misc/172086: reboot hang with 'All buffers synced' after freebsd-update FreeBSD9 to p3 on ZFS root

2012-09-26 Thread Marek

>Number: 172086
>Category:   misc
>Synopsis:   reboot hang with 'All buffers synced' after freebsd-update 
>FreeBSD9 to p3 on ZFS root
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:   non-critical
>Priority:   low
>State:  open
>Class:  sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Sep 26 08:50:06 UTC 2012
>Originator: Marek
default freebsd 9.0 install, generic kernel
(sorry, don't have access to machine at this time to fetch uname output).
I have a problem with FreeBSD 9-RELEASE installed on ZFS mirror file system 
using tips from here:

Immediately after installation I'm inovking:
# freebsd-update fetch
# freebsd-update install

Update is always successfull, but when I invoke:
# reboot / # shutdown -r / # halt / # poweroff / etc.

system will try to reboot, but will stop on the

All buffers synced


The funny thing is that the server is responding to ping's, prints messages if 
I attach USB stick etc.

This problem doesn't take place if FreeBSD is installed "normally", on UFS.

Also it doesn't occurs when I remove 'world' from Components in 

(so the line looks like this):
Components src kernel

The problem also occurs when I invoke
# freebsd-update rollback

The interesting fact is that after invoking the 'freebsd-update fetch' we get 
list of files to be updated with information:

The following files will be updated as part of updating to 9.0-RELEASE-p4

but after reboot we've go the -p3 version.


I searched a lot, but found nothing related to freebsd-update.

Thank you for your time,
The problem is very easy to reproduce:
Just create Virtual Machine in VirtualBox with two disks, install using 
instructions I have used 
(http://wiki.freebsd.org/RootOnZFS/GP...ot/9.0-RELEASE), after installation 
reboot, login as root, invoke:

# freebsd-update fetch
# freebsd-update install
# reboot

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Re: bin/161548: [patch] getent(1) inconsistent treatment of IPv6 host data

2012-09-26 Thread kevlo
Synopsis: [patch] getent(1) inconsistent treatment of IPv6 host data

State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
State-Changed-By: kevlo
State-Changed-When: Wed Sep 26 09:30:19 UTC 2012
Committed, thanks.

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Re: bin/161548: commit references a PR

2012-09-26 Thread dfilter service
The following reply was made to PR bin/161548; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: dfil...@freebsd.org (dfilter service)
To: bug-follo...@freebsd.org
Subject: Re: bin/161548: commit references a PR
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2012 09:31:29 + (UTC)

 Author: kevlo
 Date: Wed Sep 26 09:29:48 2012
 New Revision: 240954
 URL: http://svn.freebsd.org/changeset/base/240954
   Teach getent(1) to look up a hostname and find IPv6 addresses.
   PR:  bin/161548
   Submitted by:matthew
 Modified: head/usr.bin/getent/getent.c
 --- head/usr.bin/getent/getent.c   Wed Sep 26 09:27:38 2012
 +++ head/usr.bin/getent/getent.c   Wed Sep 26 09:29:48 2012
 @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ hostsprint(const struct hostent *he)
  static int
  hosts(int argc, char *argv[])
 -  struct hostent  *he;
 +  struct hostent  *he4, *he6;
int i, rv;
 @@ -285,21 +285,31 @@ hosts(int argc, char *argv[])
assert(argv != NULL);
 +  he4 = he6 = NULL;
rv = RV_OK;
if (argc == 2) {
 -  while ((he = gethostent()) != NULL)
 -  hostsprint(he);
 +  while ((he4 = gethostent()) != NULL)
 +  hostsprint(he4);
} else {
for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) {
 -  if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, argv[i], (void *)addr) > 0)
 -  he = gethostbyaddr(addr, IN6ADDRSZ, AF_INET6);
 -  else if (inet_pton(AF_INET, argv[i], (void *)addr) > 0)
 -  he = gethostbyaddr(addr, INADDRSZ, AF_INET);
 -  else
 -  he = gethostbyname(argv[i]);
 -  if (he != NULL)
 -  hostsprint(he);
 -  else {
 +  if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, argv[i], (void *)addr) > 0) {
 +  he6 = gethostbyaddr(addr, IN6ADDRSZ, AF_INET6);
 +  if (he6 != NULL)
 +  hostsprint(he6);
 +  } else if (inet_pton(AF_INET, argv[i],
 +  (void *)addr) > 0) {
 +  he4 = gethostbyaddr(addr, INADDRSZ, AF_INET);
 +  if (he4 != NULL)
 +  hostsprint(he4);
 +  } else {
 +  he6 = gethostbyname2(argv[i], AF_INET6);
 +  if (he6 != NULL)
 +  hostsprint(he6);
 +  he4 = gethostbyname(argv[i]);
 +  if (he4 != NULL)
 +  hostsprint(he4);
 +  }
 +  if ( he4 == NULL && he6 == NULL ) {
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misc/172089: databases/postgresql92-server change periodic script [patch]

2012-09-26 Thread Dmitry

>Number: 172089
>Category:   misc
>Synopsis:   databases/postgresql92-server change periodic script [patch]
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:   non-critical
>Priority:   low
>State:  open
>Class:  sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Sep 26 12:10:03 UTC 2012
>Originator: Dmitry
FreeBSD *** 9.1-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-PRERELEASE #0 r240914: *** 
root@***:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC_  amd64
periodic script not allow configure pgsql user and port


Patch attached with submission follows:

--- files/502.pgsql.in.orig 2011-10-18 15:03:32.0 +0600
+++ files/502.pgsql.in  2012-09-26 17:48:27.0 +0600
@@ -19,14 +19,6 @@
 # daily_pgsql_backup_enable="foo bar db1 db2" # only do backup of a limited 
selection of databases
 # daily_pgsql_vacuum_enable="YES" # do vacuum
-daily_pgsql_vacuum_args="-U ${daily_pgsql_user} -qaz"
-daily_pgsql_pgdump_args="-U ${daily_pgsql_user} -bF c"
-daily_pgsql_pgdumpall_globals_args="-U ${daily_pgsql_user}"
-# backupdir is relative to ~pgsql home directory unless it begins with a slash:
 # If there is a global system configuration file, suck it in.
 if [ -r /etc/defaults/periodic.conf ]
@@ -35,6 +27,15 @@
+daily_pgsql_vacuum_args="-U ${daily_pgsql_user} -p ${daily_pgsql_port} -qaz"
+daily_pgsql_pgdump_args="-U ${daily_pgsql_user} -p ${daily_pgsql_port} -bF c"
+daily_pgsql_pgdumpall_globals_args="-U ${daily_pgsql_user} -p 
+# backupdir is relative to ~pgsql home directory unless it begins with a slash:
 # allow '~ยด in dir name
 eval backupdir=${daily_pgsql_backupdir}
@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@
 case "$daily_pgsql_backup_enable" in
-   dbnames=`su -l %%PG_USER%% -c "umask 077; psql -q -t -A -d template1 -U 
%%PG_USER%% -c SELECT\ datname\ FROM\ pg_database\ WHERE\ 
+   dbnames=`su -l ${daily_pgsql_user} -c "umask 077; psql -U 
${daily_pgsql_user} -p ${daily_pgsql_port} -q -t -A -d template1 -c SELECT\ 
datname\ FROM\ pg_database\ WHERE\ datname!=\'template0\'"`
pgsql_backup $dbnames

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misc/172091: Improvements to mfi support including foreign disks / configs in mfiutil

2012-09-26 Thread Steven Hartland

>Number: 172091
>Category:   misc
>Synopsis:   Improvements to mfi support including foreign disks / configs 
>in mfiutil
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:   non-critical
>Priority:   low
>State:  open
>Class:  sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Sep 26 12:40:06 UTC 2012
>Originator: Steven Hartland
FreeBSD dev 8.3-RELEASE-p4 FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p4 #22: Mon Sep 17 17:18:32 UTC 
2012 root@dev:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/MULTIPLAY  amd64
Currently mfiutil lacks support for foreign disks.

Along with the missing functionality this also causes confusing errors to be 
returned when using otherwise good disks with other commands as can be seen in 
the following PR:

When run under a debug kernel a MFI_DCMD_CFG_FOREIGN_IMPORT call from user 
space will cause a panic:
Lock MFI config not exclusively locked @ /usr/src/sys/dev/mfi/mfi.c:1001

When a long running command operates a timeout error is generated. The current 
timeout is hardcoded at 30 seconds which isn't always long enough for 
operations such as secure erase.
1. Try to work with foreign configurations / disks under mfi.
2. Make a MFI_DCMD_CFG_FOREIGN_IMPORT call from user space under a debug kernel
3. Run a controller command which takes more than 30 seconds, a timeout will be 

The attached patch fixes all these issue.

It adds support for foreign disks / configs this implements the following new
methods to mfiutil
* foreign scan - lists the number of foreign configs
* foreign drives - lists the drives which are flagged as foreign
* foreign display - displays the specified foreign configuration
* foreign preview - previews the specified foreign configuration (after import)
* foreign clear - clears the foreign configuration
* foreign import - imports the foreign configuration

mfiutil show drives - now identifies foreign drives

It should be noted that although foreign import takes a configuration option
this currently fails with error code 0x03 (invalid argument). This also
occurs with MegaCli so its currently thought this is a firmware bug.

Fixes a panic when MFI_DCMD_CFG_FOREIGN_IMPORT is called from user space.

Adds hw.mfi.cmd_timeout loader / sysctl tuneable which controls the default
timeout used in the mfi driver. This is useful for long running commands
such as secure erase.

Additional debugging of DCMD commands has also been added which added 
identifying the DCMD's used by MegaCli to perform the various actions.

Patch attached with submission follows:

Add support for foreign disks / configs this implements the following new
methods to mfiutil
* foreign scan - lists the number of foreign configs
* foreign drives - lists the drives which are flagged as foreign
* foreign display - displays the specified foreign configuration
* foreign preview - previews the specified foreign configuration (after import)
* foreign clear - clears the foreign configuration
* foreign import - imports the foreign configuration

mfiutil show drives - now identifies foreign drives

It should be noted that although foreign import takes a configuration option
this currently fails with error code 0x03 (invalid argument). This also
occurs with MegaCli so its currently thought this is a firmware bug.

Fixes a panic when MFI_DCMD_CFG_FOREIGN_IMPORT is called from user space.

Adds hw.mfi.cmd_timeout loader / sysctl tuneable which controls the default
timeout used in the mfi driver. This is useful for long running commands
such as secure erase.

Additional debugging of DCMD commands has also been added which added
identifying the DCMD's used by MegaCli to perform the various actions.
--- usr.sbin/mfiutil/Makefile.orig  2012-03-03 06:15:13.0 +
+++ usr.sbin/mfiutil/Makefile   2012-09-21 15:52:24.648147593 +
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 PROG=  mfiutil
 SRCS=  mfiutil.c mfi_cmd.c mfi_config.c mfi_drive.c mfi_evt.c mfi_flash.c \
-   mfi_patrol.c mfi_show.c mfi_volume.c
+   mfi_patrol.c mfi_show.c mfi_volume.c mfi_foreign.c
 MAN8=  mfiutil.8
 CFLAGS+= -fno-builtin-strftime
--- usr.sbin/mfiutil/mfi_cmd.c.orig 2012-03-03 06:15:13.0 +
+++ usr.sbin/mfiutil/mfi_cmd.c  2012-09-24 13:22:53.204020111 +
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
if (statusp != NULL)
*statusp = dcmd->header.cmd_status;
else if (dcmd->header.cmd_status != MFI_STAT_OK) {
-   warnx("Command failed: %s",
+   warnx("Command 0x%08x failed: %s", opcode,
errno = EIO;
return (-1);
--- usr.sbin/mfiutil/mfi_config.c.orig  2012-03-03 06:15:13.0 +
+++ usr.sbin/mfiutil/mfi_config.c   2012-09-24 16:39:46.85631

kern/172092: zfs import panics kernel

2012-09-26 Thread Oliver Adler

>Number: 172092
>Category:   kern
>Synopsis:   zfs import panics kernel
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:   non-critical
>Priority:   low
>State:  open
>Class:  sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Sep 26 12:50:15 UTC 2012
>Originator: Oliver Adler
FreeBSD i5.a999.de 9.0-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE-p3 #0: Tue Jun 12 
02:52:29 UTC 2012 
r...@amd64-builder.daemonology.net:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  amd64
Using a 2.5" external USB 3.0 disk with 750 GB. On the disk is a bootable 9.0 
FBSD. The disk was used as boot disk on a i386 atom system. Then using it on a 
amd64 system with
  zpool import -o altroot=/mnt -f zroot
orked fine. After shutting down the system with 
  shutdown -p
now the disk can no more be used.

  zpool list
  zpool import -o altroot=/mnt -f zroot
on the amd64 system panics the kernel. Also attaching the device to the i386 
system panics the atom system.

The failed assertion is in the file 
  ddt.c line 129.

I have a picture of the panic.

My assumption is, that there is a problem with deduplication (because on the 
disk is one dataset with switched on dedup).

The data of the disk is no more accessible.
Using this disk, plugging it to either the amd64 or the i386 system
  zpool list 
and the panic shows up

If you have any patches to test I will do this. I will keep the disk in this 
state for some time. If I can help in any way, please ask me.

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Re: kern/157293: [mfi] mfiutil/mfi does not allow adding a previously configured drive to be added to a new array

2012-09-26 Thread Steven Hartland
The following reply was made to PR kern/157293; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: "Steven Hartland" 
To: ,
Subject: Re: kern/157293: [mfi] mfiutil/mfi does not allow adding a previously 
configured drive to be added to a new array
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2012 13:59:52 +0100

 I believe the cause of your issue is that the disks where
 marked as "foreign".
 This doesn't mean they are bad but the controller won't let
 you import, add etc as it thinks they are already a part of
 another array, so its just being safe.
 I've just finished off some updates to mfiutil which will
 both detect this and allow you to "fix" them.
 The PR for these fixes includes the patch:
 This e.mail is private and confidential between Multiplay (UK) Ltd. and the 
person or entity to whom it is addressed. In the event of misdirection, the 
recipient is prohibited from using, copying, printing or otherwise 
disseminating it or any information contained in it. 
 In the event of misdirection, illegible or incomplete transmission please 
telephone +44 845 868 1337
 or return the E.mail to postmas...@multiplay.co.uk.
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Re: kern/171865: [geom] g_wither_washer() keeping a core busy

2012-09-26 Thread Fabian Keil
The following reply was made to PR kern/171865; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Fabian Keil 
To: Jaakko Heinonen 
Cc: bug-follo...@freebsd.org, lu...@freebsd.org
Subject: Re: kern/171865: [geom] g_wither_washer() keeping a core busy
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2012 17:41:16 +0200

 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
 Jaakko Heinonen  wrote:
 > On 2012-09-22, Fabian Keil wrote:
 > > I recently found a way to reproduce the problem without using
 > > ZFS or writing to the device.
 > > >How-To-Repeat:
 > > geli onetime /dev/md0
 > > geom sched insert -a rr /dev/md0.eli
 > > geli detach /dev/md0.eli.sched.
 > It seems that if you "insert" a sched geom and do "geli detach" on it,
 > the geli geom can't be destroyed.
 > After your commands "md0.eli" still exists:
 > I didn't find a way to destroy it. I suspect a geom_sched bug. luigi@
 > cc'd.
 While I can't rule out a geom_sched bug, I usually run into the
 problem while only using glabel+geli+ZFS on an USB device that
 disappears as described in the initial report at:
 It's just less convenient to reproduce as it requires more steps
 and the disappearance can also lead to panics like these:
 Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name=signature.asc
 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=signature.asc
 Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (FreeBSD)
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bin/172096: sysinstall does not support new DEBUG kernel distribution in 8.x

2012-09-26 Thread Devin Teske

>Number: 172096
>Category:   bin
>Synopsis:   sysinstall does not support new DEBUG kernel distribution in 
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:   non-critical
>Priority:   low
>State:  open
>Class:  sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Sep 26 19:20:04 UTC 2012
>Originator: Devin Teske
>Release:FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p1 amd64
FIS Global, Inc.
FreeBSD scu83a.dev.vicor.com 8.3-RELEASE-p1 FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p1 #2: Tue May 
29 18:37:14 PDT 2012 
dte...@push830-64.vicor.com:/usr/src/sys/amd64/compile/FIS-amd64  amd64
>From Rick Miller via -questions:

I performed a `make release` with FreeBSD 8.3p4 sources that built a secondary 
kernel (called DEBUG). It ended up in the release inside kernels/ as expected. 
The install.cfg file includes the line:

dists=base kernels GENERIC SMP DEBUG doc catpages

DEBUG was added to the above along with the new release build. All 
distributions get installed with the exception of DEBUG. In looking through the 
sysinstall sources [...] it appears as though the sources need to be modified 
to support a new DEBUG distribution.

(end quote)

This has been confirmed and the attached patch.txt addresses this, adding the 
DEBUG kernel distribition to the list of selectable (either via menu or via 
install.cfg) kernels.
Produce installation media under RELENG_8 using release(7). Attempt to craft an 
automated installer that installs the new DEBUG kernel distribution. Fail 
(DEBUG kernel distribution not installed as desired because code lacks 
knowledge of this new dist-set).
See attached patch.txt adding support for this new dist-set.

Patch attached with submission follows:

Index: dist.c
--- dist.c  (revision 240968)
+++ dist.c  (working copy)
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ static Distribution KernelDistTable[] = {
 #ifdef WITH_SMP
 DTE_TARBALL("SMP", &KernelDists, KERNEL_SMP, "/boot"),
+DTE_TARBALL("DEBUG",&KernelDists, KERNEL_DEBUG,   "/boot"),
Index: dist.h
--- dist.h  (revision 240968)
+++ dist.h  (working copy)
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
 /* Subtypes for KERNEL distribution */
 #define DIST_KERNEL_SMP0x2
+#define DIST_KERNEL_DEBUG  0x4
 /* Canned distribution sets */
Index: menus.c
--- menus.c (revision 240968)
+++ menus.c (working copy)
@@ -1032,6 +1032,8 @@ DMenu MenuKernelDistributions = {
   { " SMP","GENERIC symmetric multiprocessor kernel 
dmenuFlagCheck, dmenuSetFlag,   NULL, &KernelDists, '[', 'X', ']', 
+  { " DEBUG",  "DEBUG kernel configuration",
+   dmenuFlagCheck, dmenuSetFlag, NULL, &KernelDists, '[', 'X', ']', 
   { NULL } },

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Re: bin/172096: sysinstall does not support new DEBUG kernel distribution in 8.x

2012-09-26 Thread dteske
Synopsis: sysinstall does not support new DEBUG kernel distribution in 8.x

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-bugs->dteske
Responsible-Changed-By: dteske
Responsible-Changed-When: Wed Sep 26 20:07:06 UTC 2012

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Re: bin/171815: commit references a PR

2012-09-26 Thread dfilter service
The following reply was made to PR bin/171815; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: dfil...@freebsd.org (dfilter service)
To: bug-follo...@freebsd.org
Subject: Re: bin/171815: commit references a PR
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2012 20:47:54 + (UTC)

 Author: jilles
 Date: Wed Sep 26 20:47:39 2012
 New Revision: 240974
 URL: http://svn.freebsd.org/changeset/base/240974
   atrun: Do not assume that MAXLOGNAME <= 100.
   The reserved space for fmt was exactly sufficient for a two-digit value of
   PR:  bin/171815
   Submitted by:Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia
   MFC after:   1 week
 Modified: head/libexec/atrun/atrun.c
 --- head/libexec/atrun/atrun.c Wed Sep 26 20:16:15 2012(r240973)
 +++ head/libexec/atrun/atrun.c Wed Sep 26 20:47:39 2012(r240974)
 @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ run_file(const char *filename, uid_t uid
  pid_t pid;
  int fd_out, fd_in;
  int queue;
 -char mailbuf[MAXLOGNAME], fmt[49];
 +char mailbuf[MAXLOGNAME], fmt[64];
  char *mailname = NULL;
  FILE *stream;
  int send_mail = 0;
 svn-src-...@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: bin/171815: run_file in atrun does not allocate enough space for fmt

2012-09-26 Thread jilles
Synopsis: run_file in atrun does not allocate enough space for fmt

State-Changed-From-To: open->patched
State-Changed-By: jilles
State-Changed-When: Wed Sep 26 20:50:38 UTC 2012
Committed, thanks!

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-bugs->jilles
Responsible-Changed-By: jilles
Responsible-Changed-When: Wed Sep 26 20:50:38 UTC 2012

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Re: kern/139271: commit references a PR

2012-09-26 Thread dfilter service
The following reply was made to PR kern/139271; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: dfil...@freebsd.org (dfilter service)
To: bug-follo...@freebsd.org
Subject: Re: kern/139271: commit references a PR
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2012 04:29:12 + (UTC)

 Author: sobomax
 Date: Thu Sep 27 04:28:55 2012
 New Revision: 240981
 URL: http://svn.freebsd.org/changeset/base/240981
   Add 32-bit ABI compat shims. Those are necessary for i386 binary-only
   tools like sysutils/hpacucli (HP P4xx RAID controller management
   suite) working on amd64 systems.
   PR:  139271
   Submitted by:Kazumi MORINAGA, Eugene Grosbein
   MFC after:   1 week
 Modified: head/sys/dev/pci/pci_user.c
 --- head/sys/dev/pci/pci_user.cThu Sep 27 04:06:20 2012
 +++ head/sys/dev/pci/pci_user.cThu Sep 27 04:28:55 2012
 @@ -225,6 +225,49 @@ struct pci_io_old {
u_int32_t   pi_data;/* data to write or result of read */
 +struct pci_conf_old32 {
 +   struct pcisel_old pc_sel;   /* bus+slot+function */
 +   u_int8_tpc_hdr; /* PCI header type */
 +   u_int16_t   pc_subvendor;   /* card vendor ID */
 +   u_int16_t   pc_subdevice;   /* card device ID, assigned by
 +  card vendor */
 +   u_int16_t   pc_vendor;  /* chip vendor ID */
 +   u_int16_t   pc_device;  /* chip device ID, assigned by
 +  chip vendor */
 +   u_int8_tpc_class;   /* chip PCI class */
 +   u_int8_tpc_subclass;/* chip PCI subclass */
 +   u_int8_tpc_progif;  /* chip PCI programming interface */
 +   u_int8_tpc_revid;   /* chip revision ID */
 +   charpd_name[PCI_MAXNAMELEN + 1];  /* device name */
 +   u_int32_t   pd_unit;/* device unit number (u_long) */
 +struct pci_match_conf_old32 {
 +   struct pcisel_old   pc_sel; /* bus+slot+function */
 +   charpd_name[PCI_MAXNAMELEN + 1];  /* device name */
 +   u_int32_t   pd_unit;/* Unit number (u_long) */
 +   u_int16_t   pc_vendor;  /* PCI Vendor ID */
 +   u_int16_t   pc_device;  /* PCI Device ID */
 +   u_int8_tpc_class;   /* PCI class */
 +   pci_getconf_flags_old   flags;  /* Matching expression */
 +struct pci_conf_io32 {
 +   u_int32_t   pat_buf_len;/* pattern buffer length */
 +   u_int32_t   num_patterns;   /* number of patterns */
 +   u_int32_t   patterns;   /* pattern buffer (struct 
pci_match_conf_old32 *) */
 +   u_int32_t   match_buf_len;  /* match buffer length */
 +   u_int32_t   num_matches;/* number of matches returned 
 +   u_int32_t   matches;/* match buffer (struct 
pci_conf_old32 *) */
 +   u_int32_t   offset; /* offset into device list */
 +   u_int32_t   generation; /* device list generation */
 +   pci_getconf_status  status; /* request status */
 +#definePCIOCGETCONF_OLD32  _IOWR('p', 1, struct pci_conf_io32)
  #define   PCIOCGETCONF_OLD_IOWR('p', 1, struct pci_conf_io)
  #define   PCIOCREAD_OLD   _IOWR('p', 2, struct pci_io_old)
  #define   PCIOCWRITE_OLD  _IOWR('p', 3, struct pci_io_old)
 @@ -295,6 +338,69 @@ pci_conf_match_old(struct pci_match_conf
 +static int
 +pci_conf_match_old32(struct pci_match_conf_old32 *matches, int num_matches,
 +struct pci_conf *match_buf)
 +   int i;
 +   if ((matches == NULL) || (match_buf == NULL) || (num_matches <= 0))
 +   return(1);
 +   for (i = 0; i < num_matches; i++) {
 +   if (match_buf->pc_sel.pc_domain != 0)
 +   continue;
 +   /*
 +* I'm not sure why someone would do this...but...
 +   if (matches[i].flags == PCI_GETCONF_NO_MATCH_OLD)
 +   continue;
 +   /*
 +* Look at each of the match flags.  If it's set, do the
 +* comparison.  If the comparison fails, we don't have a
 +* match, go on to the next item if there is one.
 +   if (((matches[i].flags & PCI_GETCONF_MATCH_BUS_OLD) != 0)
 +&& (match_buf->pc_sel.pc_bus != matches[i].pc_sel.pc_bus))
 +   continue;
 +   if (((matches[i].flags & PCI_GETCONF_MATCH_DEV_OLD) != 0)
 +&& (match_buf->pc_sel.pc_

Re: kern/139271: [pci] [patch] sysutils/hpacucli does not work on the amd64 kernel

2012-09-26 Thread sobomax
Synopsis: [pci] [patch] sysutils/hpacucli does not work on the amd64 kernel

State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
State-Changed-By: sobomax
State-Changed-When: Thu Sep 27 04:31:35 UTC 2012
Patch has been committed into the CURRENT. I'll MFC it into 9-stable and
8-stable in 1 week. Thank you for submission!

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