PostgreSQL Django Query

2021-01-07 Thread Sachin Kumar
I am using Python Django and PostgreSQL to build our report app.

I am using below mention query to find some details. the query mention 
below is running fine in PostgreSQL command line and giving result in 2 sc 
for 2 million cards but when i i am try the same in Django application it 
is taking too much of time and the web page is expired while running this 

can anyone help how to make query faster in Django 

rows = M_Assign.objects.raw(''' select 
Owning_Store_ID ,S."store_name" Owning_Store_Name,F."franchisee_name" 
vdaccount_card_assign C INNER JOIN vd_merchant_master M ON 
C."MERCHANT_ID"=M."merchant_id" AND C."MERCHANT_ID"='003561002966107' INNER 
JOIN vd_store_master S ON S."store_id"=C."GIFT_LIST_REF" OR 
C."GIFT_LIST_REF"='' INNER JOIN vd_franchisee F ON 
S."franchisee_id"=F."franchisee_id" ''')  

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Memory Leak and Solution for Django and PostgreSQL Application

2021-01-18 Thread Sachin Kumar
Hi Experts,

Please help me out with a solution in finding Memory leak from a Django and 
PostgreSQL App. which is the best way to find Memory leak and what would be 
the solution?

How to built Memory Profiler for a Django Applications? if anyone has ever 
created a Django Memory Profiler, pls pls let me know the process. I had 
created a memory profiler for Python single file but not able to use that 
same in Django Application.


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SonarQube and Python/Django Code Analysis

2021-01-21 Thread Sachin Kumar
Hi Experts,

I am trying to do code analysis through Sonarqube. Please if anything 
better that SonarQube to Analysis Python/Django  Code. Please advise. 

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Bind device with login id and password

2021-03-04 Thread Sachin Kumar
Hi Experts,

Is there any way or logic in Django where we can bind user login id and 
password with first device login id.
for example:- 
If a user first time login into a PC A, he can't login into PC B using same 
login id. He can only login into PC A with his login id. if he changes the 
PC then from backend we can remove his old registration and he can login 
into New PC.

Please help me with the logic or any tutorial on this.


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Re: Bind device with login id and password

2021-03-05 Thread Sachin Kumar
HI Mike,

Thanks a lot for the reply I can capture the hostname of the localhost i 
also want to capture mac address of the local host. is there any way we can 
capture the Mac Address of the client?

On Friday, 5 March 2021 at 12:21:31 UTC+5:30 Mike Dewhirst wrote:

> On 5/03/2021 4:52 pm, Sachin Kumar wrote:
> > Hi Experts,
> >
> > Is there any way or logic in Django where we can bind user login id 
> > and password with first device login id.
> > for example:-
> > If a user first time login into a PC A, he can't login into PC B using 
> > same login id. He can only login into PC A with his login id. if he 
> > changes the PC then from backend we can remove his old registration
> Removing an old registration ... ie., a login, is likely to be 
> problematic with cascading deletion needing careful attention. It feels 
> like a sledghammer to crack a nut.
> Without knowing why it is difficult to suggest a reasonable approach.
> In any case, if you need a device ID you might look at ...
> from socket import gethostname
> device_id = gethostname()
> > and he can login into New PC.
> >
> > Please help me with the logic or any tutorial on this.
> >
> >
> > Regards
> > Sachin
> > -- 
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> > 
> > <
> >.
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Django dependent select without Ajax

2021-03-30 Thread Sachin Kumar
Hi Experts,

Does anyone knows Drop down list in Django without Ajax which is faster 
enough to fetch data from Big DataBase.

Please guide me on this.


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Best way in Django to use single API 50000 times in one go

2021-04-23 Thread Sachin Kumar
Hi Experts,

Please help me out to use Single API, 5 times to complete the request.

for ex:- the request is of Enquiry of 5 cards. i just have a single API 
of Enquiry to fulfil this requirement.

Steps1:- I kept these 5 request in a table.
Step 3:- trigger an alert that request received and then 
Step2:- Pick cards 1 by 1 and trigger enquiry API and save the response in 
the table and make the details available in excel to download.  
Step4: alert that request has been completed.
Step 5:- stop all the operation running.

What would be the best way to achieve it ?

There shouldn't be any load on  application or server and request is 

Thanks in Advance

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500 - Internal server error

2021-06-18 Thread Sachin Kumar
Hi Django Experts,
I am trying to download a report from the client's PC using the domain name 
I am getting the response of 500 - Internal server error. when the timing 
to generate the report is less than 60 Sec it works but when the report is 
bigger and it takes more time to generate it gives 500 - Internal server 
But the same report when I am trying from the server using IP address ( 
it completes successfully whatever time it takes it never gives 500 - 
Internal server error.
I am using Windows 2016 Server and IIS Web Server. The development platform 
is Python 3.8, Django and PostgreSQL.
Please Help me fix this issue


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Re: 500 - Internal server error

2021-06-19 Thread Sachin Kumar
Thanks, Kayode for the reply,

it's already enabled but still can't see any details. I am really trying to
fix it for the last month but not able to any help or
suggestion will be highly appreciated.

Please help me out.


On Fri, Jun 18, 2021 at 6:32 PM Kayode Oladipo 

> Set DEBUG=True temporarily and see what's causing the error, or check your
> error logs.
> On Fri, Jun 18, 2021, 1:40 PM Sachin Kumar 
> wrote:
>> Hi Django Experts,
>> I am trying to download a report from the client's PC using the domain
>> name (
>> <[0]=AT0gLKeLIkpBVaNWFWGINpFX_R_q8wHoEwUGLWoHGyogiA3OSIUc5ZUYft5LqxA7DsHXQn0v2vjI1JfDS-sByKoJxbXQbyTp1JMNaD6j8qv3WMYSWk60rF4ShRsXZbGWlrj-IAslRx9_XsmGNMATTvX8l7DXsBH5NLM>)
>> I am getting the response of 500 - Internal server error. when the timing
>> to generate the report is less than 60 Sec it works but when the report is
>> bigger and it takes more time to generate it gives 500 - Internal server
>> error.
>> But the same report when I am trying from the server using IP address (
>> <[0]=AT0gLKeLIkpBVaNWFWGINpFX_R_q8wHoEwUGLWoHGyogiA3OSIUc5ZUYft5LqxA7DsHXQn0v2vjI1JfDS-sByKoJxbXQbyTp1JMNaD6j8qv3WMYSWk60rF4ShRsXZbGWlrj-IAslRx9_XsmGNMATTvX8l7DXsBH5NLM>)
>> it completes successfully whatever time it takes it never gives 500 -
>> Internal server error.
>> I am using Windows 2016 Server and IIS Web Server. The development
>> platform is Python 3.8, Django and PostgreSQL.
>> Please Help me fix this issue
>> Regards
>> Sachin
>> --
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>> "Django users" group.
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>> <>
>> .
> --
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> .


Best Regards,
Sachin Kumar

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Re: 500 - Internal server error

2021-06-19 Thread Sachin Kumar
thanks all for the help, I found the solution it was related to Web Server
IIS configuration.

On Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 4:11 PM Kasper Laudrup 

> On 19/06/2021 10.59, Sachin Kumar wrote:
> > Thanks, Kayode for the reply,
> >
> > it's already enabled but still can't see any details. I am really trying
> > to fix it for the last month but not able to any help or
> > suggestion will be highly appreciated.
> >
> As Kayode already mentioned, you need to check the logs on your server.
> Have you figured out how to access those?
> Kind regards,
> Kasper Laudrup
> --
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> "Django users" group.
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Best Regards,
Sachin Kumar

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Encrypt A Table using Django Model

2021-08-12 Thread Sachin Kumar
Hi Experts,

If anyone has done encryption of table using Django. please let us know the 
process or any article which helps in the encryption of table data using 
Model and when required it decrypt the table data.

Please help and Guide for a Solution.


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