Re: Pyjamas Django Tutorial at Europython09, Monday 29th June.

2009-07-04 Thread Mirat Bayrak

2009/7/4 chefsmart 

> Would it be possible to upload your talk to slideshare or suchlike? Or
> am I asking for too much?
> Regards,
> CM.
> On Jun 20, 7:36 pm, lkcl  wrote:
> > In case you're not already aware I thought I'd mention that there is a
> > tutorial forpyjamason 29th June at Europython in birmingham.  as
> > you're django users, you will have a much easier time getting set up
> > than other attendees.  Pyjamasis a port of GWT to python: it is for
> > the development of pure Web 2.0 AJAX applications where you need not
> > write a single line of javascript code in order to develop
> > applications, and users need nothing more than any standard modern
> > javascript-capable web browser.
> >
> > Bothpyjamasand GWT turn web development completely on its head: a
> > declarative programming style is used to write applications - as real
> > desktop-widget-like applications.  Pyjamasis near-identical to and
> > has more in common with pygtk2 and pyqt4 programming than it does with
> > traditional web development.
> >
> > For those people who may be concerned thatpyjamasis somehow
> > "complex": it most definitely is not.  We get a disproportionately
> > large number of people on thepyjamaslist who have never done U.I
> > interface design before, let alone web development of any kind - and,
> > with a little encouragement and pointing in the right direction,
> > they're off.
> >
> > So if you've started web development recently and are intimidated by
> > CSS incompatibilities, browser incompatibilities and the steep AJAX
> > learning curve; or if you've been doing web development for ages and
> > are sick to the back teeth of the same, do consider coming to
> > EuroPython to learn aboutPyjamas, and how to best use it with the
> > Django Framework.
> >
> > l.
> >

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Re: too many values to unpack

2009-07-04 Thread Mirat Bayrak
check your paranthesis when i see that error it is usually about

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i need custom database behaviour, but i dont know how to do it

2009-07-31 Thread Mirat Bayrak
I am working on a *Categories* application for my project. The model that i
need to categorize ise *Announces*.. i descibed category in announces like

class Category
path = models.CharField 

class Announce:
category = models.ForeignKey(Category)

So my question,

This* Announce model saves id of category* on database and calls with id
when it needed, but *i want to make it save Category.path *

can i do it easly? or should i override something ? any ideas?

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Re: i need custom database behaviour, but i dont know how to do it

2009-07-31 Thread Mirat Bayrak
> Do you mean you want the foreign key value to be the 'path' field of
> the Category model? You could do this, but why would you want to? If
> you ever want to refer to the category path from an Announce instance,
> you just do:
>   announce.category.path
hmm i have to explain more i think lets think that i have a category tree
like that

   '--- Animals
' '---Dogs
' '---Cats
' '---Fishes
'--- Computers
 '--- Laptops
 '--- Desktops
 '--- Accessories

and that category items has path property like :

All =  "all"
Animals = "all/animals"
Dogs = "all/animals/dogs"
Cats = "all/animals/cats"
Fishes = "all/animals/fishes"

Now, that is important part,  lets think that i am selected Animals
category, than announces that is in  Dogs, Cats and Fishes category must be

İ tried doing it with loops before but at the result i see that i am making
too much database queries than i found a method...

later, i found that, if i wrote category path on announces, and write a
custom manager, i can make a query like

that makes a querty on database

*select * from announces where category startswith 'all/animals' * (i dont
know sql well ill research later)

than it will result all announces whichs category is Dogs or Cats or Fishes

or *Announce.objects.GetByCategory("/all/")* will return all announces that
is categorized with Animals or Computers or Laptops or Cats

My english is very bad, i wish i explained well my stiuation. After that
problem solved i think i can publish my category applicaton.

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Re: i need custom database behaviour, but i dont know how to do it

2009-07-31 Thread Mirat Bayrak
i am little confused, may be i only create category_path on announce model
and write path of selected category to there... it should work and simple :\

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Re: i need custom database behaviour, but i dont know how to do it

2009-07-31 Thread Mirat Bayrak
thank you a lot, i am reading now

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Re: i need custom database behaviour, but i dont know how to do it

2009-07-31 Thread Mirat Bayrak
i read it but i want to try my method, can anybody has idea how can i
implement it?

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Re: Can i add initial admin user?

2009-08-01 Thread Mirat Bayrak
hmm it works thank you

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Non html safe chars on urls,

2009-08-03 Thread Mirat Bayrak
Hi i have an account system that you have to validate your email after you
created an account. My validation url is lik :*

But there is a problem, sometimes username contains non html safe chars for
example : *â*lice, or s*ü*leyman cant go that adress...

So, what should i do? should i restrict usuable characters on usernames or
is there another solution?

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Re: Can i rise 404 from my middleware ?

2009-08-07 Thread Mirat Bayrak
2009/8/5 Malcolm Tredinnick 

> On Wed, 2009-08-05 at 09:29 +0300, Mirat Can Bayrak wrote:
> > On Tue, 4 Aug 2009 16:47:37 -0500
> > Alex Gaynor  wrote:
> [...]
> > > Right now there is a bug in django's middleware where it doesn't
> > > correct catch exceptions:
> > than... what should i do?
> Don't raise an exception. A 404 exception is eventually turned into an
> HttpResponse with the appropriate status code, so construct one manually
> and return that from the middleware. Once you return a response, no
> further processing happens (for request middleware). That's one of the
> major points about middleware.
> Regards,
> Malcolm
> >
Thank you, i did it the way you said. It's little weird but working, thank

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user.objects.create is not checking for duplicate emails

2009-08-07 Thread Mirat Bayrak
User.object.create is checking for username for duplicate usernames but not
checking for emails.. can i force him to make users emails unique ? (becouse
on else case i want to show i forgot my password screen to user i mean if
mail is already taken) what should i do?

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Re: My first Django project

2009-08-07 Thread Mirat Bayrak
Hi, i liked you project look slike simple cv center. May be you can think
about usability. For example creating items has too much steps. May be you
can put all that forms into one page. Or may be forms can by dynamicaly
shown above *create another foo item*  with jquery. In other sides i liked

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Re: Django documentation site is SLOW

2009-08-07 Thread Mirat Bayrak
i am not expert but i thought that it can be about javascripts, can you
disable javascript support and retry it? i think you have to try opera too

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Re: Django documentation site is SLOW

2009-08-07 Thread Mirat Bayrak
without javascript ?

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Re: user.objects.create is not checking for duplicate emails

2009-08-07 Thread Mirat Bayrak
i did it but django raises exception in this case, i want to re show form
page with a note *"hey this email taken"* as other errors. When you give
username that already taken you dont see exception page, you see it as form
error. I want this.

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Re: user.objects.create is not checking for duplicate emails

2009-08-07 Thread Mirat Bayrak
hmm you mean to use it on form? nice ill try it :)

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Re: user.objects.create is not checking for duplicate emails

2009-08-07 Thread Mirat Bayrak
no i am talking about User model in django!

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Re: easy way of display an user bar?

2009-08-16 Thread Mirat Bayrak
I have that problem too, is there any other solution?

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passing parameters in every view...

2009-08-16 Thread Mirat Bayrak
Hi i am working on a website and i am passing *request.user* and a
*region*object to every template by manually in my every view. Can i
do it by using
some other method? i mean i dont want to pass them in every view can django
do it automatically?

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i need your ideas

2009-08-16 Thread Mirat Bayrak
Hi, i am working on a website, to explain it basically i can say that it's
works like twitter but every entry should have confirmed by admins. at that
point i am little confused, should i write that confirmation screens on
admin page or should i write a complatelyn new page? becouse i dont know
anything about adding views to admin page, its looks more easy to write it
as a normal page...

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That model works on doctests but...

2009-08-19 Thread Mirat Bayrak < here is , as you see i wrote
doctests for every model and they are working well. But when i try to
create GeneralProperties or AccomodationProperties from admin page,
when i press save button it gives that error :

Do you see what i am missing? Thank you a lot.

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some teory help (sorry i couldnt find title for that question)

2009-08-28 Thread Mirat Bayrak
Hi, i am trying to build a site thats like twitter (but not same). Users can
delete or edit their entries in my site but i coulndt find how can i show

I want to list entries and if an entry is users (logged user i mean) i want
to show edit end delete options. How can i do that?

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Why i can reach my media files from my static url?

2011-04-19 Thread Mirat Bayrak
Hi, i started a project (with django1.3). I made settings for my media files 
and static files. After that i realized that : i can reach 
/myproject/media/foo.txt from localhost:8000/static/foo.txt .

   1. Why i can reach that from there?
   2. That looks like i don't need to add serve media view to my
   3. May be i can make my MEDIA_URL same with STATIC_URL than use both from 

Thanks for your all responses.

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