Problems with jquery and accessing django template system

2011-11-02 Thread Kevin Miller
I have a url that I need to attach to link that is in a jquery
section. It seem like the django template system is not getting the
variable. For example:

var url = "{% url fiesta.views.detail "+
event[index].pk +"  %}"

'' + event[index].fields.title +
'' + event[index].fields.description + ''




I need this url to be formatted like: {% url fiesta.view.detail 1 %}
Where the number 1 would replace the event[index].pk
However, it keeps printing the text: "event[index].pk" instead of the
value. I have checked that the variable is returning values and it is
returning values outside of django template blocks.

I don't know, but it seems that the django template is reading the
data before it is evaluated by jquery/javascript.

 How can I format the django template so that i can evaluate jquery variables.



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Re: Problems with jquery and accessing django template system

2011-11-02 Thread Kevin Miller
Thanks Tom, but I have already tried that and it didn't work.

On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 12:25 PM, Tom Evans  wrote:
> n Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 5:13 PM, Kevin Miller  wrote:
>> I have a url that I need to attach to link that is in a jquery
>> section. It seem like the django template system is not getting the
>> variable. For example:
>> $.each(event,function(index,value){
>>                        var url = "{% url fiesta.views.detail "+
>> event[index].pk +"  %}"
> It gets the variable alright - the variable is the raw string "+
> event[index].pk + ". Template rendering happens before the javascript
> runs.
> An option is to hardcode an id into the generated URL, and then replace it:
> var url = "{% url fiesta.views.detail 999 %}";
> url = url.replace('999', event[index].pk);
> Cheers
> Tom
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Pinax or Straight Django

2012-01-16 Thread Kevin Miller
Dear all,

I have been struggling between using Pinax or Straight django to
develop my apps. I have never used Pinax,  but was reading on it.
I have already only developed one website in django although it is not
yet launched.

I would really like to hear the experiences of those who have used both.

Are there really any benefits in using Pinax?

NB: On a quick browse on google I realize that it was difficult to
find good and up to date tutorials on Pinax.

Thanks in advance for the replies.


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DateTime in Django (Help)

2011-05-09 Thread Kevin Miller
Dear all,

I am new to django but is in the process of building my first website. I have 
been ok for a while as I am not new to programming in python. However, I have 
one problem that I cannot figure out the proper way to do it. I want to use 
ModelForm but have a DateTime Field. I can do it without using a ModelForm but 
I think using the ModelForm is the proper way to do it.

Can someone show me a small example of using ModelForm with DateTime field?
How can can the DateTime field me displayed in django templates?

Thank you so much in advance.

Kevin Miller  

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Re: DateTime in Django (Help)

2011-05-09 Thread Kevin Miller
Thanks so much for your response. I have done all that and I have
model forms working for other models.
However, I keep getting validating errors with datetime, probably is
how I am entering the data. I have also tried the SplitDateTimeWidget
I am getting the same
validation error. I have tried manually creating  the form and it
worked. I wonder what is the normally approach to DateTimeField in
django templates. Is using the
SplitDateTimeWidget the norm or should I use the AdminDateTimeWidget ?

Thanks again.

On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 11:11 AM, Kenny Meyer  wrote:
> On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 10:55 AM, Kevin Miller  wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I am new to django but is in the process of building my first website. I have
>> been ok for a while as I am not new to programming in python. However, I have
>> one problem that I cannot figure out the proper way to do it. I want to use
>> ModelForm but have a DateTime Field. I can do it without using a ModelForm 
>> but
>> I think using the ModelForm is the proper way to do it.
> What's the problem with the DateTimeField in a model?
>> Can someone show me a small example of using ModelForm with DateTime field?
>> How can can the DateTime field me displayed in django templates?
> in your
> class Foo(models.Model):
>    datetime = models.DateTimeField()
> class FooForm(forms.ModelForm):
>    class Meta:
>        model = Foo
> in your
> def bar(request):
>    form = FooForm()
>    return render_to_response("bar.html", {"form": form})
> in template bar.html:
>    {{ foo }}
> There's absolutely nothing special here :) .
> If you couldn't understand some of the code, then you should read the
> documentation .
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Kevin Miller
Acting Data Controller
Department of Computing
UWI, Mona
Kingston 7

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problems using django-registration

2011-06-20 Thread Kevin Miller
Hi all,

I am in the process of finishing up an app. However, I just cannot
integrate django-registration and sessions properly. I can allow a
user to register and also log in. But
I am a bit confused in getting in to work with sessions. Eg. I want to
get information based on the user that is logged in. I have look in
the django book on session management and understand
how to create sessions and destroy sessions..etc. So I believe I could
do the entire process manually without email activation. But
django-registration allows email activation which I also need. So I
really want to use it but cannot integrate it with sessions.

sessions do not event work with my templates. I tried to post a link
only if the user is authenticated by doing this:

{% if user.is_authenticated %}
Log Out
{% endif %}

and it will not work, even after I log in the system using
django-registration. I believe there is some broken link in my
understanding of django-registration.
Can anyone please tell me how to integrate session management with
django-registration. Google did not help me that much.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: problems using django-registration

2011-06-21 Thread Kevin Miller
Oh silly me. I was not returning user in the HttpResponse. I don't why
I assumed that it would be automatically available.
Thanks all.

On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 9:13 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves
> On Mon, 2011-06-20 at 16:15 -0500, Kevin Miller wrote:
>> Can anyone please tell me how to integrate session management with
>> django-registration. Google did not help me that much.
> do you have this line in
>    'django.core.context_processors.request',
> --
> regards
> KG
> Coimbatore LUG rox
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Kevin Miller
Acting Data Controller
Department of Computing
UWI, Mona
Kingston 7

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Re: problems using django-registration

2011-06-21 Thread Kevin Miller
Oh silly me. I was not returning user in the HttpResponse. I don't why
I assumed that it would be automatically available.
Thanks all.

2011/6/20 没必要吧 :
> Do you remember return user in HttpResponse?
> --
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Kevin Miller
Acting Data Controller
Department of Computing
UWI, Mona
Kingston 7

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