Re: [Evolution] full text search unreliable

2009-03-18 Thread Patrick Ohly
On Tue, 2009-03-17 at 09:30 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
[searching for "sandbox" finds none of the 13 mails which contain the
word, even after rebuilding indices]
> > Just to be sure I ran "sqlite3 folders.db 'vacuum'"; didn't change
> > anything.
> In that case, a Bugzilla report is definitely in order.

I'm no longer sure whether it is just the full text search. The message
counts are also inconsistent: CTRL-A for "select all" in the affected
folder shows "2167 selected, 71 total".

I thought that this had been fixed in 2.24.5. Srini, can you give an
update on what the status is? Should I file further bug reports about

Bye, Patrick Ohly

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Funambol, syncing, etc.

2009-03-18 Thread Chris G
On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 12:56:27PM +1100, Nick Jenkins wrote:
> Hi Patrick,
> Thank you very much for the great explanations and information!
> > Writing up your experience for LWN would be useful to get the attention
> > of other developers and potential packagers.
> I sent LWN a rough draft to see if they were interested, but the
> response was "no":
> > The article, as written, is not really suitable for LWN.  We tend to
> > avoid how-to articles in general; we also write in a very different
> > style than is found here.
> > 
> > There could be a place for a look at this topic.  But there would be a
> > lot more interest in a local, free-software solution than in
> > somebody's web application.
> So I think you're in need of someone who is a) a better writer than me,
> and b) preferably someone who has set up a local server.
> However, in the course of doing the very rough draft, I found myself
> wondering whether SyncML could ultimately do for contacts + calendars +
> notes + tasks what IMAP does for email (make it live "in the cloud", and
> be remotely accessible & usable by a wide variety of clients). However
> to fulfil that potential, it seems to me it would ideally need two more
> things:
> a) syncing of multiple folders (e.g. I have 5 notes folders, 9 contacts
> folders, 24 tasks folders) - whereas currently the UIs in both the
> phone's sync client and in Genesis-Sync seem to imply
> single-folder-syncing only.
> b) Support for SyncML built into multiple PIM clients (e.g. Evolution,
> Kontact, Outlook, etc.), in the same way that IMAP comes "as standard".
> However, even just having it integrated into one client, such as
> Evolution, would be useful for people who seamlessly want the same data
> synced on both a laptop & desktop, or work machine & home machine.
I think one of the issues/problems with this is much the same as the
problems one sees with IMAP.  That protocol isn't tightly enough
defined so each client/server pair acts slightly differently.  I have
tried to use IMAP on and off over the years but I always find that the
implementations of different mixes of IMAP server and client are such
that, for me at least, it's not a viable solution.  It's *fine* if you
only ever use one client and one server but otherwise it's still not
quite there yet.

I believe that SyncMl is in the same sort of place.  You only have to
look at the differences you found (and I did too) synchronizing a
Nokia phone to Evolution via different servers - myFunambol,
ScheduleWorld and a funambol installation of one's own.  If you then
add in a requirement for different clients to work as well and you
have a very difficult to solve mattrix of requirements.

> Of course, my perspective is entirely from that of a end-user, I have no
> idea any whether of this is actually possible, and the amount I know
> about the technical details of SyncML and it's capacities and
> limitations would not even fill the back of a postage stamp :-)
> > I wonder why you didn't find first. It's the first hit for
> > "syncevolution". Probably you searched for "syncevolution Ubuntu".
> I'm pretty sure that "syncevolution Ubuntu" is exactly what I searched
> for, hence the wrong page :-) Updating the
> is probably a good idea, as it's
> not immediately obvious to the reader that it's out of date information.
> > Funambol only supports one address in the current release. A few days
> > ago they announced the features planned for 8.0 and support for a
> > second
> > address is listed. With ScheduleWorld you shouldn't have had that
> > problem.
> I tried ScheduleWorld and it seems better for the problems I
> encountered. I'd probably recommend this above the My.Funambol site at
> the current time for anyone else wanting to try syncing.
Yes, I believe ScheduleWorld is the best server at present but it's a
great pity that so much 'tuning' has to be done to get a satisfactory

Chris Green
Evolution-list mailing list

[Evolution] Evolution 2.26 released

2009-03-18 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan
Hello Everyone,

The Evolution Team is pleased to announce the release of

   * Evolution 2.26.0
   * Evolution-Data-Server 2.26.0
   * GtkHTML 3.26.0
   * Evolution Exchange 2.26.0
   * Evolution MAPI 0.26.0  

You can download the following :

Thanks to all who contributed to the Evolution 2.26 release.

What is new in 2.26

Exchange MAPI - connector to connect to Exchange 2007 servers
PST import plugin.
Support CalDAV for VTODO and VJOURNAL
Mail summary database made index-able for Tracker/Beagle
Dropped libical fork & merge with upstream libical 
Calendar performance fixes in view.

and nearly 400 bug fixes and 30 crasher fixes.

Reporting Bugs

If you have problems with 2.26.0, please take the time to submit the bug
using Bug Buddy or at  Try to fill in as
much detail as you can regarding the circumstances that lead to the

Kindly check if your bug has been reported before by using the
search functionality of Bugzilla.

More information is available at the project website
and the project wiki :


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.26 released

2009-03-18 Thread Daniel.Li
Excellent work!!!

But I have a simple question here.As u know, I have lots of e-mails. And
it takes a lot of time compiling the souce code, maybe there will be
some configuration issues.

So, is there any simple way to upgrade 2.24.3 (ubuntu 8.10) to 2.26.0?
Maybe there is a repository that can be added to apt source-list and
simply use "sudo apt-get update".

Any hint is mostly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 13:50 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> The Evolution Team is pleased to announce the release of
>* Evolution 2.26.0
>* Evolution-Data-Server 2.26.0
>* GtkHTML 3.26.0
>* Evolution Exchange 2.26.0
>* Evolution MAPI 0.26.0
> You can download the following :
> Thanks to all who contributed to the Evolution 2.26 release.
> What is new in 2.26
> ===
> Exchange MAPI - connector to connect to Exchange 2007 servers
> PST import plugin.
> Support CalDAV for VTODO and VJOURNAL
> Mail summary database made index-able for Tracker/Beagle
> Dropped libical fork & merge with upstream libical 
> Calendar performance fixes in view.
> and nearly 400 bug fixes and 30 crasher fixes.
> ==
> Reporting Bugs
> ==
> If you have problems with 2.26.0, please take the time to submit the bug
> using Bug Buddy or at  Try to fill in as
> much detail as you can regarding the circumstances that lead to the
> problem.
> Kindly check if your bug has been reported before by using the
> search functionality of Bugzilla.
> More information is available at the project website
> and the project wiki :
> -Srini.
> ___
> Evolution-list mailing list
Universal Scientific Industrial (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
Fax: +86-21-58967931Tel: +86-21-58966996  ext. 1400
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China 201203

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.26 released

2009-03-18 Thread Daniel.Li
Excellent work!!!

But I have a simple question here.As u know, I have lots of e-mails. And
it takes a lot of time compiling the souce code, maybe there will be
some configuration issues.

So, is there any simple way to upgrade 2.24.3 (ubuntu 8.10) to 2.26.0?
Maybe there is a repository that can be added to apt source-list and
simply use "sudo apt-get update".

Any hint is mostly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.26 released

2009-03-18 Thread Srinivasa Ragavan

On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 16:42 +0800, Daniel.Li wrote:
> Excellent work!!!
> But I have a simple question here.As u know, I have lots of e-mails. And
> it takes a lot of time compiling the souce code, maybe there will be
> some configuration issues.
> So, is there any simple way to upgrade 2.24.3 (ubuntu 8.10) to 2.26.0?
> Maybe there is a repository that can be added to apt source-list and
> simply use "sudo apt-get update".

Sorry, you probably need to ask ubuntu packagers/mailing list.

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.26 released

2009-03-18 Thread Daniel.Li
On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 14:20 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 16:42 +0800, Daniel.Li wrote:
> > Excellent work!!!
> > 
> > 
> > But I have a simple question here.As u know, I have lots of e-mails. And
> > it takes a lot of time compiling the souce code, maybe there will be
> > some configuration issues.
> > 
> > So, is there any simple way to upgrade 2.24.3 (ubuntu 8.10) to 2.26.0?
> > Maybe there is a repository that can be added to apt source-list and
> > simply use "sudo apt-get update".
> Sorry, you probably need to ask ubuntu packagers/mailing list.

Thanks. One more question, does 2.26.0 have fixed e-mail proxy issue?
As I have been informed that proxy issue will be fixed in 2.25.0.

Any ideas?
> -Srini.

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.26 released

2009-03-18 Thread Milan Crha
On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 16:57 +0800, Daniel.Li wrote:
> Thanks. One more question, does 2.26.0 have fixed e-mail proxy issue?
> As I have been informed that proxy issue will be fixed in 2.25.0.

there had been done some changes which are included in 2.26.0.
But whether it'll fix even your situation... :) It should, at least.

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.26 released

2009-03-18 Thread Brian J. Murrell
On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 13:50 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> The Evolution Team is pleased to announce the release of
>* Evolution 2.26.0
>* Evolution-Data-Server 2.26.0
>* GtkHTML 3.26.0
>* Evolution Exchange 2.26.0
>* Evolution MAPI 0.26.0


> What is new in 2.26
> ===
> Exchange MAPI - connector to connect to Exchange 2007 servers
> PST import plugin.
> Support CalDAV for VTODO and VJOURNAL
> Mail summary database made index-able for Tracker/Beagle
> Dropped libical fork & merge with upstream libical 
> Calendar performance fixes in view.
> and nearly 400 bug fixes and 30 crasher fixes.

But Vfolders are still not fixed.  Another major release and a major
feature remains broken.

When will Vfolders be fixed (i.e. no ugly "Unread Folder" checkbox hack
and Vfolders of Vfolders, just for starters)?  Or are we just going to
give up on fixing Vfolders and live with the regressions forever?

> ==
> Reporting Bugs
> ==
> If you have problems with 2.26.0, please take the time to submit the bug
> using Bug Buddy or at 

I have started already.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.26 released

2009-03-18 Thread Art Alexion
I highly doubt it will make it into 8.10, but perhaps 9.04. 

If it doesn't, I may set up a PPA myself, assuming I can get support getting it 

Art Alexion
MIS/Central Office Support
Resources for Human Development

- Original Message -
Cc: gnome-announce-list ; evolution-list 
; evolution-hackers 
Sent: Wed Mar 18 04:50:27 2009
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.26 released

On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 16:42 +0800, Daniel.Li wrote:
> Excellent work!!!
> But I have a simple question here.As u know, I have lots of e-mails. And
> it takes a lot of time compiling the souce code, maybe there will be
> some configuration issues.
> So, is there any simple way to upgrade 2.24.3 (ubuntu 8.10) to 2.26.0?
> Maybe there is a repository that can be added to apt source-list and
> simply use "sudo apt-get update".

Sorry, you probably need to ask ubuntu packagers/mailing list.

Evolution-list mailing list
Evolution-list mailing list

[Evolution] Evolution/Gnome icons

2009-03-18 Thread Ruchir Brahmbhatt

I'm running Evolutoin on KDE 4.2.1 in OpenSUSE 11.1. Today I tried to
change evolution button icons by changing gnome appearance settings
through gnome-appearance-properties. I changed icons to oxygen and I was
surprised with output. Evolution was looking too good. But after reboot,
it reverted back to original. Does anyone know how to make this
theme/icon settings permanent in Evolution?

Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Evolution/Gnome icons

2009-03-18 Thread Matthew Barnes
On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 18:44 +0530, Ruchir Brahmbhatt wrote:
> I'm running Evolutoin on KDE 4.2.1 in OpenSUSE 11.1. Today I tried to
> change evolution button icons by changing gnome appearance settings
> through gnome-appearance-properties. I changed icons to oxygen and I
> was surprised with output. Evolution was looking too good. But after
> reboot, it reverted back to original. Does anyone know how to make
> this theme/icon settings permanent in Evolution?

Make sure gnome-settings-daemon is started when you log into KDE.

The way it works is Evolution requests icons by some generic name and
GTK+ supplies an icon for that generic name from what it thinks is the
current icon theme.

Appearance Preferences writes your icon theme and other settings to
GConf.  The problem is GTK+ is a low-level library and doesn't know
about GConf.  So gnome-settings-daemon serves as an intermediary,
listening to GConf and forwarding desktop-wide settings to GTK+ so that
GTK-based applications automatically honor those settings.

It sounds like what may be happening is after login, GTK+ is using its
own default icon theme because gnome-settings-daemon hasn't told GTK+
what icon theme you prefer.  My guess is running Appearance Preferences
probably spawns gnome-settings-daemon, which then supplies GTK+ with the
correct icon theme.  And then Evolution suddenly becomes pretty.

Hope that makes sense.

Matthew Barnes

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Evolution/Gnome icons

2009-03-18 Thread Ruchir Brahmbhatt
Hi Matthew,

Thank you very much for your valuable hint. It did the trick for me.


-Original Message-
From: Matthew Barnes 
Cc: Evolution Mailing List 
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Evolution/Gnome icons
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 09:59:57 -0400

On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 18:44 +0530, Ruchir Brahmbhatt wrote:
> I'm running Evolutoin on KDE 4.2.1 in OpenSUSE 11.1. Today I tried to
> change evolution button icons by changing gnome appearance settings
> through gnome-appearance-properties. I changed icons to oxygen and I
> was surprised with output. Evolution was looking too good. But after
> reboot, it reverted back to original. Does anyone know how to make
> this theme/icon settings permanent in Evolution?

Make sure gnome-settings-daemon is started when you log into KDE.

The way it works is Evolution requests icons by some generic name and
GTK+ supplies an icon for that generic name from what it thinks is the
current icon theme.

Appearance Preferences writes your icon theme and other settings to
GConf.  The problem is GTK+ is a low-level library and doesn't know
about GConf.  So gnome-settings-daemon serves as an intermediary,
listening to GConf and forwarding desktop-wide settings to GTK+ so that
GTK-based applications automatically honor those settings.

It sounds like what may be happening is after login, GTK+ is using its
own default icon theme because gnome-settings-daemon hasn't told GTK+
what icon theme you prefer.  My guess is running Appearance Preferences
probably spawns gnome-settings-daemon, which then supplies GTK+ with the
correct icon theme.  And then Evolution suddenly becomes pretty.

Hope that makes sense.

Matthew Barnes
Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.26 released

2009-03-18 Thread Paul Smith
On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 06:28 -0400, Art Alexion wrote:
> I highly doubt it will make it into 8.10, but perhaps 9.04. 
> If it doesn't, I may set up a PPA myself, assuming I can get support
> getting it compiled.

Ubuntu never backports major releases like this to earlier versions.
Heck, often they don't even update to newer service packs in the same

With a six month release cycle they are focused on getting "the good
stuff" into the _next_ release.  That's both good and bad, but that's
the way it is.

However, it will definitely be in 9.04.  Those of us who remember back
to the very first days of Ubuntu will recall that one of its initial
"claims to fame" was that it was scheduled to release just a few weeks
after each Gnome release, and it would be one of the first major
releases to include each new version of Gnome.  Although that's not such
a big selling point anymore with Ubuntu, it's still true.

I may find a few minutes early next month to retool my Makefile for
Evolution and add in support for MAPI (I _really_ need this), but right
now I'm getting only a few hours of sleep most nights as it is due to
"real work"--no time to spare.

In fact, I should get back to it now :-).
Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.26 released

2009-03-18 Thread Matthew Barnes
On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 10:41 -0400, Paul Smith wrote:
> I may find a few minutes early next month to retool my Makefile for
> Evolution and add in support for MAPI (I _really_ need this), but right
> now I'm getting only a few hours of sleep most nights as it is due to
> "real work"--no time to spare.

That would be greatly appreciated if you could find time.

We still reference that Makefile from the website:

Matthew Barnes

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Evolution-list mailing list