File/Folder permissions for deploying Django app

2010-05-18 Thread flyinglegs

I know that Django code and templates are should not sit in the root
and the same path with Apache. Is there a recommendated location for
deploying the Django app? Also, what is the best practice in terms of
the user account and group the Django folder should use?

Let's say on the virtual machine (ubuntu), I am thinking of creating a
new folder, /var/django, and create a user and a group called django
who owns this folder. Is this good enough? Do I need to assign
permissions so that mod_wsgi can serve django to apache requests?


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Django 1.2.1 doesn't work with South but 1.2 works? How to find the previous version Django 1.2?

2010-06-01 Thread flyinglegs
I am having some trouble with South database migration using Fabric. I
tried several machines, one works and the other 3 doesn't work. The
only difference is that the machine that's working is using Django
1.2, and the others are using Django 1.2.1.

Somehow I couldn't find the Django 1.2 tarball on the website, any
idea why it was pulled? Does anybody else have trouble using Django
1.2.1 with South 0.7.1?


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