Script to call loaddata on multiple fixtures

2012-02-18 Thread LJ
I have quite a number of fixtures that I call loaddata to insert
fixtures into my sqlite database using the following syntax:

python ./ loaddata ./apps/addresses/fixtures/cities.json
python ./ loaddata ./apps/addresses/fixtures/addresses.json

I would like to create a script to call all of these, so I can insert
them all at once.
I do not want to combine all of the json files.
To do this, would I create a py script similar to my
My script executes on all packages
listed in my requirements txt file.
Am I going down the right path with this, or is there an easier way?


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Re: Script to call loaddata on multiple fixtures

2012-02-18 Thread LJ
That worked great.  I haven't done much shell scripting, but it was
easier than I thought.
Thanks, Shawn!


On Feb 18, 9:46 am, LJ  wrote:
> I have quite a number of fixtures that I call loaddata to insert
> fixtures into my sqlite database using the following syntax:
> python ./ loaddata ./apps/addresses/fixtures/cities.json
> python ./ loaddata ./apps/addresses/fixtures/addresses.json
> ...
> I would like to create a script to call all of these, so I can insert
> them all at once.
> I do not want to combine all of the json files.
> To do this, would I create a py script similar to my
> script?
> My script executes on all packages
> listed in my requirements txt file.
> Am I going down the right path with this, or is there an easier way?
> L J

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Re: Script to call loaddata on multiple fixtures

2012-02-18 Thread LJ
Thanks, Dennis.
Some of the fixtures are order dependent.
I will have to do some more research on how to use glob.glob() and
For now, just adding the list of python loaddata commands to a shell
script seem to work great.
Thanks again for the info!

On Feb 18, 4:33 pm, Dennis Lee Bieber  wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Feb 2012 08:46:25 -0800 (PST), LJ 
> wrote:
> >I would like to create a script to call all of these, so I can insert
> >them all at once.
> >I do not want to combine all of the json files.
>         Are they order dependent? That is, do any of the loads require
> certain data to have already been loaded? Foreign key constraints,
> perhaps?
>         If so, you may want to just create a shell script of the commands
> rather than running a Python process which just spawns separate
> processes to do the load call.
>         If they are NOT order dependent (OR you are willing to rename them
> into some scheme that can be sorted) AND if all the .json files in the
> directory are to be loaded (they are not used for any other use), THEN
> you might consider a Python script that reads the directory contents
> (glob.glob() ?) into a list of all the .json files and spawns the load
> command for each (possibly after sorting per the ordering scheme). Of
> course, you could probably develop a shell script to do the same thing.
> The Python version would be more portable if you change OS.
> >>> import glob
> >>> for fid in glob.glob("*"):
> ...     print "pretend to spawn using %s" % fid
> ...
> pretend to spawn using license.txt
> pretend to spawn using mfc90.dll
> pretend to spawn using mfc90u.dll
> pretend to spawn using mfcm90.dll
> pretend to spawn using mfcm90u.dll
> pretend to spawn using Microsoft.VC90.MFC.manifest
> pretend to spawn using Pythonwin.exe
> pretend to spawn using pywin
> pretend to spawn using scintilla.dll
> pretend to spawn using win32ui.pyd
> pretend to spawn using win32uiole.pyd
> --
>         Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN
>    HTTP://

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Returning template data from a ManyToMany model

2012-04-16 Thread LJ
I am having trouble figuring out how to query the database and return
the results in a format that my template can render appropriately.
I have a model that has a ManyToMany field:

class Student()
 parents = models.ManyToManyField('parents.Parent', blank=True,
The Parent model looks like:

class Parent()
first_name  models.CharField(max_length=30)
last_name  models.CharField(max_length=30)
gender  models.CharField(max_length=1)
def __unicode__(self):
  return u'Parent : %s %s' % (self.first_name, self.last_name)

The method in my view currently looks something like this:

def get_parents( request, template )
   template_data["parents"] = Parent.objects.filter(student=id)
   return render_to_response( template, template_data,

The template data is returning the data in the format:
  [ , ]

Instead, I need the template data formatted with the other fields in
my Parent model, like:
  [ ,

The format doesn't have to be exactly like the above, but I need to
include the index, and to return some of the other fields defined in
my Parent model.
My template will look something like:
{% for parent in parents.object_list %}

{% endfor %}

Can someone give me some ideas about how I can change my view to
return my template data in a more useable format?

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Re: Returning template data from a ManyToMany model

2012-04-18 Thread LJ
Thank you, Phang.  I was not familiar with the locals() method, so I
may look into this.

On Apr 17, 2:22 am, Phang Mulianto  wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 2:10 PM, LJ  wrote:
> > I am having trouble figuring out how to query the database and return
> > the results in a format that my template can render appropriately.
> > I have a model that has a ManyToMany field:
> > class Student()
> >     ...
> >     parents = models.ManyToManyField('parents.Parent', blank=True,
> > null=True)
> >     ...
> > The Parent model looks like:
> > class Parent()
> >    ...
> >    first_name  models.CharField(max_length=30)
> >    last_name  models.CharField(max_length=30)
> >    gender  models.CharField(max_length=1)
> >    ...
> >    def __unicode__(self):
> >          return u'Parent : %s %s' % (self.first_name, self.last_name)
> > The method in my view currently looks something like this:
> > def get_parents( request, template )
> >   id=request.GET['id']
> >   template_data["parents"] = Parent.objects.filter(student=id)
> >   return render_to_response( template, template_data,
> > context_instance=RequestContext(request))
> > The template data is returning the data in the format:
> >  [ , ]
> > I think this because you return your result in template_data["parents"] ,
> so in your tempalte it will be parent:parent:bob thomas.
> usualy i use locals() to pass all the var to template.
> return render_to_repsonse(template,
> locals(),context_instance=RequestContext(request))
> don't know if this is best practice in django, but make me easier to work
> with variables need to pass to template without have to include it in an
> array.
> with the locals() you will have the data in your template like you mention
> below.
> > Instead, I need the template data formatted with the other fields in
> > my Parent model, like:
> >  [ ,
> >     ]
> > The format doesn't have to be exactly like the above, but I need to
> > include the index, and to return some of the other fields defined in
> > my Parent model.
> > My template will look something like:
> > {% for parent in parents.object_list %}
> > 
> >     {{}}
> >     {{parent.first_name}}
> >     {{parent.last_name}}
> > {% endfor %}
> > Can someone give me some ideas about how I can change my view to
> > return my template data in a more useable format?
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "Django users" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
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> >
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> >

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Re: Returning template data from a ManyToMany model

2012-04-18 Thread LJ
Thank you, Daniel.
That makes sense now.
If the full objects are already there, then this should work great!

On Apr 17, 4:07 am, Daniel Roseman  wrote:
> On Tuesday, 17 April 2012 07:10:35 UTC+1, LJ wrote:
> > I am having trouble figuring out how to query the database and return
> > the results in a format that my template can render appropriately.
> > I have a model that has a ManyToMany field:
> > class Student()
> >      ...
> >      parents = models.ManyToManyField('parents.Parent', blank=True,
> > null=True)
> >      ...
> > The Parent model looks like:
> > class Parent()
> >     ...
> >     first_name  models.CharField(max_length=30)
> >     last_name  models.CharField(max_length=30)
> >     gender  models.CharField(max_length=1)
> >     ...
> >     def __unicode__(self):
> >           return u'Parent : %s %s' % (self.first_name, self.last_name)
> > The method in my view currently looks something like this:
> > def get_parents( request, template )
> >    id=request.GET['id']
> >    template_data["parents"] = Parent.objects.filter(student=id)
> >    return render_to_response( template, template_data,
> > context_instance=RequestContext(request))
> > The template data is returning the data in the format:
> >   [ , ]
> > Instead, I need the template data formatted with the other fields in
> > my Parent model, like:
> >   [ ,
> >      ]
> > The format doesn't have to be exactly like the above, but I need to
> > include the index, and to return some of the other fields defined in
> > my Parent model.
> > My template will look something like:
> > {% for parent in parents.object_list %}
> > 
> >      {{}}
> >      {{parent.first_name}}
> >      {{parent.last_name}}
> > {% endfor %}
> > Can someone give me some ideas about how I can change my view to
> > return my template data in a more useable format?
> This has nothing to do with your view, which is fine. The query isn't
> returning the data like that - you're just showing a string representation
> of the queryset, created by calling `repr()` (which calls `unicode()`) on
> each parent. The objects are there in full.
> Your proposed template code is correct, except that you should iterate
> through just `parents`, not "parents.object_list".
> --
> DR.

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URL resolution in a Django template

2012-04-28 Thread LJ
I am using ajax to update a list of participants in my html page,
based on the student id selected.
I am trying to figure out how Django knows what path to look to find
my method.
Does it just go through all of the files until it finds a
method that matches the url request?

var student_id = $(this).val();
$.get('{% url get_required_meeting_participants %}',
{id:student_id}, function(data) {

In other words, if I have two methods with the same name, but each in
a different directory, how would Django know which method to call?

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Trouble with query syntax in Django view

2012-04-30 Thread LJ
I have a Student model that stores information about a student,
including the student's teacher.
The teacher's information is stored in the Employee model that
inherits from the Person Model.
I am having trouble figuring out how to query the teacher, when a
student id is passed as an ajax argument to the view function.
I have no trouble returning the data about the parents and the
student, but my filter for querying the teacher info is incorrect.
Does anyone have any ideas how I can query for the teacher information
based on the models below?
class Student(Person):
grade = models.ForeignKey('schools.Grade')
school = models.ManyToManyField('schools.School', blank=True,
null=True, related_name="school")
parents = models.ManyToManyField('parents.Parent', blank=True,
teacher = models.ForeignKey(Employee, blank=True, null=True,

class Employee(Person):
''' Employee model inherit Person Model'''
role=models.ForeignKey(EmployeeType, blank=True, null=True)
schools =

def get_required_meeting_participants(request, template):

parents = Parent.objects.filter(student=id)
student = Student.objects.filter(pk=id)
teacher = Employee.objects.filter(pk=student.teacher_id)  #this
line is, please?

data = {
'parents': parents,
'student': student,
'teacher': teacher,


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How to get the Exception Type

2012-05-14 Thread LJ
I am trying to add exception handling to my application.
I have been reading the documentation on Django Exceptions:
I also found the list of Exceptions (both Django and Python).
But for testing purposes, I need a way to handle all exceptions and to
log the exception types:

   addresses = Address.objects.all()
except Exception:

How do I catch all types of exceptions?  And, how do I get the
exception type?

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Saving ManyToMany models

2012-06-21 Thread LJ
I am having trouble saving entities to my models that have ManyToMany 
I have a Student object that inherits from a Person:

class Person(models.Model):
first_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
middle_name = models.CharField(max_length=30, blank=True)
last_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)

class Student(Person):
parents = models.ManyToManyField('parents.Parent', blank=True, 

class Parent(Person):
occupation = models.CharField(max_length=128, blank=True)

In my view, I create a new Student:

newStudent = Student(first_name='Donald',
middle_name='R', last_name='Duck')

I also create a Parent and add the new parent to the list of parents for 
the student:

newParent = Parent(first_name='Ronald',
middle_name='T', last_name='Duck')

However, when I call save_m2m(), it throws an error:

Perhaps I do not need to call save_m2m().  Does the relationship get saved 
to the database when I call the add() method?


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What happens underneath when I save to a model with ManyToMany relationships?

2012-06-21 Thread LJ
I have a Python script that will be called daily from a scheduled service 
or daemon.
The script uses MySQLdb to read a csv file and import data into a MySQL 
database that is used in my Django application.
Some of the models contain ManyToMany relationships.  I am directly 
inserting the relationships.
I thought that this was working great until I tried to query the models 
from my Django view.
For example, I have a list of students, and each student has one or more 
parents.  Even though the students_student_parents table that stores the 
student/parent relationship is updated by the script, when I run the query 
to get a list of parents, the list is empty.

importedStudent = get_object_or_404(Student, pk=studentId)
the_parents = importedStudent.parents.all().values_list('id', 

It appears that I have one of two choices:
1) Figure out what really happens under the covers when I add a parent to a 
student in a Django form and call save() or save_m2m().
2) Instead of inserting data into my tables using MySQLdb cursor execute 
methods, would it be better for me to create a service in my Django 
application that my script can call?

Any suggestions?  

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Re: New to DJANGO

2012-06-21 Thread LJ
I started out learning Django using the "Writing your first Django app" 
This is a very well-written tutorial that goes through each part in detail.
Please note, at the bottom of each section there is a link to the next 
section.  There are 3 parts.
Part 2 shows how to create the
Part 3 shows how to create the
I'm sure there are other tutorials out there, but I haven't seen any that 
are better for getting started.
There are also some good books out there that have examples.  You could get 
used books for pretty cheap on Amazon, or even get a free trial to use 
Safari for 30 days:

On Thursday, June 21, 2012 5:52:52 PM UTC-6, Jeff Silverman wrote:
> I am new to Django.  I am trying to get the Class version of hello_world 
> to work.  I cannot find a good full example of the code that works.  I have 
> made multiple files and files trying to get it to work.  I 
> cannot seem to come up with the right url to pass the variables name and 
> times in.  I am using soaplib among other libraries.  Pretty much trying 
> anything I find.
> Can anyone point out a full, and url combination that 
> works?  Ultimately, I want to use the wsdl to expose the funtions to NINTEX 
> workflows.
> Any thing will be helpful.

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Dajaxice Unresolved Import

2011-02-15 Thread LJ
I followed the installation instructions on the dajaxice project
website (
Some parts of the simple example project work great, but some parts do
not work.  I am getting the error:
Unresolved import: dajaxice_autodiscover
This is on the line that imports dajaxice_autodiscover in
from dajxice.core import dajaxice_autodiscover

I am curious to know if I have installed the wrong version of python-
django-dajaxice or python-django-dajax.
I just used the Synaptic Package Manager to install these so I have
version 0.1.5-1 of python-django-dajaxice, and version 0.8.4-1 of

Does anyone know if it matters what version I install of these
(I'm using version 2.6.6 of python and 1.2.3-1ubuntu0. of

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How to reinstall Python Interpreters?

2011-02-17 Thread LJ
I installed the latest version of dajaxice, but I am still getting
Unresolved import errors.
My guess is that I need to remove and reinstall the Python
Is there a some documentation somewhere that explains how to reinstall
the Python Interpreters, so I can resolve all of my Unresolved Import

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Re: How to reinstall Python Interpreters?

2011-02-18 Thread LJ
I am on Ubuntu 10, using Python 2.6 and Django 1.2.3.
Mike Ramirez suggested that I look at the site packages (in my case
dist-packages) in my python lib dir.
I did not see anything in there that references dajaxice.  I may need
to manually edit the PYTHONPATH once I figure out how and where.

My errors are:
Unresolved import: dajaxice_autodiscover
Unresolved import: dajaxice_functions

On Feb 18, 7:17 am, CrabbyPete  wrote:
> I wouldn't reinstall python because of an unresolved import error.
> What's unresolved and what type of system are you on PC/Linux?
> On Feb 17, 7:48 pm, LJ  wrote:
> > I installed the latest version of dajaxice, but I am still getting
> > Unresolved import errors.
> > My guess is that I need to remove and reinstall the Python
> > Interpreters.
> > Is there a some documentation somewhere that explains how to reinstall
> > the Python Interpreters, so I can resolve all of my Unresolved Import
> > errors?

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Re: How to reinstall Python Interpreters?

2011-02-18 Thread LJ
Just adding a note for anyone else struggling with a similar
'unresolved import' problem...
This article explains in details how to modify the PYTHONPATH if you
decide to go that route.
I don't prefer to use this method, but I now understand how django is
able to find imported libraries.

I am still looking for a good article on how to install/configure a
3rd party app in site packages--or dist-packages on Ubuntu (Python

On Feb 18, 12:39 pm, LJ  wrote:
> I am on Ubuntu 10, using Python 2.6 and Django 1.2.3.
> Mike Ramirez suggested that I look at the site packages (in my case
> dist-packages) in my python lib dir.
> I did not see anything in there that references dajaxice.  I may need
> to manually edit the PYTHONPATH once I figure out how and where.
> My errors are:
> Unresolved import: dajaxice_autodiscover
> Unresolved import: dajaxice_functions
> On Feb 18, 7:17 am, CrabbyPete  wrote:
> > I wouldn't reinstall python because of an unresolved import error.
> > What's unresolved and what type of system are you on PC/Linux?
> > On Feb 17, 7:48 pm, LJ  wrote:
> > > I installed the latest version of dajaxice, but I am still getting
> > > Unresolved import errors.
> > > My guess is that I need to remove and reinstall the Python
> > > Interpreters.
> > > Is there a some documentation somewhere that explains how to reinstall
> > > the Python Interpreters, so I can resolve all of my Unresolved Import
> > > errors?

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Re: How to reinstall Python Interpreters?

2011-02-22 Thread LJ
Yes.  I used the apt-get install command to install dajaxice, but it
installs an older version, and the installer for the newer version
isn't done.
The installer for the older version does not put anything in the dist-
packages directory.  I'm trying to figure out how to manually install
it, but I'm not making any progress.

On Feb 18, 8:07 pm, lduros  wrote:
> Did you install dajaxice through apt-get? From the command line: sudo
> apt-get install python-django-dajaxice
> If not, you might want to try it it might do the trick of installing
> it in a much easier way than from the sources.
> On Feb 18, 5:04 pm, LJ  wrote:
> > Just adding a note for anyone else struggling with a similar
> > 'unresolved import' problem...
> > This article explains in details how to modify the PYTHONPATH if you
> > decide to go that route.
> >
> > I don't prefer to use this method, but I now understand how django is
> > able to find imported libraries.
> > I am still looking for a good article on how to install/configure a
> > 3rd party app in site packages--or dist-packages on Ubuntu (Python
> > 2.6).
> > On Feb 18, 12:39 pm, LJ  wrote:
> > > I am on Ubuntu 10, using Python 2.6 and Django 1.2.3.
> > > Mike Ramirez suggested that I look at the site packages (in my case
> > > dist-packages) in my python lib dir.
> > > I did not see anything in there that references dajaxice.  I may need
> > > to manually edit the PYTHONPATH once I figure out how and where.
> > > My errors are:
> > > Unresolved import: dajaxice_autodiscover
> > > Unresolved import: dajaxice_functions
> > > On Feb 18, 7:17 am, CrabbyPete  wrote:
> > > > I wouldn't reinstall python because of an unresolved import error.
> > > > What's unresolved and what type of system are you on PC/Linux?
> > > > On Feb 17, 7:48 pm, LJ  wrote:
> > > > > I installed the latest version of dajaxice, but I am still getting
> > > > > Unresolved import errors.
> > > > > My guess is that I need to remove and reinstall the Python
> > > > > Interpreters.
> > > > > Is there a some documentation somewhere that explains how to reinstall
> > > > > the Python Interpreters, so I can resolve all of my Unresolved Import
> > > > > errors?

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Virtualenv and Dajaxice up...Now looking for Django Twitter Birds

2011-03-30 Thread LJ
I can't tell you how helpful this User Group has been to me!
With the help of several helpful responses and a lot of great articles
out there, I was finally able to install virtualenv and
virtualenvwrapper and get dajaxice working. I wrote all about it on my
blog, if there are any newbies wanting some consolidated info about
it, ping me.
Now I am curious to know if anyone out there in the Django community
uses Twitter or has a Blog.
If so, please Tweet me your blog @ljayadams.

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Re: Dajax, what do you think about it?

2011-03-31 Thread LJ
My opinion would be to add it in.  But, I am not as experienced with
Dajaxice as others may be.  I just know it took me a long time to
figure out how to manually add it and get it working.
It wasn't until I learned how to use virtualenv that I was able to get
Dajaxice installed and working correctly.

On Mar 30, 10:55 pm, Sameer Rahmani  wrote:
> What do you think about using Dajax and Dajaxice in Django? is it worth? or
> you like to write your own ajax code?

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Rendering only a portion of the page

2011-04-01 Thread LJ
I am building a django web app that has a control panel with various
icons.  Right now, the icons have href tags that load a new page when
the user clicks the icon.  I want to change this to instead call a
jQuery function that will use ajax, or dajaxice, to render only the
content part of the page.
Does this sound possible?
Would this be easier to do with Dajaxice, or with jQuery functions?
Could I still use django templates for the content that corresponds
with each icon?

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Re: Rendering only a portion of the page

2011-04-02 Thread LJ
Thank you, Jorge!
Yes, that helps a lot!

On Apr 2, 5:18 am, Jorge Bastida  wrote:
> Hi Lj,
> > I am building a django web app that has a control panel with various
> > icons.  Right now, the icons have href tags that load a new page when
> > the user clicks the icon.  I want to change this to instead call a
> > jQuery function that will use ajax, or dajaxice, to render only the
> > content part of the page.
> > Does this sound possible?
> Yes, absolutely.
> > Would this be easier to do with Dajaxice, or with jQuery functions?
> > Could I still use django templates for the content that corresponds
> > with each icon?
> In every panel icon, you should register an onclick event and call your
> registered dajaxice function or instead use jQuery to call your own view.
> That dajaxice function or your own view should return the html content that
> you want to show. How? probably rendering that code using render_to_string
> [1]
> [1]
> Hope this helps you,
> Jorge Bastida.

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