Re: Sane/XSane

2011-08-02 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 2 Aug 2011 19:38:18 -0700 (PDT), Fletch wrote:
> I have an HP F4140 USB printer/scanner and have sane as
> well as xsane installed.
> Sane will find the scanner fine, however xsane cannot
> find it. 
> I run PC-BSD and have installed Xsane both from their
> PBI's as well as built and installed Xsane from ports to no avail.
> Googling tells me that the current XSane may no longer be
> compatible with the version of Sane currently available in
> ports due to changes within the Sane community..

There should still be xscanimage, part of the
sane-frontends port. I'm successfully using it
with a scanner found by sane-find-scanner as

found SCSI scanner "SCANNER  2.02" at /dev/pass0

and it works very well with xscanimage. You
should be able to use that tool in PC-BSD too,
although it uses Gtk. It does not require any
kind of deamon or other program running, so it
should be okay to use it within KDE.

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: Dont make Kernel

2012-01-19 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 19 Jan 2012 14:12:18 +0400, Artem Gocharenko wrote:
> vpn123# cd /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/
> vpn123# config GENERIC.current
> Kernel build directory is ../compile/GENERIC.current
> Don't forget to do ``make cleandepend && make depend''
> vpn123# cd ../compile/GENERIC.current/
> vpn123# make cleandepend && make depend
> rm -f .depend machine
> cd ../../../modules;
> MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/GENERIC.current/modules
> KMODDIR=/boot/kernel DEBUG_FLAGS="-g" MACHINE=i386
> KERNBUILDDIR="/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/GENERIC.current"
> SYSDIR="/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/GENERIC.current/../../.." make
>  cleandepend
> "Makefile", line 371: Malformed conditional (${MK_INET_SUPPORT} != "no" ||
> defined(ALL_MODULES))
> "Makefile", line 373: if-less endif
> make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/src/sys/i386/compile/GENERIC.current.
> vpn123#
> Please , help me

Did you also try the "now normal" way of performing
the kernel compiling?

See "9.5 Building and Installing a Custom Kernel" in
the FreeBSD handbook:

Try the basic steps:

# cd /usr/src
# make clean
# make buildkernel KERNCONF=GENERIC.current

Also see the comment header of /usr/src/Makefile which
illustrates the full upgrading process (kernel and world).

The error message

"Makefile", line 371: Malformed conditional
(${MK_INET_SUPPORT} != "no" || defined(ALL_MODULES))
"Makefile", line 373: if-less endif

indicates the problem. Maybe you should, just to be sure,
make sure your sources are complete and current (e. g.
use csup to re-get them from CVS), and start building in
a clean environment.

Also make sure /usr/obj doesn't contain any old stuff.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
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Re: Installing FreeBSD on Dell-mini 9"

2011-02-24 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 24 Feb 2011 14:24:04 -0500, Khalid Rehan  wrote:
> "Hello:"
>I'm working on a task of installing FreeBSD 4.8 or 4.9
> on a Dell-mini
> computer.

Is there any specific reason you *need* to install this
release? You can try to use the current version (8.1, or
8.2 when available) which should run fine even on systems
with "lower specs".

Just try to install with the 8.1 first disc.

> P.S: I'm sure the CD is perfect; as I used it to install a FreeBSD of a VM
> using VMware <> and it was successful!!!

This should indicate that there seems to be something
at least problematic ("wrong") with the system you're
trying to install on.

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: Installing FreeBSD on Dell-mini 9"

2011-02-24 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 24 Feb 2011 21:50:07 -0500, Khalid Rehan  wrote:
> Yes, an old OpenSSH version is needed...

In that case, use a current release, then get the ports
tree of 4.9 (or wherever the OpenSSH version occurs that
you require) and build it from source. Or maybe even
better: Use the port "portdowngrade" to get an older
version of OpenSSH and install it. You can install it
as an additional program, or overwrite the system's
SSH with it.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
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Re: Download FreeBSD Empty @ 12-Nov-2017 10:15 PDT

2017-11-12 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 12 Nov 2017 10:18:01 -0800, Conrad T. Pino wrote:
> Links on page show empty directory
> or 404 error code.
> Link navigation works but all there is just a directory tree without
> any files.

I could confirm this observation, but it seems to be working again now
(22:30 CET). For example:

This contains a file listing.

The "corresponding" FTP site also has the files:

> Observations suggest the infrastructure is working but all files were deleted.

Or something related to permissions, or how the web server generates
the pages...

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
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Re: Download FreeBSD Empty @ 12-Nov-2017 10:15 PDT

2017-11-12 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 12 Nov 2017 14:35:02 -0800, Conrad T. Pino wrote:
> I must agree we have progress but issues remain; for example:
> 11.1-RELEASE Virtial Machine Images will download
> but 11.1-STABLE shows content links which return 404 error code

Now - 03:23 CET - those downloads seem to work again.

> I'm guessing something is in progress which has yet to complete.

Yes, looks like it.

> Perhaps an infrastructure administator will chime in soon.

That would be interesting to know. :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
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Re: Help with getting danish keyboard layout to work correctly (æøåÆØÅ characters)

2019-01-18 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 18 Jan 2019 02:05:23 +0100, scootergrisen wrote:
> Can someone help with this bug?:
> I change to danish keyboard layout with kbdmap command in TTY.

Which exact command do you use?

Did you already think about using the equivalent /etc/rc.conf
setting? For example, I have


set, and german umlauts öäü ÖÄÜ and Eszett ß are being used
correctly. For you, setting "dk" should be fully sufficient.
Due to vt font problems (unreadable and tiny on a 21" screen),
I also have

allscreens_flags="-f gallant"

which sets a different font at the end of the boot sequence.
It's not much better than the default, still unreadable...

> But æøåÆØÅ keys does not work correctly.

See end of message for exegesis of "work". ;-)

> It might be that the characters æøåÆØÅ are not in the default font.
> I want to try other fonts but i seems to be unable to change the font 
> with vidfont command.

First of all: Are you using vt as the console driver?
This should be the default on recent FreeBSD versions.

Verify that UTF-8 has been set. For comparison:

% echo $LC_ALL

Stangely, I also get this:

% echo $LANG

Sadly, I forgot about the precedence rules of $LANG and $LC_*.

For testing, you can experiment with the language settings in
your shell's initialization file. For the C shell, this is
~/.cshrc, and a logout - login cycle is a convenient way to
change settings.

In my opinion, you _should_ be fine with

setenv  LANGdk-DK.UTF-8

but you can try

setenv  LANGdk-DK.ISO8859-1

as well.

Furthermore, just verify that /etc/ttys contains "xterm" as the
terminal type for your virtual terminals; "cons25l1" which has
worked before has been deprecated as with vt, there is no text
mode anymore, all shiny graphics. :-)

> I tried adding this in /boot/loader.conf:
> hw.vga.textmode=0
> But it still says this during boot:
> VT: text 80x25

And it probably doesn't work. ;-)

> I would like æøåÆØÅ characters to work in the TTY by default.

You need to pay attention to two things:

1. Are the keys accepted correctly?

2. Are the appropriate symbols printed?

Those are two different aspects of the same "work" thing. :-)

So even though aspect 1 might work correctly, i. e., when
you press å in an editor, the correct 2-byte sequence (due
to UTF-8 default!) will be written to the file, it could
happen that on the screen, you only see garbage, because
the å won't be displayed, and instead an "excuse" is printed
on the screen.


If you don't want to use X, try to use sc instead of vt.
In /boot/loader.conf, set


In this case, you can also avoid using UTF-8 if you want, and
instead use the regular western europe ISO-8859 character set,
where å and ø, just like ü and ß, only require 1 byte. :-)

Yes, I'm not a big fan of vt at the moment. :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
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