VIM as Modern Python/Dajngo IDE

2012-02-04 Thread Vikas Ruhil
I write a Blog about VIM as a Python/Dajngo Modern IDE .There are about 15
Plugin and config of there is on post . I am looking for plugin suggestion
for more .

Also for newbie and Non-vim user's there is request  to checkout the
post.Those Guys who ask what IDE should they need use or Which is Best IDE
for Python/Django.

Vikash Ruhil

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Re: Django Development environment

2012-02-04 Thread Vikas Ruhil
If you used Pydev and Textmate , eclipse for Django ! so now You forget
My environment is  Ubuntu+vim+Virutalenv+firefox(with vim) +Firebug.
I bully on vim , also proof that is better then the Textmate and Pydev
 that is here

On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 6:18 PM, Jani Tiainen  wrote:

> On 08/31/2011 01:46 PM, graeme wrote:
>> On Aug 31, 1:16 pm, Jani Tiainen  wrote:
>>> On 08/28/2011 12:31 PM, Simon Connah wrote:
>>>  On 28 Aug 2011, at 04:41, Sam Walters wrote:

>>>  Debug client-side:
> firebug, yslow, a windows computer with ie7

>>>  Rather than using a separate computer with IE 7 I tend to just spin up
 an Amazon EC2 instance running Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008
 for a couple of hours. It makes everything so much easier when it comes to

>>> Or you can always download "Internet Explorer Application Compatibility
>>> VPC Image" [1] images from Microsoft directly.
>>> (there are IE6 - IE9 images available) for testing websites. Very useful
>>> with VirtualBox.
>>> [1]**download/en/details.aspx?id=**11575
>> I thought it took a bit of work to get those VPC images to work with
>> VirtualBox. The last time I looked they were tied to Virtual PC
>> (virtual) hardware, and had activation issues with VirtualBox. Has
>> that changed?
> VirtualBox 4.1 in Ubuntu
> Just downloaded image parts, extracted multipart rar package. Then comes
> the tricky part:
> When creating new VM you trick is to attach VHD image as an IDE drive, not
> SATA (Defautl creation attaches image as SATA). And of course you don't try
> to activate it but that's enough for testing.
> --
> Jani Tiainen
> --
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Vikash Ruhil

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Re: VIM as Modern Python/Dajngo IDE

2012-02-04 Thread Vikas Ruhil
Now working on graphics and how use all this content efficiently ,try to
make graphics those can give basic to advance understanding to the
Python/Django users.Really Good response this post is breaking records for
m .Keep Switch there More are coming

On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 12:29 AM, yati sagade  wrote:

> Hi Vikash
> Appreciate the heads up! Why don't you share this link on G+ and other
> social media - Even I'll share with my friends - I haven't tried all of it
> yet, but it looks good. kudos man, Good Job! Keep it up :)
> Yati Sagade
> On Sat, Feb 4, 2012 at 5:33 PM, Vikas Ruhil wrote:
>> I write a Blog about VIM as a Python/Dajngo Modern IDE .There are about
>> 15 Plugin and config of there is on post . I am looking for plugin
>> suggestion for more .
>> Also for newbie and Non-vim user's there is request  to checkout the
>> post.Those Guys who ask what IDE should they need use or Which is Best IDE
>> for Python/Django.
>> Regards
>> Vikash Ruhil
>> --
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>> "Django users" group.
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> --
> Yati Sagade <>
> (@yati_itay <>)
>  --
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Vikash Ruhil

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Re: VIM as Modern Python/Dajngo IDE

2012-02-06 Thread Vikas Ruhil
sure soon i must update my blog with my .vimrc on github , am
busy in production of image and screen-cast for those plugins so people can
benefited from them because vim really enhance the productivity and saves a
lot of time. Can be converted into best editor .Many textmate and others
users (pydev+eclipse ) mail me personally for Video because  they find it
I am preparing first stuff for Dajngo/Python  later .For
I am using vim for all these from a long time whyn't we share our knowledge
so community can be benefited.Thanks for good response and feedback from
guys,Folks. I try to put my more effort soon update the blog with moving
graphics so people can understand this with deep

Viaksh ruhil

On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 8:24 PM, Piotr Zalewa  wrote:

> Good work with adding explanations to what plugins are doing, I'm too
> often just add plugins.
> It might be worth to put your setup (basically .vim directory) on github.
> I did so with mine, but it's a bit bloated (**
> vimSetup <>)
> I advice to use pathogen plugin and keep all submodules in "bundle" dir.
> It's de facto standard in vim configs.
> zalun
> On 02/04/12 20:49, David Markey wrote:
>> It looks like most of this could be scripted to be made automatic..
>> On 4 February 2012 19:31, yati sagade > <>**> wrote:
>>Seriously dude, I think you should go about making a video of this.
>>On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 12:56 AM, Vikas Ruhil ><**>> wrote:
>>Now working on graphics and how use all this content efficiently
>>,try to make graphics those can give basic to advance
>>understanding to the Python/Django users.Really Good response
>>this post is breaking records for m .Keep Switch there More are
>>On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 12:29 AM, yati sagade
>>>**> wrote:
>>Hi Vikash
>>Appreciate the heads up! Why don't you share this link on G+
>>and other social media - Even I'll share with my friends - I
>>haven't tried all of it yet, but it looks good. kudos man,
>>Good Job! Keep it up :)
>>Yati Sagade
>>On Sat, Feb 4, 2012 at 5:33 PM, Vikas Ruhil
>> wrote:
>>I write a Blog about VIM as a Python/Dajngo Modern IDE
>>.There are about 15 Plugin and config of there is on
>>post . I am looking for plugin suggestion for more .
>>Also for newbie and Non-vim user's there is request  to
>>checkout the post.Those Guys who ask what IDE should
>>they need use or Which is Best IDE for Python/Django.
>> universal-idepart-1.html<>
>>Vikash Ruhil
>>You received this message because you are subscribed to
>>the Google Groups "Django users" group.
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>> <mailto:django-users@**
>> >.
>>To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> django-users+unsubscribe@**
>> <mailto:django-users%**
>> **>.
>>For more options, visit this group at
>> .
>> Sagade<**yati_itay<>
>> >
>>(@yati_itay <>**)
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>>Google Groups "Django users" group.
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Re: VIM as Modern Python/Dajngo IDE

2012-02-06 Thread Vikas Ruhil
Sorry guys i forget to remove my signature extremely sorry for that to all

On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 8:40 PM, Vikas Ruhil  wrote:

> sure soon i must update my blog with my .vimrc on github , am
> busy in production of image and screen-cast for those plugins so people can
> benefited from them because vim really enhance the productivity and saves a
> lot of time. Can be converted into best editor .Many textmate and others
> users (pydev+eclipse ) mail me personally for Video because  they find it
> worthy.
> I am preparing first stuff for Dajngo/Python  later .For
> ruby,c,c++,java,prolog,haskell,lua..etc.
> I am using vim for all these from a long time whyn't we share our
> knowledge so community can be benefited.Thanks for good response and
> feedback from guys,Folks. I try to put my more effort soon update the blog
> with moving graphics so people can understand this with deep
> Regards
> Viaksh ruhil
> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 8:24 PM, Piotr Zalewa  wrote:
>> Good work with adding explanations to what plugins are doing, I'm too
>> often just add plugins.
>> It might be worth to put your setup (basically .vim directory) on github.
>> I did so with mine, but it's a bit bloated (**
>> vimSetup <>)
>> I advice to use pathogen plugin and keep all submodules in "bundle" dir.
>> It's de facto standard in vim configs.
>> zalun
>> On 02/04/12 20:49, David Markey wrote:
>>> It looks like most of this could be scripted to be made automatic..
>>> On 4 February 2012 19:31, yati sagade >> <>**> wrote:
>>>Seriously dude, I think you should go about making a video of this.
>>>On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 12:56 AM, Vikas Ruhil >><**>> wrote:
>>>Now working on graphics and how use all this content efficiently
>>>,try to make graphics those can give basic to advance
>>>understanding to the Python/Django users.Really Good response
>>>this post is breaking records for m .Keep Switch there More are
>>>On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 12:29 AM, yati sagade
>>>>**> wrote:
>>>Hi Vikash
>>>Appreciate the heads up! Why don't you share this link on G+
>>>and other social media - Even I'll share with my friends - I
>>>haven't tried all of it yet, but it looks good. kudos man,
>>>Good Job! Keep it up :)
>>>Yati Sagade
>>>On Sat, Feb 4, 2012 at 5:33 PM, Vikas Ruhil
>>> wrote:
>>>I write a Blog about VIM as a Python/Dajngo Modern IDE
>>>.There are about 15 Plugin and config of there is on
>>>post . I am looking for plugin suggestion for more .
>>>Also for newbie and Non-vim user's there is request  to
>>>checkout the post.Those Guys who ask what IDE should
>>>they need use or Which is Best IDE for Python/Django.
>>> universal-idepart-1.html<>
>>>Vikash Ruhil
>>>You received this message because you are subscribed to
>>>the Google Groups "Django users" group.
>>>To post to this group, send email to
>>> <mailto:django-users@**
>>> >.
>>>To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> django-users+unsubscribe@**
>>> <mailto:django-users%**
>>> **>.
>>>For more options, visit this group at

Re: Anyone use mod_security with Django?

2011-08-18 Thread vikas ruhil
I am also looking for the same HELP ANYONE?

On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 10:05 PM, KC LEE  wrote:

>  Hi,
>  I am running a website built with Django.
>  For security, I am going to install mod_security on my web server.
>  Anyone use mod_security with Django? Is mod_security useful?
>  I heard that Django can defend many attacks (like csrf, XSS, SQL
> Injection... and so on...)
> --
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what should be memory size memcached for Django on Ubuntu Os?

2011-08-27 Thread vikas ruhil
A brief Description of system On i  need help for memcached size:-
1)Cpu :- i7 intel , 16 Gb Ram , Internal SATA Hard-disk :640 Gb , External
Hardisk :-10 Tb, Os :- Ubuntu-32bit
2)Cpu- i2 intel core2duo , 4Gb Ram, Internal SATA Hard-disk: 320 Gb ,
External Hard-disk :- 2 Tb , Os:-Ubuntu-32bit
3)Cpu- i2 intel core2duo , 4Gb Ram, Internal SATA Hard-disk: 320 Gb ,
External Hard-disk :- 2 Tb , Os:-FreeBsd-7.0 (I am using FreeBsd with Lamson
for mailing system)

Using Command line  :- memcached -d -m  -l -p 11222
Anybody able to suggest memory size for Django, or for Dynamic python usage
for high Performance computing

Vikash Ruhil

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Re: Which IDE should I use for Django?

2011-12-19 Thread Vikas Ruhil
Go for Vim it is great for django  you really feel like a superuser , just
search Google Vim as python Modern IDE !!

On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 12:42 PM, huseyin yilmaz wrote:

> I was going to say emacs, but since you also use windows, Aptana would
> be a better fit.
> On Dec 19, 12:34 pm, Alec Taylor  wrote:
> > I'm looking for a Django IDE which incorporates the following features:
> > - Syntax-highlighting
> > - Projects (all code file of the project shown separated by directory
> > in a sidebar)
> > - Tabs (with close buttons on tab)
> > - Code-completion (with good introspection)
> > - Text-zoom support
> > - Start/stop Django server
> > - Run+restart Django server shell ( shell) in project (i.e.
> below code)
> >
> > I program on Windows and Linux, so it would be great if the IDE is
> > supported on both platforms.
> >
> > Previously I was using Editra, but I requested an automatic import
> > into embedded interpreter feature in April, which they still haven't
> > integrated. So I am looking at alternatives :)
> >
> > Thanks for all suggestions,
> >
> > Alec Taylor
> --
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Thanks & Regards,
Vikash Ruhil | CTO | Mob : +91-97174-82118 | Ph : +91-11-27581821  |
Connect With Me:  Twitter   ** Lin
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Contact me: | [image: Skype/] vikas.ruhil |

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Re: "Great circle" using the django ORM?

2011-08-11 Thread vikas ruhil
really , indeed!!

On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 11:46 PM, Thomas Orozco

> Indeed!
> As a sidenote, once you factor in the size, to what extent do you think it
> is not precise?
> Le 11 août 2011 19:55, "Bill Freeman"  a écrit :
> > Only on a flat earth of radius 1 radian. Henrik is correct on a
> > spherical earth (which I
> > find close enough).
> >
> > On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 12:43 PM, Thomas Orozco
> >  wrote:
> >> The distance is: Sqrt( Sqr(lat1-lat2) + Sqr(long1-long2) )
> >>
> >> Le 11 août 2011 17:09, "Thomas Weholt"  a
> écrit :
> >>> I got a model with longitude and latitude and want to be able to find
> >>> other objects nearby a selected object. Can this be done using the
> >>> django orm? What is the best approach to do this in a django project?
> >>>
> >>> I found a answer on Stackoverflow, but doesn't work with sqlite. Doing
> >>> it in SQL is ok and probably the best solution performance wise, but
> >>> if it has to be done in python I'll do that too.
> >>>
> >>> Ref question on stackoverflow:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Mvh/Best regards,
> >>> Thomas Weholt
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --
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> >>>
> >>
> >> --
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> >
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need help regard to setup a web-hosting environment for Django

2011-08-17 Thread vikas ruhil
Hey I am using Ubuntu as My OS, hey want to setup a local web-hosting
environment on my machine for a open source project for a django website ,
so please any can help me in this how to setup i know set up a local web
hosting of php not for python can anybody help me, I try about 20 times i
failure in my attempt so any hint or idea how should i deploy , or nay
tutorial or documentation plz

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