swapfile query

2017-08-19 Thread tech-lists
Hello list,

(freebsd-current is r317212 on this machine)

I have a machine with 128GB RAM. When 12-current was installed, for some
reason the swap partition was set to 4GB. I see sometimes via top and
also via daily status reports that sometimes the machine runs out of
swap. It doesn't crash the machine though.

I know how to add more swap with a swapfile. My questions are:

1. should I make more than one swapfile, say 4x32GB or will it be ok
with one 128GB swapfile?

2. will the 4GB already there as swap play nice with a swapfile, or
multiple swapfiles? Or should I deactivate the 4GB swap partition first?

3. should total swap be 1x 2x or some other multiple of RAM these days?

FreeBSD and the swap partition reside on the same SSD. The swapfiles, if
created, will reside on this SSD.

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Re: swapfile query

2017-08-19 Thread Cy Schubert
In message <77fdd002-2873-eb67-c851-0127ae314...@zyxst.net>, tech-lists 
> Hello list,
> (freebsd-current is r317212 on this machine)
> I have a machine with 128GB RAM. When 12-current was installed, for some
> reason the swap partition was set to 4GB. I see sometimes via top and
> also via daily status reports that sometimes the machine runs out of
> swap. It doesn't crash the machine though.
> I know how to add more swap with a swapfile. My questions are:
> 1. should I make more than one swapfile, say 4x32GB or will it be ok
> with one 128GB swapfile?

It's better to spread the load across multiple spindles.

> 2. will the 4GB already there as swap play nice with a swapfile, or
> multiple swapfiles? Or should I deactivate the 4GB swap partition first?

Is the 4 GB on the same disk as another swapfile?

> 3. should total swap be 1x 2x or some other multiple of RAM these days?

Depends. If you're running some kind of database server or OLTP 
application. Some vendors recommend no swap whatsoever while others 
recommend some. What does your application vendor recommend?

> FreeBSD and the swap partition reside on the same SSD. The swapfiles, if
> created, will reside on this SSD.

Then it doesn't matter if you use one or many swapfiles and deleting the 4 
GB won't make a difference. Just add the desired swap as required.

With 128 GB RAM you shouldn't be swapping anyway. If your system is you 
have more serious problems than the lack of swap.

Cy Schubert 
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:  http://www.FreeBSD.org

The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.

freebsd-current@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: swapfile query

2017-08-19 Thread tech-lists
On 19/08/2017 17:54, Cy Schubert wrote:
> Then it doesn't matter if you use one or many swapfiles and deleting the 4 
> GB won't make a difference. Just add the desired swap as required.
> With 128 GB RAM you shouldn't be swapping anyway. If your system is you 
> have more serious problems than the lack of swap.

The system is a bhyve host. There are 9 guests, two of them are
freebsd-11-stable, the rest are ubuntu-14.04-LTS. Restarting some (but
not all) of the guests has the effect of decreasing swap usage. The
system also runs ZFS. The guests live on the ZFS filesystem.

The OS & swap on the host are SSD and are not part of the ZFS system.

What I'm seeing is, the host system won't touch swap for days. I guess
when the guests get busier than an as yet unknown amount, the host
starts using swap. The issue I'm having isn't so much it using swap,
it's that the used swap seemingly is not liberated after it has been
used, and I don't know exactly how to narrow it down.

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Re: swapfile query

2017-08-19 Thread David Chisnall
On 19 Aug 2017, at 17:54, Cy Schubert  wrote:
>> 3. should total swap be 1x 2x or some other multiple of RAM these days?
> Depends. If you're running some kind of database server or OLTP 
> application. Some vendors recommend no swap whatsoever while others 
> recommend some. What does your application vendor recommend?

The main advantage of swap these days (on machines with that sort of amount of 
RAM) is to allow you to keep some file-backed memory objects in memory in 
preference to leaked (or very cold) heap memory.  


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Re: swapfile query

2017-08-19 Thread Cy Schubert
In message , David 
Chisnall w
> On 19 Aug 2017, at 17:54, Cy Schubert  wrote:
> > 
> >> 3. should total swap be 1x 2x or some other multiple of RAM these days?
> > 
> > Depends. If you're running some kind of database server or OLTP 
> > application. Some vendors recommend no swap whatsoever while others 
> > recommend some. What does your application vendor recommend?
> The main advantage of swap these days (on machines with that sort of amount o
> f RAM) is to allow you to keep some file-backed memory objects in memory in p
> reference to leaked (or very cold) heap memory.  

Memory overcommitment and the working set of each address space determines 
how much and what is paged out.

Cy Schubert 
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:  http://www.FreeBSD.org

The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.

freebsd-current@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-current-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"

Re: swapfile query

2017-08-19 Thread Cy Schubert
In message , tech-lists 
> On 19/08/2017 17:54, Cy Schubert wrote:
> > Then it doesn't matter if you use one or many swapfiles and deleting the 4 
> > GB won't make a difference. Just add the desired swap as required.
> > 
> > With 128 GB RAM you shouldn't be swapping anyway. If your system is you 
> > have more serious problems than the lack of swap.
> The system is a bhyve host. There are 9 guests, two of them are
> freebsd-11-stable, the rest are ubuntu-14.04-LTS. Restarting some (but
> not all) of the guests has the effect of decreasing swap usage. The
> system also runs ZFS. The guests live on the ZFS filesystem.
> The OS & swap on the host are SSD and are not part of the ZFS system.
> What I'm seeing is, the host system won't touch swap for days. I guess
> when the guests get busier than an as yet unknown amount, the host
> starts using swap. The issue I'm having isn't so much it using swap,
> it's that the used swap seemingly is not liberated after it has been
> used, and I don't know exactly how to narrow it down.

An easy way to find out is to run top, type in "w", then "o" and "swap" to 
see which processes are using swap. You'll notice that the numbers won't 
add up. I haven't looked at this but my guess is that there may be swap 
leak. You can verify this by replacing the swapfile (add a new and remove 
the old).

Run vmstat. If the system is actively paging you will see page outs and 
page ins, some page reclaims, and a scan rate in the hundreds.

(On my -CURRENT laptop I see a scan rate in the hundreds on a totally idle 
laptop and in the teens of my idle firewall. IMO this doesn't seem right, 
at least not compared to previous releases of FreeBSD or from the days when 
I worked on Solaris. You shouldn't see a scan rate on an idle system.)

My rule of thumb [was] scan rate less than 200 is good or to put it another 
way if you're using more than 5% of your system resources ( > 5% CPU or > 
5% disk I/O) paging or swapping you need more RAM.

Cy Schubert 
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:  http://www.FreeBSD.org

The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.

freebsd-current@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: swapfile query

2017-08-19 Thread Cy Schubert
In message <201708192100.v7jl0vfk003...@slippy.cwsent.com>, Cy Schubert 

> (On my -CURRENT laptop I see a scan rate in the hundreds on a totally idle 
> laptop and in the teens of my idle firewall. IMO this doesn't seem right, 
> at least not compared to previous releases of FreeBSD or from the days when 
> I worked on Solaris. You shouldn't see a scan rate on an idle system.)

It appears that on an idle system with many pages in use, i.e. a laptop 
running X and not really doing anything else, pages are scanned though the 
system is idle. This is likely an artifact of r308474.

Cy Schubert 
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:  http://www.FreeBSD.org

The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.

freebsd-current@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-current-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"

Re: swapfile query

2017-08-19 Thread Mark Johnston
On Sat, Aug 19, 2017 at 02:24:19PM -0700, Cy Schubert wrote:
> In message <201708192100.v7jl0vfk003...@slippy.cwsent.com>, Cy Schubert 
> writes:
> > (On my -CURRENT laptop I see a scan rate in the hundreds on a totally idle 
> > laptop and in the teens of my idle firewall. IMO this doesn't seem right, 
> > at least not compared to previous releases of FreeBSD or from the days when 
> > I worked on Solaris. You shouldn't see a scan rate on an idle system.)
> It appears that on an idle system with many pages in use, i.e. a laptop 
> running X and not really doing anything else, pages are scanned though the 
> system is idle. This is likely an artifact of r308474.

It's an intentional consequence of r254304. The page daemon performs a
slow and steady scan of the queue of active pages and will gradually
move unreferenced pages to the inactive queue.
freebsd-current@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: swapfile query

2017-08-19 Thread Cy Schubert
In message <20170819213149.GA34140@raichu>, Mark Johnston writes:
> On Sat, Aug 19, 2017 at 02:24:19PM -0700, Cy Schubert wrote:
> > In message <201708192100.v7jl0vfk003...@slippy.cwsent.com>, Cy Schubert 
> > writes:
> > 
> > > (On my -CURRENT laptop I see a scan rate in the hundreds on a totally idl
> e 
> > > laptop and in the teens of my idle firewall. IMO this doesn't seem right,
> > > at least not compared to previous releases of FreeBSD or from the days wh
> en 
> > > I worked on Solaris. You shouldn't see a scan rate on an idle system.)
> > 
> > It appears that on an idle system with many pages in use, i.e. a laptop 
> > running X and not really doing anything else, pages are scanned though the 
> > system is idle. This is likely an artifact of r308474.
> It's an intentional consequence of r254304. The page daemon performs a
> slow and steady scan of the queue of active pages and will gradually
> move unreferenced pages to the inactive queue.

This is certainly better.

It's probably good idea to remove scan rate from vmstat output as it's not 
meaningful in the traditional sense any more. For example on a 
traditionally scanning VM system (Solaris or z/OS) the number of pages 
scanned per second (or unreferenced interval count -- the inverse of the 
scan rate) is the first indication that you need to look at your vm 
subsystem. As of r254304 rate cannot be used used as a metric any more 
except when one sees it deviate wildly from previous observations. (Not 
that I'm complaining.)

See below:

procs  memory   pagedisks faults cpu
r b w  avm   fre   flt  re  pi  pofr   sr ad0 da0   insycs us 
sy id
0 0 0 3.9G  292M 4   0   0   0   193  125   0   0  434   773   588  0  
0 100
1 0 0 3.9G  292M55   0   0   0   181  123  22   0  460  2467  1402  0  
1 99
0 0 0 3.9G  290M   969   0   0   1   316  124   1   0  490 12571  4004  3  
1 95
0 0 0 3.9G  289M   261   0   0   0   160  124  21   0  505 20426  7751  2  
2 97
0 0 0 1.5G  755M  3481   0   1   1 60951   74  18   0  463 19918  6576 13  
4 82

At this point I closed firefox. Pages are freed and scan rate decreases. We 
now have a new normal.

0 0 0 1.5G  752M10   0   0   0 0   24   1   0  409   595   365  0  
0 100
0 0 0 1.5G  754M 1   0   0   0   403   23  49   0  478   609  1321  0  
1 99
0 0 0 1.5G  754M19   0   0   0   171   24   0   0  402   655   382  0  
0 100
0 0 0 1.5G  754M 0   0   0   0   170   24   0   0  423   568   463  0  
0 100
0 0 0 1.5G  754M 0   0   0   0   174   12   0   0  403   627   359  0  
0 100
0 0 0 1.5G  754M 0   0   0   0   172   35   4   0  425   625   474  0  
0 100
0 0 0 1.5G  754M 1   0   0   0   170   24   4   0  416   651   398  0  
0 100
0 0 0 1.5G  754M 0   0   0   0   163   23   1   0  426   655   490  0  
0 100
0 0 0 1.5G  754M 0   0   0   0   176   23   0   0  429   663   384  0  
0 100
0 0 0 1.5G  754M 0   0   0   0   163   23   0   0  445   661   482  0  
0 100

Should we consider removing scan rate from vmstat output? It doesn't really 
mean anything in relation to tuning any more.

Cy Schubert 
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:  http://www.FreeBSD.org

The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.

freebsd-current@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-current-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"

Re: swapfile query

2017-08-19 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Saturday, 19 August 2017 at 16:00:28 +0100, tech-lists wrote:
> Hello list,
> (freebsd-current is r317212 on this machine)
> I have a machine with 128GB RAM. When 12-current was installed, for some
> reason the swap partition was set to 4GB. I see sometimes via top and
> also via daily status reports that sometimes the machine runs out of
> swap. It doesn't crash the machine though.
> I know how to add more swap with a swapfile.

That's one way.  It's really better to use a swap partition.  If you
repartition the SSD for whatever reason, you should consider creating
a larger swap partition.

> 1. should I make more than one swapfile, say 4x32GB or will it be ok
> with one 128GB swapfile?

It doesn't make any difference, but 128 GB seems excessive.  You might
like to try with one 32 GB swap file and see if that's enough.  On my
machine I have 32 GB of memory and 10 GB swap, and I don't have much
of a problem with that.

> 2. will the 4GB already there as swap play nice with a swapfile, or
> multiple swapfiles? Or should I deactivate the 4GB swap partition
> first?


> 3. should total swap be 1x 2x or some other multiple of RAM these days?

It never needed to be.  The only issue is that if you want processor
dumps, you once needed a swap partition (and not a swap file) at least
marginally larger than memory.  With compressed dumps, that
requirement is relaxed, but I suspect that a 4 GB partition could be
too small.

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