Serial debug broken in recent -CURRENT?

2003-09-29 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
After building a new kernel, remote serial gdb no longer works.  When
I issue a 'continue' command, I lose control of the system, but it
doesn't continue running.  Has anybody else seen this?

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Re: Status of SCHED_ULE?

2003-09-29 Thread Arjan van Leeuwen
On Monday 29 September 2003 07:05, Jeff Roberson wrote:
> On Sun, 28 Sep 2003, Arjan van Leeuwen wrote:
> > On Sunday 28 September 2003 14:38, Matt wrote:
> > > Morten Rodal wrote:
> > > > On Sun, Sep 28, 2003 at 01:26:24PM +0100, Matt wrote:
> > > >>Morten Rodal wrote:
> > > >>>On Sat, Sep 27, 2003 at 11:31:25PM -0400, Jeff Roberson wrote:
> > > On Sat, 27 Sep 2003, Morten Rodal wrote:
> > > >It has improved quite a bit lately, and is now also working with
> > > > KSE. However, the mouse will get sluggish whenever the computer
> > > > is under bursts of load (i.e. a compile)
> > > 
> > > I have not had this experience.  Can you give me details of your
> > >  machine and the kind of load that causes slugishness?  I'll
> > >  correct it as soon as I can identify it.
> > > >>>
> > > >>>The machine is an dual Pentium 2 300MHz, and I'm running gnome 2.4.
> > > >>>I do also experience this with my computer at school, a single
> > > >>> Pentium3 733MHz.
> > > >>>
> > > >>>The load isn't very complicated, usually just gnome 2.4 and mozilla
> > > >>>firebird running.  If I then do anything that requires lots of cpu,
> > > >>>like a compile of a program, the interactivity drops fast.
> > > >>>
> > > >>>On the dual machine I have also experienced a *HUGE* increase in the
> > > >>>time for "portupgrade -ar" to complete.  I am not familiar with how
> > > >>>portupgrade works, but it seems to spawn a few make's and sort's,
> > > >>> but I am not sure why it is currently using 3 hours instead of 10
> > > >>> minutes to complete! (This was tested when there was no packages to
> > > >>> upgrade, which shouldn't take long)
> > > >>>
> > > >>>Both machines (this dual and the one at school) are running with a
> > > >>>libmap.conf in order to use libkse, is this perhaps affecting the
> > > >>>performance of ULE?
> > > >>>
> > > >>>I am not sure how useful this is to you, but if you have any other
> > > >>>pointers as to what I should look at just ask.
> > > >>
> > > >>Are you running 5.1-release or 5.1-current?
> > > >>
> > > >>I ask because I have used ULE on two different kernels so far on this
> > > >>box. One was 5.1-release running gnome2, mozilla, xmms. On this the
> > > >>mouse stutters really badly whenever anything is being compiled.
> > > >>
> > > >>However on the 5.1-current kernel this behavior no longer happens and
> > > >>the mouse is fine.
> > > >>
> > > >>I suspect ULE has had a few enhancements between the release and now.
> > > >
> > > > I am running 5.1-current
> > > >
> > > > Dual machine:
> > > > FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT #3: Thu Sep 25
> > > > 04:03:23 CEST 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/slurp
> > > > i386
> > > >
> > > > School computer:
> > > > FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT #2: Fri
> > > > Sep 26 09:12:55 CEST 2003
> > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/hauk10 i386
> > >
> > > Ahh I tell you the other difference. I had a USB mouse when I tried ULE
> > > with 5.1-release and it stuttered. It's just a ps2 one on the current
> > > kernel where it's not stuttering.
> > >
> > > Matt.
> >
> > I have a PS/2 mouse, I run -CURRENT from 2 days ago, and I experience the
> > stuttering too.
> >
> > It happens when compiling stuff, when loading complicated pages in
> > Mozilla Firebird, and when logging out of GNOME 2.4 (the 'background
> > fade' animation brings my Athlon XP 2000+ to its knees when I use
> >
> > Arjan
> Gnome seems to be a common theme.  Are you also using libkse?  There could
> be some interaction there.

Yes, I'm using libkse. It's also worth mentioning that it also happens in KDE, 
but only under the heavy load of a 'make buildworld' or compiling something 
else, or when for example extracting a big bzip2 file.


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gkrellm and libthr

2003-09-29 Thread Vladimir B. Grebenschikov


Just tried run gnome-2.4 desktop with:
% cat /etc/libmap.conf

All seems smooth so far, but gkrellm.

First it works right (creates some threads)
Then system time consumed became all available CPU power (by systat -vm)

When I have kill gkrellm all returns to normal operation.

It is reproducible effect.

Vladimir B. Grebenschikov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
SWsoft Inc.

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procfs problem

2003-09-29 Thread Jiri Mikulas
i have problem with /proc
i already have 

options PROCFS
options PSEUDOFS
in kernel
but get these messages
map02# strace -p 730
strace: open("/proc/...", ...): No such file or directory
trouble opening proc file
map02# truss -p 730
truss: cannot open /proc/730/mem: No such file or directory
map02# ps aux | grep 730
root  730  0.0  1.0  3476 2448  ??  Ss8:40AM   0:00.21 
map02# uname -a
FreeBSD map02.modrany.czf 5.1-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT #5: Sun Sep 28 
23:37:08 CEST 2003 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/ROUTER  i386
the same messages i get also at
5.1-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE-p3 #2: Wed Sep 17 00:17:40 CEST 2003

any ideas or do i something wrong? (forget I read anything about new 
procfs - sorry if yes ...) ?
thaks for reply

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Re: procfs problem

2003-09-29 Thread Harti Brandt

You must mount procfs.

# fstab;
proc/proc   procfs  rw  0   0


On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Jiri Mikulas wrote:

JM>i have problem with /proc
JM>i already have
JM>options PROCFS
JM>in kernel
JM>but get these messages
JM>map02# strace -p 730
JM>strace: open("/proc/...", ...): No such file or directory
JM>trouble opening proc file
JM>map02# truss -p 730
JM>truss: cannot open /proc/730/mem: No such file or directory
JM>map02# ps aux | grep 730
JM>root  730  0.0  1.0  3476 2448  ??  Ss8:40AM   0:00.21
JM>map02# uname -a
JM>FreeBSD map02.modrany.czf 5.1-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT #5: Sun Sep 28
JM>23:37:08 CEST 2003
JM>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/ROUTER  i386
JM>the same messages i get also at
JM>5.1-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE-p3 #2: Wed Sep 17 00:17:40 CEST 2003
JM>any ideas or do i something wrong? (forget I read anything about new
JM>procfs - sorry if yes ...) ?
JM>thaks for reply
JM>[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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harti brandt,
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Re: procfs problem

2003-09-29 Thread Jason Stone
Hash: SHA1

> JM>map02# strace -p 730
> JM>strace: open("/proc/...", ...): No such file or directory
> JM>trouble opening proc file

> You must mount procfs.
> # fstab;
> proc  /proc   procfs  rw  0   0

The bi-weekly status messages have been claiming that all the common
debugging tools except for truss have been converted to work without
procfs, since procfs is now deprecated.  Does that not include strace, or
is there something else wrong here?


 Freud himself was a bit of a cold fish, and one cannot avoid the suspicion
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Re: procfs problem

2003-09-29 Thread Kris Kennaway
On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 04:40:54AM -0700, Jason Stone wrote:
> > JM>map02# strace -p 730
> > JM>strace: open("/proc/...", ...): No such file or directory
> > JM>trouble opening proc file
> > You must mount procfs.
> >
> > # fstab;
> > proc/proc   procfs  rw  0   0
> The bi-weekly status messages have been claiming that all the common
> debugging tools except for truss have been converted to work without
> procfs, since procfs is now deprecated.  Does that not include strace, or
> is there something else wrong here?

strace is not part of FreeBSD.


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2003-09-29 Thread Robert Watson
This is an automated bi-weekly mailing of the FreeBSD 5.2 open issues list.
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Automated mailing of this list will continue through the release of
FreeBSD 5.2.

  FreeBSD 5.2 Open Issues

Open Issues

 This is a list of open issues that need to be resolved for FreeBSD 5.2. If
 you have any updates for this list, please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Must Resolve Issues for 5.2-RELEASE

 |Issue|  Status   |   Responsible   |Description |
 | |   | | KSE M:N threading  |
 | |   | | support is |
 | |   | | reaching   |
 | |   | | experimental yet   |
 | |   | Julian  | usable status on   |
 | Production-quality  | In| Elischer, David | i386 for   |
 | M:N threading   | progress  | Xu, Daniel  | 5.1-RELEASE. M:N   |
 | |   | Eischen | threading should   |
 | |   | | be productionable  |
 | |   | | and usable on all  |
 | |   | | platforms by   |
 | |   | | 5.2-RELEASE.   |
 | |   | | Kernel bits are|
 | |   | | implemented but|
 | KSE support for | In| | untested. Userland |
 | sparc64 | progress  | Jake Burkholder | bits are not   |
 | |   | | implemented.   |
 | |   | | Required for   |
 | |   | | 5.2-RELEASE.   |
 | |   | | Kernel and |
 | KSE support for |   | Marcel  | userland bits  |
 | ia64| Complete. | Moolenaar   | implemented but|
 | |   | | unstable. Required |
 | |   | | for 5.2-RELEASE.   |
 | |   | | Userland bits  |
 | |   | | implemented,   |
 | KSE support for | In| Marcel  | kernel bits not|
 | alpha   | progress. | Moolenaar   | implemented.   |
 | |   | | Required for   |
 | |   | | 5.2-RELEASE.   |
 | |   | | Kris Kennaway  |
 | |   | | reports high   |
 | |   | | instability of |
 | |   | | 5-CURRENT on ia64  |
 | |   | | machines, such as  |
 | ia64 stability  | In| Marcel  | the pluto* |
 | | Progress  | Moolenaar   | machines. These|
 | |   | | problems need to   |
 | |   | | be fixed in order  |
 | |   | | to get a   |
 | |   | | successful package |
 | |   | | build. |
 | |   | | A reworking of the |
 | |   | | sio driver is  |
 | |   | | needed to support  |
 | |   | | serial terminal|
 | |   | Marcel  | devices on sparc64 |
 | New serial UART | In| Moolenaar,  | and ia64   |
 | framework   | progress  | Warner Losh | platforms, among   |
 | |   | | others. This is|
 | |   | 

ICH sound after suspend/resume

2003-09-29 Thread Kevin Oberman
Re: kern/55395

I see a patch to ich.c back on the 15th to "Correctly reset ich[3-5]
sound cards on resume.", but I am still not able to properly use my
sound card after a resume because the card starts clocking at the wrong
rate, about 52K instead of the correct 48,000.

There is nothing in the tying it to any PR, but it looks like it's
trying to do the "right thing" on resume.

As before, the sysctl for the sampling rate has no effect.

Any ideas what I might try?
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Phone: +1 510 486-8634
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Re: Status of SCHED_ULE?

2003-09-29 Thread Morten Rodal
On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 01:04:49AM -0400, Jeff Roberson wrote:
> On Sun, 28 Sep 2003, Morten Rodal wrote:
> > On Sat, Sep 27, 2003 at 11:31:25PM -0400, Jeff Roberson wrote:
> > > On Sat, 27 Sep 2003, Morten Rodal wrote:
> > > > It has improved quite a bit lately, and is now also working with KSE.
> > > > However, the mouse will get sluggish whenever the computer is under
> > > > bursts of load (i.e. a compile)
> > > >
> > >
> > > I have not had this experience.  Can you give me details of your machine
> > > and the kind of load that causes slugishness?  I'll correct it as soon as
> > > I can identify it.
> > >
> >
> > The machine is an dual Pentium 2 300MHz, and I'm running gnome 2.4.
> > I do also experience this with my computer at school, a single Pentium3
> > 733MHz.
> >
> > The load isn't very complicated, usually just gnome 2.4 and mozilla
> > firebird running.  If I then do anything that requires lots of cpu,
> > like a compile of a program, the interactivity drops fast.
> >
> > On the dual machine I have also experienced a *HUGE* increase in the
> > time for "portupgrade -ar" to complete.  I am not familiar with how
> > portupgrade works, but it seems to spawn a few make's and sort's, but
> > I am not sure why it is currently using 3 hours instead of 10 minutes
> > to complete! (This was tested when there was no packages to upgrade,
> > which shouldn't take long)
> >
> > Both machines (this dual and the one at school) are running with a
> > libmap.conf in order to use libkse, is this perhaps affecting the
> > performance of ULE?
> It could be.  Can you try with libthr or libc_r and let me know?

I tried converting to libthr at school and started a "portupgrade -ar".
(Of course I had restarted all the applications that uses threads)

There was no difference in the interactivity, but I came to think of
one other thing.  I use the /dev/sysmouse and moused, not quite sure
why but that's how I've always used my mouse (PS2 or USB) with
FreeBSD.  Could this have something to do with the mouse feeling

Morten Rodal

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Re: ICH sound after suspend/resume

2003-09-29 Thread Orion Hodson
/-- "Kevin Oberman" wrote:
| Re: kern/55395
| I see a patch to ich.c back on the 15th to "Correctly reset ich[3-5]
| sound cards on resume.", but I am still not able to properly use my
| sound card after a resume because the card starts clocking at the wrong
| rate, about 52K instead of the correct 48,000.
| There is nothing in the tying it to any PR, but it looks like it's
| trying to do the "right thing" on resume.
| As before, the sysctl for the sampling rate has no effect.
| Any ideas what I might try?


All I can suggest is going through the ICH sound docs.  Intel write both 
register descriptions and programmers guide for their h/w.  You might also 
look at the ALSA driver.  I believe the speed problem most likely lies in the 
AC97 resets.

I know I promised to look into this, but I've been struck by a shortage of 
time lately and don't see the situation improving in the near future.  I'm 
very close to calling it a day with the commit bit.

- Orion

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Re: Serial debug broken in recent -CURRENT?

2003-09-29 Thread Sam Leffler
On Monday 29 September 2003 01:30 am, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
> After building a new kernel, remote serial gdb no longer works.  When
> I issue a 'continue' command, I lose control of the system, but it
> doesn't continue running.  Has anybody else seen this?

Yes, I noticed this late last week.  I think it's been busted for <1 week.  I 
tried to pinpoint the commit but ran out of time.


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Re: ICH sound after suspend/resume

2003-09-29 Thread Kevin Oberman
> From: Orion Hodson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 08:29:38 -0700
> /-- "Kevin Oberman" wrote:
> | Re: kern/55395
> | 
> | I see a patch to ich.c back on the 15th to "Correctly reset ich[3-5]
> | sound cards on resume.", but I am still not able to properly use my
> | sound card after a resume because the card starts clocking at the wrong
> | rate, about 52K instead of the correct 48,000.
> | 
> | There is nothing in the tying it to any PR, but it looks like it's
> | trying to do the "right thing" on resume.
> | 
> | As before, the sysctl for the sampling rate has no effect.
> | 
> | Any ideas what I might try?
> Kevin
> All I can suggest is going through the ICH sound docs.  Intel write both 
> register descriptions and programmers guide for their h/w.  You might also 
> look at the ALSA driver.  I believe the speed problem most likely lies in the 
> AC97 resets.
> I know I promised to look into this, but I've been struck by a shortage of 
> time lately and don't see the situation improving in the near future.  I'm 
> very close to calling it a day with the commit bit.

I understand completely. I did not send the message because of
impatience, but to make sure that you (and others) were aware that the
patch of 9/15 did not fix the problem.

If I get some time, I'll try looking at it, but my C skills are rusty
and my familiarity with hardware (let alone BIOS) pretty much ends
with DEC Alphas and VAXen. I've been living in the network world for
10 years and can talk in detail about the design of forwarding
engines, but they have little in common with PCs.

R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Phone: +1 510 486-8634
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Re: yep, umass still broken

2003-09-29 Thread Doug White
What motherboards are you using with the OHCI controller?

John-Mark Gurney (jmg@) and I kicked this around at bsdcon but couldn't
reproduce it.  If its a common board or chipset we can probably get it and
work on the issue.  The zeroed block showed up in 8KB boundaries in the
instance we saw, which is asupicious since most OHCI controllers have a
DMA limitation of 1 page crossing.

I have a ppro with Intel OHCI which I haven't tested yet.

On Sat, 27 Sep 2003, Dave Truesdell wrote:

> -- Your message was:   (from "Wesley Morgan")
> On Fri, 26 Sep 2003, Brian Fundakowski Feldman wrote:
> > I can get fdisk to read the MBR, but when I try mdir, I get this trace back
> > (of course, no crash dump because those haven't worked for me in a year):
> > trap 0xc
> > memcpy()
> > ohci_softintr()
> > usb_schedsoftintr()
> > ohci_intr1()
> > ohci_intr()
> > ithread_loop()
> >
> > Anyone have any clued?  I'll include my dmesg, of course.
> It was unbroken for a while, but has been broken for at least a month
> (seem my earlier post about it). The umass driver has been a constant
> source of frustation for me and suffers from constant breakage and
> neglect.
> -- End of Message
> You may not want to blame the umass driver.  I've been doing a little
> experimenting trying to get a handle on what's going on.  Luckily I have two
> machines sitting side-by-side, one with OHCI and one with UHCI.  Many of the
> UMASS devices I have fail with 5.1-CURRENT on the OHCI machine but work just
> fine on the UHCI system.
> Here's the note I sent as a followup to kern/54982:
>   I am encountering this problem as well.  What I've seen so far is this:
>   1. The corruption does not occur with all UMASS devices.  For example, I
>   see data corruption with a Creative Labs MUVO (128M) and NEXDISK (256M)
>   devices, but not with an Easydisc (128M) device.
>   2. I've only seen the corruption with OHCI based controllers.  When I
>   connect the same device to a UHCI based machine, built from an identical
>   copy of the source tree, I see no corruption.
>   3. The pattern of corruption is decidely non-random.  If you view the
>   file as a series of 4K blocks numbered 0 to N, the corruption I've seen
>   follows the following pattern:
>  (B == a zero filled 4k block)
>   Original: 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ...
>   Corrupt:  0  3  2  B  4  7  6  B  8 11 10  B 12 15 14  B ...
>   I can provide logs of a file copy done on both the OHCI and UHCI based
>   systems done with hw.usb.debug=3 hw.usb.uhci.debug=6 hw.usb.ohci.debug=6
>   and hw.usb.umass.debug=4294901760 if you wish.  They are far too long to
>   attach here.
>   This test was last run on 5.1-CURRENT cvsup'd on Sep 17th 2003.
> I'm presently updating both machines to -CURRENT cvsup'd this afternoon.
> I haven't gotten to the point where I understand the interactions between
> umass, ohci/uhci and cam well enough to even hazzard a guess about where the
> corruption is occuring.
> ___
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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Re: your mail

2003-09-29 Thread Doug White
Please use subject lines. Thanks.

On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Tomi Vainio - Sun Finland wrote:

> Dag-Erling Smørgrav writes:
>  >
>  > An NMI almost certainly indicates a hardware failure.
>  >
> Lucas James writes:
>  >
>  > It could be a power supply on the way out.  I had an old dual P-166 that
>  > rebooted misterously until I took out two CD-ROM drives I wanted
>  > for another
>  > machine. (replaced the power supply, and refitted the CDROMS, and
>  > every thing worked ok.)
>  >
> We're already running this system with two power supplys.  All old
> stuff is using old power and 4 new disks were attached to new one.

Well this might be the source of problems.  I've expressed caution at
doing this sorrt of thing before since getting the grounds equallized can
be tricky.  If the ground levels become unequalized, or worse you get some
sort of ground loop going, you could damage your hardware, or cause Wierd
Untraceable Problems.

Doug White|  FreeBSD: The Power to Serve
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Re: your mail

2003-09-29 Thread Poul-Henning Kamp
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Doug White writes:

>Well this might be the source of problems.  I've expressed caution at
>doing this sorrt of thing before since getting the grounds equallized can
>be tricky.  If the ground levels become unequalized, or worse you get some
>sort of ground loop going, you could damage your hardware, or cause Wierd
>Untraceable Problems.

not to mention escape of magic smoke, and in truly worst case:
permanent tax-exemption.

Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
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Re: Status of SCHED_ULE?

2003-09-29 Thread Peter Kadau
Hi !

>  I use the /dev/sysmouse and moused, not quite sure
> why but that's how I've always used my mouse (PS2 or USB) with
> FreeBSD.  Could this have something to do with the mouse feeling
> sloppy?

Hmmm, I never used moused and always /dev/psm0 in X.
Still experience the same thing.


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Re: TEST PLEASE: if_tun patch

2003-09-29 Thread Brooks Davis
On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 07:29:08AM +0200, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Brooks Davis writes:
> >> | Properly dismantle and remove the interface and destroy the dev_t=20
> >> | at last close of the device.
> >
> >I'm not convinced this is the right direction to move in.  The problem
> >is that users are beginning to expect that pseudo-interfaces be created
> >with network interface cloning, but tun, tap, and vmnet aren't.
> I'm totally "don't-care" on the semantics of any and all of these,
> my patch is just an attempt to evict makedev() from the tree.  If you
> have a better idea how to do this, by all means go for it.

I'd say that for tun devices, the new symantics are probably good.  We
can worry about supporting interface cloning on them later.

-- Brooks

Any statement of the form "X is the one, true Y" is FALSE.
PGP fingerprint 655D 519C 26A7 82E7 2529  9BF0 5D8E 8BE9 F238 1AD4

Description: PGP signature

if_em and ibm thinkpad T40

2003-09-29 Thread Gordon Tetlow
I have an IBM T40 that has an onboard Intel GigE card. When the em
driver tries to probe it, I get "The EEPROM Checksum Is Not Valid".
Adding a printf, I discover the checksum is 0x08b8 (not the 0xBABA
that is documented in the headers). Anyone else seen any problems
with this? I'd really rather not have to drag around a USB ethernet


Description: PGP signature


2003-09-29 Thread Daniel Eischen
On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Robert Watson wrote:

>  |-+---+-+|
>  | |   | | Userland bits  |
>  | |   | | implemented,   |
>  | KSE support for | In| Marcel  | kernel bits not|
>  | alpha   | progress. | Moolenaar   | implemented.   |
>  | |   | | Required for   |
>  | |   | | 5.2-RELEASE.   |

You should probably remove Marcel from this item.  This task needs
another volunteer.

Dan Eischen

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2003-09-29 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 02:05:16PM -0400, Daniel Eischen wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Robert Watson wrote:
> >  |-+---+-+|
> >  | |   | | Userland bits  |
> >  | |   | | implemented,   |
> >  | KSE support for | In| Marcel  | kernel bits not|
> >  | alpha   | progress. | Moolenaar   | implemented.   |
> >  | |   | | Required for   |
> >  | |   | | 5.2-RELEASE.   |
> You should probably remove Marcel from this item.  This task needs
> another volunteer.

Recently Marcel noted to me he was planning to engage on this one. I have
offered him help for testing.

|   / o / /_  _ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|/|/ / / /(  (_)  Bulte 
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2003-09-29 Thread Daniel Eischen
On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Wilko Bulte wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 02:05:16PM -0400, Daniel Eischen wrote:
> > On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Robert Watson wrote:
> > 
> > >  |-+---+-+|
> > >  | |   | | Userland bits  |
> > >  | |   | | implemented,   |
> > >  | KSE support for | In| Marcel  | kernel bits not|
> > >  | alpha   | progress. | Moolenaar   | implemented.   |
> > >  | |   | | Required for   |
> > >  | |   | | 5.2-RELEASE.   |
> > 
> > You should probably remove Marcel from this item.  This task needs
> > another volunteer.
> Recently Marcel noted to me he was planning to engage on this one. I have
> offered him help for testing.

OK.  This differs from what I heard from him just a couple of
days ago.  I'll just shut up and let things lie (as in rest) ;-)

Dan Eischen

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SiL3112 SATA (RAID) Controller drives aren't working at all.

2003-09-29 Thread Gabriel Ambuehl
The drivers in 28.9.JPSNAP of current will allow you to install
FreeBSD on a SATA disk connected to a Silicon Image 3112 SATA RAID
controller but not much more. Shortly after booting, the system will
start getting UDMA timeouts and basically just freezes. Furthermore,
the disks connected to the controller will ALWAYS show up as
individual disks in the setup, no matter if they are alone, in a
stripe set or a real RAID 1 array.

Seeing that this probably belongs in Soren's domain, is there any
possibility to add some function to atacontrol to allow rebuilding
without having hotswap on HPT/Promise chipsets? (I know the Windows
drivers of both can do so, so imagine the feature has to be

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Re: Bluetooth patch

2003-09-29 Thread John Hay
Hi Maksim,

> I have prepared Bluetooth mega patch for FreeBSD source tree. This patch
> updates FreeBSD sources to the most recent snapshot. The patch is quite
> extensive - it adds two new libraries (libbluetooth and libsdp) as well
> as puts some files into /etc/bluetooth and modifies quite a few other files.
> I also have modified Makefile's to add new libraries and usr.{s}bin/bluetooth
> to the build. 
> I've sent it to Julian and Ruslan, but they do not have free time to look
> at it. If anyone wants to review the patch please do so and let me know if
> i missed/forget anything. 
> The patch could be downloaded from

I had a look at the patch and here is my comments. I haven't tried it
yet, but I did try your latest snapshot. I haven't looked at the man
page markup, someone more knowledgable can do that, or it can be
committed and then Ruslan can have a look at it when he gets time.

There are lots of $FreeBSD$ changes. In a lot of the files that is the only

The additions in lib/Makefile, share/man/man5/Makefile should be sorted

I think libbluetooth and libsdp should be added to share/mk/
and then the Makefiles should be modified to use ${LIBBLUETOOTH} and ${LIBSDP}
on the DPADD lines. /usr/lib/libbluetooth.a should not be hardcoded otherwise
buildworld won't work correctly.

The + after DPADD and LDADD should be removed. It should only be used when
a Makefile have more than one DPADD or LDADD line

There should not be '-L/usr/lib' on the LDADD line.

PS. Will Julian commit it when there was a review or are you looking
for a committer too?

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ATAng regression in current

2003-09-29 Thread Kevin Oberman
I had not tried ACPI for about 3 weeks due to my travel schedule. I
saw a number of updates and thought I'd give it a spin.

System: IBM T30 running CURRENT as of last Friday (9/26)
System has a master on ata0 and no devices at all on ata1.

System will no longer recover from suspend. (This is probably an ATAng
issue, not an ACPI one.)

System resumes with the following messages:
pcib0: slot 29 INTA is routed to irq 11
pcib0: slot 29 INTB is routed to irq 11
pcib0: slot 29 INTC is routed to irq 11
pcib0: slot 31 INTB is routed to irq 11
pcib0: slot 31 INTB is routed to irq 11
pcib0: slot 31 INTB is routed to irq 11
pcib1: slot 0 INTA is routed to irq 11
usb0: cannot start
usb1: cannot start
usb2: cannot start
pcib2:slot 0 INTA is routed to irq 11
pcib2:slot 0 INTB is routed to irq 11
pcib2:slot 2 INTA is routed to irq 11
pcib2:slot 8 INTA is routed to irq 11
ata0: resetting devices...
usb0: host system error
usb0: host controller process error
usb0: host controller halted
usb1: host system error
usb1: host controller process error
usb1: host controller halted
usb2: host system error
usb2: host controller process error
usb2: host controller halted
ata1: resetting devices...

dmesg, config, acpidump output and other stuff available on request.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Phone: +1 510 486-8634
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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Odd ACPI behavior

2003-09-29 Thread Kevin Oberman
I recently noticed that, when I boot with ACPI on my IBM T30, I get
errors trying to probe the BIOS disabled sio1. This does not happen
under apm and happens twice(?) when booting with ACPI and happens even
though I have the line 'hint.sio.1.disabled="1"' in /boot/device.hints.
>From my dmesg:
sio0: type 16550A
sio1: configured irq 3 not in bitmap of probed irqs 0
sio1: port may not be enabled
acpi_cmbat0:  on acpi0
acpi_cmbat1:  on acpi0
acpi_acad0:  on acpi0
sio1: configured irq 3 not in bitmap of probed irqs 0
sio1: port may not be enabled

Any idea why this is happening? It does not seem to be a serious
issue, but it is very odd.

acpidump output, full dmesg, config and whatever available on request.

R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Phone: +1 510 486-8634
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Re: SiL3112 SATA (RAID) Controller drives aren't working at all.

2003-09-29 Thread Soren Schmidt
It seems Gabriel Ambuehl wrote:
> The drivers in 28.9.JPSNAP of current will allow you to install
> FreeBSD on a SATA disk connected to a Silicon Image 3112 SATA RAID
> controller but not much more. Shortly after booting, the system will
> start getting UDMA timeouts and basically just freezes. Furthermore,
> the disks connected to the controller will ALWAYS show up as
> individual disks in the setup, no matter if they are alone, in a
> stripe set or a real RAID 1 array.

First off, there is ONLY support for Promise and HPT "soft RAID"
in the ATA driver, other vendors products are *not* supported (yet).

Second, there seem to be a problem with some sil3112 setups where
timeouts and what not ruins the lunch, but so far I've not been 
able to reproduce..

> Seeing that this probably belongs in Soren's domain, is there any
> possibility to add some function to atacontrol to allow rebuilding
> without having hotswap on HPT/Promise chipsets? (I know the Windows
> drivers of both can do so, so imagine the feature has to be
> somewhere).

On -current 'man atacontrol'

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2003-09-29 Thread Marcel Moolenaar
On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 08:07:32PM +0200, Wilko Bulte wrote:
> > 
> > You should probably remove Marcel from this item.  This task needs
> > another volunteer.
> Recently Marcel noted to me he was planning to engage on this one. I have
> offered him help for testing.

The deal is this (if you find your way between the parenthesis):

I talked to Wilko prior to the DevSummit and told him that since it
was on my plate (because I stupidly made some commits to get things
rolling; which it did, but not much more than rolling on my plate :-)
and support is almost finished (I looked at it this weekend and it
appears that upcalls work, there's probably something wrong with the
context save/restore code) and I needed to fix ia64 as which (already
done) I likely would fix Alpha in one big swoop.

At the DevSummit we failed to reach agreement that alpha should be
dropped to a tier 2 platform, but we did acknowledge that alpha needs
developers pronto. There it was also agreed that I would enter a
holding pattern (which roughly boils down to me circling between home,
work and Starbucks) until either someone fixes KSE or my weakness
shows and I do it anyway (the fact that I looked at it this weekend
means that I was pretty close to folding -- I made it to Starbucks
just in time).

I also mentioned recently (in the last couple of days) that we should
worry more about sparc64 than alpha. Simply because I think alpha is
on it's way down and should already be a tier 2 platform and sparc64
is still on its way up ... sort of.

 Marcel Moolenaar USPA: A-39004  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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2003-09-29 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 12:19:30PM -0700, Marcel Moolenaar wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 08:07:32PM +0200, Wilko Bulte wrote:
> > > 
> > > You should probably remove Marcel from this item.  This task needs
> > > another volunteer.
> > 
> > Recently Marcel noted to me he was planning to engage on this one. I have
> > offered him help for testing.
> The deal is this (if you find your way between the parenthesis):

> At the DevSummit we failed to reach agreement that alpha should be
> dropped to a tier 2 platform, but we did acknowledge that alpha needs
> developers pronto. There it was also agreed that I would enter a
> holding pattern (which roughly boils down to me circling between home,
> work and Starbucks) until either someone fixes KSE or my weakness
> shows and I do it anyway (the fact that I looked at it this weekend
> means that I was pretty close to folding -- I made it to Starbucks
> just in time).

You get red hair from too much coffee anyway :-) :-)

> I also mentioned recently (in the last couple of days) that we should
> worry more about sparc64 than alpha. Simply because I think alpha is
> on it's way down and should already be a tier 2 platform and sparc64
> is still on its way up ... sort of.

In my book sparc64 is also with one foot in the grave. As is Sun

If we want to be future proof ia64 and amd64 are the only viable 
architectures. The rest are just interesting passtimes..

|   / o / /_  _ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|/|/ / / /(  (_)  Bulte 
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Re: SiL3112 SATA (RAID) Controller drives aren't working at all.

2003-09-29 Thread Will Andrews
On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 09:13:48PM +0200, Soren Schmidt wrote:
> First off, there is ONLY support for Promise and HPT "soft RAID"
> in the ATA driver, other vendors products are *not* supported (yet).
> Second, there seem to be a problem with some sil3112 setups where
> timeouts and what not ruins the lunch, but so far I've not been 
> able to reproduce..

I am still unable to use my SATA drive, it's probed incorrectly
as I posted earlier.  Reverting to the August 10th 00:00 UTC
kernel fixes this problem, so I concluded that ATAng broke this.

If it makes any difference, my model is a SiI3112 RAID
controller, but I only have one drive and it probes as ad4... the
situation doesn't improve any if I add "ataraid".  But maybe
ATAng doesn't take into account the difference between a "normal"
and a "RAID" SiI 3112, if any?

Here are my dmesg's again (Sep 18th, Aug 10th kernels):

The problem shown in the first dmesg still showed itself when I
tried a new kernel on Sep 25th.

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Re: ICH sound after suspend/resume

2003-09-29 Thread Nate Lawson
On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> Re: kern/55395
> I see a patch to ich.c back on the 15th to "Correctly reset ich[3-5]
> sound cards on resume.", but I am still not able to properly use my
> sound card after a resume because the card starts clocking at the wrong
> rate, about 52K instead of the correct 48,000.
> There is nothing in the tying it to any PR, but it looks like it's
> trying to do the "right thing" on resume.
> As before, the sysctl for the sampling rate has no effect.
> Any ideas what I might try?

I'll take a look at this eventually.

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Re: Bluetooth patch

2003-09-29 Thread Maksim Yevmenkin
Hi John,

> > I have prepared Bluetooth mega patch for FreeBSD source tree. This patch
> > updates FreeBSD sources to the most recent snapshot.


> > The patch could be downloaded from
> > 
> >
> I had a look at the patch and here is my comments. I haven't tried it
> yet, but I did try your latest snapshot.

good, did it (snapshot) work for you?

> I haven't looked at the man
> page markup, someone more knowledgable can do that, or it can be
> committed and then Ruslan can have a look at it when he gets time.

i tried to follow original man page style. it is possible that i missed
few minor things, but in general i think it should be fine. my plan was
to double check everything after commit and deal with the issues.
> There are lots of $FreeBSD$ changes. In a lot of the files that is the only
> change.

i see, is that a problem? i can clean up the patch and remove these entries.
(frankly i thought CVS should take care of it).
> The additions in lib/Makefile, share/man/man5/Makefile should be sorted
> alphabetically.

sure, i assume i should sort entries in lib/Makefile for 
.if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "i386" section right?

> I think libbluetooth and libsdp should be added to share/mk/
> and then the Makefiles should be modified to use ${LIBBLUETOOTH} and
> on the DPADD lines. /usr/lib/libbluetooth.a should not be hardcoded
> otherwise
> buildworld won't work correctly.

ok, i missed that one :) thanks! 
> The + after DPADD and LDADD should be removed. It should only be used when
> a Makefile have more than one DPADD or LDADD line
> There should not be '-L/usr/lib' on the LDADD line.

got it.

so, i hope those are minor things. can they be resolved right after commit
is done? or i must fix them and submit revised patch?
> PS. Will Julian commit it when there was a review or are you looking
> for a committer too?

Julian and Ruslan are busy at the moment. M. Warner Losh has sent e-mail
to core@ and asked for commit bit for me. in the mean time i'd like to
commit this and resolve all issues in time for 5.2-RELEASE.


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2003-09-29 Thread Dan Nelson
In the last episode (Sep 29), Wilko Bulte said:
> On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 12:19:30PM -0700, Marcel Moolenaar wrote:
> > I also mentioned recently (in the last couple of days) that we
> > should worry more about sparc64 than alpha. Simply because I think
> > alpha is on it's way down and should already be a tier 2 platform
> > and sparc64 is still on its way up ... sort of.
> In my book sparc64 is also with one foot in the grave. As is Sun
> itself.

Fujitsu makes sparc-compatible CPUs, too, so it'll be harder to kill
the entire architecture like HP did with the Alpha.

Dan Nelson
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RE: Odd ACPI behavior

2003-09-29 Thread John Baldwin

On 29-Sep-2003 Kevin Oberman wrote:
> I recently noticed that, when I boot with ACPI on my IBM T30, I get
> errors trying to probe the BIOS disabled sio1. This does not happen
> under apm and happens twice(?) when booting with ACPI and happens even
> though I have the line 'hint.sio.1.disabled="1"' in /boot/device.hints.
>>From my dmesg:
> sio0: type 16550A
> sio1: configured irq 3 not in bitmap of probed irqs 0
> sio1: port may not be enabled
> acpi_cmbat0:  on acpi0
> acpi_cmbat1:  on acpi0
> acpi_acad0:  on acpi0
> sio1: configured irq 3 not in bitmap of probed irqs 0
> sio1: port may not be enabled
> Any idea why this is happening? It does not seem to be a serious
> issue, but it is very odd.
> acpidump output, full dmesg, config and whatever available on request.

Do you kldload a module at some point during your boot?  If so, that
would explain the double probe.


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <><
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve!"  -
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2003-09-29 Thread Poul-Henning Kamp
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dan Nelson writes:

>> In my book sparc64 is also with one foot in the grave. As is Sun
>> itself.
>Fujitsu makes sparc-compatible CPUs, too, so it'll be harder to kill
>the entire architecture like HP did with the Alpha.

Having at least on architecture with the other byte order helps
keep our code honest.  I also think that VM afflicted people tend
to think that it is a good idea to have another model in order to
keep MI separated properly from MD.

Alpha has sort of outlived its role as our "token architecture",
"pc98" doesn't qualify due to inbreeding, "amd64" doesn't qualify
due to nepotism, "ia64" is not yet there.  That leaves us only
"sparc64" as candidate for that job.

Therefore I would like to keep the sparc64 port alive, even at a
pretty high cost in effort.

Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
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Fatal trap 12: ... while installing emulators/linux_base

2003-09-29 Thread Vaidas Damosevicius

I've tried to install emulators/linux_base on my FreeBSD
5.1-CURRENT (todays world) and got the following:

Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
fault virtual address   = 0x3
fault code  = supervisor read, page not present
instuction pointer  = 0x8:0xc04c1190
stack pointer   = 0x10:0xe907e6d4
frame pointer   = 0x10:0xe907e6d8
code segment= base 0x0, limit 0xf, type 0x1b
= DPL 0, pres 1, def32 1, gran 1
processor eflags= resume, IOPL = 0
current process = 1648 (rpm)
kernel: type 12 trap, code=0

I've tried to install with GENERIC and my custom kernel - same
problem ...

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Re: Odd ACPI behavior

2003-09-29 Thread Kevin Oberman
> Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 16:04:25 -0400 (EDT)
> From: John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 29-Sep-2003 Kevin Oberman wrote:
> > I recently noticed that, when I boot with ACPI on my IBM T30, I get
> > errors trying to probe the BIOS disabled sio1. This does not happen
> > under apm and happens twice(?) when booting with ACPI and happens even
> > though I have the line 'hint.sio.1.disabled="1"' in /boot/device.hints.
> >>From my dmesg:
> > sio0: type 16550A
> > sio1: configured irq 3 not in bitmap of probed irqs 0
> > sio1: port may not be enabled
> > acpi_cmbat0:  on acpi0
> > acpi_cmbat1:  on acpi0
> > acpi_acad0:  on acpi0
> > sio1: configured irq 3 not in bitmap of probed irqs 0
> > sio1: port may not be enabled
> > 
> > Any idea why this is happening? It does not seem to be a serious
> > issue, but it is very odd.
> > 
> > acpidump output, full dmesg, config and whatever available on request.
> Do you kldload a module at some point during your boot?  If so, that
> would explain the double probe.

Yes, it would, but I am not loading any kernel modules except the
slightly automatic loads of ACPI, itself and a few others which should
not cause a probe: ntfs, linux, linprocfs, and daemon_saver.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Phone: +1 510 486-8634
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Re: [acpi-jp 2704] Re: Odd ACPI behavior

2003-09-29 Thread Nate Lawson
On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> > Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 16:04:25 -0400 (EDT)
> > From: John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > On 29-Sep-2003 Kevin Oberman wrote:
> > > I recently noticed that, when I boot with ACPI on my IBM T30, I get
> > > errors trying to probe the BIOS disabled sio1. This does not happen
> > > under apm and happens twice(?) when booting with ACPI and happens even
> > > though I have the line 'hint.sio.1.disabled="1"' in /boot/device.hints.
> > >>From my dmesg:
> > > sio0: type 16550A
> > > sio1: configured irq 3 not in bitmap of probed irqs 0
> > > sio1: port may not be enabled
> > > acpi_cmbat0:  on acpi0
> > > acpi_cmbat1:  on acpi0
> > > acpi_acad0:  on acpi0
> > > sio1: configured irq 3 not in bitmap of probed irqs 0
> > > sio1: port may not be enabled
> >
> > Do you kldload a module at some point during your boot?  If so, that
> > would explain the double probe.
> Yes, it would, but I am not loading any kernel modules except the
> slightly automatic loads of ACPI, itself and a few others which should
> not cause a probe: ntfs, linux, linprocfs, and daemon_saver.

ACPI attaches the bus twice.  See sys/dev/acpica/acpi.c:

 * Scan all of the child devices we have created and let them probe/attach.
ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_OBJECTS, "first bus_generic_attach\n"));

 * Some of these children may have attached others as part of their attach
 * process (eg. the root PCI bus driver), so rescan.
ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_OBJECTS, "second bus_generic_attach\n"));

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Re: [acpi-jp 2704] Re: Odd ACPI behavior

2003-09-29 Thread Kevin Oberman
> Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 13:33:06 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Nate Lawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> > > Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 16:04:25 -0400 (EDT)
> > > From: John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >
> > > On 29-Sep-2003 Kevin Oberman wrote:
> > > > I recently noticed that, when I boot with ACPI on my IBM T30, I get
> > > > errors trying to probe the BIOS disabled sio1. This does not happen
> > > > under apm and happens twice(?) when booting with ACPI and happens even
> > > > though I have the line 'hint.sio.1.disabled="1"' in /boot/device.hints.
> > > >>From my dmesg:
> > > > sio0: type 16550A
> > > > sio1: configured irq 3 not in bitmap of probed irqs 0
> > > > sio1: port may not be enabled
> > > > acpi_cmbat0:  on acpi0
> > > > acpi_cmbat1:  on acpi0
> > > > acpi_acad0:  on acpi0
> > > > sio1: configured irq 3 not in bitmap of probed irqs 0
> > > > sio1: port may not be enabled
> > >
> > > Do you kldload a module at some point during your boot?  If so, that
> > > would explain the double probe.
> >
> > Yes, it would, but I am not loading any kernel modules except the
> > slightly automatic loads of ACPI, itself and a few others which should
> > not cause a probe: ntfs, linux, linprocfs, and daemon_saver.
> ACPI attaches the bus twice.  See sys/dev/acpica/acpi.c:
> /*
>  * Scan all of the child devices we have created and let them probe/attach.
>  */
> ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_OBJECTS, "first bus_generic_attach\n"));
> bus_generic_attach(bus);
> /*
>  * Some of these children may have attached others as part of their attach
>  * process (eg. the root PCI bus driver), so rescan.
>  */
> ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_OBJECTS, "second bus_generic_attach\n"));
> bus_generic_attach(bus);

Thanks. That explains why I get the message twice, but why do I get it
at all when the device is disabled in the device.hints file?
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Phone: +1 510 486-8634
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Re: Bluetooth patch

2003-09-29 Thread John Hay
> > > I have prepared Bluetooth mega patch for FreeBSD source tree. This patch
> > > updates FreeBSD sources to the most recent snapshot.
> [...]
> > > The patch could be downloaded from
> > > 
> > >
> > 
> > I had a look at the patch and here is my comments. I haven't tried it
> > yet, but I did try your latest snapshot.
> good, did it (snapshot) work for you?

Yes, I got a bluetooth ppp session going between 2 FreeBSD boxes with
usb-bluetooth devices.
> > I haven't looked at the man
> > page markup, someone more knowledgable can do that, or it can be
> > committed and then Ruslan can have a look at it when he gets time.
> i tried to follow original man page style. it is possible that i missed
> few minor things, but in general i think it should be fine. my plan was
> to double check everything after commit and deal with the issues.

That is ok.

> > There are lots of $FreeBSD$ changes. In a lot of the files that is the only
> > change.
> i see, is that a problem? i can clean up the patch and remove these entries.
> (frankly i thought CVS should take care of it).

I don't think it will break cvs, it might just cause some extra bloat.
Maybe just get rid of those parts of the patch where the only change
to the file is the $FreeBSD$ line?

> > The additions in lib/Makefile, share/man/man5/Makefile should be sorted
> > alphabetically.
> sure, i assume i should sort entries in lib/Makefile for 
> .if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "i386" section right?

Yes, that too, but inside such a block it should be alphabetical. SUBDIR
should also be alphabetical except for those mentioned in the comments at
the top of src/lib/Makefile.

> > I think libbluetooth and libsdp should be added to share/mk/
> > and then the Makefiles should be modified to use ${LIBBLUETOOTH} and
> > ${LIBSDP}
> > on the DPADD lines. /usr/lib/libbluetooth.a should not be hardcoded
> > otherwise
> > buildworld won't work correctly.
> ok, i missed that one :) thanks! 
> > The + after DPADD and LDADD should be removed. It should only be used when
> > a Makefile have more than one DPADD or LDADD line
> > 
> > There should not be '-L/usr/lib' on the LDADD line.
> got it.
> so, i hope those are minor things. can they be resolved right after commit
> is done? or i must fix them and submit revised patch?

I would prefer a patch with the makefile stuff fixed so that I can push
it through a make world and a make release before committing.

> > PS. Will Julian commit it when there was a review or are you looking
> > for a committer too?
> Julian and Ruslan are busy at the moment. M. Warner Losh has sent e-mail
> to core@ and asked for commit bit for me. in the mean time i'd like to
> commit this and resolve all issues in time for 5.2-RELEASE.

I can give it a go if no one else wants to do it.

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Re: SiL3112 SATA (RAID) Controller drives aren't working at all.

2003-09-29 Thread David Leimbach
Hey Will and Soren! :)
On Sep 29, 2003, at 2:38 PM, Will Andrews wrote:
On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 09:13:48PM +0200, Soren Schmidt wrote:
First off, there is ONLY support for Promise and HPT "soft RAID"
in the ATA driver, other vendors products are *not* supported (yet).
Second, there seem to be a problem with some sil3112 setups where
timeouts and what not ruins the lunch, but so far I've not been
able to reproduce..
I am still unable to use my SATA drive, it's probed incorrectly
as I posted earlier.  Reverting to the August 10th 00:00 UTC
kernel fixes this problem, so I concluded that ATAng broke this.
I am not running a very recent CURRENT but I do have ATAng from a fairly
early point and it works here.  [I have the same chipset as Will 
SiI3112A RAID]

If it makes any difference, my model is a SiI3112 RAID
controller, but I only have one drive and it probes as ad4... the
situation doesn't improve any if I add "ataraid".  But maybe
ATAng doesn't take into account the difference between a "normal"
and a "RAID" SiI 3112, if any?
Even Linux probes both disks even though I have but one.

I don't use any RAID capabilities beyond enabling the hardware to access
Here are my dmesg's again (Sep 18th, Aug 10th kernels):
The problem shown in the first dmesg still showed itself when I
tried a new kernel on Sep 25th.
I'd have to reboot and see how recent my FreeBSD stuff is... I have been
rather distracted by the job which pays me salary :).
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Re: SiL3112 SATA (RAID) Controller drives aren't working at all.

2003-09-29 Thread Will Andrews
On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 04:05:11PM -0500, David Leimbach wrote:
> I'd have to reboot and see how recent my FreeBSD stuff is... I have been
> rather distracted by the job which pays me salary :).

If you can do that, I'll check out a copy of the kernel from that
day and try to narrow down when the SiI3112A/WD Raptor probe
broke.  Hopefully that will be of more use to Soren.

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Problems with geom_bde

2003-09-29 Thread Thorsten Greiner

inspired by the recent posting of the gbde tutorial I went out and
set up an encrypted partition using geom_bde on my laptop. When
trying to umount this partition the umount fails with:

# umount /crypto
umount: unmount of /crypto failed: Resource temporarily unavailable

and the following message gets logged:

fsync: giving up on dirty: 0xc456ec8c: tag devfs, type VCHR,
usecount 5140, writecount 0, refcount 93, flags (VV_OBJBUF),
lock type devfs: EXCL (count 1) by thread 0xc4240130
dev ad0s3a.bde

This is with a fairly recent kernel, cvsupped a few hours ago:

# uname -a
FreeBSD tybalt 5.1-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT #26: Mon Sep 29
22:18:26 CEST 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/TYBALT

The kernel config is a standard GENERIC with some device drivers
removed. geom_bde was loaded as a module. Please let me know if I
can provide further information.


You know you've landed gear-up when it takes full power to taxi.
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Re: Status of SCHED_ULE?

2003-09-29 Thread Aggelos Economopoulos
On Monday 29 September 2003 08:05, Jeff Roberson wrote:
> On Sun, 28 Sep 2003, Arjan van Leeuwen wrote:
> > It happens when compiling stuff, when loading complicated pages in
> > Mozilla Firebird, and when logging out of GNOME 2.4 (the 'background
> > fade' animation brings my Athlon XP 2000+ to its knees when I use
> >
> > Arjan
> Gnome seems to be a common theme.  Are you also using libkse?  There could
> be some interaction there.

I'm experiencing similar stuff with kde + libthr (kernel built with sources 
from 18/9).

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Re: Status of SCHED_ULE?

2003-09-29 Thread Jeff Roberson
On Tue, 30 Sep 2003, Aggelos Economopoulos wrote:

> On Monday 29 September 2003 08:05, Jeff Roberson wrote:
> > On Sun, 28 Sep 2003, Arjan van Leeuwen wrote:
> [...]
> > > It happens when compiling stuff, when loading complicated pages in
> > > Mozilla Firebird, and when logging out of GNOME 2.4 (the 'background
> > > fade' animation brings my Athlon XP 2000+ to its knees when I use
> > > SCHED_ULE).
> > >
> > > Arjan
> >
> > Gnome seems to be a common theme.  Are you also using libkse?  There could
> > be some interaction there.
> I'm experiencing similar stuff with kde + libthr (kernel built with sources
> from 18/9).
> Aggelos
Are you running seti, rc4, etc?  Any programs that sit in the background
and consume 100% of the cpu?

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Re: procfs problem

2003-09-29 Thread Jason Stone
Hash: SHA1

> > > JM>map02# strace -p 730
> > > JM>strace: open("/proc/...", ...): No such file or directory
> > > JM>trouble opening proc file
> >
> > > You must mount procfs.
> > >
> > > # fstab;
> > > proc  /proc   procfs  rw  0   0
> >
> > The bi-weekly status messages have been claiming that all the common
> > debugging tools except for truss have been converted to work without
> > procfs, since procfs is now deprecated.  Does that not include strace, or
> > is there something else wrong here?
> strace is not part of FreeBSD.

Oh - I didn't think that truss was either, which lead me to believe that
someone had gone through ports and fixed a bunch of them.

Is someone working on fixing the strace and truss ports yet?  Are there
other popular ports that depend on procfs?


 Freud himself was a bit of a cold fish, and one cannot avoid the suspicion
 that he was insufficiently fondled when he was an infant.
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Re: SiL3112 SATA (RAID) Controller drives aren't working at all.

2003-09-29 Thread David Leimbach
On Sep 29, 2003, at 4:07 PM, Will Andrews wrote:

On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 04:05:11PM -0500, David Leimbach wrote:
I'd have to reboot and see how recent my FreeBSD stuff is... I have 
rather distracted by the job which pays me salary :).
If you can do that, I'll check out a copy of the kernel from that
day and try to narrow down when the SiI3112A/WD Raptor probe
broke.  Hopefully that will be of more use to Soren.
Ok...  I built mine on Thu Sep 18 22:42:16 CDT 2003.
I think that's post ATAng commit.
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Re: SiL3112 SATA (RAID) Controller drives aren't working at all.

2003-09-29 Thread Will Andrews
On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 05:42:24PM -0500, David Leimbach wrote:
> Ok...  I built mine on Thu Sep 18 22:42:16 CDT 2003.
> I think that's post ATAng commit.

WTF?!?!  My problem is for Sep 18 kernel and later.  I'll have to
try Sep 15 or something just to see...

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Re: Status of SCHED_ULE?

2003-09-29 Thread Aggelos Economopoulos
On Tuesday 30 September 2003 01:12, Jeff Roberson wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Sep 2003, Aggelos Economopoulos wrote:
> > On Monday 29 September 2003 08:05, Jeff Roberson wrote:
> > > On Sun, 28 Sep 2003, Arjan van Leeuwen wrote:
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > > > It happens when compiling stuff, when loading complicated pages in
> > > > Mozilla Firebird, and when logging out of GNOME 2.4 (the 'background
> > > > fade' animation brings my Athlon XP 2000+ to its knees when I use
> > > > SCHED_ULE).
> > > >
> > > > Arjan
> > >
> > > Gnome seems to be a common theme.  Are you also using libkse?  There
> > > could be some interaction there.
> >
> > I'm experiencing similar stuff with kde + libthr (kernel built with
> > sources from 18/9).
> >
> > Aggelos
> Are you running seti, rc4, etc?  Any programs that sit in the background
> and consume 100% of the cpu?

No. But interactive performance deteriorates instantly when compiling or 
linking two or more programs (of course I expect it to deteriorate, but the 
gui is _much_ more jerky with SCHED_ULE than with SCHED_4BSD). Let me know if 
I can help with any more info.

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Re: [acpi-jp 2706] Re: Odd ACPI behavior

2003-09-29 Thread Nate Lawson
On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> > Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 13:33:06 -0700 (PDT)
> > From: Nate Lawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > ACPI attaches the bus twice.  See sys/dev/acpica/acpi.c:
> >
> > /*
> >  * Scan all of the child devices we have created and let them probe/attach.
> >  */
> > ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_OBJECTS, "first bus_generic_attach\n"));
> > bus_generic_attach(bus);
> >
> > /*
> >  * Some of these children may have attached others as part of their attach
> >  * process (eg. the root PCI bus driver), so rescan.
> >  */
> > ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_OBJECTS, "second bus_generic_attach\n"));
> > bus_generic_attach(bus);
> Thanks. That explains why I get the message twice, but why do I get it
> at all when the device is disabled in the device.hints file?

Dunno.  That's probably an sio(4) problem.  It does that on my laptop

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Re: procfs problem

2003-09-29 Thread Kris Kennaway
On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 03:40:49PM -0700, Jason Stone wrote:

> Oh - I didn't think that truss was either, which lead me to believe that
> someone had gone through ports and fixed a bunch of them.

> whereis truss
truss: /usr/bin/truss /usr/share/man/man1/truss.1.gz /usr/src/usr.bin/truss

> Is someone working on fixing the strace and truss ports yet?

It's not broken, you just need a non-default FreeBSD configuration to use it.

>  Are there other popular ports that depend on procfs?

Surely there are other ports that do.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Bluetooth patch

2003-09-29 Thread M. Warner Losh
In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
John Hay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
: > Julian and Ruslan are busy at the moment. M. Warner Losh has sent e-mail
: > to core@ and asked for commit bit for me. in the mean time i'd like to
: > commit this and resolve all issues in time for 5.2-RELEASE.
: I can give it a go if no one else wants to do it.

The core approval process for committers takes one week, so he should
have his commit bit in plenty of time.  However, if you'd like to help
review the changes before/as they go into the tree, my feelings won't
be hurt :-)

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Re: Status of SCHED_ULE?

2003-09-29 Thread Munish Chopra
On 2003-09-30 02:07 +0300, Aggelos Economopoulos wrote:
> On Tuesday 30 September 2003 01:12, Jeff Roberson wrote:
> > On Tue, 30 Sep 2003, Aggelos Economopoulos wrote:
> > > On Monday 29 September 2003 08:05, Jeff Roberson wrote:
> > > > On Sun, 28 Sep 2003, Arjan van Leeuwen wrote:
> > >
> > > [...]
> > >
> > > > > It happens when compiling stuff, when loading complicated pages in
> > > > > Mozilla Firebird, and when logging out of GNOME 2.4 (the 'background
> > > > > fade' animation brings my Athlon XP 2000+ to its knees when I use
> > > > > SCHED_ULE).
> > > > >
> > > > > Arjan
> > > >
> > > > Gnome seems to be a common theme.  Are you also using libkse?  There
> > > > could be some interaction there.
> > >

I'm having the same experience, no gnome involved.

> > > I'm experiencing similar stuff with kde + libthr (kernel built with
> > > sources from 18/9).
> > >
> > > Aggelos
> >
> > Are you running seti, rc4, etc?  Any programs that sit in the background
> > and consume 100% of the cpu?
> No. But interactive performance deteriorates instantly when compiling or 
> linking two or more programs (of course I expect it to deteriorate, but the 
> gui is _much_ more jerky with SCHED_ULE than with SCHED_4BSD). Let me know if 
> I can help with any more info.

I second that. I'm not running anything heavy, background or
not. Windowmaker, a few desktops, a bunch of aterms -- that's more or
less all. The most easily noticeable pessimization is probably Firebird
(or Mozilla if you prefer). Compile anything, and try opening or closing
a few tabs, or navigating. It's rather painful.

This is on a Thunderbird 1200 sporting 512MB RAM. It's not exactly fast
by today's standards, but operation is much smoother under SCHED_4BSD.

Munish Chopra
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2003-09-29 Thread Jeff Roberson
There seems to have been some regression in the interactivity of
SCHED_ULE since I was last measuring it.  I'll send a follow up mail when
I have found and fixed the issue.


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Re: Bluetooth patch

2003-09-29 Thread John Hay
On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 05:49:08PM -0600, M. Warner Losh wrote:
> In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> John Hay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> : > Julian and Ruslan are busy at the moment. M. Warner Losh has sent e-mail
> : > to core@ and asked for commit bit for me. in the mean time i'd like to
> : > commit this and resolve all issues in time for 5.2-RELEASE.
> : 
> : I can give it a go if no one else wants to do it.
> The core approval process for committers takes one week, so he should
> have his commit bit in plenty of time.

Hey, I didn't realise the process was that far already. My initial
reaction was because it looked like nobody else reacted and I got
tired of having to add the bluetooth snap everytime. :-)

> However, if you'd like to help
> review the changes before/as they go into the tree, my feelings won't
> be hurt :-)

If you need help time wise I'd be happy to help.

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SiI 3112A doesn't probe, take two: found the commit that broke it

2003-09-29 Thread Will Andrews

src/sys/dev/ata/ata-all.c, rev 1.188
src/sys/dev/ata/ata-lowlevel.c, rev 1.8

After an exhaustive binary search, I've found this is the commit
that broke probing for my SATA disk.  Merely reverting the change
on the latest kernel doesn't compile, however.  :-\

Hope this is more helpful, Soren...

I'll just stick with the Sep 1 00:00 UTC kernel for now.  If you
have any patches you think will fix this problem feel free to ask
me to test.

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Re: Serial debug broken in recent -CURRENT?

2003-09-29 Thread Bruce Evans
On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:

> After building a new kernel, remote serial gdb no longer works.  When
> I issue a 'continue' command, I lose control of the system, but it
> doesn't continue running.  Has anybody else seen this?

It works as well as it did a few months ago here.  (Not very well compared
with ddb.  E.g., calling a function is usually fatal.)

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Re: more panics from current (partII)

2003-09-29 Thread Tomi Vainio - Sun Finland
Once again our vinum build failed.  This time it could do over 90% of
14 hours of work and we didn't got a panic just a "hang".  Only we
could do while system was printing ata error messages was to press
reset button.  Difference to earlier situation is that we put back old
3c905 xl-card and removed 4 port dc-Znyx.  At the same time we changed
pci card positions.  Do you still think this has nothing do ata kernel


login: ad6: WARNING - WRITE_DMA recovered from missing interrupt
ad6: WARNING - WRITE_DMA recovered from missing interrupt
ad6: WARNING - WRITE_DMA recovered from missing interrupt
ad4: WARNING - WRITE_DMA recovered from missing interrupt
ata2: spurious interrupt - status=0x51 error=0x84 reason=0x01
ad6: WARNING - WRITE_DMA recovered from missing interrupt
ata2: spurious interrupt - status=0x51 error=0x84 reason=0x01
ata2: spurious interrupt - status=0x51 error=0x84 reason=0x01
ata2: spurious interrupt - status=0x51 error=0x84 reason=0x01
ata2: spurious interrupt - status=0x51 error=0x84 reason=0x01
ata2: spurious interrupt - status=0x51 error=0x84 reason=0x01
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