Re: vm_reserv.c panic on sparc64 current

2014-01-20 Thread Alan Cox
On 01/19/2014 18:06, Manfred Antar wrote:
> vm_reserv.c starting with revision 25 causes panic on sparc64 (netra T1 
> 200)
> version 259998 works
> backtrace:
> Starting apache22.
> panic: Bad link elm 0xf8007d4728f8 prev->next != elm
> cpuid = 0
> KDB: enter: panic
> [ thread pid 1965 tid 100058 ]
> Stopped at  kdb_enter+0x80: ta  %xcc, 1
> db> bt
> Tracing pid 1965 tid 100058 td 0xf80001880db0
> vpanic() at vpanic+0x1f8
> panic() at panic+0x20
> vm_page_dequeue() at vm_page_dequeue+0xf8

Can you provide the full contents of the struct vm_page that is being
passed to vm_page_dequeue?

> vm_fault_hold() at vm_fault_hold+0x54c
> vm_fault() at vm_fault+0x88
> trap_pfault() at trap_pfault+0x1ac
> trap() at trap+0xdc
> -- data access protection tar=0x4100679c sfar=0x41006010 sfsr=0x85 
> %o7=0x4062ea3c --
> userland() at 0x4062eab8
> user trace: trap %o7=0x4062ea3c
> pc 0x4062eab8, sp 0x7fdd811
> pc 0x4062ecd0, sp 0x7fdd8d1
> pc 0x406397f0, sp 0x7fdd991
> pc 0x1121f8, sp 0x7fdda71
> pc 0x11bc4c, sp 0x7fddb31
> pc 0x10fce8, sp 0x7fddbf1
> pc 0x107e14, sp 0x7fddcb1
> pc 0x106310, sp 0x7fddd71
> pc 0x107160, sp 0x7fdde81
> pc 0x106360, sp 0x7fde041
> pc 0x106284, sp 0x7fde151
> pc 0x111c6c, sp 0x7fde261
> pc 0x112118, sp 0x7fde341
> pc 0x102bc4, sp 0x7fde441
> pc 0x402258f4, sp 0x7fde501
> done
> ||   ||
> ||  ||

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Re: using ConnectX card as Ethernet (mlxen)

2014-01-20 Thread Eggert, Lars

On 2013-7-9, at 22:08, John Nielsen  wrote:
On Jul 9, 2013, at 9:58 AM, John Baldwin  wrote:
>> So this was just fixed (finally) in HEAD in r253048.  You can how use the
>> sysctls to change this.
> I saw the commit. Thanks! I'll give it a try at some point (whenever my 
> schedule and hardware availability align).

is this supposed to work at the moment? When I try, the machine seems to crash:

root@one:~ # sysctl sys.device.mlx4_core0.mlx4_port1=eth
sys.device.mlx4_core0.mlx4_port1: auto (ib)
Write failed: Broken pipe
Shared connection to xxx closed.

Unfortunately I don't have serial console access at the moment, so I can't 
access any messages that may have gotten dumped.

The cards in question are:

mlx4_core0@pci0:17:0:0: class=0x028000 card=0x005015b3 chip=0x100315b3 rev=0x00 
vendor = 'Mellanox Technologies'
device = 'MT27500 Family [ConnectX-3]'
class  = network


Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: using ConnectX card as Ethernet (mlxen)

2014-01-20 Thread Eggert, Lars

if I leave the mlx4ib device out of the kernel (i.e., only compile in mlxen), 
doing the sysctl switch to Ethernet mode works fine.


On 2014-1-20, at 13:08, Eggert, Lars  wrote:

> Hi,
> On 2013-7-9, at 22:08, John Nielsen  wrote:
> On Jul 9, 2013, at 9:58 AM, John Baldwin  wrote:
>>> So this was just fixed (finally) in HEAD in r253048.  You can how use the
>>> sysctls to change this.
>> I saw the commit. Thanks! I'll give it a try at some point (whenever my 
>> schedule and hardware availability align).
> is this supposed to work at the moment? When I try, the machine seems to 
> crash:
> root@one:~ # sysctl sys.device.mlx4_core0.mlx4_port1=eth
> sys.device.mlx4_core0.mlx4_port1: auto (ib)
> Write failed: Broken pipe
> Shared connection to xxx closed.
> Unfortunately I don't have serial console access at the moment, so I can't 
> access any messages that may have gotten dumped.
> The cards in question are:
> mlx4_core0@pci0:17:0:0:   class=0x028000 card=0x005015b3 chip=0x100315b3 
> rev=0x00 hdr=0x00
>vendor = 'Mellanox Technologies'
>device = 'MT27500 Family [ConnectX-3]'
>class  = network
> Lars

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

panic: mtx_lock_spin: recursed on non-recursive mutex uart_hwmtx...

2014-01-20 Thread David Wolfskill
I saw this on my "build machine" after updating the "head" slice from:

FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #1387  r260875M/260877:115: Sun Jan 19 11:57:25 PST 
2014  i386


FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #1388  r260904M/260904:115: Mon Jan 20 06:25:53 PST 
2014  i386

A bit of context:  On this machine and my laptop, it is my practice to perform 
the following on a daily basis:
* Ensure the machine is booted from slice 1 (stable/9).
* Update the ports tree.
* Update the source tree.
* Start fetching any ports that are to be updated.
* Update stable/9.
* Reboot (staying on slice 1 -- stable/9).
* Update the installed ports that warrant it ("portmaster -da --index").
* Update the sources on slice 3 (stable/10).
* Remove old libraries for stable/9 ("make delete-old-libs").
* Reboot to slice 3 (stable/10).
* Update stable/10.
* Reboot (staying on slice 3 -- stable/10).
* Update the sources on slice 4 (head).
* Remove old libraries for stable/10 ("make delete-old-libs").
* Reboot to slice 4 (head)
* Update head.
* Reboot (staying on slice 4 -- head).
* Remove old libraries for head ("make delete-old-libs").

[If a given slice didn't have source updates, I don't try to rebuild
FreeBSD on it, though.]

For my laptop, I then reboot to slice 1 (usually; sometimes slice
3, especially if there were no source updates for stable/9).  For
the build machine, I set the default boot slice back to 1, then issue
"shutdown -p now" to shut it off until just before midnight.

Today, there were a couple of perturbations from the above:
* The only update for stable/10 I had was:

  so I decided that didn't warrant rebuilding FreeBSD stable/10.

* The panic in the Subject line -- only on the build machine.

Here's what I see (cut/paste) on serial console:

Jan 20 07:02:12 freebeast shutdown: power-down by david: 
Stopping cron.
Waiting for PIDS: 1090.
Stopping sshd.
Waiting for PIDS: 1080.
Stopping rsyncd.
Waiting for PIDS: 1057.
Stopping powerd.
Waiting for PIDS: 1042.
sysctl: dev.cpu.0.freq=3600: Device not configured
Stopping ntpd.
Waiting for PIDS: 1039.
Stopping lpd.
Waiting for PIDS: 1018.
Stopping lockd.
Waiting for PIDS: 1001.
Stopping statd.
Waiting for PIDS: 998.
Stopping nfsd.
Waiting for PIDS: 994 995.
Stopping mountd.
Waiting for PIDS: 992.
Stopping casperd.
Waiting for PIDS: 951.
Stopping amd.
Waiting for PIDS: 943.
Stopping ypbind.
Stopping rpcbind.
Waiting for PIDS: 916, 916.
Stopping devd.
Writing entropy file:.
Jan 20 07:02:16 freebeast syslogd: exiting on signal 15
Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `vnlru' to stop...done
Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `syncer' to stop...
Syncing disks, vnodes remaining...2 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 done
Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `bufdaemon' to stop...done
All buffers synced.
lock order reversal:
 1st 0xc7336c68 ufs (ufs) @ /usr/src/sys/kern/vfs_mount.c:1237
 2nd 0xc76846dc devfs (devfs) @ /usr/src/sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_vfsops.c:1412
KDB: stack backtrace:
db_trace_self_wrapper(c112d57c,a3231,e1fb9888,c0b1bfe7,1,...) at 
db_trace_self_wrapper+0x2d/frame 0xe1fb9828
kdb_backtrace(c1131131,c76846dc,c1124024,c6dad2d0,c1162dc1,...) at 
kdb_backtrace+0x30/frame 0xe1fb9890
witness_checkorder(c76846dc,9,c1162dc1,584,0,...) at 
witness_checkorder+0xc8a/frame 0xe1fb98e0
__lockmgr_args(c76846dc,80400,c76846fc,0,0,0,c1162dc1,584) at 
__lockmgr_args+0x844/frame 0xe1fb99b4
vop_stdlock(e1fb9a28,c6dad3a0,c6dad408,c169bc38,e1fb9a4c,...) at 
vop_stdlock+0x4d/frame 0xe1fb99e4
VOP_LOCK1_APV(c13828dc,e1fb9a28,0,0,c13cded0,...) at VOP_LOCK1_APV+0x104/frame 
_vn_lock(c76846a8,80400,c1162dc1,584,c1393aac,...) at _vn_lock+0xa1/frame 
ffs_flushfiles(c753f000,a,c6f0a310,e1fb9b38,c0d416e3,...) at 
ffs_flushfiles+0x14c/frame 0xe1fb9a9c
softdep_flushfiles(c753f000,2,c6f0a310,0,0,...) at 
softdep_flushfiles+0x6e/frame 0xe1fb9af0
ffs_unmount(c753f000,8,e1fb9b70,518,c6f0a310,...) at 
ffs_unmount+0x194/frame 0xe1fb9b38
dounmount(c753f000,8,c6f0a310,0,e1db3eb0,...) at dounmount+0x4dc/frame 
vfs_unmountall(e1db4058,0,c112895a,144,c6d8b1a0,...) at 
vfs_unmountall+0x4e/frame 0xe1fb9bb8
kern_reboot(4008,0,c112895a,c3,0,...) at kern_reboot+0x5af/frame 0xe1fb9c20
sys_reboot(c6f0a310,e1fb9cc8,14,c112b5b7,7a2,...) at sys_reboot+0x6f/frame 
syscall(e1fb9d08) at syscall+0x2de/frame 0xe1fb9cfc
Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x21/frame 0xe1fb9cfc
--- syscall (55, FreeBSD ELF32, sys_reboot), eip = 0x805a9df, esp = 0xbfbfd88c, 
ebp = 0xbfbfd960 ---
Uptime: 4m28s
panic: mtx_lock_spin: recursed on non-recursive mutex uart_hwmtx @ 

cpuid = 0
KDB: stack backtrace:
db_trace_self_wrapper(c112d57c,2f727375,2f637273,2f737973,2f766564,...) at 
db_trace_self_wrapper+0x2d/frame 0xe1fb9a60

Re: panic: mtx_lock_spin: recursed on non-recursive mutex uart_hwmtx...

2014-01-20 Thread Konstantin Belousov
On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 07:36:15AM -0800, David Wolfskill wrote:
> Jan 20 07:02:16 freebeast syslogd: exiting on signal 15
> Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `vnlru' to stop...done
> Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `syncer' to stop...
> Syncing disks, vnodes remaining...2 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 done
> Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `bufdaemon' to stop...done
> All buffers synced.
> lock order reversal:
>  1st 0xc7336c68 ufs (ufs) @ /usr/src/sys/kern/vfs_mount.c:1237
>  2nd 0xc76846dc devfs (devfs) @ /usr/src/sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_vfsops.c:1412
> KDB: stack backtrace:
> db_trace_self_wrapper(c112d57c,a3231,e1fb9888,c0b1bfe7,1,...) at 
> db_trace_self_wrapper+0x2d/frame 0xe1fb9828
> kdb_backtrace(c1131131,c76846dc,c1124024,c6dad2d0,c1162dc1,...) at 
> kdb_backtrace+0x30/frame 0xe1fb9890
> witness_checkorder(c76846dc,9,c1162dc1,584,0,...) at 
> witness_checkorder+0xc8a/frame 0xe1fb98e0
> __lockmgr_args(c76846dc,80400,c76846fc,0,0,0,c1162dc1,584) at 
> __lockmgr_args+0x844/frame 0xe1fb99b4
> vop_stdlock(e1fb9a28,c6dad3a0,c6dad408,c169bc38,e1fb9a4c,...) at 
> vop_stdlock+0x4d/frame 0xe1fb99e4
> VOP_LOCK1_APV(c13828dc,e1fb9a28,0,0,c13cded0,...) at 
> VOP_LOCK1_APV+0x104/frame 0xe1fb9a10
> _vn_lock(c76846a8,80400,c1162dc1,584,c1393aac,...) at _vn_lock+0xa1/frame 
> 0xe1fb9a50
> ffs_flushfiles(c753f000,a,c6f0a310,e1fb9b38,c0d416e3,...) at 
> ffs_flushfiles+0x14c/frame 0xe1fb9a9c
> softdep_flushfiles(c753f000,2,c6f0a310,0,0,...) at 
> softdep_flushfiles+0x6e/frame 0xe1fb9af0
> ffs_unmount(c753f000,8,e1fb9b70,518,c6f0a310,...) at 
> ffs_unmount+0x194/frame 0xe1fb9b38
> dounmount(c753f000,8,c6f0a310,0,e1db3eb0,...) at dounmount+0x4dc/frame 
> 0xe1fb9b98
> vfs_unmountall(e1db4058,0,c112895a,144,c6d8b1a0,...) at 
> vfs_unmountall+0x4e/frame 0xe1fb9bb8
> kern_reboot(4008,0,c112895a,c3,0,...) at kern_reboot+0x5af/frame 0xe1fb9c20
> sys_reboot(c6f0a310,e1fb9cc8,14,c112b5b7,7a2,...) at sys_reboot+0x6f/frame 
> 0xe1fb9c40
> syscall(e1fb9d08) at syscall+0x2de/frame 0xe1fb9cfc
> Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x21/frame 0xe1fb9cfc
> --- syscall (55, FreeBSD ELF32, sys_reboot), eip = 0x805a9df, esp = 
> 0xbfbfd88c, ebp = 0xbfbfd960 ---
> Uptime: 4m28s
> panic: mtx_lock_spin: recursed on non-recursive mutex uart_hwmtx @ 
> /usr/src/sys/dev/uart/uart_cpu.h:94
> cpuid = 0
> KDB: stack backtrace:
> db_trace_self_wrapper(c112d57c,2f727375,2f637273,2f737973,2f766564,...) at 
> db_trace_self_wrapper+0x2d/frame 0xe1fb9a60
> kdb_backtrace(c12ec1f3,0,c11269a2,e1fb9b38,e1fb9b08,...) at 
> kdb_backtrace+0x30/frame 0xe1fb9ac8
> vpanic(c140d0c8,100,c11269a2,e1fb9b38,e1fb9b38,...) at vpanic+0x11f/frame 
> 0xe1fb9b08
> kassert_panic(c11269a2,c10f66d8,c10f6758,5e,8,...) at 
> kassert_panic+0xea/frame 0xe1fb9b2c
> __mtx_lock_spin_flags(c7291830,0,c10f6758,5e,c137d684,...) at 
> __mtx_lock_spin_flags+0x190/frame 0xe1fb9b5c
> ns8250_bus_grab(c7291800,c7062b28,c137d684,5e,c140b9a4,...) at 
> ns8250_bus_grab+0x40/frame 0xe1fb9b78
> uart_grab(c13fd070) at uart_grab+0x83/frame 0xe1fb9b9c
> uart_cngrab(c137d69c,8889,e1fb9c20,c0ac7d43,c1128e43,...) at 
> uart_cngrab+0x12/frame 0xe1fb9ba8
> cngrab(c1128e43,1c,c112895a,144,c6d8b1a0,...) at cngrab+0x33/frame 0xe1fb9bb8
> kern_reboot(4008,0,c112895a,c3,0,...) at kern_reboot+0x6d3/frame 0xe1fb9c20
> sys_reboot(c6f0a310,e1fb9cc8,14,c112b5b7,7a2,...) at sys_reboot+0x6f/frame 
> 0xe1fb9c40
> syscall(e1fb9d08) at syscall+0x2de/frame 0xe1fb9cfc
> Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x21/frame 0xe1fb9cfc
> --- syscall (55, FreeBSD ELF32, sys_reboot), eip = 0x805a9df, esp = 
> 0xbfbfd88c, ebp = 0xbfbfd960 ---
> KDB: enter: panic
> [ thread pid 1 tid 12 ]
> Stopped at  kdb_enter+0x3d: movl$0,kdb_why
> db> show locks
> exclusive sleep mutex Giant (Giant) r = 0 (0xc1724910) locked @ 
> /usr/src/sys/vm/swap_pager.c:2365
> db> 
> When I issued "reset", the machine came back up normally (in slice
> 1 -- stable/9).  I then rebooted to slice 4 (head), and issued the
> same commands I usually do to set the default boot slice back to 1, then
> "shutdown -p now" -- and re-created the panic.
> I can leave the machine up for a while if anyone has suggestions for me
> to poke around.  I have a local private mirror of the FreeBSD SVN repos
> and a spare bootable slice; I'm williing to try patches.  The machine
> isn't especially fast, but it's generally OK.
> If it would be worthwhile, I could reboot my laptop to slice 4 (head) &
> attempt the same reset-to-slice-1-default & power-off.
> This definitely did not happen @r260875, and it appears to be quite
> repeatable @r260904.

You do not have option WITNESS_SKIPSPIN in your kernel config, do you ?

Description: PGP signature

Re: panic: mtx_lock_spin: recursed on non-recursive mutex uart_hwmtx...

2014-01-20 Thread Thomas Hoffmann
On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 11:37 AM, Konstantin Belousov

> On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 07:36:15AM -0800, David Wolfskill wrote:
> > Jan 20 07:02:16 freebeast syslogd: exiting on signal 15
> > Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `vnlru' to stop...done
> > Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `syncer' to stop...
> > Syncing disks, vnodes remaining...2 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 done
> > Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `bufdaemon' to stop...done
> > All buffers synced.
> > lock order reversal:
> >  1st 0xc7336c68 ufs (ufs) @ /usr/src/sys/kern/vfs_mount.c:1237
> >  2nd 0xc76846dc devfs (devfs) @ /usr/src/sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_vfsops.c:1412
> > KDB: stack backtrace:
> > db_trace_self_wrapper(c112d57c,a3231,e1fb9888,c0b1bfe7,1,...) at
> db_trace_self_wrapper+0x2d/frame 0xe1fb9828
> > kdb_backtrace(c1131131,c76846dc,c1124024,c6dad2d0,c1162dc1,...) at
> kdb_backtrace+0x30/frame 0xe1fb9890
> > witness_checkorder(c76846dc,9,c1162dc1,584,0,...) at
> witness_checkorder+0xc8a/frame 0xe1fb98e0
> > __lockmgr_args(c76846dc,80400,c76846fc,0,0,0,c1162dc1,584) at
> __lockmgr_args+0x844/frame 0xe1fb99b4
> > vop_stdlock(e1fb9a28,c6dad3a0,c6dad408,c169bc38,e1fb9a4c,...) at
> vop_stdlock+0x4d/frame 0xe1fb99e4
> > VOP_LOCK1_APV(c13828dc,e1fb9a28,0,0,c13cded0,...) at
> VOP_LOCK1_APV+0x104/frame 0xe1fb9a10
> > _vn_lock(c76846a8,80400,c1162dc1,584,c1393aac,...) at
> _vn_lock+0xa1/frame 0xe1fb9a50
> > ffs_flushfiles(c753f000,a,c6f0a310,e1fb9b38,c0d416e3,...) at
> ffs_flushfiles+0x14c/frame 0xe1fb9a9c
> > softdep_flushfiles(c753f000,2,c6f0a310,0,0,...) at
> softdep_flushfiles+0x6e/frame 0xe1fb9af0
> > ffs_unmount(c753f000,8,e1fb9b70,518,c6f0a310,...) at
> ffs_unmount+0x194/frame 0xe1fb9b38
> > dounmount(c753f000,8,c6f0a310,0,e1db3eb0,...) at
> dounmount+0x4dc/frame 0xe1fb9b98
> > vfs_unmountall(e1db4058,0,c112895a,144,c6d8b1a0,...) at
> vfs_unmountall+0x4e/frame 0xe1fb9bb8
> > kern_reboot(4008,0,c112895a,c3,0,...) at kern_reboot+0x5af/frame
> 0xe1fb9c20
> > sys_reboot(c6f0a310,e1fb9cc8,14,c112b5b7,7a2,...) at
> sys_reboot+0x6f/frame 0xe1fb9c40
> > syscall(e1fb9d08) at syscall+0x2de/frame 0xe1fb9cfc
> > Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x21/frame 0xe1fb9cfc
> > --- syscall (55, FreeBSD ELF32, sys_reboot), eip = 0x805a9df, esp =
> 0xbfbfd88c, ebp = 0xbfbfd960 ---
> > Uptime: 4m28s
> > panic: mtx_lock_spin: recursed on non-recursive mutex uart_hwmtx @
> /usr/src/sys/dev/uart/uart_cpu.h:94
> >
> > cpuid = 0
> > KDB: stack backtrace:
> > db_trace_self_wrapper(c112d57c,2f727375,2f637273,2f737973,2f766564,...)
> at db_trace_self_wrapper+0x2d/frame 0xe1fb9a60
> > kdb_backtrace(c12ec1f3,0,c11269a2,e1fb9b38,e1fb9b08,...) at
> kdb_backtrace+0x30/frame 0xe1fb9ac8
> > vpanic(c140d0c8,100,c11269a2,e1fb9b38,e1fb9b38,...) at
> vpanic+0x11f/frame 0xe1fb9b08
> > kassert_panic(c11269a2,c10f66d8,c10f6758,5e,8,...) at
> kassert_panic+0xea/frame 0xe1fb9b2c
> > __mtx_lock_spin_flags(c7291830,0,c10f6758,5e,c137d684,...) at
> __mtx_lock_spin_flags+0x190/frame 0xe1fb9b5c
> > ns8250_bus_grab(c7291800,c7062b28,c137d684,5e,c140b9a4,...) at
> ns8250_bus_grab+0x40/frame 0xe1fb9b78
> > uart_grab(c13fd070) at uart_grab+0x83/frame 0xe1fb9b9c
> > uart_cngrab(c137d69c,8889,e1fb9c20,c0ac7d43,c1128e43,...) at
> uart_cngrab+0x12/frame 0xe1fb9ba8
> > cngrab(c1128e43,1c,c112895a,144,c6d8b1a0,...) at cngrab+0x33/frame
> 0xe1fb9bb8
> > kern_reboot(4008,0,c112895a,c3,0,...) at kern_reboot+0x6d3/frame
> 0xe1fb9c20
> > sys_reboot(c6f0a310,e1fb9cc8,14,c112b5b7,7a2,...) at
> sys_reboot+0x6f/frame 0xe1fb9c40
> > syscall(e1fb9d08) at syscall+0x2de/frame 0xe1fb9cfc
> > Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x21/frame 0xe1fb9cfc
> > --- syscall (55, FreeBSD ELF32, sys_reboot), eip = 0x805a9df, esp =
> 0xbfbfd88c, ebp = 0xbfbfd960 ---
> > KDB: enter: panic
> > [ thread pid 1 tid 12 ]
> > Stopped at  kdb_enter+0x3d: movl$0,kdb_why
> > db> show locks
> > exclusive sleep mutex Giant (Giant) r = 0 (0xc1724910) locked @
> /usr/src/sys/vm/swap_pager.c:2365
> > db>
> >
> >
> > When I issued "reset", the machine came back up normally (in slice
> > 1 -- stable/9).  I then rebooted to slice 4 (head), and issued the
> > same commands I usually do to set the default boot slice back to 1, then
> > "shutdown -p now" -- and re-created the panic.
> >
> > I can leave the machine up for a while if anyone has suggestions for me
> > to poke around.  I have a local private mirror of the FreeBSD SVN repos
> > and a spare bootable slice; I'm williing to try patches.  The machine
> > isn't especially fast, but it's generally OK.
> >
> > If it would be worthwhile, I could reboot my laptop to slice 4 (head) &
> > attempt the same reset-to-slice-1-default & power-off.
> >
> > This definitely did not happen @r260875, and it appears to be quite
> > repeatable @r260904
> You do not have option WITNESS_SKIPSPIN in your kernel config, do you ?

My recent source upgrade from 10.0-RELEASE r260689 to 11.0-CURRENT r260850
left me with a GENERIC kernel with the follow

Re: panic: mtx_lock_spin: recursed on non-recursive mutex uart_hwmtx...

2014-01-20 Thread Ian Lepore
On Mon, 2014-01-20 at 07:36 -0800, David Wolfskill wrote:
> I saw this on my "build machine" after updating the "head" slice from:
> FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #1387  r260875M/260877:115: Sun Jan 19 11:57:25 PST 
> 2014  
> i386
> to
> FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #1388  r260904M/260904:115: Mon Jan 20 06:25:53 PST 
> 2014  
> i386
> A bit of context:  On this machine and my laptop, it is my practice to 
> perform the following on a daily basis:
> * Ensure the machine is booted from slice 1 (stable/9).
> * Update the ports tree.
> * Update the source tree.
> * Start fetching any ports that are to be updated.
> * Update stable/9.
> * Reboot (staying on slice 1 -- stable/9).
> * Update the installed ports that warrant it ("portmaster -da --index").
> * Update the sources on slice 3 (stable/10).
> * Remove old libraries for stable/9 ("make delete-old-libs").
> * Reboot to slice 3 (stable/10).
> * Update stable/10.
> * Reboot (staying on slice 3 -- stable/10).
> * Update the sources on slice 4 (head).
> * Remove old libraries for stable/10 ("make delete-old-libs").
> * Reboot to slice 4 (head)
> * Update head.
> * Reboot (staying on slice 4 -- head).
> * Remove old libraries for head ("make delete-old-libs").
> [If a given slice didn't have source updates, I don't try to rebuild
> FreeBSD on it, though.]
> For my laptop, I then reboot to slice 1 (usually; sometimes slice
> 3, especially if there were no source updates for stable/9).  For
> the build machine, I set the default boot slice back to 1, then issue
> "shutdown -p now" to shut it off until just before midnight.
> Today, there were a couple of perturbations from the above:
> * The only update for stable/10 I had was:
>   U/S3/usr/src/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/errata/article.xml
>   so I decided that didn't warrant rebuilding FreeBSD stable/10.
> * The panic in the Subject line -- only on the build machine.
> Here's what I see (cut/paste) on serial console:
> ...
> Jan 20 07:02:12 freebeast shutdown: power-down by david: 
> Stopping cron.
> Waiting for PIDS: 1090.
> Stopping sshd.
> Waiting for PIDS: 1080.
> Stopping rsyncd.
> Waiting for PIDS: 1057.
> Stopping powerd.
> Waiting for PIDS: 1042.
> sysctl: dev.cpu.0.freq=3600: Device not configured
> Stopping ntpd.
> Waiting for PIDS: 1039.
> Stopping lpd.
> Waiting for PIDS: 1018.
> Stopping lockd.
> Waiting for PIDS: 1001.
> Stopping statd.
> Waiting for PIDS: 998.
> Stopping nfsd.
> Waiting for PIDS: 994 995.
> Stopping mountd.
> Waiting for PIDS: 992.
> Stopping casperd.
> Waiting for PIDS: 951.
> Stopping amd.
> Waiting for PIDS: 943.
> Stopping ypbind.
> Stopping rpcbind.
> Waiting for PIDS: 916, 916.
> Stopping devd.
> Writing entropy file:.
> Terminated
> .
> Jan 20 07:02:16 freebeast syslogd: exiting on signal 15
> Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `vnlru' to stop...done
> Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `syncer' to stop...
> Syncing disks, vnodes remaining...2 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 done
> Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `bufdaemon' to stop...done
> All buffers synced.
> lock order reversal:
>  1st 0xc7336c68 ufs (ufs) @ /usr/src/sys/kern/vfs_mount.c:1237
>  2nd 0xc76846dc devfs (devfs) @ /usr/src/sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_vfsops.c:1412
> KDB: stack backtrace:
> db_trace_self_wrapper(c112d57c,a3231,e1fb9888,c0b1bfe7,1,...) at 
> db_trace_self_wrapper+0x2d/frame 0xe1fb9828
> kdb_backtrace(c1131131,c76846dc,c1124024,c6dad2d0,c1162dc1,...) at 
> kdb_backtrace+0x30/frame 0xe1fb9890
> witness_checkorder(c76846dc,9,c1162dc1,584,0,...) at 
> witness_checkorder+0xc8a/frame 0xe1fb98e0
> __lockmgr_args(c76846dc,80400,c76846fc,0,0,0,c1162dc1,584) at 
> __lockmgr_args+0x844/frame 0xe1fb99b4
> vop_stdlock(e1fb9a28,c6dad3a0,c6dad408,c169bc38,e1fb9a4c,...) at 
> vop_stdlock+0x4d/frame 0xe1fb99e4
> VOP_LOCK1_APV(c13828dc,e1fb9a28,0,0,c13cded0,...) at 
> VOP_LOCK1_APV+0x104/frame 0xe1fb9a10
> _vn_lock(c76846a8,80400,c1162dc1,584,c1393aac,...) at _vn_lock+0xa1/frame 
> 0xe1fb9a50
> ffs_flushfiles(c753f000,a,c6f0a310,e1fb9b38,c0d416e3,...) at 
> ffs_flushfiles+0x14c/frame 0xe1fb9a9c
> softdep_flushfiles(c753f000,2,c6f0a310,0,0,...) at 
> softdep_flushfiles+0x6e/frame 0xe1fb9af0
> ffs_unmount(c753f000,8,e1fb9b70,518,c6f0a310,...) at 
> ffs_unmount+0x194/frame 0xe1fb9b38
> dounmount(c753f000,8,c6f0a310,0,e1db3eb0,...) at dounmount+0x4dc/frame 
> 0xe1fb9b98
> vfs_unmountall(e1db4058,0,c112895a,144,c6d8b1a0,...) at 
> vfs_unmountall+0x4e/frame 0xe1fb9bb8
> kern_reboot(4008,0,c112895a,c3,0,...) at kern_reboot+0x5af/frame 0xe1fb9c20
> sys_reboot(c6f0a310,e1fb9cc8,14,c112b5b7,7a2,...) at sys_reboot+0x6f/frame 
> 0xe1fb9c40
> syscall(e1fb9d08) at syscall+0x2de/frame 0xe1fb9cfc
> Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x21/frame 0xe1fb9cfc
> --- syscall (55, FreeBSD ELF32, sys_reboot), eip = 0x805a9df, esp = 
> 0xbfbf

Re: panic: mtx_lock_spin: recursed on non-recursive mutex uart_hwmtx...

2014-01-20 Thread Warner Losh

On Jan 20, 2014, at 10:14 AM, Ian Lepore wrote:

> On Mon, 2014-01-20 at 07:36 -0800, David Wolfskill wrote:
>> I saw this on my "build machine" after updating the "head" slice from:
>> FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #1387  r260875M/260877:115: Sun Jan 19 11:57:25 PST 
>> 2014  
>> i386
>> to
>> FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #1388  r260904M/260904:115: Mon Jan 20 06:25:53 PST 
>> 2014  
>> i386
>> A bit of context:  On this machine and my laptop, it is my practice to 
>> perform the following on a daily basis:
>> * Ensure the machine is booted from slice 1 (stable/9).
>> * Update the ports tree.
>> * Update the source tree.
>> * Start fetching any ports that are to be updated.
>> * Update stable/9.
>> * Reboot (staying on slice 1 -- stable/9).
>> * Update the installed ports that warrant it ("portmaster -da --index").
>> * Update the sources on slice 3 (stable/10).
>> * Remove old libraries for stable/9 ("make delete-old-libs").
>> * Reboot to slice 3 (stable/10).
>> * Update stable/10.
>> * Reboot (staying on slice 3 -- stable/10).
>> * Update the sources on slice 4 (head).
>> * Remove old libraries for stable/10 ("make delete-old-libs").
>> * Reboot to slice 4 (head)
>> * Update head.
>> * Reboot (staying on slice 4 -- head).
>> * Remove old libraries for head ("make delete-old-libs").
>> [If a given slice didn't have source updates, I don't try to rebuild
>> FreeBSD on it, though.]
>> For my laptop, I then reboot to slice 1 (usually; sometimes slice
>> 3, especially if there were no source updates for stable/9).  For
>> the build machine, I set the default boot slice back to 1, then issue
>> "shutdown -p now" to shut it off until just before midnight.
>> Today, there were a couple of perturbations from the above:
>> * The only update for stable/10 I had was:
>>  U/S3/usr/src/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/errata/article.xml
>>  so I decided that didn't warrant rebuilding FreeBSD stable/10.
>> * The panic in the Subject line -- only on the build machine.
>> Here's what I see (cut/paste) on serial console:
>> ...
>> Jan 20 07:02:12 freebeast shutdown: power-down by david: 
>> Stopping cron.
>> Waiting for PIDS: 1090.
>> Stopping sshd.
>> Waiting for PIDS: 1080.
>> Stopping rsyncd.
>> Waiting for PIDS: 1057.
>> Stopping powerd.
>> Waiting for PIDS: 1042.
>> sysctl: dev.cpu.0.freq=3600: Device not configured
>> Stopping ntpd.
>> Waiting for PIDS: 1039.
>> Stopping lpd.
>> Waiting for PIDS: 1018.
>> Stopping lockd.
>> Waiting for PIDS: 1001.
>> Stopping statd.
>> Waiting for PIDS: 998.
>> Stopping nfsd.
>> Waiting for PIDS: 994 995.
>> Stopping mountd.
>> Waiting for PIDS: 992.
>> Stopping casperd.
>> Waiting for PIDS: 951.
>> Stopping amd.
>> Waiting for PIDS: 943.
>> Stopping ypbind.
>> Stopping rpcbind.
>> Waiting for PIDS: 916, 916.
>> Stopping devd.
>> Writing entropy file:.
>> Terminated
>> .
>> Jan 20 07:02:16 freebeast syslogd: exiting on signal 15
>> Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `vnlru' to stop...done
>> Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `syncer' to stop...
>> Syncing disks, vnodes remaining...2 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 done
>> Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `bufdaemon' to stop...done
>> All buffers synced.
>> lock order reversal:
>> 1st 0xc7336c68 ufs (ufs) @ /usr/src/sys/kern/vfs_mount.c:1237
>> 2nd 0xc76846dc devfs (devfs) @ /usr/src/sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_vfsops.c:1412
>> KDB: stack backtrace:
>> db_trace_self_wrapper(c112d57c,a3231,e1fb9888,c0b1bfe7,1,...) at 
>> db_trace_self_wrapper+0x2d/frame 0xe1fb9828
>> kdb_backtrace(c1131131,c76846dc,c1124024,c6dad2d0,c1162dc1,...) at 
>> kdb_backtrace+0x30/frame 0xe1fb9890
>> witness_checkorder(c76846dc,9,c1162dc1,584,0,...) at 
>> witness_checkorder+0xc8a/frame 0xe1fb98e0
>> __lockmgr_args(c76846dc,80400,c76846fc,0,0,0,c1162dc1,584) at 
>> __lockmgr_args+0x844/frame 0xe1fb99b4
>> vop_stdlock(e1fb9a28,c6dad3a0,c6dad408,c169bc38,e1fb9a4c,...) at 
>> vop_stdlock+0x4d/frame 0xe1fb99e4
>> VOP_LOCK1_APV(c13828dc,e1fb9a28,0,0,c13cded0,...) at 
>> VOP_LOCK1_APV+0x104/frame 0xe1fb9a10
>> _vn_lock(c76846a8,80400,c1162dc1,584,c1393aac,...) at _vn_lock+0xa1/frame 
>> 0xe1fb9a50
>> ffs_flushfiles(c753f000,a,c6f0a310,e1fb9b38,c0d416e3,...) at 
>> ffs_flushfiles+0x14c/frame 0xe1fb9a9c
>> softdep_flushfiles(c753f000,2,c6f0a310,0,0,...) at 
>> softdep_flushfiles+0x6e/frame 0xe1fb9af0
>> ffs_unmount(c753f000,8,e1fb9b70,518,c6f0a310,...) at 
>> ffs_unmount+0x194/frame 0xe1fb9b38
>> dounmount(c753f000,8,c6f0a310,0,e1db3eb0,...) at dounmount+0x4dc/frame 
>> 0xe1fb9b98
>> vfs_unmountall(e1db4058,0,c112895a,144,c6d8b1a0,...) at 
>> vfs_unmountall+0x4e/frame 0xe1fb9bb8
>> kern_reboot(4008,0,c112895a,c3,0,...) at kern_reboot+0x5af/frame 0xe1fb9c20
>> sys_reboot(c6f0a310,e1fb9cc8,14,c112b5b7,7a2,...) at sys_reboot+0x6f/frame 
>> 0xe1fb9c40
>> syscall(e1fb9d08) at s

Re: panic: mtx_lock_spin: recursed on non-recursive mutex uart_hwmtx...

2014-01-20 Thread Warner Losh

> On Mon, 2014-01-20 at 07:36 -0800, David Wolfskill wrote:
>> panic: mtx_lock_spin: recursed on non-recursive mutex uart_hwmtx @ 
>> /usr/src/sys/dev/uart/uart_cpu.h:94
> Since you mention serial console, I think r260890 might be a candidate.

I have a fix for this. I committed the wrong version of uart_core.c. r260911 
should fix this. So this is broken from r260890-r260910.

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Re: panic: mtx_lock_spin: recursed on non-recursive mutex uart_hwmtx...

2014-01-20 Thread David Wolfskill
On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 06:37:50PM +0200, Konstantin Belousov wrote:
> ...
> You do not have option WITNESS_SKIPSPIN in your kernel config, do you ?

It was a GENERIC kernel for i386; it has WITNESS_SKIPSPIN.

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 10:14:08AM -0700, Ian Lepore wrote:
> ...
> Since you mention serial console, I think r260890 might be a candidate.

Good call. :-}

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 10:24:01AM -0700, Warner Losh wrote:
> ... 
> I'm pretty sure that it is. I'll take a look at it.

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 10:47:12AM -0700, Warner Losh wrote:
> ...
> I have a fix for this. I committed the wrong version of uart_core.c. r260911 
> should fix this. So this is broken from r260890-r260910.

So I see.  I'll hand-apply that, rebuild the kernel, and give it a shot,

Thanks, all! :-)

David H. Wolfskill
Taliban: Evil cowards with guns afraid of truth from a 14-year old girl.

See for my public key.

Description: PGP signature

Re: panic: mtx_lock_spin: recursed on non-recursive mutex uart_hwmtx...

2014-01-20 Thread David Wolfskill
On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 10:33:41AM -0800, David Wolfskill wrote:
> ...
> On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 10:47:12AM -0700, Warner Losh wrote:
> > ...
> > I have a fix for this. I committed the wrong version of uart_core.c. 
> > r260911 should fix this. So this is broken from r260890-r260910.
> > 
> So I see.  I'll hand-apply that, rebuild the kernel, and give it a shot,
> Thanks, all! :-)

We have a winner!  Ref.:

Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x21/frame 0xe1fb9cfc
--- syscall (55, FreeBSD ELF32, sys_reboot), eip = 0x805a9df, esp = 0xbfbfd88c, 
ebp = 0xbfbfd960 ---
Uptime: 5m15s
usbus0: Controller shutdown
uhub0: at usbus0, port 1, addr 1 (disconnected)
usbus0: Controller shutdown complete
usbus1: Controller shutdown
uhub1: at usbus1, port 1, addr 1 (disconnected)
usbus1: Controller shutdown complete
usbus2: Controller shutdown
uhub2: at usbus2, port 1, addr 1 (disconnected)
usbus2: Controller shutdown complete
usbus3: Controller shutdown
uhub3: at usbus3, port 1, addr 1 (disconnected)
usbus3: Controller shutdown complete
usbus4: Controller shutdown
uhub4: at usbus4, port 1, addr 1 (disconnected)
usbus4: Controller shutdown complete
aac0: shutting down controller...done
acpi0: Powering system off

David H. Wolfskill
Taliban: Evil cowards with guns afraid of truth from a 14-year old girl.

See for my public key.

Description: PGP signature

[head tinderbox] failure on arm/arm

2014-01-20 Thread FreeBSD Tinderbox
TB --- 2014-01-20 15:50:22 - tinderbox 2.20 running on
TB --- 2014-01-20 15:50:22 - FreeBSD 8.3-PRERELEASE 
FreeBSD 8.3-PRERELEASE #0: Mon Mar 26 13:54:12 EDT 2012  amd64
TB --- 2014-01-20 15:50:22 - starting HEAD tinderbox run for arm/arm
TB --- 2014-01-20 15:50:22 - cleaning the object tree
TB --- 2014-01-20 15:51:45 - /usr/local/bin/svn stat /src
TB --- 2014-01-20 15:51:48 - At svn revision 260909
TB --- 2014-01-20 15:51:49 - building world
TB --- 2014-01-20 15:51:49 - CROSS_BUILD_TESTING=YES
TB --- 2014-01-20 15:51:49 - MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/obj
TB --- 2014-01-20 15:51:49 - PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin
TB --- 2014-01-20 15:51:49 - SRCCONF=/dev/null
TB --- 2014-01-20 15:51:49 - TARGET=arm
TB --- 2014-01-20 15:51:49 - TARGET_ARCH=arm
TB --- 2014-01-20 15:51:49 - TZ=UTC
TB --- 2014-01-20 15:51:49 - __MAKE_CONF=/dev/null
TB --- 2014-01-20 15:51:49 - cd /src
TB --- 2014-01-20 15:51:49 - /usr/bin/make -B buildworld
>>> Building an up-to-date make(1)
>>> World build started on Mon Jan 20 15:51:56 UTC 2014
>>> Rebuilding the temporary build tree
>>> stage 1.1: legacy release compatibility shims
>>> stage 1.2: bootstrap tools
>>> stage 2.1: cleaning up the object tree
>>> stage 2.2: rebuilding the object tree
>>> stage 2.3: build tools
>>> stage 3: cross tools
>>> stage 4.1: building includes
>>> stage 4.2: building libraries
>>> stage 4.3: make dependencies
>>> stage 4.4: building everything
>>> World build completed on Mon Jan 20 18:53:38 UTC 2014
TB --- 2014-01-20 18:53:38 - generating LINT kernel config
TB --- 2014-01-20 18:53:38 - cd /src/sys/arm/conf
TB --- 2014-01-20 18:53:38 - /usr/bin/make -B LINT
TB --- 2014-01-20 18:53:38 - cd /src/sys/arm/conf
TB --- 2014-01-20 18:53:38 - /usr/sbin/config -m LINT
TB --- 2014-01-20 18:53:39 - building LINT kernel
TB --- 2014-01-20 18:53:39 - CROSS_BUILD_TESTING=YES
TB --- 2014-01-20 18:53:39 - MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/obj
TB --- 2014-01-20 18:53:39 - PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin
TB --- 2014-01-20 18:53:39 - SRCCONF=/dev/null
TB --- 2014-01-20 18:53:39 - TARGET=arm
TB --- 2014-01-20 18:53:39 - TARGET_ARCH=arm
TB --- 2014-01-20 18:53:39 - TZ=UTC
TB --- 2014-01-20 18:53:39 - __MAKE_CONF=/dev/null
TB --- 2014-01-20 18:53:39 - cd /src
TB --- 2014-01-20 18:53:39 - /usr/bin/make -B buildkernel KERNCONF=LINT
>>> Kernel build for LINT started on Mon Jan 20 18:53:39 UTC 2014
>>> stage 1: configuring the kernel
>>> stage 2.1: cleaning up the object tree
>>> stage 2.2: rebuilding the object tree
>>> stage 2.3: build tools
>>> stage 3.1: making dependencies
>>> stage 3.2: building everything
uart_cpu_pxa.o: warning: multiple common of `uart_bus_space_mem'
uart_cpu_fdt.o: warning: previous common is here
uart_cpu_pxa.o: warning: multiple common of `uart_bus_space_io'
uart_cpu_fdt.o: warning: previous common is here
board_hl201.o: In function `board_init':
/src/sys/arm/at91/board_hl201.c:(.text+0x174): undefined reference to 
board_sam9260ek.o: In function `board_init':
/src/sys/arm/at91/board_sam9260ek.c:(.text+0x2a8): undefined reference to 
*** Error code 1

bmake[1]: stopped in /obj/arm.arm/src/sys/LINT
*** Error code 1

bmake: stopped in /src
*** Error code 1

Stop in /src.
TB --- 2014-01-20 19:10:16 - WARNING: /usr/bin/make returned exit code  1 
TB --- 2014-01-20 19:10:16 - ERROR: failed to build LINT kernel
TB --- 2014-01-20 19:10:16 - 9319.49 user 1835.60 system 11993.62 real
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Problem updating bootcode on ZFS on root system with MBR

2014-01-20 Thread Thomas Hoffmann
I am running 11.0-CURRENT (r260850) with zfs on root with MBR.

After upgrading my 10.0-RELEASE (r260669) system to 11.0-CURRENT (r260850)
my zpools reported that they needed to be upgraded. So, I upgraded my
zpools and I am attempting to update the bootcode (as required). I managed
to get the boot1 stage code updated, but cannot get the boot2 stage code
updated. Here is what I have done:

# sysctl kern.geom.debugflags=0x10
kern.geom.debugflags: 0 -> 16

# dd if=/boot/zfsboot of=/tmp/zfsboot1 count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
512 bytes transferred in 0.014996 secs (34142 bytes/sec)

# gpart bootcode -b /tmp/zfsboot1 /dev/ada0s1
bootcode written to ada0s1

# dd if=/boot/zfsboot of=/dev/ada0s1a skip=1 seek=1024
dd: /dev/ada0s1a: Operation not permitted

The final dd statement fails with "operation not permitted". In all my
research,  understood the initial sysctl command I ran would prevent this
particular error from happening.

What do I need to do to get the boot2 code written to /dev/ada0s1a?


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Re: using ConnectX card as Ethernet (mlxen)

2014-01-20 Thread John Baldwin
On Monday 20 January 2014 12:08:34 Eggert, Lars wrote:
> Hi,
> On 2013-7-9, at 22:08, John Nielsen  wrote:
> On Jul 9, 2013, at 9:58 AM, John Baldwin  wrote:
> >> So this was just fixed (finally) in HEAD in r253048.  You can how use the
> >> sysctls to change this.
> > 
> > I saw the commit. Thanks! I'll give it a try at some point (whenever my
> > schedule and hardware availability align).
> is this supposed to work at the moment? When I try, the machine seems to
> crash:
> root@one:~ # sysctl sys.device.mlx4_core0.mlx4_port1=eth
> sys.device.mlx4_core0.mlx4_port1: auto (ib)
> Write failed: Broken pipe
> Shared connection to xxx closed.
> Unfortunately I don't have serial console access at the moment, so I can't
> access any messages that may have gotten dumped.
> The cards in question are:
> mlx4_core0@pci0:17:0:0:   class=0x028000 card=0x005015b3 chip=0x100315b3
> rev=0x00 hdr=0x00 vendor = 'Mellanox Technologies'
> device = 'MT27500 Family [ConnectX-3]'
> class  = network

I believe this should work, yes.  Getting a crashdump or the panic messages 
would be really helpful in figuring out why it isn't.  Thanks.

John Baldwin
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