Application level data

2009-07-27 Thread vishy


I have some data which I don't want to get from database for every
user request.How should I make such data available to all users(like
caching?)? What options are available in Django?

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Models with behavior

2009-05-21 Thread vishy


I have some functionality which needs to be part of a class,which I
don't want to persist in database.Where should I put such a class? In

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Unable to call custom method

2009-05-22 Thread vishy

I am newbie at Django.I have model with a custom method.In view I am
retrieving a single object.See below --
My model
class Problem(models.Model):
problem = models.CharField(max_length=100)
def __unicode__(self):
return self.problem
   def retrieve_rankdata(self):
return self.problem.split()[0].split('/')

in view
I am doing this
def show(request):
   problem = Problem.objects.all()[0]
But, I am getting this error
'Problem' object has no attribute 'retrieve_rankdata'

What am I doing wrong?

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Re: Unable to call custom method

2009-05-22 Thread vishy tabs for sure

On May 22, 6:40 pm, Karen Tracey  wrote:
> On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 8:11 AM, vishy  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am newbie at Django.I have model with a custom method.In view I am
> > retrieving a single object.See below --
> > My model
> > class Problem(models.Model):
> >    problem = models.CharField(max_length=100)
> >    solution=models.CharField(max_length=500)
> >    def __unicode__(self):
> >        return self.problem
> >   def retrieve_rankdata(self):
> >                return self.problem.split()[0].split('/')
> If this is an actual cut and paste: your retrieve_rankdata is not indented
> properly here. The 'def' needs to line up exactly with the other fields and
> methods defined in Problem.  It would be better form also to make its
> contents indented a consistent amount rather than having it be so much more
> dramatically indented than everything else.
> > in view
> > I am doing this
> > def show(request):
> >       problem = Problem.objects.all()[0]
> >        t1=problem.retrieve_rankdata()
> > But, I am getting this error
> > 'Problem' object has no attribute 'retrieve_rankdata'
> > What am I doing wrong?
> Fix the indentation and I expect the problem will go away.  Also, be careful
> not to mix tabs and spaces, that will also lead to difficulties in Python.
> Best to stick with spaces and never use tabs.
> Karen
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Using forms to display multi-column table for input

2009-05-25 Thread vishy

My requirement is to display a 2-column table (moves to be entered by
user for white and black of a chess game) with 10 rows for  input
(textbox).How can I use forms module to achieve this? Is it possible?
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Best practice regarding sessions

2009-05-25 Thread vishy


Are there any best practice regarding sessions in Django? Do yu
normally use db based sessions? What about using hidden element for
some scenarios, to maintain session?

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Django deployment

2009-06-03 Thread vishy


I am developing an application on windows. I decided to upload it on
webfaction n see how deployment goes. The issues I faced was with
paths given -
for templates - I had given absolute path of directory on windows,
for database(using sqlite) - just the name.But, for deployment I had
to change both the paths. Is there any way which I can avoid this?

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Using block content tag

2009-06-08 Thread vishy


For my project, I decided to use base.html file.After including it in
a couple of pages, the layout has been altered? Why so? How does
blockcontent render?
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Re: Using block content tag

2009-06-08 Thread vishy

well i had this html..


Without using base.html, they rendered differently(in terms of
position) in browser.
On Jun 9, 11:26 am, Rama Vadakattu  wrote:
> >> the layout has been altered? Why so?
> What do you mean by this?
> On Jun 9, 11:24 am, vishy  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > For my project, I decided to use base.html file.After including it in
> > a couple of pages, the layout has been altered? Why so? How does
> > blockcontent render?
> > thks
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Re: Using block content tag

2009-06-09 Thread vishy

where can I see these files - which affect base.html?

On Jun 9, 12:14 pm, Necmettin Begiter 
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 09:29, vishy wrote:
> > Without using base.html, they rendered differently(in terms of
> > position) in browser.
> Which is normal, because base.html contains some positioning and CSS attached.
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Installing 'south' on windows

2009-06-17 Thread vishy


I have installed migration tool 'south' on windows.In,
what path I will have to give in installed apps? I just gave 'south'.
I got this error -
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'adminsouth'

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Re: Installing 'south' on windows

2009-06-17 Thread vishy

k, got it working
forgot a comma in setting file

On Jun 17, 2:35 pm, vishy  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have installed migration tool 'south' on windows.In,
> what path I will have to give in installed apps? I just gave 'south'.
> I got this error -
> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'adminsouth'
> thanks
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Looking for guidance on django-registration

2009-12-12 Thread vishy
I have downloaded the latest module.Now,I need to set it up.I want
guidance,especially how to setup the templates, like what goes into
registration_form.html.If there is some source code that will be


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Re: Looking for guidance on django-registration

2009-12-12 Thread vishy
got the registration working.Now, how to setup activation email?

On Dec 12, 9:41 pm, vishy  wrote:
> I have downloaded the latest module.Now,I need to set it up.I want
> guidance,especially how to setup the templates, like what goes into
> registration_form.html.If there is some source code that will be
> great.
> thanks


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Logging user actions

2010-08-02 Thread vishy

I have a requirement to log all user actions like created new
order,user logged in,logged out etc including user ip address.And,it
should be displayed in admin section with admin logentries.Is there a
module which I can use? What about reversion?


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How to record users ip address every-time user logs in

2010-08-04 Thread vishy

I want to record an entry in admin log,everytime a user logs in.How
can I do this.I am using django's default authentication modules.


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Customizing django admin

2010-08-08 Thread vishy

For a modeladmin,I need to show a custom template when user adds or
edits.How can I go about implementing this functionality?


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How to troubleshoot path and permission problems?

2010-08-23 Thread vishy

I am having issues with production server.Everything is running fine
on my local development server.On production site(using apache), CSS
files related to admin section are not being loaded.I have a feature
where admin can add products and upload images for the
product.But,when admin hits save,I get permission denied message.How
can I figure out what path problems are existing and how to fix them?

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Re: How to troubleshoot path and permission problems?

2010-08-24 Thread vishy
I gave the permissions.But,still get this error
OSError Exception Value:[Errno 13] Permission denied: django

On Aug 23, 11:02 pm, Antoni Aloy  wrote:
> 2010/8/23 vishy :
> > Hi,
> > I am having issues with production server.Everything is running fine
> > on my local development server.On production site(using apache), CSS
> > files related to admin section are not being loaded.I have a feature
> > where admin can add products and upload images for the
> > product.But,when admin hits save,I get permission denied message.How
> > can I figure out what path problems are existing and how to fix them?
> > Thanks
> on linux ls -l will givve you the perisions of each file and folder.
> You can check what each letter means 
> on
> To server files the Apache server has to have read permisions. To
> create files it has to have write permisions.
> Best regards,
> --
> Antoni Aloy López
> Blog:
> Site:

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Displaying uploaded image

2010-08-24 Thread vishy
I have media/customermedia folder where images are uploaded for
customer model.
To display this image,the customer has image_url method which
concatenates 'media_root' plus 'image'(which has value like
customermedia/name.gif).But,for some reason the image is not getting
displayed in img src tag.

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Extending LogEntry model

2010-08-31 Thread vishy
I  want to add a column  to the logentry model in admin section.How
can I do this?

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Custom view for admin section

2010-09-07 Thread vishy

I have made a custom view for admin section.I have added a link in the
index page which calls this custom view.I have copied the index page
to templates\admin in my application, and added this link.But, I want
this link to appear in auth section.How can I do this?


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How to test activation email on windows?

2009-12-27 Thread vishy

I have setup the registration module for a django project.Now, I want
to test the that activation email is sent.On windows, how can I test
this? How to send the email? Will I have to do any changes in



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Confused about GeoDjango and PostGIS

2012-04-25 Thread vishy

I need to do spatial queries like find places within 5 miles of a
location given in latitude and longitude. So, I am thinking of
exploring PostGIS and GeoDjango. I have installed both. Now, I already
have a database which has a table for places with latitude and
longitude. Can I enable this db to use postgis and add column to this
table? Or, do I have to create a separate spatial db, create a table
with a column of geometry type and import data into that table (from
places table).? If I can use the existing database, how do I enable it
to use PostGIS?

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Re: Confused about GeoDjango and PostGIS

2012-04-25 Thread vishy
So, the existing database cannot be used as a postgis db?

On Apr 25, 9:21 pm, Jeff Heard  wrote:
> Create a new spatial database and import the data.  That's by far your
> easiest option.  You'll need to create a POINT column (look at the PostGIS
> doc on how to add spatial columns) and then add rows either using the ORM
> or with a spatial query including something like this as part of the insert:
> GeomFromText('POINT(' + x + ' ' + y + ')', 4326)
> where 4326 is the spatial reference system for longitude/latitude.
> On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 11:17 AM, vishy  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I need to do spatial queries like find places within 5 miles of a
> > location given in latitude and longitude. So, I am thinking of
> > exploring PostGIS and GeoDjango. I have installed both. Now, I already
> > have a database which has a table for places with latitude and
> > longitude. Can I enable this db to use postgis and add column to this
> > table? Or, do I have to create a separate spatial db, create a table
> > with a column of geometry type and import data into that table (from
> > places table).? If I can use the existing database, how do I enable it
> > to use PostGIS?
> > --
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Re: Confused about GeoDjango and PostGIS

2012-04-25 Thread vishy

On Apr 25, 11:07 pm, Jeff Heard  wrote:
> It can. I just usually consider it easier to create a new one
> On Apr 25, 2012 1:38 PM, "vishy"  wrote:
> > So, the existing database cannot be used as a postgis db?
> > On Apr 25, 9:21 pm, Jeff Heard  wrote:
> > > Create a new spatial database and import the data.  That's by far your
> > > easiest option.  You'll need to create a POINT column (look at the
> > PostGIS
> > > doc on how to add spatial columns) and then add rows either using the ORM
> > > or with a spatial query including something like this as part of the
> > insert:
> > > GeomFromText('POINT(' + x + ' ' + y + ')', 4326)
> > > where 4326 is the spatial reference system for longitude/latitude.
> > > On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 11:17 AM, vishy  wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > I need to do spatial queries like find places within 5 miles of a
> > > > location given in latitude and longitude. So, I am thinking of
> > > > exploring PostGIS and GeoDjango. I have installed both. Now, I already
> > > > have a database which has a table for places with latitude and
> > > > longitude. Can I enable this db to use postgis and add column to this
> > > > table? Or, do I have to create a separate spatial db, create a table
> > > > with a column of geometry type and import data into that table (from
> > > > places table).? If I can use the existing database, how do I enable it
> > > > to use PostGIS?
> > > > --
> > > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Groups
> > > > "Django users" group.
> > > > To post to this group, send email to
> > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > >
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> > > >
> > --
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> > "Django users" group.
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> >

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Re: Confused about GeoDjango and PostGIS

2012-04-25 Thread vishy

On Apr 25, 11:07 pm, Jeff Heard  wrote:
> It can. I just usually consider it easier to create a new one
> On Apr 25, 2012 1:38 PM, "vishy"  wrote:
> > So, the existing database cannot be used as a postgis db?
> > On Apr 25, 9:21 pm, Jeff Heard  wrote:
> > > Create a new spatial database and import the data.  That's by far your
> > > easiest option.  You'll need to create a POINT column (look at the
> > PostGIS
> > > doc on how to add spatial columns) and then add rows either using the ORM
> > > or with a spatial query including something like this as part of the
> > insert:
> > > GeomFromText('POINT(' + x + ' ' + y + ')', 4326)
> > > where 4326 is the spatial reference system for longitude/latitude.
> > > On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 11:17 AM, vishy  wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > I need to do spatial queries like find places within 5 miles of a
> > > > location given in latitude and longitude. So, I am thinking of
> > > > exploring PostGIS and GeoDjango. I have installed both. Now, I already
> > > > have a database which has a table for places with latitude and
> > > > longitude. Can I enable this db to use postgis and add column to this
> > > > table? Or, do I have to create a separate spatial db, create a table
> > > > with a column of geometry type and import data into that table (from
> > > > places table).? If I can use the existing database, how do I enable it
> > > > to use PostGIS?
> > > > --
> > > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Groups
> > > > "Django users" group.
> > > > To post to this group, send email to
> > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > >
> > > > For more options, visit this group at
> > > >
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "Django users" group.
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> >
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> >

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Re: Confused about GeoDjango and PostGIS

2012-04-25 Thread vishy
Yes, I just ran  the 2 scripts  in my current database -
spatial_ref_sys.sql and postgis.sql. Seems to work. I am able to
define a geometry column in my current existing table.

On Apr 25, 11:03 pm, George Silva  wrote:
> Yes it can, as long PostGIS is installed.
> On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 2:37 PM, vishy  wrote:
> > So, the existing database cannot be used as a postgis db?
> > On Apr 25, 9:21 pm, Jeff Heard  wrote:
> > > Create a new spatial database and import the data.  That's by far your
> > > easiest option.  You'll need to create a POINT column (look at the
> > PostGIS
> > > doc on how to add spatial columns) and then add rows either using the ORM
> > > or with a spatial query including something like this as part of the
> > insert:
> > > GeomFromText('POINT(' + x + ' ' + y + ')', 4326)
> > > where 4326 is the spatial reference system for longitude/latitude.
> > > On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 11:17 AM, vishy  wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > I need to do spatial queries like find places within 5 miles of a
> > > > location given in latitude and longitude. So, I am thinking of
> > > > exploring PostGIS and GeoDjango. I have installed both. Now, I already
> > > > have a database which has a table for places with latitude and
> > > > longitude. Can I enable this db to use postgis and add column to this
> > > > table? Or, do I have to create a separate spatial db, create a table
> > > > with a column of geometry type and import data into that table (from
> > > > places table).? If I can use the existing database, how do I enable it
> > > > to use PostGIS?
> > > > --
> > > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Groups
> > > > "Django users" group.
> > > > To post to this group, send email to
> > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > >
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> > > >
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "Django users" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >
> --
> George R. C. Silva
> Desenvolvimento em 
> GIShttp://geoprocessamento.net

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Unable to get result using distance query

2012-04-25 Thread vishy

I am using PointField to store longitude and latitude with SRID 4326.
All my places are in USA. Now, given a reference point, I do

   lat = "41.881944"
   lng = "-87.627778"

ref_pnt = fromstr("POINT(%s %s)" % (lng, lat))
distance_from_point = {'m':'50'}
r_gis =

But, I am getting an error

   DatabaseError: Coordinate values are out of range [-180 -90,
180 90] for GEOGRAHY type

What is wrong?

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Re: Confused about GeoDjango and PostGIS

2012-04-25 Thread vishy
thanks. This is what I have done.

On Apr 26, 9:57 am, Jani Tiainen  wrote:
> 25.4.2012 19:17, vishy kirjoitti:
> > Hi,
> > I need to do spatial queries like find places within 5 miles of a
> > location given in latitude and longitude. So, I am thinking of
> > exploring PostGIS and GeoDjango. I have installed both. Now, I already
> > have a database which has a table for places with latitude and
> > longitude. Can I enable this db to use postgis and add column to this
> > table? Or, do I have to create a separate spatial db, create a table
> > with a column of geometry type and import data into that table (from
> > places table).? If I can use the existing database, how do I enable it
> > to use PostGIS?
> It depends on your environment but basic workflow is same is in *nix
> instructions. And it's not even hard. :
> createdb yourdatabase
> createlang plpgsql yourdatabase
> psql -d yourdatabase -f postgis.sql
> psql -d yourdatabase -f postgis_comments.sql
> psql -d yourdatabase -f spatial_ref_sys.sql
> Of course in your case you can skip creation of database. Just create
> language and install postgis stuff.
> After that you need to make sure that your database user has access to
> geometry_columns and spatial_ref_sys tables.
> Add new column (For PostGIS 1.5.x, newer postgis has simpler alternative
> syntax):
> SELECT AddGeometryColumn('my_table', 'my_geom', 4326, 'POINT', 2)
> And after that just update new geometry column:
> update my_table set my_geom = GeomFromText('POINT(' + x + ' ' + y +')',
> 4326)
> And don't forget to commit. If you have lot's of geometries (1M+) you
> probably want to drop out spatial index and recreate it afterwards.
> Otherwise building index takes just long time.
> --
> Jani Tiainen
> - Well planned is half done and a half done has been sufficient before...

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Re: Confused about GeoDjango and PostGIS

2012-04-26 Thread vishy
I am having trouble converting latitude and longitude. Both are in
double precision in the table.
So, I am doing this

UPDATE my_table
SET geom = ST_PointFromText('POINT(' || longitude ||' '|| latitude
||')', 4326)

But, when I do this

SELECT ST_PointFromText(geom ) FROM my_table

I am getting an error
ERROR:  parse error - invalid geometry
HINT:  "010120E610D" <-- parse error at position 19 within
CONTEXT:  SQL function "st_pointfromtext" statement 1


On Apr 26, 9:57 am, Jani Tiainen  wrote:
> 25.4.2012 19:17, vishy kirjoitti:
> > Hi,
> > I need to do spatial queries like find places within 5 miles of a
> > location given in latitude and longitude. So, I am thinking of
> > exploring PostGIS and GeoDjango. I have installed both. Now, I already
> > have a database which has a table for places with latitude and
> > longitude. Can I enable this db to use postgis and add column to this
> > table? Or, do I have to create a separate spatial db, create a table
> > with a column of geometry type and import data into that table (from
> > places table).? If I can use the existing database, how do I enable it
> > to use PostGIS?
> It depends on your environment but basic workflow is same is in *nix
> instructions. And it's not even hard. :
> createdb yourdatabase
> createlang plpgsql yourdatabase
> psql -d yourdatabase -f postgis.sql
> psql -d yourdatabase -f postgis_comments.sql
> psql -d yourdatabase -f spatial_ref_sys.sql
> Of course in your case you can skip creation of database. Just create
> language and install postgis stuff.
> After that you need to make sure that your database user has access to
> geometry_columns and spatial_ref_sys tables.
> Add new column (For PostGIS 1.5.x, newer postgis has simpler alternative
> syntax):
> SELECT AddGeometryColumn('my_table', 'my_geom', 4326, 'POINT', 2)
> And after that just update new geometry column:
> update my_table set my_geom = GeomFromText('POINT(' + x + ' ' + y +')',
> 4326)
> And don't forget to commit. If you have lot's of geometries (1M+) you
> probably want to drop out spatial index and recreate it afterwards.
> Otherwise building index takes just long time.
> --
> Jani Tiainen
> - Well planned is half done and a half done has been sufficient before...

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Re: filtering drop downs according to logged in user

2011-04-22 Thread vishy

On Apr 21, 7:10 pm, "Szabo, Patrick \(LNG-VIE\)"
> Hi,
> I want to filter the dropdownlists that are automatically used to select
> a foreign-key in forms (in my views).
> Normally that could easily be done with "class Meta" in the Modelform.
> Thing is i want to filter by an attribute of the current
> userspecificly the groups that the user is assigned to.
> So how do i do that ?!
> Can i acces request.user in the models somehow ?!
> Kind regards
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> Patrick Szabo
>  XSLT Developer
> LexisNexis
> Marxergasse 25, 1030 Wien
> Tel.: +43 (1) 534 52 - 1573
> Fax: +43 (1) 534 52 - 146

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Re: filtering drop downs according to logged in user

2011-04-22 Thread vishy

On Apr 21, 7:10 pm, "Szabo, Patrick \(LNG-VIE\)"
> Hi,
> I want to filter the dropdownlists that are automatically used to select
> a foreign-key in forms (in my views).
> Normally that could easily be done with "class Meta" in the Modelform.
> Thing is i want to filter by an attribute of the current
> userspecificly the groups that the user is assigned to.
> So how do i do that ?!
> Can i acces request.user in the models somehow ?!
> Kind regards
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> Patrick Szabo
>  XSLT Developer
> LexisNexis
> Marxergasse 25, 1030 Wien
> Tel.: +43 (1) 534 52 - 1573
> Fax: +43 (1) 534 52 - 146

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Some beginners question

2011-01-30 Thread vishy
1) I want to read files. Where should I put these files? I am not using a 
model to link to the files. And how to discover the path to files? I am 
working on windows, and in development environment I am using the full path 
to the file.
2) I created my own custom classes, but when I import into, I get 
module not found. Why so? My custom classes are inside 


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