Re: Commit f5d9b7f0f9 (fix r600_enable_sclk_control()) causes kexec issues

2013-07-29 Thread Joshua C.
2013/7/29 Alex Deucher :
> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Markus Trippelsdorf
>  wrote:
>> On 2013.07.29 at 09:58 -0400, Alex Deucher wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 3:51 AM, Markus Trippelsdorf
>>>  wrote:
>>> > On my test machine Xorg doesn't start anymore when I kexec into a
>>> > 3.11.0-rc3 kernel.
>>> With kexec, dpm doesn't get torn down properly which can result in a
>>> bad hardware state when the driver loads again.  Does the attached
>>> patch help?  It attempts to disable dpm at startup in case it wasn't
>>> torn down properly previously.
>> dpm initialization now works, but unfortunately GPU acceleration still gets
>> disabled:
> Stupid kexec complicates things.  We need to make sure dpm is torn
> down before we init the rest of the GPU, but dpm needs get initialized
> later in the init process since it depends on certain other state from
> the driver.  I need to think about this for a bit.  I'm not sure of a
> good way to handle this.
> Alex
>> [drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 20060810 
>>   [135/1104]
>> [drm] radeon kernel modesetting enabled.
>> [drm] initializing kernel modesetting (RS780 0x1002:0x9614 0x1043:0x834D).
>> [drm] register mmio base: 0xFBEE
>> [drm] register mmio size: 65536
>> ATOM BIOS: 113
>> radeon :01:05.0: VRAM: 128M 0xC000 - 0xC7FF 
>> (128M used)
>> radeon :01:05.0: GTT: 512M 0xA000 - 0xBFFF
>> [drm] Detected VRAM RAM=128M, BAR=128M
>> [drm] RAM width 32bits DDR
>> [TTM] Zone  kernel: Available graphics memory: 4082356 kiB
>> [TTM] Zone   dma32: Available graphics memory: 2097152 kiB
>> [TTM] Initializing pool allocator
>> [TTM] Initializing DMA pool allocator
>> [drm] radeon: 128M of VRAM memory ready
>> [drm] radeon: 512M of GTT memory ready.
>> [drm] GART: num cpu pages 131072, num gpu pages 131072
>> [drm] Loading RS780 Microcode
>> [drm] PCIE GART of 512M enabled (table at 0xC004).
>> radeon :01:05.0: WB enabled
>> radeon :01:05.0: fence driver on ring 0 use gpu addr 0xac00 
>> and cpu addr 0x880215c30c00
>> radeon :01:05.0: fence driver on ring 3 use gpu addr 0xac0c 
>> and cpu addr 0x880215c30c0c
>> [drm] Supports vblank timestamp caching Rev 1 (10.10.2010).
>> [drm] Driver supports precise vblank timestamp query.
>> [drm] radeon: irq initialized.
>> radeon :01:05.0: setting latency timer to 64
>> [drm] ring test on 0 succeeded in 1 usecs
>> [drm:r600_dma_ring_test] *ERROR* radeon: ring 3 test failed (0xCAFEDEAD)
>> radeon :01:05.0: disabling GPU acceleration
>> radeon :01:05.0: 8802161cfc00 unpin not necessary
>> [drm] Radeon Display Connectors
>> [drm] Connector 0:
>> [drm]   VGA-1
>> [drm]   DDC: 0x7e40 0x7e40 0x7e44 0x7e44 0x7e48 0x7e48 0x7e4c 0x7e4c
>> [drm]   Encoders:
>> [drm] Connector 1:
>> [drm]   DVI-D-1
>> [drm]   HPD3
>> [drm]   DDC: 0x7e50 0x7e50 0x7e54 0x7e54 0x7e58 0x7e58 0x7e5c 0x7e5c
>> [drm]   Encoders:
>> == power state 0 ==
>> ui class: none
>> internal class: boot
>> caps: video
>> uvdvclk: 0 dclk: 0
>> power level 0sclk: 5 vddc_index: 2
>> power level 1sclk: 5 vddc_index: 2
>> status: c r b
>> == power state 1 ==
>> ui class: performance
>> internal class: none
>> caps: video
>> uvdvclk: 0 dclk: 0
>> power level 0sclk: 5 vddc_index: 1
>> power level 1sclk: 7 vddc_index: 2
>> status:
>> == power state 2 ==
>> ui class: none
>> internal class: uvd
>> caps: video
>> uvdvclk: 53300 dclk: 4
>> power level 0sclk: 5 vddc_index: 1
>> power level 1sclk: 5 vddc_index: 1
>> status:
>> switching from power state:
>> ui class: none
>> internal class: boot
>> caps: video
>> uvdvclk: 0 dclk: 0
>> power level 0sclk: 5 vddc_index: 2
>> power level 1sclk: 5 vddc_index: 2
>> status: c b
>> switching to power state:
>> ui class: performance
>> internal class: none
>> caps: video
>> uvdvclk: 0 dclk: 0
>> power level 0sclk: 5 vddc_index: 1
>> power level 1sclk: 7 vddc_index: 2
>> status: r
>> [drm] radeon: dpm initialized
>> [drm] fb mappable at 0xF0142000
>> [drm] vram apper at 0xF000
>> [drm] size 7299072
>> [drm] fb depth is 24
>> [drm]pitch is 6912
>> fbcon: radeondrmfb (fb0)
>> --
>> Markus
> ___
> dri-devel mailing list

Re: Commit f5d9b7f0f9 (fix r600_enable_sclk_control()) causes kexec issues

2013-08-01 Thread Joshua C.
2013/7/30 Markus Trippelsdorf :
> I begin to wonder if:
>  [drm:r600_dma_ring_test] *ERROR* radeon: ring 3 test failed (0xCAFEDEAD)
> is an simple initialization bug that doesn't directly depend on kexec at
> all.
> --
> Markus

I bet on this (because I see the same error in another context)

dri-devel mailing list

RADEON / DPM: GPU cannot properly up-clock

2013-06-27 Thread Joshua C.
First of all thank you guys for pushing this out! Great work!

I tried the latest code in drm-next-3.11-wip (up to commit
b3c1e0c3ba885db44 “drm/radeon: fix endian issues in atombios dpm
code”) in connection with the latest radeon_ucode (latest update on
2013-06-26). I also reintroduced the debugfs info so that I can better
observe the gpu-settings. For this I put back the following patch:

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
index 7ba5d6f..9367234 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
@@ -1066,6 +1066,11 @@ static int radeon_pm_init_dpm(struct radeon_device *rdev)
 ret = device_create_file(rdev->dev, &dev_attr_power_method);
 if (ret)
 DRM_ERROR("failed to create device file for power method\n");
+if (radeon_debugfs_pm_init(rdev)) {
+DRM_ERROR("Failed to register debugfs file for PM!\n");
 DRM_INFO("radeon: dpm initialized\n");


Everything works fine, however I think that my gpu (ati 6670, see
below) doesn't reclock properly (OR doesn't reclock at all). I
observed the gpu-temps and compared those with the readings when using
“profile” and “dynpm”. Usually (with dynpm) the temps stay low and
jump up when I start glxgears or any HD-movie. With the latest dpm my
temps and the gpu stay in the lowest profile all the time. It doesn't
reclock even if I start any demanding work like HD-Movie. Dmesg shows

[1.307529] == power state 0 ==
[1.307530]  ui class: none
[1.307531]  internal class: boot
[1.307532]  caps:
[1.307533]  uvdvclk: 0 dclk: 0
[1.307534]  power level 0sclk: 1 mclk: 15000 vddc:
900 vddci: 0
[1.307535]  power level 1sclk: 1 mclk: 15000 vddc:
900 vddci: 0
[1.307536]  power level 2sclk: 1 mclk: 15000 vddc:
900 vddci: 0
[1.307537]  status: c r b
[1.307538] == power state 1 ==
[1.307539]  ui class: performance
[1.307539]  internal class: none
[1.307540]  caps:
[1.307541]  uvdvclk: 0 dclk: 0
[1.307542]  power level 0sclk: 1 mclk: 15000 vddc:
900 vddci: 0
[1.307543]  power level 1sclk: 4 mclk: 10
vddc: 1100 vddci: 0
[1.307544]  power level 2sclk: 8 mclk: 10
vddc: 1100 vddci: 0
[1.307544]  status:
[1.307545] == power state 2 ==
[1.307546]  ui class: none
[1.307546]  internal class: uvd
[1.307547]  caps: video
[1.307549]  uvdvclk: 7 dclk: 56000
[1.307549]  power level 0sclk: 8 mclk: 10
vddc: 1100 vddci: 0
[1.307550]  power level 1sclk: 8 mclk: 10
vddc: 1100 vddci: 0
[1.307551]  power level 2sclk: 8 mclk: 10
vddc: 1100 vddci: 0
[1.307552]  status:
[1.311858] switching from power state:
[1.311859]  ui class: none
[1.311860]  internal class: boot
[1.311860]  caps:
[1.311861]  uvdvclk: 0 dclk: 0
[1.311862]  power level 0sclk: 1 mclk: 15000 vddc:
900 vddci: 0
[1.311863]  power level 1sclk: 1 mclk: 15000 vddc:
900 vddci: 0
[1.311864]  power level 2sclk: 1 mclk: 15000 vddc:
900 vddci: 0
[1.311865]  status: c b
[1.311866] switching to power state:
[1.311866]  ui class: performance
[1.311867]  internal class: none
[1.311868]  caps:
[1.311869]  uvdvclk: 0 dclk: 0
[1.311869]  power level 0sclk: 1 mclk: 15000 vddc:
900 vddci: 0
[1.311870]  power level 1sclk: 4 mclk: 10
vddc: 1100 vddci: 0
[1.311871]  power level 2sclk: 8 mclk: 10
vddc: 1100 vddci: 0
[1.311872]  status: r

and later (other dmesg output is attached)

[1.360509] switching from power state:
[1.360510]  ui class: performance
[1.360510]  internal class: none
[1.360511]  caps:
[1.360511]  uvdvclk: 0 dclk: 0
[1.360512]  power level 0sclk: 1 mclk: 15000 vddc:
900 vddci: 0
[1.360512]  power level 1sclk: 4 mclk: 10
vddc: 1100 vddci: 0
[1.360513]  power level 2sclk: 8 mclk: 10
vddc: 1100 vddci: 0
[1.360513]  status: c r
[1.360514] switching to power state:
[1.360514]  ui class: performance
[1.360515]  internal class: none
[1.360515]  caps:
[1.360515]  uvdvclk: 0 dclk: 0
[1.360516]  power level 0sclk: 1 mclk: 15000 vddc:
900 vddci: 0
[1.360516]  power level 1sclk: 4 mclk: 10
vddc: 1100 vddci: 0
[1.360517]  power level 2sclk: 8 mclk: 10
vddc: 1100 vddci: 0
[1.360517]  status: c r

The radeon_pm_info shows all the time:

[root@localhost ~]# cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/radeon_pm_info
default engine clock: 80 kHz
current engine clock: 0 kHz
default memory clock: 100 kHz
current memory clock: 15 kHz

Re: RADEON / DPM: GPU cannot properly up-clock

2013-06-27 Thread Joshua C.
2013/6/26 Deucher, Alexander :
>> -Original Message-----
>> From: Joshua C. []
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 1:52 PM
>> To:
>> Cc: Deucher, Alexander
>> Subject: RADEON / DPM: GPU cannot properly up-clock
>> First of all thank you guys for pushing this out! Great work!
>> I tried the latest code in drm-next-3.11-wip (up to commit
>> b3c1e0c3ba885db44 "drm/radeon: fix endian issues in atombios dpm
>> code") in connection with the latest radeon_ucode (latest update on
>> 2013-06-26). I also reintroduced the debugfs info so that I can better
>> observe the gpu-settings. For this I put back the following patch:
>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>> b/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>> index 7ba5d6f..9367234 100644
>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>> @@ -1066,6 +1066,11 @@ static int radeon_pm_init_dpm(struct
>> radeon_device *rdev)
>>  ret = device_create_file(rdev->dev, &dev_attr_power_method);
>>  if (ret)
>>  DRM_ERROR("failed to create device file for power method\n");
>> +
>> +if (radeon_debugfs_pm_init(rdev)) {
>> +DRM_ERROR("Failed to register debugfs file for PM!\n");
>> +}
>> +
>>  DRM_INFO("radeon: dpm initialized\n");
>>  }
>> --
> I removed that code for a reason when DPM is active.  With DPM the hardware 
> changes the power state dynamically internally so that old debugging 
> information is completely irrelevant when DPM is active.
> Alex

I see. Do you have any idea why I see those delays when playing a
HD-movie? They do not appear when switching to dynpm. I use the latest
llvm(3.4svn), libdrm(2.4.45), mesa(9.2.0 devel), xserver(,
xf86-video-ati(deve) - all fetched from git as of 2013-06-26.

dri-devel mailing list

Re: RADEON / DPM: GPU cannot properly up-clock

2013-06-28 Thread Joshua C.
2013/6/27 Alex Deucher :
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:57 PM, Joshua C.  wrote:
>> 2013/6/26 Deucher, Alexander :
>>>> -Original Message-
>>>> From: Joshua C. []
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 1:52 PM
>>>> To:
>>>> Cc: Deucher, Alexander
>>>> Subject: RADEON / DPM: GPU cannot properly up-clock
>>>> First of all thank you guys for pushing this out! Great work!
>>>> I tried the latest code in drm-next-3.11-wip (up to commit
>>>> b3c1e0c3ba885db44 "drm/radeon: fix endian issues in atombios dpm
>>>> code") in connection with the latest radeon_ucode (latest update on
>>>> 2013-06-26). I also reintroduced the debugfs info so that I can better
>>>> observe the gpu-settings. For this I put back the following patch:
>>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>>>> b/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>>>> index 7ba5d6f..9367234 100644
>>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>>>> @@ -1066,6 +1066,11 @@ static int radeon_pm_init_dpm(struct
>>>> radeon_device *rdev)
>>>>  ret = device_create_file(rdev->dev, &dev_attr_power_method);
>>>>  if (ret)
>>>>  DRM_ERROR("failed to create device file for power method\n");
>>>> +
>>>> +if (radeon_debugfs_pm_init(rdev)) {
>>>> +DRM_ERROR("Failed to register debugfs file for PM!\n");
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>>  DRM_INFO("radeon: dpm initialized\n");
>>>>  }
>>>> --
>>> I removed that code for a reason when DPM is active.  With DPM the hardware 
>>> changes the power state dynamically internally so that old debugging 
>>> information is completely irrelevant when DPM is active.
>>> Alex
>> I see. Do you have any idea why I see those delays when playing a
>> HD-movie? They do not appear when switching to dynpm. I use the latest
>> llvm(3.4svn), libdrm(2.4.45), mesa(9.2.0 devel), xserver(,
>> xf86-video-ati(deve) - all fetched from git as of 2013-06-26.
> What type of movie is it and what are you using to decode the movie? UVD?  
> CPU?
> Alex

Here is an example of the information from one of the films:

Stream 0
Type: Video
Codec: H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10) (avc1)
Lang: English
Res: 1280x544
Bitrate: 23.976215
Format: Planar 4:2:0 YVU
Stream 1
Type: Audio
Codec: DTS Audio (dts )
Lang: English
Channels: 3F2R/LFE
Freq: 48000 Hz
Bitrate: 1536 kb/s

I recompiled the whole videostack (mesa, llvm, drm, xserver,
xf86-video-ati, vdpau - all from git) against the patched kernel and
can say that currently there are no visible regressions. The "slow
motion" is almost gone. However I still see it in some frames but I'm
not sure if this is a kernel-part-problem or just a mesa-problem.

However I observe the following:

Under windows: smooth play, temps in idle: 34-35C, cpu-usage: up to 5%
on all cores on a 4-core cpu, temps when playing the film: up to 42C,
cpu-usage: up to 5% on all 4 cores

Under linux (updated as described above): some discrepences (those
happen pretty rarely, though), temps in idle: 34-36C, cpu-usage: up to
5%, temps when playing the film: no more than 37C, cpu-usage: one core
is constantly spiking up to 40% the other 3 stay below 7%.

When looking through the dmesg I cannot see that dpm is changing the
power state to "uvd". This makes me believe that I'm maybe using a
cpu-decode rather then the dedicated uvd. The gpu-temps are also
staying surpricingly low comapred to windows...

dri-devel mailing list

Re: RADEON / DPM: GPU cannot properly up-clock

2013-07-03 Thread Joshua C.
2013/6/28 Joshua C. :
> 2013/6/27 Alex Deucher :
>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:57 PM, Joshua C.  wrote:
>>> 2013/6/26 Deucher, Alexander :
>>>>> -Original Message-
>>>>> From: Joshua C. []
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 1:52 PM
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Cc: Deucher, Alexander
>>>>> Subject: RADEON / DPM: GPU cannot properly up-clock
>>>>> First of all thank you guys for pushing this out! Great work!
>>>>> I tried the latest code in drm-next-3.11-wip (up to commit
>>>>> b3c1e0c3ba885db44 "drm/radeon: fix endian issues in atombios dpm
>>>>> code") in connection with the latest radeon_ucode (latest update on
>>>>> 2013-06-26). I also reintroduced the debugfs info so that I can better
>>>>> observe the gpu-settings. For this I put back the following patch:
>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>>>>> b/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>>>>> index 7ba5d6f..9367234 100644
>>>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>>>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>>>>> @@ -1066,6 +1066,11 @@ static int radeon_pm_init_dpm(struct
>>>>> radeon_device *rdev)
>>>>>  ret = device_create_file(rdev->dev, &dev_attr_power_method);
>>>>>  if (ret)
>>>>>  DRM_ERROR("failed to create device file for power method\n");
>>>>> +
>>>>> +if (radeon_debugfs_pm_init(rdev)) {
>>>>> +DRM_ERROR("Failed to register debugfs file for PM!\n");
>>>>> +}
>>>>> +
>>>>>  DRM_INFO("radeon: dpm initialized\n");
>>>>>  }
>>>>> --
>>>> I removed that code for a reason when DPM is active.  With DPM the 
>>>> hardware changes the power state dynamically internally so that old 
>>>> debugging information is completely irrelevant when DPM is active.
>>>> Alex
>>> I see. Do you have any idea why I see those delays when playing a
>>> HD-movie? They do not appear when switching to dynpm. I use the latest
>>> llvm(3.4svn), libdrm(2.4.45), mesa(9.2.0 devel), xserver(,
>>> xf86-video-ati(deve) - all fetched from git as of 2013-06-26.
>> What type of movie is it and what are you using to decode the movie? UVD?  
>> CPU?
>> Alex
> Here is an example of the information from one of the films:
> Stream 0
> Type: Video
> Codec: H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10) (avc1)
> Lang: English
> Res: 1280x544
> Bitrate: 23.976215
> Format: Planar 4:2:0 YVU
> Stream 1
> Type: Audio
> Codec: DTS Audio (dts )
> Lang: English
> Channels: 3F2R/LFE
> Freq: 48000 Hz
> Bitrate: 1536 kb/s
> I recompiled the whole videostack (mesa, llvm, drm, xserver,
> xf86-video-ati, vdpau - all from git) against the patched kernel and
> can say that currently there are no visible regressions. The "slow
> motion" is almost gone. However I still see it in some frames but I'm
> not sure if this is a kernel-part-problem or just a mesa-problem.
> However I observe the following:
> Under windows: smooth play, temps in idle: 34-35C, cpu-usage: up to 5%
> on all cores on a 4-core cpu, temps when playing the film: up to 42C,
> cpu-usage: up to 5% on all 4 cores
> Under linux (updated as described above): some discrepences (those
> happen pretty rarely, though), temps in idle: 34-36C, cpu-usage: up to
> 5%, temps when playing the film: no more than 37C, cpu-usage: one core
> is constantly spiking up to 40% the other 3 stay below 7%.
> When looking through the dmesg I cannot see that dpm is changing the
> power state to "uvd". This makes me believe that I'm maybe using a
> cpu-decode rather then the dedicated uvd. The gpu-temps are also
> staying surpricingly low comapred to windows...
> --
> --joshua

With the latest git 7982128c3d447df27db963af67bc6b8dc7efb1de
"drm/radeon/dpm: add debugfs support for SI" from
git:// drm-next-3.11 everything
works fine here (on TURKS). Under Linux I get the same temps as under
windows. No more tearing when watching videos. The GPU re-clocks as

dri-devel mailing list

RADEON / DPM: GPU cannot properly up-clock

2013-07-02 Thread Joshua C.
2013/6/28 Joshua C. :
> 2013/6/27 Alex Deucher :
>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:57 PM, Joshua C.  wrote:
>>> 2013/6/26 Deucher, Alexander :
>>>>> -Original Message-
>>>>> From: Joshua C. [mailto:joshuacov at]
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 1:52 PM
>>>>> To: dri-devel at
>>>>> Cc: Deucher, Alexander
>>>>> Subject: RADEON / DPM: GPU cannot properly up-clock
>>>>> First of all thank you guys for pushing this out! Great work!
>>>>> I tried the latest code in drm-next-3.11-wip (up to commit
>>>>> b3c1e0c3ba885db44 "drm/radeon: fix endian issues in atombios dpm
>>>>> code") in connection with the latest radeon_ucode (latest update on
>>>>> 2013-06-26). I also reintroduced the debugfs info so that I can better
>>>>> observe the gpu-settings. For this I put back the following patch:
>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>>>>> b/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>>>>> index 7ba5d6f..9367234 100644
>>>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>>>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>>>>> @@ -1066,6 +1066,11 @@ static int radeon_pm_init_dpm(struct
>>>>> radeon_device *rdev)
>>>>>  ret = device_create_file(rdev->dev, &dev_attr_power_method);
>>>>>  if (ret)
>>>>>  DRM_ERROR("failed to create device file for power method\n");
>>>>> +
>>>>> +if (radeon_debugfs_pm_init(rdev)) {
>>>>> +DRM_ERROR("Failed to register debugfs file for PM!\n");
>>>>> +}
>>>>> +
>>>>>  DRM_INFO("radeon: dpm initialized\n");
>>>>>  }
>>>>> --
>>>> I removed that code for a reason when DPM is active.  With DPM the 
>>>> hardware changes the power state dynamically internally so that old 
>>>> debugging information is completely irrelevant when DPM is active.
>>>> Alex
>>> I see. Do you have any idea why I see those delays when playing a
>>> HD-movie? They do not appear when switching to dynpm. I use the latest
>>> llvm(3.4svn), libdrm(2.4.45), mesa(9.2.0 devel), xserver(,
>>> xf86-video-ati(deve) - all fetched from git as of 2013-06-26.
>> What type of movie is it and what are you using to decode the movie? UVD?  
>> CPU?
>> Alex
> Here is an example of the information from one of the films:
> Stream 0
> Type: Video
> Codec: H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10) (avc1)
> Lang: English
> Res: 1280x544
> Bitrate: 23.976215
> Format: Planar 4:2:0 YVU
> Stream 1
> Type: Audio
> Codec: DTS Audio (dts )
> Lang: English
> Channels: 3F2R/LFE
> Freq: 48000 Hz
> Bitrate: 1536 kb/s
> I recompiled the whole videostack (mesa, llvm, drm, xserver,
> xf86-video-ati, vdpau - all from git) against the patched kernel and
> can say that currently there are no visible regressions. The "slow
> motion" is almost gone. However I still see it in some frames but I'm
> not sure if this is a kernel-part-problem or just a mesa-problem.
> However I observe the following:
> Under windows: smooth play, temps in idle: 34-35C, cpu-usage: up to 5%
> on all cores on a 4-core cpu, temps when playing the film: up to 42C,
> cpu-usage: up to 5% on all 4 cores
> Under linux (updated as described above): some discrepences (those
> happen pretty rarely, though), temps in idle: 34-36C, cpu-usage: up to
> 5%, temps when playing the film: no more than 37C, cpu-usage: one core
> is constantly spiking up to 40% the other 3 stay below 7%.
> When looking through the dmesg I cannot see that dpm is changing the
> power state to "uvd". This makes me believe that I'm maybe using a
> cpu-decode rather then the dedicated uvd. The gpu-temps are also
> staying surpricingly low comapred to windows...
> --
> --joshua

With the latest git 7982128c3d447df27db963af67bc6b8dc7efb1de
"drm/radeon/dpm: add debugfs support for SI" from
git:// drm-next-3.11 everything
works fine here (on TURKS). Under Linux I get the same temps as under
windows. No more tearing when watching videos. The GPU re-clocks as


Commit f5d9b7f0f9 (fix r600_enable_sclk_control()) causes kexec issues

2013-07-29 Thread Joshua C.
2013/7/29 Alex Deucher :
> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Markus Trippelsdorf
>  wrote:
>> On 2013.07.29 at 09:58 -0400, Alex Deucher wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 3:51 AM, Markus Trippelsdorf
>>>  wrote:
>>> > On my test machine Xorg doesn't start anymore when I kexec into a
>>> > 3.11.0-rc3 kernel.
>>> With kexec, dpm doesn't get torn down properly which can result in a
>>> bad hardware state when the driver loads again.  Does the attached
>>> patch help?  It attempts to disable dpm at startup in case it wasn't
>>> torn down properly previously.
>> dpm initialization now works, but unfortunately GPU acceleration still gets
>> disabled:
> Stupid kexec complicates things.  We need to make sure dpm is torn
> down before we init the rest of the GPU, but dpm needs get initialized
> later in the init process since it depends on certain other state from
> the driver.  I need to think about this for a bit.  I'm not sure of a
> good way to handle this.
> Alex
>> [drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 20060810 
>>   [135/1104]
>> [drm] radeon kernel modesetting enabled.
>> [drm] initializing kernel modesetting (RS780 0x1002:0x9614 0x1043:0x834D).
>> [drm] register mmio base: 0xFBEE
>> [drm] register mmio size: 65536
>> ATOM BIOS: 113
>> radeon :01:05.0: VRAM: 128M 0xC000 - 0xC7FF 
>> (128M used)
>> radeon :01:05.0: GTT: 512M 0xA000 - 0xBFFF
>> [drm] Detected VRAM RAM=128M, BAR=128M
>> [drm] RAM width 32bits DDR
>> [TTM] Zone  kernel: Available graphics memory: 4082356 kiB
>> [TTM] Zone   dma32: Available graphics memory: 2097152 kiB
>> [TTM] Initializing pool allocator
>> [TTM] Initializing DMA pool allocator
>> [drm] radeon: 128M of VRAM memory ready
>> [drm] radeon: 512M of GTT memory ready.
>> [drm] GART: num cpu pages 131072, num gpu pages 131072
>> [drm] Loading RS780 Microcode
>> [drm] PCIE GART of 512M enabled (table at 0xC004).
>> radeon :01:05.0: WB enabled
>> radeon :01:05.0: fence driver on ring 0 use gpu addr 0xac00 
>> and cpu addr 0x880215c30c00
>> radeon :01:05.0: fence driver on ring 3 use gpu addr 0xac0c 
>> and cpu addr 0x880215c30c0c
>> [drm] Supports vblank timestamp caching Rev 1 (10.10.2010).
>> [drm] Driver supports precise vblank timestamp query.
>> [drm] radeon: irq initialized.
>> radeon :01:05.0: setting latency timer to 64
>> [drm] ring test on 0 succeeded in 1 usecs
>> [drm:r600_dma_ring_test] *ERROR* radeon: ring 3 test failed (0xCAFEDEAD)
>> radeon :01:05.0: disabling GPU acceleration
>> radeon :01:05.0: 8802161cfc00 unpin not necessary
>> [drm] Radeon Display Connectors
>> [drm] Connector 0:
>> [drm]   VGA-1
>> [drm]   DDC: 0x7e40 0x7e40 0x7e44 0x7e44 0x7e48 0x7e48 0x7e4c 0x7e4c
>> [drm]   Encoders:
>> [drm] Connector 1:
>> [drm]   DVI-D-1
>> [drm]   HPD3
>> [drm]   DDC: 0x7e50 0x7e50 0x7e54 0x7e54 0x7e58 0x7e58 0x7e5c 0x7e5c
>> [drm]   Encoders:
>> == power state 0 ==
>> ui class: none
>> internal class: boot
>> caps: video
>> uvdvclk: 0 dclk: 0
>> power level 0sclk: 5 vddc_index: 2
>> power level 1sclk: 5 vddc_index: 2
>> status: c r b
>> == power state 1 ==
>> ui class: performance
>> internal class: none
>> caps: video
>> uvdvclk: 0 dclk: 0
>> power level 0sclk: 5 vddc_index: 1
>> power level 1sclk: 7 vddc_index: 2
>> status:
>> == power state 2 ==
>> ui class: none
>> internal class: uvd
>> caps: video
>> uvdvclk: 53300 dclk: 4
>> power level 0sclk: 5 vddc_index: 1
>> power level 1sclk: 5 vddc_index: 1
>> status:
>> switching from power state:
>> ui class: none
>> internal class: boot
>> caps: video
>> uvdvclk: 0 dclk: 0
>> power level 0sclk: 5 vddc_index: 2
>> power level 1sclk: 5 vddc_index: 2
>> status: c b
>> switching to power state:
>> ui class: performance
>> internal class: none
>> caps: video
>> uvdvclk: 0 dclk: 0
>> power level 0sclk: 5 vddc_index: 1
>> power level 1sclk: 7 vddc_index: 2
>> status: r
>> [drm] radeon: dpm initialized
>> [drm] fb mappable at 0xF0142000
>> [drm] vram apper at 0xF000
>> [drm] size 7299072
>> [drm] fb depth is 24
>> [drm]pitch is 6912
>> fbcon: radeondrmfb (fb0)
>> --
>> Markus
> ___
> dri-devel mailing list
> dri-devel at

Commit f5d9b7f0f9 (fix r600_enable_sclk_control()) causes kexec issues

2013-07-31 Thread Joshua C.
2013/7/30 Markus Trippelsdorf :
> I begin to wonder if:
>  [drm:r600_dma_ring_test] *ERROR* radeon: ring 3 test failed (0xCAFEDEAD)
> is an simple initialization bug that doesn't directly depend on kexec at
> all.
> --
> Markus

I bet on this (because I see the same error in another context)


RADEON / DPM: GPU cannot properly up-clock

2013-06-26 Thread Joshua C.
First of all thank you guys for pushing this out! Great work!

I tried the latest code in drm-next-3.11-wip (up to commit
b3c1e0c3ba885db44 ?drm/radeon: fix endian issues in atombios dpm
code?) in connection with the latest radeon_ucode (latest update on
2013-06-26). I also reintroduced the debugfs info so that I can better
observe the gpu-settings. For this I put back the following patch:

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
index 7ba5d6f..9367234 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
@@ -1066,6 +1066,11 @@ static int radeon_pm_init_dpm(struct radeon_device *rdev)
 ret = device_create_file(rdev->dev, &dev_attr_power_method);
 if (ret)
 DRM_ERROR("failed to create device file for power method\n");
+if (radeon_debugfs_pm_init(rdev)) {
+DRM_ERROR("Failed to register debugfs file for PM!\n");
 DRM_INFO("radeon: dpm initialized\n");


Everything works fine, however I think that my gpu (ati 6670, see
below) doesn't reclock properly (OR doesn't reclock at all). I
observed the gpu-temps and compared those with the readings when using
?profile? and ?dynpm?. Usually (with dynpm) the temps stay low and
jump up when I start glxgears or any HD-movie. With the latest dpm my
temps and the gpu stay in the lowest profile all the time. It doesn't
reclock even if I start any demanding work like HD-Movie. Dmesg shows

[1.307529] == power state 0 ==
[1.307530]  ui class: none
[1.307531]  internal class: boot
[1.307532]  caps:
[1.307533]  uvdvclk: 0 dclk: 0
[1.307534]  power level 0sclk: 1 mclk: 15000 vddc:
900 vddci: 0
[1.307535]  power level 1sclk: 1 mclk: 15000 vddc:
900 vddci: 0
[1.307536]  power level 2sclk: 1 mclk: 15000 vddc:
900 vddci: 0
[1.307537]  status: c r b
[1.307538] == power state 1 ==
[1.307539]  ui class: performance
[1.307539]  internal class: none
[1.307540]  caps:
[1.307541]  uvdvclk: 0 dclk: 0
[1.307542]  power level 0sclk: 1 mclk: 15000 vddc:
900 vddci: 0
[1.307543]  power level 1sclk: 4 mclk: 10
vddc: 1100 vddci: 0
[1.307544]  power level 2sclk: 8 mclk: 10
vddc: 1100 vddci: 0
[1.307544]  status:
[1.307545] == power state 2 ==
[1.307546]  ui class: none
[1.307546]  internal class: uvd
[1.307547]  caps: video
[1.307549]  uvdvclk: 7 dclk: 56000
[1.307549]  power level 0sclk: 8 mclk: 10
vddc: 1100 vddci: 0
[1.307550]  power level 1sclk: 8 mclk: 10
vddc: 1100 vddci: 0
[1.307551]  power level 2sclk: 8 mclk: 10
vddc: 1100 vddci: 0
[1.307552]  status:
[1.311858] switching from power state:
[1.311859]  ui class: none
[1.311860]  internal class: boot
[1.311860]  caps:
[1.311861]  uvdvclk: 0 dclk: 0
[1.311862]  power level 0sclk: 1 mclk: 15000 vddc:
900 vddci: 0
[1.311863]  power level 1sclk: 1 mclk: 15000 vddc:
900 vddci: 0
[1.311864]  power level 2sclk: 1 mclk: 15000 vddc:
900 vddci: 0
[1.311865]  status: c b
[1.311866] switching to power state:
[1.311866]  ui class: performance
[1.311867]  internal class: none
[1.311868]  caps:
[1.311869]  uvdvclk: 0 dclk: 0
[1.311869]  power level 0sclk: 1 mclk: 15000 vddc:
900 vddci: 0
[1.311870]  power level 1sclk: 4 mclk: 10
vddc: 1100 vddci: 0
[1.311871]  power level 2sclk: 8 mclk: 10
vddc: 1100 vddci: 0
[1.311872]  status: r

and later (other dmesg output is attached)

[1.360509] switching from power state:
[1.360510]  ui class: performance
[1.360510]  internal class: none
[1.360511]  caps:
[1.360511]  uvdvclk: 0 dclk: 0
[1.360512]  power level 0sclk: 1 mclk: 15000 vddc:
900 vddci: 0
[1.360512]  power level 1sclk: 4 mclk: 10
vddc: 1100 vddci: 0
[1.360513]  power level 2sclk: 8 mclk: 10
vddc: 1100 vddci: 0
[1.360513]  status: c r
[1.360514] switching to power state:
[1.360514]  ui class: performance
[1.360515]  internal class: none
[1.360515]  caps:
[1.360515]  uvdvclk: 0 dclk: 0
[1.360516]  power level 0sclk: 1 mclk: 15000 vddc:
900 vddci: 0
[1.360516]  power level 1sclk: 4 mclk: 10
vddc: 1100 vddci: 0
[1.360517]  power level 2sclk: 8 mclk: 10
vddc: 1100 vddci: 0
[1.360517]  status: c r

The radeon_pm_info shows all the time:

[root at localhost ~]# cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/radeon_pm_info
default engine clock: 80 kHz
current engine clock: 0 kHz
default memory clock: 100 kHz
current memory clock: 15 kHz

RADEON / DPM: GPU cannot properly up-clock

2013-06-26 Thread Joshua C.
2013/6/26 Deucher, Alexander :
>> -Original Message-----
>> From: Joshua C. [mailto:joshuacov at]
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 1:52 PM
>> To: dri-devel at
>> Cc: Deucher, Alexander
>> Subject: RADEON / DPM: GPU cannot properly up-clock
>> First of all thank you guys for pushing this out! Great work!
>> I tried the latest code in drm-next-3.11-wip (up to commit
>> b3c1e0c3ba885db44 "drm/radeon: fix endian issues in atombios dpm
>> code") in connection with the latest radeon_ucode (latest update on
>> 2013-06-26). I also reintroduced the debugfs info so that I can better
>> observe the gpu-settings. For this I put back the following patch:
>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>> b/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>> index 7ba5d6f..9367234 100644
>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>> @@ -1066,6 +1066,11 @@ static int radeon_pm_init_dpm(struct
>> radeon_device *rdev)
>>  ret = device_create_file(rdev->dev, &dev_attr_power_method);
>>  if (ret)
>>  DRM_ERROR("failed to create device file for power method\n");
>> +
>> +if (radeon_debugfs_pm_init(rdev)) {
>> +DRM_ERROR("Failed to register debugfs file for PM!\n");
>> +}
>> +
>>  DRM_INFO("radeon: dpm initialized\n");
>>  }
>> --
> I removed that code for a reason when DPM is active.  With DPM the hardware 
> changes the power state dynamically internally so that old debugging 
> information is completely irrelevant when DPM is active.
> Alex

I see. Do you have any idea why I see those delays when playing a
HD-movie? They do not appear when switching to dynpm. I use the latest
llvm(3.4svn), libdrm(2.4.45), mesa(9.2.0 devel), xserver(,
xf86-video-ati(deve) - all fetched from git as of 2013-06-26.


RADEON / DPM: GPU cannot properly up-clock

2013-06-28 Thread Joshua C.
2013/6/27 Alex Deucher :
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:57 PM, Joshua C.  wrote:
>> 2013/6/26 Deucher, Alexander :
>>>> -Original Message-
>>>> From: Joshua C. [mailto:joshuacov at]
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 1:52 PM
>>>> To: dri-devel at
>>>> Cc: Deucher, Alexander
>>>> Subject: RADEON / DPM: GPU cannot properly up-clock
>>>> First of all thank you guys for pushing this out! Great work!
>>>> I tried the latest code in drm-next-3.11-wip (up to commit
>>>> b3c1e0c3ba885db44 "drm/radeon: fix endian issues in atombios dpm
>>>> code") in connection with the latest radeon_ucode (latest update on
>>>> 2013-06-26). I also reintroduced the debugfs info so that I can better
>>>> observe the gpu-settings. For this I put back the following patch:
>>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>>>> b/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>>>> index 7ba5d6f..9367234 100644
>>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c
>>>> @@ -1066,6 +1066,11 @@ static int radeon_pm_init_dpm(struct
>>>> radeon_device *rdev)
>>>>  ret = device_create_file(rdev->dev, &dev_attr_power_method);
>>>>  if (ret)
>>>>  DRM_ERROR("failed to create device file for power method\n");
>>>> +
>>>> +if (radeon_debugfs_pm_init(rdev)) {
>>>> +DRM_ERROR("Failed to register debugfs file for PM!\n");
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>>  DRM_INFO("radeon: dpm initialized\n");
>>>>  }
>>>> --
>>> I removed that code for a reason when DPM is active.  With DPM the hardware 
>>> changes the power state dynamically internally so that old debugging 
>>> information is completely irrelevant when DPM is active.
>>> Alex
>> I see. Do you have any idea why I see those delays when playing a
>> HD-movie? They do not appear when switching to dynpm. I use the latest
>> llvm(3.4svn), libdrm(2.4.45), mesa(9.2.0 devel), xserver(,
>> xf86-video-ati(deve) - all fetched from git as of 2013-06-26.
> What type of movie is it and what are you using to decode the movie? UVD?  
> CPU?
> Alex

Here is an example of the information from one of the films:

Stream 0
Type: Video
Codec: H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10) (avc1)
Lang: English
Res: 1280x544
Bitrate: 23.976215
Format: Planar 4:2:0 YVU
Stream 1
Type: Audio
Codec: DTS Audio (dts )
Lang: English
Channels: 3F2R/LFE
Freq: 48000 Hz
Bitrate: 1536 kb/s

I recompiled the whole videostack (mesa, llvm, drm, xserver,
xf86-video-ati, vdpau - all from git) against the patched kernel and
can say that currently there are no visible regressions. The "slow
motion" is almost gone. However I still see it in some frames but I'm
not sure if this is a kernel-part-problem or just a mesa-problem.

However I observe the following:

Under windows: smooth play, temps in idle: 34-35C, cpu-usage: up to 5%
on all cores on a 4-core cpu, temps when playing the film: up to 42C,
cpu-usage: up to 5% on all 4 cores

Under linux (updated as described above): some discrepences (those
happen pretty rarely, though), temps in idle: 34-36C, cpu-usage: up to
5%, temps when playing the film: no more than 37C, cpu-usage: one core
is constantly spiking up to 40% the other 3 stay below 7%.

When looking through the dmesg I cannot see that dpm is changing the
power state to "uvd". This makes me believe that I'm maybe using a
cpu-decode rather then the dedicated uvd. The gpu-temps are also
staying surpricingly low comapred to windows...
