Re: kern/122046: [psm] Synaptics touchpad freezes (psm0: lost interrupt?) [regression]

2011-09-27 Thread Sebastian Chmielewski
The following reply was made to PR kern/122046; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Sebastian Chmielewski 
Subject: Re: kern/122046: [psm] Synaptics touchpad freezes (psm0: lost
 interrupt?) [regression]
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 20:02:51 +0200

 I'm experiencing the same issue on my Lenovo L420. The same symptoms are for
 using trackpoint and touchpad. On the other hand touchpad and trackpoint on
 Dell E6520 are working fine.
 best regards,
 Sebastian Chmielewski * * gg:3336919 * icq:224161389
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Re: misc/161016: umount doesn't fully sync UFS filesystems on 9.x

2011-09-27 Thread mckusick
Synopsis: umount doesn't fully sync UFS filesystems on 9.x

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-bugs->mckusick
Responsible-Changed-By: mckusick
Responsible-Changed-When: Wed Sep 28 00:06:28 UTC 2011
I will take responsibility for this bug.
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Re: bin/114465: [patch] [request] script(1): add really cool -d, -p & -r options from NetBSD

2011-09-27 Thread h h
The following reply was made to PR bin/114465; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: h h 
Subject: Re: bin/114465: [patch] [request] script(1): add really cool -d, -p & 
-r options from NetBSD
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 01:45:41 +

 misc/ttyrec seems to provide more control over playback.
 And it has a youtube-like service -, unlike which is no longer available. Anyway, ...
 - resolve conflict with r225809
 - apply script.c@r1.19 and script.1@r1.12 from NetBSD
 - mention in the manpage that the flags first appeared in NetBSD 2.0
 --- script_replay.diff begins here ---
 Index: usr.bin/script/script.1
 --- usr.bin/script/script.1(revision 225817)
 +++ usr.bin/script/script.1(working copy)
 @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
  .Nd make typescript of terminal session
 -.Op Fl akq
 +.Op Fl adkpqr
  .Op Fl t Ar time
  .Op Ar file Op Ar command ...
 @@ -72,10 +72,20 @@ Append the output to
  .Pa typescript ,
  retaining the prior contents.
 +.It Fl d
 +When playing back a session with the
 +.Fl p
 +flag, don't sleep between records when playing back a timestamped session.
  .It Fl k
  Log keys sent to program as well as output.
 +.It Fl p
 +Play back a session recorded with the
 +.Fl r
 +flag in real time.
  .It Fl q
 -Run in quiet mode, omit the start and stop status messages.
 +Run in quiet mode, omit the start, stop and command status messages.
 +.It Fl r
 +Record a session with input, output, and timestamping.
  .It Fl t Ar time
  Specify time interval between flushing script output file.
  A value of 0
 @@ -148,6 +158,14 @@ The
  command appeared in
  .Bx 3.0 .
 +.Fl d ,
 +.Fl p
 +.Fl r
 +first appeared in
 +.Nx 2.0 .
  .Sh BUGS
 Index: usr.bin/script/script.c
 --- usr.bin/script/script.c(revision 225817)
 +++ usr.bin/script/script.c(working copy)
 @@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ static const char sccsid[] = "@(#)script.c   8.1 (Be
 @@ -59,11 +62,21 @@ static const char sccsid[] = "@(#)script.c 8.1 (Be
 +#define DEF_BUF 65536
 +struct stamp {
 +  uint64_t scr_len;   /* amount of data */
 +  uint64_t scr_sec;   /* time it arrived in seconds... */
 +  uint32_t scr_usec;  /* ...and microseconds */
 +  uint32_t scr_direction; /* 'i', 'o', etc (also indicates endianness) */
  static FILE *fscript;
  static int master, slave;
  static int child;
  static const char *fname;
  static int qflg, ttyflg;
 +static int usesleep, rawout;
  static struct termios tt;
 @@ -71,6 +84,9 @@ static void done(int) __dead2;
  static void doshell(char **);
  static void fail(void);
  static void finish(void);
 +static void record(FILE *, char *, size_t, int);
 +static void consume(FILE *, off_t, char *, int);
 +static void playback(FILE *);
  static void usage(void);
 @@ -79,7 +95,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
int cc;
struct termios rtt, stt;
struct winsize win;
 -  int aflg, kflg, ch, n;
 +  int aflg, kflg, pflg, ch, n;
struct timeval tv, *tvp;
time_t tvec, start;
char obuf[BUFSIZ];
 @@ -87,19 +103,32 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
fd_set rfd;
int flushtime = 30;
int readstdin;
 +  int k;
 -  aflg = kflg = 0;
 -  while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "aqkt:")) != -1)
 +  aflg = kflg = pflg = 0;
 +  usesleep = 1;
 +  rawout = 0;
 +  while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "adkpqrt:")) != -1)
switch(ch) {
case 'a':
aflg = 1;
 -  case 'q':
 -  qflg = 1;
 +  case 'd':
 +  usesleep = 0;
case 'k':
kflg = 1;
 +  case 'p':
 +  pflg = 1;
 +  break;
 +  case 'q':
 +  qflg = 1;
 +  break;
 +  case 'r':
 +  rawout = 1;
 +  break;
case 't':
flushtime = atoi(optarg);
if (flushtime < 0)
 @@ -119,9 +148,12 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
} else
fname = "typescript";
 -  if ((fscript = fopen(fname, aflg ? "a" : "w")) == NULL)
 +  if ((fscript = fopen(fname, pflg ? "r" : aflg ? "a" : "w")) == NULL)
err(1, "%s", fname);
 +  if (pflg)
 +  playback(fscript);
if ((ttyflg = isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) != 0) {
if (tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &tt) == -1)

misc/161091: Max username length is 16 characters

2011-09-27 Thread Stephane Lapie

>Number: 161091
>Category:   misc
>Synopsis:   Max username length is 16 characters
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:   non-critical
>Priority:   low
>State:  open
>Class:  change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Sep 28 06:50:03 UTC 2011
>Originator: Stephane Lapie
Aozora Bank
FreeBSD fcc4svnapf01.aozora.lan 8.2-RELEASE #1: Mon Jun 13 12:33:03 JST 2011
stephanela...@fcc4svnapf02.aozora.lan:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  amd64
The system only allows usernames to be 16 characters (definitions of 
UT_NAMESIZE in include/utmp.h, and MAXLOGNAME in sys/sys/param.h), which turns 
out to be a problem in our company, where we make up administrator usernames in 
the form of , which turns out quite often to require more 
than 16 characters.

It would be nice if the system was built to support up to 32 characters, like 
many other OSes do.
Creation of users via adduser will fail if the username is more than 16 
characters. Obviously, directly editing password database files does not work 
either, the system won't acknowledge usernames beyond 16 characters.
I wrote a quick patch to apply to the whole source tree, that modifies :
- /usr/src/include/utmp.h
- /usr/src/sys/sys/param.h
to bring up the login name max length to 32 characters (not including NUL)

At my company, we are building our own releases and our own packages from the 
ports, to ensure consistency. The above patch has been tested since FreeBSD 
8.0-RELEASE, and releases/packages generated relying on it have been ran in 
production for two years now, with no issues detected.

Is there anything I missed, or any reasons for retaining the 16 character 

Patch attached with submission follows:

--- ./include/utmp.h.old2010-03-02 17:15:51.0 +0900
+++ ./include/utmp.h2010-03-02 17:16:09.0 +0900
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
  * UT_HOSTSIZE is also too small to hold most common hostnames or IPv6
  * addresses.
-#defineUT_NAMESIZE 16  /* see MAXLOGNAME in  */
+#defineUT_NAMESIZE 32  /* see MAXLOGNAME in  */
 #defineUT_LINESIZE 8
 #defineUT_HOSTSIZE 16
--- ./sys/sys/param.h.old   2010-03-02 17:17:18.0 +0900
+++ ./sys/sys/param.h   2010-03-02 17:17:36.0 +0900
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
 #defineMAXCOMLEN   19  /* max command name remembered 
 #defineMAXINTERP   32  /* max interpreter file name 
length */
-#defineMAXLOGNAME  17  /* max login name length (incl. 
NUL) */
+#defineMAXLOGNAME  33  /* max login name length (incl. 
NUL) */
 #defineMAXUPRC CHILD_MAX   /* max simultaneous processes */
 #defineNCARGS  ARG_MAX /* max bytes for an exec 
function */
 #defineNGROUPS (NGROUPS_MAX+1) /* max number groups */

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