Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread Julian Elischer

On 8/30/13 1:02 AM, David Chisnall wrote:

On 29 Aug 2013, at 15:57, John Baldwin  wrote:

   I have not seen any convincing
argument as to why leaving GCC in the base for 10.x impedes anything.
Because clang isn't sufficient for so many non-x86 platforms we can't
really start using clang-specific features yet anyway.

Apparently I haven't been good at communicating, so I'll try to here.  I 
apologise for ignoring this thread for the last week: I've been rather busy 
organising the DevSummit.  The notes for the sessions will be posted to various 
mailing lists soon (and summarised for a special status report), but since the 
ports and toolchain build sessions are already largely up you can check these 
on the wiki.  You'll notice that in both sessions the topic of removing gcc / 
libstdc++ was raised and there was no objection (not sure if it's in the notes, 
but there was a lot of support during the ports session from people who didn't 
want the pain of maintaining compatibility with gcc-in-base, and especially 
with g++/libstdc++ in base).

This is not a new plan, it is the plan that has been on the wiki and discussed 
at at least two DevSummits that I have attended before this week and probably 
others that I missed, as well as on various mailing lists and in IRC.

To summarise the current issues:

Our libstdc++ is ancient.  It supports C++98 well, it kind-of supports C++03.  
It doesn't support C++11 at all and never will, nor does it support C++14.  An 
increasing number of ports are depending on C++11, because it provides much 
cleaner syntax than C++98 and so these are being forced to depend on gcc46 or 
gcc47 to build.  Unfortunately, libstdc++ in ports is not ABI compatible with 
the libstdc++ that we ship, which causes library ABI versions.  This problem 
will only get worse over the coming years.  An increasing number of these ports 
do build with libc++ (since it's the only option on OS X / iOS - most do 
already and most of the fixes needed are just adding some inclusions since 
libc++ doesn't leak C headers as much as libstdc++), so defaulting to libc++ 
will reduce these problems over time.

Maintaining our libstdc++ is not a zero-effort operation.  We have to modify it 
whenever libc gains new features (e.g. POSIX2008 locales, new libm functions) 
and this requires developer time tracking down the new bugs (because the static 
configuration files no longer match the included headers) and fixing them.

Maintaining out gcc is also not a zero-effort operation.  Even though it is not 
the default compiler for amd64 or i386, we still have to add support for new 
instructions to them, even if we only want to use them in machine-dependent 
code on these architecture.

Our g++ in base can only work with libstdc++, not libc++.  This means that 
shipping gcc in 10.0 in base means that we'd be shipping two C++ compilers, 
which preferred different standard libraries, with incompatible ABIs.  This is 
setting us up for a world of pain.

When we enable LLDB during the 10.x timeframe (emaste has been working hard, 
but it's probably not quite ready for 10.0), it will have to link against both 
LLVM libraries and libc++ (as it uses C++11 and doesn't work with our libc++).  
This is a minor issue, as the only requirement here is that we switch to 
linking LLVM against libc++ instead of libstdc++, but it is an example of one 
more piece of code that won't build with our gcc that is in the base system 
(not yet enabled by default).  Clang 3.4 will not build with our gcc either 
(which will cause some bootstrapping problems that we'll have to address for 
people going from 9.x to 10.1, but the clang 3.3 in 9.2 should be useable as 
long as we tweak the build system to use clang and not cc for the bootstrap 

Lots of configure scripts will use gcc in preference to cc (or g++ in 
preference to c++) if they find them in the same place.  Many of these no 
longer work with our old gcc, but do work with clang, adding more effort to 
ports.  According to the test runs that bapt did at the DevSummit this week, we 
have more ports failing on 10 with gcc than on 10 with gcc removed.

Our gcc does not support the ARM EABI hard float variant.  I misspoke earlier 
when I thought it didn't support EABI at all, but it turns out that it's only 
the case for hard-float.  This is the ABI that we want to be using on pretty 
much all ARMv6 and newer systems, because a lot of ARM cores (such as the 
Cortex A8 in the Efika MX that the Foundation has paid for FreeBSD to be ported 
on to use as a demo ARM device) require a complete pipeline flush when moving 
between integer and floating point registers and the soft-float variant of the 
ABI puts all arguments in integer registers.  This means that a simple function 
that takes a rectangle (4 floating point values) as an argument will require 8 
pipeline flushes to call, which various Linux distributions have found is 
crippling for graphical applications.

We want to star

Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread David Chisnall
On 29 Aug 2013, at 18:44, John Baldwin  wrote:

> How does removing GCC from base change this?  I already deal with having
> 3 different GCC versions at work by building them from ports and building
> things with the right rpath, etc. so I am familiar with this, and having
> GCC in the base doesn't make that problem any worse.  In fact, I'd argue
> that this is an argument for not shipping an STL in the base system at all
> (though I'd be loathe to do that) if it is an argument for disabling GCC.

It means that you don't need to patch configure scripts to tell them to ignore 
gcc even if they find it.  Please talk to port maintainers about the amount of 
effort that they're being forced to put into this.  They'll still have to keep 
doing this until 9.x is EOL'd, but it would be nice if they could then stop, 
rather than having to wait for 10.x to also be EOL'd.

>> Maintaining our libstdc++ is not a zero-effort operation.  We have to modify 
> it whenever libc gains new features (e.g. POSIX2008 locales, new libm 
> functions) and this requires developer time tracking down the new bugs 
> (because the static configuration files no longer match the included headers) 
> and fixing them.
> Strictly speaking you do not have to modify it in all cases.  The recent 
> change to make it work with log10 does not appear to have been a requirement 
> to fix anything (at least judging from the log message).  There does seem to 
> have been about 10 changes to libstdc++ in the past year, though a few were 
> 2-3 line changes in config.h which isn't but so earth-shattering.

And each libc change that exposes anything that is used by libstdc++ goes 
through the same cycle:

- Commit
- Wait for bug reports
- Spend a few hours trying to work out why C++ programs are failing to run or 
compile in odd ways
- Commit a libstdc++ fix

And, once again, the people who are advocating for gcc to remain in the default 
install are not the ones doing this work.

> Also, unless you plan on desupporting all non-x86 platforms, you _still_
> have to do all this work while those platforms require GCC anyway.  Just
> turning off GCC on x86 doesn't change this problem one iota.  And that point
> is actually relevant to many of the other concerns you raised.  It's not at
> all clear what disabling GCC on x86 will buy you unless you are intending on
> short-changing support for GCC on non-x86.

It gives us a much cleaner deprecation strategy.  Ports on tier-2 are best 
effort.  We don't need to be quite as careful to ensure that they build with 
the base system compiler on tier-2 architectures.  We don't make as strong 
guarantees about compatibility on tier-2 architectures, so removing gcc from 
their build at some point over the next five years is fine, but this is not the 
case for tier 1 architectures, where we can be reasonably expected to support 
anything that is in the base system for the next five years.  

If we remove it from the default install now, users don't expect it to keep 
working for the lifetime of the 10.x branch.  If we leave it in, then they do.  
If tier-2 architectures are still using it for 10.0, that's fine, because users 
of tier-2 architectures don't expect everything to remain stable over the span 
of a release.  

ARM is technically Tier-2, but for the purpose of this I'm including modern ARM 
platforms (i.e. things like the Efika and Raspberry Pi, where we hope to get 
re@-supported images soon - by 10.1 if not by 10.0), but ARM EABI Hard-Float 
(the platform in question) is already supported by clang and so has the same 
level of support as x86.  

So let's be absolutely clear what we mean by non-x86:

- Old ARM (ARMv4/ARMv5), most commonly used in microcontrollers which don't 
have the power to run a full base system or arbitrary ports anyway.  

- MIPS, which is a few months of effort in LLVM to get completely working.  
LLVM on MIPS is already self-hosting and I'm currently chasing the remaining 
issues.  We are planning on releasing an open source MIPS64 implementation 
soon, and gcc will be the system compiler for the first release, but we'll be 
switching to clang very soon for that - long before 10.x goes EOL.  MIPS has 
other serious issues (for example, gdb doesn't work at all - it can't even find 
the memory regions that contain the binary) and our ld is too old to support 
several of the GOT-related optimisations required to build large programs, so 
gcc is the least of its concerns, toolchain-wise.  The MIPS binutils changes 
have not been upstreamed, so this is somewhat problematic as we don't have any 
useable toolchains for MIPS64, including gcc in base, for moderately-sized 
applications.  This should be addressed some time over the next 6-12 months by 
switching MIPS over to LLVM / MCLinker.  MIPS is perhaps the m
 ost important one because the new owners of MIPS are investing in LLVM quite 
heavily (they've been ramping up their LLVM development a lot over the last 
year even before the p

Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread David Chisnall
On 30 Aug 2013, at 08:18, Julian Elischer  wrote:

> As far as I'm concerned we can even slate it for
> "possible removal in 10.2-- if clang has proven up to the task"

I would be happy to ship gcc, as long as:

- It's explicitly marked as deprecated and due for removal at some point in the 
10.x timeframe.
- libstdc++ is gone (the amount of pain it's causing ports is phenomenal).


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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread Jonathan Anderson
On Friday, 30 August 2013 at 08:35, David Chisnall wrote:
> I would be happy to ship gcc, as long as:
> - It's explicitly marked as deprecated and due for removal at some point in 
> the 10.x timeframe.
> - libstdc++ is gone (the amount of pain it's causing ports is phenomenal).

Wouldn't this mean that we can't build base using the shipped-in-base g++? If 
we have C++ in base, we don't ship libstdc++ and g++ can't work with libc++, 
then people wanting to compile the base system with gcc/g++ will have to 
install a libstdc++ package.

I don't see how that's very different from requiring a gcc/g++ package.

Jonathan Anderson 

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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread David Chisnall
On 30 Aug 2013, at 08:56, Jonathan Anderson  wrote:

> Wouldn't this mean that we can't build base using the shipped-in-base g++? If 
> we have C++ in base, we don't ship libstdc++ and g++ can't work with libc++, 
> then people wanting to compile the base system with gcc/g++ will have to 
> install a libstdc++ package.

People wanting to build base with g++ will still have to explicitly enable the 
build of libstdc++, yes.  That's only really an issue for 10.0 though, because 
in 10.1 we won't be able to build clang (or lldb) with either g++ from base or 
our libstdc++ from base, as both use C++11 features.


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Re: xhci broken on 10-CURRENT and 2013 MacBook Air?

2013-08-30 Thread Lundberg, Johannes
Hi Hans

I tried the patch and the result is the same. However, I found the command
that causes the freeze. Also, it is not always it freezes but maybe 9/10
reboots or more frequently.

At the end of the function xhci_start_controller(..) there is a for loop:

487for (i = 0; i != 100; i++) {
488usb_pause_mtx(NULL, hz / 100);
489temp = XREAD4(sc, oper, XHCI_USBSTS) & XHCI_STS_HCH;
490if (!temp)

and it freezes at usb_pause_mtx(...)
value of i is 0
value of hz is 1000

Johannes Lundberg

On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 8:42 AM, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:

> On 08/30/13 08:09, Lundberg, Johannes wrote:
>> What I got so far is this;
>> USB driver from current stops after
>> xhci0: 32 byte context size
>> While driver from 9.1 continues to the next step which is
>> usbus0 on xhci0
>> xhci0: usbpf: Attached
>> ...
>> I can try adding some printf's in the code and see if I get some more..
> Hi,
> There are only a few commits to the xhci driver since 9.1 was releases, so
> this should be easy to figure out.
> I'm doing a wild guess. Can you try the attached patch. It will ensure
> that any BIOS generated interrupts get cleared before we reset the
> controller.
> --HPS
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Re: xhci broken on 10-CURRENT and 2013 MacBook Air?

2013-08-30 Thread Hans Petter Selasky

On 08/30/13 11:35, Lundberg, Johannes wrote:

Hi Hans

I tried the patch and the result is the same. However, I found the command
that causes the freeze. Also, it is not always it freezes but maybe 9/10
reboots or more frequently.

At the end of the function xhci_start_controller(..) there is a for loop:

487for (i = 0; i != 100; i++) {
488usb_pause_mtx(NULL, hz / 100);
489temp = XREAD4(sc, oper, XHCI_USBSTS) & XHCI_STS_HCH;
490if (!temp)

and it freezes at usb_pause_mtx(...)
value of i is 0
value of hz is 1000


Can you try the attached patch?

I think this is a problem inside DELAY(). Maybe you have to select 
another timing source for DELAY(), mav @ CC'ed?


=== sys/kern/kern_synch.c
--- sys/kern/kern_synch.c	(revision 254832)
+++ sys/kern/kern_synch.c	(local)
@@ -356,11 +356,8 @@
 pause_sbt(const char *wmesg, sbintime_t sbt, sbintime_t pr, int flags)
-	int sbt_sec;
+	KASSERT(sbt >= 0, ("pause: timeout must be >= 0"));
-	sbt_sec = sbintime_getsec(sbt);
-	KASSERT(sbt_sec >= 0, ("pause: timo must be >= 0"));
 	/* silently convert invalid timeouts */
 	if (sbt == 0)
 		sbt = tick_sbt;
@@ -370,11 +367,14 @@
 		 * We delay one second at a time to avoid overflowing the
 		 * system specific DELAY() function(s):
-		while (sbt_sec > 0) {
+		while (sbt >= SBT_1S) {
-			sbt_sec--;
+			sbt -= SBT_1S;
-		DELAY((sbt & 0x) / SBT_1US);
+		/* Do the delay remainder */
+		sbt /= SBT_1US;
+		if (sbt != 0)
+			DELAY(sbt);
 		return (0);
 	return (_sleep(&pause_wchan[curcpu], NULL, 0, wmesg, sbt, pr, flags));
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Shared object "" not found solution

2013-08-30 Thread biddut . mitra
# uname -a
FreeBSD RnD 10.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #0 r254766: Sat Aug 24 14:36:08 
BDT 2013 biddut@RnD:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386
# svn update /usr/src
Shared object "" not found, required by ""

 root@RnD:/usr/src # ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
root@RnD:/usr/src #
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Re: Shared object "" not found solution

2013-08-30 Thread Florent Peterschmitt
Le 30/08/2013 10:47, a écrit :
> # uname -a
> FreeBSD RnD 10.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #0 r254766: Sat Aug 24 14:36:08 
> BDT 2013 biddut@RnD:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386
> # svn update /usr/src
> Shared object "" not found, required by ""
> solution
>  root@RnD:/usr/src # ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

Uhu Ô.o That's *not* a solution, no more than a workaround, it's bad, it
hurts brains…

The real solution is to rebuild subversion.

Florent Peterschmitt   | Please:|  * Avoid HTML/RTF in E-mail.
+33 (0)6 64 33 97 92   |  * Send PDF for documents. |  * Trim your quotations. Really.
Proudly powered by Open Source | Thank you :)

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Re: Shared object "" not found solution

2013-08-30 Thread Florent Peterschmitt
Le 30/08/2013 13:38, Florent Peterschmitt a écrit :
> The real solution is to rebuild subversion.

Woops, it's to rebuild www/serf

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: xhci broken on 10-CURRENT and 2013 MacBook Air?

2013-08-30 Thread Lundberg, Johannes
Still got the same behaviour after applying the patch...

Johannes Lundberg

On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 12:13 PM, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:

> On 08/30/13 11:35, Lundberg, Johannes wrote:
>> Hi Hans
>> I tried the patch and the result is the same. However, I found the command
>> that causes the freeze. Also, it is not always it freezes but maybe 9/10
>> reboots or more frequently.
>> At the end of the function xhci_start_controller(..) there is a for loop:
>> 487for (i = 0; i != 100; i++) {
>> 488usb_pause_mtx(NULL, hz / 100);
>> 489temp = XREAD4(sc, oper, XHCI_USBSTS) & XHCI_STS_HCH;
>> 490if (!temp)
>> 491break;
>> 492}
>> and it freezes at usb_pause_mtx(...)
>> value of i is 0
>> value of hz is 1000
> Hi,
> Can you try the attached patch?
> I think this is a problem inside DELAY(). Maybe you have to select another
> timing source for DELAY(), mav @ CC'ed?
> --HPS
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Re: xhci broken on 10-CURRENT and 2013 MacBook Air?

2013-08-30 Thread Hans Petter Selasky

On 08/30/13 13:54, Lundberg, Johannes wrote:

Still got the same behaviour after applying the patch...

Johannes Lundberg

I've seen something similar with my mac, that the boot menu counter is 
not always counting stable. I think this problem is inside the following 
function, if you say that the code is stuck inside pause():


Maybe you can try this patch instead. Just apply it by hand:

=== sys/x86/isa/clock.c
--- sys/x86/isa/clock.c (revision 254832)
+++ sys/x86/isa/clock.c (local)
@@ -262,6 +262,7 @@
timecounter_get_t *func;
uint64_t end, freq, now;
u_int last, mask, u;
+   int overflow = 0;

tc = timecounter;
freq = atomic_load_acq_64(&tsc_freq);
@@ -281,6 +282,11 @@
last = func(tc) & mask;
do {
+   if (--overflow == 0) {
+   printf("DELAY overflow\n");
+   break;
+   }
u = func(tc) & mask;
if (u < last)
@@ -304,6 +310,7 @@
 DELAY(int n)
int delta, prev_tick, tick, ticks_left;
+   int overflow = 0;
int getit_calls = 1;
int n1;
@@ -365,6 +372,10 @@
 / 100;

while (ticks_left > 0) {
+   if (--overflow == 0) {
+   printf("DELAY overflow\n");
+   break;
+   }
 #ifdef KDB
if (kdb_active) {
 #ifdef PC98

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Re: Shared object "" not found solution

2013-08-30 Thread Adrian Chadd
... well, this is why Peter committed svnlite to -HEAD. To avoid this kind
of not-easy-to-recover-from breakage..

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Re: xhci broken on 10-CURRENT and 2013 MacBook Air?

2013-08-30 Thread Lundberg, Johannes
Hi Hans

I tried that too and no change... But, the variable overflow you
introduced, it is never increased, right? So, it will never become zero...

Johannes Lundberg

On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 2:26 PM, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:

> On 08/30/13 13:54, Lundberg, Johannes wrote:
>> Still got the same behaviour after applying the patch...
>> Johannes Lundberg
>> >
> I've seen something similar with my mac, that the boot menu counter is not
> always counting stable. I think this problem is inside the following
> function, if you say that the code is stuck inside pause():
> sys/x86/isa/clock.c:DELAY()
> Maybe you can try this patch instead. Just apply it by hand:
> === sys/x86/isa/clock.c
> ==**==**==
> --- sys/x86/isa/clock.c (revision 254832)
> +++ sys/x86/isa/clock.c (local)
> @@ -262,6 +262,7 @@
> timecounter_get_t *func;
> uint64_t end, freq, now;
> u_int last, mask, u;
> +   int overflow = 0;
> tc = timecounter;
> freq = atomic_load_acq_64(&tsc_freq);
> @@ -281,6 +282,11 @@
> sched_pin();
> last = func(tc) & mask;
> do {
> +   if (--overflow == 0) {
> +   printf("DELAY overflow\n");
> +   break;
> +   }
> +
> cpu_spinwait();
> u = func(tc) & mask;
> if (u < last)
> @@ -304,6 +310,7 @@
>  DELAY(int n)
>  {
> int delta, prev_tick, tick, ticks_left;
> +   int overflow = 0;
>  #ifdef DELAYDEBUG
> int getit_calls = 1;
> int n1;
> @@ -365,6 +372,10 @@
>  / 100;
> while (ticks_left > 0) {
> +   if (--overflow == 0) {
> +   printf("DELAY overflow\n");
> +   break;
> +   }
>  #ifdef KDB
> if (kdb_active) {
>  #ifdef PC98
> --HPS
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Default kern.ipc.shm_allow_removed to 1

2013-08-30 Thread George Liaskos
Would it be feasible to change the default for 10?

There is a lot of code that depends on the following behavior:

void* address = shmat(shmkey, NULL /* desired address */, 0 /* flags */);
// Here we mark the shared memory for deletion. Since we attached it in the
// line above, it doesn't actually get deleted but, if we crash, this means
// that the kernel will automatically clean it up for us.
shmctl(shmkey, IPC_RMID, 0);
if (address == kInvalidAddress)
  return NULL;

The above snip is from Google Chrome, under FreeBSD with the current
defaults that memory becomes unusable. If you don't follow that route
it becomes extremely difficult to cleanup especially in a beast like

>From what I understand PC-BSD defaults to 1, OpenBSD and Linux also
allow this behavior.

Am I missing something obvious here? It seems to me that the pragmatic
approach is to change this.

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Re: xhci broken on 10-CURRENT and 2013 MacBook Air?

2013-08-30 Thread Hans Petter Selasky

On 08/30/13 15:19, Lundberg, Johannes wrote:

Hi Hans

I tried that too and no change... But, the variable overflow you
introduced, it is never increased, right? So, it will never become zero...

It will become zero when it wraps. Maybe 2**32 is too long. You could 
add a printf while it is running, and see if it goes == 100 for example.


Johannes Lundberg

On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 2:26 PM, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:

On 08/30/13 13:54, Lundberg, Johannes wrote:

Still got the same behaviour after applying the patch...

Johannes Lundberg

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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread Tim Kientzle
I've been reading this thread and must confess that I'm a little confused
about what exactly is being discussed.

* I presume we've all agreed that "clang" is installed by default in FreeBSD-10.

* I presume everyone agrees that "cc" is "clang" in FreeBSD-10.

* There obviously needs to be a "gcc" command in FreeBSD-10, since "cc" and 
"gcc" are synonyms in so many people's finger-memory.

Is the debate here just a question of whether "gcc" is "clang" or "the *real* 

Would it be feasible to install GCC as "gcc42" or something
similar so people could still reach it regardless of what the "gcc"
alias pointed to?

On 30 Aug 2013, at 08:56, Jonathan Anderson  wrote:

> ... then people wanting to compile the base system with gcc/g++ ...

I'm still curious *why* some people want this?

Personally, I would rather compile the base system with the
*supported* compiler.  Today, on FreeBSD-CURRENT/x86
and FreeBSD-CURRENT/amd64, that is clang.

On Aug 30, 2013, at 12:18 AM, Julian Elischer  wrote:

> Clang is new. clang WILL HAVE BUGS.

Based on my own experience, I would put this rather differently:

  GCC and Clang are COMPILERS.
  Therefore, they have DIFFERENT BUGS.

This is why I worry about having "cc" and "gcc" be different


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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread Warner Losh
I had a long, rambling reply to this that corrected many of the factual errors 
made in it. But why bother. You have your world view, it doesn't match what 
people are doing today and this mismatch is going to cause people pain and 
suffering in the embedded world far beyond what you think. And you've shown an 
extreme reluctance to accept that your world view isn't quite right, and listen 
to people. This makes me sad, but I recognize a lost cause when I see it.

Do whatever the fuck you want, but it won't make your arguments right. And it 
won't keep me from saying I told you so when your optimistic timelines don't 
come to fruition, or the people processors you dismiss as being too weak to run 
a full FreeBSD (despite the fact they are doing it today) complain about the 
needless pain they are going through.


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Re: i915kms.ko not loading

2013-08-30 Thread Jean-Sébastien Pédron
On 29.08.2013 19:06, John Baldwin wrote:
> On Thursday, August 29, 2013 11:39:45 am Jean-Sébastien Pédron wrote:
>> On 29.08.2013 17:35, Alexander wrote:
>>> in sysctl:
>>> kern.coredump: 1
>>> kern.corefile: /var/coredumps/%U.%N.%P.core
>>> but coredump files not created.
> These control user process core dumps, not kernel crash dumps.

You're right, thanks for correcting my answer.

Jean-Sébastien Pédron

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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread Ian Lepore
On Fri, 2013-08-30 at 07:39 -0600, Warner Losh wrote:
> I had a long, rambling reply to this that corrected many of the factual 
> errors made in it. But why bother. You have your world view, it doesn't match 
> what people are doing today and this mismatch is going to cause people pain 
> and suffering in the embedded world far beyond what you think. And you've 
> shown an extreme reluctance to accept that your world view isn't quite right, 
> and listen to people. This makes me sad, but I recognize a lost cause when I 
> see it.
> Do whatever the fuck you want, but it won't make your arguments right. And it 
> won't keep me from saying I told you so when your optimistic timelines don't 
> come to fruition, or the people processors you dismiss as being too weak to 
> run a full FreeBSD (despite the fact they are doing it today) complain about 
> the needless pain they are going through.
> Warner

Actually, I have to put a +1 on this.  I also had a long reply full of
reality-based refutations of various "facts" from this thread, and I
also just deleted it because clearly the discussion has become

-- Ian

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Re: i915kms.ko not loading

2013-08-30 Thread Jean-Sébastien Pédron
On 29.08.2013 19:51, Alexander wrote:
> I have swapinfo on zfs partition

I always heard that swap on ZFS is asking for trouble, because ZFS loves
to use memory. So when the system is using swap space, ZFS has more work
and therefore wants more RAM, whici is unavailable.

Furthermore, I'm not sure if kernel core dumping on swap on ZFS is
supported at all. The following discussion on the forum suggests it's
not possible:

Can you plug another driver and setup swap on it? A USB drive/key should
be fine.

Jean-Sébastien Pédron

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: xhci broken on 10-CURRENT and 2013 MacBook Air?

2013-08-30 Thread Lundberg, Johannes
I added printf at every 100,000th iteration in both locations but I didn't
get any output at all.. Seems it stuck in some other place.

During my test I actually passed that stage a couple of times but still the
xhci_do_command times out and I get the mountroot> prompt With the 9.1
driver I never get either of the errors.

Johannes Lundberg

On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 3:32 PM, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:

> On 08/30/13 15:19, Lundberg, Johannes wrote:
>> Hi Hans
>> I tried that too and no change... But, the variable overflow you
>> introduced, it is never increased, right? So, it will never become zero...
> It will become zero when it wraps. Maybe 2**32 is too long. You could add
> a printf while it is running, and see if it goes == 100 for example.
> --HPS
>  Johannes Lundberg
>> >
>> On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 2:26 PM, Hans Petter Selasky > >wrote:
>>  On 08/30/13 13:54, Lundberg, Johannes wrote:
>>>  Still got the same behaviour after applying the patch...

 Johannes Lundberg

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Re: xhci broken on 10-CURRENT and 2013 MacBook Air?

2013-08-30 Thread Hans Petter Selasky

On 08/30/13 15:53, Lundberg, Johannes wrote:

I added printf at every 100,000th iteration in both locations but I didn't
get any output at all.. Seems it stuck in some other place.

During my test I actually passed that stage a couple of times but still the
xhci_do_command times out and I get the mountroot> prompt With the 9.1
driver I never get either of the errors.

Johannes Lundberg


If you have a git checkout of the FreeBSD source tree, you can try 
stripping away patches for xhci*.[ch] only, since end of December 2012. 
The 9- and 10- XHCI code should be almost the same, except for the 
streams mode support. Here is a list of patches you can try to revert if 
I get it right:

commit 2969ec61bfd9be3fdcaa50432755d24df345874d
Author: hselasky 
Date:   Fri Jul 26 06:24:33 2013 +

MFC r253532:

Fix an XHCI regression:

The Block Event Interrupts, BEI, feature does not
work like expected with the Renesas XHCI chipsets.
Revert feature.

While at it correct the TD SIZE computation in
case of Zero Length Packet, ZLP, in the end of a
multi frame USB transfer.

PR: usb/180726
Approved by:re, hrs

commit 7dbeb07e555c5e9649fac8079a4b3bcdd57b2cfc
Author: hselasky 
Date:   Tue Jun 11 06:18:51 2013 +

MFC r251249, r251251, r251252, r2512, r251254 and r251515:
Correct XHCI DMA descriptor programming.
Correct maximum IRQ rate.

commit 1941cac2597eea224c9e0e76a789692dfa8dda91
Author: marius 
Date:   Sat Mar 9 02:36:32 2013 +

MFC: r227309 (partial)

Mark all SYSCTL_NODEs static that have no corresponding SYSCTL_DECLs.

The SYSCTL_NODE macro defines a list that stores all child-elements of
that node. If there's no SYSCTL_DECL macro anywhere else, there's no
reason why it shouldn't be static.

commit 9b2efd37b6d3afb84b234348094adf8cc533e2c6
Author: hselasky 
Date:   Wed Feb 6 11:08:11 2013 +

MFC r246113 and r246126:
Add missing NULL pointer check.

Reported by:  Lars Engels

commit 63af294dc7c2db6a120eba9cec16fabec13aeec1
Author: hselasky 
Date:   Mon Jan 21 07:25:38 2013 +

MFC r245132 and r245175:
Optimise the XHCI interrupt handling.
This patch will save CPU time when the XHCI interrupt is
shared with other devices.
Only check event rings when interrupt bits are set.
Otherwise would indicate hiding possible hardware fault(s).

Tested by:  sos @
Submitted by:   sos @

commit fa4f2cf0b90d6c5ce9eca2417e200fb693d6f239
Author: hselasky 
Date:   Mon Jan 21 07:22:45 2013 +

MFC r243780:
- Add support for Etron EJ168 USB 3.0 Host Controllers.
This brand of controllers expects that the number of
contexts specified in the input slot context points
to an active endpoint context, else it refuses to

- Wrap one or two long lines.

Tested by:  Markus Pfeiffer (DragonFlyBSD)

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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread Boris Samorodov
30.08.2013 11:33, David Chisnall пишет:

> The time to raise objections for this was when the plan was originally raised 
> over a year ago

David, can you please point me to the original plan with gcc removal at
10.x? (I do remember only a plan to make clang the default compiler, but
I may be wrong here)

WBR, Boris Samorodov (bsam)
FreeBSD Committer, The Power To Serve
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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread Nathan Whitehorn
On 08/30/13 00:35, David Chisnall wrote:
> On 30 Aug 2013, at 08:18, Julian Elischer  wrote:
>> As far as I'm concerned we can even slate it for
>> "possible removal in 10.2-- if clang has proven up to the task"
> I would be happy to ship gcc, as long as:
> - It's explicitly marked as deprecated and due for removal at some point in 
> the 10.x timeframe.
> - libstdc++ is gone (the amount of pain it's causing ports is phenomenal).

So the real driver here is switching to libc++. Is there really no way
at all to use it with gcc? If, even with hacking, we could arrange that
to work then it seems that all of our problems would go away.
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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread David Chisnall
On 30 Aug 2013, at 15:41, John Baldwin  wrote:

> So my take away from this is that you have no plans to support any platform 
> that
> doesn't support clang as you just expect ia64 and sparc64 to die and not be
> present in 11.0.  That may be the best path, but I've certainly not seen that
> goal discussed publically.

I expect that platforms that don't have support from clang or some external 
toolchain will die.  If people care about IA64, then getting Intel's compiler 
working as an external toolchain would probably be a good idea (it generates 
vastly better code than gcc).  If people care about SPARC64, then either gcc 
from ports as an external toolchain, or finishing up the SPARC64 back end in 
LLVM are options.  Finishing the SPARC64 back end is not that much effort (it's 
probably a couple of person-months of work - getting the calling conventions 
right does require some small tweaks to LLVM IR that I think someone's working 
on), but it hasn't been done because no one appears to care quite enough to 
make it a priority.

>>> Don't get me wrong, I don't love GCC per se, and on my laptop I've hacked
>>> the relevant ports so that everything is built with clang.  I would also
>>> love to be able to build the base system with GCC 47 instead of 42, it just
>>> doesn't seem that we are there yet.
>> The time to raise objections for this was when the plan was originally 
>> raised over a year ago, or at any of the points when it's been discussed in 
> between.  It is not after we're ready to flip the switch.
> So I think the crux of the issue might be this:
> I have no doubt that this has been discussed extensively on toolchain@ and in
> toolchain-specific devsummit sessions.  The proposal to disable GCC by default
> does not appear to have been discussed in a wider audience from what I can
> tell.  (I can't find any relevant threads on arch@ or current@ prior to this
> one.)  While this is a toolchain-specific decision, it is a very broad
> decision.  Also, we aren't here because of a new thread started intentionally
> to say "Hey, we as the toolchain folks think we should disable GCC by default
> on 10 for x86".  Instead, we started off in a thread about adding AES
> instructions to our binutils and out of left field there is an e-mail of
> "Oh, don't bother cause I'm disabling GCC next week" (paraphrase).  Can you
> appreciate at all that this is a total surprise to people who aren't
> subscribed to toolchain@ and haven't been to a toolchain session at a 
> devsummit and that this looks like a drive-by change?

Yes, we certainly could have communicated this better.  I was under the 
impression that this was widespread common knowledge and something I've 
personally discussed with various people including ports people on several 
occasions.  I would have made the commit a couple of months ago, but getting 
the ports infrastructure back up to a state where it's easy to test has been a 
blocker there.  

If removing gcc from the standard install is going to cause major pain for 
people, then we can leave it in for 10.0.  I'm currently doing a make tinderbox 
on the removal patch, modified to leave gcc in, and only remove libstdc++, 
which is something that we definitely need to do because it's causing an amount 
of pain that is only going to increase.  I have no plans to make anything in 
the base system (other than clang itself, when 3.4 is imported) depend on 
libc++-only features (I'd love to do it for dtc, but it has to run on embedded 
platforms that are going to be stuck with libstdc++ in base for a while - at 
least a year, and that's if we're lucky).  

Anyway, Ian has reminded me that I'm getting stuck in sidetracks, so here's an 
executive summary of what I'm ACTUALLY proposing:

- On platforms where clang is cc, don't build libstdc++, make libc++ the 
default.  Provide libstdc++ from base as a 9-compat package.

- On platforms where clang is cc, don't build gcc by default (I've already 
agreed not to commit this part, since it seems very controversial, although I'd 
like to better understand why it is so)

- On platforms where clang is cc, allow building libstdc++ by setting the 

- On platforms where clang is cc, allow building gcc by setting the WITH_GCCflag

- On platforms where clang is not cc, leave gcc as the default system compiler

- On platforms where clang is not cc, leave libstdc++ as the default system 
STL, but encourage ports to start depending explicitly on ports-libstdc++ so 
that they don't suffer from ABI mismatch issues.

If your workflow depends on gcc on a clang-is-cc platform, then you are free to 
install it.
If your workflow depends on libstdc++ on a clang-is-cc platform, then you are 
free to install it, clang will still use it if you specify -stdlib=libstdc++.
If your workflow depends on gcc or libstdc++ on any other platform, you will 
see no difference.
If you need to test whether building the base system or kernel with gcc fixes 

Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread David Chisnall
On 30 Aug 2013, at 15:53, Nathan Whitehorn  wrote:

> So the real driver here is switching to libc++. Is there really no way
> at all to use it with gcc? If, even with hacking, we could arrange that
> to work then it seems that all of our problems would go away.

If we can make our g++ compile C++11 code, then we can compile libc++ with g++. 
 This support requires significant modifications to the parser (it adds a 
second Turing-complete compile-time language, for one...) and so retrofitting 
C++11 support to g++ 4.2.1 is not going to happen.  It's taken upstream gcc a 
couple of years to get to the required level of support.  We don't have the 
manpower to replicate this.


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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread John Baldwin
Only a few comments in reply to avoid banging my head against a brick wall and 
then I'm done:

On Friday, August 30, 2013 3:33:21 am David Chisnall wrote:
> On 29 Aug 2013, at 18:44, John Baldwin  wrote:
> > Also, unless you plan on desupporting all non-x86 platforms, you _still_
> > have to do all this work while those platforms require GCC anyway.  Just
> > turning off GCC on x86 doesn't change this problem one iota.  And that point
> > is actually relevant to many of the other concerns you raised.  It's not at
> > all clear what disabling GCC on x86 will buy you unless you are intending on
> > short-changing support for GCC on non-x86.
> It gives us a much cleaner deprecation strategy.  Ports on tier-2 are best 
> effort.  We don't need to be quite as careful to ensure that they build 
with the base system compiler on tier-2 architectures.  We don't make as strong 
guarantees about compatibility on tier-2 architectures, so removing 
gcc from their build at some point over the next five years is fine, but this 
is not the case for tier 1 architectures, where we can be reasonably 
expected to support anything that is in the base system for the next five 

> [snip]

So my take away from this is that you have no plans to support any platform that
doesn't support clang as you just expect ia64 and sparc64 to die and not be
present in 11.0.  That may be the best path, but I've certainly not seen that
goal discussed publically.

> > Don't get me wrong, I don't love GCC per se, and on my laptop I've hacked
> > the relevant ports so that everything is built with clang.  I would also
> > love to be able to build the base system with GCC 47 instead of 42, it just
> > doesn't seem that we are there yet.
> The time to raise objections for this was when the plan was originally raised 
> over a year ago, or at any of the points when it's been discussed in 
between.  It is not after we're ready to flip the switch.

So I think the crux of the issue might be this:

I have no doubt that this has been discussed extensively on toolchain@ and in
toolchain-specific devsummit sessions.  The proposal to disable GCC by default
does not appear to have been discussed in a wider audience from what I can
tell.  (I can't find any relevant threads on arch@ or current@ prior to this
one.)  While this is a toolchain-specific decision, it is a very broad
decision.  Also, we aren't here because of a new thread started intentionally
to say "Hey, we as the toolchain folks think we should disable GCC by default
on 10 for x86".  Instead, we started off in a thread about adding AES
instructions to our binutils and out of left field there is an e-mail of
"Oh, don't bother cause I'm disabling GCC next week" (paraphrase).  Can you
appreciate at all that this is a total surprise to people who aren't
subscribed to toolchain@ and haven't been to a toolchain session at a 
devsummit and that this looks like a drive-by change?

John Baldwin
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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread Matthew Fleming
On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 6:47 AM, Ian Lepore  wrote:

> On Fri, 2013-08-30 at 07:39 -0600, Warner Losh wrote:
> > I had a long, rambling reply to this that corrected many of the factual
> errors made in it. But why bother. You have your world view, it doesn't
> match what people are doing today and this mismatch is going to cause
> people pain and suffering in the embedded world far beyond what you think.
> And you've shown an extreme reluctance to accept that your world view isn't
> quite right, and listen to people. This makes me sad, but I recognize a
> lost cause when I see it.
> >
> > Do whatever the fuck you want, but it won't make your arguments right.
> And it won't keep me from saying I told you so when your optimistic
> timelines don't come to fruition, or the people processors you dismiss as
> being too weak to run a full FreeBSD (despite the fact they are doing it
> today) complain about the needless pain they are going through.
> >
> > Warner
> Actually, I have to put a +1 on this.  I also had a long reply full of
> reality-based refutations of various "facts" from this thread, and I
> also just deleted it because clearly the discussion has become
> pointless.

I don't really have any skin in this game; the vendor I work for uses x86
hardware, and we're not ready to be running on FreeBSD 10 yet.  But as an
"old guy" I really don't see why we'd change the plan of record so late.
 Nor do I think prioritizing ports over the base system on alternate
architectures is the right play -- there's a lot of vendors who use FreeBSD
on !x86.  And there's a lot of vendors who don't use very many ports.

And there's a lot of vendors putting money into the FreeBSD foundation, and
into the hands of FreeBSD committers, to make it better.  Vendors who,
while it would be painful to switch, do have a choice of which OS to build
their product around.

Just my 2c.  Actual value may differ.

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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread Steve Kargl
On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 08:33:21AM +0100, David Chisnall wrote:
> On 29 Aug 2013, at 18:44, John Baldwin  wrote:
> > default every time, that we're telling people not to use, won't help with 
> > that...
> > 
> > This is your worst argument as clang is known to take far longer than GCC
> > to build. :)
> Not really.  Clang + gcc takes longer to build than just clang.

Building gcc is in the noise.  I've sent you number on this.
John is correct.  It takes much much longer to buildworld 
with clang.

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gobject-introspection-1.36.0_1 problem compiling causing xorg to fail

2013-08-30 Thread biddut . mitra
  CC   gthash_test-gthash-test.o
  CCLD gthash-test
  CC   gi_dump_types-gdump.o
  CC   gi_dump_types-gi-dump-types.o
  CCLD gi-dump-types
  CC   glib_print-glib-print.o
  CCLD glib-print
  GEN  g-ir-scanner
  GEN  g-ir-annotation-tool
  GISCAN GLib-2.0.gir
ERROR:root:code for hash md5 was not found.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 139, in 
    globals()[__func_name] = __get_hash(__func_name)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 91, in __get_builtin_construc
    raise ValueError('unsupported hash type ' + name)
ValueError: unsupported hash type md5
ERROR:root:code for hash sha1 was not found.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 139, in 
    globals()[__func_name] = __get_hash(__func_name)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 91, in __get_builtin_construc
    raise ValueError('unsupported hash type ' + name)
ValueError: unsupported hash type sha1
ERROR:root:code for hash sha224 was not found.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 139, in 
    globals()[__func_name] = __get_hash(__func_name)
 File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 91, in __get_builtin_construc
    raise ValueError('unsupported hash type ' + name)
ValueError: unsupported hash type sha224
ERROR:root:code for hash sha256 was not found.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 139, in 
    globals()[__func_name] = __get_hash(__func_name)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 91, in __get_builtin_construc
    raise ValueError('unsupported hash type ' + name)
ValueError: unsupported hash type sha256
ERROR:root:code for hash sha384 was not found.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 139, in 
    globals()[__func_name] = __get_hash(__func_name)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 91, in __get_builtin_construc
    raise ValueError('unsupported hash type ' + name)
ValueError: unsupported hash type sha384
ERROR:root:code for hash sha512 was not found.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 139, in 
    globals()[__func_name] = __get_hash(__func_name)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 91, in __get_builtin_construc
    raise ValueError('unsupported hash type ' + name)
ValueError: unsupported hash type sha512
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./g-ir-scanner", line 46, in 
  File "./giscanner/", line 443, in scanner_main
    transformer = create_transformer(namespace, options)
  File "./giscanner/", line 318, in create_transformer
  File "./giscanner/", line 52, in __init__
    self._cachestore = CacheStore()
  File "./giscanner/", line 81, in __init__
  File "./giscanner/", line 87, in _check_cache_version
    current_hash = _get_versionhash()
  File "./giscanner/", line 41, in _get_versionhash
    return hashlib.sha1(''.join(mtimes)).hexdigest()
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'sha1'
gmake[14]: *** [GLib-2.0.gir] Error 1
gmake[14]: Leaving directory 
gmake[13]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gmake[13]: Leaving directory `/usr/ports/devel/gobject-introspection/work/gobjec
gmake[12]: *** [all] Error 2
gmake[12]: Leaving directory `/usr/ports/devel/gobject-introspection/work/gobjec
*** Error code 1

make[11]: stopped in /usr/ports/devel/gobject-introspection
*** Error code 1

make[10]: stopped in /usr/ports/sysutils/polkit
*** Error code 1

make[9]: stopped in /usr/ports/sysutils/polkit
*** Error code 1

make[8]: stopped in /usr/ports/sysutils/consolekit
*** Error code 1

make[7]: stopped in /usr/ports/sysutils/hal
*** Error code 1

make[6]: stopped in /usr/ports/sysutils/hal
*** Error code 1

make[5]: stopped in /usr/ports/x11-servers/xorg-server
*** Error code 1

make[4]: stopped in /usr/ports/x11-servers/xorg-server
*** Error code 1

make[3]: stopped in /usr/ports/x11-drivers/xf86-input-mouse
*** Error code 1

make[2]: stopped in /usr/ports/x11-drivers/xorg-drivers
*** Error code 1

make[1]: stopped in /usr/ports/x11-drivers/xorg-drivers
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/ports/x11/xorg
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2013 MacBook Air Project

2013-08-30 Thread Lundberg, Johannes

I thought I'd give a progress report on running FreeBSD 10 on a MacBook Air
11" 2013 model.

- Added device ID to device list. Should be committed to head already.
- Failed to write partition table due to weird characters at the end in the
SSD's identifier key. Solved by ugly hack (cutting off the ident string in
the middle), fix not committed.

- No problem when booting from usb memory stick. However, have to disable
smp in /boot/loader.conf with kern.smp.disabled="1" to boot from the SSD.

- Reverted sys/dev/usb/controller/xhci* to 243780 to make it work.

- Seems like this one is gonna be difficult due to Broadcom's proprietary

- Thunderbolt adapter works fine but hot-plugging not supported so you need
to connect it before booting.

- Added device to usbdevs and ng_ubt.c. Device is recognised and ubt0
created but when running "service bluetooth start ubt0" I get "Unable to
setup Bluetooth stack for device ubt0". Works fine with other generic
bluetooth 4.0 usb dongle. No debugging done.

Will install Xorg next week so report about that coming later.

Best Regards

Johannes Lundberg
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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 11:11 AM, David Chisnall wrote:

> On 30 Aug 2013, at 15:41, John Baldwin  wrote:
> > So my take away from this is that you have no plans to support any
> platform that
> > doesn't support clang as you just expect ia64 and sparc64 to die and not
> be
> > present in 11.0.  That may be the best path, but I've certainly not seen
> that
> > goal discussed publically.
> I expect that platforms that don't have support from clang or some
> external toolchain will die.  If people care about IA64, then getting
> Intel's compiler working as an external toolchain would probably be a good
> idea (it generates vastly better code than gcc).  If people care about
> SPARC64, then either gcc from ports as an external toolchain, or finishing
> up the SPARC64 back end in LLVM are options.  Finishing the SPARC64 back
> end is not that much effort (it's probably a couple of person-months of
> work - getting the calling conventions right does require some small tweaks
> to LLVM IR that I think someone's working on), but it hasn't been done
> because no one appears to care quite enough to make it a priority.
> >>> Don't get me wrong, I don't love GCC per se, and on my laptop I've
> hacked
> >>> the relevant ports so that everything is built with clang.  I would
> also
> >>> love to be able to build the base system with GCC 47 instead of 42, it
> just
> >>> doesn't seem that we are there yet.
> >>
> >> The time to raise objections for this was when the plan was originally
> raised over a year ago, or at any of the points when it's been discussed in
> > between.  It is not after we're ready to flip the switch.
> >
> > So I think the crux of the issue might be this:
> >
> > I have no doubt that this has been discussed extensively on toolchain@and in
> > toolchain-specific devsummit sessions.  The proposal to disable GCC by
> default
> > does not appear to have been discussed in a wider audience from what I
> can
> > tell.  (I can't find any relevant threads on arch@ or current@ prior to
> this
> > one.)  While this is a toolchain-specific decision, it is a very broad
> > decision.  Also, we aren't here because of a new thread started
> intentionally
> > to say "Hey, we as the toolchain folks think we should disable GCC by
> default
> > on 10 for x86".  Instead, we started off in a thread about adding AES
> > instructions to our binutils and out of left field there is an e-mail of
> > "Oh, don't bother cause I'm disabling GCC next week" (paraphrase).  Can
> you
> > appreciate at all that this is a total surprise to people who aren't
> > subscribed to toolchain@ and haven't been to a toolchain session at a
> > devsummit and that this looks like a drive-by change?
> Yes, we certainly could have communicated this better.  I was under the
> impression that this was widespread common knowledge and something I've
> personally discussed with various people including ports people on several
> occasions.  I would have made the commit a couple of months ago, but
> getting the ports infrastructure back up to a state where it's easy to test
> has been a blocker there.
> If removing gcc from the standard install is going to cause major pain for
> people, then we can leave it in for 10.0.  I'm currently doing a make
> tinderbox on the removal patch, modified to leave gcc in, and only remove
> libstdc++, which is something that we definitely need to do because it's
> causing an amount of pain that is only going to increase.  I have no plans
> to make anything in the base system (other than clang itself, when 3.4 is
> imported) depend on libc++-only features (I'd love to do it for dtc, but it
> has to run on embedded platforms that are going to be stuck with libstdc++
> in base for a while - at least a year, and that's if we're lucky).
> Anyway, Ian has reminded me that I'm getting stuck in sidetracks, so
> here's an executive summary of what I'm ACTUALLY proposing:
> - On platforms where clang is cc, don't build libstdc++, make libc++ the
> default.  Provide libstdc++ from base as a 9-compat package.
> - On platforms where clang is cc, don't build gcc by default (I've already
> agreed not to commit this part, since it seems very controversial, although
> I'd like to better understand why it is so)
> - On platforms where clang is cc, allow building libstdc++ by setting the
> - On platforms where clang is cc, allow building gcc by setting the
> WITH_GCCflag
> - On platforms where clang is not cc, leave gcc as the default system
> compiler
> - On platforms where clang is not cc, leave libstdc++ as the default
> system STL, but encourage ports to start depending explicitly on
> ports-libstdc++ so that they don't suffer from ABI mismatch issues.
> If your workflow depends on gcc on a clang-is-cc platform, then you are
> free to install it.
> If your workflow depends on libstdc++ on a clang-is-cc platform, then you
> are free to install it, clang will still use it if you specify
> -std

Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread Steve Kargl
On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 06:38:41AM -0700, Tim Kientzle wrote:
> On 30 Aug 2013, at 08:56, Jonathan Anderson  wrote:
> > ... then people wanting to compile the base system with gcc/g++ ...
> I'm still curious *why* some people want this?

Buildworld completes in 1/4th the amount of time
with gcc and it consumes much less memory.

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Re: i915kms.ko not loading

2013-08-30 Thread John-Mark Gurney
Jean-Sbastien Pdron wrote this message on Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 15:50 +0200:
> On 29.08.2013 19:51, Alexander wrote:
> > I have swapinfo on zfs partition
> I always heard that swap on ZFS is asking for trouble, because ZFS loves
> to use memory. So when the system is using swap space, ZFS has more work
> and therefore wants more RAM, whici is unavailable.
> Furthermore, I'm not sure if kernel core dumping on swap on ZFS is
> supported at all. The following discussion on the forum suggests it's
> not possible:
> Can you plug another driver and setup swap on it? A USB drive/key should
> be fine.

You don't need to use a swap device to dump to it... You can just set
up the USB drive as the dump device only...

  John-Mark Gurney  Voice: +1 415 225 5579

 "All that I will do, has been done, All that I have, has not."
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Re: i915kms.ko not loading

2013-08-30 Thread Alexander
30.08.2013 20:11, John-Mark Gurney пишет:
> Jean-Sbastien Pdron wrote this message on Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 15:50 +0200:
>> On 29.08.2013 19:51, Alexander wrote:
>>> I have swapinfo on zfs partition
>> I always heard that swap on ZFS is asking for trouble, because ZFS loves
>> to use memory. So when the system is using swap space, ZFS has more work
>> and therefore wants more RAM, whici is unavailable.
>> Furthermore, I'm not sure if kernel core dumping on swap on ZFS is
>> supported at all. The following discussion on the forum suggests it's
>> not possible:
>> Can you plug another driver and setup swap on it? A USB drive/key should
>> be fine.
> You don't need to use a swap device to dump to it... You can just set
> up the USB drive as the dump device only...
I created the coredump files after create swap on new disk.
But size very large.
Where can I upload these files.

ls -lah /var/crash
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 2B Aug 30 20:27 bounds
-rw--- 1 root wheel 480B Aug 30 20:27 info.0
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 6B Aug 30 20:27 info.last -> info.0
-r--r--r-- 1 root wheel 5B Jul 19 2010 minfree
-rw--- 1 root wheel 450M Aug 30 20:27 vmcore.0
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 8B Aug 30 20:27 vmcore.last -> vmcore.0
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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread Anton Shterenlikht
>Subject: Re: GCC withdraw
>From: Warner Losh 
>Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 10:00:19 -0600

> Gcc is still an absolute requirement on all non-x86 platforms (including arm) 
> due to the issues with clang. Some of these issues are bugs in specific 
> things (arm) that keep coming up (and keep getting fixed), while others are 
> more severe (sparc64 has no clang support,

and don't forget ia64

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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread Slawa Olhovchenkov
On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 04:11:08PM +0100, David Chisnall wrote:

> Anyway, Ian has reminded me that I'm getting stuck in sidetracks, so here's 
> an executive summary of what I'm ACTUALLY proposing:
> - On platforms where clang is cc, don't build libstdc++, make libc++ the 
> default.  Provide libstdc++ from base as a 9-compat package.
> - On platforms where clang is cc, don't build gcc by default (I've already 
> agreed not to commit this part, since it seems very controversial, although 
> I'd like to better understand why it is so)

And remember about breaking firewire+clang
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Re: i915kms.ko not loading

2013-08-30 Thread Jean-Sébastien Pédron

Le 30/08/2013 19:45, Alexander a écrit :

I created the coredump files after create swap on new disk.
But size very large.

Great! Could you please run:
  kgdb /boot/kernel/kernel /var/crash/vmcore.0

And, at gdb prompt:

Then send the whole output (from the moment you run "kgdb" to the end of 
"bt" output) and your /var/log/messages file?

Jean-Sébastien Pédron
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Re: Default kern.ipc.shm_allow_removed to 1

2013-08-30 Thread John Baldwin
On Friday, August 30, 2013 9:30:09 am George Liaskos wrote:
> Would it be feasible to change the default for 10?
> There is a lot of code that depends on the following behavior:
> void* address = shmat(shmkey, NULL /* desired address */, 0 /* flags */);
> // Here we mark the shared memory for deletion. Since we attached it in the
> // line above, it doesn't actually get deleted but, if we crash, this means
> // that the kernel will automatically clean it up for us.
> shmctl(shmkey, IPC_RMID, 0);
> if (address == kInvalidAddress)
>   return NULL;
> The above snip is from Google Chrome, under FreeBSD with the current
> defaults that memory becomes unusable. If you don't follow that route
> it becomes extremely difficult to cleanup especially in a beast like
> Chrome.
> From what I understand PC-BSD defaults to 1, OpenBSD and Linux also
> allow this behavior.
> Am I missing something obvious here? It seems to me that the pragmatic
> approach is to change this.

Hmm, I can see why that is useful though it seems to violate POSIX.  This 
claims that IPC_RMID should delete the segment immediately (which does not 
seem useful):

John Baldwin
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Re: 2013 MacBook Air Project

2013-08-30 Thread Alfred Perlstein

This is so cool!

Do you have a repo on github with these patches?

On 8/30/13 9:25 AM, Lundberg, Johannes wrote:


I thought I'd give a progress report on running FreeBSD 10 on a MacBook Air
11" 2013 model.

- Added device ID to device list. Should be committed to head already.
- Failed to write partition table due to weird characters at the end in the
SSD's identifier key. Solved by ugly hack (cutting off the ident string in
the middle), fix not committed.

- No problem when booting from usb memory stick. However, have to disable
smp in /boot/loader.conf with kern.smp.disabled="1" to boot from the SSD.

- Reverted sys/dev/usb/controller/xhci* to 243780 to make it work.

- Seems like this one is gonna be difficult due to Broadcom's proprietary

- Thunderbolt adapter works fine but hot-plugging not supported so you need
to connect it before booting.

- Added device to usbdevs and ng_ubt.c. Device is recognised and ubt0
created but when running "service bluetooth start ubt0" I get "Unable to
setup Bluetooth stack for device ubt0". Works fine with other generic
bluetooth 4.0 usb dongle. No debugging done.

Will install Xorg next week so report about that coming later.

Best Regards

Johannes Lundberg
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Alfred Perlstein

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Re: 2013 MacBook Air Project

2013-08-30 Thread Lundberg, Johannes
Thanks :)

No github but I will attach the patches in this mail. Remember, the
diskgeom patch is a ugly hack

Johannes Lundberg

On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 11:38 PM, Alfred Perlstein  wrote:

> This is so cool!
> Do you have a repo on github with these patches?
> On 8/30/13 9:25 AM, Lundberg, Johannes wrote:
>> Hi
>> I thought I'd give a progress report on running FreeBSD 10 on a MacBook
>> Air
>> 11" 2013 model.
>> - Added device ID to device list. Should be committed to head already.
>> - Failed to write partition table due to weird characters at the end in
>> the
>> SSD's identifier key. Solved by ugly hack (cutting off the ident string in
>> the middle), fix not committed.
>> SMP
>> - No problem when booting from usb memory stick. However, have to disable
>> smp in /boot/loader.conf with kern.smp.disabled="1" to boot from the SSD.
>> USB
>> - Reverted sys/dev/usb/controller/xhci* to 243780 to make it work.
>> - Seems like this one is gonna be difficult due to Broadcom's proprietary
>> driver
>> - Thunderbolt adapter works fine but hot-plugging not supported so you
>> need
>> to connect it before booting.
>> - Added device to usbdevs and ng_ubt.c. Device is recognised and ubt0
>> created but when running "service bluetooth start ubt0" I get "Unable to
>> setup Bluetooth stack for device ubt0". Works fine with other generic
>> bluetooth 4.0 usb dongle. No debugging done.
>> Will install Xorg next week so report about that coming later.
>> Best Regards
>> Johannes Lundberg
>> >
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> --
> Alfred Perlstein

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