jdk 1.1.8 on -current?

2001-10-23 Thread Martin Dieringer

after updating -current many programs seem to be incompatible.
after recompiling they work, though.
jdk1.1.8 has the same problem, but I can't recompile this...
the error is:
/usr/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: /usr/lib/libm.so.2: Undefined symbol "__stderrp"

the package on current.freebsd.org doesn't work.
Is there a version for current -current?

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Re: RELENG_4 builds on -current

2001-10-23 Thread Makoto MATSUSHITA

kris> Yeah, like I said, you can do this in a jail under 5.0.

Yes, but your kernel should have 'vn' device driver which is already
deprecated in recent 5-current.  Without vn, 4-stable build (make a
release) will fail when vnconfig(8) does its job for boot floppies.

Of course, we can fake vnconfig(8) in a jail environment so we can do
this with some hacks :-)

-- -

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Test tweak for F00F bug..

2001-10-23 Thread John Baldwin

Anyone running -current on a true Pentium with the F00F bug that can verify
that this simple cleanup patch works?


Index: trap.c
RCS file: /usr/cvs/src/sys/i386/i386/trap.c,v
retrieving revision 1.204
diff -u -r1.204 trap.c
--- trap.c  11 Oct 2001 18:25:57 -  1.204
+++ trap.c  20 Oct 2001 02:25:09 -
@@ -214,11 +214,6 @@
eva = 0;
-#if defined(I586_CPU) && !defined(NO_F00F_HACK)
type = frame.tf_trapno;
code = frame.tf_err;
@@ -294,8 +289,9 @@
 * f00f hack workaround has triggered, treat
 * as illegal instruction not page fault.
-   frame.tf_trapno = T_PRIVINFLT;
-   goto restart;
+   ucode = T_PRIVINFLT;
+   i = SIGILL;
+   break;
if (i == -1)


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
PGP Key: http://www.baldwin.cx/~john/pgpkey.asc
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve!"  -  http://www.FreeBSD.org/

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Re: It's baaack... -- ("make: don't know how to make copies. Stop")

2001-10-23 Thread Mark Murray

> David Wolfskill wrote:
> > Found this in my typescript after a "make installworld" on today's
> There was a commit about a problem with a missing NOOBJ..
> May I suggest either:
> - rm -rf /usr/obj/*
> - cd src/share; cd `make -V .OBJDIR`; rm -rf *  (check that its not your
> srcdir first :-).

Actually, it is possible for there to be no copies: target in
src/share/examples/. The copies: (actually copies::)
target is built up in a .for loop that may be empty.

The fix is a dummy copies:: target.

o   Mark Murray
\_  FreeBSD Services Limited
O.\_Warning: this .sig is umop ap!sdn

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Re: It's baaack... -- ("make: don't know how to make copies. Stop")

2001-10-23 Thread David Wolfskill

>Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 20:43:29 +0100
>From: Mark Murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Actually, it is possible for there to be no copies: target in
>src/share/examples/. The copies: (actually copies::)
>target is built up in a .for loop that may be empty.

>The fix is a dummy copies:: target.

In the mean time, my laptop got through today's -CURRENT installworld
OK, after trying the 2nd of Peter's suggested aproaches (paraphrasing,
cd /usr/src/share && cd `make -V .OBJDIR` && rm -fr *; he also suggested
ensuring that the target of the 2nd "cd" wasn't something of value first).

David H. Wolfskill  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
As a computing professional, I believe it would be unethical for me to
advise, recommend, or support the use (save possibly for personal
amusement) of any product that is or depends on any Microsoft product.

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: Test tweak for F00F bug..

2001-10-23 Thread Kris Kennaway

On Tue, Oct 23, 2001 at 10:57:18AM -0700, John Baldwin wrote:
> Anyone running -current on a true Pentium with the F00F bug that can verify
> that this simple cleanup patch works?
> http://www.freebsd.org/~jhb/patches/f00f.patch

I can probably do it over the weekend.


 PGP signature

Re: It's baaack... -- ("make: don't know how to make copies. Stop")

2001-10-23 Thread Jos Backus

On Tue, Oct 23, 2001 at 08:43:29PM +0100, Mark Murray wrote:
> Actually, it is possible for there to be no copies: target in
> src/share/examples/. The copies: (actually copies::)
> target is built up in a .for loop that may be empty.
> The fix is a dummy copies:: target.

Perhaps move the copies:: target def above the for loops, so that if the loops
are empty no commands will be executed for that target? That was my local fix
at least and it seemed to work fine.

Jos Backus _/  _/_/_/Santa Clara, CA
  _/  _/   _/
 _/  _/_/_/ 
_/  _/  _/_/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] _/_/   _/_/_/use Std::Disclaimer;

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Anonymous read-only cvs access

2001-10-23 Thread Andrew L. Neporada

Could you please give me a link to the working anoncvs server.
anoncvs.freebsd.org seems to be down for quite a long time.


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make release broken (+ fix)

2001-10-23 Thread Dave Cornejo

It looks like if_wx was not removed from /usr/src/release/i386/drivers.conf
which breaks make release.

Index: drivers.conf
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/release/i386/drivers.conf,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.2 drivers.conf
*** drivers.conf7 Nov 2000 14:00:04 -   1.2
--- drivers.conf23 Oct 2001 22:31:58 -
*** 54,58 
  vrif_vr   2   network "VIA VT3043/VT86C100A Rhine PCI ethernet card"
  wbif_wb   2   network "Winbond W89C840F PCI ethernet card"
  wiif_wi   2   network "Lucent WaveLAN/IEEE 802.11 PCMCIA card"
- wxif_wx   2   network "Intel Gigabit Ethernet (82452) card"
  xlif_xl   2   network "3COM 3c90x / 3c90xB PCI ethernet card"
--- 54,57 

dave c

Dave Cornejo @ Dogwood Media, Fremont, California (also [EMAIL PROTECTED])
  "There aren't any monkeys chasing us..." - Xochi

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PCMCIA modem is detected/attached only on second insertion

2001-10-23 Thread Maxim Sobolev


I had started observing this problem about a 1.5 months ago - my
PCMCIA modem (EigerCom 33.6) is detected/attached only on second
insertion, i.e. if I'm booting with the card inserted I have to
manually eject it and put back, while if the machine boots with
an empty slot I have to do insert-eject-insert procedure. At the
same time, another PCMCIA card (ed0-compatible ethernet adapter)
doesn't have this problem. Following is related kernel output
when booted in the verbose mode (see my comments in []):

pcic0:  at port 0x3e0-0x3e1 on isa0
pcic0: Polling mode
pccard0:  on pcic0
pccard1:  on pcic0
pcic1: Cannot get I/O range
pcic1 failed to probe at port 0x3e0-0x3e1 on isa0
pccard: card inserted, slot 0
pcic0: reset 1 int is 0 stat is ff
pccard: card inserted, slot 1
pcic0: reset 1 int is 0 stat is ff
pcic0: reset 2 int is 60 stat is cf
start_init: trying /sbin/init
pcic0: reset 2 int is 60 stat is ef
pcic0: reset 3 int is 60 stat is ef
pcic0: reset 3 int is 60 stat is ef
pccard0: Assigning ed0: io 0x240-0x25f irq 10 mem 0x0-0x
pcic: I/O win 0 flags 15 240-25f
pcic: I/O win 0 flags 5 240-25f
ed0 at port 0x240-0x25f irq 10 slot 0 on pccard0
pcic: I/O win 0 flags 15 240-25f
ed0: address 00:80:c8:88:86:b1, type NE2000 (16 bit)
[WAITING 5 min, no avail :( ]
[REMOVING modem]
pccard: card removed, slot 1
pccard: card inserted, slot 1
pcic0: reset 1 int is 0 stat is ff
pcic0: reset 2 int is 60 stat is ef
pcic0: reset 3 int is 60 stat is ef
pccard1: Assigning sio1: io 0x2e8-0x2ef irq 3 mem 0x0-0x
pcic: I/O win 0 flags 11 2e8-2ef
pcic: I/O win 0 flags 1 2e8-2ef
sio1 at port 0x2e8-0x2ef irq 3 flags 0x4 slot 1 on pccard1
pcic: I/O win 0 flags 11 2e8-2ef
sio1: type 16550A

Please fix.


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Re: PCMCIA modem is detected/attached only on second insertion

2001-10-23 Thread Konstantin Chuguev

Hi All,


Maxim Sobolev wrote:

> I had started observing this problem about a 1.5 months ago - my
> PCMCIA modem (EigerCom 33.6) is detected/attached only on second
> insertion, i.e. if I'm booting with the card inserted I have to
> manually eject it and put back, while if the machine boots with
> an empty slot I have to do insert-eject-insert procedure. At the
> same time, another PCMCIA card (ed0-compatible ethernet adapter)
> doesn't have this problem. Following is related kernel output

The funny thing is, I've got the opposite situation: I have to insert my
network card twice (Netgear - old version), but my modem card (Xircom) works
fine straight away. CURRENT, OLDCARD.


 * *   Konstantin Chuguev   Francis House
  *  * Application Engineer 112 Hills Road
*  Tel: +44 1223 302992 Cambridge CB2 1PQ
D  A  N  T  E  WWW: http://www.dante.netUnited Kingdom

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It's baaack... -- ("make: don't know how to make copies. Stop")

2001-10-23 Thread David Wolfskill

Found this in my typescript after a "make installworld" on today's

===> share/dict
install -c -o root -g wheel -m 444 README propernames web2 web2a  /usr/share/dict
/usr/share/dict/words -> web2
===> share/examples
(cd /usr/src/share/examples/../../etc; make etc-examples)
(cd /usr/src/etc;  install -c -o root -g wheel -m 444 amd.map apmd.conf auth.conf  
crontab csh.cshrc csh.login csh.logout  dhclient.conf dm.conf fbtab ftpusers gettytab 
group  hosts hosts.allow hosts.equiv hosts.lpd  inetd.conf login.access login.conf  
motd modems netconfig networks newsyslog.conf  pam.conf phones printcap profile 
protocols  rc rc.atm rc.devfs rc.diskless1 rc.diskless2 rc.firewall rc.firewall6  
rc.network rc.network6 rc.pccard rc.serial rc.shutdown  rc.syscons rc.sysctl remote 
rpc security services shells sysctl.conf  syslog.conf usbd.conf  etc.i386/disktab  
etc.i386/rc.i386  etc.i386/ttys  
/usr/src/etc/../usr.bin/locate/locate/locate.rc rc.isdn netstart pccard_ether 
rc.suspend rc.resume  opieaccess /usr/share/examples/etc;  install -c -o root -g wheel 
-m 444 defaults/rc.conf  /usr/share/examples/etc/defaults;  install -c -o root -g 
wheel -m 444 defaults/pccard!
.conf  /usr/share/examples/etc/defaults;  install -c -o root -g wheel -m 444 
defaults/periodic.conf  /usr/share/examples/etc/defaults)
make: don't know how to make copies. Stop
*** Error code 2

Stop in /usr/src/share.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.

I had been able to get through the "make installworld" for yesterday's
-CURRENT OK  Recent CVSup history:

freebeast[3] tail /var/log/cvsup-history.log
CVSup begin from cvsup14.freebsd.org at Fri Oct 19 03:47:00 PDT 2001
CVSup ended from cvsup14.freebsd.org at Fri Oct 19 03:53:04 PDT 2001
CVSup begin from cvsup14.freebsd.org at Sat Oct 20 03:47:00 PDT 2001
CVSup ended from cvsup14.freebsd.org at Sat Oct 20 03:53:48 PDT 2001
CVSup begin from cvsup14.freebsd.org at Sun Oct 21 03:47:01 PDT 2001
CVSup ended from cvsup14.freebsd.org at Sun Oct 21 03:52:58 PDT 2001
CVSup begin from cvsup14.freebsd.org at Mon Oct 22 03:47:00 PDT 2001
CVSup ended from cvsup14.freebsd.org at Mon Oct 22 03:53:01 PDT 2001
CVSup begin from cvsup14.freebsd.org at Tue Oct 23 03:47:00 PDT 2001
CVSup ended from cvsup14.freebsd.org at Tue Oct 23 03:53:29 PDT 2001

David H. Wolfskill  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
As a computing professional, I believe it would be unethical for me to
advise, recommend, or support the use (save possibly for personal
amusement) of any product that is or depends on any Microsoft product.

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: It's baaack... -- ("make: don't know how to make copies. Stop")

2001-10-23 Thread Peter Wemm

David Wolfskill wrote:
> Found this in my typescript after a "make installworld" on today's

There was a commit about a problem with a missing NOOBJ..
May I suggest either:
- rm -rf /usr/obj/*
- cd src/share; cd `make -V .OBJDIR`; rm -rf *  (check that its not your
srcdir first :-).

> make: don't know how to make copies. Stop
> *** Error code 2

"All of this is for nothing if we don't go to the stars" - JMS/B5

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Re: ACPI: problem with fdc resource allocation

2001-10-23 Thread Maxim Sobolev

Maxim Sobolev wrote:
> Maxim Sobolev wrote:
> >
> > Mike Smith wrote:
> >
> > > This just isn't going to work.  The _CRS data stream stops at byte 0x17,
> > > and these extra items are simply mis-aimed.
> > >
> > > The 0x19 should really be 0x11, and the 0x1c should really be 0x14, ie.
> > > this is a BIOS bug, and should be reported to the vendor.  (It should
> > > also have failed the Microsoft ACPI validation suite...)
> > >
> > > The correct action should probably be to silently discard the write
> > > operations outside of a defined buffer, and return Zeroes or Ones for a
> > > read outside a buffer.
> >
> > Do you have a patch to test this approach? While I understand that the best way to
> > resolve the problem is to convince vendors to fix their ACPI implementations, but
> > obviously this isn't going to happen any time soon, so appropriate workarround is
> > really a must.
> The problem is still here as of today's kernel. Please do
> something about it.

Should I reapeat how sad it is that this longstanding
problem is being completely ignored by the acpi


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Re: It's baaack... -- ("make: don't know how to make copies. Stop")

2001-10-23 Thread Ruslan Ermilov

On Tue, Oct 23, 2001 at 08:43:29PM +0100, Mark Murray wrote:
> > David Wolfskill wrote:
> > > Found this in my typescript after a "make installworld" on today's
> > 
> > There was a commit about a problem with a missing NOOBJ..
> > May I suggest either:
> > - rm -rf /usr/obj/*
> > - cd src/share; cd `make -V .OBJDIR`; rm -rf *  (check that its not your
> > srcdir first :-).
> Actually, it is possible for there to be no copies: target in
> src/share/examples/. The copies: (actually copies::)
> target is built up in a .for loop that may be empty.
> The fix is a dummy copies:: target.
We don't descend that far into examples/, we just stay
in "examples" and build DIRS list dynamically.  The problem is that
even after my fix to examples/ipfilter/Makefile (which added NOOBJ
to ipfilter subdir), the old "make world" may have left the .OBJDIR
for examples/ipfilter.  What it means for "examples" is that
.OBJDIR != .CURDIR (as implied by the NOOBJ hint).  The solution
is to remove the stale objdir, as Peter have suggested.  My (safe)
version thus looks like this:

cd /usr/src/share/examples; \
[ `make -V .OBJDIR ` != `make -V .CURDIR` ] && rm -rf `make -V .OBJDIR`

Mark, please back your 1.32 revision from share/examples/Makefile out,
as it only hides the problem with a wrong .OBJDIR.  In the presence of
the .OBJDIR for share/examples and revision 1.32, we just end up not
installing anything from examples/* subdirs.  Compare:

# cd /usr/src/share/examples
# mkdir /usr/obj/usr/src/share/examples
# make -n copies
# rmdir /usr/obj/usr/src/share/examples
# make -n copies

Ruslan Ermilov  Oracle Developer/DBA,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Sunbay Software AG,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  FreeBSD committer,
+380.652.512.251Simferopol, Ukraine

http://www.FreeBSD.org  The Power To Serve
http://www.oracle.com   Enabling The Information Age

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Re: Test tweak for F00F bug..

2001-10-23 Thread Giorgos Keramidas

On Tue, Oct 23, 2001 at 10:57:18AM -0700, John Baldwin wrote:
> Anyone running -current on a true Pentium with the F00F bug that can verify
> that this simple cleanup patch works?
> http://www.freebsd.org/~jhb/patches/f00f.patch

I can.  Running it on p5/133 right now.

CPU: Pentium/P54C (132.63-MHz 586-class CPU)
  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0x52c  Stepping = 12
Intel Pentium detected, installing workaround for F00F bug

Building world, now.  Just give me another 8-10 hours to let my
buildworld/installworld finish normally.

Apart from crafting my own gas(1) test to make sure this works,
anything particular I should look more carefully for?


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Re: It's baaack... -- ("make: don't know how to make copies. Stop")

2001-10-23 Thread Giorgos Keramidas

On Tue, Oct 23, 2001 at 08:43:29PM +0100, Mark Murray wrote:
> Actually, it is possible for there to be no copies: target in
> src/share/examples/. The copies: (actually copies::)
> target is built up in a .for loop that may be empty.
> The fix is a dummy copies:: target.

I've tested the following patch, and it works like a charm.
At least, it let me build and install world with a clean /usr/obj :-)

hades!sysop:[/usr/src/share/examples]# cvs -q dif -2cl | more
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/share/examples/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -2 -c -r1.29 Makefile
*** Makefile20 Oct 2001 04:18:13 -  1.29
--- Makefile22 Oct 2001 01:29:03 -
*** 22,25 
--- 22,29 
  beforeinstall: etc-examples ${SHARED}

+ copies::
+ symlinks::
  .for dir in ${DIRS}
  FILES!=   find -L ${dir} \( -name CVS -prune \) -o -type f -print


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-current nfsd still causes hang from Solaris 8 nfs client

2001-10-23 Thread BSD User

There was some talk about patches getting committed to fix multiple
problems with Solaris 8 NFS clients.  Did those ever get committed?

As of 10/23, I'm still seeing problems.  If they have been committed, I'll
pull out ethereal and start sniffing packets.  However, if something is
about to get committed, I'll hold off.

Let me know what the status is,
Andy L.

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Re: jdk 1.1.8 on -current?

2001-10-23 Thread Martin Dieringer

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, David Wolfskill wrote:

> >Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 10:16:09 +0200 (CEST)
> >From: Martin Dieringer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >after updating -current many programs seem to be incompatible.
> >after recompiling they work, though.
> >jdk1.1.8 has the same problem, but I can't recompile this...
> >the error is:
> >/usr/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: /usr/lib/libm.so.2: Undefined symbol "__stderrp"
> Did you include
>   COMPAT4X=   yes
> in your /etc/make.conf?

yes, but I saw now that I also need COMPAT3X
nobody talked about THAT 3 weeks ago...

nevermind -

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