kern/176167: [ipsec][lagg] using lagg and ipsec causes immediate panic

2013-02-15 Thread Andrew A. Khlebutin

>Number: 176167
>Category:   kern
>Synopsis:   [ipsec][lagg] using lagg and ipsec causes immediate panic
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:   non-critical
>Priority:   low
>State:  open
>Class:  sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Fri Feb 15 11:40:01 UTC 2013
>Originator: Andrew A. Khlebutin
>Release:FreeBSD 9.1-STABLE #0 r246709
FreeBSD smfd-app-1 9.1-STABLE FreeBSD 9.1-STABLE #0 r246709: Tue Feb 12 
17:39:19 YEKT 2013 root@smfd-app-1:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/smfd-app  amd64
Using ipsec with lagg causes my server to panic. The crash is reproducible. 
IPSEC (transport mode) is used to encrypt tunnel (gif) over lagg.

Turn off ipsec and there is no problem, everything is working fine.

current process= 1577 (ping)
trap number= 12
panic: page fault
cpuid = 11
KDB: stack backtrace:
#0 0x8050acd6 at kdb_backtrace+0x66
#1 0x804d441e at panic+0x1ce
#2 0x8074dea0 at trap_fatal+0x290
#3 0x8074e1d8 at trap_pfault+0x1e8
#4 0x8074e7de at trap+0x3be
#5 0x80737f7f at calltrap+0x8
#6 0x805d8db3 at ip_ipsec_output+0x173
#7 0x805da991 at ip_output+0x531
#8 0x805cb72f at in_gif_output+ox47f
#9 0x8059596f at gif_output+ox28f
#10 0x805dab59 at ip_output+ox6f9
#11 0x805dc679 at rip_output+0x229
#12 0x80540cf6 at sosend_generic+0x3f6
#13 0x805445c3 at kern_sendit+0x1a3
#14 0x8054587c at sendit+0xdc
#15 0x8054496d at sys_sendto+0x4d
#16 0x8074d780 at amd64_syscall+0x540
#17 0x80738267 at Xfast_syscall+0xf7

# ifconfig
igb0: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu 1500
ether c8:60:00:46:bc:5f
media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT )
status: active
igb1: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu 1500
ether c8:60:00:46:bc:5f
media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT )
status: active
igb2: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu 1500
ether c8:60:00:46:bc:5f
media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT )
status: active
igb3: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu 1500
ether c8:60:00:46:bc:5f
media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT )
status: active
ipfw0: flags=8801 metric 0 mtu 65536
lo0: flags=8049 metric 0 mtu 16384
inet netmask 0xff00 
lagg0: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu 1500
ether c8:60:00:46:bc:5f
inet x.x.x.x netmask 0xffe0 broadcast x.x.x.255
media: Ethernet autoselect
status: active
laggproto lacp lagghash l2,l3,l4
laggport: igb3 flags=1c
laggport: igb2 flags=1c
laggport: igb1 flags=1c
laggport: igb0 flags=1c
vlan2: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu 1500
ether c8:60:00:46:bc:5f
inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
inet netmask 0x broadcast
media: Ethernet autoselect
status: active
vlan: 2 parent interface: lagg0
gif0: flags=8051 metric 0 mtu 1500
tunnel inet x.x.x.x --> y.y.y.y
inet --> netmask 0xfffc 

spdadd y.y.y.y x.x.x.x ipencap -P in ipsec esp/transport//require 
spdadd x.x.x.x y.y.y.y ipencap -P out  ipsec esp/transport//require 


pathcertificate "/usr/local/etc/racoon/certs";
log debug;

padding {
maximum_length  20;
randomize   off;
exclusive_tail  off;

listen {
isakmp  x.x.x.x [500];

timer   # timing options. change as needed
counter 5;
interval20 sec;
persend 1;
phase1  30 sec;
phase2  15 sec;

remote y.y.y.y {
exchange_mode aggressive, main;
doi ipsec_doi;
situation identity_only;
my_identifier asn1dn;
peers_identifier asn1dn;
verify_identifier on;
certificate_type x509 "smfd-app-1.crt" "smfd-app-1.key";
ca_type x509 "ca.crt";
ike_frag on;
lifetime time 1 hour;

proposal {
encryption_algorithm aes;
hash_algorithm sha256;
authentication_method rsasig;
dh_group 2;

sainfo anonymous {
pfs_group 2;
lifetime time 1 hour;
encryption_algorithm aes;
authentication_algorithm hmac_sha256;
compression_algorithm deflate;
ping another end of a tunnel

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Re: kern/176093: [libc] [patch] Fix resolver support for ' _' character in hostnames

2013-02-15 Thread Landon Fuller
The following reply was made to PR kern/176093; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Landon Fuller 
Subject: Re: kern/176093: [libc] [patch] Fix resolver support for '_' 
character in hostnames
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013 08:39:04 -0500

 A simpler test case:
 int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
 if (argc < 2) return 1;
 int ret = res_hnok(argv[1]);
 printf("%d\n", ret);
 landonf:~> ./test-res_hnok
 landonf:~> ./test-res_hnok 
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kern/176169: system unresponsive for 1min after mounting flash read-only

2013-02-15 Thread Norbert Koch

>Number: 176169
>Category:   kern
>Synopsis:   system unresponsive for 1min after mounting flash read-only
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:   non-critical
>Priority:   low
>State:  open
>Class:  change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Fri Feb 15 13:50:03 UTC 2013
>Originator: Norbert Koch
>Release:FreeBSD 9.1
This problem has already been reported and fixed(?) in pfsense's bug tracking
system by adding the sysctl vfs.forcesync.
The author of the fix is Ermal Luçi ( ).

I tried this under FreeBSD 9.1 and it seems to work.

mount -ow / ; time mount -orf /
 : 65s without patch

With patch time is <1s.

As I am no vfs expert I do not know what potential negative consequences
this change may have.

The original patch uses CTLFLAG_RD for forcesync. I do not see why
this should not be CTLFLAG_RW.

diff -r 89885db951fb src/sys/kern/vfs_subr.c
--- a/src/sys/kern/vfs_subr.c   Mon Feb 04 14:45:48 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/sys/kern/vfs_subr.c   Fri Feb 15 14:32:09 2013 +0100
@@ -121,6 +121,11 @@
 SYSCTL_ULONG(_vfs, OID_AUTO, numvnodes, CTLFLAG_RD, &numvnodes, 0,
 "Number of vnodes in existence");
+static int forcesync;
+SYSCTL_INT(_vfs, OID_AUTO, forcesync, CTLFLAG_RW, &forcesync, 0,
+"Do full checks when switching to RO mount of FS");
  * Conversion tables for conversion from vnode types to inode formats
  * and back.
@@ -2581,6 +2586,7 @@
 * vnodes open for writing.
if (flags & WRITECLOSE) {
+if (forcesync) {
if (vp->v_object != NULL) {
vm_object_page_clean(vp->v_object, 0, 0, 0);
@@ -2593,6 +2599,7 @@
return (error);
error = VOP_GETATTR(vp, &vattr, td->td_ucred);

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Re: kern/176167: [ipsec][lagg] using lagg and ipsec causes immediate panic

2013-02-15 Thread linimon
Synopsis: [ipsec][lagg] using lagg and ipsec causes immediate panic

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-bugs->freebsd-net
Responsible-Changed-By: linimon
Responsible-Changed-When: Fri Feb 15 13:56:52 UTC 2013
Over to maintainer(s).
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Re: bin/5296: slattach fails creating pidfile with ioctl(TIOCSCTTY): Operation not permitted

2013-02-15 Thread emaste
Synopsis: slattach fails creating pidfile with ioctl(TIOCSCTTY): Operation not 

State-Changed-From-To: suspended->closed
State-Changed-By: emaste
State-Changed-When: Fri Feb 15 14:53:47 UTC 2013
Time to move on; SLIP is long gone.
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Re: bin/175743: [patch] Patches for kgdb(1) - improve test of arguments; update manpage

2013-02-15 Thread emaste
Synopsis: [patch] Patches for kgdb(1) - improve test of arguments; update 

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-bugs->adrian
Responsible-Changed-By: emaste
Responsible-Changed-When: Fri Feb 15 14:58:57 UTC 2013
kgdb's -b is Adrian's addition
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Re: gnu/175985: [PATCH] Improve send-pr

2013-02-15 Thread Eitan Adler
The following reply was made to PR gnu/175985; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Eitan Adler 
To: Christoph Mallon 
Cc: bug-followup 
Subject: Re: gnu/175985: [PATCH] Improve send-pr
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013 13:25:30 -0500

 On 9 February 2013 08:50, Christoph Mallon  wrote:
 I have not yet looked at the code.
 > - Do not delete lines starting with Subject:.
 >   They are most probably part of a attached git patch.
 This is probably fine, but I am curious why they were removed in the
 past.  How does GNATS actually treat the subject line?
 > - Recognize an empty file as a not filled out PR, too.
 This is fine with me.
 > - Allow attaching files via -- followed by file names.
 This is fine with me.
 Eitan Adler
 Source, Ports, Doc committer
 Bugmeister, Ports Security teams
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kern/176179: nfs client KASSERT: panic: attempt to set TDF_SBDRY recursively

2013-02-15 Thread Russell Cattelan

>Number: 176179
>Category:   kern
>Synopsis:   nfs client KASSERT: panic: attempt to set TDF_SBDRY recursively
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:   non-critical
>Priority:   low
>State:  open
>Class:  sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Fri Feb 15 19:30:00 UTC 2013
>Originator: Russell Cattelan
>Release:FreeBSD-current 2/12/2013
Digitalelves Inc
FreeBSD 10 running on vmware fusion

Ran into this while doing a make buildworld.

The vmserver is a os x 10.8 box and was hosting
the src tree.

FreeBSD 10 was using nfs client code to mount the
src via a local only network link

login: panic: attempt to set TDF_SBDRY recursively
cpuid = 0
KDB: enter: panic
[ thread pid 3747 tid 100095 ]
Stopped at  kdb_enter+0x3e: movq$0,kdb_why
db> bt
Tracing pid 3747 tid 100095 td 0xfe0001a8c900
kdb_enter() at kdb_enter+0x3e/frame 0xff8015464bd0
vpanic() at vpanic+0x147/frame 0xff8015464c10
kassert_panic() at kassert_panic+0x136/frame 0xff8015464c80
sigdeferstop() at sigdeferstop+0x5d/frame 0xff8015464ca0
newnfs_set_sigmask() at newnfs_set_sigmask+0x1e8/frame 0xff8015464ce0
newnfs_request() at newnfs_request+0xb0/frame 0xff8015464e10
nfscl_request() at nfscl_request+0x72/frame 0xff8015464e60
nfsrpc_write() at nfsrpc_write+0x456/frame 0xff8015465050
ncl_writerpc() at ncl_writerpc+0xe1/frame 0xff8015465190
ncl_doio() at ncl_doio+0x3f6/frame 0xff8015465230
nfs_strategy() at nfs_strategy+0x7d/frame 0xff8015465260
VOP_STRATEGY_APV() at VOP_STRATEGY_APV+0xd0/frame 0xff8015465280
bufstrategy() at bufstrategy+0x46/frame 0xff80154652c0
ncl_writebp() at ncl_writebp+0xb5/frame 0xff80154652f0
getblk() at getblk+0x3ae/frame 0xff8015465390
nfs_getcacheblk() at nfs_getcacheblk+0x58/frame 0xff80154653e0
ncl_write() at ncl_write+0x720/frame 0xff80154655a0
VOP_WRITE_APV() at VOP_WRITE_APV+0x13b/frame 0xff80154656b0
vn_write() at vn_write+0x2f0/frame 0xff8015465740
vn_io_fault() at vn_io_fault+0x22a/frame 0xff80154658c0
dofilewrite() at dofilewrite+0x85/frame 0xff8015465910
kern_writev() at kern_writev+0x48/frame 0xff8015465950
sys_write() at sys_write+0x63/frame 0xff80154659a0
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x265/frame 0xff8015465ab0
Xfast_syscall() at Xfast_syscall+0xfb/frame 0xff8015465ab0
--- syscall (4, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_write), rip = 0x4bcbfa, rsp = 
0x7fffc748, rbp = 0x7fffc770 ---



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Re: kern/176179: [nfs] nfs client KASSERT: panic: attempt to set TDF_SBDRY recursively

2013-02-15 Thread linimon
Old Synopsis: nfs client KASSERT: panic: attempt to set TDF_SBDRY recursively
New Synopsis: [nfs] nfs client KASSERT: panic: attempt to set TDF_SBDRY 

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-bugs->freebsd-fs
Responsible-Changed-By: linimon
Responsible-Changed-When: Fri Feb 15 21:57:04 UTC 2013
Over to maintainer(s).
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bin/176181: rc.subr emitting warnings for non-defined xxx_enable vars, and errors/warnings not going to terminal

2013-02-15 Thread Jeremy Chadwick

>Number: 176181
>Category:   bin
>Synopsis:   rc.subr emitting warnings for non-defined xxx_enable vars, and 
>errors/warnings not going to terminal
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:   non-critical
>Priority:   medium
>State:  open
>Class:  sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Fri Feb 15 22:10:00 UTC 2013
>Originator: Jeremy Chadwick
>Release:FreeBSD 9.1-STABLE amd64
System: FreeBSD icarus.home.lan 9.1-STABLE FreeBSD 9.1-STABLE #0 r246644: Sun 
Feb 10 16:55:49 PST 2013 
r...@icarus.home.lan:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/X7SBA_RELENG_9_amd64 amd64
The following discussion has taken place on freebsd-stable:

There are two issues as I see them:

1. Lack of a defined xxx_enable variable in rc.conf(5) (regardless
of the value) results in warn() being called.  Ex:

WARNING: $svnserve_enable is not set properly - see rc.conf(5).

A lack of definition of xxx_enable variable should be treated as
the same as xxx_enable="no" (i.e. the service is disabled) and
should not emit a warning.

2. When using service(8), the warn() calls are not making it
to the user's terminal -- they only end up in /var/log/messages.

Looking at rc.subr(8), it appears the echo statements in err()
and warn() are not making it to the user's terminal.  I tried
using "logger -s" and it made no difference -- it's as if some
part of the rc.subr infrastructure is redirecting stdout and
stderr to /dev/null way before the echo statements.
* Install a port that uses rc.d in some way
* Make sure there is no xxx_enable variable set for it in /etc/rc.conf
* Run "service -e"
* Check /var/log/messages
The patch provided by Alfred Bartsch does address issue #1, however I
feel that (effectively) changing checkyesno() to remove the warn() is
not the right solution.  I believe it would be wiser to handle the
situation through, for example, an "if [ -n $xxx_enable ]" test of
some kind.

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Re: kern/175674: commit references a PR

2013-02-15 Thread dfilter service
The following reply was made to PR kern/175674; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: (dfilter service)
Subject: Re: kern/175674: commit references a PR
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2013 06:07:16 + (UTC)

 Author: davidxu
 Date: Sat Feb 16 06:07:07 2013
 New Revision: 246872
   Simplify code by using flag O_EXLOCK.
   PR: kern/175674
 Modified: head/lib/libc/gen/sem_new.c
 --- head/lib/libc/gen/sem_new.cSat Feb 16 05:22:48 2013
 +++ head/lib/libc/gen/sem_new.cSat Feb 16 06:07:07 2013
 @@ -198,15 +198,11 @@ _sem_open(const char *name, int flags, .
goto error;
 -  fd = _open(path, flags|O_RDWR|O_CLOEXEC, mode);
 +  fd = _open(path, flags|O_RDWR|O_CLOEXEC|O_EXLOCK, mode);
if (fd == -1)
goto error;
 -  if (flock(fd, LOCK_EX) == -1)
 +  if (_fstat(fd, &sb))
goto error;
 -  if (_fstat(fd, &sb)) {
 -  flock(fd, LOCK_UN);
 -  goto error;
 -  }
if (sb.st_size < sizeof(sem_t)) {
sem_t tmp;
 @@ -214,10 +210,8 @@ _sem_open(const char *name, int flags, .
tmp._kern._has_waiters = 0;
tmp._kern._count = value;
tmp._kern._flags = USYNC_PROCESS_SHARED | SEM_NAMED;
 -  if (_write(fd, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)) != sizeof(tmp)) {
 -  flock(fd, LOCK_UN);
 +  if (_write(fd, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)) != sizeof(tmp))
goto error;
 -  }
flock(fd, LOCK_UN);
sem = (sem_t *)mmap(NULL, sizeof(sem_t), PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
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Re: gnu/175985: [PATCH] Improve send-pr

2013-02-15 Thread Christoph Mallon
The following reply was made to PR gnu/175985; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Christoph Mallon 
To: Eitan Adler 
Cc: bug-followup 
Subject: Re: gnu/175985: [PATCH] Improve send-pr
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2013 08:04:16 +0100

 On 15.02.2013 19:25, Eitan Adler wrote:
 > On 9 February 2013 08:50, Christoph Mallon  wrote:
 > I have not yet looked at the code.
 >>> Description:
 >> - Do not delete lines starting with Subject:.
 >>   They are most probably part of a attached git patch.
 > This is probably fine, but I am curious why they were removed in the
 > past.  How does GNATS actually treat the subject line?
 There is no Subject line in the PR template presented to the user.
 After the user finishes filling out the PR template, send-pr adds a Subject 
line with a copy of the Synopsis.
 I guess, GNATS shows the Subject just like any other field.
 send-pr ensures, that Subject and Synopsis are the same (Have a look at some 
random PRs).
 >> - Recognize an empty file as a not filled out PR, too.
 > This is fine with me.
 >> - Allow attaching files via -- followed by file names.
 > This is fine with me.
 I also have another patch, which adds a dummy file after each file.
 GNATS does not recognize every other file.
 This works around the problem.
 The proper solution would be to correct the problem in GNATS.
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