Re: multi-db vs. data warehouse

2009-09-23 Thread Tony Schmidt

Hi, Nausikaa.  Thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately, the legacy systems must remain in place until they are
gradually (if ever) phased out.  There's a whole bunch of
functionality that I don't want to have to recreate in those systems
(POS, inventory/accounting, products, etc.).  I just want to build new
functionality that accesses that data (like the example of an order
entry form that creates new order/item data entities in a new DB with
keys to entities in the other DBs or to their versions in the
warehouse).  Most of it should be read only.

I'm starting to hear that a data warehouse is the way to go - but then
there's the question of data warehouse vs. data mart, Inmon vs.
Kimball, and how I can get started building one in python.  I'm not
hearing many suggestions for the multi-db approach (which makes me
wonder what the Django muli-db branch is for?)

On Sep 22, 2:01 am, nausikaa  wrote:
> Hi snfctech
> With warehouse I assume you mean keeping the datasources and periodic
> transfer into a central db (the warehouse).
> Why not migrate all your datasources into e.g. a PostgreDQL db?
> It is easy to write forms and implement logins/access rights in
> django so that your non-technical users can read or edit the
> data. Besides you'd remove some (unnecessary) heterogenity and thereby
> complexity from your system.
> But since I don't know your system I might be missing the point
> completely.
> Nausikaa
> On Sep 22, 3:10 am, snfctech  wrote:
> > I understand that there is a Django branch being actively worked on
> > for connections to multiple DB vendors, or that Django + Elixir may be
> > a good option.  But I'm wondering if building a single data warehouse
> > may still be a better way to go?
> > Here's an example of some of the relations I'm going to have to build
> > for my project:
> > I've got order and order_item tables with their own data and relations
> > to members (Access DB), products (flat file) and employees (MySQL).
> > I initially thought that the best way to manage this would be to
> > create a new DB for the order and order_item tables, and then create
> > cross-vendor joins in the ORM.  But then I came across an unexpected
> > advantage of having all the data in an updated warehouse - my semi-
> > technical staff could still use products like OOBase, that are limited
> > to a single vendor connection, to make reports and forms based on the
> > warehouse data.
> > So now I'm wondering - are direct connections to multiple databases
> > really the best way to go?  Or are there more advantages to building a
> > data warehouse (keeping in mind the complexities of the data
> > replication, scripts for pushing and pulling data, etc.)
> > Thanks in advance for any tips.
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Re: multi-db vs. data warehouse

2009-09-23 Thread Tony Schmidt

Thanks for your reply, Joshua.

Complexity is exactly what I'm trying to avoid - but after doing a
little research on data warehouses (I've never built one), that seems
like a very complex route as well!

I would like to just come up with my "dream schema" and run update
scripts on a daily or event-driven basis, but there seem to be a
million concepts related to data warehousing: data marts, dimensions,
star schemas, snowflakes, EAV tables, and so on.

It seems more straight forward if I could just connect directly to the
operational systems.  I wonder if all that theory is really necessary
for a basic data warehouse...

On Sep 23, 12:09 pm, Joshua Russo  wrote:
> The multi-db branch is just now in the process of being baked into the core
> and from what I can tell it's not quite done yet. Even when it is completely
> done I would recommend the data warehouse approach. I view the multi-db
> functionality more as a last resort, where you really don't have an option
> to merge the data. It adds a lot of complexity so if you can do without I
> would recommend an alternative.
> Just my 2 cents
> Josh
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 4:05 PM, Tony Schmidt wrote:
> > Hi, Nausikaa.  Thanks for your reply.
> > Unfortunately, the legacy systems must remain in place until they are
> > gradually (if ever) phased out.  There's a whole bunch of
> > functionality that I don't want to have to recreate in those systems
> > (POS, inventory/accounting, products, etc.).  I just want to build new
> > functionality that accesses that data (like the example of an order
> > entry form that creates new order/item data entities in a new DB with
> > keys to entities in the other DBs or to their versions in the
> > warehouse).  Most of it should be read only.
> > I'm starting to hear that a data warehouse is the way to go - but then
> > there's the question of data warehouse vs. data mart, Inmon vs.
> > Kimball, and how I can get started building one in python.  I'm not
> > hearing many suggestions for the multi-db approach (which makes me
> > wonder what the Django muli-db branch is for?)
> > On Sep 22, 2:01 am, nausikaa  wrote:
> > > Hi snfctech
> > > With warehouse I assume you mean keeping the datasources and periodic
> > > transfer into a central db (the warehouse).
> > > Why not migrate all your datasources into e.g. a PostgreDQL db?
> > > It is easy to write forms and implement logins/access rights in
> > > django so that your non-technical users can read or edit the
> > > data. Besides you'd remove some (unnecessary) heterogenity and thereby
> > > complexity from your system.
> > > But since I don't know your system I might be missing the point
> > > completely.
> > > Nausikaa
> > > On Sep 22, 3:10 am, snfctech  wrote:
> > > > I understand that there is a Django branch being actively worked on
> > > > for connections to multiple DB vendors, or that Django + Elixir may be
> > > > a good option.  But I'm wondering if building a single data warehouse
> > > > may still be a better way to go?
> > > > Here's an example of some of the relations I'm going to have to build
> > > > for my project:
> > > > I've got order and order_item tables with their own data and relations
> > > > to members (Access DB), products (flat file) and employees (MySQL).
> > > > I initially thought that the best way to manage this would be to
> > > > create a new DB for the order and order_item tables, and then create
> > > > cross-vendor joins in the ORM.  But then I came across an unexpected
> > > > advantage of having all the data in an updated warehouse - my semi-
> > > > technical staff could still use products like OOBase, that are limited
> > > > to a single vendor connection, to make reports and forms based on the
> > > > warehouse data.
> > > > So now I'm wondering - are direct connections to multiple databases
> > > > really the best way to go?  Or are there more advantages to building a
> > > > data warehouse (keeping in mind the complexities of the data
> > > > replication, scripts for pushing and pulling data, etc.)
> > > > Thanks in advance for any tips.
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Re: multi-db vs. data warehouse

2009-09-24 Thread Tony Schmidt

Well, I guess the answer to the thread is looking like:

- a data warehouse is preferable to multiple db connections and cross-
vendor joins

But that's only because I haven't heard anyone voice support for the
multi-db idea.

Now the question is:

How should the warehouse be constructed in tandem with new
functionality and data entities?

What I've read about data warehouses seems to limit them to read-only
OLAP, with special data modelling (namely dimensional, as opposed to
the ER modelling I'm used to).  But in the example I give in my first
post, I'm talking about creating new order and order_item data with
keys to data in the warehouse.  Should that data be stored in the
warehouse, as well, so I don't have to go back to multiple db
connections for my joins?  If it co-exists with the read-only data,
should it all be modelled the same? (all ER or all dimensional)  Or
can it be mixed?

I would start a new thread, but whereas the multi-db issue related
directly to developing Django technology, I'm not sure the issue of
the warehouse design is an appropriate topic for this group (although
I'm also not sure where I should discuss it).

On Sep 24, 2:36 am, Joshua Russo  wrote:
> If he wants to discuss it here I can do that too. It was just a little off
> topic, but not not too much I suppose.
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 7:41 AM, nausikaa  wrote:
> > Hi Joshua
> > Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
> > Too bad, I would've liked to read your suggestion to Tony as well. ; )
> > I'm a just graduate and at work I'm working on something very similar
> > to what has been discussed here.
> > On Sep 23, 9:51 pm, Joshua Russo  wrote:
> > > I have many years of database design experience and it sounds like you
> > are
> > > getting lost in terminology.
> > > I would start out with a set of tables in the warehouse that mirror the
> > > existing data. In these tables you can either wipe and reload each time,
> > or
> > > create a mechanism to track each individual load.
> > > You can then simply write your application against these tables or if you
> > > feel adventurous you can add a more unified set of tables with linking
> > > foreign keys and such and have your process also update the cleaner/more
> > > unified data set. This second part get's tricky and takes practice to
> > know
> > > you have a good structure. You will also have to track changes,
> > additions,
> > > and deletions. If you want some help or advice I would be happy to take a
> > > gander at your structures to show you what I might do. Feel free to email
> > me
> > > directly at
> > > On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 6:35 PM, Tony Schmidt  > >wrote:
> > > > Thanks for your reply, Joshua.
> > > > Complexity is exactly what I'm trying to avoid - but after doing a
> > > > little research on data warehouses (I've never built one), that seems
> > > > like a very complex route as well!
> > > > I would like to just come up with my "dream schema" and run update
> > > > scripts on a daily or event-driven basis, but there seem to be a
> > > > million concepts related to data warehousing: data marts, dimensions,
> > > > star schemas, snowflakes, EAV tables, and so on.
> > > > It seems more straight forward if I could just connect directly to the
> > > > operational systems.  I wonder if all that theory is really necessary
> > > > for a basic data warehouse...
> > > > On Sep 23, 12:09 pm, Joshua Russo  wrote:
> > > > > The multi-db branch is just now in the process of being baked into
> > the
> > > > core
> > > > > and from what I can tell it's not quite done yet. Even when it is
> > > > completely
> > > > > done I would recommend the data warehouse approach. I view the
> > multi-db
> > > > > functionality more as a last resort, where you really don't have an
> > > > option
> > > > > to merge the data. It adds a lot of complexity so if you can do
> > without I
> > > > > would recommend an alternative.
> > > > > Just my 2 cents
> > > > > Josh
> > > > > On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 4:05 PM, Tony Schmidt <
> >
> > > > >wrote:
> > > > > > Hi, Nausikaa.  Thanks for your reply.
> > > > > > Unfortunately, the legacy systems must remain in place until they
> > are
> > &g

Re: multi-db vs. data warehouse

2009-09-28 Thread Tony Schmidt

"If you need to link one order item to other data in the warehouse it
only either be done in the warehouse or between the systems outside of

Now we're back to the crux of the topic!  Joins in the warehouse, or
cross-vendor joins between disparate systems?

If multi-db _were_ done, or if multi-db connections with cross-vendor
joins via Elixir were an option, would that be a preferable route to
creating those joins between the order entry system and the
warehouse?  I don't really need the warehouse for what it seems to be
used for traditionally - analytics, reports and BI - I simply need it
to make my life easier when trying to generate order and order_item
records that have foreign key attributes in different systems like
"product_id", "employee_id", "member_id", and so forth.  (Although, as
I mentioned earlier, having a single repository for my OOBase users to
go to would be an added plus.)

So maybe I shouldn't be calling what I need a "warehouse", but rather
a "central data repository with an ETL layer"?  Or maybe I should
throw out the ETL overhead entirely and figure out how to perform
cross-vendor, multi-db joins?

That is still my quandary..

On Sep 26, 7:46 am, Joshua Russo  wrote:
> No one is recommending multi-db because it's not done yet.
> I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean by "creating new order and
> order_item data with keys to data in the warehouse" but that doesn't sound
> like a recommended approach.
> A data warehouse (in my opinion) should be read only and no other system
> should need to know about it. An important concept to keep in mind with a
> warehouse is that it is never the originator of the base data (it may create
> new computations of the data but it's always based on data from other
> systems). As such it is for reporting purposes only and no other system
> should treat it as the system of record.
> If you need to link one order item to other data in the warehouse it should
> only either be done in the warehouse or between the systems outside of the
> warehouse. It sounds like you want to modify the order entry application to
> reference data in other systems and still display the data in the order
> entry app. If this is the case the only solution I would implement is
> between the two existing systems.
> As far as OLAP goes, it's not mutually exclusive from ER. It is simply a
> method of extracting multidimensional data. An ER model can most certainly
> be dimensional, you just need to integrate the proper timestamp structure.
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 4:35 PM, Tony Schmidt wrote:
> > Well, I guess the answer to the thread is looking like:
> > - a data warehouse is preferable to multiple db connections and cross-
> > vendor joins
> > But that's only because I haven't heard anyone voice support for the
> > multi-db idea.
> > Now the question is:
> > How should the warehouse be constructed in tandem with new
> > functionality and data entities?
> > What I've read about data warehouses seems to limit them to read-only
> > OLAP, with special data modelling (namely dimensional, as opposed to
> > the ER modelling I'm used to).  But in the example I give in my first
> > post, I'm talking about creating new order and order_item data with
> > keys to data in the warehouse.  Should that data be stored in the
> > warehouse, as well, so I don't have to go back to multiple db
> > connections for my joins?  If it co-exists with the read-only data,
> > should it all be modelled the same? (all ER or all dimensional)  Or
> > can it be mixed?
> > I would start a new thread, but whereas the multi-db issue related
> > directly to developing Django technology, I'm not sure the issue of
> > the warehouse design is an appropriate topic for this group (although
> > I'm also not sure where I should discuss it).
> > On Sep 24, 2:36 am, Joshua Russo  wrote:
> > > If he wants to discuss it here I can do that too. It was just a little
> > off
> > > topic, but not not too much I suppose.
> > > On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 7:41 AM, nausikaa  wrote:
> > > > Hi Joshua
> > > > Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
> > > > Too bad, I would've liked to read your suggestion to Tony as well. ; )
> > > > I'm a just graduate and at work I'm working on something very similar
> > > > to what has been discussed here.
> > > > On Sep 23, 9:51 pm, Joshua Russo  wrote:
> > > > > I have many years of database design experience and it

Re: multi-db vs. data warehouse

2009-09-29 Thread Tony Schmidt

Thanks for everyone's feedback.  I think it's time to just give it a
whirl and see what happens.


"With my personal experience I would go with an ETL and copy the
desired data
directly into your ordering system."

I think that's the approach I'm going to take.


Thanks for the link.  I'll keep ROA in mind.

On Sep 28, 1:04 pm, Joshua Russo  wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 6:36 PM, David Larlet  wrote:
> > Le 22 sept. 2009 à 03:10, snfctech a écrit :
> > > I understand that there is a Django branch being actively worked on
> > > for connections to multiple DB vendors, or that Django + Elixir may be
> > > a good option.  But I'm wondering if building a single data warehouse
> > > may still be a better way to go?
> > Self-promotion here, but if you eventually choose the data warehouse
> > approach, you should take a look at django-roa:
> >
> > It allows you to deal with your HTTP resources as Django models
> > painlessly.
> > Do not hesitate to contact me if that's your final choice, I already
> > use it against a data warehouse.
> That looks pretty cool. I will definitely keep that in mind in the future.
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how to emulate parallel multi-user usability testing with django and selenium/grid?

2012-04-24 Thread Tony Schmidt

I can get my Selenium tests running fine for one user/ sequentially on 
Django 1.4 using 
but I would like to emulate parallel multi-user testing. I don't think I 
need real load testing, since my apps are mostly moderate/low traffic 
web-sites and internal web-apps, so I would prefer to avoid extra tools 
like JMeter.

I've started out setting up Selenium Grid 
am not sure how to keep my tests independent and still run multiple tests 
with multiple users. I assume the test cases should be run for different 
users on the same DB simultaneously - but each test drops and creates a new 
DB, so I don't understand how that is possible.

And I don't want to sign up for a service like 

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[Django Gig - Sacramento/Bay Area, CA] Help make Django/FOSS a success for independent/local grocery retail

2012-05-25 Thread Tony Schmidt
I can read this list and the docs all I want, but there's no substitute for 
experienced code review and pair programming.

*So we, the Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op, are seeking a (preferably 
local) Django guru to help bring best practices to our in-house software 

We have a small I.T. department with one full-time developer and are trying 
to liberate our internal systems using Free Software and Python/Django.  As 
a co-operative, we believe in local/community investment and sharing, which 
is why we are trying to empower in-house staff with custom software and 
tools.  We also hope to share our software with the broader grocery retail 
industry, at some point.  

We have been using Django for about a year for two projects, and are about 
to start a third.  We need someone to help provide support to our in-house 
developer 5-15 hours per week through on-site or remote pair programming 
and other means of collaboration to insure that we are building the best 
Django apps possible.

The current project we need support for is scheduled for a three month time 
frame, starting immediately.  We figure you probably need about 3+ years 
Django experience and some sample code/ sites/ apps to qualify as a “guru” 
- so please have that available.  Please contact tschmidt at our domain, 
sacfoodcoop, which uses the popular “com” TLD, if interested.* 

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should Django groups and permissions be hard-coded or bootstrapped?

2012-10-25 Thread Tony Schmidt

I'm building an app that assumes the existence of certain groups and 
permissions for its workflow. For example, a "member" can log into the app 
and view and edit their personal data, but cannot see notes that would 
typically be displayed on the same screen. An "employee" can see those 
notes and create or edit their own, but only a "member manager" can delete 
or edit anyone's notes.

My issue is with bootstrapping the data for this app. I can create JSON 
fixture data for the groups, but then I have to hard-code the PKs, which 
seems like bad practice (what if a third party app I wanted to use did the 
same thing and there was a conflict?) A bigger issue is the permissions - I 
would have to add PKs to the permissions which in turn would have PKs to 
their content types.

I've read about using the post_syncdb hook to add initial data in a more 
programmatic fashion which I'm hoping will help me resolve the hard-coded 
PK issue. But I'm wondering whether this is the best solution to this 
problem, or if I'm "abusing" the Django Group and Permission concepts, 
here, and should be doing something else, like creating new models or just 
putting flags (like "is_member_manager") on my user profile model, etc.

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why can't I access a dictionary with an initial form field value from my django template?

2011-08-23 Thread Tony Schmidt
I thought this should be the proper syntax in my template:

{{ MYDICT.myform.somefield.value }}

But I get a "can't parse remainder error."

Just putting {{ myform.somefield.value }} gives me "3" and {{ MYDICT.
3 }} gives me the dictionary value I want.

Am I missing something?

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Re: why can't I access a dictionary with an initial form field value from my django template?

2011-08-23 Thread Tony Schmidt
Thanks, Reinout.

I wound up creating a custom "getter" filter so I could do {{ MYDICT|
get:myform.somefiled.value }} - which I'm surprised isn't a built-in,
actually.  But I think your suggestion is a good alternative.


On Aug 23, 1:40 pm, Reinout van Rees  wrote:
> On 23-08-11 21:16, Tony Schmidt wrote:
> > I thought this should be the proper syntax in my template:
> > {{ MYDICT.myform.somefield.value }}
> > But I get a "can't parse remainder error."
> > Just putting {{ myform.somefield.value }} gives me "3" and {{ MYDICT.
> > 3 }} gives me the dictionary value I want.
> > Am I missing something?
> MYDICT.myform looks up an 'myform' attribute on MYDICT or the 'myform'
> key in the MYDICT dictionary. Which doesn't exist.
> There's no way the template language can know that it first has to look
> up the last three items and then apply that to the first item. That's
> the basic problem.
> Best solution probably: just do the MYDICT[myform.somefield.value] in
> your view and pass the value to the template?
> Reinout
> --
> Reinout van Rees          
> "If you're not sure what to do, make something. -- Paul Graham"

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how to only allow google apps auth from one domain

2012-01-09 Thread Tony Schmidt
I tried django-social-auth and googleappsauth but both allow me to
authenticate from any domain.  Has anybody had luck setting this up
with these, or any other packages?

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Re: how to only allow google apps auth from one domain

2012-01-10 Thread Tony Schmidt
Got it: Hacked the django-social-auth Google back-end to filter by
domain.  I'll see if the project wants to accept my changes as a

On Jan 9, 5:38 pm, Tony Schmidt  wrote:
> I tried django-social-authand googleappsauth but both allow me to
> authenticate from anydomain.  Has anybody had luck setting this up
> with these, or any other packages?

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how can I use ipdb with runserver_plus?

2011-08-04 Thread Tony Schmidt
Is this possible?

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