Re: Custom user model password is not hashed

2022-12-06 Thread Sage
Hey *Ben*, please help with the repo for the same code. I'm getting same error 

On Saturday, 7 May 2022 at 22:37:32 UTC Tejas Agrawal wrote:

> Hey Benjamin, can you please share your github repo for the same code. I'm 
> also getting the same error in one of my project, can't figure out how to 
> solve it.
> On Friday, November 13, 2015 at 6:11:09 PM UTC+5:30 
> wrote:
>> The problem was, when creating a custom user, one has to define a custom 
>> model form and model admin that handles the password properly. After that 
>> it was solved.
>> Thank you.
>> On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 9:25 PM, Andreas Kuhne  
>> wrote:
>>> Try to debug and check what your password value is after the 
>>> set_password() statement.  Also have you checked the database after trying 
>>> to create a user with the new method? It should be hashed in the database. 
>>> This is stuff that should "just work" in django (it's regulated by the 
>>> AbstractBaseUser and is the same that I am using in a project).
>>> You did restart the django shell after changing the code?
>>> 2015-11-12 16:44 GMT+01:00 Benjamin Smith :
 I have changed user.set_password(self.cleaned_data["password"]) to 
 But I am getting the same result.

 On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 8:57 PM, Andreas Kuhne  

> As aRkadeFR says, you seam to have mixed code there
> The row:
> user.set_password(self.cleaned_data["password"])
> is taken from a form somewhere and won't work. It should instead be : 
> user.set_password(password)
> I suppose the password is going through to the create method via the 
> kwargs argument at the end of you create method. But if you change like I 
> said, everything should work.
> Med vänliga hälsningar,
> Andréas Kühne
> Software Development Manager
> Suitopia Scandinavia AB
> 2015-11-12 16:20 GMT+01:00 aRkadeFR :
>> Hello,
>> I don't quite get the code in your method: '
>> MyUserManager.create_user':
>> user.set_password(self.cleaned_data["password"])
>> You're in your Manager method but call self.cleaned_data ?
>> You can set a breakpoint inside your method with pdb to see
>> what's going on with your fields?
>> On 11/12/2015 04:11 PM, Benjamin Smith wrote:
>> I have my own custom User model, and its own Manger too.
>> Models:
>> class MyUser(AbstractBaseUser, PermissionsMixin):
>> email = models.EmailField(max_length=255, unique=True)
>> first_name = models.CharField(max_length=35)
>> last_name = models.CharField(max_length=35)
>> username = models.CharField(max_length=70, unique=True)
>> date_of_birth = models.DateField()
>> is_active = models.BooleanField(default=True)
>> is_admin = models.BooleanField(default=False)
>> @property
>> def is_staff(self):
>> return self.is_admin
>> def get_full_name(self):
>> return ('%s %s') % (self.first_name, self.last_name)
>> def get_short_name(self):
>> return self.username
>> objects = MyUserManager()
>> USERNAME_FIELD = 'email'
>> REQUIRED_FIELDS = ['first_name', 'last_name', 'username', 
>> 'date_of_birth']
>> Manager:
>> class MyUserManager(BaseUserManager):
>> def create_user(self, email, first_name, last_name, username, 
>> date_of_birth, password=None, **kwargs):
>> if not email:
>> raise ValueError('User must have an email address')
>> user = self.model(
>> email=self.normalize_email(email),
>> first_name=first_name,
>> last_name=last_name,
>> username=username,
>> date_of_birth=date_of_birth,
>> **kwargs
>> )
>> user.set_password(self.cleaned_data["password"])
>> return user
>> def create_superuser(self, email, first_name, last_name, 
>> username, date_of_birth, password, **kwargs):
>> user = self.create_user(
>> email,
>> first_name=first_name,
>> last_name=last_name,
>> username=username,
>> date_of_birth=date_of_birth,
>> password=password,
>> is_superuser=True,
>> **kwargs
>> )
>> user.is_admin = True
>> return user
>> Everything works when creating a new user without any errors. But 
>> when I try to login I can't. So I checked the user's email and password 
>> to 
>> confirm. Th

What are django packages for making crypto transactions.

2022-01-08 Thread Le Sage Code
I'm trying to build a crypto exchange and to do that I don't know what
django or python packages I need to send cryptos to someone with my wallet
I need help please

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