Craziest conferenece idea ever - announcing next DjangoCon EU

2012-10-15 Thread Ola Sitarska
Hi guys!

Just wanted to let you know that we launched DjangoCon Europe 2013 website. 
This time we've decided to put some more magic and came up with this crazy 
idea of throwing a fun Django conference in a real CIRCUS tent, so make 
sure to check it out:

We're gonna start Call for papers really soon, so signup for newsletter to 
follow updates :) 


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Craziest conference idea ever - announcing next DjangoCon Europe

2012-10-15 Thread Ola Sitarska
Hi guys & girls!

Just wanted to let you know that we launched DjangoCon Europe 2013 website. 
This time we've decided to put some more magic and came up with this crazy 
idea of throwing a fun Django conference in a real CIRCUS tent, so make 
sure to check it out:

We're gonna start Call for papers really soon, so signup for newsletter to 
follow updates :) 


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DjangoCon regular sales starts today at 4pm CET!

2013-02-27 Thread Ola Sitarska
Hi everyone! 

I'm Ola, one of the main organizers of upcoming DjangoCon Europe 
conference. I just wanted to let you know that we're starting to sell 
regular tickets to the conference today at 4pm CET prompt! Tickets are 
available here:

We have also recently announced venue <>, 
schedule <>, 
speakers <>. We would love to hear you 
thoughts and ideas for DjangoCon -- please, let us know what we can improve 
to make this event ever more awesome :) 

Really looking forward to meet you in Warsaw!

Ola Sitarska

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Registration for Django: Under the Hood 2016 is now open!

2016-07-25 Thread Ola Sitarska
*Django: Under the Hood  is back for 
its third edition!*

*DUTH is an annual Django conference that takes place in Amsterdam, the 
Netherlands. On 3rd - 6th November this year, we're going to see 9 deep 
dive talks into topics of Django channels, testing, Open Source funding, 
JavaScript, Django forms validation, debugging and many more.*

Django: Under the Hood also gives the opportunity to bring many Django core 
developers to work together and shape the future of Django with a group of 
300 passionate Django developers attending the conference.

This year, the registration process for the conference became a lottery to 
avoid mad rush and tickets selling out in minutes.

*You can register now , 
and the lottery is only open until 26th of July at noon Amsterdam time.*
If you want to make sure that tickets for your team are reserved and set 
aside, Django: Under the Hood still has few sponsorship opportunities open. 
Please get in touch on

We can't wait to see you in Amsterdam!

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DjangoCon Europe 2016 -- Call for Sponsors!

2016-02-09 Thread Ola Sitarska
Hi everyone!

A number of generous sponsors have already stepped forward to help make 
Europe  happen, but we still need a couple 
more. Can you help? DjangoCon team would love to hear from you 

DjangoCon Europe is run entirely by volunteers, and every cent received in 
sponsorship will go towards making it the best event possible. The 
organizers aim to make the event as affordable and accessible as possible 
for everyone.

With your help, here are just some of the things we're able to do:

   - provide 20 free tickets and 5000€ towards the Scholarship program,
   - run a Django Girls workshop and give 21 free tickets for the attendees,
   - offer complimentary child care to everyone attending the conference 
   with their children,
   - offer live captioning and subsequent text transcripts of all talks at 
   the conference.

Sponsoring DjangoCon Europe is a great way to recruit Django developers, 
promote your product or give back to the community. The sponsorship 
packages start at 500€ and you can find more information in the sponsorship 
brochure .

Have a lovely day!
Ola & the DjangoCon Europe team

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