write a new app

2020-03-18 Thread Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh
Dear All,

I need to write an real app for my CV, But I want to write a usable
app, Not just a app for upload in github. What do you recommend? Of
course , I don't want to code html/css and js. I want to write only


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Re: write a new app

2020-03-19 Thread Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh
You mean I implement such as : https://www.django-rest-framework.org/ ?

On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 4:34 AM ANi  wrote:
> Well, you can write an integrated API service app.
> --
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Forienkey to same table

2020-03-29 Thread Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh
I have table A with my following fields:
1. id (PK)
2. fname (text)
3. name (text)
4. A_id (integer)

I have problem with 4th field, Because it has to refrenced to id
field. I can't implement it into Django.

How can I write model class for above table in models.py ?


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How to send dict to template and use it

2020-05-06 Thread Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh
I have the following view function:

def index(request, question_id):
latest_question_list = User.objects.all() #Post.objects.all()
template = loader.get_template('posts/index.html')
 context = {
   'latest_question_list': latest_question_list,
 return HttpResponse(template.render(context))
And the following template:

{% if latest_question_list %}

  {{ latest_question_list }}
 {% endif %}

I see the following result in my browser:



How Can I some field in my Queryset in template?

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User.objects.all() returns only one field

2020-05-07 Thread Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh
User.objects.all() only returns one field, I need to others fields
such as first_name or last_name.

How can I access others field?

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Re: No module named 'blog'

2020-05-07 Thread Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh
Where did you import your module?

On Thu, May 7, 2020 at 3:09 PM Mukesh Badgujar 

> already added
> 'home.apps.HomeConfig',
> 'blog.apps.BlogConfig',
> 'shop.apps.shopConfig',
> one thing is that, i copied this app folder frm my other project, this is
> not created here
> On Sunday, 9 August 2015 22:43:38 UTC+5:30, Robin Lery wrote:
>> Did you add your 'blog' app in the installed apps in settings.py?
>> On Sun, Aug 9, 2015 at 10:35 PM, Maggie Chang 
>> wrote:
>>> hi all,
>>> would like to seek for everyone's help.
>>> I am following the django girls instruction =>
>>> http://tutorial.djangogirls.org/en/django_urls/index.html#your-first-django-url,
>>> but encounter the problem.
>>> when I connect to, I got the No module named 'blog'
>>> response.
>>> Here's the message on browser.
>>> **
>>> ImportError at /
>>> No module named 'blog'
>>> Request Method: GET
>>> Request URL:
>>> Django Version: 1.8
>>> Exception Type: ImportError
>>> Exception Value:
>>> No module named 'blog'
>>> Exception Location: /usr/lib/python3.4/importlib/__init__.py in
>>> import_module, line 109
>>> Python Executable: /home/maggie/djangoanywhere/venv/bin/python
>>> Python Version: 3.4.0
>>> Python Path:
>>> ['/home/maggie/djangoanywhere',
>>>  '/usr/lib/python3.4',
>>>  '/usr/lib/python3.4/plat-x86_64-linux-gnu',
>>>  '/usr/lib/python3.4/lib-dynload',
>>>  '/home/maggie/djangoanywhere/venv/lib/python3.4/site-packages']
>>> Server time: Mon, 10 Aug 2015 00:47:53 +0800
>>> **
>>> This issue occurred when I add *url(r'', include('blog.urls')), *into
>>> *magsite/url.py*
>>> **
>>> *url.py*
>>> **
>>> from django.conf.urls import include, url
>>> from django.contrib import admin
>>> urlpatterns = [
>>> url(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),
>>> url(r'', include('blog.urls')),
>>> ]
>>> **
>>> Any idea about the root cause? :(
>>> and any response will be appreciate.
>>> --
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>> --
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import my data and generating models.py

2020-06-18 Thread Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh

I have two sql files : 1.creating tables 2.INSERT data

Now I want to import to my database and generating my models.py according 
to my sql files.

Is it possible?

if true, please guide me.

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./manage makemigrations and ./manage migrate don't work

2020-06-18 Thread Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh
I run :
./manage makemigrations and ./manage migrate with the following output:
(django_sql) mohsen@debian:~/Documents/django_sql/django_sql$ ./manage.py 
Migrations for 'sql':
- Create model CustomerTbl
- Create model EmployeeTbl
- Create model OrdersTbl
- Create model ProductsTbl
- Create model EmployeePayTbl
(django_sql) mohsen@debian:~/Documents/django_sql/django_sql$ ./manage.py 
Operations to perform:
  Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, sessions, sql
Running migrations:
sql.0006_customertbl_employeepaytbl_employeetbl_orderstbl_productstbl... OK

My models.py is:

from django.db import models

# This is an auto-generated Django model module.
# You'll have to do the following manually to clean this up:
#   * Rearrange models' order
#   * Make sure each model has one field with primary_key=True
#   * Make sure each ForeignKey and OneToOneField has `on_delete` set to 
the desired behavior
#   * Remove `managed = False` lines if you wish to allow Django to create, 
modify, and delete the table
# Feel free to rename the models, but don't rename db_table values or field 

class CustomerTbl(models.Model):
cust_id = models.CharField(db_column='CUST_ID', primary_key=True, 
max_length=10)  # Field name made lowercase.
cust_name = models.CharField(db_column='CUST_NAME', max_length=30)  # 
Field name made lowercase.
cust_address = models.CharField(db_column='CUST_ADDRESS', 
max_length=20)  # Field name made lowercase.
cust_city = models.CharField(db_column='CUST_CITY', max_length=15)  # 
Field name made lowercase.
cust_state = models.CharField(db_column='CUST_STATE', max_length=2)  # 
Field name made lowercase.
cust_zip = models.IntegerField(db_column='CUST_ZIP')  # Field name made 
cust_phone = models.CharField(db_column='CUST_PHONE', max_length=10, 
blank=True, null=True)  # Field name made lowercase.
cust_fax = models.CharField(db_column='CUST_FAX', max_length=10, 
blank=True, null=True)  # Field name made lowercase.

class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'CUSTOMER_TBL'

class EmployeePayTbl(models.Model):
emp = models.OneToOneField('EmployeeTbl', models.DO_NOTHING, 
db_column='EMP_ID', primary_key=True)  # Field name made lowercase.
position = models.CharField(db_column='POSITION', max_length=15)  # 
Field name made lowercase.
date_hire = models.DateField(db_column='DATE_HIRE', blank=True, 
null=True)  # Field name made lowercase.
pay_rate = models.DecimalField(db_column='PAY_RATE', max_digits=4, 
decimal_places=2, blank=True, null=True)  # Field name made lowercase.
date_last_raise = models.DateField(db_column='DATE_LAST_RAISE', 
blank=True, null=True)  # Field name made lowercase.
salary = models.DecimalField(db_column='SALARY', max_digits=8, 
decimal_places=2, blank=True, null=True)  # Field name made lowercase.
bonus = models.DecimalField(db_column='BONUS', max_digits=6, 
decimal_places=2, blank=True, null=True)  # Field name made lowercase.

class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'EMPLOYEE_PAY_TBL'

class EmployeeTbl(models.Model):
emp_id = models.CharField(db_column='EMP_ID', primary_key=True, 
max_length=9)  # Field name made lowercase.
last_name = models.CharField(db_column='LAST_NAME', max_length=15)  # 
Field name made lowercase.
first_name = models.CharField(db_column='FIRST_NAME', max_length=15)  # 
Field name made lowercase.
middle_name = models.CharField(db_column='MIDDLE_NAME', max_length=15, 
blank=True, null=True)  # Field name made lowercase.
address = models.CharField(db_column='ADDRESS', max_length=30)  # Field 
name made lowercase.
city = models.CharField(db_column='CITY', max_length=15)  # Field name 
made lowercase.
state = models.CharField(db_column='STATE', max_length=2)  # Field name 
made lowercase.
zip = models.IntegerField(db_column='ZIP')  # Field name made lowercase.
phone = models.CharField(db_column='PHONE', max_length=10, blank=True, 
null=True)  # Field name made lowercase.
pager = models.CharField(db_column='PAGER', max_length=10, blank=True, 
null=True)  # Field name made lowercase.

class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'EMPLOYEE_TBL'

class OrdersTbl(models.Model):
ord_num = models.CharField(db_column='ORD_NUM', primary_key=True, 
max_length=10)  # Field name made lowercase.
cust_id = models.CharField(db_column='CUST_ID', max_length=10)  # Field 
name made lowercase.
prod_id = models.CharField(db_column='PROD_ID', max_length=10)  # Field 
name ma

Re: import my data and generating models.py

2020-06-18 Thread Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh

On Friday, June 19, 2020 at 10:36:11 AM UTC+4:30, Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh 
> Hello,
> I have two sql files : 1.creating tables 2.INSERT data
> Now I want to import to my database and generating my models.py according 
> to my sql files.
> Is it possible?
> if true, please guide me.

You can use ./manage.py  inspectdb 

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Re: 'Allowed_hosts' setup question

2020-06-21 Thread Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh
I recommend you to use iptables.

On Sun, Jun 21, 2020 at 4:08 PM o1bigtenor  wrote:
> Greetings
> At the beginning stages of my Django journey running on Debian
> testing, postgresql 12 Django 3 using Python3 (and definitely no
> bloody expert under the hood!!).
> Working on a personal use application that I would like available for
> use by anyone on my local network.
> Allowed_hosts in the docs gives examples for serving specific urls
> and/or FDQN names.
> Is there a way of limiting access to a web application to only the
> members of the network without opening access to those outside the
> network?
> (Maybe this is a networking question but I thought I might start here.)
> --
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User.objects.all() only returns username

2020-07-02 Thread Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh
When  I use select * from auth_user; I get the following result:

| id | 
| last_login | is_superuser | username | first_name | last_name | 
email| is_staff | is_active | 
|  1 | 
| NULL   |1 | mohsen   ||   | 
moh...@pahlevanzadeh.net |1 | 1 | 2020-07-03 
05:57:34.351606 |
|  2 | 
| NULL   |1 | ali  ||   | 
a...@example.com|1 | 1 | 2020-07-03 
05:58:09.429542 |
2 rows in set (0.000 sec)


And When I print(User.objects.all()) , I get the following result:
, ]>
[03/Jul/2020 05:58:33] "GET /sql/ HTTP/1.1" 200 4

Why I can't see all of my fields?

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Re: User.objects.all() only returns username

2020-07-03 Thread Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh
I don't have model.py for auth_user.

On Friday, July 3, 2020 at 11:10:17 AM UTC+4:30, RANGA BHARATH JINKA wrote:
> send me your models.py 
> On Fri, Jul 3, 2020 at 12:06 PM Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh  > wrote:
>> When  I use select * from auth_user; I get the following result:
>> ++++--+--++---+--+--+---++
>> | id | 
>> password 
>> | last_login | is_superuser | username | first_name | last_name | 
>> email| is_staff | is_active | 
>> date_joined|
>> ++++--+--++---+--+--+---++
>> |  1 | 
>> pbkdf2_sha256$18$8waw72qXD5IL$nDgySLTPAt3uLNnUMhzpPVodbkGYtYJJsmBilA7X6g8=
>> | NULL   |1 | mohsen   ||   | 
>> moh...@pahlevanzadeh.net  |1 | 1 | 
>> 2020-07-03 05:57:34.351606 |
>> |  2 | 
>> pbkdf2_sha256$18$NNVfAk9Z98Uz$5m6HPp42ytlZeyLiy8jsYgUKjREu8WbDeLhAb7dFi0M=
>> | NULL   |1 | ali  ||   | 
>> a...@example.com |1 | 1 | 
>> 2020-07-03 05:58:09.429542 |
>> ++++--+--++---+--+--+---++
>> 2 rows in set (0.000 sec)
>> #
>> And When I print(User.objects.all()) , I get the following result:
>> #
>> , ]>
>> [03/Jul/2020 05:58:33] "GET /sql/ HTTP/1.1" 200 4
>> ##
>> Why I can't see all of my fields?
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "Django users" group.
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>> email to django...@googlegroups.com .
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>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/django-users/12b372dc-973d-482f--0f79997bdadeo%40googlegroups.com
>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/django-users/12b372dc-973d-482f--0f79997bdadeo%40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>
>> .
> -- 
> Thanks and Regards
> J. Ranga Bharath
> cell: 9110334114

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Re: User.objects.all() only returns username

2020-07-03 Thread Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh

By managed.py inspectdb auth_user :
$ ./manage.py inspectdb auth_user;

from django.db import models
class AuthUser(models.Model):
password = models.CharField(max_length=128)
last_login = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True)
is_superuser = models.IntegerField()
username = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=150)
first_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
last_name = models.CharField(max_length=150)
email = models.CharField(max_length=254)
is_staff = models.IntegerField()
is_active = models.IntegerField()
date_joined = models.DateTimeField()
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'auth_user'

On Friday, July 3, 2020 at 11:10:17 AM UTC+4:30, RANGA BHARATH JINKA wrote:
> send me your models.py 
> On Fri, Jul 3, 2020 at 12:06 PM Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh  > wrote:
>> When  I use select * from auth_user; I get the following result:
>> ++++--+--++---+--+--+---++
>> | id | 
>> password 
>> | last_login | is_superuser | username | first_name | last_name | 
>> email| is_staff | is_active | 
>> date_joined|
>> ++++--+--++---+--+--+---++
>> |  1 | 
>> pbkdf2_sha256$18$8waw72qXD5IL$nDgySLTPAt3uLNnUMhzpPVodbkGYtYJJsmBilA7X6g8=
>> | NULL   |1 | mohsen   ||   | 
>> moh...@pahlevanzadeh.net  |1 | 1 | 
>> 2020-07-03 05:57:34.351606 |
>> |  2 | 
>> pbkdf2_sha256$18$NNVfAk9Z98Uz$5m6HPp42ytlZeyLiy8jsYgUKjREu8WbDeLhAb7dFi0M=
>> | NULL   |1 | ali  ||   | 
>> a...@example.com |1 | 1 | 
>> 2020-07-03 05:58:09.429542 |
>> ++++--+--++---+--+--+---++
>> 2 rows in set (0.000 sec)
>> #
>> And When I print(User.objects.all()) , I get the following result:
>> #
>> , ]>
>> [03/Jul/2020 05:58:33] "GET /sql/ HTTP/1.1" 200 4
>> ##
>> Why I can't see all of my fields?
>> -- 
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>> email to django...@googlegroups.com .
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>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/django-users/12b372dc-973d-482f--0f79997bdadeo%40googlegroups.com
>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/django-users/12b372dc-973d-482f--0f79997bdadeo%40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>
>> .
> -- 
> Thanks and Regards
> J. Ranga Bharath
> cell: 9110334114

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Re: Need Covid 19 Database for Experiments

2020-07-03 Thread Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh

On Fri, Jul 3, 2020 at 7:39 PM Shubham Garg  wrote:
> Hi Balaji,
> You can get COVID-19 dataset from kaggle.com
> Let me know if you have any questions.
> Thanks,
> On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 11:07 PM Balaji Shetty  wrote:
>> Hi
>> Can anyone provide me Covid 19 Database.
>> I need Covid 19 Database for Experiments
>> Thank you
>> --
>> Mr Shetty Balaji
>> Asst. Prof.
>> IT Department
>> Nanded. My. India
>> --
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>> "Django users" group.
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>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/django-users/CAECSbOuuNCY58sB1g2f_ftHtpAs3FamSq%2BBJJZ%2BA5mv_3%3Dw3NQ%40mail.gmail.com.
> --
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django extensions and thems such as worpress or other cms

2018-07-20 Thread Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh

I'm migrating to django from another framework, Really python is strong. 
Can I do upload a site rapidly such as wordpress? I need to use extensions 
and them? Is it possible in django?


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text data types

2019-10-08 Thread Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh
I need to create text data type in model.py, CharField() has max_len as 
mandatory, What do you recommend instead of CharField() ?

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select field(s) from myytable;

2020-01-10 Thread Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh
Hello everybody,

I can write a query with django if I have : "select * from mytable;" 
But if I have a field , I can write, such as "select f1,f2 from mytable;"

Please help me.

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specefic field(s) for each query.

2020-01-11 Thread Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh
Hello everybody,

I can write django code for "select * from mytables;", but I can't specefic 
fields such as "select field(s) from my table;"

Please help me..

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