samba failed MD5 Checksum

2010-04-04 Thread gahn
Hi all:

I am trying to compile the smaba34 but somehow it failed MD5 Checksum and 
SHA256 Checksum:

# make all
===>  Vulnerability check disabled, database not found
===>  Found saved configuration for samba34-3.4.5_1
===>  ---
===>  Run 'make config' to (re)configure the port
===>  ---
===>  Extracting for samba34-3.4.5_1
=> MD5 Checksum mismatch for samba-3.4.5.tar.gz.
=> SHA256 Checksum mismatch for samba-3.4.5.tar.gz.
===>  Refetch for 1 more times files: samba-3.4.5.tar.gz samba-3.4.5.tar.gz 
===>  Vulnerability check disabled, database not found
===>  Found saved configuration for samba34-3.4.5_1
===>  ---
===>  Run 'make config' to (re)configure the port
===>  ---
=> samba-3.4.5.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/.


actually "samba-3.4.5.tar.gz" does exist under /usr/ports/distfiles

how could I fix this problem? I am using 7.2-p7...


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Re: samba failed MD5 Checksum

2010-04-04 Thread pluknet
On 4 April 2010 11:02, gahn  wrote:
> Hi all:
> I am trying to compile the smaba34 but somehow it failed MD5 Checksum and 
> SHA256 Checksum:
> # make all
> ===>  Vulnerability check disabled, database not found
> ===>  Found saved configuration for samba34-3.4.5_1
> ===>  ---
> ===>  Run 'make config' to (re)configure the port
> ===>  ---
> ===>  Extracting for samba34-3.4.5_1
> => MD5 Checksum mismatch for samba-3.4.5.tar.gz.
> => SHA256 Checksum mismatch for samba-3.4.5.tar.gz.
> ===>  Refetch for 1 more times files: samba-3.4.5.tar.gz samba-3.4.5.tar.gz
> ===>  Vulnerability check disabled, database not found
> ===>  Found saved configuration for samba34-3.4.5_1
> ===>  ---
> ===>  Run 'make config' to (re)configure the port
> ===>  ---
> => samba-3.4.5.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/.
> -
> actually "samba-3.4.5.tar.gz" does exist under /usr/ports/distfiles

Looks like you have partially fetched distfile. Try to make distclean,
then restart again.

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"npxdna in kernel mode!" from VIA_RNG_store

2010-04-04 Thread Bruce Cran
I noticed my mini-ITX box (runnning -CURRENT) has been printing quite a few 
"npxdna in kernel mode!" messages recently, so I added KDB support to find out 
where they were coming from. The stack trace I got was:

npxdna in kernel mode!
KDB: stack backtrace:
db_trace_self_wrapper(c07de67f,c8297ab8,c07a477e,c07fc759,7,...) at 
kdb_backtrace(c07fc759,7,33,50,13,...) at kdb_backtrace+0x31
trap(c8297ac4) at trap+0x55e
calltrap() at calltrap+0x6
--- trap 0x16, eip = 0xc07801f0, esp = 0xc8297b04, ebp = 0xc8297b14 ---
VIA_RNG_store(c0865760,4,c181e6c0,c054ad43,c0811dc0,...) at VIA_RNG_store+0x20
random_nehemiah_read(c185c000,80,2,c185c000,0,...) at 
random_read(c1476200,c8297c28,0,100,0,...) at random_read+0x7c
devfs_read_f(c1566c08,c8297c28,c182e080,0,c181e6c0,...) at devfs_read_f+0xa1
fo_read(c1566c08,c8297c28,c182e080,0,c181e6c0,...) at fo_read+0x32
dofileread(c181e6c0,5,c1566c08,c8297c28,,...) at dofileread+0x81
kern_readv(c181e6c0,5,c8297c28,5,c8297c48,...) at kern_readv+0x68
read(c181e6c0,c8297cc8,c181e6c0,c181e6c0,c187d2a8,...) at read+0x63
syscall(c8297d38) at syscall+0x3ad
Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x20
--- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF32, read), eip = 0x28398b83, esp = 0xbfbfde5c, ebp 
= 0xbfbfdf18 ---

A dmesg can be found at

Bruce Cran
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Re: "npxdna in kernel mode!" from VIA_RNG_store

2010-04-04 Thread Kostik Belousov
On Sun, Apr 04, 2010 at 09:04:50AM +0100, Bruce Cran wrote:
> I noticed my mini-ITX box (runnning -CURRENT) has been printing quite a few 
> "npxdna in kernel mode!" messages recently, so I added KDB support to find 
> out 
> where they were coming from. The stack trace I got was:
> npxdna in kernel mode!
> KDB: stack backtrace:
> db_trace_self_wrapper(c07de67f,c8297ab8,c07a477e,c07fc759,7,...) at 
> db_trace_self_wrapper+0x28
> kdb_backtrace(c07fc759,7,33,50,13,...) at kdb_backtrace+0x31
> trap(c8297ac4) at trap+0x55e
> calltrap() at calltrap+0x6
> --- trap 0x16, eip = 0xc07801f0, esp = 0xc8297b04, ebp = 0xc8297b14 ---
> VIA_RNG_store(c0865760,4,c181e6c0,c054ad43,c0811dc0,...) at VIA_RNG_store+0x20
> random_nehemiah_read(c185c000,80,2,c185c000,0,...) at 
> random_nehemiah_read+0x71
> random_read(c1476200,c8297c28,0,100,0,...) at random_read+0x7c
> devfs_read_f(c1566c08,c8297c28,c182e080,0,c181e6c0,...) at devfs_read_f+0xa1
> fo_read(c1566c08,c8297c28,c182e080,0,c181e6c0,...) at fo_read+0x32
> dofileread(c181e6c0,5,c1566c08,c8297c28,,...) at dofileread+0x81
> kern_readv(c181e6c0,5,c8297c28,5,c8297c48,...) at kern_readv+0x68
> read(c181e6c0,c8297cc8,c181e6c0,c181e6c0,c187d2a8,...) at read+0x63
> syscall(c8297d38) at syscall+0x3ad
> Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x20
> --- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF32, read), eip = 0x28398b83, esp = 0xbfbfde5c, ebp 
> = 0xbfbfdf18 ---
> A dmesg can be found at

Known issue.

The patch at
contains the possible fix.

Description: PGP signature

Re: ipv6_enable

2010-04-04 Thread Hiroki Sato
"Kevin Oberman"  wrote
  in <>:

ob> The use of FACILITY_enable in rc.conf predates /etc/rc.d scripts and I
ob> see no reason not to use them to enable or disable functionality whether
ob> it involves a script in rc.d or not. The idea is to have a clear,
ob> obvious way to enable or disable functionality. I see nothing in Hiroki's
ob> proposal that is nearly as clear and to the point as 'ipv6_enable'.

 Another reason I lean to not using xxx_enable is that an rc.d knob
 cannot control enabling/disabling the IPv6 functionality actually.
 It was true even when we were using the network_ipv6 script.

 I agree that the idea to use $xxx_enable is clear, but I think it is
 better not to use it because it cannot make the functionality
 enable/disable completely in this IPv6 case.  "To use IPv6, please
 add an IPv6 GUA to the interface" makes everything simple.  If we
 really need a knob for enable/disable, $ipv6_enable is the best.
 However, if it cannot disable actually, $xxx_enable is just a
 confusing name.  I added $ipv6_prefer and removed $ipv6_enable
 because of this reason.

 I have seen a lot of people who are trying to add an IPv6 address to
 use IPv6 but do not notice they have ipv6_enable="NO".  The trouble
 is that it actually works with some incomplete configurations.  I
 want to get rid of such a possibility.  Especially issues of "an
 interface has an IPv6 GUA and no link-local address" and "sysadmins
 who want IPv4 only do not notice an IPv6 link-local address can do L3
 communication".  The current default settings are not the best, but a
 result of trade-off.

ob> > Have you ported any of those changes to FreeBSD? There is a lot of talk
ob> > currently about a near-term future when internal networks are v6-only,
ob> > and all communication with v4 networks happen over some kind of
ob> > translation layer. I'm not sure whether I like those ideas or not, but I
ob> > think it would be great for FreeBSD to be in a leadership role here.
ob> I hate the idea. I want a end-to-end network that can be trivially
ob> subordinated to the control of any entity and allows for the innovation
ob> that an end-to-end network allows. I also fear the stability of massive
ob> carrier grade NAT systems. There is a huge amount of state required for
ob> CGN and if something goes wrong, it goes VERY wrong.

 My goal is for eliminating implicit IPv4 dependency and make the
 world AF-neutral wherever possible, not eliminating IPv4.  Something
 like changes to rc.d/netoptions in HEAD is a good example.

ob> > > do> 2. ipv6_network_interfaces should be set to AUTO, the same way that 
ob> > > do> is for IPv4.
ob> > >
ob> > >  I agree with this change, but I am still not sure if we should have
ob> > >  $ipv6_network_interfaces itself.
ob> >
ob> > I think it's useful because people may want to configure some interfaces
ob> > for v6 and not others.
ob> I agree with Doug, here, though I think its use will be very limited.
ob> (But maybe I will be wrong.)

 I agree with the usefulness, but we can implement this functionality
 with no $ipv6_network_interfaces.  For example, $network_interfaces
 is for all IFs and AFs, "ifconfig_DEFAULT_AF=IGNORE" is per-AF, and
 "ifconfig_IF_AF=IGNORE" is per-AF+IF.

 I think it is not necessary to have a global knobs for a specific AF
 because we already have a per-AF knob for each IF as described above.
 The reason why we have ipv6_* knobs equivalent to ones for IPv4 is
 that the "ipv6_"-prefixed knobs were used in KAME to separate the
 IPv6 knobs from the existing IPv4 ones.  As I explained, I want to
 merge the duplicates in AF-neutral manner.  Not want to eliminate the
 existing functionality itself.

ob> > >  For IPv4 we do not invoke dhclient by default.
ob> >
ob> > I think this is an apples and oranges comparison. IPv6 has a lot of
ob> > similarities to IPv4, but they have a lot of differences as well. As I
ob> > said above (for better or worse) RA is fundamental to the design and
ob> > implementation of IPv6, and for almost all users it will be necessary in
ob> > order to get IPv6 connectivity up.
ob> I agree with Doug. This is one of the few areas where IPv4 and IPv6 are
ob> really different. While I don't agree that accepting RTADV should be the
ob> default, the IPv4 comparison is really not relevant.

 No, my intension is not to compare IPv4 and IPv6 here.  We have never
 enable L3 address autoconfiguration without explicit configuration
 before.  This is reasonable and should be kept for IPv6, too.

-- Hiroki

Description: PGP signature

Re: ipv6_enable

2010-04-04 Thread sthaug
>  No, my intension is not to compare IPv4 and IPv6 here.  We have never
>  enable L3 address autoconfiguration without explicit configuration
>  before.  This is reasonable and should be kept for IPv6, too.

Agree 100%. Having IPv6 SLAAC as the default is a bad idea.

On the other hand, I *do* like a single rc.conf knob (ipv6_enable) for
the top level IPv6 functionality - even if it doesn't do a 100% job.

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting,
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Re: HEADSUP: zlib updated [svn commit: r205471 - in head: . lib/libz lib/libz/contrib lib/libz/doc sys/sys]

2010-04-04 Thread Garrett Cooper
On 3/26/10, Robert Watson  wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Mar 2010, Xin LI wrote:
>> A MFC of this update is planned, but we will have to make some rather
>> aggressive changes against the library and more testing.
>> Please make sure that you have at least libxml2-2.7.6_2 in your ports tree
>> before even thinking about updating your ports tree.  Older libxml2 uses
>> some knowledge of zlib internals that has been changed in this update
>> which
>> is known to cause problem.
> While the update sounds like a good idea (as does moving to symbol
> verisoning
> for this library), I'm not yet convinced an MFC is a good idea given the
> compatibility issues you describe.  Perhaps you could clarify a bit the
> failure mode: this affects only people who rebuild their ports using exactly
> the same ports versions, but after having done an upgrade that includes this
> update?  It sounds like existing binaries will continue to work since they
> will reference the old library version?

Yes, but the number of libraries which need to be fixed is a pain. If
you go the conservative (not ultra conservative) route, you'll have to
rebuild all dependencies of graphics/png and graphics/tiff (which
includes a ton of gnome apps, X, etc). Oh, and did I forget to mention
that libtool hardcodes paths and versioning information? Of course
most people won't see this fact until they run make delete-old-libs,
but it's a doosy... This is the primary reason why Gentoo Linux has a
script to clean up these [libtool] messes...

That point alone is a reason for being ultra-conservative with this
MFCing change. This won't affect folks building from scratch after
this commit, but it'll easily kill off an afternoon or day for folks
upgrading if they one isn't careful because the impact is large.

Of course scripting the activity to avoid these times of base system
library bumps is trivial, but my script that I whipped up still has
rough edges and I'd rather not submit it quite yet...

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Re: HEADSUP: zlib updated [svn commit: r205471 - in head: . lib/libz lib/libz/contrib lib/libz/doc sys/sys]

2010-04-04 Thread Rainer Hurling

On 04.04.2010 13:24 (UTC+1), Garrett Cooper wrote:

On 3/26/10, Robert Watson  wrote:

On Mon, 22 Mar 2010, Xin LI wrote:

A MFC of this update is planned, but we will have to make some rather
aggressive changes against the library and more testing.

Please make sure that you have at least libxml2-2.7.6_2 in your ports tree

before even thinking about updating your ports tree.  Older libxml2 uses
some knowledge of zlib internals that has been changed in this update
is known to cause problem.

While the update sounds like a good idea (as does moving to symbol
for this library), I'm not yet convinced an MFC is a good idea given the
compatibility issues you describe.  Perhaps you could clarify a bit the
failure mode: this affects only people who rebuild their ports using exactly
the same ports versions, but after having done an upgrade that includes this
update?  It sounds like existing binaries will continue to work since they
will reference the old library version?

Yes, but the number of libraries which need to be fixed is a pain. If
you go the conservative (not ultra conservative) route, you'll have to
rebuild all dependencies of graphics/png and graphics/tiff (which
includes a ton of gnome apps, X, etc). Oh, and did I forget to mention
that libtool hardcodes paths and versioning information? Of course
most people won't see this fact until they run make delete-old-libs,
but it's a doosy... This is the primary reason why Gentoo Linux has a
script to clean up these [libtool] messes...

To avoid the biggest trouble when updating I temporarily went another 
way. Before 'make delete-old-libs' I made a copy of under compat:

cp -p /lib/ /usr/local/lib/compat/
cp -p /usr/lib32/ /usr/local/lib32/compat/

I plan to delete these copies in some weeks. Do you think this is ok or 
do I have to expect unwanted side effects?

Rainer Hurling

That point alone is a reason for being ultra-conservative with this
MFCing change. This won't affect folks building from scratch after
this commit, but it'll easily kill off an afternoon or day for folks
upgrading if they one isn't careful because the impact is large.

Of course scripting the activity to avoid these times of base system
library bumps is trivial, but my script that I whipped up still has
rough edges and I'd rather not submit it quite yet...

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FreeBSD 9-CURRENT (and 8.0) on MacMini (rev. 3,1)

2010-04-04 Thread Phil Regnauld
Hi everyone,

Wasn't sure where to post this, so I'll try here as it involves -CURRENT
as well, and effort is probably best spent there.

Have acquired a MacMini "Server" model (4 GB RAM, 2 x 500 GB disk, and
no optical drive) to build a workshop training server. I am trying
to get FreeBSD to work on this beast, and so far I've had mitigated

Below is the combination of versions that work/don't work.  If it hangs/panics,
it's at boot time.

Boot mode   ACPI  NO ACPI/SAFE

F7.2-R amd64  hang  panic (in swapper)
F7.2-R i386   WORKS, but 2.7 GB visible. PAE kernel panics on starting CPU2
  no-ACPI not tested (not necessary)

F8.0-R amd64  hanghang
F8.0-R  i386  hanghang ohci

F8.0-S amd64  hanghang at ohci early: SMM active, request owner 

F9.0-C amd64  panic acpicahang on md0: Preloaded image  (Feb 2010 SNAP)
F9.0-C i386   panic acpicapanic acpica
  Stopped at  kbd_enter+0x3a: movl  $0,kbd_why
  (USB kbd dead here, cannot backtrace)

Currently I'm running 7.3-STABLE/i386, without PAE, limited to 2.6 GB
RAM. ZFS works like a charm, and so does the built-in ethernet. ACPI
works too, but asmc(4) is not available in 7. cputemp(4) works fine as
well, but I don't think the fans ever change speed (though I succeeded
in building world and kernel multiple times, and the CPU core temp never
exceeded 80 C).

On those that don't work, apart from disabling ACPI, I've attempted
disabling various bits of the HW (sio, atkbdc, fdc, ...) but that hasn't helped
so far.  Also, so advice out there recommends disabling HW in the BIOS, which
a Mac doesn't have.

I checked the archives for anything relevant, and do see that older versions
of the MacMini hardware tend to work (with some quirks), but it amd64's
has always been an issue, it seems.

I've also checked out the following links:


"If your system stops early at boot, try reverting r189055:";

(haven't tried that yet, but since 9.0 doesn't work, I didn't see the point).

So, anyway, I'd like to get -CURRENT or even 8-STABLE to work on this.
I'm ready to spend time helping whoever can guide me in debugging this critter.
DDB is a bit tricky since the USB tends to hang as well, and I can't break
into the debugger, or the keyboard doesn't work in it.

I can include verbose boot logs, test any kernel (setting up PXE boot env).
I could file PRs (but would like to refrain from doing this until I'm sure
I've tried the right steps and avoid polluting the PR DB with redundant 

Any help appreciated!

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Re: FreeBSD 9-CURRENT (and 8.0) on MacMini (rev. 3,1)

2010-04-04 Thread Attilio Rao
2010/4/4 Phil Regnauld :
> Hi everyone,
> Wasn't sure where to post this, so I'll try here as it involves -CURRENT
> as well, and effort is probably best spent there.
> Have acquired a MacMini "Server" model (4 GB RAM, 2 x 500 GB disk, and
> no optical drive) to build a workshop training server. I am trying
> to get FreeBSD to work on this beast, and so far I've had mitigated
> success.
> Below is the combination of versions that work/don't work.  If it 
> hangs/panics,
> it's at boot time.
> Boot mode       ACPI      NO ACPI/SAFE
> F7.2-R amd64  hang      panic (in swapper)
> F7.2-R i386   WORKS, but 2.7 GB visible. PAE kernel panics on starting CPU2
>              no-ACPI not tested (not necessary)
> F8.0-R amd64  hang            hang
> F8.0-R  i386  hang            hang ohci
> F8.0-S amd64  hang            hang at ohci early: SMM active, request owner 
> change
> F9.0-C amd64  panic acpica    hang on md0: Preloaded image  (Feb 2010 SNAP)
> F9.0-C i386   panic acpica    panic acpica
>                              Stopped at  kbd_enter+0x3a: movl  $0,kbd_why
>                              (USB kbd dead here, cannot backtrace)

I would start by compiling a debugging kernel and using serial port
for capturing, starting reporting the ACPI bug in the latest case,
then we can get useful informations.


Peace can only be achieved by understanding - A. Einstein
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Re: FreeBSD 9-CURRENT (and 8.0) on MacMini (rev. 3,1)

2010-04-04 Thread Phil Regnauld
Attilio Rao (attilio) writes:
> I would start by compiling a debugging kernel and using serial port
> for capturing, starting reporting the ACPI bug in the latest case,
> then we can get useful informations.

Hi Attilio,

Any pointers on how to achieve that on a machine with no serial ports ?
I've checked out:
and (there is a recognized firewire 

I don't otherwise see how to get a core to disk halfway through the boot


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Re: FreeBSD 9-CURRENT (and 8.0) on MacMini (rev. 3,1)

2010-04-04 Thread Andriy Gapon
on 04/04/2010 18:34 Phil Regnauld said the following:
> Attilio Rao (attilio) writes:
>> I would start by compiling a debugging kernel and using serial port
>> for capturing, starting reporting the ACPI bug in the latest case,
>> then we can get useful informations.
>   Hi Attilio,
>   Any pointers on how to achieve that on a machine with no serial ports ?
>   I've checked out:
>   and
> (there is a recognized firewire 
> port)
>   I don't otherwise see how to get a core to disk halfway through the boot
>   process.

You could try to use firewire console.
See dcons(4).

Also, a good and quicker start is to report actual panics that you get, as
Attilio has suggested.
When everything else fails, a digital camera still can be used to get screen

Andriy Gapon
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Re: ATA_CAM-ed mvsata(4) on OpenRD-client

2010-04-04 Thread Norikatsu Shigemura
Hi mav.

On Wed, 31 Mar 2010 10:25:38 +0300
Alexander Motin  wrote:
> > spin lock 0xc3766680 (fvH) held by 0xc3613b48 (tid -1061308344) too long
> > panic: spin lock held too long
> > KDB: enter: panic
> > [ thread pid 0 tid 10 ]
> > Stopped at  0xc09dcb50 = kdb_enter+0x48:ldrbr15, [r15, r15, ror 
> > r15]!
> > db> 
> Fixed at SVN r205967.

Oops, sorry!  That's great news!  I'll retry.
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Re: HEADSUP: zlib updated [svn commit: r205471 - in head: . lib/libz lib/libz/contrib lib/libz/doc sys/sys]

2010-04-04 Thread Garrett Cooper
On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 5:11 AM, Rainer Hurling  wrote:
> On 04.04.2010 13:24 (UTC+1), Garrett Cooper wrote:
>> On 3/26/10, Robert Watson  wrote:
>>> On Mon, 22 Mar 2010, Xin LI wrote:
 A MFC of this update is planned, but we will have to make some rather
 aggressive changes against the library and more testing.

 Please make sure that you have at least libxml2-2.7.6_2 in your ports

 before even thinking about updating your ports tree.  Older libxml2 uses
 some knowledge of zlib internals that has been changed in this update
 is known to cause problem.
>>> While the update sounds like a good idea (as does moving to symbol
>>> verisoning
>>> for this library), I'm not yet convinced an MFC is a good idea given the
>>> compatibility issues you describe.  Perhaps you could clarify a bit the
>>> failure mode: this affects only people who rebuild their ports using
>>> exactly
>>> the same ports versions, but after having done an upgrade that includes
>>> this
>>> update?  It sounds like existing binaries will continue to work since
>>> they
>>> will reference the old library version?
>> Yes, but the number of libraries which need to be fixed is a pain. If
>> you go the conservative (not ultra conservative) route, you'll have to
>> rebuild all dependencies of graphics/png and graphics/tiff (which
>> includes a ton of gnome apps, X, etc). Oh, and did I forget to mention
>> that libtool hardcodes paths and versioning information? Of course
>> most people won't see this fact until they run make delete-old-libs,
>> but it's a doosy... This is the primary reason why Gentoo Linux has a
>> script to clean up these [libtool] messes...
> To avoid the biggest trouble when updating I temporarily went another way.
> Before 'make delete-old-libs' I made a copy of under compat:
> cp -p /lib/ /usr/local/lib/compat/
> cp -p /usr/lib32/ /usr/local/lib32/compat/
> I plan to delete these copies in some weeks. Do you think this is ok or do I
> have to expect unwanted side effects?

I'm pretty sure that works as well (just make sure to rerun
ldconfig and ldconfig -32 after the fact -- or do /etc/rc.d/ldconfig
restart, boot your system into multiuser mode, etc, and you should be
in good shape); it should get you past this transition.

It would be nice if there an entry in UPDATING added for this to
warn people of the breakage and this potential suggested workaround

>> That point alone is a reason for being ultra-conservative with this
>> MFCing change. This won't affect folks building from scratch after
>> this commit, but it'll easily kill off an afternoon or day for folks
>> upgrading if they one isn't careful because the impact is large.
>> Of course scripting the activity to avoid these times of base system
>> library bumps is trivial, but my script that I whipped up still has
>> rough edges and I'd rather not submit it quite yet...

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Re: Results of BIND RFC

2010-04-04 Thread Peter Jeremy
On 2010-Apr-03 19:01:52 -0700, wrote:
>Ruben de Groot  wrote:
>> defer all questions about moving  out of the base system ...
>Last I knew, X was not _in_ the base system :)

Well, that's an excellent topic for another bikeshed - Should X be
made part of the base system?  I know it is on OpenBSD.

:-) :-)

Peter Jeremy

Description: PGP signature

Ports breakage since r205471

2010-04-04 Thread Garrett Cooper
Hi all,
I realize that this is most suitable for current@ and I'm
cross-posting, but I wanted to jot down all of the ports broken since
the zlib version bump so that we can keep track of what's going on and
what needs to be fixed.
The following 3rd party libraries and all of their dependencies:


   all needed to be rebuilt.
   The following items incorrectly define LARGEFILE64 and result in
errors like the following:

/usr/include/zlib.h:1561: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or
'__attribute__' before 'gzseek64'
/usr/include/zlib.h:1562: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or
'__attribute__' before 'gztell64'
/usr/include/zlib.h:1563: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or
'__attribute__' before 'gzoffset64'
/usr/include/zlib.h:1564: error: expected declaration specifiers or
'...' before 'off64_t'
/usr/include/zlib.h:1565: error: expected declaration specifiers or
'...' before 'off64_t'

lang/python (uses pieces from gpac-libgpac I think)
multimedia/vlc (draft patch attached to ports/145387)

   Also, I really think we should add packaging metadata to third
party libraries in base and at least track the versioning and
dependencies because this CURRENT upgrade has turned into a royal mess
and has eaten up more of my time than it should have.
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Re: newfs_msdos and DVD-RAM

2010-04-04 Thread Bruce Evans

On Sat, 3 Apr 2010, Tijl Coosemans wrote:

Wikipedia's article on FAT has this to say about the maximum size of

"The limit on partition size was dictated by the 8-bit signed count of
sectors per cluster, which had a maximum power-of-two value of 64. With

That seems unlikely.  The MS-DOS file system is an old 1970's one meant
for implementation in assembly language on an 8-bit CPU.  No assembly
language programmer for an 8-bit microprocessor would expect an 8 bit
or 16 bit counter to be signed, since there aren't enough bits to waste
1 for the sign bit.  My reference written in 1986 by an assembly-language
oriented programmer (Duncan) only says that the value must be a power
of 2 though it says that the most other 8-bit variables are BYTEs.

the standard hard disk sector size of 512 bytes, this gives a maximum
of 32 KB clusters, thereby fixing the "definitive" limit for the FAT16
partition size at 2 gigabytes. On magneto-optical media, which can have
1 or 2 KB sectors instead of 1/2 KB, this size limit is proportionally

However, there was no need to use counts of larger than 1 in 1980, so
support for values of 128 could easily have been broken.

Much later, Windows NT increased the maximum cluster size to 64 KB by
considering the sectors-per-cluster count as unsigned. However, the
resulting format was not compatible with any other FAT implementation
of the time, and it generated greater internal fragmentation. Windows
98 also supported reading and writing this variant, but its disk
utilities did not work with it."

This is demonstably false, since pcfs in FreeBSD-1 was another FAT
implementation of the time (1993), and it is should be missing the bug
since it uses the natural unsigned types for everything in the BPB.
msdosfs in Linux probably provides a better demonstration since it was
of production quality a year or 2 earlier and unlikely to have the bug.
(I don't have its sources handy to check.)

I'm not sure the second paragraph is worth supporting, but the first
seems to say that 32k limit you have in your patch only applies to
disks with 512 byte sectors. For disks with larger sectors it would
be proportionally larger.

It would be interesting to see what breaks with cluster sizes > 64K.
These can be obtained using emulated or physical sector sizes larger
than 512.

Of course you don't want to actually use cluster sizes larger than 4K
(far below 32K) about since they just give portability and fragmentation
losses for tiny or negative performance gains (lose both space and
time to fragmentation).  My implementation of clustering for msdosfs
made the cluster sizes unimportant provided it is small enough not to
produce fragmentation, and there is little fragmentation due to other
problems, and there is enough CPU to enblock and deblock the clusters.
Clustering works better for msdosfs than for ffs because there are no
indirect blocks or far-away inode blocks to put bubbles in the i/o

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Re: iwi problems on -CURRENT (Apr 4. 2010)

2010-04-04 Thread Adam K Kirchhoff

FYI, this happens with GENERIC, too.


On Sat, 3 Apr 2010 16:54:47 -0400
Adam K Kirchhoff  wrote:

> I'm having some problems with iwi on -CURRENT.
> FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT #1: Sat Apr
> 3 EDT 2010  i386
> In loader.conf I have:
> if_iwi_load="YES"
> iwi_bss_load="YES"
> legal.intel_iwi.license_ack=1
> In /etc/rc.conf I have:
> wlans_iwi0="wlan0"
> ifconfig_wlan0="DHCP wpa"
> Upon bootup, iwi fails to work with:
> iwi0:  at device 3.0 on pci3
> iwi0: [ITHREAD]
> iwi0: parity error
> iwi0: timeout waiting for iwi_bss firmware initialization to complete
> iwi0: could not load boot firmware iwi_bss
> iwi0: timeout waiting for master
> According to the iwi man page, "could not load boot firmware" "should
> not happen" :-)
> Any thoughts on how to get this working?  For what it's worth, I
> installed FreeBSD on this machine earlier this week, immediately
> upgraded to -CURRENT (previous installations from the 8-STABLE series
> on this laptop refused to let any wireless driver connect to the APs
> at work, so I specifically wanted to see if this had been fixed in
> -CURRENT), and iwi worked fine for a few days.  Then it stopped,
> though I did not change anything on the system.  I updated -CURRENT
> today to see if doing so would get iwi working again, but it did not.
> Adam
> ___
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Call for testers: fxp(4) Rx buffer use after free

2010-04-04 Thread Pyun YongHyeon

It seems that fxp(4) has a long standing races between controller
and driver. The exotic RFD handling of controller is race prone as
we had seen old ethernet controllers. I could easily reproduce this
by rebooting system while netperf 64bytes UDP test is in progress.
If heavy RX frames hit the controller while interface UP is in
progress, controller started DMAing to freed mbufs such that
"Memory modified after free" message showed up. Based on OpenBSD's
patch I made a patch which seems to fix the issue.
If you saw this type of issue please give it try and let me how
it goes on your box. The patch has effect only on interrupt mode so
if you're using polling(4) you would have no effects.
You can get download the patch at the following URL.

After applying the patch you may see somewhat increased RNR counter
value from sysctl node(dev.fxp.0.rnr). Previously fxp(4) might have
lower RNR counter value but that fake value came from DMAing to
freed mbufs which was completely wrong.

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Re: Ports breakage since r205471

2010-04-04 Thread Garrett Cooper
On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 3:06 PM, Garrett Cooper  wrote:
> Hi all,
>    I realize that this is most suitable for current@ and I'm
> cross-posting, but I wanted to jot down all of the ports broken since
> the zlib version bump so that we can keep track of what's going on and
> what needs to be fixed.
>    The following 3rd party libraries and all of their dependencies:
> graphics/png
> graphics/tiff
> textproc/libxml2
>   all needed to be rebuilt.
>   The following items incorrectly define LARGEFILE64 and result in
> errors like the following:
> /usr/include/zlib.h:1561: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or
> '__attribute__' before 'gzseek64'
> /usr/include/zlib.h:1562: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or
> '__attribute__' before 'gztell64'
> /usr/include/zlib.h:1563: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or
> '__attribute__' before 'gzoffset64'
> /usr/include/zlib.h:1564: error: expected declaration specifiers or
> '...' before 'off64_t'
> /usr/include/zlib.h:1565: error: expected declaration specifiers or
> '...' before 'off64_t'
> devel/qt-moc
> lang/python (uses pieces from gpac-libgpac I think)
> multimedia/gpac-libgpac
> multimedia/vlc (draft patch attached to ports/145387)
>   Also, I really think we should add packaging metadata to third
> party libraries in base and at least track the versioning and
> dependencies because this CURRENT upgrade has turned into a royal mess
> and has eaten up more of my time than it should have.

As jsa@ so kindly pointed out, upgrading to r206057 temporarily
alleviates this issue. I'll keep on looking for problematic areas
where this needs to be fixed, but a #warning should probably be added
to the header to catch all of the offenders.
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Re: ipv6_enable

2010-04-04 Thread Doug Barton
Thanks for the reply, it's nice to get other viewpoints involved,
especially from those who have actual working knowledge of IPv6. I'm
going to snip the bits where we agree for ease of reading.

On 04/03/10 22:33, Kevin Oberman wrote:
>> Date: Sat, 03 Apr 2010 17:49:40 -0700
>> From: Doug Barton 
>> Sender:
>> As we've discussed previously, you and I have a lot of disagreement on
>> some of these principles. I'm going to outline my responses in some
>> detail, however I'm also interested in what others have to say since I'd
>> ultimately like to see some consensus from the community on how this
>> should be configured.
> I guess it's time to put in my $.02. I do have some experience with
> IPv6. I have the first system to run a production IPv6 address in that
> ARIN region sitting under my desk in Berkeley.
> I agree with one of Doug's points and one of Hiroki's.
>> On 04/03/10 04:51, Hiroki Sato wrote:
>>> Doug Barton  wrote
>>>   in <>:
>> I actually look forward to the day when we have an ipv4_enable, and look
>> forward even more to the day when it defaults to "off." :)
> It's possible that the time will come this decade when IPv4 is really
> not needed by the typical user, but I don't expect utilization to drop
> low enough that it would be appropriate to make the default "no"
> (certainly not "off"). POLA and general conservatism will prevent this
> for a long time.

Yes, my sentiment is serious, but the practicalities dictated the smiley
at the end.  :)

>>> do> 3. Each IPv6 interface (other than lo0) should be configured with rtsol
>>> do> by default, but manual configuration should still be possible.
> I would agree with Doug EXCEPT for experiences I have had. I have been
> at a conference where a rogue RA totally clobbered the IPv6
> network. Yes, not that many of us were running over IPv6, but I was (see
> the headers on this message) and it was very annoying. (It was also
> totally inadvertent.)
> I also know that a large federal research lab discovered that they had
> hundreds of systems running IPv6 on their network without knowing
> it. Almost all UNIX systems turn it on by default and some systems were
> configured for RTADV. It was causing all sorts of problems that were very
> hard to track down.
> Neither of these cases involved any intent to cause harm, but they
> demonstrate that it would not be hard for a miscreant to take advantage
> of this.
> ATM there is no alternative to running RTADV, and I am hopeful that IETF
> finishes and that vendors quickly implement RA-Guard, as well as mods
> to DHCPv6 to allow it to operate without needing a system running RTADV
> on the wire.

I've read the various opinions regarding having RA on by default, and
have reconsidered my position. Therefore I'd like to offer a compromise.
What I'm after is that modulo the need to toggle ipv6_enable if a user
has an interface configured with IPv4 that the same interface should
"just work" with IPv6. Given that RA is the default method of IPv6
deployment, and given that it will almost certainly be necessary, I
thought enabling it by default was a good idea. However I'm nothing if
not reasonable. :)

So I'd like to suggest returning the default in ipv6_autoconfif() to
off, but enabling it if the user has a DHCP option in their IPv4
configuration for that same interface. To that end I've modified my
patch, you can see the new version at I've also added
support for an RTADV keyword in ifconfig_IF_ipv6 and updated rc.conf.5
to match.

I think this is a reasonable compromise, as those users who are using
DHCP for IPv4 already have the expectation that their interfaces will be
automatically configured. Those who are manually specifying their v4
addresses will have a little more work to get IPv6 up and running, but I
can just send them to Hiroki or Steinar for help. :)

Incidental to the RA default, when working on this new patch I noticed
that noafif() is only ever called by ipv6_autoconfif() so I changed it
to be in line rather than a separate function.



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Re: ipv6_enable

2010-04-04 Thread Doug Barton
On 04/04/10 02:41, Hiroki Sato wrote:
> "Kevin Oberman"  wrote
>   in <>:
> ob> The use of FACILITY_enable in rc.conf predates /etc/rc.d scripts and I
> ob> see no reason not to use them to enable or disable functionality whether
> ob> it involves a script in rc.d or not. The idea is to have a clear,
> ob> obvious way to enable or disable functionality. I see nothing in Hiroki's
> ob> proposal that is nearly as clear and to the point as 'ipv6_enable'.
>  Another reason I lean to not using xxx_enable is that an rc.d knob
>  cannot control enabling/disabling the IPv6 functionality actually.
>  It was true even when we were using the network_ipv6 script.

But that's equally true of how you're using ipv6_prefer. :)  You've
basically just moved the overloading of 2 of the 3 previous functions of
ipv6_enable to ipv6_prefer. I am suggesting that we split all 3
functions into different knobs.

I also have a lot of sympathy for the idea that there "should" be a
sysctl or something to "switch off" IPv6 functionality even if INET6 is
in the kernel. However, doing so is beyond my ability, and even if I
_could_ do that, I'd _still_ want to toggle it with ipv6_enable. :)

>  I agree that the idea to use $xxx_enable is clear, but I think it is
>  better not to use it because it cannot make the functionality
>  enable/disable completely in this IPv6 case.  "To use IPv6, please
>  add an IPv6 GUA to the interface" makes everything simple. 

I think I can see your perspective on this, however I don't agree with
you. It also seems to me that the consensus seems to be forming around
the idea that maintaining the ipv6_enable knob is a good thing.

>  I have seen a lot of people who are trying to add an IPv6 address to
>  use IPv6 but do not notice they have ipv6_enable="NO".

I actually agree that this is a problem, which is why I've jiggled the
order in etc/defaults/rc.conf a bit, and expanded the documentation in
rc.conf.5. At the end of the day though, I agree that there is a
learning curve, but I think that given the default of having INET6 in
GENERIC it's necessary. Also, this issue doesn't change with the way
you're using ipv6_prefer, it just moves the problem to that knob instead
of _enable.

>  The trouble
>  is that it actually works with some incomplete configurations.  I
>  want to get rid of such a possibility.  Especially issues of "an
>  interface has an IPv6 GUA and no link-local address" and "sysadmins
>  who want IPv4 only do not notice an IPv6 link-local address can do L3
>  communication".  

I agree with your concerns in this area, which is why I moved the
testing of ipv6_enable into ipv6if(). This way we don't get either of
the problems you described.

> ob> > Have you ported any of those changes to FreeBSD? There is a lot of talk
> ob> > currently about a near-term future when internal networks are v6-only,
> ob> > and all communication with v4 networks happen over some kind of
> ob> > translation layer. I'm not sure whether I like those ideas or not, but I
> ob> > think it would be great for FreeBSD to be in a leadership role here.
> ob>
> ob> I hate the idea. I want a end-to-end network that can be trivially
> ob> subordinated to the control of any entity and allows for the innovation
> ob> that an end-to-end network allows. I also fear the stability of massive
> ob> carrier grade NAT systems. There is a huge amount of state required for
> ob> CGN and if something goes wrong, it goes VERY wrong.
>  My goal is for eliminating implicit IPv4 dependency and make the
>  world AF-neutral wherever possible, not eliminating IPv4.  Something
>  like changes to rc.d/netoptions in HEAD is a good example.

As I've said previously, I think this is a good goal, of which I am 100%
supportive. I probably shouldn't have included the aside about IPv4
stuff in my previous post, sorry for distracting the conversation.

> ob> > > do> 2. ipv6_network_interfaces should be set to AUTO, the same way 
> that it
> ob> > > do> is for IPv4.
> ob> > >
> ob> > >  I agree with this change, but I am still not sure if we should have
> ob> > >  $ipv6_network_interfaces itself.
> ob> >
> ob> > I think it's useful because people may want to configure some interfaces
> ob> > for v6 and not others.
> ob>
> ob> I agree with Doug, here, though I think its use will be very limited.
> ob> (But maybe I will be wrong.)
>  I agree with the usefulness, but we can implement this functionality
>  with no $ipv6_network_interfaces.  For example, $network_interfaces
>  is for all IFs and AFs, "ifconfig_DEFAULT_AF=IGNORE" is per-AF, and
>  "ifconfig_IF_AF=IGNORE" is per-AF+IF.

I think this might be an interesting next step, I will have to think
more about it. At this time however I would really like to get HEAD back
to something that reasonably resembles the previous status quo for the
user interface in concept, with your improved features running under the

>  I think it is not necessary to have a 

Re: ipv6_enable

2010-04-04 Thread Doug Barton
On 04/04/10 02:51, wrote:
>>  No, my intension is not to compare IPv4 and IPv6 here.  We have never
>>  enable L3 address autoconfiguration without explicit configuration
>>  before.  This is reasonable and should be kept for IPv6, too.
> Agree 100%. Having IPv6 SLAAC as the default is a bad idea.
> On the other hand, I *do* like a single rc.conf knob (ipv6_enable) for
> the top level IPv6 functionality - even if it doesn't do a 100% job.

Thanks for your response. Do you think the compromise that I suggested
in my response to Kevin, enabling SLAAC for the interface if DHCP is in
use for IPv4 is reasonable?



... and that's just a little bit of history repeating.
-- Propellerheads

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weird errors or else?

2010-04-04 Thread gahn
Hi all:

I am compiling xscreensaver-kde and it stooped with following errors:

Package tocloft Note: The document has chapter divisions.

) (/usr/local/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hyperref/hyperref.sty
Implicit mode ON; LaTeX internals redefined
*hyperref using default driver hpdftex*
Writing index file doxygen_manual.idx
! Text line contains an invalid character.
l.2 ^^@

? ^C
! Text line contains an invalid character.
l.2 ^...@^^@

? X
No pages of output.
Transcript written on doxygen_manual.log.
gmake[1]: *** [doxygen_manual.pdf] Error 1
gmake: *** [pdf] Interrupt: 2

seem to me it want to write something but it doesn't tell me what to do next...

what should I do next?


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Re: ipv6_enable

2010-04-04 Thread Kevin Oberman
> Date: Sun, 04 Apr 2010 20:13:40 -0700
> From: Doug Barton 
> On 04/04/10 02:41, Hiroki Sato wrote:
> > "Kevin Oberman"  wrote
> >   in <>:
> > 
> > ob> The use of FACILITY_enable in rc.conf predates /etc/rc.d scripts and I
> > ob> see no reason not to use them to enable or disable functionality whether
> > ob> it involves a script in rc.d or not. The idea is to have a clear,
> > ob> obvious way to enable or disable functionality. I see nothing in 
> > Hiroki's
> > ob> proposal that is nearly as clear and to the point as 'ipv6_enable'.
> > 
> >  Another reason I lean to not using xxx_enable is that an rc.d knob
> >  cannot control enabling/disabling the IPv6 functionality actually.
> >  It was true even when we were using the network_ipv6 script.
> But that's equally true of how you're using ipv6_prefer. :)  You've
> basically just moved the overloading of 2 of the 3 previous functions of
> ipv6_enable to ipv6_prefer. I am suggesting that we split all 3
> functions into different knobs.
> I also have a lot of sympathy for the idea that there "should" be a
> sysctl or something to "switch off" IPv6 functionality even if INET6 is
> in the kernel. However, doing so is beyond my ability, and even if I
> _could_ do that, I'd _still_ want to toggle it with ipv6_enable. :)
> >  I agree that the idea to use $xxx_enable is clear, but I think it is
> >  better not to use it because it cannot make the functionality
> >  enable/disable completely in this IPv6 case.  "To use IPv6, please
> >  add an IPv6 GUA to the interface" makes everything simple. 
> I think I can see your perspective on this, however I don't agree with
> you. It also seems to me that the consensus seems to be forming around
> the idea that maintaining the ipv6_enable knob is a good thing.
> >  I have seen a lot of people who are trying to add an IPv6 address to
> >  use IPv6 but do not notice they have ipv6_enable="NO".
> I actually agree that this is a problem, which is why I've jiggled the
> order in etc/defaults/rc.conf a bit, and expanded the documentation in
> rc.conf.5. At the end of the day though, I agree that there is a
> learning curve, but I think that given the default of having INET6 in
> GENERIC it's necessary. Also, this issue doesn't change with the way
> you're using ipv6_prefer, it just moves the problem to that knob instead
> of _enable.
> >  The trouble
> >  is that it actually works with some incomplete configurations.  I
> >  want to get rid of such a possibility.  Especially issues of "an
> >  interface has an IPv6 GUA and no link-local address" and "sysadmins
> >  who want IPv4 only do not notice an IPv6 link-local address can do L3
> >  communication".  
> I agree with your concerns in this area, which is why I moved the
> testing of ipv6_enable into ipv6if(). This way we don't get either of
> the problems you described.
> > ob> > Have you ported any of those changes to FreeBSD? There is a lot of 
> > talk
> > ob> > currently about a near-term future when internal networks are v6-only,
> > ob> > and all communication with v4 networks happen over some kind of
> > ob> > translation layer. I'm not sure whether I like those ideas or not, 
> > but I
> > ob> > think it would be great for FreeBSD to be in a leadership role here.
> > ob>
> > ob> I hate the idea. I want a end-to-end network that can be trivially
> > ob> subordinated to the control of any entity and allows for the innovation
> > ob> that an end-to-end network allows. I also fear the stability of massive
> > ob> carrier grade NAT systems. There is a huge amount of state required for
> > ob> CGN and if something goes wrong, it goes VERY wrong.
> > 
> >  My goal is for eliminating implicit IPv4 dependency and make the
> >  world AF-neutral wherever possible, not eliminating IPv4.  Something
> >  like changes to rc.d/netoptions in HEAD is a good example.
> As I've said previously, I think this is a good goal, of which I am 100%
> supportive. I probably shouldn't have included the aside about IPv4
> stuff in my previous post, sorry for distracting the conversation.
> > ob> > > do> 2. ipv6_network_interfaces should be set to AUTO, the same way 
> > that it
> > ob> > > do> is for IPv4.
> > ob> > >
> > ob> > >  I agree with this change, but I am still not sure if we should have
> > ob> > >  $ipv6_network_interfaces itself.
> > ob> >
> > ob> > I think it's useful because people may want to configure some 
> > interfaces
> > ob> > for v6 and not others.
> > ob>
> > ob> I agree with Doug, here, though I think its use will be very limited.
> > ob> (But maybe I will be wrong.)
> > 
> >  I agree with the usefulness, but we can implement this functionality
> >  with no $ipv6_network_interfaces.  For example, $network_interfaces
> >  is for all IFs and AFs, "ifconfig_DEFAULT_AF=IGNORE" is per-AF, and
> >  "ifconfig_IF_AF=IGNORE" is per-AF+IF.
> I think this might be an interesting next step, I will have to

Re: Ports breakage since r205471

2010-04-04 Thread Xin LI
Hash: SHA1

On 2010/04/04 18:58, Garrett Cooper wrote:
> As jsa@ so kindly pointed out, upgrading to r206057 temporarily

I think you really want >= 206058 :(

- -- 
Xin LI
FreeBSD - The Power to Serve!  Live free or die
Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (FreeBSD)

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Re: ipv6_enable

2010-04-04 Thread Hiroki Sato
Doug Barton  wrote
  in <>:

do> As we've discussed previously, you and I have a lot of disagreement on
do> some of these principles. I'm going to outline my responses in some
do> detail, however I'm also interested in what others have to say since I'd
do> ultimately like to see some consensus from the community on how this
do> should be configured.

 Yes, I agree that it is good to have discussion with more people.

do> I'm just about the biggest rc.d purist there is, and even I don't agree
do> with this. :)  I also disagree with your idea that "the original design
do> of rc.d scripts" didn't intend for concepts like this.

 Sorry for the noise.  This involves my preference and was a different
 story.  Please ignore this for IPv6 discussion for the moment.

do> >  Second, if people need a way to disable IPv6 protocol, they have
do> >  already the way; no IPv6 configuration in /etc/rc.conf.  If you need
do> >  a handy way for on-and-off, separating the IPv6 configuration from
do> >  rc.conf to rc.conf.ipv6 and putting a line ". /etc/rc.conf.ipv6" into
do> >  /etc/rc.conf should be enough, for example.
do> Even if I agreed with this idea (and I don't necessarily have strong
do> DISagreement with it) the knob has existed since the beginning of IPv6
do> support in FreeBSD, and shouldn't be removed lightly. Personally I find
do> it handy to be able to configure things in rc.conf and turn them on and
do> off with one knob without having to comment or uncomment a bunch of stuff.

 I didn't removed it *lightly*.  My motivation for that is I want to
 enable IPv6 by default without making trouble for IPv4-only people.
 I also committed several kernel-level measures for people who want
 IPv4-only, IPv6-only, and the both to live without the knob at that

 Enabling/disabling IPv6 by using rc.d script was quite complex and
 the switching will be incomplete with no kernel support.  My
 conclusion for integration of the network_ipv6->netif changes was
 "depend on if adding an GUA or not" and it works fine for
 asynchronous invocation of rc.d/netif as well as needs no reboot for
 the switch (see another email for the whole story).  Some processing
 which were in network_ipv6 (calculating $rtsol_interface and so on)
 are intentionally removed thanks to this assumption.  If you want to
 go back to the old days and enable receiving RA by default, we must
 look into the whole process carefully again.

 If people want to disable IPv6 GUA assignment in per-AF manner, it
 should be done by per-AF global knobs for $ifconfig_* because the GUA
 assignment involves $ifconfig_* knobs only for the user as explained
 in another email.

 Let me summarize what I agree and disagree again:

 a. I agree that it is useful to have a knob for disabling all of
ifconfig_IF_ipv6 handling.  However, I disagree with using the
name "ipv6_enable" just for the purpose.  ipv6_enable=NO never
means disabling IPv6 functionality in the kernel, and it will
cause people tend to think IPv6 is disabled completely.

If we want to disable ifconfig_IF_AF lines in a handy manner,
implementing ifconfig_DEFAULT_AF is more consistent and where we
should go.  All of AF-specific parameters for an interface are in
$ifconfig_IF_AF, and having a global knob to define the default
for all interfaces are quite reasonable to me.  I do not want to
go back to AF-specific handling like ipv6_* wherever possible.

I think this policy is compatible with David Horn's suggestions.
"ifconfig_DEFAULT_ipv6=DHCP" for DHCPv6 by default,
"ifconfig_DEFAULT_ipv6=accept_rtadv" for SLAAC by default,
"ifconfig_fxp0_ipv6=-accept_rtadv" for no-SLAAC for fxp0, for
example (note that I do not stick to these keywords.  "slaac"
would also be a good candidate).  No concern for
conflicting/confusing with IPv4; this is orthogonal among AFs.  We
can support another new method by just adding a keyword.

Note that SLAAC and DHCPv6 are exclusive.  Combinations of
DHCPv6-NA + SLAAC, or DHCPv6-PD + SLAAC are not extreme (the
latter is rather popular).  This is one of the reasons I stick to
the per-IF/per-AF solution here.

 b. Disagree with disabling IPv6 by default.  I think there is no
technical and security reason to go back to the old days.

do> >  Also, we should not consider IPv6 as special.
do> I wish that were so, but I disagree. I think we need to make it as easy
do> as possible for users to take advantage of IPv6, but there are a lot of
do> reasons why it is actually special. Primarily because unlike some of our
do> other networking protocols it's "on the cusp" of being something that
do> everyone will need someday, but isn't quite ready for prime time.

 IMO, at least for handling in rc.d scripts, it is not necessary to
 consider IPv6 as a special AF after I added AF-specific $ifconfig_*
 knobs, rc.d/netoptions changes, and so on.

 And, well, please let me sugges

Re: ipv6_enable

2010-04-04 Thread sthaug
> >>  No, my intension is not to compare IPv4 and IPv6 here.  We have never
> >>  enable L3 address autoconfiguration without explicit configuration
> >>  before.  This is reasonable and should be kept for IPv6, too.
> > 
> > Agree 100%. Having IPv6 SLAAC as the default is a bad idea.
> > 
> > On the other hand, I *do* like a single rc.conf knob (ipv6_enable) for
> > the top level IPv6 functionality - even if it doesn't do a 100% job.
> Thanks for your response. Do you think the compromise that I suggested
> in my response to Kevin, enabling SLAAC for the interface if DHCP is in
> use for IPv4 is reasonable?

I think this is reasonable. However, I think it would also be worth
while to revisit this point when DHCPv6 has evolved to do a more
complete job (like assign a default gateway).

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting,
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Re: ipv6_enable

2010-04-04 Thread Doug Barton
On 04/04/10 23:01, wrote:
  No, my intension is not to compare IPv4 and IPv6 here.  We have never
  enable L3 address autoconfiguration without explicit configuration
  before.  This is reasonable and should be kept for IPv6, too.
>>> Agree 100%. Having IPv6 SLAAC as the default is a bad idea.
>>> On the other hand, I *do* like a single rc.conf knob (ipv6_enable) for
>>> the top level IPv6 functionality - even if it doesn't do a 100% job.
>> Thanks for your response. Do you think the compromise that I suggested
>> in my response to Kevin, enabling SLAAC for the interface if DHCP is in
>> use for IPv4 is reasonable?
> I think this is reasonable. However, I think it would also be worth
> while to revisit this point when DHCPv6 has evolved to do a more
> complete job (like assign a default gateway).

Absolutely. That's why I wanted to add the [NO]RTADV knobs, so that you
could combine them with DHCPv6 options.



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