Re: [Evolution] Evolution vertical view & auto add email address to Contacts

2006-02-19 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Mon, 2006-02-20 at 15:58 +1100, Justin Kelly wrote:
> Hi All,
> Ive been using Evolution for a while now and was wondering will/does
> Evolution have an 'vertical' view similar to Thunderbird/Outlook 2003?
> I find this feature of Thunderbird very useful.
We are working on a similiar thing. Dont remember the bug id.

> Also is there way to automatically add emails address your emailing to
> Contacts(again similar to Thuderbird)?.  I know theres the
> 'Automatically create entries in the addressbook when responding y
> emails' but its not exactly what I need.
what else are you looking for?
> Apart from these small issues Evolution rocks!!
> Keep up the great work
> Cheers
> Justin Kelly
> --
> Mob.: 0402 667 075
> yahoo im: justinjameskelly
> Linux, because reboots are for installing hardware.
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list
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Re: [Evolution] OSX-like daemon for Evolution Calendar

2006-02-26 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Fri, 2006-02-24 at 10:45 +0100, Pieter Van Gorp wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just read about the Evolution Daemon on
> >From my (limited) user experience, this daemon is only active when
> Evolution is active.  I prefer the OSX-like behavior where some daemon
Not really. It is just that evolution starts alarm daemon (If it is not
started already), when it starts. You can start the daemon seperately
using /opt/gnome/libexec/evolution/2.6/evolution-alarm-notify. You can
add it to the startup programs, in which case it would behave the way
you wanted. 
> starts when you log in and ensures you're notified of appointments
> even when your calendar application is not (yet) started.
> Am I missing some feature or is this not implemented (yet?) on Linux?
> Thanks a lot in advance,
> Pieter Van Gorp.
> PS: Evolution + Multisync kicks ass!  Bluetooth synchronization is
> much faster than on OSX ;-)
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] OSX-like daemon for Evolution Calendar

2006-02-27 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Just wondering what this is? I dont remember seeing such a bug. You
should be able to use it. 

Chen: Any idea what is this?

On Mon, 2006-02-27 at 09:21 +0100, Pieter Van Gorp wrote:
> I've been happy too soon... it seems like
> isn't solved yet
> since I'm encountering exactly the same error:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /usr/lib/evolution/2.4/evolution-alarm-notify
> evolution-alarm-notify-ERROR **: Could not create the alarm notify
> service factory
> aborting...
> Regards,
> Pieter.
> On 2/27/06, Pieter Van Gorp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > That's great!  Thanks for your answer.
> >
> > Kind regards,
> > Pieter
> >
> > On 2/27/06, Srinivasa Ragavan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On Fri, 2006-02-24 at 10:45 +0100, Pieter Van Gorp wrote:
> > > > Hi all,
> > > > I just read about the Evolution Daemon on
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > >From my (limited) user experience, this daemon is only active when
> > > > Evolution is active.  I prefer the OSX-like behavior where some daemon
> > > Not really. It is just that evolution starts alarm daemon (If it is not
> > > started already), when it starts. You can start the daemon seperately
> > > using /opt/gnome/libexec/evolution/2.6/evolution-alarm-notify. You can
> > > add it to the startup programs, in which case it would behave the way
> > > you wanted.
> > > > starts when you log in and ensures you're notified of appointments
> > > > even when your calendar application is not (yet) started.
> > > >
> > > > Am I missing some feature or is this not implemented (yet?) on Linux?
> > > >
> > > > Thanks a lot in advance,
> > > > Pieter Van Gorp.
> > > >
> > > > PS: Evolution + Multisync kicks ass!  Bluetooth synchronization is
> > > > much faster than on OSX ;-)
> > > > ___
> > > > Evolution-list mailing list
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] again... Viewing "next" Message...

2006-03-30 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Thu, 2006-03-30 at 14:05 -0500, Chris Anspach wrote:
> Anyone, anyone...
> Does anyone know how to turn off the following behavior?
> I am reading an email and I click on the "Delete" icon at the top of the
> message.  The next message in line automatically opens.
What would you expect then? Isn't it the most preferred operation. At
least I prefer that.
> Also, when I reply or forward a message, is there an option to close the
> original message?
Hmm, This is a good one, I feel. You can raise a enh bug in bugzilla, if
one is not there already


> I submitted this question a few days ago, and haven't seen a single
> reply.  Am I posting/looking in the right place?  Is my question not
> "techie" enough to gain the attention from anyone?
> Any info would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you.
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] open in gnumeric does not appear for csv attachment

2006-05-16 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
It is an ugly bug. I have fixed it. It should be there in the next
stable release onwards. It works perfectly on a message composer
attachment bar. 

I would prefer you to file a bug (If one is not there already)and assign
it to me, just to track it.

On Tue, 2006-05-16 at 21:15 -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-05-17 at 07:08 +0530, Ritesh Khadgaray wrote:
> > csv attachment shows up only as "View Inline", or "Save to".
> > In nautilus, Gnumeric shows up correctly, for Open With.
> > 
> > Am i missing on something here ?
> > 
> > using evolution 2.6+ Mandriva Cooker
> In other words, you are asking why two GNOME apps don't use a
> shared mime database?

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] open option for csv attachments

2006-06-16 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Hi Mason,

Yeah. This is a bug. This is fixed in HEAD already.

On Thu, 2006-06-15 at 11:56 -0400, Mason Sanders wrote:
> hen I receive a csv file via email I cannot open it directly out of
> evolution.  However, if I save the file and then navigate to it using
> Nautilus, I can double click on it and it will open in openoffice
> calc.  I am trying to bypass the saving step, as I receive various csv
> files that I just need to see and not save.

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Passwords not been saved

2006-07-28 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Fri, 2006-07-28 at 13:33 +0530, Harish Krishnaswamy wrote: 
> On Fri, 2006-07-28 at 09:45 +0200, Ignacio Mas Ivars wrote:
> > Hi all!
> > 
> > I have just upgraded to evo 2.7.4 and now my passwords for the IMAP
> > accounts are  not been saved between evo runs. Every time I start I need
> > to type the passwords even though the 'Save password' option is marked.
> > I guess I am missing some update to some gnome component, but I don't
> > know which one and I don't want to simply make a hole system update. Any
> > hints on how evo 2.7.4 stores the passwords?
> > 
> > Thanks in advance,
> > /Ignacio
> > 
> > 
> $HOME/.gnome2_private/Evolution stores the hashed passwords.
> Some types of failures erroneously get classified under 'Authentication
> Failed' which then removes the saved password and causes Evolution to
> prompt.
In case you have built with GNOME KEYRING, make sure that your keyring
daemon exists. Normally, it is started , unless you "su or ssh" as a
user. In which case you have to start the gnome-keyring-daemon and
evolution from the shell.

> You can capture such failures using CAMEL_DEBUG=1 on the terminal where
> you run Evolution and file a bug report with the log attached.
> Cheers,
> --Harish
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] 2.8 not showing next message after deleting

2006-09-20 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
This is a side effect of fix for

This is fixed and should be part of 2.8.1

On Wed, 2006-09-20 at 11:16 -0400, Matthew Barnes wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-09-20 at 11:11 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > Is this a bug or a feature? It seems so blindingly obvious that one
> > would think it could hardly have passed regression testing if it was a
> > bug, or is no-one else seeing this behaviour?
> Patrick,
> Yes, this has been reported by numerous people.  See:
> Matthew Barnes
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

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Re: [Evolution] Where my mini-cal go?

2006-09-20 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
I just fixed it for 2.8. Should there in 2.8.1
On Thu, 2006-09-21 at 09:59 +0530, chenthill wrote:
> Hi Lonnie,
> It would be present in the left pane, just above the calendar
> button. You need to drag it up. 
> PS: 
> thanks, Chenthill.
> On Wed, 2006-09-20 at 23:58 +, Lonnie Borntreger wrote:
> > Just upgraded to 2.8.  Pretty slick in many ways, but I'm missing the
> > mini-calendar in calendar view.  Is there anyway I can get that back, I
> > can't seem to find an option for it.
> > 
> > Lonnie Borntreger
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Evolution-list mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] [evo2.8] Can't search everywhere in Addressbook, and can't sign with GPG anymore

2006-09-25 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Mon, 2006-09-25 at 12:33 +0200, Andre Klapper wrote:
> salut,
> Am Donnerstag, den 21.09.2006, 12:33 +0200 schrieb Jean-Claude Tergal:
> > I just upgraded from Evo 2.6.3 to 2.8 (self compiled, on Mandriva 2006).
> > 
> > It seems that there are 3 regressions :
> > 1. I can't search in every Addressbook field anymore. When I try, Evo
> > always returns the whole addressbook, and not contacts matching the
> > search
> i can reproduce this here on 2.8.0 (compiled one week ago), can you
> please file a bug in ?
Me too. Just fixed this. Please file a bug and assign to me, Ill put the
patch there. Will be part of 2.8.1

> > 3. There is no command line options anymore. No mailto, no --debug= ,
> > nothing... And evolution-2.8 --help displays only the GTG, Gnome and
> > Gconf options, and not the Evo options.
> mailto: still works perfectly here, what command did you try exactly?
> when running "evolution-2.8 --help" i get the help options and the
> application options.
> evolution 2.8 replaced the old options ("popt") by "GOption". GOption
> was introduced by glib-2.10 and supported by libgnome-2.14, so make sure
> that you have those glib and libgnome versions installed on your system.
> also see for a similar
> case.
> perhaps libgnome-2.14 should be added to to clearly state
> and check for the required versions of the libraries evolution depends
> on. harish?
> cheers,
> andre
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Just playing around with Evo views??

2006-11-30 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

On Thu, 2006-11-30 at 21:28 -0500, William Case wrote:
> Hi;
> I am trying out the Mail Vertical View.  Kinda like it.
> Is there a way to setup the double line view in Messages (For Wide View)
> so that the subject is on the first line, while the sender and date are
> on the second?  Can I move the date in a bit closer to the sender while
> leaving the pane width unchanged?  Can the subject line be bolded for
> unread items rather than bolding the Name and Date? 

Atm, there is no option for such configuration. It was it my plans
atleast to allow configurable sizes within the composite columns. May be
some time in future you should be seeing it. 


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Just upgraded to Evo 2.8.2 with Suse 10.2, won't remember password

2006-11-30 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Hey Michael,

if at all you have to start gnome-keyring-daemon from command line, you
have to export the PID and SOCKET ID manually using export command. Only
then it works. One interesting point is that why gnome-keyring-daemon is
not started automatically during your gdm session? If it is done that
way, it should be working cool.


On Thu, 2006-11-30 at 19:26 -0800, Michael Fakaro wrote:
> I just upgraded my system from Suse 10.1 to Suse 10.2 with Evo 2.8.2 now
> no matter what I do Evo keep the password constantly ask for it and
> sometimes appears frozen so I kill it and restart.
> I have run the "gnome-keyring-daemon" from the command line and ssttill no
> change, searching the net that's the only solution I could find.
> Any other ideas or directions you could steer me to would be
> appreciated. 
> Thanks a Lot
> Mike
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] sort by date and group by threads

2007-02-09 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
In 2.8.x onwards, if the thread is collapsed, the date of the thread is
considered to be the date of the most recent message in the thread. But
if it is expanded, it doesnt follow this. You can collapse all threads
(View->Collapse All Threads) may be once in a while to know, if any new
messages popped to the old threads.


On Fri, 2007-02-09 at 07:32 -0700, Nicolas Bock wrote:
> Hello list,
> I sort my INBOX by date and group messages by thread. A new message
> which is not part of a thread gets placed as expected at the bottom of
> the message list. However, a new message which is part of a thread
> gets placed into the thread, and the thread does not move to the
> bottom of the message list. The whole thread is placed into the
> message list according to its first message and not its most recent
> one. Is there any way to change this?
> Thanks already, nick
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Passwords are not remembered

2007-03-21 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Look out for an updated Evolution-data-server package in the 10.2 update
channel. It should have a fix for it. It would work without keyring

On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 10:13 -0700, Des Dougan wrote:
> > On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 12:03 -0230, Brent Payne wrote:
> > 
> >>> Look in the archives for January 12 - I posted a solution for this
> >>> issue.
> >>>
> >> Actually I found it on January 13th.
> > Me too
> Depends on your timezone...
> >>> --
> >>>
> > 
> > Des, I installed as you said. Strangely it did not work, untill I
> > unchecked the "Remember this Password" in the pop-up box. Then it
> > worked. With the next new start of Evo I have to enter them again. This
> > time with "Remember this Password" checked; no change.
> > 
> > I checked the note about "a sanity check" and started the
> > "gnome-keyring-manager" and it moaned that "GNOME Keyring daemon is not
> > running."
> Did you change the display manger in YaST? You need to run gdm otherwise 
> it balks - I think I noted this in my procedure.
> > I am not using Gnome desktop, but have in installed; never seen it
> > before though. 
> Me neither. I use KDE.
> > How do I start the deamon automatically every boot time. I looked at the
> > "Gnome configuration editor", but no luck with starting the deamon. Any
> > hints will be welcome. 
> As far as I recall, using gdm is the solution.
> Des
> > :-)
> > Al
> > 
> > ___
> > Evolution-list mailing list
> >
> >

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Re: [Evolution] feedback on Evolution 2.8.1 from a Thunderbird user

2007-03-24 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Hello Mark,

We are working on a shortcut editor for Evolution 2.12. It should solve
most of your issues.

Recently I posted the same WIP patch in the evolution list. I hope to
complete it fast.

Appreciate your patience and Thanks for using Evolution.


On Sat, 2007-03-24 at 08:32 -0400, Mark Stosberg wrote:
> Hello, 
> I've been having some performance problems with Thunderbird, so I
> thought I would give Evolution 2.8.1 a shot (on Ubuntu Edgy). 
> I'm most concerned about the reduced keyboard usability of Evolution, so
> I'll cover that first, and then provide miscellaneous feedback beyond
> that. 
> Although I had to install several extensions to accomplish it, I was
> able to make Thunderbird 1.5 rather keyboard-friendly. I'd like to know
> if there are Evolution shortcuts I'm missing to match the efficiency
> I've found with Thunderbird. 
> (An article about my Thunderbird setup is here:
>  )
> With TB, I can quickly label messages as Important, Work or Personal
> with 1, 2 and 3. It seems to the do the same in Evo, I would have to
> type: 
> Shift-F10-L-M, (Important) Shift-F10-L-W, (Work) Shift-F10-L-P
> (Personal)
> Ouch. I'm starting to investigate if the "Important" notation and the "Flag" 
> feature are better alternatives in Evo. 
> With the GmailUI extension, I can use just "y" to quickly file a
> message to a default archive folder, like Gmail. Evo seems to have no
> such concept or extension.  The closest I can come is "Control-Shift-V"
> for "Move". And then *only if the folder name has been exposed*, I can
> start typing "archive" to find the match. 
> This limitation of only searching visible folder names this way was
> especially frustrating when searching for the "evolution" news group.
> The search feature does not good unless you have already selected "comp"
> and then "gnome", at which point you've already found "evolution"!
> ( I did discover that Shift - Right arrow will open up one of the triangle 
> folder widgets. )
> Likewise, with the Nostalgy extension, I can type "g" and then any
> unique part of a folder name to go there. In Evo, I first need to use F6
> to go the folder pane, which I need to keep exposed for only this
> reason. Then again, only if the folder is already visible (not
> collapsed), am I able to use type folder name to search for it. 
> Also, the missing ability to use an external editor is a huge blow to
> keyboard-centric users. This is especially sad since someone did the
> work to integrate vim with Evo three years ago:
> The best alternative in Evo seems to be copy/pasting back and forth, and
> using "Insert File" in some cases.
> One more keyboard detail: When viewing a newsgroup list, TB does the
> sensible thing with "Control-N" in this context and opens a compose
> window addressed to the list. In Evol, there's "Post New Message to
> Folder", but there's no keyboard shortcut for that, and the concept
> seems wrong. I don't want to post to the folder, I want to post to the
> group!
> I see I'm not the only person who had trouble figuring out this task:
> With all the keyboard grumbling out of the way, I have some other
> feedback to share, including some positive things. :)
> - Well, so far I have definitely had better performance. The IMAP
> performance seems to beat the pants of Claws-Mail, at least for the
> initial load. I suspect this is because Evo is only loading folders "on
> demand", while Claws-Mail tried to load all subscribed folders at once,
> bogging down on some folders with thousands of messages in them.
> On the other hand, sometimes NNTP performance was worse, because Evo
> doesn't seem to have a limit to the number of messages downloaded like
> TB offers, so it bogged down on some bigger lists.  
> - Of course it's nice that Evo integrates very nicely with the Gnome
> desktop. I'm enjoying trying out the groupware integration features including
> "convert mail to task" and sending and accepting events by E-mail. I have
> an idea to work on a little gateway script that converts natural language 
> event descriptions
> (like Google Calendar's quick adds), and converts them into a proper ICS 
> attachments.
> In this way, you could quickly send a new event to Evolution from your cell 
> phone!
> - Evo has a real, full-featured address book. I like the sync-with-Gaim 
> feature.
>   However, I was hoping the photos from Gaim would show up when I received a 
> message
>   from someone who had a Gaim photo. 
> - The plain test formatting toolbar through me off at first (I assumed
> it was for HTML), but I like the concept. However, I quickly ran into
> missing features that real text editors have, like "rewrap this
> paragraph". 
> - I app

Re: [Evolution] DST

2007-03-27 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Sun, 2007-03-25 at 22:40 -0500, Peter Van Lone wrote:
> On 3/15/07, P Chenthill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Chris,
> >We are not currently doing much bug fixes in the version which
> > your using. Please upgrade your evolution to the latest stable version
> > which is evolution-2.10. It has all the latest timezone updates.
> I am amazed at the hutzpah of this answer, particularly given that Evo
> is so damned difficult to upgrade. It seems to be closely tied into
> the gnome desktop stuff, that upgrades outside of an entire desktop
> upgrade are ... impossible? Dangerous? Dicey?
> I'm on 2.60 which came with a fairly recent distro (SLED 10) and ...
> not only does Novell not provide an RPM to update to the latest
> versions, but an attempt to do so is met with an impossible array of
> dependency errors.

If you are on SLED10 or 10.1 or 10.2, then this is the bug you should be
looking into. There
is an update to Evolution 2.6.0 on SLED10. tells about other
SUSE variants which were under the support period [5 years or so, not
sure on this]. Im sure there would be a possible update to those
versions also, if it is raised. 

> I continue to try -- and to hope -- that evo can be a true corp
> groupware client ... but there are so many issues it is not easy.
> This attitude of "not supporting" older versions and yet not offering
> real options for upgrading ... is simply not acceptable in the corp
> world, and really actually almost (by itself) invalidates evo as an
> option in this environment. At the very least there SHOULD HAVE been
> information posted to this list (and elsewhere) saying what versions
> would have a DST patch and when.
> And, to STILL not have a DST patch available ... well, good god! Can
> you imagine if I had my customers executives on evo, and they had
> dozens and dozens of appointments in the effected time periods that
> were screwed up? What would they say to me if I said "oh, well the
> developers haven't gotten to it yet, and the version that we have in
> our (newley deployed) desktop is not fully supported and... we really
> don't have good options for updating it, and  
> well, hopefully you get the freaking point?
> >Am
> > currently working on a fix for migrating timezones of meetings created
> > in past and occurring in future which will be posted by today or
> > tomorrow.
> Lovely -- please push this info to the list, when something is
> available. I would like to have my exchange calendar not make me look
> like as ASS for all my windows using peers sometime soon.

Chen made an awesome tool that will migrate meetings in the Personal as
well as Groupwise calendars to the new DST.

But for Exchange, since the DST information is maintained in the Server,
we need a tool that can change the information in the server. We are
working on this currently. Ideally this has to happen through Evolution,
as this requires cache updation and the server up-sync of the cache.
There could be more scenarios than what we assume. 

Alternatively Microsoft has [1] a DST update tool that runs in the
server and updates the system timezone information and also migrates all
user calendars to new timezone. This also can solve the issue, but we
haven't tested with this and have no more information.

Anyways Exchange calendar migration for Evolution would be posted on the
list, once that is completed. Watch out!!!


[1] On Google Search. Some successful links

> Good grief! Who is running this circus, anyway?
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Plugin or other way to display TNEF encoded attachment

2007-04-24 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

IIRC Notzed wrote a EPlugin for tnef attachments. It is not part of SVN,
you can google for the plugin and build it manually.


On Tue, 2007-04-24 at 18:01 +0400, Ilya wrote:
> Hi.
> I often received messages composed in ms outlook with an 
> attached pictures in TNEF encoded format.
> Evolution doesn't display these pictures, but only an 
> empty thumbnail. Ctrl+l (i.e. View - Load Images) doesn't 
> help.
> Is there a way to display it?
> Thunderbird for instance has a plugin for it
> Ilya.
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Plugin or other way to display TNEFencoded attachment

2007-04-27 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

On Wed, 2007-04-25 at 01:52 -0400, Sankar P wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-04-25 at 08:17 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
> > Ilya,
> > 
> > IIRC Notzed wrote a EPlugin for tnef attachments. It is not part of SVN,
> > you can google for the plugin and build it manually.
> I'll see if I can get this into SVN. 

This is great.

> In the mean time you can get it to work by looking at the wiki page
>  Filed already as #271398
> Thanks to EPlugins, you dont have to compile Evolution from source to
> get it working.  
> In case if anyone come across any EPlugin that is not in SVN yet, feel
> free to mention it in

Awesome stuff. It will be great to have a page for *all* plugins and
some maintenance also. We should be welcoming more and more plugins with
these. Of course the plugins manual has to be updated rightly with more
and more tutorials. It will be of much advantage to do this.


> > -Srini.
> > 
> > On Tue, 2007-04-24 at 18:01 +0400, Ilya wrote:
> > > Hi.
> > > 
> > > I often received messages composed in ms outlook with an 
> > > attached pictures in TNEF encoded format.
> > > Evolution doesn't display these pictures, but only an 
> > > empty thumbnail. Ctrl+l (i.e. View - Load Images) doesn't 
> > > help.
> > > Is there a way to display it?
> > > Thunderbird for instance has a plugin for it
> > >
> > > 
> > > Ilya.
> > > ___
> > > Evolution-list mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > ___
> > Evolution-list mailing list
> >
> >

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Shortcut for dismissing calendar reminders?

2007-04-27 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Nice one to have. Please file an bug and assign it to me.


On Tue, 2007-04-24 at 18:15 +, Brett Johnson wrote:
> This has been bugging me ever since evo 2.6, but it's finally bugging me
> enough to ask on this list :o)
> Anyway, back in the 2.4 days, one could quickly dismiss/ack calendar
> reminders by middle-clicking on the flashing reminder icon in the
> systray in gnome.  That ability appears to be gone since 2.6, and the
> only way I can now find to dismiss a reminder is to click on the
> flashing icon, which brings up another dialog, then find and click the
> "Close" button in that dialog.
> I find that extra "move-the-mouse-and-click-twice" motion to be rather
> annoying, and was wondering if there was some other shortcut to
> dismissing reminders that I haven't found yet?
> Thanks,

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Query on MAPI packet structure.

2007-05-03 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Wed, 2007-05-02 at 12:22 -0400, Daniel Gryniewicz wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-05-02 at 09:42 -0600, Robin Laing wrote:
> > 
> > This site may be helpful.  They now have a "working" lib for mapi 
> > access.  From what I have heard is it works through Samba.
> > 
> > Hopefully it can be made to work with Evolution.
> > 
> They have a "working" plugin for evo, too.  But, it requires svn samba4,
> so I didn't try it.

This is awesome news to hear. 

> Daniel
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Sorting tasks

2007-06-04 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
You can define custom views where it can sort based on multiple entries.
View->Current View->Define View

On Fri, 2007-06-01 at 21:56 -0400, Patrick M. Kelecy wrote:
> In Outlook it's possible to do primary and secondary sorting of tasks in
> a task list.  For example, one can first sort according to, say,
> Priority by  clicking the Priority header, and then do a secondary sort
> on Tasks (or any other field of interest) by shift-clicking on the Task
> header. 
> Is it possible to do secondary sorting of tasks in Evo also? It's a very
> handy feature to have, particularly if there are lots of tasks in the
> list, so I hope so.
> Thanks.
> -Pat
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] can not close evolution while it is pinging the IMAP server

2007-06-06 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
You can click the Cancel toolbar button to cancel that.


On Wed, 2007-06-06 at 12:09 -0600, Nicolas Bock wrote:
> hello list,
> I am running evolution 2.8.3. I connect to an IMAP server at work to
> get my email. When I am at home I can not directly contact the IMAP
> server since it is behind a firewall. I need to connect with VPN
> first. Sometimes VPN drops the connection and I get thrown back out of
> the firewall. The IMAP server becomes inaccessible. Sometimes
> evolution is doing something when this happens and it gets stuck in
> "pinging IMAP server" mode. Reconnecting via VPN does not help. I
> can't even quit evolution at this point and have to force quit it in
> gnome. Is this a known issue? Can I somehow prevent evolution from
> "pinging the IMAP server"?
> Thanks, nick
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Junk mail

2007-06-11 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Mon, 2007-06-11 at 08:27 -0400, Patrick M. Kelecy wrote:
> On Sun, 2007-06-10 at 10:18 +0200, Jean-Claude Tergal wrote:
> > 2007/6/9, Patrick M. Kelecy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > Is there any way to automatically move junk mail to the Trash (or delete
> > > it) after, say, a certain time period, or when closing down Evolution?
> > >
> > 
> > Hi !
> > You can make a filter that moves mails identified as junk into the Trash.
> > Then, there is an option in the preferences panel, for emptying the
> > Trash when closing down Evo.
> > That is what I'm using and it is very convenient - as long as you can
> > surely trust your spam analyzer !
> > 
> > Hope this helps,
> > 
> > Nicolas.
> Thanks for the suggestion.  Yes, that would work.  I looked at options
> for creating rules (I assume this is how I do it) but didn't see one
> that specifically targeted junk mail.  How did you set this up?
> In general,it would be nice if future versions added some options in the
> mail preferences (junk tab) for doing stuff like this (delete on closing
> or delete after a certain time period, etc).

The development version (2.11.x) features this. You can set options to
empty junk, the same way you do for Trash.

> Thanks,
> Pat
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Shortcut key to toggle between Folder List & Message List ??

2007-06-24 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
2.11.4 features the magic-spacebar feature, which helps you to do this.
It has bugs atm, but I would fix them for 2.11.5 and there on.


On Sun, 2007-06-24 at 10:14 -0400, William Case wrote:
> Hi;
> Does anyone know how to set up a shortcut key that will allow me to keep
> my hand on the keyboard and move back and forth between the Folder List
> and the Message Header List while in vertical mode?  
> It is getting to be a bit of a PITA having to reach for the mouse every
> time I want to read mail messages in a different folder.
> Evolution 2.10.2, Fedora 7

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] [Fwd: Re: Evolution-Connector W/ Exchange 2007]

2007-06-29 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Fri, 2007-06-29 at 04:49 -0600, Veerapuram Varadhan wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, 2007-06-29 at 03:13 -0400, Paul Smith wrote:
> > I was able to build Evo from current SVN head on my Ubuntu 7.04 based on
> > the help provided by Reid and some different websites.  It works well;
> > it might possibly be a bit more stable.
> > 
> Cool and thanks for trying the SVN trunk.
> > However, I still see most of the same bugs I saw before:
> > 
> >   * Slow delete the first time Evo deletes a mail in an Exchange
> > session
> See
>  .  That fix is not yet part of SVN trunk and will be hitting it for 2.11.5 
> release.  That patch will fix this issue as well.
> >   * In one of my instances Exchange mail is new but isn't in the
> > summary
> Do you mean, the mail wasn't shown or just the read/unread flag was not
> in sync?
> >   * In another instance deleting the last mail doesn't automatically
> > select the second-to-last one (causing the summary to scroll
> > back to the beginning of the buffer).
> I think this one got fixed.. let me see, if I can get the patch to
> upstream.
> >   * Passwords for POP accounts aren't stored and have to be retyped
> > whenever Evo restarts (unlike Exchange passwords, which ARE
> > stored).
> > 
> Do you have keyring enabled?  If so, can you check whether it is stored
> in keyring or not?
> > I also see a few new issues:
> > 
> >   * I was using Bayesian spam filtering via the plugin (I have
> > spamassasin disabled) but that's not working anymore.
You need to select which spam plugin to use in preferences. By default,
when you install via a rpm, SpamAssasin would be set. You can choose
Bogofilter also from there.

> >   * When I use Send/Receive the dialog that pops up is too short to
> > hold my 4 accounts (2 POP, one Exchange, and sendmail) without
> > scrolling or resizing by hand, which is annoying (in 2.10 and
> > previous this wasn't a problem).
> > 
> Srini:^^ ?
> V. Varadhan

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] [Fwd: Re: Evolution-Connector W/ Exchange 2007]

2007-06-29 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Fri, 2007-06-29 at 04:49 -0600, Veerapuram Varadhan wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, 2007-06-29 at 03:13 -0400, Paul Smith wrote:
> > I was able to build Evo from current SVN head on my Ubuntu 7.04 based on
> > the help provided by Reid and some different websites.  It works well;
> > it might possibly be a bit more stable.
> > 
> Cool and thanks for trying the SVN trunk.
> > However, I still see most of the same bugs I saw before:
> > 
> >   * Slow delete the first time Evo deletes a mail in an Exchange
> > session
> See
>  .  That fix is not yet part of SVN trunk and will be hitting it for 2.11.5 
> release.  That patch will fix this issue as well.
> >   * In one of my instances Exchange mail is new but isn't in the
> > summary
> Do you mean, the mail wasn't shown or just the read/unread flag was not
> in sync?
> >   * In another instance deleting the last mail doesn't automatically
> > select the second-to-last one (causing the summary to scroll
> > back to the beginning of the buffer).
> I think this one got fixed.. let me see, if I can get the patch to
> upstream.
> >   * Passwords for POP accounts aren't stored and have to be retyped
> > whenever Evo restarts (unlike Exchange passwords, which ARE
> > stored).
> > 
> Do you have keyring enabled?  If so, can you check whether it is stored
> in keyring or not?
> > I also see a few new issues:
> > 
> >   * I was using Bayesian spam filtering via the plugin (I have
> > spamassasin disabled) but that's not working anymore.
> >   * When I use Send/Receive the dialog that pops up is too short to
> > hold my 4 accounts (2 POP, one Exchange, and sendmail) without
> > scrolling or resizing by hand, which is annoying (in 2.10 and
> > previous this wasn't a problem).
> > 
Matthew was looking at this IIRC.

> Srini:^^ ?
> V. Varadhan

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] GAL autocomplete hanging Evo (2.11.90)

2007-08-16 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Hi Paul,

It could be possible that GAL is being cached at the backend. Can you
try a few things? 

Check if you have enabled GAL for offline usage (if not enable it). If
so just delete your current cache ~/.evolution/cache/addressbook/gal*
and start evolution-exchange in a separate terminal and start evolution
-c contacts and select GAL and wait to get 'Search for Contact' which
would mean that GAL is cached. Then try your autocompletions and other

Let me know, how it goes.


On Thu, 2007-08-16 at 00:20 -0400, Paul Smith wrote:
> I've been seeing this for a while, since I upgraded to 2.11, and it's
> still happening with the latest SVN code as of yesterday.  I seem to
> recall having some issues with GAL lookup in 2.10 but they seemed more
> rare and random: what I'm seeing in 2.11 is much more prevalent.
> Sometimes (fairly often) when I'm composing an email and entering an
> address in the "To:" field that is being autocompleted via GAL lookup,
> Evo hangs completely (it won't even repaint if I switch to a different
> page and back again etc.) and my CPU goes very busy.  I've waited for
> quite a while and it never comes back: I have to force-quit it and
> usually I have to kill the evolution-exchange, etc. processes as well.
> It seems to not happen when I've just started Evo, but once it's been
> running for a bit it will happen most of the time.
> The problem seems to be this: I type the first 3 characters of the name
> and Evo gives me a drop-down showing matching names.  When I type the
> 4th character, Evo goes into this busy state.  I don't know if it's
> timing related but when it happens I'm typing fast (there's no real
> delay between the 3rd and 4th characters).

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Very serious problem with evo-exchange 2.11.5

2007-08-23 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

On Fri, 2007-08-24 at 01:47 -0400, Paul Smith wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-08-23 at 18:39 +0530, Veerapuram Varadhan wrote:
> > Also, do you notice any other performance issues or lock ups after
> > 2.11.5 ?
> I have to say I haven't seen my GAL lockup since I did an update to SVN
> HEAD a few days ago.  I'm not sure it's completely gone since it wasn't
> reproducible.  I'll keep trying it.

You won't face that GAL lockup/crash ldap_op_* anymore in svn. I fixed
it last week. The same applies to ldap address books also.

> One thing that happened on my work system this morning when I logged out
> and back in again was that beagled and Evo got into some kind of CPU
> war: beagled, evolution, and evolution-exchange (and maybe the data
> server, I don't remember now) were all sucking down as much CPU as they
> could get.  Top showed beagled with about 80% and the evo processes with
> 40-60% each (this is a dual core box).
> The system was still somewhat responsive, as was Evo (slower but still
> there), but this went on for a good 5+ minutes before I finally got
> bored and killed beagled, whereupon everything settled down.
> I don't know if this is because beagled on my Ubuntu 7.04 box is still
> using an older Gnome (I built and installed Evo and its libraries like
> libsoup, libgtkhtml, etc. in a separate area from the system versions),
> or what.  Just thought I'd raise it.
> What else?  Besides the disappearing mail I still have these problems:
>  A. On my work system, if I delete the last message in the inbox it
> won't auto-select the next-to-last message.  Instead no message
> is selected, then when new mail comes or anything else is done
> to the mailbox, it jumps back to select the first message.  This
> is pretty annoying as I keep having to scroll back down to the
> end.  I'm getting used to having to select the previous message
> by hand when I delete the last message, to avoid this.  I've
> tried all kinds of things, even deleting the account and
> recreating it, but I still get this.  Evo on my home system
> doesn't do this at all though!
>  B. On my home system, I still have the situation where after I
> visit my local Inbox or Junk folders, I can no longer see new
> mail in my Exchange inbox; I get notified that there is new mail
> in the folder view window, but when I click on the folder no new
> mail appears in the summary window.  I have to stop/restart Evo
> to see that new mail.  Then it all works fine again until I
> select the local Inbox or Junk mail folders.
> There are some minor things, like changing the paragraph style removes
> the focus from the text window in the mail composer, which means I have
> to click back on the spot where I want to type whenever I change the
> paragraph type, which is pretty annoying.
> Also, the new style for replies that adds a blank line at the top of the
> email is really annoying: I never use top posting so after I hit the
> reply button the first thing I have to do (if I remember) is hit the
> delete key to get rid of that extra newline.
> These are not so critical though.

Evolution-list mailing list

[Evolution] Evolution 2.12.0, Evolution-Data-Server 1.12.0, GtkHTML 3.16.0, Evolution Exchange 2.12.0 and Evolution-sharp-0.14.0 released

2007-09-18 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Hello Everyone,

The Evolution Team is pleased to announce the release of

   * Evolution 2.12.0
   * Evolution-Data-Server 1.12.0
   * GtkHTML 3.16.0
   * Evolution Exchange 2.12.0
   * Evolution-sharp 0.14.0

Evolution 2.12 has the following features and fixes

Spam improvements:
- Evolution can learn HAM now
- New Bogofilter spam plugin

UI Improvements

- Contact merging support
- Improved calendar search: New advanced search and better quick search options
- Improved printing support for Evolution mailer
- Magic space bar support: Read all the unread mails with just space bar key
- Message (auto)selection improvements
- More options offline support
- New command line option (--disable-preview) to avoid repeated crash on 
startup due to last selected mail/contact/task.
- Option for Outlook style signature on top
- Option for Outlook reply header
- Plugin configuration support: Plugins can be configured in the plugin 
configuration dialog only
- Spam mails don't initiate new mail notifications
- Spinner for progress indication
- Support for multimedia keys
- Support for showing contact photos in mail preview
- Thread sorting based on date of the latest message

Performance Improvements
- Addressbook optimizations from the DBus port branch
- EContact/VCard folding optimizations
- Exchange folder loading optimizations
- Exchange public folder loading optimizations

New Plugins:
- Bogofilter plugin: Detect/report spam/ham using Bogofilter.
- Attachment reminder plugin: Remind the user of any missing attachments in the 
- Face plugin: Adds support for sending and viewing FACE header 
- Mail notification plugin: libnotify/tray notifications for new mails
- Tnef attachment plugin (Experimental)
- Revamped Backup/Restore plugin: Backup Evolution data and settings and 
restore on the same or different machine.

Exchange Improvements
- Exchange delegation support (Mail/Calendar/Tasks)
- GAL caching and summary support 

Groupwise Improvements
- Message tracking improvements

Nearly 100 crashers fixed and in total almost 450 bugs fixed in this cycle. 
(NEWS files has the list 
of all the bugs fixed with the contributors name/email)

Migration Note: Now Evolution binary doesn't carry any version information 

You can find the tarballs here :

Thanks to all who contributed to the Evolution 2.12 release

Reporting Bugs

If you have problems with 2.12.0, please take the time to submit the bug
using Bug Buddy or at  Try to fill in as
much detail as you can regarding the circumstances that lead to the

Kindly check if your bug has been reported before by using the
search functionality of Bugzilla.

More information is available at the project website
and the project wiki :


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] [Evolution-hackers] Current issues with Evolution 2.12 / Exchange

2007-09-20 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Hey Paul,

On Thu, 2007-09-20 at 12:51 -0400, Paul Smith wrote:
> Hi all;
> This seemed useful to some people last time, so I'm doing it again
> now.  I've been using Evolution from SVN for a few months now tracking
> the latest changes and overall I've been REALLY happy: so many things
> are much better, especially with Exchange integration, than in 2.10 or
> any previous release.  Applause and cheers for everyone's hard work
> over the last 6 months!!
Thanks for using Evolution and this is a welcome feedback!!!
> However, there are still some issues.  I hope now is a good time to
> point them out so maybe we can concentrate on these for 2.12.1 or
> 2.12.2.  Others might have a different list of issues, but these are
> mine (links to bugzilla entries).  I've updated the bugzilla entries
> with the latest info I have.
> As I said, I'm building Evo and all components (libsoup, gtkhtml,
> e-d-s, evo, evo-exchange, evo-webcal) locally with debugging enabled
> and running them with full logging, each instance in its own
> directory.  I stand ready and willing to help anyone who wants to, to
> work on these issues!  I've tried to order them in order of precedence
> (how much I want them fixed), most pain to lesser pain.
> 478404: Composer stops completing addresses if you come back to the
> To: line
> This one just seemed to pop up within the last month or so but
> it's REALLY annoying.  Hopefully it's a simple fix, because it
> really impacts me a lot.

I have seen it too some times, I will look at it for 2.12.x. 

> 478439: Contact lookups for GAL never return
> I think this has been around for a while but I never bothered
> to report it until now.  I don't run into this that much but
> it's a pain when I need to look up someone.

I'll look into this too and will take it over on bugzilla.


Evolution-list mailing list

[Evolution] Exchange MAPI Connector

2007-10-22 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Hello everyone,

For Evolution 2.22 we should be having MAPI based Exchange connector
which developed in parallel with Openchange based libmapi. The team is
currently working on that and the code is currently maintianed at GNOME
SVN in EXCHANGE_MAPI_BRANCH (both for evolution and

I created the branch yesterday and we committed our week long effort
there. We now have a working account setup plugin, base camel/calendar
code and a partially working addressbook impl. Things should get to a
working shape in another week or two. I hope that soon, Johnny would be
able to create a OpenSUSE Build Service repository (rpms for OpenSUSE,
Fedora, Ubuntu and few more) for Evolution and its dependencies so that
users can install the rpms and get a feel of it even before the


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] [Evolution-hackers] Exchange MAPI Connector

2007-10-23 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 09:16 +0200, Frederic Crozat wrote:
> Le mardi 23 octobre 2007 à 12:07 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan a écrit :
> > Hello everyone,
> > 
> > For Evolution 2.22 we should be having MAPI based Exchange connector
> > which developed in parallel with Openchange based libmapi. The team is
> > currently working on that and the code is currently maintianed at GNOME
> > SVN in EXCHANGE_MAPI_BRANCH (both for evolution and
> > evolution-data-server)
> > 
> >
> >
> > 
> > I created the branch yesterday and we committed our week long effort
> > there. We now have a working account setup plugin, base camel/calendar
> > code and a partially working addressbook impl. Things should get to a
> > working shape in another week or two. I hope that soon, Johnny would be
> > able to create a OpenSUSE Build Service repository (rpms for OpenSUSE,
> > Fedora, Ubuntu and few more) for Evolution and its dependencies so that
> > users can install the rpms and get a feel of it even before the
> > release. 
> Please, remember to notify release-team and everybody else on
> desktop-devel about the new introduced external dependency for
> evolution-data-server and evolution.
Frederic, I dont think we can take it as a enforced dependency right
away as libmapi depends on Samba4 which is just in aplha1 now. It might
take a while before Samba4 releases and we take that and libmapi as
external dependencies. 

Im not sure if we can make/ask those alpha versions as external

Anyways thanks for the information and the trigger :)


> Thanks you.

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] [Evolution-hackers] Exchange MAPI Connector

2007-10-23 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 09:19 +0200, Jules Colding wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 12:07 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> > 
> > For Evolution 2.22 we should be having MAPI based Exchange connector
> > which developed in parallel with Openchange based libmapi. The team is
> > currently working on that and the code is currently maintianed at GNOME
> > SVN in EXCHANGE_MAPI_BRANCH (both for evolution and
> > evolution-data-server)
> > 
> >
> >
> > 
> > I created the branch yesterday and we committed our week long effort
> > there. We now have a working account setup plugin, base camel/calendar
> > code and a partially working addressbook impl. Things should get to a
> > working shape in another week or two. I hope that soon, Johnny would be
> > able to create a OpenSUSE Build Service repository (rpms for OpenSUSE,
> > Fedora, Ubuntu and few more) for Evolution and its dependencies so that
> > users can install the rpms and get a feel of it even before the
> > release. 
> Does this mean that evo + e-d-s will go GPLv3?

Jules, as I replied in a previous email thread, Im working with Novell
legal team to modify the license to either GPLV2 or later or
dual-license Evolution/EDS under GPLv2 and GPLv3. I dont have yet
received the final nod. But the mapi providers/plugins are developed
under GPLv3 which can be a issue now, but may not be after the license

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] [Evolution-hackers] Exchange MAPI Connector

2007-10-23 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 09:51 +0200, Frederic Crozat wrote:
> Le mardi 23 octobre 2007 à 12:58 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan a écrit :
> > On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 09:16 +0200, Frederic Crozat wrote:
> > > Le mardi 23 octobre 2007 à 12:07 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan a écrit :
> > > > Hello everyone,
> > > > 
> > > > For Evolution 2.22 we should be having MAPI based Exchange connector
> > > > which developed in parallel with Openchange based libmapi. The team is
> > > > currently working on that and the code is currently maintianed at GNOME
> > > > SVN in EXCHANGE_MAPI_BRANCH (both for evolution and
> > > > evolution-data-server)
> > > > 
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > I created the branch yesterday and we committed our week long effort
> > > > there. We now have a working account setup plugin, base camel/calendar
> > > > code and a partially working addressbook impl. Things should get to a
> > > > working shape in another week or two. I hope that soon, Johnny would be
> > > > able to create a OpenSUSE Build Service repository (rpms for OpenSUSE,
> > > > Fedora, Ubuntu and few more) for Evolution and its dependencies so that
> > > > users can install the rpms and get a feel of it even before the
> > > > release. 
> > > 
> > > Please, remember to notify release-team and everybody else on
> > > desktop-devel about the new introduced external dependency for
> > > evolution-data-server and evolution.
> > > 
> > Frederic, I dont think we can take it as a enforced dependency right
> > away as libmapi depends on Samba4 which is just in aplha1 now. It might
> > take a while before Samba4 releases and we take that and libmapi as
> > external dependencies. 
> > 
> > Im not sure if we can make/ask those alpha versions as external
> > dependencies.
> > 
> > Anyways thanks for the information and the trigger :)
> Well, even if it is a optional external dependencies, it should be
> announced, moreover because of the samba 4 implied dependency and the
> GPLv3 compatibility issue it brings.
> There is never too much information to announce ;)
Sure. I will do it.


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Exchange and GAL port

2007-10-25 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

Evolution GAL uses the openldap to fetch addresses. It should be using
the ldap port.
Try using ldap calls to your server to see if you can get the replies
from your GAL server.


On Thu, 2007-10-25 at 08:43 +1000, Ian Mortimer wrote:
> We're moving to Exchange (sigh).  Everything is working except the GAL
> always times out (after a long delay).  Some packet sniffing showed
> evolution was sending to port 3268 on the global catalog server but no
> replies ever came back.
> The reply from the Exchange admins was:
> > From what we understand evolution uses the webfrontend to do all it's
> > communication to all the traffic should be over port 80.
> I believe Evolution does do some of it's communication over webdav but
> judging by the packet sniffing results, it's trying to connect to the
> global catalog server on port 3268 not port 80.
> I did try appending :80 to the server address but that didn't work.
> Which port on the catalog server should Evolution be connecting to?
> Is there any way to change the port (apart from modifying the source)?
> Would changing the port help in any case?
> Thanks

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] [Evolution-hackers] GAL password broken in SVN Evo?

2007-11-06 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
I dont think any commits went there. One reason is that, if you
password/authentication is rejected, it reprompts.


On Tue, 2007-11-06 at 19:44 -0500, Paul Smith wrote:
> I just rebuilt my Evo from SVN a few days ago, and somehow the Global
> Address List login for evolution-exchange is broken.
> I can access my email, and I can access my personal Contacts list.
> Works fine.
> But, if I try to do ANYTHING that requires access to GAL, I get a
> password popup asking me to enter my GAL password.  I enter it (with the
> "remember this password" box checked) and the dialog disappears, then
> immediately reappears again.  This will happen forever until I Cancel
> the dialog, and of course I can't look up anything in the GAL.
> And, the next time I open a new email, etc. I get the password dialog
> again.
> Did something break or change in password handling for evo-exchange and
> GAL recently that might account for this?  I never had any problems
> accessing the GAL before (aside from the various crashes and things
> everyone was seeing back in 2.10 and 2.12.0, that have been fixed
> since).

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] [Evolution-hackers] Removing local junk folder?

2007-11-28 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
'evolution --disable-preview' could be handy in such situations.

On Tue, 2007-11-27 at 11:27 +0100, Jules Colding wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a rather annoying problem:
> So, how do I go about deleting this mail from outside evo?
> Thanks,
>   jules
> ___
> Evolution-hackers mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] MAPI exchange bits

2007-11-29 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 12:29 -0800, C.J. Adams-Collier wrote:
> Hey there Srini, list,
> I spoke with you the other day on IRC about the upcoming MAPI release.
> I'm jhbuild'ing evolution now and will check out and build from
> EXCHANGE_MAPI_BRANCH after everything builds correctly from trunk.

> What is the policy regarding committing patches to this branch?
We commit every few lines on our disk to the branch :)
> My mail admins moved my mailbox from an exchange 2003 server to 2007
> without telling me first.  This caused a few days of downtime and quite
> a bit of frustration.  I'd like to start using the "official" interface
> to the exchange server in order to minimize this type of problem in the
> future.
> How closely is the Evolution team working with the Exchange team? 
Part of the evolution team at Novell is doing this work. I don't
think/know of any agreement for MAPI/Evolution related in that. We are
using OpenChange based libmapi to connect to the Exchange Server and it
works pretty well.

I was looking for a pre-release this week but due to some issues and
holidays in India I think this might be pushed a week or two later. In
the whole I'm looking at a feature complete around GNOME 2.22 release.
Unfortunately I'm not sure, if I can commit to the GNOME release or not,
since this code has some licensing issues which I'm still working at
Novell to clear them off. Only after that I can commit the code to the
Evolution trunk. Till then I'm hoping is to have weekly/biweekly
opensuse buildservice packages for SUSE/Fedora/Debian (What ever OBS
supports) for testing and help us back. If any one wants to help us in
getting the OBS ready, your help is welcome.


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] MAPI exchange bits

2007-12-02 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

On Fri, 2007-11-30 at 11:41 -0800, C.J. Adams-Collier wrote:
> On Nov 29, 2007 8:07 PM, Srinivasa Ragavan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 08:37 -0800, C.J. Adams-Collier wrote:
> > On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 15:22 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
> > > Hey,
> > >
> > > On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 12:29 -0800, C.J. Adams-Collier
> wrote:
> > > > What is the policy regarding committing patches to this
> branch?
> > > We commit every few lines on our disk to the branch :)
> >
> > Does "we" include me? :) 
> It is all open-sourced. You are free to help us with
> patches :)
> Alrighty, but the real question is: would you prefer to review the
> patches first, or would you mind me committing sans review, since this
> is a branch and not the trunk? 

You need to gain the maintainers confidence to commit with out
review ;-)

Even for most of our patches, we do internal review. Lot of time, even
my patches I get them reviewed by someone to be more confident. The
review process shouldn't stop you really :)

> > > Only after that I can commit the code to the
> > > Evolution trunk.
> >
> > Is this keeping you from committing to the
> > It sounds like it's not.  How often are changes from trunk
> integrated
> > back to the MAPI branch? 
> >
> I really don't want to push any code that has licensing issues
> into the
> main tarball and developing in a branch and merging later
> would be fine,
> since it helps to keep the stability of the trunk. Changes
> from the 
> trunk aren't integrated to the branch. Later some point, I
> would merge
> the branch to trunk. It should be pretty simple IMO
> Okay, so long as the GNOME Foundation doesn't mind having code with
> "licensing issues" in their repository (be it in a branch or the
> trunk). 
> I'll look into integrating changes from the trunk back into
> EXCHANGE_MAPI_BRANCH as a first project.
> jhbuild completed the build of evolution (and dependencies) from trunk
> yesterday, and I began the process of gathering dependencies for the
> MAPI branch.  I don't think I have the ./configure args set up the way
> I want just yet, but I'm getting close... 
> Debian's libcupsys2-dev provides headers and libs on which
> evolution-data-servers depends.  However, libcupsys2-dev claims
> dependence on libkrb5-dev where I've been using heimdal-dev.  I sent a
> patch to them to change from libkrb5-dev to libkrb5-dev | heimdal-dev
> and built the patched .deb myself.  This allows me to use mostly
> stock .deb packages to meet build requirements and still provide
> kerberos5 libs & headers for my preferred implementation. 
> Evolution/
> EDS/
> These are the directories and just the and
> would be the real merge work.
> Okay.  I'll keep this in mind.
> I could have made this a conditional 
> compilation in trunk, but still I want to do the initial
> things in a
> branch and merge.
> This is a wise policy :)  Conditionals should be avoided.  They cause
> "edge cases" which are difficult to exercise thoroughly. 
> Speaking of testing, how do I run the regression suite?  make check?

Till now nothing automated AFAIK. We have our test team who do their

> > > Till then I'm hoping is to have weekly/biweekly
> > > opensuse buildservice packages for SUSE/Fedora/Debian
> (What ever OBS
> > > supports) for testing and help us back. If any one wants
> to help us in 
> > > getting the OBS ready, your help is welcome.
> >
> > Hmmm... What's OBS, and does it build RHEL3 packages,
> perchance?
> OBS - OpenSUSE Build Service. (RHEL3? I really donno. It sure
> builds for 
> fedora/OpenSUSE/debian). So it may...
> Alrighty.  The supported corporate dev desktops are all RHEL3, so I'm
> sure the devs here would appreciate an .rpm they can install with
> minimal effort. 
Im just not sure of the OBS support for RHEL3. 

> -Srini.
> Cheers,
> C.J.
> -- 
> moo.
Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] MAPI exchange bits

2007-12-02 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 08:37 -0800, C.J. Adams-Collier wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 15:22 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
> > Hey,
> > 
> > On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 12:29 -0800, C.J. Adams-Collier wrote:
> > > Hey there Srini, list,
> > > 
> > > I spoke with you the other day on IRC about the upcoming MAPI release.
> > > I'm jhbuild'ing evolution now and will check out and build from
> > > EXCHANGE_MAPI_BRANCH after everything builds correctly from trunk.
> > 
> > > 
> > > What is the policy regarding committing patches to this branch?
> > We commit every few lines on our disk to the branch :)
> Does "we" include me? :)

It is all open-sourced. You are free to help us with patches :)
> > > My mail admins moved my mailbox from an exchange 2003 server to 2007
> > > without telling me first.  This caused a few days of downtime and quite
> > > a bit of frustration.  I'd like to start using the "official" interface
> > > to the exchange server in order to minimize this type of problem in the
> > > future.
> > > 
> > > How closely is the Evolution team working with the Exchange team? 
> > Part of the evolution team at Novell is doing this work. I don't
> > think/know of any agreement for MAPI/Evolution related in that. We are
> > using OpenChange based libmapi to connect to the Exchange Server and it
> > works pretty well.
> > 
> > I was looking for a pre-release this week but due to some issues and
> > holidays in India I think this might be pushed a week or two later. In
> > the whole I'm looking at a feature complete around GNOME 2.22 release.
> > Unfortunately I'm not sure, if I can commit to the GNOME release or not,
> > since this code has some licensing issues which I'm still working at
> > Novell to clear them off.
> If I can help with that, let me know.  I'm biking distance from the
> Exchange team.
> > Only after that I can commit the code to the
> > Evolution trunk.
> Is this keeping you from committing to the EXCHANGE_MAPI_BRANCH branch?
> It sounds like it's not.  How often are changes from trunk integrated
> back to the MAPI branch?
I really don't want to push any code that has licensing issues into the
main tarball and developing in a branch and merging later would be fine,
since it helps to keep the stability of the trunk. Changes from the
trunk aren't integrated to the branch. Later some point, I would merge
the branch to trunk. It should be pretty simple IMO



These are the directories and just the and
would be the real merge work. I could have made this a conditional
compilation in trunk, but still I want to do the initial things in a
branch and merge.

> > Till then I'm hoping is to have weekly/biweekly
> > opensuse buildservice packages for SUSE/Fedora/Debian (What ever OBS
> > supports) for testing and help us back. If any one wants to help us in
> > getting the OBS ready, your help is welcome.
> Hmmm... What's OBS, and does it build RHEL3 packages, perchance?
OBS - OpenSUSE Build Service. (RHEL3? I really donno. It sure builds for
fedora/OpenSUSE/debian). So it may...


Evolution-list mailing list

[Evolution] Evolution progress for 2.22

2007-12-04 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Hello Everyone

I just released Evolution and friends for GNOME 2.21.3 and this has been
mostly a bug fixing release. Thanks a lot to Prasad and Suman for the
late-night sanity and tarball validation and also to our 'Patch-bot'
Milan and all the other contributors for your patches. 

Till now in 2.22 cycle, we have done
* Google Calendar suppport
* Support for external editors as composers
* New Tango icons look
* lots of bug fixes.

I'm hoping to get the following things for 2.22 cycle.

* Exchange Smartcard support (Mostly done and GAL is still pending)
* Non-Intrusive error reporting (Prototype patch is there, not started
* Matt's new-look composer

I have already announced that there is a lot of effort spent on
implementing MAPI based Exchange connector using OpenChange's libmapi.
I'm not sure, if that can make it to 2.22, since I still haven't got a
licensing clearance. Anyways, it can be available as a plugin for all
the 2.22 users by their packagers. 

We also had lots of discussion about Split/UAM on d-d-l. I'm thinking of
getting UAM at least done for 2.22. Just proposal are in place and
nothing started. I would update the progress as it happens.


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] [Evolution-hackers] Evolution progress for 2.22

2007-12-04 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

On Tue, 2007-12-04 at 01:30 -0500, Paul Smith wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-12-04 at 10:41 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
> > I just released Evolution and friends for GNOME 2.21.3 and this has
> > been mostly a bug fixing release. Thanks a lot to Prasad and Suman for
> > the late-night sanity and tarball validation and also to our
> > 'Patch-bot' Milan and all the other contributors for your patches.
> I want to say a big "thanks" to everyone as well, especially you Srini!
> Evolution has really stabilized in a big way over the last 6 months or
> so, and I certainly appreciate it: Evolution is the "killer app" that
> allows me to have never booted from my Windows partition at work since I
> shrunk it and installed Ubuntu over a year ago.
> Hip hip hooray!
Thanks Paul.
> I do hope folks are still going to look at bugs: I have some pretty
> significant ones that don't seem to be getting much love, that I'd
> really appreciate some traction on:

I see that this is already fixed in a different bug. I hope that we would fix 
the rest in 
some form (may be in MAPI) pretty soon.

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] [Evolution-hackers] Evolution progress for 2.22

2007-12-18 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Hello Guys,

With 2.21.4 out, this is the update/status-check on where we are wrt
2.22 release schedule.

On Tue, 2007-12-04 at 10:41 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:

> I'm hoping to get the following things for 2.22 cycle.
> * Exchange Smartcard support (Mostly done and GAL is still pending)
> * Non-Intrusive error reporting (Prototype patch is there, not started
> yet)
The framework as well the mail-thread integration is already committed.
It features a log viewer as well. Read my blog [1] for more detailed
description of the feature.

> * Matt's new-look composer
Matt has already posted his mail [2] about the status on the composer
branch (I haven't compiled that yet though). We should be looking at the
Phase 1 & 2 for 2.22, keeping Jan 28 as the target for UI Freeze.

New additions:

* Evolution crash detection also made it to 2.21.4. If Evolution crashes
and on next start, it gives a option to hide preview panes to over come
the issues of recurring-crash-on-mail-read. This can be disabled through
the dialog itself.

* Milan has picked Sankar's work on Message tagging (Custom labels) and
made it for 2.21.4. Some more patches for this are yet to hit the trunk.
But the base feature works though.

Apart from these, I don't think we would be adding any new features for
2.21.x and we would be focusing more on to bug fixing, stability and
performance issues only.

MAPI is something that is going on in parallel. It should be available
as a external rpm/plugin for 2.22/2.12 users.


[1] -
[2] - 

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] [Evolution-hackers] Evolution progress for 2.22

2008-01-01 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

On Tue, 2007-12-18 at 11:50 -0800, Des Dougan wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-12-18 at 15:01 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
> > Hello Guys,
> > 
> > With 2.21.4 out, this is the update/status-check on where we are wrt
> > 2.22 release schedule.
> > 
> Srini,
> Is any work being done on interfaces with other (than Exchange) calendar
> back-ends, such as eGroupWare? I'm currently having to use Evo for mail
> and KOrganizer to connect to my eGroupWare instance. I'd really, really
> like to see Evo being able to communicate effectively (i.e. read and
> write) with a calendar/tasks server. Is it likely to happen soon?
We did Google Calendar support as part of GSOC and it is there in 2.22
already. We don't have any plans for eGroupware in the current release.
Do add it to the planning page, so that it can be looked at the right
time in future. 


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] compile evolution for Mac OS X

2008-01-01 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

If you are looking at doing this, you can contact Sankar (Cced in this
He was involved in the porting 2.6 to Mac.


PS: You may not get a reply for rest of the week, due to the holidays.

On Sun, 2007-12-23 at 13:21 -0800, Jon Saints wrote:
> Hi,
> I am considering compiling evolution for Mac OS X.  I
> notice that there is a version for evolution 2.6 out
> there already, but I thought it would be nice to have
> the newer version.
> Does anyone know if this should be pretty straight
> forward? or would it involve lots of patching of the
> source code to get  it going?
> Thanks
> Jon
> Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page. 
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Exchange Server 2007

2008-01-01 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Exchange 2007 support is on the way. If you are building from source
build Evolution and EDS from EXCHANGE_MAPI_BRANCH from Gnome svn. You
may get a buggy but working connector. I feel that it should be mostly
done by March or so.


On Sun, 2007-12-23 at 20:08 -0600, Aravind Seshadri wrote:
> Hi all,
> My school recently switched to Exchange Server 2007 from 2003. When I
> start Evolution it crashes because of that [1]. I was able to start
> Evolution when I removed the Exchange account. 
> I was wondering if I can get Evolution to work with Exchange Server
> 2007. I am guessing this problem is very specific to my case but any
> help is very much appreciated.
> I have also attached a crash report which was generated when I try to
> add a new Exchange account. This happens when I click on authenticate
> button during the account addition process.
> [1]
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Evolution / Exchange 2007

2008-01-09 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

On Tue, 2008-01-08 at 20:52 +, Wood, Barbara (ITIO-ISSO) wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is it true that evolution version 2.14 will support Exchange 2007?  If
> so, does anyone know the release date?
We call it Evolution 2.22 and not 2.14 (Versions are synced with GNOME).
There is a  Exchange MAPI connector work in progress that can work
against Exchange 5.5/2000/2003/2007. The plugin would be usable against
2.22 but won't be part of 2.22 release though. Since it might arrive  a
bit late than the actual 2.22 release.


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Evolution / Exchange 2007

2008-01-09 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

On Wed, 2008-01-09 at 09:43 +0100, Thomas Novin wrote:
> Hello
> Was looking for some info / roadmap for this but couldn't find anything
> on (either on /Evo2.22 or /Evo_Future). Is there
> anything public avail?
Sources are at
> Will this be a MAPI based solution or will it use the web interface? I'm
> actually not so interested in 2007, more interested in better support
> for 2003.
It is based on OpenChange's libmapi and will work against 5.5, 2000,
2003 and 2007.

> Once the MAPI-based solution is done, will it also be possible to use
> the OWA-based solution? It's a big plus that you can do that today
> because for direct access I need to setup a VPN to reach my Exchange but
> I can reach the OWA interface from anywhere.
Hmm, I dont think this provider can work against OWA. You may have to
use the current provider for that.


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Evolution / Exchange 2007

2008-01-13 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

I don't have a concrete answers for it. It is too early to say anything.
My most probable guess is that both should be supported. But it isn't


On Fri, 2008-01-11 at 08:20 -0500, Paul Smith wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-01-09 at 21:39 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
> > > Once the MAPI-based solution is done, will it also be possible to use
> > > the OWA-based solution? It's a big plus that you can do that today
> > > because for direct access I need to setup a VPN to reach my Exchange but
> > > I can reach the OWA interface from anywhere.
> > Hmm, I dont think this provider can work against OWA. You may have to
> > use the current provider for that.
> I think Thomas was asking if the current Exchange OWA Connector plugin
> will be supported going forward, as well as the new MAPI connector.  He
> points out that both are useful in different contexts.
Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.12.2 Is A BIG Dissapointment

2008-01-14 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

MS Exchange 2007 support in currently under development. If you build
from source, you can try the code from EXCHANGE_MAPI_BRANCH of Evolution
and EDS. Otherwise, the schedule is supposed to end late march.

On Sun, 2008-01-13 at 22:21 -0500, Rick Bilonick wrote:
> I'm running Evolution 2.12.2 under Fedora 8 and I have to admit that it
> is a big disappointment. It doesn't connect to Exchange 2007 servers and
> spam filtering no longer works. I backed up my Evolution files and
> restored (that worked fine). Spam filtering used to work just fine.
> Evolution's only edge was that it could connect to Exchange servers so
> without that ability it has little appeal. No one seems to know when, if
> ever, it will be able to connect to Exchange 2007.
> Now I'm forced to use a Citrix server under Linux. It works but is no
> where near as convenient as using Evolution connecting to an Exchange
> 2003 server.
> Rick B.
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

[Evolution] Evolution 2.21.5 , Evolution-Data-Server 2.21.5 , GtkHTML3.17.5 and Evolution-Exchange 2.21.5 released

2008-01-15 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Hi All,

The Evolution Team is pleased to announce the release of Evolution

You can download the following :

Upgrade Notes :
Evolution 2.21.x is the unstable series of 2.22 development.
(Note: Evolution/EDS/Exchange versions are synced with the GNOME

RELNOTE: If you have created labels/tags using Evolution 2.21.4. You
need to delete them and recreate using 2.21.5. We have changes the way
labels are stored now. It should be final now.

What is New ?

New in 2.21.5:
Mail errors are now non-intrusive (Srinivasa Ragavan)
RTL fixes - Mail and Addressbook (Djihed Afifi)
Message Tagging (aka custom labels) Improvements (Milan Crha)

Bug fixes:
#211353: Allow categories to be assigned to emails (Milan Crha)
#219197: Quit application when session dies (Milan Crha)
#270605: Skip disabled accounts. (Suman Manjunath)
#300336: Added checkbox for "Enable Search Folders" option (Milan Crha)
#300336: Ensure vfolder is running. (Milan Crha)
#309432: Fix message headers for RTL languages. (Djihed Afifi)
#317823: Bump GtkHTML requirement to 3.17.5 (Matthew Barnes)
#317823: Save inline pictures embedded into HTML Mails (Milan Crha)
#327965: Fixed multiple password prompts in an exchange account (Sushma 
#329692: Get the content size of the MIME part (Jean-Christophe BEGUE)
#333695: Print attenddes/roles in the print view (Milan Crha)
#339813: Setting new option 'e_date_edit_set_twodigit_year_can_future' 
to FALSE (Milan Crha)
#348638: Remove pre-edit buffer cleanly in day view (Mayank Jain)
#350932: Enable the use of scrollable tabs in the mail-preferences 
dialog. (Gert Kulyk)
#362638: Overhaul the message passing API (Matthew Barnes)
#364642: New option in Composer tab to preset Request Read Receipt in 
composer (Milan Crha)
#375580: Use ISO-8859-1 encoding to store contacts in iPod (João Vale)
#448441: Disable "OK" and "Edit Full" buttons if no source is selected. 
Also set always book from combo, do not use the new created (Milan Crha)
#457842: Do not call edit/start editing of the event when double 
clicked on the same component as is actually editing (Milan Crha)
#474118: Check for the right type of store and invoke appropriate 
functions (Bharath Acharya)
#476264: Add mnemonic_widget for default junk plugin (Andre Klapper)
#488213: Fix locks when displaying e-mail with large tiff drawing 
attached (Milan Crha)
#492188: Use the new Tangoized icons instead of deprecated icons from 
gnome-icon-theme. (Michael Monreal)
#492702: Just disable the dbus message part of mail notification if 
dbus isn't there. Also remove new-mail-notify plugin (Srinivasa Ragavan)
#496301: Clean up the schema (Martin Meyer)
#496402: Do not synchronize blocked bodies from pidgin (Milan Crha)
#497914: backport changes from the copy/pasted code in imap-headers 
plugin (Gilles Dartiguelongue)
#498095: Fix mnemonic issues (David Turner)
#499145: Follow RFC 3798 to send return receipts. (Colin Leroy)
#502303: Plugins configure widgets are not freed correctly in 
plugin-mamager (Milan Crha)
#502783: Restore message states (read receipt/priority) when opening 
from a draft ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
#502914: Do not write NULL into gconf (Milan Crha)
#503954: Accept custom domain names while setting up account (Nyall 
#504480: Increases the height of the ETaskBar to eliminate the constant 
resizing (Milan Crha)
#504541: Add --with[out]-help option to make it possible to skip 
building and installing user documentation (Matthew Barnes)
#506772: Not-NULL check for a string array before finding its length 
(Christian Krause)
#506814: Add the signal only if the view is present (Srinivasa Ragavan)
#507067: Can't save pictures embedded in HTML Mail when picture = link 
(Milan Crha)
#507311: Submit bugs to the "BugBuddyBugs" Bugzilla component (Matthew 
#507363: Also check if toplevel widget has non-NULL window property 
(Milan Crha)
#508282: Mark the window title for translation. (Changwoo Ryu)
#508678: Included missing header glib/gi18n.h (Bharath Acharya)
#508731: Have a safe default, if the values from gconf isn't so nice. 
(Srinivasa Ragavan)

Updated Translations:
Amitakhya Ph

Re: [Evolution] Backup to remote host

2008-01-15 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

On Tue, 2008-01-15 at 07:29 -0800, Richard Doyle wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-01-15 at 09:05 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > On Mon, 2008-01-14 at 20:00 -0800, Richard Doyle wrote:
> > > The backup-restore plugin (Evolution 2.12.1 running under Ubuntu 7.10)
> > > works fine for local storage, but not for remote storage: "Backup
> > > Settings..." brings up a browse window titled "Select name of the
> > > Evolution backup file"; selecting a remote host starts a spinner that
> > > which never finishes spinning. The remote host is accessible through
> > > Nautilus.
> > > 
> > > Anybody know how to backup to a remote host using this plugin?
> > 
> > Probably the simplest way is just to backup locally and copy the backup
> > file.
> Yes, that would work. However, the release announcement for version
> 2.10.0 described a "Revamped Backup/Restore plugin: Backup Evolution
> data and settings and restore on the same or different machine", which
> is apparently untrue.
> I'll file a bug report.

Yeah. That is a bug. I probably didn't implement the download of remote
file. File one and CC me on the report please.


Evolution-list mailing list

[Evolution] Stacktrace Hackfest

2008-01-18 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Hello Everyone,

We are planning to have a hackfest on Tuesday, January 22, 2008 where we
plan to fix crashers all through the day across all timezones. 

The following url lists all the stacktrace bugs.

Akhil, is working on a page to get a good 50 bugs out of the existing
300 stacktrace bugs. See the wiki page . Feel free to add any important
crashers to it. Any suggestions to reproduce it, if isn't part of the
bug, would be much appreciated. If you have reported crashers before
that are happening frequently and aren't marked with 'stacktrace'
keyword, please do mark them with the keyword, so that it appears on our

Everyone is invited to hack along with us. Just ping me (srag) or any
other hackers on #evolution channel in GIMPNet. 

Thanks and Happy Hacking


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Competing with Microsoft

2008-01-21 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Hi Peter,
On Sun, 2008-01-20 at 18:16 -0600, Peter Van Lone wrote:
> On Jan 17, 2008 2:07 PM, Rob Cambra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > People sitting at desks in real companies want and demand collaboration 
> > tools such as Exchange, Lotus Domino, GroupWize, etc.  Evo better be the 
> > client side equivalent for open source and be rock solid in those 
> > environments or it goes nowhere.  What's the point if it's just for home 
> > users and enthusiasts?
> exactly right.
> EVO appears to be fine for individual users ... but in a
> corp/groupware environment, it's (poor) support of Exchange makes it a
> non-starter. I know that many posters to this list express the
> sentiment that they "resent the time EVO developers have to spend on
> Exchange support". Well, I guess it comes down to whether or not you
> want linux in general and EVO in particular to have a shot a real
> marketshare leadership ...
Exchange is something that we have much focus now. Specially the MAPI
branch that we are working on should solve most of the issues and also
support for Exchange 2007. But still it is premature to rely on. But
really that is our answer as our long term solution.

I understand that the current provider wasn't best written/maintained,
but a lot of that has to do with the reverse engineered approach and
unknown open protocol. 

Lets hope for the mapi provider to remove all of these issues. And also
it should be much faster than the current one.


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Spamfiltering with evolution - NO LONGER WORKS

2008-01-21 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

On Sun, 2008-01-13 at 23:15 -0500, Rick Bilonick wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-10-05 at 14:39 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > On Fri, 2007-10-05 at 09:43 -0400, Daniel Gryniewicz wrote:
> > > On Thu, 2007-10-04 at 23:42 +0200, Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
> > > > Hi.
> > > > 
> > > > I have several questions about how spamfiltering works with evolution.
> > > > 
> > > > 1) Can evolution use both bogofilter and spamassassin concurrently? Or
> > > > is it only possible to select between on of them.
> > > > I think if the later is the case one should use spamassissin as it's
> > > > more powerfull?
> > > 
> > > No, you can only use one or the other.  Neither is really "more
> > > powerful", since evo only uses the bayesian filtering from SA, which is
> > > what bogofilter does as well.
> > 
> > AFAIK when using Spamassassin Evo calls "spamc" to report spam/ham to a
> > background "spamd" daemon. There are no spamc options to tell SA to only
> > use Bayesian filtering.
> > 
> > OTOH I regularly used to have problems with multiple "spamd" daemons
> > being started, especially when Evo would crash or hang. These got on my
> > nerves so I switched to Bogofilter, which is indeed faster, and also
> > doesn't use a client-server structure like SA.
> > 
> > This worked fine until I recompiled my own copy of Evo 2.12. The
> > Junk/Not Junk buttons work as before, but Evo *never* calls Bogofilter
> > on its own, so effectively I now have no spam filtering at all (I also
> > made sure the BF plugin is installed in the right place, just in case).
> > I mentioned this on the list a while back but no-one followed up. Maybe
> > it will all sort itself out when I can use Fedora 8 and official
> > packages.
> > 
> > poc
> I'm using 2.12.2 in Fedora 8 and I can tell you spam filtering with
> bogofilter does not work at all. (It worked fine under Fedora 6).
> Evolution seems to lose advantages it used to have by the day. When they
> changed the Exchange server here from 2003 to 2007 about a week ago,
> Evolution no longer works - it can't access Exchange 20007 - no one on
> the list seems particularly alarmed by this. One would think that
> eventually, there will only be Exchange 2007 servers.

Yes, we have the usable binaries out for the users (Fedora and
OpenSUSE). We were thinking of getting them in early December. But due
to a lot of issues we had, we have slipped badly and would reach a
feature complete late march only. So try out the preview packages. 


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Spamfiltering with evolution - NO LONGER WORKS

2008-01-21 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Looks like some fedora specific issue. I see that Ubuntu works fine,
OpenSUSE too (I use OpenSUSE) and trunk is nice for me.

On Wed, 2008-01-16 at 21:24 -0500, Paul Smith wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-01-16 at 07:50 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > My settings haven't changed since spam filtering used to work, and
> > they match what you are suggesting. All that's changed is the Evo
> > version.
> > 
> > It *doesn't* work.
> It DOES work, for me, for both POP and IMAP accounts, in 2.21.5 and in
> the very latest SVN version.  And in 2.21.4 as well, and also previous
> versions.  Other people have also reported that it's working for them.
> Your blanket statement that "it doesn't work" is incorrect.  It doesn't
> work for YOU (and apparently some others).  But it does work (for at
> least some people).
> I don't doubt you, and I'm sure that it's frustrating, but since it does
> work for others that means that the bug won't be so easy to find, and
> will require your cooperation since you're able to reproduce it.  That
> effort on your part is the "hidden cost" of free software.  If you're
> not willing to help, please feel free to return the software to where
> you got it for a full refund.
> I've already asked for one bit of information which has not yet been
> provided: please examine the modification time on your
> ~/.bogofilter/wordlist.db file before and after you get mail that should
> be spam filtered.  Does the timestamp change?  Also, how large is your
> wordlist.db file?
> Also, please run this command (_exactly_ as I've typed it here!)
> /usr/bin/bogofilter -V
> and include the output.
> Another common reason for spam filtering not working is some other
> application checking your mail.  Evo filtering only happens on mail
> which has never been read before; any checking of the mail (including
> automated checks) can break this.  However, since you say it was all
> working before this doesn't seem likely unless some other change
> happened at the same time.

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Cannot login to Exchange 2007 using the Evolution MAPI Plugin

2008-01-21 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

I think he is using the preview release plugin. (Evolution MAPI plugin).

On Tue, 2008-01-22 at 00:33 -0500, Paul Smith wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-01-21 at 14:07 +, Antonio Packery wrote:
> > I receive the follwoing error when attempting to authenticate to my
> > corporate Exchange 2007 server,
> Current releases of Evolution do not support Exchange 2007.

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Cannot login to Exchange 2007 using the Evolution MAPI Plugin

2008-01-21 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

Is there a way, we can export the DEBUG infos better? I think that would
have helped to debug better here.

Antonio, I feel that Johnny would push another build tomorrow, with the
debug infos enabled. With that, it should be easier to debug.

I think, I can't say much with the one liner really and sorry for the


On Mon, 2008-01-21 at 14:07 +, Antonio Packery wrote:
> Hi,
> I receive the follwoing error when attempting to authenticate to my corporate
> Exchange 2007 server,
>  [exchange_mapi_plugin] : ProcessNetworkProfile: MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER
> (0x80070057)
> Please help.
> Regards
> Antonio
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Cannot login to Exchange 2007 using the Evolution MAPI Plugin

2008-01-22 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

there is a way to get more debug info (basically the mapi packet trace).
I think atm it is programatically triggered. We need to have that over a
env variable.

On Tue, 2008-01-22 at 09:58 +0200, antonio.packery wrote:
> Hi Jacob,
> I updated the relevant rpms this morning with the new builds on
> jjohny's repository.
> Here is some more debug information with the server and user
> infromation omitted,maybe it helps
> CalDAV Eplugin starting up ...
> Loading Exchange MAPI Plugin
> listener is constructed 
> Loading Spamassasin as the default junk plugin
> ** (evolution:21623): DEBUG: mailto URL command: evolution %s
> ** (evolution:21623): DEBUG: mailto URL program: evolution
> (evolution:21623): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1695: instance
> `0x808e1a0' has no handler with id `3053624800'
> (evolution:21623): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1718: instance
> `0x808e1a0' has no handler with id `3053624800'
> (evolution:21623): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1695: instance
> `0x808e1a0' has no handler with id `3053624800'
> (evolution:21623): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1718: instance
> `0x808e1a0' has no handler with id `3053624800'
> (evolution:21623): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1695: instance
> `0x808e1a0' has no handler with id `3053624800'
> (evolution:21623): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1718: instance
> `0x808e1a0' has no handler with id `3053624800'
> (evolution:21623): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1695: instance
> `0x808e1a0' has no handler with id `3053624800'
> (evolution:21623): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1718: instance
> `0x808e1a0' has no handler with id `3053624800'
> (evolution:21623): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1695: instance
> `0x808e1a0' has no handler with id `3053624800'
> (evolution:21623): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1718: instance
> `0x808e1a0' has no handler with id `3053624800'
> (evolution:21623): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1695: instance
> `0x808e1a0' has no handler with id `3053624800'
> (evolution:21623): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1718: instance
> `0x808e1a0' has no handler with id `3053624800'
> (evolution:21623): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1695: instance
> `0x808e1a0' has no handler with id `3053624800'
> (evolution:21623): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1718: instance
> `0x808e1a0' has no handler with id `3053624800'
> (evolution:21623): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1695: instance
> `0x808e1a0' has no handler with id `3053624800'
> (evolution:21623): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1718: instance
> `0x808e1a0' has no handler with id `3053624800'
> (evolution:21623): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1695: instance
> `0x808e1a0' has no handler with id `3053624800'
> (evolution:21623): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1718: instance
> `0x808e1a0' has no handler with id `3053624800'
> (evolution:21623): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1695: instance
> `0x808e1a0' has no handler with id `3053624800'
> (evolution:21623): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1718: instance
> `0x808e1a0' has no handler with id `3053624800'
> (evolution:21623): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1695: instance
> `0x808e1a0' has no handler with id `3053624800'
> (evolution:21623): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1718: instance
> `0x808e1a0' has no handler with id `3053624800'
> BBDB spinning up...
> camel-mapi-store.c(166):camel_mapi_store_get_type:Reached 
> get 
> Find Items 0
> Create profile with 
> profpath /home/antonio/.evolution/mapi-profiles.ldb
> [exchange_mapi_plugin] Profile creation
> The profile alderly exist !. Deleting it and will recreate
> Logging into the server
> Login succeeded: Yeh
> [exchange_mapi_plugin] : ProcessNetworkProfile:
> [exchange_mapi_plugin] ProcessNetworkProfile() :
> Get Default 0
> Find Items 0
> Delete Items 0
> __
> From: "Jacob Johnny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 8:44 AM
> To: "Srinivasa Ragavan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Evolution] Cannot login to Exchange 2007 using the
> Evolution MAPI Plugin 
> On Tue, 2008-01-22 at 11:24 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:

Re: [Evolution] Cannot login to Exchange 2007 using the Evolution MAPI Plugin

2008-01-23 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

Seems like my replies to your mails are bouncing and you for got to
attach the attachment of MAPI trace. (Your mx sees my SMTP as a SPAM :()

On Tue, 2008-01-22 at 06:01 +, Antonio Packery wrote:
> Paul Smith> writes:
> > 
> > On Mon, 2008-01-21 at 14:07 +, Antonio Packery wrote:
> > > I receive the follwoing error when attempting to authenticate to my
> > > corporate Exchange 2007 server,
> > 
> > Current releases of Evolution do not support Exchange 2007.
> > 
> Hi Paul,
> I refer you to the post,
> From: Jacob Johnny>
> Subject: Exchange 2007 - MAPI Provider preview
> Newsgroups: gmane.comp.gnome.evolution.general, 
> gmane.comp.gnome.evolution.devel
> Date: 2008-01-18 14:20:20 GMT (3 days, 15 hours and 26 minutes ago)
> I am running opensuse 10.3,evolution-2.12.0-5.4 plus the newly released mapi
> provider.
> Regards
> Antonio
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] [Evolution-hackers] Stacktrace Hackfest

2008-01-23 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Thanks a lot everyone for your every one on your efforts for the
Stacktrace hackfest.

Over all it was a very good one, we made 21 crasher fixes and some on
the way fixes and the table is at 

Some prominent fixes are:

- itip-formatter's pobject/puri rewrite. It is against one bug, but on
the stacktrace list it has many different forms and would fix all. Can
potentially fix close to 10 bugs in the list.

- Sankar's famous vfolder's crash at exit/account disable. Though it is
not killed completely, he made amazing progress and should be done for
2.21.90. It potentially can fix nearly 30+ bugs. Mostly they appear as
traces with camel_vee_message_info_free or camel_message_info_32 or
something similar to this.

- And many others my our friendly awesome Evolution hackers :)

Looking forward to have few more hacking sessions like this.


On Fri, 2008-01-18 at 16:24 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> We are planning to have a hackfest on Tuesday, January 22, 2008 where we
> plan to fix crashers all through the day across all timezones. 
> The following url lists all the stacktrace bugs.
> Akhil, is working on a page to get a good 50 bugs out of the existing
> 300 stacktrace bugs. See the wiki page
> . Feel free to add any important
> crashers to it. Any suggestions to reproduce it, if isn't part of the
> bug, would be much appreciated. If you have reported crashers before
> that are happening frequently and aren't marked with 'stacktrace'
> keyword, please do mark them with the keyword, so that it appears on our
> list.
> Everyone is invited to hack along with us. Just ping me (srag) or any
> other hackers on #evolution channel in GIMPNet. 
> Thanks and Happy Hacking
> -Srini.
> ___
> Evolution-hackers mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] New Mail Notification Applet

2008-01-28 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

Evolution 2.22 will have the option (notify for other folders also)that
you are looking for. And regarding the raise of the window, I remember I
received a patch but that still needed some work which didn't happen.

On Sun, 2008-01-27 at 20:31 -0800, Des Dougan wrote:
> I'm running 2.12 on SuSE 10.3, and like the new mail notification
> applet; however, it only notifies on inboxes, doesn't seem to be
> configurable via the Edit, Plugins menu, nor does it raise the Evo
> window when clicked on.
> Can it be configured to do any of these things?
> Thanks,
> Des

Evolution-list mailing list

[Evolution] Evolution 2.21.90 , Evolution-Data-Server 2.21.90 , GtkHTML3.17.90.1 and Evolution-Exchange 2.21.90 released

2008-01-29 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Hi All,

The Evolution Team is pleased to announce the release of Evolution

You can download the following :

Upgrade Notes :
Evolution 2.21.x is the unstable series of 2.22 development.
(Note: Evolution/EDS/Exchange versions are synced with the GNOME

RELNOTE: If you are using Exchange/Groupwise, we suspect there may be some 
regressions due 
to new libsoup integration. In case, you observe any regressions or memory 
built up or not able to connect to 
the server in some scenarios, report a bug as soon as possible with all the 
required information.
RELNOTE: If you have created labels/tags using Evolution 2.21.4. You
need to delete them and recreate using 2.21.5 or later. We have changes the way
labels are stored now. It should be final now.

What is New ?

Important Most Wanted Bug fixes:

Folder summary Mismatch during sync - (Sankar)
VFolders/trash crash on exit or account disable is fixed (Milan Crha)
Anchor support for Frame/IFrame in gtkhtml (Milan Crha)

New in 2.21.90:
Improved spam filtering and spam white list implementation and new 
preferences UI for configuring spam filtering (Srinivasa Ragavan)

Bug Fixes:
#324604: Ensure the print of the email is transformed from RFC822 or 
RFC2047 (Milan Crha)
#329712: Add a new state to maintian forced offline (Srinivasa Ragavan)
#333695: Print attendee name instead of email address if available 
(Milan Crha)
#337046: Have a ticking filename for attachment, if the mime doesn't 
carry it (Srinivasa Ragavan)
#339156: Translation issues (Andre Klapper)
#355864: Critical Crash warning while unchecking web calendar (Milan 
#371011: Insert a new paragraph for signature (Johnny Jacob)
#391408: Fix contact minicards for RTL languages (Djihed Afifi)
#395939: Memory leak fix (Milan Crha)
#402487: Memory leak fix (Milan Crha)
#405777: Fix a crash when previewing mails (Srinivasa Ragavan)
#426159: Allow users to snooze for 1+ hour 0 minutes (Suman Manjunath)
#467581: Don't cancel all threads for a vfolder based search 
(all/account search) (Johnny Jacob)
#475781: Fix memory leaks (Milan Crha)
#503327,503678: Return GByteArray instead of gchar* (Johnny Jacob)
#503551: Fix a crash when trying to delete unselected contact (Milan 
#504062: Fix message list sorting (Milan Crha)
#507564: Fix contact view for RTL languages. (Djihed Afifi)
#509124: Check result of build_message() for NULL before proceeding 
(Matthew Barnes)
#509509: Make the status bar height as large as the task bar to 
eliminate "bouncing" when navigating the main menu (Jean-Christophe)
#509697: Ensure search folders are running before calling anything from 
this (Milan Crha)
#509741: Fix a crash that occurs when prompted to accept a certificate 
(Matthew Barnes)
#509879: Drop code to clear memo preview every 60 seconds (Milan Crha)
#510409: Free memory before assigning NULL (Milan Crha)
#511094: Set proper foreground color based on focused/non-focused 
canvas (Milan Crha)
#511105: Free allocated memory properly (Milan Crha)
#511232: Fixed typo Uknown -> Unknown (Jan Tichavsky)
#511488: Ensure vfolder is running (Milan Crha)
#512020: Imposible to remove categories of weather (Milan Crha)

Other Contributors:
Windows build fixes (Tor Lillqvist)
Message list cairo drawing (Srinivasa Ragavan)
Added localized screenshots (Andre Klapper)
libsoup updates (Dan Winship)

Updated Translations:
Žygimantas Beručka (lt)
Jovan Naumovski (mk)
Jorge Gonzalez (es)
Andre Klapper (de)
Kjartan Maraas (nb)
Yair Hershkovitz (he)
Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio (eu)
Sandeep Shedmake (mr)
Shankar Prasad (kn)
Ignacio Casal Quinteiro (gl)

New in 2.21.90
Speed up spam filtering and spam whitelist implementation (Srinivasa 

Bug Fixes:
#213072: Avoids the infinite loop that might be caused in case of 
broken mbox files or null From addresses. (Sankar P)
#213072: Remove the error condition that inits and persists the 
infamous "folder summary mismatch" bug (Sankar P)
#300098: Set proper dependencies for stand-alone programs linking 
against camel. (Øystein Gisnås)
#324168: Crash while disabling/Deleting acco

Re: [Evolution] Mail notification plugin stopped working

2008-02-03 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
One thing is to see, if the Edit->Plugins- Mail Notification is enabled
or not.

On Sat, 2008-02-02 at 01:04 -0800, geo00 wrote:
> I have been using the mail notification plugin included in 2.12.1 for a while
> and I was satisfied with it. But suddenly it stopped working. I tried to
> erase ~/.evolution and the gconf entries but it did not help. The problem
> might be related to the fact that I had been doing some experiments with
> AllTray ( and mail-notification
> (

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Exchange 2007 options?

2008-02-12 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

On Tue, 2008-02-12 at 20:32 +0530, Suman Manjunath wrote:
> On Feb 12, 2008 8:01 PM, Rick Bilonick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, I opened evolution in a terminal and here are the results:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ evolution &
> [1] 3822
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ CalDAV Eplugin starting up ...
> evolution-shell-Message: Killing old version of
> evolution-data-server...
> ** (evolution:3822): DEBUG: mailto URL command: evolution
> --component=mail %s
> ** (evolution:3822): DEBUG: mailto URL program: evolution
> libnm_glib_nm_state_cb: dbus returned an error.
>  (org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown) The name
> org.freedesktop.NetworkManager was not provided by
> any .service files
> get rab45 imap://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
> Find Items 0
> (evolution:3822): e-utils-WARNING **: can't load plugin
> '
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'
> ** (evolution:3822): WARNING **: Exchange MAPI
> BBDB spinning up...
> (evolution:3822): e-data-server-DEBUG: Loading categories from
> "/home/chippy/.evolution/categories.xml"
> (evolution:3822): e-data-server-DEBUG: Loaded 29 categories
> Is the problem?
> Yes.. it is. You need to export these variables before running
> Evolution:
> export PATH=:$PATH
> export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/lib/pkgconfig:
> For example, assuming your samba4 installation directory is
> '/usr/local/samba', you'll need to:
> export PATH=/usr/local/samba:$PATH
> export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/samba/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
No not these.
Just 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/samba/lib'


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] evolution crashes with some mails

2008-02-13 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

Can you report a bug at if one is not there already?

Also, it will be nice, if you can share one such mail with us. Feel free
to mask out the sensitive portion of the mail.

CC me in the bug. Thanks


On Wed, 2008-02-13 at 14:50 +, Joao Miguel Ferreira wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've used evolution for about 7 years... never seen this before...
> Everytime I open certain emails sent by a friend of mine (Evolution user
> too), my Evolution simply crashes (gone!).
> We made a test and it seems that the crash only occurs when my friend
> sends signed e-mails.
> My setup:
> --
> Debian GNU/Linux lenny; fully updated
> kernel 2.6.22-3-686
> Evolution 2.12.3
> --
> cheers
> joao
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

[Evolution] Spam Improvements & Default spam filter

2008-02-28 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

We have done some pretty good improvements to SPAM filter in Evolution

(*) White list support
(*) Header based filtering (You can check for headers set by SpamPal or
SpamAssasin or any such server side spam headers hints). It will be a
lot faster, as you decide a spam without downloading the message.

Currently we are having SpamAssassin as the default junk filter and I
remember lots of people having issues with SA (interms of speed,
resources it occupies, memory, processes etc). IIRC some distros already
use bogofilter as the default junk filter.

I'm proposing to make Bogofilter as the default junk filter for
Evolution. Any thoughts to it?


Evolution-list mailing list

[Evolution] Spam Improvements & Default spam filter

2008-02-28 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

We have done some pretty good improvements to SPAM filter in Evolution

(*) White list support
(*) Header based filtering (You can check for headers set by SpamPal or
SpamAssasin or any such server side spam headers hints). It will be a
lot faster, as you decide a spam without downloading the message.

Currently we are having SpamAssassin as the default junk filter and I
remember lots of people having issues with SA (interms of speed,
resources it occupies, memory, processes etc). IIRC some distros already
use bogofilter as the default junk filter.

I'm proposing to make Bogofilter as the default junk filter for
Evolution. Any thoughts to it?


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Spam Improvements & Default spam filter

2008-02-28 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 23:48 -0500, Matthew Barnes wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-02-29 at 09:56 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
> > I'm proposing to make Bogofilter as the default junk filter for
> > Evolution. Any thoughts to it?
> +1  That's the default filter for Fedora 9.

I'm thinking of this as the default for OpenSUSE 11.0 also.


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Spam Improvements & Default spam filter

2008-03-02 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Thanks guys for your responses. Bogofilter is Evolution's default spam
filter for GNOME 2.22.

On Fri, 2008-02-29 at 11:37 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-02-29 at 09:56 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
> > Guys,
> > 
> > We have done some pretty good improvements to SPAM filter in Evolution
> > 2.24
> > 
> > (*) White list support
> > (*) Header based filtering (You can check for headers set by SpamPal or
> > SpamAssasin or any such server side spam headers hints). It will be a
> > lot faster, as you decide a spam without downloading the message.
> > 
> > Currently we are having SpamAssassin as the default junk filter and I
> > remember lots of people having issues with SA (interms of speed,
> > resources it occupies, memory, processes etc). IIRC some distros already
> > use bogofilter as the default junk filter.
> > 
> > I'm proposing to make Bogofilter as the default junk filter for
> > Evolution. Any thoughts to it?
> I say go for it. My impression is that SA is more suitable for
> server-side filtering, and given that many providers are already using
> it, it makes sense to have a different filter on the client side,
> especially as it's relatively lightweight and seems less buggy.
> poc
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] [Evolution-hackers] compiling Evolution from source: incorrectlypicks up system libs (Bugzilla #518728)

2008-03-02 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Sun, 2008-03-02 at 23:02 +0100, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> Hello,
> I compiled from source on Debian Etch and noticed that some of the
> recompiled libs (e.g. referenced old Evolution libs
> under /usr/lib. The underlying reason was an unfortunate ordering of
> link flags. Bug report and patch in:
> Can someone from the Evolution developers please review and commit?
> Thanks!

Thanks Patrick for the bug and the timely patch and Matt for your review
in time :). 


Evolution-list mailing list

[Evolution] Evolution/EDS/Exchange/GtkHTML branched for GNOME 2.22

2008-03-10 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Hello guys,

I have branched Evolution, Evolution-Data-Server, Evolution Exchange and
GtkHTML for stable releases. The new branch name is gnome-2-22.

Have a look at for more information on
Evolution for GNOME 2.24. 

Evolution 2.24 code named as "Baltra".

PS: I missed to add e-l and e-h in my original mail.

Evolution-list mailing list

[Evolution] Evolution 2.22 released

2008-03-10 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Hello Everyone,

The Evolution Team is pleased to announce the release of

   * Evolution 2.22.0
   * Evolution-Data-Server 2.22.0
   * GtkHTML 3.18.0
   * Evolution Exchange 2.22.0
   * Evolution-sharp 0.16.0

You can download the following :

Evolution/GNOME versions are synced in this release which is the reason
for the unusual version bumps. 

What is in 2.22 ?

Spam Improvements 
  * Bogofilter as default spam filter
  * White list support 
  * Junk detection based on server side spam headers (Faster as
messages won't be download)
  * Junk/NotJunk flags stored on the IMAP Server (Second instance of
Evolution detects spam automatically)

UI Improvements 
  * New look Tango icons 
  * Non intrusive error reporting and logging framework
  * Message tagging (Custom labels)

New Backends 
  * Google calendar support

Memory Improvements 
  * Major design change in memory handling in libical. EDS should
take/have very less memory. 
  * Loads of valgrind/memory leak fixes

GtkHTML Improvements 
  * Frame/IFrame Anchor support 
  * Saving embedded html image

General Improvements 
  * Improved mime parsing. (Evolution parses much more than
  * Crash detection (Helps to disable preview pane, if the previous
crash was due to last rendered email) 
  * Experimental External Editor plugin 
  * Plugin configuration support 
  * Clean up of new mail notification configuration to plugin
  * Password improvements (Now passwords are forgotten only for
invalid credentials and not for all errors)

Bug fixes 
  * Nearly 50 crash fixes 
  * Some very important bug fixes 
  * VFolder/trash/junk crashes 
  * Itip-viewer crashes 
  * Calendar/libical crashes 
  * Summary/Folder mismatch 
  * Exchange filtering crashes
  * Exchange connection lost fixes
  * GtkHTML rendering crash fixes

  and nearly 450 bug fixes

Thanks to all who contributed to the Evolution 2.22 release

Reporting Bugs

If you have problems with 2.22.0, please take the time to submit the bug
using Bug Buddy or at  Try to fill in as
much detail as you can regarding the circumstances that lead to the

Kindly check if your bug has been reported before by using the
search functionality of Bugzilla.

More information is available at the project website
and the project wiki :


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Summary mismatch

2008-04-27 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
If you are using Evolution 2.22.x or above, this is fixed. IIRC it is
fixed in 2.12.3 also.


On Sat, 2008-04-26 at 07:25 +0200, M Wedin wrote:
> I got this help from poc, thanks a lot!
> All the ".ev.summary" was removed in all the subdirectories. It helps
> running "evolution --force-shutdown" previous to the removing though,
> which I didn't to start with.
> Wed
> On Fri, 2008-04-25 at 20:17 -0700, Richard Doyle wrote:
> > On Fri, 2008-04-25 at 18:48 +0200, M Wedin wrote:
> > > This is beginning to bug me. It doesn't SEEM to be very harmful, but it
> > > is very annoying.
> > > 
> > > Error while Storing folder 'Inbox/someaccount'.
> > > Summary and folder mismatch, even after a sync
> > > 
> > > Can this be rectified?
> > Assuming this was the actual text of the error message, then exit
> > Evolution and do:
> > 
> > rm ~/.evolution/mail/local/Inbox.sbd/someaccount.*
> > 
> > This gets rid of the summary and index files associated with the
> > someaccount file. Evolution will rebuild them when it is restarted.
> > 
> > > 
> > > Wed
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Evolution-list mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] [Evolution-hackers] Loading of Icons in Evolution

2008-05-13 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Tue, 2008-05-13 at 18:16 +0530, svalbard colaco wrote:
> Hi all;
> Can any one tell me where are the various icons (i.e. .png files )
> located in the code?
> i could find some icons in the following path
What icons are n't appearing. Name a few, I can tell you where they

> $PREFIX/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/stock/net
> While some icon cannot be found...
> Is there any way/ location in which the icons are loaded in Evolution?
> Any links or pointers in this regard will be of great help.
> Thanks & Regards
> sv.
> ___
> Evolution-hackers mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

[Evolution] Evolution 2.23.5 , Evolution-Data-Server 2.23.5 , GtkHTML3.23.5 and Evolution-Exchange 2.23.5 released

2008-07-23 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Hi All,

The Evolution Team is pleased to announce the release of Evolution

You can download the following :

Upgrade Notes :
Evolution 2.23.x is the unstable series of 2.24 development.

What is New ?

CAUTION: We have merged Camel DB Summary based on sqlite with this
release. It has a migration code for 2.22.x, but for 2.23.4 users, it
wont be invoked, but the code is to auto migrate on demand which might
be a bit slow. It should be fairly stable, with a lot of known issues.
Search is partial atm. VFolders aren't fully functional and the
unread/total counts are messed up a bit and a lot more. Please add all
the bugs you see due to this to the tracker bug 

Non-default old camel providers may not work with 2.23.5 , like imap4 or
evolution-brutus etc.

New in 2.23.5
Camel DB Summary support. (Srinivasa Ragavan & Sankar P)
New EPlugin for message templates. (Bharath Acharya & Diego Escalante 
Google Contacts support (Jörgen Scheibengruber)

Bug Fixes:
#543753: Addressbook error string fixes (Andre Klapper)
#228725: Contacts view should not say "no items in this view" until the 
backend is done responding (Milan Crha)
#543134: Mail notification plugin should provide a right-click menu for 
preferences (Milan Crha)
#269152: Work-around for MS Outlook/Lookout that use X-MimeOLE (Milan 
#200147: Added basic Template support (Bharath Acharya)
#206592: Action to invoke New Message window from the composer itself 
(Milan Crha)
#207802: Do not allow drop messages to the same message list as is the 
source. (Milan Crha)
#243201: Escape rule title so that can contain also XML entities in the 
file (Milan Crha)
#310988: Don't even show the "send-options" action unless an Exchange 
or GroupWise account appears in the From combo box (Matthew Barnes)
#318089: Ask for destination source only when have more than one 
writable source defined (Milan Crha)
#329821: Show tooltips over task's table (Milan Crha)
#368038: Ensure only one Birthdays & Anniversaries source (Milan Crha)
#370731: (Novell Bugzilla) Use MAX to determine the minimal size for 
each cell. This prevents the numbers and day-names from getting fuzzy when 
using large font-sizes (Suman Manjunath)
#382783: Grab focus of new rule part on adding and scroll to the bottom 
too (Milan Crha)
#395636: Added accel key Ctrl+Shift+B for collapsing all threads and 
Ctrl+/ for marking all messages as read (Roshan Kumar Singh)
#423395: Put the anchor where the message body begins and let GtkHTML 
know the anchor name to place the cursor there in caret mode on the first focus 
(Milan Crha)
#440818: Convert line to UTF-8 if not a valid one. Pretend it to be an 
ISO-8859-1 line (Rodrigo Castro)
#477082,#438479: Fixed documentation (Andre Klapper)
#478469: Changed the progress dialog to be more HIG compliant (Milan 
    #519536: Handle freeing of data safely. (Srinivasa Ragavan)
#524130: Pass description text through 'camel_text_to_html' to have 
links clickable in a preview (Milan Crha)
#526262: Handle _title element in analogical way as title (Maciej 
#530069: Don't show the configuration tab unless the selected plugin 
actually has configuration options (Matthew Barnes)
#532472: Strip the account URL (via CAMEL_URL_HIDE_ALL) before 
comparing it to the already-stripped 'transport_url', to avoid unnecessary 
password prompts (Matthew Barnes)
#532597: Do not leave selected more than one item if somebody else took 
care or reposition of the cursor row before the delete (Milan Crha)
#534039: Track folders even when Search Folders disabled, to have them 
known when enabling Search Folders on demand (Milan Crha)
#536488: Remove '~/.evolution/.running' file before backup/after 
restore, thus Evolution will not claim next start it was closed incorrectly 
(Milan Crha)
#537275: Do not pass data to the child structure if we were canceled 
(Milan Crha)
#537725: Set the autosaved flag so we don't get pestered with a save 
dialog if the user then decides to close the composer window (Matthew Barnes)
#538741: Strip preceding tabs from Date headers too (Paul Bolle)
#538908: Desensitize the "send-options" action unless we've selected as 
Exchange or 

[Evolution] Evolution 2.24 released

2008-09-25 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Hello Everyone,

The Evolution Team is pleased to announce the release of

   * Evolution 2.24.0
   * Evolution-Data-Server 2.24.0
   * GtkHTML 3.24.0
   * Evolution Exchange 2.24.0
   * Evolution-sharp 0.18.0

You can download the following :

What is in 2.24?

Message Templates
WebDAV Contacts support
Google Contacts support
Custom header support while sending mails 
Single Model view for Calendar
Sqlite Based message summary (aka Camel On-disk Summary)
New Bonobo-less composer for Evolution 
Quota support to IMAP/POP accounts
Gtk+ Recent manager integration in Composer
Contact-list for Exchange

and 530 bugs and approximately 50 crashers fixed.

Thanks to all who contributed to the Evolution 2.24 release.

Known Issues

The new sqlite based message summary might have some
performance/mismatch count issues in 2.24.0. We are working hard to fix
all of them in 2.24.1. Please report such issues to bugzilla and add as
a dependency to

Reporting Bugs

If you have problems with 2.24.0, please take the time to submit the bug
using Bug Buddy or at  Try to fill in as
much detail as you can regarding the circumstances that lead to the

Kindly check if your bug has been reported before by using the
search functionality of Bugzilla.

More information is available at the project website
and the project wiki :


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.24 released

2008-09-27 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Sat, 2008-09-27 at 08:36 -0400, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-09-26 at 09:16 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
> > Hello Everyone,
> > 
> > The Evolution Team is pleased to announce the release of
> > 
> >* Evolution 2.24.0
> >* Evolution-Data-Server 2.24.0
> >* GtkHTML 3.24.0
> >* Evolution Exchange 2.24.0
> >* Evolution-sharp 0.18.0
> And boy is it not quite ready for prime time.
> The array of troubles I have had with it since upgrading to Ubuntu
> Intrepid yesterday which included Evolution 2.24.0
> The most important issue I'd say is that my search folders are broken.
> One of my IMAP accounts' mail was not showing up in my "unread" (which
> is basically just all of the unread mail from a number of my configured
> accounts) vFolder so I went to edit the vFolder (Search Folders->Unread
> mail->Properties.

It might be due to the new sqlite based on-disk-summary. There are still
issue pending, which we are working out. The new approach should be
resulting in fast vfolders and start up. Specially there is a bug, where
unread mails vfolders might not work well.

> I do see the IMAP account whose messages are not showing up in the
> vFolder but just for giggles I decided to try to add it again.  So I
> click Add, choose the IMAP account's Inbox folder but what gets added is
> "mbox:INBOX".  It seems whatever folders I try to add from this specific
> IMAP account, they are prefixed with "mbox:" not "imap:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/"
> like they should be.  If I add a folder from a different IMAP account,
> it works just fine.

Looks like a new bug, totally not related to the disk summary. Worth
reporting a bug and CC me there.


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.24 released

2008-09-30 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Tue, 2008-09-30 at 22:36 -0400, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> On Sun, 2008-09-28 at 11:15 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
> > 
> > It might be due to the new sqlite based on-disk-summary. There are still
> > issue pending, which we are working out. The new approach should be
> > resulting in fast vfolders and start up. Specially there is a bug, where
> > unread mails vfolders might not work well.
> Yes, I have noticed that if I try to read unread mail via a vFolder, the
> message is only in the vFolder for a second or two, gets it's Read flag
> set and disappears.  The current message is advanced to the next unread
> message until it disappears, and so on.
> What bug is tracking the "unread mails vfolders might not work well"
> issue you refer to above?

Oh, I meant that in the tracker bug #543389, there is a bug for this. is the actual bug. I
need to work on this sometime next week.

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.24 released

2008-10-06 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Mon, 2008-10-06 at 08:56 -0400, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-09-30 at 22:36 -0400, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> > 
> > What bug is tracking the "unread mails vfolders might not work well"
> > issue you refer to above?
> I'm wondering why this simple question has not been answered.  I'm not
> usually the type to be demanding or expecting from open source projects,
> but in this case, it seems that Evolution 2.24 has been called "final"
> FAR too early.  My guess is that there was pressure to get a release out
> the door timed with Gnome and the result of that pressure was releasing
> something that was plain and simply not ready yet. is the bug for it. I'm
looking forward to fix it next week.

> I've filed numerous bugs on basic functionality that simply doesn't work
> (i.e. GSSAPI, vFolders, mailbox mis-naming) and not a single one of them
> has even been triaged yet.  Is the number of bugs that you are
> frantically trying to fix for 2.24.1 so large that you cannot even
> triage basic functionality bugs such as I have posted?
Brian, see what happens is that its the time, just after the release
most of us take offs and vacations. Infact, we know some issues and we
are fixing also. Just check today's code drop on stable branch, you
would understand that we are really fixing issues for 2.24.1. It has
some basic arch changes, that made us break ABI and so much of changes
there. Infact, I'm looking for a release sometime next week, as
the changes are substantial to have a mid-point-release. Also our QA is
on a long vacation and back just last week and its holiday period in
India. I hope you understand.

> You folks do realize that this "final" 2.24.0 is going to ship with
> Ubuntu's Intrepid release right (unless they decide to pull it at the
> last minute -- which without a 2.24.1 I would certainly recommend they
> do)?  With such basic functionality problems I can't imagine the
> landslide of complaints and unhappiness that you are going to experience
> with this release.  There is no way I can see my way clear to letting a
> userbase loose on 2.24.0 at this point in time.

If Ubuntu decides to wait till 2.24.1, I'm none to stop it. AFAICS, I'm
in touch with Seb who packages Evo for Ubuntu and I'm working on some of
his top blockers. 

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] First impressions of 2.24.1

2008-11-11 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Hello guys,

On Tue, 2008-11-11 at 08:35 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> Last night I updated my Fedora 9 installation to Fedora 10, which brings
> with it Evo 2.24.1. A few initial comments:
> 1) The unread message count in the folder list is frequently wrong, in
> fact much more than it used to be in earlier version of Evo. In other
> words, the folder shows 3 unread messages when in fact there are none.
> This happens with several different folders. There doesn't seem to be an
> easy way to force Evo to fix the count. Perhaps this is a bug in the new
> SQL indexing code?

This should be new with the sqlite backend. Its due to the fact that old
version use to count every time and we try to adjust everytime. Im
fixing mostly, AFAIK, there is just one issue pending in IMAP and
vfolder counts are still screwed up :(. Im working for it.

> 2) When viewing a folder with "Unread Messages" selected in the Show:
> box (something I often do with mailing list folders), and there are no
> remaining unread messages in the folder, I get a line sitting in the
> message pane saying "No message satisfies your search criteria ...".
> Although this is technically correct, I find it annoying. I could live
> with it if were caused by an explicit search in the Search: box, but
> IMHO that's a notionally different scenario for the user even if the
> implementation is the same.
Unread-quick search and unread vfolders are still problematic. Im
working on this currently. I had a fix for unread vfolder, but that
doesn't seem to fix it for some people. So still working to find the
exact scenario.

I hope that I should resolve these before 2.24.2.


Evolution-list mailing list

[Evolution] Evolution 2.24.3 and beyond

2009-01-12 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Hello guys,

Today I released Evolution (and friends) 2.24.3. This is the last stable
release in the GNOME stable cycle. But given the issues that 2.24.x
series introduced, we would be releasing Evolution 2.24.4 and 2.24.5
and there will be full support till the release of Evolution 2.26.0
[March 16]. 

I haven't worked out the dates exactly, but plan to have one release
later in January and another in mid/late February. This would one of the
agenda in this week's team meeting. Thanks a lot for all your support.


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] IMAP IDLE extension

2009-01-27 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

There is a hacked patch on camel-lite [the one that tinymail uses] for
imap/idle extension. Its a matter of porting it to upstream version.

On Tue, 2009-01-27 at 18:50 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> The IMAP IDLE extension allows conforming servers (e.g. Cyrus,
> Gmail, ...) to notify clients of new mail, without the latter having to
> poll them. It's a Good Thing (tm).
> It seems that support for the IDLE extension was planned for Evo 2.24
> but didn't make it. It's now on the roadmap for 2.26. Does anyone know
> if it's really going to happen this time?
> poc
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] all i want...

2009-02-03 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Tue, 2009-02-03 at 09:24 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On 03/02/09 04:46, Pete Biggs wrote:
> > I think what I'm trying to say is that my feeling is that generally Evo
> > is not less stable now than it was before - there would be much, much
> > more grouching here if it were - but I get the impression that either
> > some "edge cases" are suffering or there are some particular oddities in
> > some isolated cases.
> This is probably right. I have a couple of edge cases myself, e.g. I 
> mentioned one here a week or two ago, concerning an apparent intermitent 
> bug in \Unseen handling, but no-one else on this list commented. It can 
> also have problems with "Storing Folder" (someone on the Fedora list 
> posted a similar complaint and now has a BZ entry for it: 570294).

The 'Storing Folder' issue should be gone in 2.24.4. We now have a
sqlite-vfs that does async disk write, as what Mozilla does.

Sqlite db grows odd and slow over a period of months due to table
recreation etc, so you can try the following script once in a while

It vacuums the db. I'm looking to do it programmatic, but it makes lot
of difference.


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] IMAP IDLE extension

2009-02-07 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

Lets take it over bugzilla. Lemme read the code and get back there.

On Tue, 2009-01-27 at 18:50 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> The IMAP IDLE extension allows conforming servers (e.g. Cyrus,
> Gmail, ...) to notify clients of new mail, without the latter having to
> poll them. It's a Good Thing (tm).
> It seems that support for the IDLE extension was planned for Evo 2.24
> but didn't make it. It's now on the roadmap for 2.26. Does anyone know
> if it's really going to happen this time?
> poc
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] all i want...

2009-02-07 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Its beter, if it is stopped. Or make sure that no other task [filtering,
downloading] is in progress while you are doing this. It might lock the

On Thu, 2009-02-05 at 15:02 -0500, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-02-04 at 09:56 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
> >  
> >
> > 
> > 
> > It vacuums the db. I'm looking to do it programmatic, but it makes lot
> > of difference.
> Does evolution have to be stopped to do this?
> b.
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

[Evolution] Evolution 2.26 released

2009-03-18 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Hello Everyone,

The Evolution Team is pleased to announce the release of

   * Evolution 2.26.0
   * Evolution-Data-Server 2.26.0
   * GtkHTML 3.26.0
   * Evolution Exchange 2.26.0
   * Evolution MAPI 0.26.0  

You can download the following :

Thanks to all who contributed to the Evolution 2.26 release.

What is new in 2.26

Exchange MAPI - connector to connect to Exchange 2007 servers
PST import plugin.
Support CalDAV for VTODO and VJOURNAL
Mail summary database made index-able for Tracker/Beagle
Dropped libical fork & merge with upstream libical 
Calendar performance fixes in view.

and nearly 400 bug fixes and 30 crasher fixes.

Reporting Bugs

If you have problems with 2.26.0, please take the time to submit the bug
using Bug Buddy or at  Try to fill in as
much detail as you can regarding the circumstances that lead to the

Kindly check if your bug has been reported before by using the
search functionality of Bugzilla.

More information is available at the project website
and the project wiki :


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.26 released

2009-03-18 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 16:42 +0800, Daniel.Li wrote:
> Excellent work!!!
> But I have a simple question here.As u know, I have lots of e-mails. And
> it takes a lot of time compiling the souce code, maybe there will be
> some configuration issues.
> So, is there any simple way to upgrade 2.24.3 (ubuntu 8.10) to 2.26.0?
> Maybe there is a repository that can be added to apt source-list and
> simply use "sudo apt-get update".

Sorry, you probably need to ask ubuntu packagers/mailing list.

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Feedback about webkit editor

2009-04-02 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Thanks Ruchir for the feedback. Its not even 0.1, but fast approaching.

I would say, composer work isn't yet started, and what we have in
composer is just a proof-of-concept, which deals only html mails for now
and bharath is working on a branch for gmail-like-inline-reply in
conversation.  We are mostly focusing on base frameworks & improving the
mail-reading experience. I would say, update once a week to checkout, we
are progressing at tremendous speed. 


On Thu, 2009-04-02 at 14:19 +0530, Ruchir Brahmbhatt wrote:
> Finally I figured out that libwebkit was not installed from that
> repo(I thought it might have done it automatically but it didn't). I
> installed those version packages and then could run anjal. It is nice
> client. HTML editor is better. Threads is also good. However it is
> very basic and missing some basic features like quoted reply, so I
> couldn't test more in production. However I'll give it a try again
> when it gets major upgrade.
> Thanks,
> Ruchir
> -Original Message-
> From: Ruchir Brahmbhatt 
> Reply-to:
> To: Bharath Acharya 
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Evolution] Feedback about webkit editor
> Date: Wed, 01 Apr 2009 22:54:30 +0530
> Sorry my mistake. EDS packages were still older, by upgrading them I
> could run anjal but it crashes with following error while opening
> certain mails.
> anjal: symbol lookup error: anjal: undefined symbol:
> webkit_web_frame_get_height
> Thanks,
> Ruchir
> -Original Message-
> From: Ruchir Brahmbhatt 
> Reply-to:
> To: Bharath Acharya 
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Evolution] Feedback about webkit editor
> Date: Wed, 01 Apr 2009 22:25:28 +0530
> I managed to install anjal by doing "zypper refresh" and "zypper
> install anjal" from command line. But I still get same error while
> starting anjal.
> Thanks,
> Ruchir
> -Original Message-
> From: Ruchir Brahmbhatt 
> Reply-to:
> To: Bharath Acharya 
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Evolution] Feedback about webkit editor
> Date: Wed, 01 Apr 2009 22:03:22 +0530
> I just enabled snapshots repo. But yast is not able to find anjal. I
> manually downloaded and tried to install it from that repo but got
> following error.
> error: Failed dependencies:
> is needed by anjal-0.1-12.1.i586
> Thanks,
> Ruchir
> -Original Message-
> From: Bharath Acharya 
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Evolution] Feedback about webkit editor
> Date: Wed, 01 Apr 2009 21:25:38 +0530
> On Wed, 2009-04-01 at 18:48 +0530, Ruchir Brahmbhatt wrote:
> > I tried to install anjal from opensuse repository but getting
> > following errors. 
> > 
> > 
> > ** (anjal:16648): WARNING **: couldn't communicate with gnome keyring
> > daemon via dbus: Failed to execute program gnome-keyring-daemon:
> > Success
> > *** nss-shared-helper: Shared database disabled (set NSS_USE_SHARED_DB
> > to enable).
> > anjal: symbol lookup error: anjal: undefined symbol:
> > camel_folder_summary_set_need_preview
> I assume you been using the snapshots repository. If yes, also install
> EDS, Evo, Webkit and Anjal rpms from the same repository. That should
> suffice.
> Snapshots repo:
> I'll write a wiki for building Anjal from source. As for the bugs,
> currently maybe use the wiki and then create a bugzilla entry asap.
> Regards,
> --Bharath
> > 
> > Is anyone else using this? I really want to test it.
> > I tried to run in gdb but didnt get any backtrace.
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Ruchir
> > 
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > Date: Wed, 01 Apr 2009 06:40:41 +0530
> > From: Johnny Jacob 
> > Subject: Re: [Evolution] Feedback about webkit editor
> > To:
> > Message-ID: <>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> > 
> > On Sat, 2009-03-21 at 07:23 +, Ruchir Brahmbhatt wrote:
> > > Hi All,
> > > 
> > > What everyone think about using webkit as html mail editor instead
> > of
> > > gtkhtml? I opened enhancement request at
> > >
> > 
> > There is some initial effort here : which
> > will be merged back to evolution later (hopefully).
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Johnny [ |]
> > 
> > -- next part --
> > A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
> > Name: not available
> > Type: application/pgp-signature
> > Size: 197 bytes
> > Desc: This is a digitally signed message part
> > URL:
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > ___

Re: [Evolution] (no subject)

2009-04-29 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Wed, 2009-04-29 at 12:34 -0400, Dinbandhu wrote:
> -Original Message-
> >From: Srinivasa Ragavan 
> >Sent: Apr 29, 2009 11:31 AM
> >To: Dinbandhu 
> >Subject: Re: [Evolution] (no subject)
> >
> >On Wed, 2009-04-29 at 10:05 -0400, Dinbandhu wrote:
> >> Patrick,
> >> 
> >> -Original Message-
> >> >From: Patrick O'Callaghan 
> >> >Sent: Apr 29, 2009 9:43 AM
> >> >To:
> >> >Subject: Re: [Evolution] "MigrateEvolutionToNewComputer" did not work
> >> >
> >> >On Wed, 2009-04-29 at 00:35 -0400, Dinbandhu wrote:
> >> >> So all the above I did, and Evolution is not opening on the new
> >> >> computer. I should also state that Evolution was never used or opened
> >> >> on the new computer prior to transferring over the above directories.
> >> >> What went wrong, and what do I need to do to get Evo to open???
> >> >
> >> >Run Evo from a command line and see what the messages say.
> >> 
> >> Here is the output:
> >> 
> >> swa...@ubuntu:~$ evolution
> >> 
> >> (evolution:27765): camel-WARNING **: camel_exception_get_id called with 
> >> NULL parameter.
> >> 
> >> GLib-ERROR **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.18.2/glib/gmem.c:136: failed to 
> >> allocate 31740376080 bytes
> >> aborting...
> >> Aborted
> >> swa...@ubuntu:~$ 
> >
> >Are you moving from a 32bit to 64bit or vice-versa?
> Yes, I am moving from 32bit to 64bit. My original computer was 32 bit, as was 
> the interim computer I transfered evolution successfully to last week. But my 
> new computer, where I am getting this problem with evo not opening, is 64bit.
This is a known problem, in the way old data was written by version
prior to Evolution 2.24. The only way you can migrate is remove or
move .summary and/or .ev-summary files from your .evolution/mail/. This
would let Evolution do auto-migration, instead of migrating from the
summary files. If you have IMAP or other remote accounts, it downloads
summary from the server. export FILTER_RECENT=1 if you have filters to
archive mails from remote, servers, as it might download old mails and
you don't want to re-archive them.

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Portable Evolution / Mail on Desktop and Notebook

2009-06-17 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Anjal is the way to go here. Its evolution-lite, I would call so.

There are some packages in hggdh's ppa in ubuntu which you can try, but
its may not be upto date.


On Tue, 2009-06-16 at 17:16 +0200, Michael Gasperl wrote:
> Is there a portable version of Evolution for Linux (eg. Ubuntu)? Or
> another way to use the same mailbox on desktop and notebook?
> Thank you for helping me in this question! Michael
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

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[Evolution] Evolution maintainership

2009-07-01 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Hello guys,

This mail is to announce some of the role changes in the Evolution project. I 
have been thinking about this for a long time, and I feel that this is the best 
time to implement them.

I am proud to announce Chenthill P (chen) as the new Evolution maintainer. He 
is a long time contributor to the Evolution project and has been working in the 
project for over 5 years.  He is well known in the community for his expertise 
in Calendar component and has been its maintainer for the last 4 years.  He has 
been one of the prime contributors for the Groupwise provider and Microsoft 
Exchange Calendar. A few of his notable contributions include libical 
integration with System timezone for better Daylight savings support, 
single-model-view design of Calendar MVC and removal of libical fork.   He has 
mentored interns and GSOC students on Calendar search improvements, Microsoft 
Exchange Delegation support, Google Calendar integration etc.  

I am also proud to announce that Matthew Barnes (mbarnes) is joining Chenthill 
and support him as the Evolution co-maintainer. He has been contributing 
towards Evolution for over 3 years and is the Mail maintainer for the last 2 
years. He has made significant contributions towards obsoleting several 
libraries, and helping to migrate to newer technologies. He has been working on 
Kill-Bonobo which is a major revamp of Evolution Shell. This involves rewriting 
Evolution components and UI which is a focus area for Evolution 3.0.

Going forward, I will be focusing on improving evolution infrastructure for 
netbooks and other devices; chen and mbarnes would be driving the Evolution 
project direction and releases.

Please join me in congratulating chen and mbarnes, and in wishing them good 
luck in their new roles.


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] new mail notify applet? Where?

2005-11-29 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
im not sure, where i downloaded it from. it is called em-panel-applet.

I have put down at the above location for u.


On Tue, 2005-11-29 at 19:35 +, Trey Ethridge wrote:
> I didn't see any responses to this.  I find it hard to believe that nobody is 
> using a mail notification icon that uses the dbus message.  Somebody help me 
> out here.
> -- Trey
> -- "Trey Ethridge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've done a lot of searching for a simple new mail notify applet that listens 
> for the dbus message sent by evolution when new mail messages arrive.  
> However, I can't find it.  
> I found a bounty for exactly this thing, which has been claimed.  The bounty 
> had two parts to it.  The first was to implement the applet and the second 
> was to implement the plugin for evolution.  The second part appears to be 
> done, but not the first.  Am I missing something?  
> I know about the applet called mail-notify, but I would rather use an applet 
> that listened for the dbus message instead of it checking my mail just like 
> evolution does.  Where can I find the applet that listens for the new mail 
> dbus message?
> By the way, is there a way to modify plugin settings within evolution?
> Thanks,
> Trey Ethridge
> ___
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> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list
> ___
> Try Juno Platinum for Free! Then, only $9.95/month!
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> ___
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Re: [Evolution] Visual cue for active search bar

2005-12-12 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Sat, 2005-12-10 at 23:05 +0100, guenther wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-12-10 at 17:28 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > On Sat, 2005-12-10 at 20:25 +0100, guenther wrote:
> > > > It occurs to me that a visual cue would be useful for when the search
> > > > bar is "active" (i.e. filtering the folder contents). Maybe coloring or
> > > > highlighting would do the trick. Anyone know if this is on the wishlist?
> > > 
> > > I believe the Search Bar for any active search is distinct from the non
> > > active (cleared) Search Bar.
> > 
> > Er, no it isn't. The only visual difference is that the search box has
> > something in it. Everything else is identical as far as I can see.
> > 
> > > I might be wrong, though. Patrick, can you
> > > come up with an example that proves me wrong? ;-)
> > 
> > Sure, just type something in the search bar :-)
> Doh! You're right... :)
> > > Anyway, I agree it's not obvious and could be way more clear. A good
> > > hint would be to disable the "Clear" button in the Search Bar, if there
> > > is nothing to clear -- which means, there is no active search. This one
> > > is filed already AFAIK, and really would be useful once finally
> > > implemented...
> > 
> > Disabling Clear would at least be consistent, however I'm not sure it
> > would be noticeable enough. The problem with Search being active is that
> > it's so easy to miss if you're not actually looking for it, and of
> > course if you are looking for it you don't need the cue. I'd suggest
> > both disabling Clear and highlighting the dropdown menu using the
> > default "selection" colour.
> Hmm, I doubt the HIG would approve this... Maybe there is some other way
> to visibly highlight an active search.
I have added color, when search is active. Im not sure about HIG here.
It never said any thing about coloring or probably im not reading the
right section. Just see how this is. Probably my color selection may be
my color selection is not great :-) See this for a idea. 

I remember there are a few bugs for this. Actually when advanced search
is active, it is not at all clear that a filter is applied. Since the
entry will be empty and the menu option will be set to "Advanced
Search..." it is difficult to understand from that.

> ...guenther

Description: PNG image
Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Visual cue for active search bar

2005-12-12 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Mon, 2005-12-12 at 12:57 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-12-12 at 22:01 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
> > On Sat, 2005-12-10 at 23:05 +0100, guenther wrote:
> > > On Sat, 2005-12-10 at 17:28 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > > > On Sat, 2005-12-10 at 20:25 +0100, guenther wrote:
> > > > > > It occurs to me that a visual cue would be useful for when the 
> > > > > > search
> > > > > > bar is "active" (i.e. filtering the folder contents). Maybe 
> > > > > > coloring or
> > > > > > highlighting would do the trick. Anyone know if this is on the 
> > > > > > wishlist?
> > > > > 
> > > > > I believe the Search Bar for any active search is distinct from the 
> > > > > non
> > > > > active (cleared) Search Bar.
> > > > 
> > > > Er, no it isn't. The only visual difference is that the search box has
> > > > something in it. Everything else is identical as far as I can see.
> > > > 
> > > > > I might be wrong, though. Patrick, can you
> > > > > come up with an example that proves me wrong? ;-)
> > > > 
> > > > Sure, just type something in the search bar :-)
> > > 
> > > Doh! You're right... :)
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > > Anyway, I agree it's not obvious and could be way more clear. A good
> > > > > hint would be to disable the "Clear" button in the Search Bar, if 
> > > > > there
> > > > > is nothing to clear -- which means, there is no active search. This 
> > > > > one
> > > > > is filed already AFAIK, and really would be useful once finally
> > > > > implemented...
> > > > 
> > > > Disabling Clear would at least be consistent, however I'm not sure it
> > > > would be noticeable enough. The problem with Search being active is that
> > > > it's so easy to miss if you're not actually looking for it, and of
> > > > course if you are looking for it you don't need the cue. I'd suggest
> > > > both disabling Clear and highlighting the dropdown menu using the
> > > > default "selection" colour.
> > > 
> > > Hmm, I doubt the HIG would approve this... Maybe there is some other way
> > > to visibly highlight an active search.
> > > 
> > I have added color, when search is active. Im not sure about HIG here.
> > It never said any thing about coloring or probably im not reading the
> > right section. Just see how this is. Probably my color selection may be
> > my color selection is not great :-) See this for a idea. 
> Pretty good except for the ghastly colour :-)
:-) If the idea sounds good, probably we can add this with a nice color.
> > I remember there are a few bugs for this. Actually when advanced search
> > is active, it is not at all clear that a filter is applied. Since the
> > entry will be empty and the menu option will be set to "Advanced
> > Search..." it is difficult to understand from that.
> I don't think I've ever used Advanced Search so I don't really
> understand the issue here.
Ok. In Advanced search, the entry is empty and one can't know is filter
active or not. 

Ill try to find a color fo this from other examples..
> poc

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: UI fixes and GNOME 2.14 timeline (was: Re: [Evolution] Error dialogs steal focus)

2005-12-12 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Sat, 2005-12-10 at 21:59 +0100, guenther wrote:
> Cross-post on purpose.
> > > If Evo pops up an error ("No route to host") while a different app has
> > > the focus, the error dialog steals the focus.  While this is a minor
> > > annoyance, the real problem is that after dismissing the error, the main
> > > Evo window remains focused.
> > > 
> > > This even affects other Evo windows like the composer - I got a popup in
> > > the middle of typing and after clocking OK I had to Alt-Tab to find this
> > > composer window again.
> > > 
> > > Is this a known bug?
> >
> > Yes it is. ALthough i really dont remember whats the bug id in
> > - should look it up more thoroughly.
> > 
> > We had plans to fix up a lot this (UI stuff) for 2.6 (on priority
> > basis).
> Just a reminder, time is running out. How are current plans and schedule
> regarding fixing UI issues on priority?
> 2006-01-02 00:00 UTC  String/UI Change Annoucement period
> 2006-01-30 00:00 UTC  Hard UI Freeze
> 2006-02-13 00:00 UTC  Hard String Freeze
> ...bugging master
hmm :-) Im taking on these things. Ive got Johnny working on UI with me.
We should be doing a lot of fixes. We probably, can fix as much as
issues as we can. Probably, in the wiki, we can list some of must fixes
and we can go based on that as well. 

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] UI breakage in 2.5.3

2005-12-14 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

we are working on this bug. Hope we will close on this asap :).

On Wed, 2005-12-14 at 22:15 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> I'm alarmed to note that in Evo 2.5.3 the accelerator for View->Message
> Preview has moved from Ctrl-M to Ctrl-Alt-V. This is bad news on KDE,
> where this combo brings up Klipper (a clipboard tool).
> Can we have it back on Ctrl-M please?
> I've reported this as
> poc
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Visual cue for active search bar

2005-12-15 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Mon, 2005-12-12 at 18:37 +, Calum Benson wrote:
> On 12 Dec 2005, at 17:15, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
> >>
> >> Pretty good except for the ghastly colour :-)
> > :-) If the idea sounds good, probably we can add this with a nice  
> > color.
> Just remember to pick it from the theme, so that high contrast users  
> etc. also benefit.
The fix is now in head. I have picked from the theme. 

> Cheeri,
> Calum.

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Evolution Keyboard Navigation Specification

2005-12-22 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

This is an awesome effort to collect down like this. We should review
this and do remove the clashes in the and fix the issue.


On Fri, 2005-12-23 at 11:56 +0800, Nancy Cai wrote:
> hi.
>   I have finished the evolution keyboard navigation specification.
> You can visit the page at:
> for
> details. 
> enjoy it.
> --Nancy
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Re: junk filtering

2006-01-09 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
On Mon, 2006-01-09 at 12:06 +0100, Erik Slagter wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-01-09 at 15:31 +0530, Parthasarathi Susarla wrote:
> > > The problem is when you want to use it to learn ham. Apparently it was
> > > not designed for that, it looks like it was designed to undo a previous
> > > "junk"-button-press, because only then something actually happens, being
> > > the bayes database being updated. If you push "not junk" on a random
> > > message, the message doesn't get learned as "ham".
> > 
> > So this is a big issue, currently on HEAD, we have either the "Junk" or
> > the "Not Junk" button, based on wether the messages has been marked junk
> > or not. We actually needs to discuss this further. Am CCing Srini for
> > his comments on this.
> Yeah, please. I'd say it would be a major enhancement to evolution to be
> able to learn ham as well. Also it looks to me it wouldn't be that hard
> to implement.
I would suggest this to go as a enhancement in bugzilla, if it is not
present already and we can do it. Once that is done, I can enable the
'Not Junk' button in the toolbar for learning. The later part is pretty
simple and was removed to save some real-estate in toolbar.
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list

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