My Daemon Tattoo

2014-05-19 Thread Christopher

I'm a serious Unix head.  Here is the proof!


~Christopher Henderson
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No Attachments?

2014-05-19 Thread Christopher

I tried sharing my tattoo.  No attachments allowed?

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My Daemon Tat - take 2

2014-05-19 Thread Christopher

I'll try this again...

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My Daemon Tat - take 3

2014-05-19 Thread Christopher

There, no attachment.  Just click on the link.

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Hello Everyone

2008-11-15 Thread Christopher Olsen


I'm new to this list and figured I would drop a quick note to say hello...

I'm not sure why I haven't joined this list soon but I would have to say 
I'm of the biggest FBSD advocates in the NY metro area... Switching 

on a regular basis...

How are things in the rest of the world?

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Re: bsdtalk167 - DCBSDCon 2009

2008-12-08 Thread Christopher Olsen
I missed the 12/1 cut off for the cfp at the '09 bsd con is it still 
possible to submit?


On 12/8/2008 2:03 PM, Jason Dixon wrote:

Will Backman interviews yours truly, we discuss plans for DCBSDCon 2009.
A couple of our speakers are announced.  Registration is coming soon!


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2008-12-09 Thread Christopher Olsen

Hey everyone,

Anyone in the NY/Long Island/NJ area heading down to DC BSDCon '09?

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Appliance certification

2009-04-04 Thread Christopher Olsen
I have been asking around to see if there is a committee that certifies 
applainces, servers, workstations, etc? 

I manufacture several BSD based systems and I'm sure there are many others that 
do as well and it would be really great to get the BSD community blessing for 
it and put a little logo sticker on it similar to what MS does.

If there is no such thing I would like to start such a committee and would love 
any support in that if possible.


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RE: Domain

2009-04-24 Thread Christopher Olsen

If you have not had any takers on the domain I would be interested.. I won't be 
able to fully utilize it immediately, but would start with having it forwarded 
to my bsd related blog and go from there with it.


-Original Message-
From: Linh Pham 
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 2:04 PM
Subject: Domain

I'm not sure if this is the proper place for this, but...

I am currently have the domain registered and had been
using it to host a basic page with links about BSD. Unfortunately, the
site has not been updated in a long time and I have no further ambitions
to do anything with the site or domain.

With that, I'm willing to transfer the domain to any BSD user/advocacy
groups before the registration expires and gets in the hands of domain

Once transfered, I will stop serving up the site and host DNS for the
domain as well.

Please contact me off-list if you are interested.


Linh Pham
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Re: virtualbox-ose on FBSD

2012-01-30 Thread Christopher Olsen

I have too had good results with VB.. However what I find it lacks is a good 
central management solution. That is something even Xen falls short on..

Also are you utilizing a local ZFS? If so be careful on memory allocation all 


On Jan 29, 2012, at 11:50 PM, Paul Lambert  wrote:

> I have completed installing VB on FBSD with good results to report.  Though
> it did require several days of researching various system tweaks the up and
> running VB that I have is almost 100% on par with VMware.  I have a couple
> of Windows VMs running and I believe FBSD is a better virtual host than
> VMware on Fedora.  However, since I have not run VB on Fedora nor VMware on
> FreeBSD this is only an unsupported observation at this point.
> I would like to communicate with the FBSD VM evangelist about several
> topics if possible one topic is regarding USB.
> Also, I would like to communicate with the FBSD desktop evangelist as well
> about a few ideas particularly someone who has access to Firefox/Mozilla
> developers.
> Thanks
> Paul
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Re: About visitors

2013-10-04 Thread Christopher Henderson
Hello Unix Fans,

I'm an on again/off again BSD/Linux user.  I'll spend a few years in one, then 
the other, etc.  I'm getting the FreeBSD itch again so I visited the website.  
One big problem for me is that there is no obvious link from the front page 
listing supported hardware.  I finally stumbled upon the release notes but its 
just a flat text file.  Why not HTML?  I hated having to scroll through it to 
find out if my wifi card is supported (Alas, it is not.  But OpenBSD supports 
it.).  That is my only real complaint.  The general design hasn't changed 
since the 90s when I first discovered FreeBSD 3.3 but I don't see that as a bad 
thing.  The NetBSD site was in bad need of an overhaul.  I like the new look.

On a final note, I have a BSD tattoo if anyone is interested.  I don't know if 
it is appropriate to share a picture on this thread.


On Thursday, October 03, 2013 11:14:48 AM Eitan Adler wrote:
> Here is an overview of the people that visit
> Some takeaways:
> - More than half (60%) the people that come to our website leave
> without going to another page (called 'bouncing').  However these
> users spend more time than any other user per page.
> - Non-bouncing users had an average of just over 4 pages per session
> but spent about an average of 0.86/s per page.  They spend most of
> their time on the last page.
> From these I think we can take away that most people come looking for
> something very specific.
> How can we fix this? Better search maybe?  Improved navigation bar?
> Its up to you to work on this.
> - New users spend a lot *less* time on the site than repeat visitors.
> Do we need better advocacy data?  Less text to confuse new users?  Is
> this trend specific to FreeBSD or is it true across the board?
> - Internet Explorer is 10% of our traffic.
> Many of ours users use Windows as there primary desktop platform.
> Probably more if we include not-IE on Windows.
> What other insights do you see?
> What other data might be helpful for us?

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