if ((mntbuf[i].f_flags & MNT_AUTOMOUNTED) == 0) {
 |  printf("skipping %s, not automounted\n",
 |  mntbuf[i].f_mntonname);
 |  continue;
 |  }
 |  printf("%s IS automounted!\n",
 |  mntbuf[i].f_mntonname);
 |  }
 | }

 | 14:24 [2] (1) "autofs" root@thompson# df
 | Filesystem1K-blocks Used  Avail Capacity  Mounted on
 | /dev/ada1p2 5061628   707264394943615%/
 | devfs 11  0   100%/dev
 | /dev/ada1p4 5061628   535004412169611%/var
 | /dev/ada1p5   978973296 21689416  878966020 2%/usr
 | 14:24 [2] (2) "autofs" root@thompson# mount
 | /dev/ada1p2 on / (ufs, local)
 | devfs on /dev (devfs, local, multilabel)
 | /dev/ada1p4 on /var (ufs, local, soft-updates)
 | /dev/ada1p5 on /usr (ufs, local, soft-updates)
 | 14:25 [2] (3) "autofs" root@thompson# mkdir /tmp/automounted /tmp/manual
 | 14:25 [2] (4) "autofs" root@thompson# mount -t nullfs -o ro /usr/src 
 | 14:25 [2] (5) "autofs" root@thompson# mount -t nullfs -o ro,automounted 
/usr/src /tmp/automounted/
 | 14:26 [2] (6) "autofs" root@thompson# df
 | Filesystem1K-blocks Used  Avail Capacity  Mounted on
 | /dev/ada1p2 5061628   707264394943615%/
 | devfs 11  0   100%/dev
 | /dev/ada1p4 5061628   535004412169611%/var
 | /dev/ada1p5   978973296 21689420  878966016 2%/usr
 | /usr/src  978973296 21689420  878966016 2%/tmp/manual
 | /usr/src  978973296 21689420  878966016 2%/tmp/automounted
 | 14:26 [2] (7) "autofs" root@thompson# mount
 | /dev/ada1p2 on / (ufs, local)
 | devfs on /dev (devfs, local, multilabel)
 | /dev/ada1p4 on /var (ufs, local, soft-updates)
 | /dev/ada1p5 on /usr (ufs, local, soft-updates)
 | /usr/src on /tmp/manual (nullfs, local, read-only)
 | /usr/src on /tmp/automounted (nullfs, local, read-only, automounted)
 | 14:26 [2] (8) "autofs" root@thompson# ./a.out
 | skipping /, not automounted
 | skipping /dev, not automounted
 | skipping /var, not automounted
 | skipping /usr, not automounted
 | skipping /tmp/manual, not automounted
 | skipping /tmp/automounted, not automounted
 | 14:26 [2] (9) "autofs" root@thompson# ./a.out x
 | skipping /, not automounted
 | skipping /dev, not automounted
 | skipping /var, not automounted
 | skipping /usr, not automounted
 | skipping /tmp/manual, not automounted
 | /tmp/automounted IS automounted!

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Loader.conf problem

2017-11-20 Thread Thomas Laus
I recently upgraded my FreeBSD-Current system today and did not fully
understand the impact of changes to loader.conf.  My system has a Geli
encrypted ZFS pool.  In the past whenever I screwed up, I was able to
use 'Beadm' into boot the most recent good kernel or enter a shell to
reread the UPDATING notes for a clearer understanding of what needs to
be done before rebooting.

Is my system recoverable or does it require wiping and reloading from a
snapshot?  If it is recoverable, how to do?


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PGP KeyID = 0x5F22FDC1
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Re: Loader.conf problem

2017-11-20 Thread Warner Losh
On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 1:30 PM, Thomas Laus  wrote:

> I recently upgraded my FreeBSD-Current system today and did not fully
> understand the impact of changes to loader.conf.  My system has a Geli
> encrypted ZFS pool.  In the past whenever I screwed up, I was able to
> use 'Beadm' into boot the most recent good kernel or enter a shell to
> reread the UPDATING notes for a clearer understanding of what needs to
> be done before rebooting.
> Is my system recoverable or does it require wiping and reloading from a
> snapshot?  If it is recoverable, how to do?

My changes to the system hasn't changed how things work. Or at least
shouldn't have changed anything. If they do, that's likely a bug, and
likely my fault.

The one exception is if you're booting off GELI + ZFS with UEFI based on
boot1.efi changes that were in the tree for a few days...

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Re: Emacs and LLD

2017-11-20 Thread Ed Maste
On 3 November 2017 at 11:29, Tobias Kortkamp  wrote:
> My src.conf has WITH_LLD_IS_LD=yes and reading
> leads me to believe that it's somehow
> responsible for the problems I have with Emacs.

Yes, the emacs build does some rather unusual things and it's perhaps
not surprising that it's one of the ports that's giving grief with

The exp-run shows the same error you experienced:

./temacs --batch --load loadup bootstrap
Fatal error 'Can't allocate initial thread' at line 337 in file
(errno = 12)
gmake[2]: *** [Makefile:737: bootstrap-emacs] Abort trap (core dumped)

I don't yet have any insight into the failure, and hope that someone
with knowledge of the emacs build process and emacs internals can take
a look.
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Re: Loader.conf problem

2017-11-20 Thread Thomas Laus
Warner Losh [] wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 1:30 PM, Thomas Laus  wrote:
> > I recently upgraded my FreeBSD-Current system today and did not fully
> > understand the impact of changes to loader.conf.  My system has a Geli
> > encrypted ZFS pool.  In the past whenever I screwed up, I was able to
> > use 'Beadm' into boot the most recent good kernel or enter a shell to
> > reread the UPDATING notes for a clearer understanding of what needs to
> > be done before rebooting.
> >
> > Is my system recoverable or does it require wiping and reloading from a
> > snapshot?  If it is recoverable, how to do?
> >
> My changes to the system hasn't changed how things work. Or at least
> shouldn't have changed anything. If they do, that's likely a bug, and
> likely my fault.
> The one exception is if you're booting off GELI + ZFS with UEFI based on
> boot1.efi changes that were in the tree for a few days...
This PC is not using UEFI to boot.  After booting I get the following

gptzfsboot: No ZFS pools located; Cant't boot

That is as far as things go.  I read the UPDATING file before I
builtworld and built a kernel.  This was the first boot after doing an
installworld and performing mergemaster and then copying the
/boot/gptzfsboot file to ada0p1 and ada1p1.


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PGP KeyID = 0x5F22FDC1
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Re: Loader.conf problem

2017-11-20 Thread Warner Losh
On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 2:42 PM, Thomas Laus  wrote:

> Warner Losh [] wrote:
> > On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 1:30 PM, Thomas Laus  wrote:
> >
> > > I recently upgraded my FreeBSD-Current system today and did not fully
> > > understand the impact of changes to loader.conf.  My system has a Geli
> > > encrypted ZFS pool.  In the past whenever I screwed up, I was able to
> > > use 'Beadm' into boot the most recent good kernel or enter a shell to
> > > reread the UPDATING notes for a clearer understanding of what needs to
> > > be done before rebooting.
> > >
> > > Is my system recoverable or does it require wiping and reloading from a
> > > snapshot?  If it is recoverable, how to do?
> > >
> >
> > My changes to the system hasn't changed how things work. Or at least
> > shouldn't have changed anything. If they do, that's likely a bug, and
> > likely my fault.
> >
> > The one exception is if you're booting off GELI + ZFS with UEFI based on
> > boot1.efi changes that were in the tree for a few days...
> >
> This PC is not using UEFI to boot.  After booting I get the following
> message:
> gptzfsboot: No ZFS pools located; Cant't boot
> That is as far as things go.  I read the UPDATING file before I
> builtworld and built a kernel.  This was the first boot after doing an
> installworld and performing mergemaster and then copying the
> /boot/gptzfsboot file to ada0p1 and ada1p1.

Can you revert this part of the change? Go back to a known-working version
of those files? Let me know if that fixes the problem? Bonus points for
bisecting which one of the few dozen commits I did that caused this

I don't have  a GELI + ZFS test bed here.

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Re: Emacs and LLD

2017-11-20 Thread Warner Losh
On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 2:39 PM, Ed Maste  wrote:

> On 3 November 2017 at 11:29, Tobias Kortkamp  wrote:
> >
> > My src.conf has WITH_LLD_IS_LD=yes and reading
> > leads me to believe that it's somehow
> > responsible for the problems I have with Emacs.
> Yes, the emacs build does some rather unusual things and it's perhaps
> not surprising that it's one of the ports that's giving grief with
> lld.
> The exp-run shows the same error you experienced:
> ./temacs --batch --load loadup bootstrap
> Fatal error 'Can't allocate initial thread' at line 337 in file
> /poudriere/jails/headamd64PR214864/usr/src/lib/libthr/thread/thr_init.c
> (errno = 12)
> gmake[2]: *** [Makefile:737: bootstrap-emacs] Abort trap (core dumped)
> I don't yet have any insight into the failure, and hope that someone
> with knowledge of the emacs build process and emacs internals can take
> a look.

Is temacs still an 'undumped' core dump[*]? Maybe the undumping code isn't
playing well with lld's different behavior than ld?


[*] For speed, emacs use to compile all its lisp, load it into a memory
arena, then take a core dump. The core dump was cleaned up so it could be
used as an executable with the now-preloaded lisp code in place. It was a
standard thing on 'big iron' that EMACS came from, but always a bit of an
'odd duck' as far as fitting into how Unix works. There used to be knobs to
do it differently for things like VMS that simply couldn't easily cope.
Maybe one of those needs to be tweaked? It's a tiny bit slower, but with
the speed of today's hardware (and most hardware made since ~2000), the
optimization likely saves time below the human threshold to detect...
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Re: Loader.conf problem

2017-11-20 Thread Thomas Laus
Warner Losh [] wrote:
> Can you revert this part of the change? Go back to a known-working version
> of those files? Let me know if that fixes the problem? Bonus points for
> bisecting which one of the few dozen commits I did that caused this
> regression...
> I don't have  a GELI + ZFS test bed here.
I have another PC that is operational and is running CURRENT last
built about a week ago.  I'll copy it's gptzfsboot file to a memory
stick and try loading it on the non-functioning PC in the morning.
I'll let you know how it comes out.


Public Keys:
PGP KeyID = 0x5F22FDC1
GnuPG KeyID = 0x620836CF
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Re: Loader.conf problem

2017-11-20 Thread Warner Losh
On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 4:31 PM, Thomas Laus  wrote:

> Warner Losh [] wrote:
> >
> > Can you revert this part of the change? Go back to a known-working
> version
> > of those files? Let me know if that fixes the problem? Bonus points for
> > bisecting which one of the few dozen commits I did that caused this
> > regression...
> >
> > I don't have  a GELI + ZFS test bed here.
> >
> I have another PC that is operational and is running CURRENT last
> built about a week ago.  I'll copy it's gptzfsboot file to a memory
> stick and try loading it on the non-functioning PC in the morning.
> I'll let you know how it comes out.

Please do. I fear I screwed something up in the massive rototilling I did,
despite efforts to the contrary, and any help you can give me tracking it
down would be greatly appreciated.

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head -r325700 to -r325997: problem locking/unlocking/ for (at least) amd64?

2017-11-20 Thread Mark Millard
Ever since I updated from -r325700 to -r325997 I've been
having odd, non-repeatable, fairly rare problems on amd64.
(I've yet to see if I get similar issues on other

I've reported a couple of panic for page faults in
kernel mode in other list messages.

But I'm also getting things like clang failing assertions
that do not repeat when the compile is simply retried with
the same input files.

I only mention locking because of recent head/sys/kern
activity between -r325700 and -r325997, the intermittent
nature of the observed failures, and the wide variety of
contexts (kernel, world). I do not have specific evidence
of a specific cause. (I do not see how I'm ever going to
get any such evidence.)

The following error did not repeat on a simple retry
of the compile:

--- Sema/SemaDeclAttr.o ---
Assertion failed: (I->second && I->first == I->second->getValPtr() && "List 
invariant broken!"), function AddToUseList, file 
/usr/src/contrib/llvm/lib/IR/Value.cpp, line 793.
c++: error: unable to execute command: Abort trap (core dumped)
c++: error: clang frontend command failed due to signal (use -v to see 
FreeBSD clang version 5.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_500/final 312559) (based on LLVM 
Target: powerpc-unknown-freebsd12.0
Thread model: posix
c++: note: diagnostic msg: PLEASE submit a bug report to and include the crash backtrace, preprocessed 
source, and associated run script.
c++: note: diagnostic msg: 

Preprocessed source(s) and associated run script(s) are located at:
c++: note: diagnostic msg: /tmp/SemaDeclAttr-6b7ba8.cpp
c++: note: diagnostic msg: /tmp/
c++: note: diagnostic msg: 

*** [Sema/SemaDeclAttr.o] Error code 254

make[6]: stopped in /usr/src/lib/clang/libclang
.MAKE.MODE='meta missing-filemon=yes missing-meta=yes silent=yes verbose'
_ERROR_CMD='c++  -target powerpc-unknown-freebsd12.0 
  -O2 -pipe 
-I/usr/src/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include -DCLANG_ENABLE_ARCMT 
-DCLANG_ENABLE_STATIC_ANALYZER -I/usr/src/lib/clang/include 
-I/usr/src/contrib/llvm/include -DLLVM_BUILD_GLOBAL_ISEL -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS 
-DLLVM_HOST_TRIPLE=\"powerpc-unknown-freebsd12.0\" -DDEFAULT_SYSROOT=\"\" 
-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -gline-tables-only -fstack-protector-strong 
-Qunused-arguments  -std=c++11 -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -gline-tables-only 
-stdlib=libc++ -Wno-c++11-exte
 nsions  -c /usr/src/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp -o 
.MAKE.MAKEFILES='/usr/src/share/mk/ /usr/src/share/mk/ 
/usr/src/share/mk/ /usr/src/share/mk/ 
/usr/src/share/mk/ /usr/src/share/mk/ 
/root/src.configs/make.conf /usr/src/share/mk/ 
/usr/src/share/mk/ /dev/null /usr/src/lib/clang/libclang/Makefile 
/usr/src/share/mk/ /usr/src/share/mk/ 
/usr/src/share/mk/ /usr/src/share/mk/ 
/usr/src/share/mk/ /usr/s