Re: head && auditdistd

2013-05-14 Thread Alexander Yerenkow
This is new (relatively) user which required in host machine when you make
Months ago I proposed to add check for existence of this user at begin of
any actions with sources (for example for interactive mode only, and
optional for build-, but mandatory for install- ).
But as it seems that just not happened, and more and more peoples are
stumbling at same missed user-thing.
Second thing, yes, would be good to have more information either in man or
in handbook about this user and else.

2013/5/14 Matthias Apitz 

> Hello,
> Today morning I wanted to make and install a fresh /head to an USB key
> for further distribution the usual way:
> ...
> # make installworld  DESTDIR=/mnt
> # make distrib-dirs  DESTDIR=/mnt
> # make distribution  DESTDIR=/mnt
> 'installworld' instructed me about the missing user 'auditdistd'; I have
> read what src/UPDATING says, but can't find any pointer to the man page
> of auditdistd(8) or in our handbook; with Don Google I got to know that I
> have to add this with something like
> # pw useradd -n auditdistd -g audit -c "Auditdistd unprivileged user" -d
> /var/empty -s /usr/sbin/nologin
> Can someone bring a bit light into this? Thanks in advance
> matthias
> --
> Sent from my FreeBSD netbook
> Matthias Apitz   |  - No system with backdoors like
> Apple/Android
> E-mail: |  - Never being an iSlave
> WWW: |  - No proprietary attachments, no HTML/RTF
> in E-mail
> phone: +49-170-4527211   |  - Respect for open standards
> ___
> mailing list
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Alexander Yerenkow
___ mailing list
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Re: files disappearing from ls on NFS

2013-05-14 Thread Hartmut Brandt
On Mon, 13 May 2013, Rick Macklem wrote:

RM>Hartmut Brandt wrote:
RM>> On Sun, 12 May 2013, Rick Macklem wrote:
RM>> RM>Hartmut Brandt wrote:
RM>> RM>> Hi,
RM>> RM>>
RM>> RM>> I've updated one of my -current machines this week (previous
RM>> update
RM>> RM>> was in
RM>> RM>> february). Now I see a strange effect (it seems only on NFS
RM>> mounts):
RM>> RM>> ls or
RM>> RM>> even echo * will list only some files (strange enough the first
RM>> files
RM>> RM>> from
RM>> RM>> the normal, alphabetically ordered list). If I change something
RM>> in the
RM>> RM>> directory (delete a file or create a new one) for some time the
RM>> RM>> complete
RM>> RM>> listing will appear but after sime time (seconds to a minute or
RM>> so)
RM>> RM>> again
RM>> RM>> only part of the files is listed.
RM>> RM>>
RM>> RM>> A ktrace on ls /usr/src/lib/libc/gen shows that getdirentries is
RM>> RM>> called
RM>> RM>> only once (returning 4096). For a full listing getdirentries is
RM>> called
RM>> RM>> 5
RM>> RM>> times with the last returning 0.
RM>> RM>>
RM>> RM>> I can still open files that are not listed if I know their name,
RM>> RM>> though.
RM>> RM>>
RM>> RM>> The NFS server is a Windows 2008 server with an OpenText NFS
RM>> Server
RM>> RM>> which
RM>> RM>> works without problems to all the other FreeBSD machines.
RM>> RM>>
RM>> RM>> So what could that be?
RM>> RM>>
RM>> RM>I've attached a patch that might be worth trying. It is a "shot in
RM>> the dark",
RM>> RM>but brings the new NFS client's readdir closer to the old one
RM>> (which you
RM>> RM>mentioned still works ok).
RM>> RM>
RM>> RM>Please let me know how it goes, if you have a chance to test it,
RM>> rick
RM>> Hi Rick,
RM>> the patch doesn't help.
RM>> I wrote a small test program, which opens a directory, calls
RM>> getdents(2)
RM>> in a loop and dumps that. I figured out, that the return of the system
RM>> call depends on the buffer size I pass to it. The directory has a
RM>> block
RM>> size of 4k according to fstat(2). If I use that, I get some 300 of the
RM>> almost 500 directory entries. If I use 8k, I get just around 200 and
RM>> if I
RM>> use 16k I get a handfull. If I dump the buffer in this case I see
RM>> 0x200
RM>> bytes filled with directory entries, then a lot of zeros and starting
RM>> from
RM>> 0x1000 again data. This is of course ignored because of the zeros
RM>> before.
RM>And for this case getdents(2) returned 16K? It is normal for getdents(2)
RM>to return less than requested and when end of dir occurs, it should return 0.
RM>But if it returns 16K, there shouldn't be zeroed space in the middle of
RM>And this always occurs or only after you wait a while? (You noted in the
RM>above description that it would be ok for a little while after a directory
RM>change and then would break, which suggests some kind of caching problem.)

Today in the morning everything was fine. After waiting 5 minutes, again 
only partial directories. When I do a read with 8k buffer size, 
getdents(2) returns 8k, but starting from 0x200 until 0x1000 the buffer is 
filled with zeros. The entry just before the zeroes ends exactly at 0x200 
(that would be the first byte of the next entry) and at 0x1000 a new entry 
starts. The rest of the buffer is fine. The next read returns only 4k and 
seems to be fine - altough it contains some junk non-zero bytes in the 

Ten minutes later again everything is fine. I tries to spy at the NFS 
communication with tcpdump, but it seems unwilling to display something 
useful about the NFS. Is it able to decode the readdir stuff?


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Re: head && auditdistd

2013-05-14 Thread Gary Jennejohn
On Tue, 14 May 2013 10:05:36 +0300
Alexander Yerenkow  wrote:

> This is new (relatively) user which required in host machine when you make
> installworld.
> Months ago I proposed to add check for existence of this user at begin of
> any actions with sources (for example for interactive mode only, and
> optional for build-, but mandatory for install- ).
> But as it seems that just not happened, and more and more peoples are
> stumbling at same missed user-thing.
> Second thing, yes, would be good to have more information either in man or
> in handbook about this user and else.
> 2013/5/14 Matthias Apitz 
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > Today morning I wanted to make and install a fresh /head to an USB key
> > for further distribution the usual way:
> >
> > ...
> > # make installworld  DESTDIR=/mnt
> > # make installkernel DESTDIR=/mnt KERNCONF=GENERIC INSTALL_NODEBUG=t
> > # make distrib-dirs  DESTDIR=/mnt
> > # make distribution  DESTDIR=/mnt
> >
> > 'installworld' instructed me about the missing user 'auditdistd'; I have
> > read what src/UPDATING says, but can't find any pointer to the man page
> > of auditdistd(8) or in our handbook; with Don Google I got to know that I
> > have to add this with something like
> >
> > # pw useradd -n auditdistd -g audit -c "Auditdistd unprivileged user" -d
> > /var/empty -s /usr/sbin/nologin
> >
> > Can someone bring a bit light into this? Thanks in advance
> >

auditdistd:*:78:77:Auditdistd unprivileged user:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin

Just copy this line and paste it using vipw.

Gary Jennejohn
___ mailing list
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Re: head && auditdistd

2013-05-14 Thread Matthias Apitz
El día Tuesday, May 14, 2013 a las 10:05:59AM +0200, Gary Jennejohn escribió:

> > 2013/5/14 Matthias Apitz 
> > 
> > >
> > > # pw useradd -n auditdistd -g audit -c "Auditdistd unprivileged user" -d
> > > /var/empty -s /usr/sbin/nologin
> > >
> > > Can someone bring a bit light into this? Thanks in advance
> > >
> auditdistd:*:78:77:Auditdistd unprivileged user:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin
> Just copy this line and paste it using vipw.

You have given already known information; can you guve some background,
for example for what the user is used for? thx


Matthias Apitz
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e  - w
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Re: head && auditdistd

2013-05-14 Thread Lars Engels
On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 10:24:52AM +0200, Matthias Apitz wrote:
> El día Tuesday, May 14, 2013 a las 10:05:59AM +0200, Gary Jennejohn escribió:
> > > 2013/5/14 Matthias Apitz 
> > > 
> > > >
> > > > # pw useradd -n auditdistd -g audit -c "Auditdistd unprivileged user" -d
> > > > /var/empty -s /usr/sbin/nologin
> > > >
> > > > Can someone bring a bit light into this? Thanks in advance
> > > >
> > 
> > auditdistd:*:78:77:Auditdistd unprivileged user:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin
> > 
> > Just copy this line and paste it using vipw.
> Gary,
> You have given already known information; can you guve some background,
> for example for what the user is used for? thx

Description: PGP signature

Re: 9.1 -> current migration problem

2013-05-14 Thread Eir Nym
-- Eir Nym

On 12 May 2013 19:48, Paul Dokas  wrote:
> Thanks Dan!  I was hoping that this would be something simple like this.
>  The entry in UPDATING that you are referring to is:
>   20130121:
> Due to the use of the new -l option to install(1) during build
> and install, you must take care not to directly set the INSTALL
> make variable in your /etc/make.conf, /etc/src.conf, or on the
> command line.  If you with to use the -C flag for all installs
> you may be able to add INSTALL+=-C to /etc/make.conf or
> /etc/src.conf.
> And I was setting INSTALL in /etc/make.conf
>   INSTALL=   install -C
> I've commented this out and am rebuilding again.
> Thanks again!
> Paul

I have this problem and I have no clues how to do this without setting
> On 05/12/13 09:35, Dan Mack wrote:
>> It's sound familiar; in /usr/src/UPDATING there is mention of this '-l'
>> issue.   Search for 'install' in UPDATING and I think there is a
>> work-around.
>> Dan
>> On Sun, 12 May 2013, Paul Dokas wrote:
>>> I have a newly installed 9.1 amd64 VM that I would like to update to
>>> -current.  I have pulled down head via svn:
>>>  svn co svn:// /usr/src
>>> and am attempting to buildworld:
>>>  cd /usr/src
>>>  make buildworld
>>> This build is failing during bootstrap-tools when building makewhatis or
>>> mklocale.  It seems that something is trying to use the '-l' option to
>>> install, which is only present in FreeBSD 10.
>>> Any ideas how to get around this issue?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Paul
>>> # cd /usr/src
>>> # make buildworld
>>>  .
>>>  .
>>>  .
>>> ===> bin/cat (obj,depend,all,install)
>>> /usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/usr/src/bin/cat created for /usr/src/bin/cat
>>> rm -f .depend
>>> mkdep -f .depend -a-I/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/legacy/usr/include
>>> -std=gnu99   /usr/src/bin/cat/cat.c
>>> echo cat: /usr/lib/libc.a /usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/legacy/usr/lib/libegacy.a
> .depend
>>> cc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -std=gnu99
>>> -I/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/legacy/usr/include -c /usr/src/bin/cat/cat.c
>>> ${CTFCONVERT_CMD} expands to empty string
>>> cc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -std=gnu99
>>> -I/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/legacy/usr/include  -static
>>> -L/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/legacy/usr/lib -o cat cat.o -legacy
>>> install -C -s -o root -g wheel -m 555   cat
>>> /usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/legacy/bin/cat
>>> ===> usr.bin/lorder (obj,depend,all,install)
>>> /usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/usr/src/usr.bin/lorder created for
>>> /usr/src/usr.bin/lorder
>>> install -C -o root  -g wheel -m 555  /usr/src/usr.bin/lorder/
>>> /usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/legacy/usr/bin/lorder
>>> ===> usr.bin/makewhatis (obj,depend,all,install)
>>> /usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/usr/src/usr.bin/makewhatis created for
>>> /usr/src/usr.bin/makewhatis
>>> rm -f .depend
>>> mkdep -f .depend -a-I/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/legacy/usr/include
>>> -std=gnu99   /usr/src/usr.bin/makewhatis/makewhatis.c
>>> echo makewhatis: /usr/lib/libc.a /usr/lib/libz.a
>>> /usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/legacy/usr/lib/libegacy.a >> .depend
>>> cc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -std=gnu99
>>> -I/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/legacy/usr/include -c
>>> /usr/src/usr.bin/makewhatis/makewhatis.c
>>> ${CTFCONVERT_CMD} expands to empty string
>>> cc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -std=gnu99
>>> -I/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/legacy/usr/include  -static
>>> -L/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/legacy/usr/lib -o makewhatis makewhatis.o -lz
>>> -legacy
>>> install -C -s -o root -g wheel -m 555   makewhatis
>>> /usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/legacy/usr/bin/makewhatis
>>> install -C -o root  -g wheel -m 555
>>> /usr/src/usr.bin/makewhatis/
>>> /usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/legacy/usr/libexec/makewhatis.local
>>> /usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/legacy/usr/libexec/catman.local ->
>>> /usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/legacy/usr/libexec/makewhatis.local
>>> install: illegal option -- l
>>> usage: install [-bCcMpSsv] [-B suffix] [-f flags] [-g group] [-m mode]
>>>   [-o owner] file1 file2
>>>   install [-bCcMpSsv] [-B suffix] [-f flags] [-g group] [-m mode]
>>>   [-o owner] file1 ... fileN directory
>>>   install -d [-v] [-g group] [-m mode] [-o owner] directory ...
>>> *** [_installlinks] Error code 64
>>> Stop in /usr/src/usr.bin/makewhatis.
>>> *** [bootstrap-tools] Error code 1
>>> Stop in /usr/src.
>>> *** [_bootstrap-tools] Error code 1
>>> Stop in /usr/src.
>>> *** [buildworld] Error code 1
>>> Stop in /usr/src.
>>> --
>>> Paul Dokas dokas at
>>> ==
>>> Don Juan Matus:  "an enigma wrapped in mystery wrapped in a tortilla."
>>> ___
>>> mailing list
>>> To unsubscribe, send any mail to

Re: files disappearing from ls on NFS

2013-05-14 Thread Rick Macklem
Hartmut Brandt wrote:
> On Mon, 13 May 2013, Rick Macklem wrote:
> RM>Hartmut Brandt wrote:
> RM>> On Sun, 12 May 2013, Rick Macklem wrote:
> RM>>
> RM>> RM>Hartmut Brandt wrote:
> RM>> RM>> Hi,
> RM>> RM>>
> RM>> RM>> I've updated one of my -current machines this week (previous
> RM>> update
> RM>> RM>> was in
> RM>> RM>> february). Now I see a strange effect (it seems only on NFS
> RM>> mounts):
> RM>> RM>> ls or
> RM>> RM>> even echo * will list only some files (strange enough the
> first
> RM>> files
> RM>> RM>> from
> RM>> RM>> the normal, alphabetically ordered list). If I change
> something
> RM>> in the
> RM>> RM>> directory (delete a file or create a new one) for some time
> the
> RM>> RM>> complete
> RM>> RM>> listing will appear but after sime time (seconds to a minute
> or
> RM>> so)
> RM>> RM>> again
> RM>> RM>> only part of the files is listed.
> RM>> RM>>
> RM>> RM>> A ktrace on ls /usr/src/lib/libc/gen shows that
> getdirentries is
> RM>> RM>> called
> RM>> RM>> only once (returning 4096). For a full listing getdirentries
> is
> RM>> called
> RM>> RM>> 5
> RM>> RM>> times with the last returning 0.
> RM>> RM>>
> RM>> RM>> I can still open files that are not listed if I know their
> name,
> RM>> RM>> though.
> RM>> RM>>
> RM>> RM>> The NFS server is a Windows 2008 server with an OpenText NFS
> RM>> Server
> RM>> RM>> which
> RM>> RM>> works without problems to all the other FreeBSD machines.
> RM>> RM>>
> RM>> RM>> So what could that be?
> RM>> RM>>
> RM>> RM>I've attached a patch that might be worth trying. It is a
> "shot in
> RM>> the dark",
> RM>> RM>but brings the new NFS client's readdir closer to the old one
> RM>> (which you
> RM>> RM>mentioned still works ok).
> RM>> RM>
> RM>> RM>Please let me know how it goes, if you have a chance to test
> it,
> RM>> rick
> RM>>
> RM>> Hi Rick,
> RM>>
> RM>> the patch doesn't help.
> RM>>
> RM>> I wrote a small test program, which opens a directory, calls
> RM>> getdents(2)
> RM>> in a loop and dumps that. I figured out, that the return of the
> system
> RM>> call depends on the buffer size I pass to it. The directory has a
> RM>> block
> RM>> size of 4k according to fstat(2). If I use that, I get some 300
> of the
> RM>> almost 500 directory entries. If I use 8k, I get just around 200
> and
> RM>> if I
> RM>> use 16k I get a handfull. If I dump the buffer in this case I see
> RM>> 0x200
> RM>> bytes filled with directory entries, then a lot of zeros and
> starting
> RM>> from
> RM>> 0x1000 again data. This is of course ignored because of the zeros
> RM>> before.
> RM>>
> RM>And for this case getdents(2) returned 16K? It is normal for
> getdents(2)
> RM>to return less than requested and when end of dir occurs, it should
> return 0.
> RM>
> RM>But if it returns 16K, there shouldn't be zeroed space in the
> middle of
> RM>it.
> RM>
> RM>And this always occurs or only after you wait a while? (You noted
> in the
> RM>above description that it would be ok for a little while after a
> directory
> RM>change and then would break, which suggests some kind of caching
> problem.)
> Today in the morning everything was fine. After waiting 5 minutes,
> again
> only partial directories. When I do a read with 8k buffer size,
> getdents(2) returns 8k, but starting from 0x200 until 0x1000 the
> buffer is
> filled with zeros. The entry just before the zeroes ends exactly at
> 0x200
> (that would be the first byte of the next entry) and at 0x1000 a new
> entry
> starts. The rest of the buffer is fine. The next read returns only 4k
> and
> seems to be fine - altough it contains some junk non-zero bytes in the
> padding.
Directory entries should never cross DIRBLKSIZ boundaries (512 or 0x200),
so it makes sense that one ends at 0x200 and one starts at 0x1000. What
doesn't make sense are the 0 bytes in between.

One difference between the old and new NFS clients, which the patch I sent
you changed to the way the old one does it, is filling in the last block.
The old NFS client just leaves the block short and depends on n_direofoffset
to recognize it is the last block with b_resid indicating where it ends.
For the new client (unless you've applied the patch I emailed you), it fills
the rest of the last block in with "empty directories". This was in the OpenBSD
code when I did the original NFSv4 stuff and port. I left it in, because I
thought it might avoid problems if n_direofoffset was ever bogus. That is why
there might be "different junk" at the end of the directory, but it shouldn't

It almost sounds like something else is bzero()ing out part of the buffer
cache block. Unless the directory has changed, the getdents() after 5 minutes
would just return the same buffer cache block that was read in 5 minutes
earlier (unless the buffer fell out of the cache and had to be re-read from
the server, which would only happen if there was a lot of other file I/O
going on during that 5minutes).

A couple of comments:
- You can run "nfsstat -m" as root to see wha

RE: files disappearing from ls on NFS

2013-05-14 Thread Hartmut.Brandt
Hi Rick,

sorry for top-posting - this is Outlook :-(

Attached is the system configuration. I use this more or less unchanged since 
years. The machine is an 8-core AMD64 with 144GByte memory.

The nfsstats -m output for the two file systems I'm testing with is:

knopfs01:/OP_UserUnix on /home
knopfs01:/op_software on /software

I did the tcpdump/wireshark thing and I'm puzzled that I see no readdir 
requests. I see a lookup, followed by getattr, access and fsstat for the 
directory and that's it. Looks that even after hours the stuff returned by 
getdirents(2) comes from the cache. I assume that the NFS client uses getattr 
to check whether
the directory has changed? If I knew what happens when calling getdirents() I 
could add some debugging printfs() here and there to figure out...


-Original Message-
From: Rick Macklem [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 2:50 PM
To: Brandt, Hartmut
Subject: Re: files disappearing from ls on NFS

Hartmut Brandt wrote:
> On Mon, 13 May 2013, Rick Macklem wrote:
> RM>Hartmut Brandt wrote:
> RM>> On Sun, 12 May 2013, Rick Macklem wrote:
> RM>>
> RM>> RM>Hartmut Brandt wrote:
> RM>> RM>> Hi,
> RM>> RM>>
> RM>> RM>> I've updated one of my -current machines this week (previous
> RM>> update
> RM>> RM>> was in
> RM>> RM>> february). Now I see a strange effect (it seems only on NFS
> RM>> mounts):
> RM>> RM>> ls or
> RM>> RM>> even echo * will list only some files (strange enough the
> first
> RM>> files
> RM>> RM>> from
> RM>> RM>> the normal, alphabetically ordered list). If I change
> something
> RM>> in the
> RM>> RM>> directory (delete a file or create a new one) for some time
> the
> RM>> RM>> complete
> RM>> RM>> listing will appear but after sime time (seconds to a minute
> or
> RM>> so)
> RM>> RM>> again
> RM>> RM>> only part of the files is listed.
> RM>> RM>>
> RM>> RM>> A ktrace on ls /usr/src/lib/libc/gen shows that
> getdirentries is
> RM>> RM>> called
> RM>> RM>> only once (returning 4096). For a full listing getdirentries
> is
> RM>> called
> RM>> RM>> 5
> RM>> RM>> times with the last returning 0.
> RM>> RM>>
> RM>> RM>> I can still open files that are not listed if I know their
> name,
> RM>> RM>> though.
> RM>> RM>>
> RM>> RM>> The NFS server is a Windows 2008 server with an OpenText NFS
> RM>> Server
> RM>> RM>> which
> RM>> RM>> works without problems to all the other FreeBSD machines.
> RM>> RM>>
> RM>> RM>> So what could that be?
> RM>> RM>>
> RM>> RM>I've attached a patch that might be worth trying. It is a
> "shot in
> RM>> the dark",
> RM>> RM>but brings the new NFS client's readdir closer to the old one
> RM>> (which you
> RM>> RM>mentioned still works ok).
> RM>> RM>
> RM>> RM>Please let me know how it goes, if you have a chance to test
> it,
> RM>> rick
> RM>>
> RM>> Hi Rick,
> RM>>
> RM>> the patch doesn't help.
> RM>>
> RM>> I wrote a small test program, which opens a directory, calls
> RM>> getdents(2)
> RM>> in a loop and dumps that. I figured out, that the return of the
> system
> RM>> call depends on the buffer size I pass to it. The directory has a 
> RM>> block size of 4k according to fstat(2). If I use that, I get some 
> RM>> 300
> of the
> RM>> almost 500 directory entries. If I use 8k, I get just around 200
> and
> RM>> if I
> RM>> use 16k I get a handfull. If I dump the buffer in this case I see
> RM>> 0x200
> RM>> bytes filled with directory entries, then a lot of zeros and
> starting
> RM>> from
> RM>> 0x1000 again data. This is of course ignored because of the zeros 
> RM>> before.
> RM>>
> RM>And for this case getdents(2) returned 16K? It is normal for
> getdents(2)
> RM>to return less than requested and when end of dir occurs, it should
> return 0.
> RM>
> RM>But if it returns 16K, there shouldn't be zeroed space in the
> middle of
> RM>it.
> RM>
> RM>And this always occurs or only after you wait a while? (You noted
> in the
> RM>above description that it would be ok for a little while after a
> directory
> RM>change and then would break, which suggests some kind of caching
> problem.)
> Today in the morning everything was fine. After waiting 5 minutes, 
> again only partial directories. When I do a read with 8k buffer size,
> getdents(2) returns 8k, but starting from 0x200 until 0x1000 the 
> buffer is filled with zeros. The entry just before the zeroes ends 
> exactly at
> 0x200
> (that would be the first byte of the next entry) and at 0x1000 a new 
> entry starts. The rest of the buffer is fine. The next read returns 
> only 4k and seems to be

[head tinderbox] failure on arm/arm

2013-05-14 Thread FreeBSD Tinderbox
TB --- 2013-05-14 12:50:18 - tinderbox 2.10 running on
TB --- 2013-05-14 12:50:18 - FreeBSD 8.3-PRERELEASE 
FreeBSD 8.3-PRERELEASE #0: Mon Mar 26 13:54:12 EDT 2012  amd64
TB --- 2013-05-14 12:50:18 - starting HEAD tinderbox run for arm/arm
TB --- 2013-05-14 12:50:18 - cleaning the object tree
TB --- 2013-05-14 12:50:18 - /usr/local/bin/svn stat /src
TB --- 2013-05-14 12:50:23 - At svn revision 250635
TB --- 2013-05-14 12:50:24 - building world
TB --- 2013-05-14 12:50:24 - CROSS_BUILD_TESTING=YES
TB --- 2013-05-14 12:50:24 - MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/obj
TB --- 2013-05-14 12:50:24 - PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin
TB --- 2013-05-14 12:50:24 - SRCCONF=/dev/null
TB --- 2013-05-14 12:50:24 - TARGET=arm
TB --- 2013-05-14 12:50:24 - TARGET_ARCH=arm
TB --- 2013-05-14 12:50:24 - TZ=UTC
TB --- 2013-05-14 12:50:24 - __MAKE_CONF=/dev/null
TB --- 2013-05-14 12:50:24 - cd /src
TB --- 2013-05-14 12:50:24 - /usr/bin/make -B buildworld
>>> Building an up-to-date make(1)
>>> World build started on Tue May 14 12:50:28 UTC 2013
>>> Rebuilding the temporary build tree
>>> stage 1.1: legacy release compatibility shims
>>> stage 1.2: bootstrap tools
>>> stage 2.1: cleaning up the object tree
>>> stage 2.2: rebuilding the object tree
>>> stage 2.3: build tools
>>> stage 3: cross tools
c++  -O2 -pipe -I/src/lib/clang/libllvmscalaropts/../../../contrib/llvm/include 
-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -fno-strict-aliasing 
-I/obj/arm.arm/src/tmp/legacy/usr/include -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -c 
 -o Reassociate.o
c++  -O2 -pipe -I/src/lib/clang/libllvmscalaropts/../../../contrib/llvm/include 
-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -fno-strict-aliasing 
-I/obj/arm.arm/src/tmp/legacy/usr/include -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -c 
 -o Reg2Mem.o
c++  -O2 -pipe -I/src/lib/clang/libllvmscalaropts/../../../contrib/llvm/include 
-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -fno-strict-aliasing 
-I/obj/arm.arm/src/tmp/legacy/usr/include -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -c 
 -o SCCP.o
 In destructor '::SCCPSolver::~SCCPSolver()':
 internal compiler error: in var_ann, at tree-flow-inline.h:128
Please submit a full bug report,
with preprocessed source if appropriate.
See> for instructions.
*** [SCCP.o] Error code 1

Stop in /src/lib/clang/libllvmscalaropts.
*** [all] Error code 1

Stop in /src/lib/clang.
*** [cross-tools] Error code 1

Stop in /src.
*** [_cross-tools] Error code 1

Stop in /src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /src.
TB --- 2013-05-14 13:43:41 - WARNING: /usr/bin/make returned exit code  1 
TB --- 2013-05-14 13:43:41 - ERROR: failed to build world
TB --- 2013-05-14 13:43:41 - 2872.23 user 261.99 system 3202.62 real
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Re: head && auditdistd

2013-05-14 Thread Justin Hibbits
You should run 'mergemaster -p' before installworld, as that would add any
necessary new users to the file.

- Justin
On May 13, 2013 11:48 PM, "Matthias Apitz"  wrote:

> Hello,
> Today morning I wanted to make and install a fresh /head to an USB key
> for further distribution the usual way:
> ...
> # make installworld  DESTDIR=/mnt
> # make distrib-dirs  DESTDIR=/mnt
> # make distribution  DESTDIR=/mnt
> 'installworld' instructed me about the missing user 'auditdistd'; I have
> read what src/UPDATING says, but can't find any pointer to the man page
> of auditdistd(8) or in our handbook; with Don Google I got to know that I
> have to add this with something like
> # pw useradd -n auditdistd -g audit -c "Auditdistd unprivileged user" -d
> /var/empty -s /usr/sbin/nologin
> Can someone bring a bit light into this? Thanks in advance
> matthias
> --
> Sent from my FreeBSD netbook
> Matthias Apitz   |  - No system with backdoors like
> Apple/Android
> E-mail: |  - Never being an iSlave
> WWW: |  - No proprietary attachments, no HTML/RTF
> in E-mail
> phone: +49-170-4527211   |  - Respect for open standards
> ___
> mailing list
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Re: head && auditdistd

2013-05-14 Thread Alexander Yerenkow
That's a pretty anti-user design, when such information is pretty obscure
and spread in Updating and wiki.
You can have buildbox, which just builds worlds and install it not to
self-host system, but instead to some image / or to other disk.
And in one day all just stops working, and ask you to run mergemaster or
manually add new user (Exactly was my case when this fresh user appeared) .
Hm, even actually not asking, but simply failing with some message.
If this is pretty obvious, why not insert adding this user into Makefile,
with prompting if user actually wants to add it.
That was my point, not the way of adding user itself.

2013/5/14 Justin Hibbits 

> You should run 'mergemaster -p' before installworld, as that would add any
> necessary new users to the file.
> - Justin
> On May 13, 2013 11:48 PM, "Matthias Apitz"  wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > Today morning I wanted to make and install a fresh /head to an USB key
> > for further distribution the usual way:
> >
> > ...
> > # make installworld  DESTDIR=/mnt
> > # make installkernel DESTDIR=/mnt KERNCONF=GENERIC INSTALL_NODEBUG=t
> > # make distrib-dirs  DESTDIR=/mnt
> > # make distribution  DESTDIR=/mnt
> >
> > 'installworld' instructed me about the missing user 'auditdistd'; I have
> > read what src/UPDATING says, but can't find any pointer to the man page
> > of auditdistd(8) or in our handbook; with Don Google I got to know that I
> > have to add this with something like
> >
> > # pw useradd -n auditdistd -g audit -c "Auditdistd unprivileged user" -d
> > /var/empty -s /usr/sbin/nologin
> >
> > Can someone bring a bit light into this? Thanks in advance
> >
> > matthias
> >
> > --
> > Sent from my FreeBSD netbook
> >
> > Matthias Apitz   |  - No system with backdoors like
> > Apple/Android
> > E-mail: |  - Never being an iSlave
> > WWW: |  - No proprietary attachments, no
> > in E-mail
> > phone: +49-170-4527211   |  - Respect for open standards
> > ___
> > mailing list
> >
> > To unsubscribe, send any mail to "
> >
> ___
> mailing list
> To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""

Alexander Yerenkow
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Re: head && auditdistd

2013-05-14 Thread Justin Hibbits
It is recommended to run mergemaster -p prior to all installworld.

- Justin
On May 14, 2013 7:35 AM, "Alexander Yerenkow"  wrote:

> That's a pretty anti-user design, when such information is pretty obscure
> and spread in Updating and wiki.
> You can have buildbox, which just builds worlds and install it not to
> self-host system, but instead to some image / or to other disk.
> And in one day all just stops working, and ask you to run mergemaster or
> manually add new user (Exactly was my case when this fresh user appeared) .
> Hm, even actually not asking, but simply failing with some message.
> If this is pretty obvious, why not insert adding this user into Makefile,
> with prompting if user actually wants to add it.
> That was my point, not the way of adding user itself.
> 2013/5/14 Justin Hibbits 
>> You should run 'mergemaster -p' before installworld, as that would add any
>> necessary new users to the file.
>> - Justin
>> On May 13, 2013 11:48 PM, "Matthias Apitz"  wrote:
>> >
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > Today morning I wanted to make and install a fresh /head to an USB key
>> > for further distribution the usual way:
>> >
>> > ...
>> > # make installworld  DESTDIR=/mnt
>> > # make installkernel DESTDIR=/mnt KERNCONF=GENERIC INSTALL_NODEBUG=t
>> > # make distrib-dirs  DESTDIR=/mnt
>> > # make distribution  DESTDIR=/mnt
>> >
>> > 'installworld' instructed me about the missing user 'auditdistd'; I have
>> > read what src/UPDATING says, but can't find any pointer to the man page
>> > of auditdistd(8) or in our handbook; with Don Google I got to know that
>> I
>> > have to add this with something like
>> >
>> > # pw useradd -n auditdistd -g audit -c "Auditdistd unprivileged user" -d
>> > /var/empty -s /usr/sbin/nologin
>> >
>> > Can someone bring a bit light into this? Thanks in advance
>> >
>> > matthias
>> >
>> > --
>> > Sent from my FreeBSD netbook
>> >
>> > Matthias Apitz   |  - No system with backdoors like
>> > Apple/Android
>> > E-mail: |  - Never being an iSlave
>> > WWW: |  - No proprietary attachments, no
>> > in E-mail
>> > phone: +49-170-4527211   |  - Respect for open standards
>> > ___
>> > mailing list
>> >
>> > To unsubscribe, send any mail to "
>> >
>> ___
>> mailing list
>> To unsubscribe, send any mail to "
>> "
> --
> Regards,
> Alexander Yerenkow
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Re: head && auditdistd

2013-05-14 Thread Fleuriot Damien

On May 14, 2013, at 8:47 AM, Matthias Apitz  wrote:

> Hello,
> Today morning I wanted to make and install a fresh /head to an USB key
> for further distribution the usual way:
> ...
> # make installworld  DESTDIR=/mnt
> # make distrib-dirs  DESTDIR=/mnt
> # make distribution  DESTDIR=/mnt
> 'installworld' instructed me about the missing user 'auditdistd'; I have
> read what src/UPDATING says, but can't find any pointer to the man page
> of auditdistd(8) or in our handbook; with Don Google I got to know that I
> have to add this with something like
> # pw useradd -n auditdistd -g audit -c "Auditdistd unprivileged user" -d 
> /var/empty -s /usr/sbin/nologin
> Can someone bring a bit light into this? Thanks in advance
>   matthias
> -- 
> Sent from my FreeBSD netbook

A "mergemaster -p" run fixes the problem ;)

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RE: files disappearing from ls on NFS

2013-05-14 Thread Hartmut.Brandt
Now I've also changed NFS_DIRBLKSIZ to 4k - no change.


-Original Message-
From: Rick Macklem [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 2:50 PM
To: Brandt, Hartmut
Subject: Re: files disappearing from ls on NFS

Hartmut Brandt wrote:
> On Mon, 13 May 2013, Rick Macklem wrote:
> RM>Hartmut Brandt wrote:
> RM>> On Sun, 12 May 2013, Rick Macklem wrote:
> RM>>
> RM>> RM>Hartmut Brandt wrote:
> RM>> RM>> Hi,
> RM>> RM>>
> RM>> RM>> I've updated one of my -current machines this week (previous
> RM>> update
> RM>> RM>> was in
> RM>> RM>> february). Now I see a strange effect (it seems only on NFS
> RM>> mounts):
> RM>> RM>> ls or
> RM>> RM>> even echo * will list only some files (strange enough the
> first
> RM>> files
> RM>> RM>> from
> RM>> RM>> the normal, alphabetically ordered list). If I change
> something
> RM>> in the
> RM>> RM>> directory (delete a file or create a new one) for some time
> the
> RM>> RM>> complete
> RM>> RM>> listing will appear but after sime time (seconds to a minute
> or
> RM>> so)
> RM>> RM>> again
> RM>> RM>> only part of the files is listed.
> RM>> RM>>
> RM>> RM>> A ktrace on ls /usr/src/lib/libc/gen shows that
> getdirentries is
> RM>> RM>> called
> RM>> RM>> only once (returning 4096). For a full listing getdirentries
> is
> RM>> called
> RM>> RM>> 5
> RM>> RM>> times with the last returning 0.
> RM>> RM>>
> RM>> RM>> I can still open files that are not listed if I know their
> name,
> RM>> RM>> though.
> RM>> RM>>
> RM>> RM>> The NFS server is a Windows 2008 server with an OpenText NFS
> RM>> Server
> RM>> RM>> which
> RM>> RM>> works without problems to all the other FreeBSD machines.
> RM>> RM>>
> RM>> RM>> So what could that be?
> RM>> RM>>
> RM>> RM>I've attached a patch that might be worth trying. It is a
> "shot in
> RM>> the dark",
> RM>> RM>but brings the new NFS client's readdir closer to the old one
> RM>> (which you
> RM>> RM>mentioned still works ok).
> RM>> RM>
> RM>> RM>Please let me know how it goes, if you have a chance to test
> it,
> RM>> rick
> RM>>
> RM>> Hi Rick,
> RM>>
> RM>> the patch doesn't help.
> RM>>
> RM>> I wrote a small test program, which opens a directory, calls
> RM>> getdents(2)
> RM>> in a loop and dumps that. I figured out, that the return of the
> system
> RM>> call depends on the buffer size I pass to it. The directory has a 
> RM>> block size of 4k according to fstat(2). If I use that, I get some 
> RM>> 300
> of the
> RM>> almost 500 directory entries. If I use 8k, I get just around 200
> and
> RM>> if I
> RM>> use 16k I get a handfull. If I dump the buffer in this case I see
> RM>> 0x200
> RM>> bytes filled with directory entries, then a lot of zeros and
> starting
> RM>> from
> RM>> 0x1000 again data. This is of course ignored because of the zeros 
> RM>> before.
> RM>>
> RM>And for this case getdents(2) returned 16K? It is normal for
> getdents(2)
> RM>to return less than requested and when end of dir occurs, it should
> return 0.
> RM>
> RM>But if it returns 16K, there shouldn't be zeroed space in the
> middle of
> RM>it.
> RM>
> RM>And this always occurs or only after you wait a while? (You noted
> in the
> RM>above description that it would be ok for a little while after a
> directory
> RM>change and then would break, which suggests some kind of caching
> problem.)
> Today in the morning everything was fine. After waiting 5 minutes, 
> again only partial directories. When I do a read with 8k buffer size,
> getdents(2) returns 8k, but starting from 0x200 until 0x1000 the 
> buffer is filled with zeros. The entry just before the zeroes ends 
> exactly at
> 0x200
> (that would be the first byte of the next entry) and at 0x1000 a new 
> entry starts. The rest of the buffer is fine. The next read returns 
> only 4k and seems to be fine - altough it contains some junk non-zero 
> bytes in the padding.
Directory entries should never cross DIRBLKSIZ boundaries (512 or 0x200), so it 
makes sense that one ends at 0x200 and one starts at 0x1000. What doesn't make 
sense are the 0 bytes in between.

One difference between the old and new NFS clients, which the patch I sent you 
changed to the way the old one does it, is filling in the last block.
The old NFS client just leaves the block short and depends on n_direofoffset to 
recognize it is the last block with b_resid indicating where it ends.
For the new client (unless you've applied the patch I emailed you), it fills 
the rest of the last block in with "empty directories". This was in the OpenBSD 
code when I did the original NFSv4 stuff and port. I left it in, because I 
thought it might avoid problems if n_direofoffset was ever bogus. That is why 
there might be "different junk" at the end of the directory, but it shouldn't 

It almost sounds like something else is bzero()ing out part of the buffer cache 
block. Unless the directory has changed, the getdents() after 5 minutes would 
just return the same buffer cache 

Re: FreeBSD-HEAD gets stuck on vnode operations

2013-05-14 Thread Roger Pau Monné
On 13/05/13 17:00, Konstantin Belousov wrote:
> On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 04:33:04PM +0200, Roger Pau Monn? wrote:
>> On 13/05/13 13:18, Roger Pau Monn? wrote:

Thanks for taking a look,

>> I would like to explain this a little bit more, the syncer process
>> doesn't get blocked on the _mtx_trylock_flags_ call, it just continues
>> looping forever in what seems to be an endless loop around
>> mnt_vnode_next_active/ffs_sync. Also while in this state there is no
>> noticeable disk activity, so I'm unsure of what is happening.
> How many CPUs does your VM have ?

7 vCPUs, but I've also seen this issue with 4 and 16 vCPUs.

> The loop you describing means that other thread owns the vnode
> interlock. Can you track what this thread does ? E.g. look at the
> vp->v_interlock.mtx_lock, which is basically a pointer to the struct
> thread owning the mutex, clear low bits as needed. Then you can
> inspect the thread and get a backtrace.

There are no other threads running, only syncer is running on CPU 1 (see
ps in previous email). All other CPUs are idle, and as seen from the ps
quite a lot of threads are blocked in vnode related operations, either
"*Name Cac", "*vnode_fr" or "*vnode in". I've also attached the output
of alllocks in the previous email.

> Does the loop you described stuck on the same vnode during the whole
> lock-step time, or is the progress made, possibly slowly ?

I'm not sure how to measure "progress", but indeed the syncer process is
not locked, it is iterating over mnt_vnode_next_active.

> I suppose that your HEAD is recent.

Last commit in my local repository is:

Date: Tue, 7 May 2013 12:39:14 +
Subject: [PATCH] By request, add an arrow from NetBSD-0.8 to FreeBSD-1.0.

While here, add a few more NetBSD versions to the tree itself.

Submitted by:   Alan Barrett 
Submitted by:   Thomas Klausner 
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Re: FreeBSD-HEAD gets stuck on vnode operations

2013-05-14 Thread Konstantin Belousov
On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 06:08:45PM +0200, Roger Pau Monn? wrote:
> On 13/05/13 17:00, Konstantin Belousov wrote:
> > On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 04:33:04PM +0200, Roger Pau Monn? wrote:
> >> On 13/05/13 13:18, Roger Pau Monn? wrote:
> Thanks for taking a look,
> >> I would like to explain this a little bit more, the syncer process
> >> doesn't get blocked on the _mtx_trylock_flags_ call, it just continues
> >> looping forever in what seems to be an endless loop around
> >> mnt_vnode_next_active/ffs_sync. Also while in this state there is no
> >> noticeable disk activity, so I'm unsure of what is happening.
> > How many CPUs does your VM have ?
> 7 vCPUs, but I've also seen this issue with 4 and 16 vCPUs.
> > 
> > The loop you describing means that other thread owns the vnode
> > interlock. Can you track what this thread does ? E.g. look at the
> > vp->v_interlock.mtx_lock, which is basically a pointer to the struct
> > thread owning the mutex, clear low bits as needed. Then you can
> > inspect the thread and get a backtrace.
> There are no other threads running, only syncer is running on CPU 1 (see
> ps in previous email). All other CPUs are idle, and as seen from the ps
> quite a lot of threads are blocked in vnode related operations, either
> "*Name Cac", "*vnode_fr" or "*vnode in". I've also attached the output
> of alllocks in the previous email.
This is not useful.  You need to look at the mutex which fails the
trylock operation in the mnt_vnode_next_active(), see who owns it,
and then 'unwind' the locking dependencies from there.

I described the procedure above.

> > 
> > Does the loop you described stuck on the same vnode during the whole
> > lock-step time, or is the progress made, possibly slowly ?
> I'm not sure how to measure "progress", but indeed the syncer process is
> not locked, it is iterating over mnt_vnode_next_active.

Progress means that iteration moves from vnode to vnode, instead of looping
over the same vnode continuously.  I did read what you said about system
being un-stuck in some time, but I am asking about change of the iterator
during the stuck time.

> > 
> > I suppose that your HEAD is recent.
> Last commit in my local repository is:
> Date: Tue, 7 May 2013 12:39:14 +
> Subject: [PATCH] By request, add an arrow from NetBSD-0.8 to FreeBSD-1.0.
> While here, add a few more NetBSD versions to the tree itself.
> Submitted by:   Alan Barrett 
> Submitted by:   Thomas Klausner 

Description: PGP signature

Re: head && auditdistd

2013-05-14 Thread Matthias Apitz
El día Tuesday, May 14, 2013 a las 07:20:02AM -0700, Justin Hibbits escribió:

> You should run 'mergemaster -p' before installworld, as that would add any
> necessary new users to the file.

I see no need to run 'mergemaster' if one installs world and kernel into
an empty mount point (device). There is nothing to merge.


Matthias Apitz
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e  - w
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Re: openjdk6 broken on current

2013-05-14 Thread Johannes Dieterich


On 05/13/13 14:20, Jung-uk Kim wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 2013-05-11 05:25:41 -0400, O. Hartmann wrote:

On Thu, 2013-05-09 at 17:16 -0500, Larry Rosenman wrote:

On 2013-05-09 06:16, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:

On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 8:52 PM, Larry Rosenman 
wrote: On 2013-05-08 13:37, Larry Rosenman wrote:

On 2013-05-08 12:46, Larry Rosenman wrote: On 2013-05-08 12:00,
Daniel Eischen wrote: On Wed, 8 May 2013, Daniel Eischen

On Wed, 8 May 2013, Larry Rosenman wrote:

Daniel Eischen  wrote: On Wed, 8 May
2013, Larry Rosenman wrote:

Can SOMEONE please look at this?

I have a real need to get java back on my -CURRENT server

Did/can you try just backing out r249606?

-- DE

How can I generate a patch to do that?

Go here:

then click on "Diff to previous 249606", then click on "Patch"

at the top.  You can try backing out each/all of the recent
changes to thr_sig.c to see what the culprit is.

You'll have to use "-R" to reverse the patch I believe.

Or, if you have a checked out svn repo, you can always use svn
to generate the patch:

$ cd /path/to/svn/src $ svn diff -r249606:249605  # no need to
use -R on this patch I've done this, and dealt with a chunk
reject, and am recompiling the world.

Will let you know if this fixes it.. Still fails.

/bin/mkdir -p


rm -f


/usr/ports/java/openjdk6/work/build/bsd-amd64/bin/java  -Xmx896m

-Xms128m -cp
sun.rmi.rmic.Main -classpath
"/usr/ports/java/openjdk6/work/build/bsd-amd64/classes"\ -d
\ -v1.2   \ -keepgenerated
\ /bin/mkdir -p






/usr/ports/java/openjdk6/work/build/bsd-amd64/bin/java  -Xmx896m

-Xms128m -cp
sun.rmi.rmic.Main -classpath
"/usr/ports/java/openjdk6/work/build/bsd-amd64/classes"\ -d
\ -iiop -v1.2 \ gmake[5]: ***


Segmentation fault (core dumped)

gmake[5]: *** Deleting file


gmake[5]: Leaving directory

`/usr/ports/java/openjdk6/work/jdk/make/com/sun/jmx' gmake[4]:
*** [all] Error 1 gmake[4]: Leaving directory
`/usr/ports/java/openjdk6/work/jdk/make/com/sun' gmake[3]: ***
[all] Error 1 gmake[3]: Leaving directory
`/usr/ports/java/openjdk6/work/jdk/make/com' gmake[2]: ***
[all] Error 1 gmake[2]: Leaving directory
`/usr/ports/java/openjdk6/work/jdk/make' gmake[1]: ***
[jdk-build] Error 2 gmake[1]: Leaving directory
`/usr/ports/java/openjdk6/work' gmake: ***
[build_product_image] Error 2 *** [do-build] Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/java/openjdk6. *** [build] Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/java/openjdk6.

===>>> make failed for java/openjdk6 ===>>> Aborting update

===>>> Killing background jobs Terminated

===>>> You can restart from the point of failure with this
command line: portmaster  java/openjdk6

===>>> Exiting # #

I **CAN** give SSH/SUDO access to whoever.

(gdb) bt

#0  0x000801e2da93 in JVM_handle_bsd_signal () from

#1  0x000800a49136 in swapcontext () from /lib/

#2  0x000800a48d39 in sigaction () from /lib/ #3
0x71d3 in ?? () #4  0x000800a48c20 in sigaction
() from /lib/ #5  0x000801ba9540 in
Deoptimization::unpack_frames () from

#6  0x000803869f7e in ?? ()

#7  0x7fbfa450 in ?? ()

#8  0x00080383b828 in ?? () #9  0x00080685e6e0 in ??
() #10 0x00080684f000 in ?? () #11 0x7fbfa4a0 in ??
() #12 0x7fbfa518 in ?? ()

#13 0x00080308f000 in ?? () #14 0x000806bac750 in ??

#15 0x000803869eb9 in ?? () #16 0x in ??
() (gdb)

That backtrace would probably be clearer if you got it from a
debug build of OpenJDK. Also you could find the exact commit
that broke it by doing a bisection-search in SVN like "git
bisect" would do.

Regards Damjan Jovanovic

Re: FreeBSD-HEAD gets stuck on vnode operations

2013-05-14 Thread Roger Pau Monné
On 14/05/13 18:31, Konstantin Belousov wrote:
> On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 06:08:45PM +0200, Roger Pau Monn? wrote:
>> On 13/05/13 17:00, Konstantin Belousov wrote:
>>> On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 04:33:04PM +0200, Roger Pau Monn? wrote:
 On 13/05/13 13:18, Roger Pau Monn? wrote:
>> Thanks for taking a look,
 I would like to explain this a little bit more, the syncer process
 doesn't get blocked on the _mtx_trylock_flags_ call, it just continues
 looping forever in what seems to be an endless loop around
 mnt_vnode_next_active/ffs_sync. Also while in this state there is no
 noticeable disk activity, so I'm unsure of what is happening.
>>> How many CPUs does your VM have ?
>> 7 vCPUs, but I've also seen this issue with 4 and 16 vCPUs.
>>> The loop you describing means that other thread owns the vnode
>>> interlock. Can you track what this thread does ? E.g. look at the
>>> vp->v_interlock.mtx_lock, which is basically a pointer to the struct
>>> thread owning the mutex, clear low bits as needed. Then you can
>>> inspect the thread and get a backtrace.
>> There are no other threads running, only syncer is running on CPU 1 (see
>> ps in previous email). All other CPUs are idle, and as seen from the ps
>> quite a lot of threads are blocked in vnode related operations, either
>> "*Name Cac", "*vnode_fr" or "*vnode in". I've also attached the output
>> of alllocks in the previous email.
> This is not useful.  You need to look at the mutex which fails the
> trylock operation in the mnt_vnode_next_active(), see who owns it,
> and then 'unwind' the locking dependencies from there.

Sorry, now I get it, let's see if I can find the locked vnodes and the
thread that owns them...
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Re: head && auditdistd

2013-05-14 Thread Justin Hibbits
There was talk, and I think work, to use a separate passwd file for
installworld, I don't know how far that got, thought.

- Justin
On May 14, 2013 10:09 AM, "Matthias Apitz"  wrote:

> El día Tuesday, May 14, 2013 a las 07:20:02AM -0700, Justin Hibbits
> escribió:
> > You should run 'mergemaster -p' before installworld, as that would add
> any
> > necessary new users to the file.
> I see no need to run 'mergemaster' if one installs world and kernel into
> an empty mount point (device). There is nothing to merge.
> matthias
> --
> Matthias Apitz
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VAIO intel i7 Ivy Bridge ultrabook installation fail: Disks not found

2013-05-14 Thread Nicolas Alexander Scheibling

as I am newly writing to these mailing lists, forgive my formal and
content-relative mistakes.

As it stands now, I would absolutely love installing some 10-CURRENT on
my newly acquired SONY VAIO ultrabook. AFAIK powered by Ivy Bridge ULV,
1.9 - 2.3 GHz. It has an additional SATA 32 GB Samsung SSD and a
regular 500 GB HDD. It comes with Win 8, cannot stand the Metro.
(although Elan Touchscreen is nice).

I installed world from my old-beater AMD box on a USB pen drive (i386).
Now it loads the kernel, but won't let me mount any root file systems.
Looks like the platter isn't detected at all. Is that a common problem
with Ivy Bridge systems? Is it a deliberate chipset flaw by Intel as in
*this low-end lappy is not allowed to run anything else than WIN* or
can I do something about it? Forgive me for being at least a power
user, but certainly no device driver developer. :(, all has its limits.

Thank you so much. I'd jump for joy seeing this thing run BSD,
preferably even from USB, as the turbo boost and the lowish power
consumption are really cool.

Don't rip my head off for untainted e-mail origin and somesuch. I'm a
lazy bugger, my life circumstances aren't that great and most
Importantly I Dont Have A 5 Million $$ Server Farm. Cheers.
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Re: VAIO intel i7 Ivy Bridge ultrabook installation fail: Disks not found

2013-05-14 Thread Daniel Nebdal
On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 7:41 PM, Nicolas Alexander Scheibling
> Hello,
> as I am newly writing to these mailing lists, forgive my formal and
> content-relative mistakes.
> As it stands now, I would absolutely love installing some 10-CURRENT on
> my newly acquired SONY VAIO ultrabook. AFAIK powered by Ivy Bridge ULV,
> 1.9 - 2.3 GHz. It has an additional SATA 32 GB Samsung SSD and a
> regular 500 GB HDD. It comes with Win 8, cannot stand the Metro.
> (although Elan Touchscreen is nice).
> I installed world from my old-beater AMD box on a USB pen drive (i386).
> Now it loads the kernel, but won't let me mount any root file systems.
> Looks like the platter isn't detected at all. Is that a common problem
> with Ivy Bridge systems? Is it a deliberate chipset flaw by Intel as in
> *this low-end lappy is not allowed to run anything else than WIN* or
> can I do something about it? Forgive me for being at least a power
> user, but certainly no device driver developer. :(, all has its limits.
> Thank you so much. I'd jump for joy seeing this thing run BSD,
> preferably even from USB, as the turbo boost and the lowish power
> consumption are really cool.
> Don't rip my head off for untainted e-mail origin and somesuch. I'm a
> lazy bugger, my life circumstances aren't that great and most
> Importantly I Dont Have A 5 Million $$ Server Farm. Cheers.

Just out of curiosity - have you tried playing with the BIOS settings
for USB legacy mode - and for the SATA chipset mode? (If any, ofc.)
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Re: VAIO intel i7 Ivy Bridge ultrabook installation fail: Disks not found

2013-05-14 Thread Raphael Kubo da Costa
Nicolas Alexander Scheibling  writes:

> As it stands now, I would absolutely love installing some 10-CURRENT on
> my newly acquired SONY VAIO ultrabook. AFAIK powered by Ivy Bridge ULV,
> 1.9 - 2.3 GHz. It has an additional SATA 32 GB Samsung SSD and a
> regular 500 GB HDD. It comes with Win 8, cannot stand the Metro.
> (although Elan Touchscreen is nice).
> I installed world from my old-beater AMD box on a USB pen drive (i386).
> Now it loads the kernel, but won't let me mount any root file systems.
> Looks like the platter isn't detected at all. Is that a common problem
> with Ivy Bridge systems?

I have a Vaio Ultrabook with similar specs and am currently running
10-CURRENT on it.

Please provide more details, such as what messages are you getting etc.
Have you also tried a fresh install from a CD or USB stick?

> Is it a deliberate chipset flaw by Intel as in *this low-end lappy is
> not allowed to run anything else than WIN* or can I do something about
> it?

I wouldn't call an i7 low-end...

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Re: sysvshm: replace Giant with a local sx lock

2013-05-14 Thread Mateusz Guzik
On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 11:36:21PM +0200, Mateusz Guzik wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 11:55:32PM +0300, Konstantin Belousov wrote:
> > On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 10:38:23PM +0200, Mateusz Guzik wrote:
> > > I would like to replace Giant with a local sx lock in sysvshm code.
> > > Looked really straightforward so maybe I missed something.
> > 
> > At very least, the shmget_existing() is no longer functional.
> > The sx is owned around tsleep(), and thus a progress cannot be made
> > by other thread, which needs the same sx lock.
> > 
> > Use of the SHMSEG_REMOVED in the shmget_allocate_segment() does
> > not make any sense in your patch, since sleeping malloc allocation
> > owns sx and prevent other threads from finding the segment.
> > 
> > I did not looked further.
> Thank you for review, I definitely skimmed too fast.
> Looks like this code has some bugs as it is already, e.g. kern_shmat
> does not re-check for NULL p->p_vmspace->vm_shm after malloc.

So I produced 2 patches.

First one is straightforward: remove shmrealloc as it is a no-op anyway:

Second one replaces Giant with sx lock and removes current support for
allocations that dropped Giant. Unfortunately I didn't have any good
ideas how to split this patch:

Bugs in current support:
- p->p_vmspace->vm_shm allocation race (2 threads) in shmat
- vm_map_find can drop Giant, not taken into account in shmat
- lack of clean up if vm_pager_allocate fails

While it is possible to fix all these problems, I think sx lock that is
not dropped is ok to use here and it simplifies the implementation.

Is this acceptable?
Mateusz Guzik 
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Enhanced BIO_DELETE support & ZFS TRIM enabled by default in current

2013-05-14 Thread Steven Hartland

Hi guys I just wanted to let everyone know that as of r249921
TRIM on ZFS is enabled by default unless you explicitly disable
it using vfs.zfs.trim.enabled in loader.conf.

Delete support for CAM SCSI now includes supporting ATA TRIM on
SCSI controllers as long as the controller supports ata_pass16
(one notable controller set which doesn't is areca).

This means controllers such as mpt, which don't natively support
SCSI UNMAP to ATA TRIM translation in FW, now gain BIO_DELETE
support via ATA TRIM if your using SATA disks.

The way the default delete_method is chosen has also changed from
a try and fail methodology to query the device details via VPD

Delete method choice in CAM SCSI has also changed to prefer ATA
TRIM if available as testing has show that even those controllers
that support UNMAP to TRIM translation it is up to 20% slower than
using ATA TRIM via pass16. This can still be overridden using

I'd really appreciate any feedback people have, even if that's just
confirming your running with ZFS TRIM and haven't had any issues,
as I'm looking to MFC to stable soon.

FYI: We've been running it for over 9 months now on hundreds of
machines without any real issues.


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Re: files disappearing from ls on NFS

2013-05-14 Thread Rick Macklem
Hartmut Brandt wrote:
> Hi Rick,
> sorry for top-posting - this is Outlook :-(
> Attached is the system configuration. I use this more or less
> unchanged since years. The machine is an 8-core AMD64 with 144GByte
> memory.
> The nfsstats -m output for the two file systems I'm testing with is:
> knopfs01:/OP_UserUnix on /home
> nfsv3,tcp,resvport,hard,cto,lockd,sec=sys,acdirmin=3,acdirmax=60,acregmin=5,acregmax=60,nametimeo=60,negnametimeo=60,rsize=65536,wsize=65536,readdirsize=65536,readahead=1,wcommitsize=6126856,timeout=120,retrans=2
> knopfs01:/op_software on /software
> nfsv3,tcp,resvport,hard,cto,lockd,sec=sys,acdirmin=3,acdirmax=60,acregmin=5,acregmax=60,nametimeo=60,negnametimeo=60,rsize=65536,wsize=65536,readdirsize=65536,readahead=1,wcommitsize=6126856,timeout=120,retrans=2
> I did the tcpdump/wireshark thing and I'm puzzled that I see no
> readdir requests. I see a lookup, followed by getattr, access and
> fsstat for the directory and that's it. Looks that even after hours
> the stuff returned by getdirents(2) comes from the cache. I assume
> that the NFS client uses getattr to check whether
> the directory has changed? If I knew what happens when calling
> getdirents() I could add some debugging printfs() here and there to
> figure out...
Yes. The NFS client will check the mtime on the directory to see if it has
changed and just use whatever is in the buffer cache otherwise.

Well, getdents() basically just calls kern_getdirentries() and it calls
VOP_READDIR() { which is called nfs_readdir() in the NFS clients }. 
nfs_readdir() calls ncl_bioread() to do the real work of finding the
buffer cache blocks and copying the data out of them.
One thing you might check via printf()s is whether the buffer cache
has the zero'd data in it before it copies it to userland.

Since you get valid data sometimes and partially zero'd out data others,
I haven't a clue what is going on. One other person reported a problem
when they used a small readdirsize, but it is hard to say they saw the
same thing and no one else seems to be seeing this, so I have no idea
what it might be.

I remember you started seeing this after an upgrade of current. Do you
happen to have dates (or rNN) for the old working verion vs the one that 
broke this?
(All I can think to do is scan the commits that seem to somehow relate
 to the buffer cache or copying to userland or ???)


> harti
> -Original Message-
> From: Rick Macklem []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 2:50 PM
> To: Brandt, Hartmut
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: files disappearing from ls on NFS
> Hartmut Brandt wrote:
> > On Mon, 13 May 2013, Rick Macklem wrote:
> >
> > RM>Hartmut Brandt wrote:
> > RM>> On Sun, 12 May 2013, Rick Macklem wrote:
> > RM>>
> > RM>> RM>Hartmut Brandt wrote:
> > RM>> RM>> Hi,
> > RM>> RM>>
> > RM>> RM>> I've updated one of my -current machines this week
> > (previous
> > RM>> update
> > RM>> RM>> was in
> > RM>> RM>> february). Now I see a strange effect (it seems only on
> > NFS
> > RM>> mounts):
> > RM>> RM>> ls or
> > RM>> RM>> even echo * will list only some files (strange enough the
> > first
> > RM>> files
> > RM>> RM>> from
> > RM>> RM>> the normal, alphabetically ordered list). If I change
> > something
> > RM>> in the
> > RM>> RM>> directory (delete a file or create a new one) for some
> > time
> > the
> > RM>> RM>> complete
> > RM>> RM>> listing will appear but after sime time (seconds to a
> > minute
> > or
> > RM>> so)
> > RM>> RM>> again
> > RM>> RM>> only part of the files is listed.
> > RM>> RM>>
> > RM>> RM>> A ktrace on ls /usr/src/lib/libc/gen shows that
> > getdirentries is
> > RM>> RM>> called
> > RM>> RM>> only once (returning 4096). For a full listing
> > getdirentries
> > is
> > RM>> called
> > RM>> RM>> 5
> > RM>> RM>> times with the last returning 0.
> > RM>> RM>>
> > RM>> RM>> I can still open files that are not listed if I know their
> > name,
> > RM>> RM>> though.
> > RM>> RM>>
> > RM>> RM>> The NFS server is a Windows 2008 server with an OpenText
> > NFS
> > RM>> Server
> > RM>> RM>> which
> > RM>> RM>> works without problems to all the other FreeBSD machines.
> > RM>> RM>>
> > RM>> RM>> So what could that be?
> > RM>> RM>>
> > RM>> RM>I've attached a patch that might be worth trying. It is a
> > "shot in
> > RM>> the dark",
> > RM>> RM>but brings the new NFS client's readdir closer to the old
> > one
> > RM>> (which you
> > RM>> RM>mentioned still works ok).
> > RM>> RM>
> > RM>> RM>Please let me know how it goes, if you have a chance to test
> > it,
> > RM>> rick
> > RM>>
> > RM>> Hi Rick,
> > RM>>
> > RM>> the patch doesn't help.
> > RM>>
> > RM>> I wrote a small test program, which opens a directory, calls
> > RM>> getdents(2)
> > RM>> in a loop and dumps that. I figured out, that the return of the
> > system
> > RM>> call depends on the buffer size I pass to it. The directory has
> > a
> > RM>> block size of 4k according to fstat(2). If I use 

Re: head && auditdistd

2013-05-14 Thread Lowell Gilbert
Matthias Apitz  writes:

> El día Tuesday, May 14, 2013 a las 07:20:02AM -0700, Justin Hibbits escribió:
>> You should run 'mergemaster -p' before installworld, as that would add any
>> necessary new users to the file.
> I see no need to run 'mergemaster' if one installs world and kernel into
> an empty mount point (device). There is nothing to merge.

Fine, if that provides a sufficiently complete system for your needs.
That must be a pretty unusual set of needs, though.
I'm interested: what do you do with a system that is complete except 
for not including /etc?
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