Re: Django create username and password, please help!

2019-06-26 Thread nitish kumar
Hi Jackeline ...

Are you able to start the server using (python runserver)
if yes you can create super user using below command
python createsuperuser

after giving username and password navigate to below URL
and use  the superuser credentials to login and here you can N-number of
users :)


On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 8:34 PM Jackeline Peña Alejandro <> wrote:

> Hello everyone, I have a query, well is the first time I'm using django to
> create web pages, I would like help in that sense, I have to create a
> username and password, I would like guidance on it, there are tutorials on
> youtube, but do not help me, because the course of following the steps,
> there is always an error, and I get confused.
> I'm using pycharm which allowed me to create a virtual environment, to
> install django
> I look forward to your prompt response,
> Translated with
> --
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Re: Stuck with Django on a Synology Diskstation

2020-03-02 Thread nitish kumar
Hi MH,

what flavour of Linux you are using. if it is centos/redhat you can use 
below steps.

   $sudo yum install httpd24-devel.x86_64 gcc git
 $sudo python3.5 -m pip install  mod-wsgi

once installed you need to add site configuration and permissions to your 
Django code.

 $ cd ~/django_app
 $python makemigrations
 $python migrate
 Note: if you get any errors remove  "db.sqlite3" file and execute the above 2 
 $python collectstatic
 $sudo chown :www-data db.sqlite3
 $sudo service apache2 restart

If packages are not available you have to try the offline installation. and 
you need to install dependencies manually.

ping me if you need more help(

On Tuesday, 3 March 2020 01:34:23 UTC+5:30, MH wrote:
> Hi there
> I am rather a newbie, but after some problems I got django installed on my 
> Synology Diskstation. So, I ignored many other problems and am very happy 
> that I built my very first, very simple app. And now I would like to move 
> it from the development stage to the production stage. Obviously I should 
> make a change to a distinct webserver. Synology offers nginx and apache 
> 2.4. I installed both. And now I do not really know how to proceed. Out 
> there, there are many instructions to use something called mod-wsgi. But I 
> cannot install this from the package center of the Diskstation.
> I also tried to get opkg working. And this did not turn out so well, too. 
> Most packages return an error, when I try to install something. Before this 
> gets too elusive, I would ask you for guidance and then I can provide you 
> with the following error messages.
> Best regards
> MH

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angular setup for django (routes not working)

2019-12-26 Thread nitish kumar

I am trying to integrate angular8 with Django (2.2.4).

*Django side*:

URL and view will load angular 'index.html'


some router-links.
based on URL pattern page is getting loaded.

*problem statement:*

*if host only angular code using 'ng serve' router-link only load's 
particular component instead of loading all links in the index.html file*
*but when I host in Django router-link is loading the entire page again (i 
can see this in developers tools network tab)*

*can some please help..*

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Re: angular setup for django (routes not working)

2019-12-29 Thread nitish kumar
we have a web app which is hosted in apache mod_wsgi.

I am trying to update some of the app functionality/UI with angular 8.

everything works of but angular routes are not working , which is important 
for single-page app

On Friday, 27 December 2019 20:50:42 UTC+5:30, lemme smash wrote:
> you doing something strange.
> usually, when you want to setup angluar with django, you just using `ng 
> serve` to handle all the interface, and just use django for data and api. 
> it's not a good idea to render angular app with django
> On Thursday, December 26, 2019 at 4:05:14 PM UTC+3, nitish kumar wrote:
>> Hi 
>> I am trying to integrate angular8 with Django (2.2.4).
>> *Django side*:
>> URL and view will load angular 'index.html'
>> *angular:*
>> some router-links.
>> based on URL pattern page is getting loaded.
>> *problem statement:*
>> *if host only angular code using 'ng serve' router-link only load's 
>> particular component instead of loading all links in the index.html file*
>> *but when I host in Django router-link is loading the entire page again 
>> (i can see this in developers tools network tab)*
>> *can some please help..*

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