kern/164369: [patch] two STP bridges have the same id

2012-01-22 Thread Nikos Vassiliadis

>Number: 164369
>Category:   kern
>Synopsis:   [patch] two STP bridges have the same id
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:   non-critical
>Priority:   low
>State:  open
>Class:  sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Jan 22 11:30:11 UTC 2012
>Originator: Nikos Vassiliadis
FreeBSD lab.local 10.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #110 r230309M: Wed Jan 18 
21:07:24 EET 2012 root@lab.local:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/LAB  i386
The current code in STP selects the id of a bridge from all available ethernet 
ifnets regardless if they are part of the said bridge. This is problematic when 
more than one STP bridges exist, that is, more than one bridges will have the 
same bridge id.
ifconfig bridge0 create
ifconfig bridge1 create
ifconfig bridge0 addm em0 addm em1 stp em0 stp em1
ifconfig bridge1 addm em2 addm em3 stp em2 stp em3

The resulting bridges are:
bridge0: flags=8802 metric 0 mtu 1500
ether 02:46:61:bb:95:00
nd6 options=29
id 08:00:27:0f:88:a5 priority 32768 hellotime 2 fwddelay 15
maxage 20 holdcnt 6 proto rstp maxaddr 100 timeout 1200
root id 08:00:27:0f:88:a5 priority 32768 ifcost 0 port 0
member: em1 flags=1c7
ifmaxaddr 0 port 3 priority 128 path cost 2 proto rstp
role designated state discarding
member: em0 flags=1c7
ifmaxaddr 0 port 1 priority 128 path cost 2 proto rstp
role designated state discarding

bridge1: flags=8802 metric 0 mtu 1500
ether 02:46:61:bb:95:01
nd6 options=29
id 08:00:27:0f:88:a5 priority 32768 hellotime 2 fwddelay 15
maxage 20 holdcnt 6 proto rstp maxaddr 100 timeout 1200
root id 08:00:27:0f:88:a5 priority 32768 ifcost 0 port 0
member: em3 flags=1c7
ifmaxaddr 0 port 5 priority 128 path cost 2 proto rstp
role designated state discarding
member: em2 flags=1c7
ifmaxaddr 0 port 4 priority 128 path cost 2 proto rstp
role designated state discarding

Both have the same id

The MAC address candidates for the bridge id should be only from the bridge's 

Patch attached with submission follows:

Index: sys/net/bridgestp.c
--- sys/net/bridgestp.c (revision 230309)
+++ sys/net/bridgestp.c (working copy)
@@ -2017,20 +2017,27 @@
mif = NULL;
+   bp = LIST_FIRST(&bs->bs_bplist);
 * Search through the Ethernet adapters and find the one with the
-* lowest value. The adapter which we take the MAC address from does
-* not need to be part of the bridge, it just needs to be a unique
-* value.
+* lowest value. Make sure the adapter which we take the MAC address
+* from is part of this bridge, so we can have more than one independent
+* bridges in the same STP domain.
TAILQ_FOREACH(ifp, &V_ifnet, if_link) {
if (ifp->if_type != IFT_ETHER)
+   if (ifp->if_bridge == NULL || bp == NULL)
+   continue;
if (bstp_addr_cmp(IF_LLADDR(ifp), llzero) == 0)
+   if (ifp->if_bridge != bp->bp_ifp->if_bridge)
+   continue;
if (mif == NULL) {
mif = ifp;

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misc/164370: zfs destroy for snapshot fails on i386

2012-01-22 Thread Dmitry Afanasiev

>Number: 164370
>Category:   misc
>Synopsis:   zfs destroy for snapshot fails on i386
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:   serious
>Priority:   medium
>State:  open
>Class:  sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Jan 22 11:30:12 UTC 2012
>Originator: Dmitry Afanasiev
>Release:FreeBSD 9.0-STABLE i386
FreeBSD kot 9.0-STABLE FreeBSD 9.0-STABLE #55: Fri Jan  6 16:07:09 MSK 2012 
root@kot:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/kot  i386

zfs destroy without -R options fails for any snapshot on _i386_ systems.
I have no this problem on my amd64 and sparc64 systems with same source code 

# zpool create tank `mdconfig -a -t swap -s 64m`
# zfs snapshot tank@snap
# zfs destroy -v tank@snap
will destroy tank@snap
will reclaim 0
# echo $?
# zfs destroy -rv tank@snap
will destroy tank@snap
will reclaim 0
# echo $?
# zfs destroy -Rv tank@snap
will destroy tank@snap
will reclaim 0
# echo $?


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Re: misc/164370: zfs destroy for snapshot fails on i386

2012-01-22 Thread Dmitry Afanasiev
The following reply was made to PR misc/164370; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Dmitry Afanasiev 
Subject: Re: misc/164370: zfs destroy for snapshot fails on i386
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2012 17:30:20 +0400

 Oops. I'm confused.
 Problem exists on sparc64 too.
 Only amd64 systems not affected by this issue.
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Re: bin/164361: make handles "+=" incorrectly when the variable has zero length

2012-01-22 Thread Eitan Adler
-- Forwarded message --
From: Jilles Tjoelker 
Date: Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 8:24 AM
Subject: Re: bin/164361 quick question about make
To: Eitan Adler 

On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 12:48:49AM -0500, Eitan Adler wrote:
> Is the behavior reported in bin/164361 actually a bug?
> appears to have comment on +=
> The patch provided seems to fix the issue for me, but is it correct?

I cannot find mention of += in the POSIX specification for make, but
there is a proposal to add it at .

This proposal appears to describe exactly what we do: if the variable
already exists, a space is inserted between the old and the new value,
even if the old value is null.

The same happens in gmake and bmake (with the example).

Because an extraneous space is unlikely to cause problems (sh treats two
unquoted spaces the same as a single unquoted space), it seems unwise to
change this.

Eitan Adler
Source & Ports committer
X11, Bugbusting teams
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misc/164375: Update our FreeBSD Listing

2012-01-22 Thread Patrick Stump

>Number: 164375
>Category:   misc
>Synopsis:   Update our FreeBSD Listing
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:   non-critical
>Priority:   low
>State:  open
>Class:  update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Jan 22 17:40:04 UTC 2012
>Originator: Patrick Stump
Hello we havae moved from vmware to kvm based virtualization for FreeBSD.  Can 
you update our listing to reflect:

--- offers KVM VPS and Dedicated servers that run FreeBSD 9.0. 
Rokabear has focused their services towards knowledgeable users who know what 
they want, and know how to run their systems their way. With a KVM VPS you are 
allowed to install FreeBSD as you want it.  Right from the beginning your in 
Secure VNC based console allows you to have full access! knows 
how to take your experience to the next level. Rokabear values its reputation 
for uptime, reliability and performance as much as you do. 
Check out a";>KVM VPS and see 
why people are flocking to KVM over XEN and VMWare. 


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Re: www/164375: Update our FreeBSD Listing

2012-01-22 Thread linimon
Synopsis: Update our FreeBSD Listing

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-bugs->freebsd-www
Responsible-Changed-By: linimon
Responsible-Changed-When: Sun Jan 22 18:33:31 UTC 2012
Affects the website.
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Re: kern/164370: [zfs] zfs destroy for snapshot fails on i386 and sparc64

2012-01-22 Thread linimon
Old Synopsis: zfs destroy for snapshot fails on i386
New Synopsis: [zfs] zfs destroy for snapshot fails on i386 and sparc64

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-bugs->freebsd-fs
Responsible-Changed-By: linimon
Responsible-Changed-When: Sun Jan 22 18:34:49 UTC 2012
Over to maintainer(s).
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Re: kern/164369: [bridge] [patch] two STP bridges have the same id

2012-01-22 Thread linimon
Old Synopsis: [patch] two STP bridges have the same id
New Synopsis: [bridge] [patch] two STP bridges have the same id

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-bugs->freebsd-net
Responsible-Changed-By: linimon
Responsible-Changed-When: Sun Jan 22 18:35:36 UTC 2012
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misc/164378: [patch] improvement of pkg_info warning

2012-01-22 Thread Yuri

>Number: 164378
>Category:   misc
>Synopsis:   [patch] improvement of pkg_info warning
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:   non-critical
>Priority:   low
>State:  open
>Class:  change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Jan 22 19:00:19 UTC 2012
>Originator: Yuri
This patch adds package name to the pkg_info warning "corrupted record (pkgdep 
line without argument)"


Patch attached with submission follows:

--- usr.sbin/pkg_install/lib/plist.c.orig   2012-01-22 10:34:23.0 
+++ usr.sbin/pkg_install/lib/plist.c2012-01-22 10:50:32.0 -0800
@@ -286,7 +286,8 @@
if (*cp == '\0') {
cp = NULL;
if (cmd == PLIST_PKGDEP) {
-   warnx("corrupted record (pkgdep line without argument), 
+   warnx("corrupted record for package %s (pkgdep line without 
argument), ignoring",
+  pkg->name);
cmd = FAIL;
goto bottom;

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misc/164382: [ath] crash when down/deleting a vap - inside ieee80211_input_mimo_all()

2012-01-22 Thread Adrian Chadd

>Number: 164382
>Category:   misc
>Synopsis:   [ath] crash when down/deleting a vap - inside 
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:   serious
>Priority:   medium
>State:  open
>Class:  sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Jan 22 19:50:10 UTC 2012
>Originator: Adrian Chadd
>Release:9.0-RC2, with -HEAD ath/net80211
FreeBSD marilyn 9.0-RC3-p1 FreeBSD 9.0-RC3-p1 #4: Sat Jan 21 20:56:40 PST 2012  
   root@marilyn:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/MARILYN  i386

I saw a crash inside the net80211 stack when either deleting or down'ing a vap.

Unread portion of the kernel message buffer:
KDB: stack backtrace:
#0 0xc0727697 at kdb_backtrace+0x47
#1 0xc073b675 at _witness_debugger+0x25
#2 0xc073cb8e at witness_warn+0x1fe
#3 0xc095e465 at trap+0x195
#4 0xc09478ac at calltrap+0x6
#5 0xc77e2bf1 at ieee80211_free_node_debug+0xb1
#6 0xc77ce017 at ieee80211_input_mimo_all+0xe7
#7 0xc77cdf22 at ieee80211_input_all+0x32
#8 0xc784dcc5 at ath_rx_proc+0xc45
#9 0xc784d071 at ath_rx_tasklet+0x101
#10 0xc073446b at taskqueue_run_locked+0xeb
#11 0xc0734ec7 at taskqueue_thread_loop+0x67
#12 0xc06c76b8 at fork_exit+0xb8
#13 0xc0947924 at fork_trampoline+0x8

The debugging indicated something rather amusing at this point.

ath0: ath_node_alloc: an 0xc7adf000
ieee80211_ref_node: 0xc7adf000: ieee80211_reset_bss 
wlan0: Ethernet address: 00:03:7f:11:a3:f3
ath0: ath_init: if_flags 0x8803
ath0: ath_stop_locked: invalid 0 if_flags 0x8803
ath0: ath_newstate: INIT -> INIT
ath0: ath_newstate: RX filter 0x6497 bssid 00:00:00:00:00:00 aid 0x0
ath0: ath_newstate: INIT -> SCAN
ath0: ath_newstate: RX filter 0x6497 bssid 00:00:00:00:00:00 aid 0x0
ath0: ath_node_alloc: an 0xc7aea000

. now at this point, there are two sets of messages which overlap, indicating 
that they ran concurrently:

ieee80211_ref_node: 0xc7aea000: ieee80211_create_ibss 

ieee80211_ref_node: 0xc7adf000: ieee80211_input_mimo_all 


ath0: ath_node_free: ni 0xc7adf000

. and bang:

Kernel page fault with the following non-sleepable locks held:
exclusive sleep mutex ath0_node_lock (ath0_node_lock) r = 0 (0xc79316c0) locked 
@ /usr/home/adrian/work/freeb

I'm gathering here that the delete was ongoing whilst traffic was being 
processed via ath_rx_tasklet() and the underlying vap was either deleted or the 
vap->iv_bss node was changed.

There seems to be a larger class of bugs where the vap->iv_bss node is changed 
in parallel with some other process (eg beacon free/alloc) without suitable 

It's difficult to reproduce. I reproduced it in a lab environment with lots of 
busy air. I guess anything that triggers constant incoming traffic and keeps 
the RX queue deep is going to make triggering this bug.

What needs to happen:

* ath_rx_tasklet() needs to take a while to run;
* the ifconfig process (and net80211 taskqueue) needs to be scheduled on 
another CPU, so it can run _in parallel_ with the ath taskqueue (which 
ath_rx_tasklet() runs in)
* somehow you have to get a vap down/delete in during this RX.


I think the RX path should be properly aborted during a a vap down/delete. This 
doesn't just mean stopping the hardware (which is what ath_stop_locked() 
currently does) but also waiting for the ath_rx_tasklet() and the TX completion 
tasklet to complete.

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misc/164383: new freebsd installer is pure CRAP!

2012-01-22 Thread James M. Pothering

>Number: 164383
>Category:   misc
>Synopsis:   new freebsd installer is pure CRAP!
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:   serious
>Priority:   medium
>State:  open
>Class:  change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Jan 22 19:50:10 UTC 2012
>Originator: James M. Pothering
FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE #0: Tue Jan  3 07:15:25 
UTC 2012  i386
new freebsd bsd installer is confusing, lacks control, etc. it is inferior to 
old installer. i.e., it is pure CRAP!
install freebsd 9.0
convince freebsd team to go back to old installer

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Re: bin/163567: make(1): add option to disable object directory

2012-01-22 Thread jilles
Old Synopsis: make(1) forgets to chdir back to the original directory after 
finding an object dir
New Synopsis: make(1): add option to disable object directory

Responsible-Changed-From-To: jilles->freebsd-bugs
Responsible-Changed-By: jilles
Responsible-Changed-When: Sun Jan 22 20:55:08 UTC 2012
There may be some use in adding an option to disable object directories,
but I am not interested in doing it.
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Re: bin/164081: sockstat not reporting all open sockets

2012-01-22 Thread Jilles Tjoelker
The following reply was made to PR bin/164081; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Jilles Tjoelker 
To: Jim Pirzyk ,
Subject: Re: bin/164081: sockstat not reporting all open sockets
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2012 23:01:30 +0100

 On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 08:13:59AM -0500, Jim Pirzyk wrote:
 > On Jan 13, 2012, at 7:03 PM, Jilles Tjoelker wrote:
 > >> [netstat reports sockets that sockstat does not]
 > > The sockstat utility checks all file descriptors open by all processes
 > > looking for sockets, while netstat shows all kernel-level sockets. This
 > > may mismatch in many ways: a process may have closed its descriptor but
 > > TCP still needs to maintain some state like TIME_WAIT (as mentioned in
 > > the sockstat(1) man page), multiple descriptors may exist for a single
 > > socket and kernel code (like nlockmgr) may use the socket(9) API
 > > directly so there is no descriptor. However, any socket file descriptor
 > > shown by sockstat must correspond to a kernel-level socket shown by
 > > netstat.
 > > This does appear to be intended, although it is surprising and not
 > > documented very well.
 > So maybe in light of that, we should change this ticket to update the
 > man page to document this case too?
 I looked in the code and tried to make sockstat show sockets that are
 not associated with any open file. This turned out to be fairly easy.
 I have tested this on 10-current and 8-stable. On 8-stable there will be
 a conflict in sockstat.1 which can safely be ignored (it is because
 r200779 was not MFCed).
 On a machine that runs UDP nfsd it adds at least two lines to the
 ??  ? ?  udp6   *:2049*:*
 ??  ? ?  udp4   *:2049*:*
 DES, what do you think of this?
 Index: usr.bin/sockstat/sockstat.1
 --- usr.bin/sockstat/sockstat.1(revision 230388)
 +++ usr.bin/sockstat/sockstat.1(working copy)
 @@ -136,20 +136,6 @@
  The address the foreign end of the socket is bound to (see
  .Xr getpeername 2 ) .
 -Note that TCP sockets in the
 -.Dv AF_INET6
 -domains that are not in one of the
 -states may not be shown by
 -.Nm ;
 -.Xr netstat 1
 -to examine them instead.
  .Xr fstat 1 ,
  .Xr netstat 1 ,
 @@ -167,10 +153,3 @@
  command and this manual page were written by
  .An Dag-Erling Sm\(/orgrav Aq .
 -.Sh BUGS
 -.Xr netstat 1 ,
 -lists sockets by walking file descriptor tables and will not output
 -the ones owned by the kernel, e.g. NLM sockets created by
 -.Xr rpc.lockd 8 .
 Index: usr.bin/sockstat/sockstat.c
 --- usr.bin/sockstat/sockstat.c(revision 230388)
 +++ usr.bin/sockstat/sockstat.c(working copy)
 @@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
  struct sock {
void *socket;
void *pcb;
 +  int shown;
int vflag;
int family;
int proto;
 @@ -571,12 +572,67 @@
  static void
 +displaysock(struct sock *s, int pos)
 +  void *p;
 +  int hash;
 +  while (pos < 29)
 +  pos += xprintf(" ");
 +  pos += xprintf("%s", s->protoname);
 +  if (s->vflag & INP_IPV4)
 +  pos += xprintf("4 ");
 +  if (s->vflag & INP_IPV6)
 +  pos += xprintf("6 ");
 +  while (pos < 36)
 +  pos += xprintf(" ");
 +  switch (s->family) {
 +  case AF_INET:
 +  case AF_INET6:
 +  pos += printaddr(s->family, &s->laddr);
 +  if (s->family == AF_INET6 && pos >= 58)
 +  pos += xprintf(" ");
 +  while (pos < 58)
 +  pos += xprintf(" ");
 +  pos += printaddr(s->family, &s->faddr);
 +  break;
 +  case AF_UNIX:
 +  /* server */
 +  if (s->laddr.ss_len > 0) {
 +  pos += printaddr(s->family, &s->laddr);
 +  break;
 +  }
 +  /* client */
 +  p = *(void **)&s->faddr;
 +  if (p == NULL) {
 +  pos += xprintf("(not connected)");
 +  break;
 +  }
 +  pos += xprintf("-> ");
 +  for (hash = 0; hash < HASHSIZE; ++hash) {
 +  for (s = sockhash[hash]; s != NULL; s = s->next)
 +  if (s->pcb == p)
 +  break;
 +  if (s != NULL)
 +  break;
 +  }
 +  if (s == NULL || s->laddr.ss_len == 0)
 +  pos += xprintf("??");
 +  else
 +  pos += printaddr(s->family, &s->laddr);
 +  break;
 +  default:
 +  abort();

Re: misc/164383: new freebsd installer is pure CRAP!

2012-01-22 Thread linimon
Synopsis: new freebsd installer is pure CRAP!

State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
State-Changed-By: linimon
State-Changed-When: Sun Jan 22 22:20:35 UTC 2012
PR without substance.

While you may feel better for having vented, all you've accomplished
is to demotivate at least one person who could have fixed your problem.

For an example of more substantial ways to submit PRs, see:

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-bugs->linimon
Responsible-Changed-By: linimon
Responsible-Changed-When: Sun Jan 22 22:20:35 UTC 2012
Close with bugmeister hat.
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Re: kern/164382: [ath] crash when down/deleting a vap - inside ieee80211_input_mimo_all()

2012-01-22 Thread linimon
Synopsis: [ath] crash when down/deleting a vap - inside 

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-bugs->freebsd-wireless
Responsible-Changed-By: linimon
Responsible-Changed-When: Sun Jan 22 22:26:05 UTC 2012
Over to maintainer(s).
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Re: kern/164220: sound preferences does not allow continuous adjustment of mic level

2012-01-22 Thread linimon
Synopsis: sound preferences does not allow continuous adjustment of mic level

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-amd64->freebsd-bugs
Responsible-Changed-By: linimon
Responsible-Changed-When: Sun Jan 22 23:30:02 UTC 2012
Please tell us what sound card and app you are using so that we may
classify this PR.
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Re: bin/163951: security] bundled openssl seems to miss fix for a CVE-2011-1945

2012-01-22 Thread gavin
Old Synopsis: bundled openssl seems to miss fix for a CVE-2011-1945
New Synopsis: security] bundled openssl seems to miss fix for a CVE-2011-1945

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-bugs->secteam
Responsible-Changed-By: gavin
Responsible-Changed-When: Mon Jan 23 00:34:06 UTC 2012
Pass this over to secteam for consideration
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misc/164393: [rc.d] restarting netif with static addresses doesn't restart routing; makes machine unreachable

2012-01-22 Thread Garrett Cooper

>Number: 164393
>Category:   misc
>Synopsis:   [rc.d] restarting netif with static addresses doesn't restart 
>routing; makes machine unreachable
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:   non-critical
>Priority:   low
>State:  open
>Class:  sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Jan 23 05:30:09 UTC 2012
>Originator: Garrett Cooper
FreeBSD bayonetta.local 9.0-STABLE FreeBSD 9.0-STABLE #4 r230371M: Thu Jan 19 
23:55:38 PST 2012 
gcooper@bayonetta.local:/usr/obj/store/freebsd/stable/9/sys/BAYONETTA  amd64
If I set ifconfig_ to something other than "DHCP", then run 'service 
netif restart', it doesn't automatically restart the routing service, and thus 
redo the default route. So, the machine is now potentially unreachable from 
outside the subnet.

This is a well-known caveat for seasoned FreeBSD users (it's been present ever 
since I started using it back in the 5.2 days), but it's an unexpected gotcha 
for FreeBSD newbies.

(more info on this is described here: , and several Google searches 
pull up the same usability nit).


# egrep '^(ifconfig_re0|defaultrouter)=' /etc/rc.conf
# service netif restart
Stopping Network: lo0 re0.


# netstat -nr | grep ^default
default192.168.20.1   UGS 00re0
# ping -c 1
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=55 time=16.834 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 16.834/16.834/16.834/0.000 ms

(Change the address to a static IP; specify the default gateway)

# egrep '^(ifconfig_re0|defaultrouter)=' /etc/rc.conf
# service netif restart
Stopping Network: lo0 re0.


# netstat -nr | grep ^default
# ping -c 1
ping: cannot resolve Host name lookup failure
# ping -c 1
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.662 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 0.662/0.662/0.662/0.000 ms

The desired behavior would be that the machine would be able to reach outside 
the network, even after I've restarted the interface.
1. Change an interface from DHCP to a defaultrouter/static IP configuration.
2. Restart the network interface via service netif restart
Please note that I'm not requesting that /etc/rc.d/routing be called from 
/etc/rc.d/netif . This is counterproductive to the way that things should be 
done. What I'm requesting is that an alternate mechanism for restarting network 
configuration be setup (sort of like /etc/netstart ) s.t. people who don't want 
to reinvent the wheel in terms of what /etc/rc.d/netif already does will have a 
mechanism that's easy to describe to non-FreeBSD savvy users, such that 
sysadmins won't need to have another machine on-hand to re-bootstrap the 
routing tables in the machine where the network was restarted.

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misc/164394: [GNATS] Change some fields to 'unset' to prevent miscategorization

2012-01-22 Thread Garrett Cooper

>Number: 164394
>Category:   misc
>Synopsis:   [GNATS] Change some fields to 'unset' to prevent 
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:   non-critical
>Priority:   low
>State:  open
>Class:  sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Jan 23 05:30:09 UTC 2012
>Originator: Garrett Cooper
Sometimes I file bugs with the wrong Category, Priority, or Class because I 
focus on the details behind what I'm reporting and forget the other details in 
qualifying the bug.

It might be a good idea if the dropdown boxes were unset ('') to force 
individuals, like me, to punch in the right info instead of forcing the 
bugbusters to correct the categorization for some of the things I submit.


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misc/164395: [GNATs] add support for .patch attachments

2012-01-22 Thread Garrett Cooper

>Number: 164395
>Category:   misc
>Synopsis:   [GNATs] add support for .patch attachments
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:   non-critical
>Priority:   low
>State:  open
>Class:  sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Jan 23 05:40:07 UTC 2012
>Originator: Garrett Cooper
Having a MIME-type for .patch in the web submission form would make life easier 
when submitting enhancements because then I could submit the same filename via 
email as well as via GNATs without mangling the filename.


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misc/164396: [GNATs] add 'enhancement' class

2012-01-22 Thread Garrett Cooper

>Number: 164396
>Category:   misc
>Synopsis:   [GNATs] add 'enhancement' class
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:   non-critical
>Priority:   low
>State:  open
>Class:  sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Jan 23 05:40:07 UTC 2012
>Originator: Garrett Cooper
Many bug systems have a concept of 'enhancements', e.g. items that aren't 
defects and are meant to improve the status quo of the project that the 
enhancement was filed against. This would help improve the overall FreeBSD 
GNATs metrics and give folks a better idea of what's considered a software 
defect vs what's considered a software enhancement.


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Re: conf/164393: [rc.d] restarting netif with static addresses doesn't restart routing; makes machine unreachable

2012-01-22 Thread linimon
Synopsis: [rc.d] restarting netif with static addresses doesn't restart 
routing; makes machine unreachable

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-bugs->freebsd-rc
Responsible-Changed-By: linimon
Responsible-Changed-When: Mon Jan 23 05:44:41 UTC 2012
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bin/164399: 9.0 installer failures

2012-01-22 Thread Jin Guojun

>Number: 164399
>Category:   bin
>Synopsis:   9.0 installer failures
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:   critical
>Priority:   medium
>State:  open
>Class:  sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Jan 23 07:50:09 UTC 2012
>Originator: Jin Guojun
Cannot provide ENV because installation failure

Hardware -- HP Pavilion dv5210us (dv5000 serial) laptop
1) installer configured internal IDE DVD driver as cd0 (not acd0) but trying to 
mount /dev/acd0, thus boot to root failed. Manually typing in "cd9660:/dev/cd0 
ro" will boot. 

2) DOS partition table has p1, 2, 3 used for Windows, and BSD is installed on 
partition 4. New installer does not ask for installing BSD boot menu, so 
FreeBSD 9.0 cannot boot after installtion.

3) After accidentlly did "bsdlabel -w -B ad0" (should be ad0s4), it screwed the 
boot sector to cause FreeBSD can NEVER  be installed without ZERO out the first 
track of the hard drive.
3a) After "bsdlabel -w -B ad0", partition table got corrupted, and Windows 
has to be reinstalled. Windows installation went OK, and boots OK.
3b) New try to install FreBSD again, It see disk like:
  ada0   55GB BSD
 ada0a   55GB !0
 fdisk sees partition OK (1, 2, 3 are used for Windows) and 25GB are 

I have not tried on a different hardware, so no clue if this is for this laptop 
only. The hard drive on this laptop is 60GB capacity.
See the Full Description section.

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