Re: [fprint] Trouble with distorted image

2016-12-22 Thread Carson Reinke
Thanks Vasily and all your work on this.

I actually had the raw image dumped in fpi_assemble_lines instead and there
is no more distortion.  I tried to debug the exact issue but the code kind
of makes my head spin.  I think maybe not all images should be processed
through this function, instead only "fast swipe" images that are shorter
than a certain tolerance should be.  Just a thought.  If I come up with
something, I'll send it over.

On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 7:12 PM, Vasily Khoruzhick 

> Hi Carson,
> All related code is in libfprint/assembling.c, you're probably
> interested in fpi_assemble_lines().
> Regards,
> Vasily
> On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 1:17 PM, Carson Reinke  wrote:
> > I seem to be having the same issue as reported by other awhile ago here:
> >  The head from
> master
> > seems to work better, but still quite a bit of distortion.
> >
> > I believe this from trying to normalize the image from fast swipes.  Can
> > anyone point me in a direction on where this is done?
> >
> > ___
> > fprint mailing list
> >
> >
> >
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[fprint] Authentec 2810

2016-12-22 Thread Vishnu V. Krishnan

I was looking through the ThinkWiki article on fingerprint readers (htt
p://, and found
that it describes one device that isn't present in the 'Supported
devices' page. This is what it says:

USB ID: 08ff:2810
Device: Authentec AES2810
Info:   supported by libfprint v0.5.0 onwards, released December

Could someone verify this and add it, if true? (I don't have this
device; I'm interested because I'm looking to buying a laptop -
Thinkpad-X200 - that possibly has this)

OpenPGP fingerprint: 5015 1D4C 9BDF 9062 A9E1  62CB 5B1F 4BEE 7EED 7131

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