
2010-07-08 Thread Nick Raptis
Hey, haven't read the whole thread but I spend a whole day last month 
troubleshooting something like this.

In firefox, check your preffered language settings, in the content tab.

If there is a non-standard value there (perhaps "/etc/locale/prefs.conf" 
or something) instead of a locale like en-US,

some django pages won't ever display.


On 07/08/2010 04:11 PM, eon wrote:

Same for me. The problem is in the firefox profile (maybe due to the
switch from 3.5 to 3.6 ?)

Start-up with a new profile (backport plugins, bookmarks argh...)
resolves the issue

On 5 juil, 20:52, Andi  wrote:

On Jul 2, 10:44 pm, Bill Freeman  wrote:


What might be of help is adding the IP address to /etc/hosts, if you are
on linux.

I have the same problem regarding (Firefox 3.6.6 on
Ubuntu).  Everything works but Firefox using my default profile: host
and nslookup succeed in resolving the domain name.  Adding the IP to /
etc/hosts or accessing the IP address directly in firefox doesn't
help.  Opera, chromium, arora, w3m, elinks, lynx and konqueror are not
affected.  Firefoxes on other hosts within the same LAN can connect to without a problem.  Disabling all add-ons living in
my Firefox doesn't have an effect -- but starting with a fresh profile
does: loads successfully.

It's a very strange problem, because there is no problem with the
other thousands of websites I've visited during the last days.  It's
the combination + my main Firefox profile which
produces the problem exclusively.


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2010-07-08 Thread Nick Raptis
Hey, haven't read the whole thread but I spend a whole day last month 
troubleshooting something like this.

In firefox, check your preffered language settings, in the content tab.

If there is a non-standard value there (perhaps "/etc/locale/prefs.conf" 
or something) instead of a locale like en-US,

some django pages won't ever display.


On 07/08/2010 04:11 PM, eon wrote:

Same for me. The problem is in the firefox profile (maybe due to the
switch from 3.5 to 3.6 ?)

Start-up with a new profile (backport plugins, bookmarks argh...)
resolves the issue

On 5 juil, 20:52, Andi  wrote:

On Jul 2, 10:44 pm, Bill Freeman  wrote:

What might be of help is adding the IP address to /etc/hosts, if you are
on linux.

I have the same problem regarding (Firefox 3.6.6 on
Ubuntu).  Everything works but Firefox using my default profile: host
and nslookup succeed in resolving the domain name.  Adding the IP to /
etc/hosts or accessing the IP address directly in firefox doesn't
help.  Opera, chromium, arora, w3m, elinks, lynx and konqueror are not
affected.  Firefoxes on other hosts within the same LAN can connect to without a problem.  Disabling all add-ons living in
my Firefox doesn't have an effect -- but starting with a fresh profile
does: loads successfully.

It's a very strange problem, because there is no problem with the
other thousands of websites I've visited during the last days.  It's
the combination + my main Firefox profile which
produces the problem exclusively.


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2010-07-08 Thread Nick Raptis
Sorry for the rant but I can finally express my delayed frustration on 
this bug..

I first I spent some 2-3 hours trying to find out if this problem came 
from a broken ipv6 configuration.
Then, I actually had to delete all my profile files (delete half, find 
out if it solves it, restore, delete half again) until I knew that 
prefs.js (the about:config file) was responsible.
I then checked the more than a 6000 lines of that file in the same 
manner (deleting half the lines each time) to find the offending option.

At that time I thought half my hair had gone grey!

The only two sites affected by this was and Could be a django configuration issue on those, as other 
django powered sites behaved normally.

I'm SO glad that my frustrating time hunting this down actually helped 
another soul! :D

I don't know why my profile had the locale option as such. I've migrated 
this profile from windows, then ubuntu karmic to ubuntu lucid, and I'm 
also using weave sync so I can't tell for sure. Hopefully, once you know 
it's there you can easily fix it :)

I'm also sorry for double-posting the last mail. I have both mail 
accounts configured for the  list and thought only one would go through 
as the first answer I sent lagged significantly. I hope this gets sent 

Glad i could be of help, Nick

On 07/08/2010 06:32 PM, Andi wrote:

On Jul 8, 5:12 pm, Nick Raptis  wrote:

If there is a non-standard value there (perhaps "/etc/locale/prefs.conf"
or something) instead of a locale like en-US,
some django pages won't ever display.

That's it.  You have to *remove* this non-standard value, it's not
sufficient to add another locale to the first position.

Thank you very much, I would never have found this.
Bye, Andi


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2010-07-12 Thread Nick Raptis

I too have upgraded my Ubuntu systems over several versions in the 
past, and also have Weave (now Firefox Sync) installed since a few 
weeks, which leaves me wondering how the nonstandard setting got into 
the profile in the first place.

Yea, for some reason, my thoughts went to Weave too. Maybe it has 
something to do with it, maybe it doesn't. Haven't got any more trouble 
since I fixed it though.

Glad I could help :)


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2010-07-14 Thread Nick Raptis

On 07/14/2010 02:28 PM, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:

I'm glad we've worked out that Weave is the culprit, but nobody has
answered the question of whether this is an indicator of a problem
with Django itself. What is weave passing as a header (and under what
conditions) that is causing a problem? Is there a need to improve
Django's error handling to protect against this case?

Russ Magee %-)


Hi Russ.
I hate to admit that I didn't saved that offending value so someone can 
reproduce this.

My reasoning back then for not raising a bug on django was this:
1. It was an obvious invalid value. As I said, Weave probably introduced 
it at some point (I guess while still in beta) but other than that, it 
could also be a number of things. Fixing that locale value solves it for 
good. So I rinsed, wiped, forgot.
2. I tried to access some other django-powered sites with l10n, and they 
loaded just fine. Only and had the 
problem. So my guess was that it was caused by something else on that 
sites' stack and not django itself.

3. Improving the error-handling of django just didn't cross my mind.

I hope someone else with the same problem here could provide you with 
the offending value.


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2010-07-15 Thread Nick Raptis

On 07/15/2010 05:55 AM, Danny Adair wrote:


I had the exact same problem, and I had _not_ installed Weave.
The offending config entry in my case was:
and it was at the bottom of the accepted languages list. This is on
Firefox 3.6.6

I can reproduce the problem anytime by visiting about:config and
changing "intl.accept_languages" to

* will stop responding, (all?) other websites seem fine.


Yep, that's the one!
I tried to open chrome://global/locale/ as a link in 
Firefox, and (oh, the surprise :P ) it's a settings file.
Either the file doesn't get resolved unto something useful in my 
platform (I'm using ubuntu-based) or it's something depreciated and it's 
a migration issue.
Also checked the Firefox bugzilla and there are indeed a couple of bug 
reports for it.

My feelings still stand. Other than making sure that django itself 
handles such erroneous values gracefully,  the list shouldn't be too 
concerned about it.

Now, I wonder if there's a way we can give a heads-up to the and maintainers a heads-up on this is 
issue, so they can cater for it.


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2010-07-15 Thread Nick Raptis

On 07/15/2010 02:20 PM, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:

You, mean, like... oh, I don't know... one of the core developers of
Django? Like the one that's been asking for details on how to
reproduce the problem? :-)

Russ Magee %-)


Ahaha! Exactly! Nice to make your acquittance Russ.
Knowing who is who is a bit of magic art on lists, unless of course you 
google every email :)

To my mind, the devs and the site maintainers don't have to be the same 
people, but I threw it on the list so someone (turns out to be you) 
could get the word through.

Mischief managed :)

your obliged new-guy,

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Re: Django a Turnkey Linux -- I need your experience.

2011-12-14 Thread Nick Raptis

Hello Petr.
While certainly not a full fledged django user, I do have taken the 
Turnkey Linux approach myself, and frankly, I love it.
Hope I can give you some helpful pointers. They are pretty generic 
though I'm afraid and perhaps not addressing your specific problem. If 
so, please share more.

- Turnkey is basically a LAMP stack with mod_wsgi on top of Ubuntu. Just 
sharing that information will attract plenty more answers from people 
who may not be familiar with Turnkey per se, but have similar stacks. 
Heading over to turnkey forums will get you great help too.
- The quick and dirty way to install a django app in Turnkey is to 
overwrite the sample 'project' folder in /var/www (or over any other 
working project there). Do keep the from the original 
though, and paste it back in.
- Just copying your data over to a folder in /var/www won't cut it. You 
will need to configure.
1. First make a wsgi configuration file. The wsgi_handler in the sample 
project is a great start. This can have any name is what you may hear 
called .wsgi elsewhere and this is the file you touch to restart the 
2. If going this route, you'll also need to make apache aware of your 
new project. See what's already up there in the apache configuration for 
the default project in terms of virtual hosts and copy/modify as needed. 
A couple of apache shell commands make that easier too, but can't really 
remember the specifics. Generic tips and documentation will help there. 
After all's done restart apache.

PS: I think I may have confused your meaning of 'application' in your 
post and you're only adding to a working project. But since I wrote all 
the above I'm leaving it there in case it helps someone else. In that 
case, just look at point 1. , in turnkey the .wsgi is named Also scan it to see if it needs any changes (it may 
happen that sys.path manipulations happen there that you need to take 
into account)

Hope that my response doesn't sound all shitty to the more seasoned devs 
out there, and I hope it helped even just a bit,


On 12/14/2011 11:15 AM, Petr Přikryl wrote:


Being quite new to Django, I need to move the semi-ready

application to the publicly available server (for a company users)

and test it there.

It happened that the Django Turnkey Linux virtual machine

was installed for the purpose by someone else. I have succeeded

to SCP the files there. I can run the console for the root account.

I was able to run the syncdb and it seems that it

created the wanted application tables in the MySQL preinstalled

database. So far, so good.

I have added my application to the and to the

Now I need the equivalent of the restart of the previously

used development server ( runserver). I have found

something about "touch .wsgi", but I am not sure if it holds also

for the Django Turnkey Linux installation.

How can I do that without the need to restart the virtual machine?

Can you help me here?

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Re: Django a Turnkey Linux -- I need your experience.

2011-12-15 Thread Nick Raptis
Yes, I did once, by installing the newest django in a virtualenv along 
with my project. Search for "apache mod_wsgi virtualenv" for relevant 
information. Not that hard to do.
By I guess you could also get up-to-date ubuntu packages for django from 
a ppa in launchpad, but it's not something I have done.


On 12/15/2011 05:55 PM, Petr Přikryl wrote:

Thanks Nick,

By the 'application' I mean another part of the Django installation/project
that does some specific function. Thanks for telling me that
the is the ".wsgi" file that I was searching for ;)

Do you have any experience with updating the version of Django?


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