Re: How to approach

2021-11-15 Thread Zaid Ullah
Sir I am also beginner in Django and i also want to create login, sign in 
file but i don't know how to do it...if you did successfully please send me 
the code i will learn from it and make one another by self... 

On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 8:47:50 PM UTC+5 Trippy Samurai wrote:

> Hi elgato,
> Thanks for your reply brother
> I need to change the function based views into class based and generic 
> views, previously i have implemented different html pages for all the views 
> like completed,opened,accepted and closed tickets, with class based views i 
> need to have everything in one single html file ri8 if i am not wrong it 
> follows some convention like modelname_list.html on top of that i have 
> multi user signin developer and manager.i am stuck with this how to 
> implement and u can see the html file below which displays the open tickets 
> for developer and there are 8 different html pages for developer and 
> manager for 4 status of ticket as i mentioned at the starting of this 
> message they all should be in one html page if i use class based generic 
> view(list view) i am stuck plz help
> [image: Screenshot 2021-11-15 at 9.09.41 PM.png]
> [image: Screenshot 2021-11-15 at 8.57.33 PM.png]
> On Monday, 15 November 2021 at 19:19:42 UTC+5:30 
> wrote:
>> Hi Trippy.
>> Be more specific about what part is causing you troubles
>> El jue, 4 de nov. de 2021 a la(s) 10:59, Trippy Samurai (
>> escribió:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I am new to django and have a problem statement am not quite sure how to 
>>> approach this,Please help me,
>>> Phase 1 Objectives:
>>>1. Use the existing project setup you have already created  You may 
>>>completely reset Django models/database/codebase if needed but make sure 
>>>you keep celery/redist/celery flower docker setup 
>>>2. Extend default Django user model (very imp. you should 
>>>research/read on this if not sure)
>>>a. user with same email address can only signup as either manager or 
>>>as developer
>>>b. Add more models as needed (i.e. Ticket etc)
>>>3. Create different Profile models for PM and Developer (hint: one 
>>>to one relation to User)  
>>>4. Create Two signup page where user can create account as project 
>>>manager and as  developer 
>>>5. Create two different login pages for PMs and Developers 
>>>6. Each user type is greeted with basic welcome message i.e. 
>>> PM Features :
>>>1. Can create new ticket with title and info/description field 
>>>2. Can mark ticket as closed once it is marked completed by developer
>>> Developer Features:
>>>1. Can accept one or more Ticket if it is open
>>>2. After accepting a ticket it can not be accepted by another 
>>>developer. Only one user can accept one ticket at a time
>>>3. Developer can then mark accepted ticket as completed 
>>> Phase 2 Objectives: 
>>>1.  PM Dashboard :
>>>   1. See existing Open tickets
>>>   2. See Accepted tickets 
>>>   3. See Completed tickets
>>>   4. See Closed tickets 
>>>2. Developer Dashboard 
>>>   1. See Open tickets 
>>>   2. See Accepted tickets 
>>>   3. See Completed tickets 
>>>   4. See Closed tickets
>>>Thank you,
>>> -- 
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Re: Student Club Management Web App: Seeking Collaboration and Advice from Experts

2024-03-21 Thread Zaid Ullah
+923328516774 (WhatsApp)

On Fri, Mar 22, 2024, 12:48 AM Runkang Chen (SySRunkang) <> wrote:

> I want to join and help you.
> Discord ID: 1178027602930323539
> On Saturday, March 2, 2024 at 4:59:13 PM UTC+1 SOLTAN NOURELDIEN wrote:
>> Hello, I am currently working on my Django Project for a specific course
>> at my university. I have already finished reading "Django for Beginners" by
>> William S. Vincent. Now, I am eager to start this project, but I am still
>> in the learning and research phase. Therefore, I will provide the
>> requirements for the project and would appreciate feedback or any tips from
>> anyone with experience in such projects.
>> For example, this will be my first time implementing a multi-user system.
>> After doing extensive research, I learned about Django's model group
>> concept managing this approach. Additionally, I discovered Django Channels
>> and signals, which I have never heard of before. I would appreciate any
>> advice or guidance on how to approach such a project.
>> Furthermore, if anyone is interested in joining me on this journey, it
>> would be wonderful. We can learn a lot from this project together. The
>> deadline is less than two months, so please provide your Discord or
>> WhatsApp number, and we can create a group to collaborate on this project.
>> *The requirements for the project are as follows:*
>> An app for student clubs:
>> *SKS Admin:*
>>   - Create Club Page
>>   - Delete Club Page
>>   - Assign Club Manager
>>   - Activity Form (Approve, Reject)
>>   - Receive notifications (Whenever a change occurs in the club
>>   page) (Approve Change, Reject Change)
>>   - Request for Publishing Activity Post (Approve, Reject)
>>   - Search Club Page
>>   - Announce All Activities (Will be displayed on the main page)
>> *Club Manager:*
>>   - Fill out the activity form
>>   - Request for publishing Activity Post (Sending it to admin, and
>>   after approval, the activity will appear on the club main page)
>>   - Receive Notification (The response to the Activity Form &
>>   Activity Post publishing request)
>>   - Edit Activity Post (Admin manager will receive a notification)
>> *Student:*
>>   - Display weekly Activity Table
>>   - Display Clubs Main Page
>>   - Search (by category, by date)
>> I will only focus on the backend development and integrate it into the
>> template. I have other team members who will provide the Static HTML, CSS &
>> JS files. I will incorporate them into the Django templates and work on
>> making them interactive.
>> Additionally, if time allows, I can implement additional features such as:
>>- Manager:
>>   - Submit an application to SKS to assign a club
>>   - Initiate a chat conversation between the manager and the SKS
>>- Student:
>>   - Become a member of a club
>>   - Follow Clubs
>>   - Follow the club pages
>>   - Like and comment on a post
>> If you have any ideas or know of existing projects that could serve as
>> inspiration, please feel free to comment. I would greatly appreciate it.
>> Also, if you would like to collaborate with me for learning purposes and
>> to work as a team, please don't hesitate to provide your contact
>> information, and I will reach out to you. Thank you very much.
> --
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