Stuck re:Practical Django Projects 2nd E...

2009-07-18 Thread Rob B (uk)

Bit stumped on chapter 4.

Every thing is working except I'm getting a 'Page not found (404)'
when I try to view any entries.

def entry_detail(request, year, month, day, slug):
import datetime, time
date_stamp = time.strptime(year+month+day, "%Y%b%d")
pub_date =*date_stamp[:3])
return render_to_response('coltrane/entry_detail.html',
  { 'entry': Entry.objects.get
slug=slug) })

\w]+)/$', 'coltrane.views.entry_detail'),

Any ideas?
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-~--~~~~--~~--~--~--- error: unbalanced parenthesis

2009-07-19 Thread Rob B (uk)

Getting a unblanced parenthesis error with this urls setup. Not sure
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from coltrane.models import Entry

entry_info_dict = {
'queryset': Entry.objects.all(),
'date_field': 'pub_date',

urlpatterns = patterns('django.views.generic.date_based',
 (r'^$', 'archive_index', entry_info_dict,
 (r'^(?P\d{4}/$', 'archive_year', entry_info_dict,
 (r'^(?P\d{4}/(?P\w{3})/$', 'archive_month',
entry_info_dict, 'coltrane_entry_archive_month'),
'archive_day', entry_info_dict, 'coltrane_entry_archive_day'),
\w]+)/$', 'object_detail', entry_info_dict,  'coltrane_entry_detail'),
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URL & DB question

2009-08-01 Thread Rob B (uk)

Using the url to look up a user profile just not sure what to put in
the view. Any suggestions welcome.

class Profile(models.Model):
title = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)
name = models.CharField(max_length=50, null=False, blank=False)

def __unicode__(self):

(r'^(?P[\w\._-]+)/$', 'mysite.profiles.views.profile_detail'),

def profile_detail(request, name):
name = get_list_or_404(Profile, name=name)
return render_to_response('profile_detail.html',  now what?

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Re: URL & DB question

2009-08-01 Thread Rob B (uk)

Solved it by doing this:

def profile_detail(request, name):
p = get_object_or_404(Profile, name=name)
return render_to_response('profile_detail.html', {'name': p})

On 1 Aug, 12:22, "Rob B (uk)"  wrote:
> Using the url to look up a user profile just not sure what to put in
> the view. Any suggestions welcome.
> Model:
> class Profile(models.Model):
>     title = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)
>     name = models.CharField(max_length=50, null=False, blank=False)
>     def __unicode__(self):
>                 return
> URL:
> (r'^(?P[\w\._-]+)/$', 'mysite.profiles.views.profile_detail'),
> View:
> def profile_detail(request, name):
>     name = get_list_or_404(Profile, name=name)
>     return render_to_response('profile_detail.html',  now what?
> Thanks
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user online

2009-08-09 Thread Rob B (uk)

Im using this middleware to try and display a list of online user on
my site.

Im just not sure how to pass it to my view and template.  Any ideas?

Middleware found @

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django-cms-2.0 problem

2009-08-10 Thread Rob B (uk)

Trying to get a default install of :
up and running on my dev but I'm getting this error when trying to log
into admin

Any ideas?
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Re: user online

2009-08-10 Thread Rob B (uk)

Thanks Daniel.
Im still quite new to python / django and not sure how to pass
OnlineUsers.get_online_user_ids() into the context. My view to list
all profiles looks like this:
def profile_list(request):

return render_to_response('profile_list.html',

  { 'profile_list': Profile.objects.all
() }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))

On 9 Aug, 22:16, Daniel Roseman  wrote:
> On Aug 9, 10:07 pm, "Rob B (uk)"  wrote:
> > Im using this middleware to try and display a list ofonlineuser on
> > my site.
> > Im just not sure how to pass it to my view and template.  Any ideas?
> > Middleware found 
> > @
> > Thanks
> Jeremy explains how to do it in the message you link to:
> "You'll want to use OnlineUsers.get_online_user_ids() wherever you
> need
> the list of IDs. "
> ie import the OnlineUsers module in your view and pass
> OnlineUsers.get_online_user_ids() into the context.
> --
> DR.
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Re: user online

2009-08-10 Thread Rob B (uk)

Im reading through loads of python / django tutorials atm, hopefully
some of it will stick!

I added what you suggested and now I'm getting the error "type object
'OnlineUsers' has no attribute 'get_online_user_ids'"
view -
middleware (name OnlineUsers) -
What am I doing wrong now?

Thanks R

On Aug 10, 8:32 pm, Daniel Roseman  wrote:
> On Aug 10, 7:10 pm, "Rob B (uk)"  wrote:
> > Thanks Daniel.
> > Im still quite new to python / django and not sure how to pass
> > OnlineUsers.get_online_user_ids() into the context. My view to list
> > all profiles looks like this:
> > def profile_list(request):
> >         return render_to_response('profile_list.html',
> >                               { 'profile_list': Profile.objects.all
> > () }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
> You pass it exactly as you are passing the list of profile objects:
> { 'profile_list': Profile.objects.all(),
>   'online_users': OnlineUsers.get_online_user_ids() }
> You really need to read an introductory Python tutorial - you must at
> least know how to define variables like dictionaries, and how to call
> functions.
> --
> DR.
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Re: user online

2009-08-10 Thread Rob B (uk)

Brill thanks. Its actaully working!  Getting a the IDs with the
{% for user_set in online_users %}
{{ user_set }}
{% empty %}
To list the usernames instead of the ID will I need to update the view
or is there a clever trick with the template?

On Aug 10, 11:02 pm, Daniel Roseman  wrote:
> On Aug 10, 10:45 pm, "Rob B (uk)"  wrote:
> > Im reading through loads of python / django tutorials atm, hopefully
> > some of it will stick!
> > I added what you suggested and now I'm getting the error "type object
> > 'OnlineUsers' has no attribute 'get_online_user_ids'"
> > view -
> > middleware (name OnlineUsers) -
> > What am I doing wrong now?
> > Thanks R
> You've imported get_online_user_ids directly, so you don't in fact
> need to use OnlineUsers again to call it - in this case Python think
> you're talking about a class method of the OnlineUsers middleware
> class which you also import (really it's best to keep class names
> different from the modules they live in).
> So you just need to do:
> { 'profile_list': Profile.objects.all(), 'online_users':
> get_online_user_ids() }
> --
> DR.
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Need help getting the company I work for to go with django

2009-09-01 Thread Rob B (uk)

I work as a web developer at a reasonably large company in London. We
are just about to completely re brand and rebuild the companies website
(s) and implement a CMS.  I'm having a meeting tomorrow to discuss
different avenues we can go down in regards to what technologies we
can use.  I'm hoping to steer them towards Django!

If you were me how would you sell Django to fellow developers and
business (non-techies) people??

The CMS will need to cope with million+ hits a month & have
multilingual support.

P.S. I know django isn't a CMS. I want to build a custom one using it.

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question about list_display

2009-09-04 Thread Rob B (uk)

I'm trying to show game.status in GameListAdmin's list_display but not
sure how to do a backwards lookup using the ForeignKey in

See link for details.

Any ideas?
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Re: question about list_display

2009-09-04 Thread Rob B (uk)

Solved over at

On Sep 4, 11:28 am, "Rob B (uk)"  wrote:
> I'm trying to show game.status in GameListAdmin's list_display but not
> sure how to do a backwards lookup using the ForeignKey in
> See link for details.
> Any ideas?
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date range headache

2009-09-07 Thread Rob B (uk)
(The code in above obviously isn't going to work I'm just using it to
help illustrate my problem.)

I want to show all active promotions between the start date and end
So if a promotion starts on 01/01/09 and ends 30/01/09 and a person
searches from 01/12/08 to 01/02/09 it will still return a result. Also
if they search from inside the date range e.g. 02/01/09 - 03/01/09
they would get the same result.

Is there some magical django way of achieving this without looping
over each day?

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Re: date range headache

2009-09-07 Thread Rob B (uk)

Oh that just makes my brain hurt lol

Works though!  thanks

On Sep 7, 3:13 pm, Masklinn  wrote:
> On 7 Sep 2009, at 15:50 , Rob B (uk) wrote:
> > (The code in above obviously isn't going to work I'm just using it to
> > help illustrate my problem.)
> > I want to show all active promotions between the start date and end
> > date.
> > So if a promotion starts on 01/01/09 and ends 30/01/09 and a person
> > searches from 01/12/08 to 01/02/09 it will still return a result. Also
> > if they search from inside the date range e.g. 02/01/09 - 03/01/09
> > they would get the same result.
> > Is there some magical django way of achieving this without looping
> > over each day?
> Something along the lines of:
>      Promotion.objects.filter(start_date__lt=end_date,  
> end_date__gt=start_date)
> I'd think.
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models.Manager error

2009-09-21 Thread Rob B (uk)


def game_list(request):
return render_to_response('games/game_list.html',
  { 'object_list':

Template error:
AttributeError at /games/
'Manager' object has no attribute 'published'

Would seem my view doesn't like my new manager very much?
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Best intranet solution for a small digital agency?

2010-06-07 Thread Rob B (uk)
I work for a small digital agency (10-15 employees).  We design and
build websites (using php and Django).  Are we better off building our
own intranet using django or going for a pre built (free or paid for)

Key features needed:

 - Project management (basecamp clone)
 - Time reporting
 - Local and external file sharing (dropbox clone)

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form model def save question

2010-09-06 Thread Rob B (uk)
Been struggling over at
to get a solution.

I want the inuse field to update to to True when LocationForm is
saved.  For example there would be a list of locations added by the
admin (London, New York and Paris) all with inuse of False.  The user
would select London and submit the form and the inuse field for London
would become True.

Models and forms:

class Location(models.Model):
place = models.CharField(max_length=100)
inuse = models.BooleanField()
class Meta:
ordering = ('place', 'id')

def __unicode__(self):

class LocationForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Location

class Booking(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100, verbose_name="Your
place = models.ManyToManyField(Location, blank=True, null=True)

def __unicode__(self):

class BookingForm(ModelForm):

class Meta:
model = Booking

def save(self, commit=True):
booking = super(BookingForm, self).save(commit=False)
if commit:
for location in
location.inuse = True

Code saves fine but the location.inuse field is not saved to True.
Any ideas where I'm going wrong?

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Django or CMS.

2010-02-05 Thread Rob B (uk)
The design agency I work for are looking into CMS options.  Being a
Django man myself I'm hoping to convince them to build one using

Requirements are roughly:

Page control (creation/drafts/published/withdrawn/deletion)
Page revisions
View draft pages on site for testing
In-place editing for simple text updates
Editable Navigation
Wysiwyg editors
Image upload (mass select)
Tagging (pages, images, clients)
Smart site search
Limiting user publishing rights

I can't seem to find a decent CMS that would fit the criteria.  What
are people's opinions / experiences with CMS'?  What would you
recommend?  Thanks

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