Seeking sample template code for iterating nested QuerySet

2012-03-01 Thread brycenesbitt
The documentation at:

Speaks of "Spanning multi-valued relationships", with an QuerySet
returning all Entries (and their Blogs) where the Blog matches a

What does the view code look like?

When I do something similar:

facets= models.Category.objects.
{% for category in answers %}
{% for q in category.facetquestion_set.all %}
{% for a in q.facetanswer_set.all %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Each '_set.all" returns the entire set, not just those entries that
matched a pattern.

Back to the django documentation: how would I write the view for the
example given:
Where I want the view to print:

Entry1 "Lennon On Ice"
Entry2 "Lennon In Love"
Entry9 "Lennon is Killed"

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Re: Working Django forums code for integration?

2012-06-23 Thread brycenesbitt
I've had the same problem.
> AskBot : not a real forum, and a lot of dependencies.
PyBBM: install instructions incomplete, no community to speak of, buggy.  I 
had problems with csrf, and could not get any help.
Cnprog: dead
PyBB: dead
DjangoBB: website reads "Documentation will be soon..."

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Re: Working Django forums code for integration?

2012-06-24 Thread brycenesbitt
Are there any forum packages not listed at 

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'CSRF verification failed." from django.contrib.comments. can you help solve it? django 1.3

2012-06-28 Thread brycenesbitt
I'm using django.contrib.comments and get 'CSRF token missing or incorrect.' 
when previewing or submitting a comment.  I have:


url(r'^comments/',  include('django.contrib.comments.urls')),
url(r'^entry/(?P\d+)/comment',  'rp2.views.entry_comment_add'),

@csrf_protect  #does not matter if this is here or not
def entry_comment_add(request, pk):
entry = models.Entry.objects.get(pk=pk)
assert isinstance(entry, models.Entry)
return render(request, 'entry_comment_popup.html', {'entry':entry})

{% extends 'head-plain.html' %}

{% load comments %}
{% block content %}
{% render_comment_form for entry %}
{% endblock %}

The HTML looks like it has the csrf security_hash in the proper place:>" method="post">


I have read

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Re: 'CSRF verification failed." from django.contrib.comments. can you help solve it? django 1.3

2012-06-29 Thread brycenesbitt

The "security_hash" field that you see is part of the comments app, and is 
> not the CSRF token. That needs to be output by a {% csrf_token %} tag (or 
> its equivalent). If it's working, you should see another hidden input 
> field, which looks like this:
>  value="36d43c1652d5676d6d411950e077eeaa1cc1f799"/>
> The comments app normally does that automatically -- it's part of 
> django/contrib/comments/templates/form.html -- Are you overriding the 
> comment form in your own app? If so, you need to include the call to {% 
> csrf_token %} yourself.

I am not overriding, at least not deliberately.

django/contrib/comments/templates/form.html has:
{% load comments i18n %}
{% csrf_token %}

I render my form with:
{% render_comment_form for entry %}

I should note it did work when I first added it to the application.  It 
broke after I added pybbm.  I've since removed pybbm (it is maintained and 
broken), but comments
started getting csrf errors.

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Re: 'CSRF verification failed." from django.contrib.comments. can you help solve it? django 1.3

2012-06-29 Thread brycenesbitt
On Thursday, June 28, 2012 10:43:58 AM UTC-7, jonas wrote:
> After the starting form tag add {% csrf_token %} 

I can't.
It is rendered for me by {% render_comment_form for entry %}

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m2m through intermediate model: template friendly syntax not working. dj1.3

2012-07-13 Thread brycenesbitt
I'm able to get an intermediate m2m model to show data, but not with the 
template-friendly "_set" syntax:

category= models.Category.objects.select_related().get(pk=pk)
entries = 
for entry in entries:
assert isinstance(entry, models.Entry)
ce = models.CategoryEntry2.objects.get(entry=entry, 
pprint('1: ' + + str(entry.ce))
foo = entry.ce_set.get(category=category) #'Entry' object has no 
attribute 'ce_set'
pprint('2: ' + + str(foo.ce))  #'Entry' object has no 
attribute 'ce_set'
for entry in category.ce_set.all:   #'Category' object has no 
attribute 'ce_set'
pprint('1: ' +

Any ideas?

class Category(models.Model):
title   = models.CharField(max_length=1024,null=True,blank=True)
entry   = models.ManyToManyField(Entry,null=True,blank=True,

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Re: 'CSRF verification failed." from django.contrib.comments. can you help solve it? django 1.3

2012-07-16 Thread brycenesbitt
It works now that I have fully uninstalled pybbm.
Pybbm was incompatible with my app because it also extended the User
object (something apparently you can only do once?)

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Re: m2m through intermediate model: template friendly syntax not working. dj1.3

2012-07-16 Thread brycenesbitt

> Using 'for entry in category.ce_.all', as suggested elsewhere also fails 

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Re: m2m through intermediate model: template friendly syntax not working. dj1.3

2012-07-16 Thread brycenesbitt
I'm still stuck on this.  Is there any tutorial example that shows access 
m2m intermediate model data from a template.  The issue is the template 
library won't accept parameters.  Do I have to write a custom tag to get 
the m2m intermediate data fields?

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Seeking example of django.contrib.staticfiles usage

2011-11-24 Thread brycenesbitt
I'm evaluating frameworks, writing the same app different ways.  I've
run smack into Django's static file handling.  I understand that with
Django my basic options for static files are:

  1) Static files on a separate web server
  2) Configure apache to send some content to Django, serve some
  3) Have django.contrib.staticfiles to serve static content (perhaps
non-optimally) from the Django runtime.

Is there a simple example of #3 (the only one that lets me package up
a complete "app")?

I've read:
And trolled the forums.  Both make it seem much more complicated than
it probably actually is.  There's a lot of cruft in the document.  And
when I add "django.contrib.staticfiles" the runtime simply reports
"Error: No module named staticfiles".

Is there a good working tested example out there?

# --version

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Cache witin a single transaction / session ?

2013-05-23 Thread brycenesbitt
Does there exist a lightweight cache option for django which persists data
in a single session. For example:

{{gallery.tiles.count}} item{% if gallery.tiles.count != 1 %}s{% endif %}

Produces two count() operations on the underlying database.  Is there a way 
to make that one operation?

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