Re: What editor do you use for .po files?

2009-07-21 Thread Jonas Obrist

Haven't started by i18n yet but rosetta looks good:

bittin wrote:
> i also use PoEdit =)
> On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:05 PM, Joshua Russo 
>>> wrote:
> I started using PoEdit but it seems to thing that the .po files
> created by makemessages are malformed, or at least don't have all the
> right headers. Is there a better editor for Windows?
> i
> >

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Re: @login_required() dont work

2009-07-23 Thread Jonas Obrist

that should be

def index(request):

as far as i know, pretty sure your () are the problem

Asinox wrote:
> Hi guys, im trying to use the login and logout functions of Django,
> but my @login_required() dont work, dont redirecto to the login form
> and show the view where the user need to be logged...
> from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, get_object_or_404,
> Http404
> from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
> from diligencia.diligencias.models import UserProfile, Diligencia
> @login_required()
> def index(request):
> entradas = Diligencia.objects.all()
> return render_to_response('account/listar_deligencias.html',
> {'listar': entradas})
> LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/accounts/profile/'
> LOGIN_URL = '/accounts/login/'
> What's wrong?
> Thanks
> >

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Also-Online Feature

2009-07-25 Thread Jonas Obrist

Is there a builtin way in django to get a list of other users who are 
currently visiting a website or even a specific part of a website? If 
not are there any tools that I could use to implement this or do I have 
to think of a solution from scratch?

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Re: IDE for Django and Ext JS

2009-07-28 Thread Jonas Obrist

Maybe a good question would be is there any IDE that supports the django 
template language? Because I use eclipse (pydev+webtools) but I really 
dislike it that it complains about my HTML files being invalid because 
of the django tags. Also a highlighting mode might reduce the amount of 
errors one (=me) does...

Luke Seelenbinder wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I personally use Eclipse w/ PyDEV and web dev tools. I absolutely love
> it. I tried netbeans a while ago, and didn't see an advantage to switch
> to it.
> That being said, IDEs are really a matter of personal preference, I know
> of a lot of people that just use vim. My recommendation is try out the
> ones that interest you and have the features you need, give them a week
> of development and decide for yourself. That is really the only way to
> find "your" IDE. We could start a fight really quickly if "the best IDE"
> discussion got started. :)
> Luke S.
> Amir Habibi wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> What  development environment do you suggest for Django and Ext JS
>> based large projects?
>> Is Netbeans the best choice out there?
>> Thanks
>> Amir
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> jOkAlik7heMvG6xoxqhyq+Cjt0fywe0=
> =Tnav
> >

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Re: Printing a cetain number of characters

2009-08-03 Thread Jonas Obrist

use: {{ object.body|slice:":30" }}

When ideas fail wrote:
> Hi, If i am using something like {{object.body}} is it possible to
> limit the number of characters being printed out. So say you wanted 30
> characters, it would print the 30 and ignore the rest.
> Thanks,
> Andrew
> >

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Re: is Django a good choice for a LAN app?

2009-08-12 Thread Jonas Obrist

In my opinion writing it in django/html/... is a lot easier and faster 
than doing it in a real python GUI tool. Also you have the networking in 
your LAN taken care of by the browser.

snfctech wrote:
> One more question:  Any advantage to just using a Python GUI toolkit
> instead?
> On Aug 12, 9:18 am, snfctech  wrote:
>> Thanks for all of the good feedback!
>> At the very least I am enthusiastic about the health of this list! ;-)
>> @Philippe: By mid-size I mean ~70 people in a retail business (~$500K/
>> sales/week).
>> Sounds like the community feels Django is a good choice for my type of
>> project.
>> Thanks!
>> On Aug 12, 5:18 am, Philippe Raoult  wrote:
>>> I don't know what you mean by mid-sized but I deployed exactly what
>>> you're describing in a 45-strong company. We have occasional browser
>>> incompatibilities with ajax but overall django was very much the right
>>> tool for the job. As a bonus the company's clients can now access a
>>> restricted part of the application to monitor their files and dealings
>>> over https. Employees can also log in from home over https without any
>>> software/hardware prerequisite. We're also planning on adding some
>>> smartphone friendly pages for specific tasks (billing when employees
>>> are working offsite).
>>> My app is around 25k lines of python+templates
>>> Hope this helps you make your mind.
>>> On Aug 11, 9:06 pm, snfctech  wrote:
 I'm about to start a fairly large project for a mid-sized business
 with a lot of integration with other systems (POS, accounting,
 website, inventory, purchasing, etc.) The purpose of the system is to
 try to reduce current data siloing and give employees role-based
 access to the specific data entry and reports they need, as well as to
 replace some manual and redundant business processes. The system needs
 to be cross-platform (Windows/Linux), open source and is primarily for
 LAN use.
 My experience is mostly PHP/web/app development, but I have developed
 a few LAN apps using Java/Servoy (like Filemaker). I am leaning
 towards Python/Django - but wondering whether this may be
 unnecessarily web-specific. I really felt Servoy development was very
 rapid, and it was cross-paltform, but it was not open source (not to
 mention that anything custom needed to be Java which I find too
 verbose/ slow to develop in). Or maybe Open Office Base and some
 scripting is sufficient to handle my needs.
 So, my main question is: Does a web framework like Django sound like a
 reasonable platform to build a LAN Dashboard for a mid-sized company?
 Or am I thinking too much like a web developer?
 Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> >

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Re: is Django a good choice for a LAN app?

2009-08-13 Thread Jonas Obrist

 From what I read on django-developers, multi-db support is being 
actively worked on.

roberto wrote:
> snfctech,
> As far as I know, Django doesn't have an option to set more than one
> database. If I am mistaken, please, let me know.
> I am not sure if there is any project to add this capability in the
> future tough.
> Maybe you should investigate a bit more in the site
> (
> Regards.
> On Aug 12, 4:31 pm, snfctech  wrote:
>> Thanks, Jonas.
>> And do you think Django's ORM will be able to handle my multiple DB
>> connections, with read/write fields from different DB producs/ servers
>> on the same view (most of which will hopefully be ODBC compliant, but
>> some might not)?
>> On Aug 12, 11:32 am, Jonas Obrist  wrote:
>>> In my opinion writing it in django/html/... is a lot easier and faster
>>> than doing it in a real python GUI tool. Also you have the networking in
>>> your LAN taken care of by the browser.
>>> snfctech wrote:
>>>> One more question:  Any advantage to just using a Python GUI toolkit
>>>> instead?
>>>> On Aug 12, 9:18 am, snfctech  wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for all of the good feedback!
>>>>> At the very least I am enthusiastic about the health of this list! ;-)
>>>>> @Philippe: By mid-size I mean ~70 people in a retail business (~$500K/
>>>>> sales/week).
>>>>> Sounds like the community feels Django is a good choice for my type of
>>>>> project.
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> On Aug 12, 5:18 am, Philippe Raoult  wrote:
>>>>>> I don't know what you mean by mid-sized but I deployed exactly what
>>>>>> you're describing in a 45-strong company. We have occasional browser
>>>>>> incompatibilities with ajax but overall django was very much the right
>>>>>> tool for the job. As a bonus the company's clients can now access a
>>>>>> restricted part of the application to monitor their files and dealings
>>>>>> over https. Employees can also log in from home over https without any
>>>>>> software/hardware prerequisite. We're also planning on adding some
>>>>>> smartphone friendly pages for specific tasks (billing when employees
>>>>>> are working offsite).
>>>>>> My app is around 25k lines of python+templates
>>>>>> Hope this helps you make your mind.
>>>>>> On Aug 11, 9:06 pm, snfctech  wrote:
>>>>>>> I'm about to start a fairly large project for a mid-sized business
>>>>>>> with a lot of integration with other systems (POS, accounting,
>>>>>>> website, inventory, purchasing, etc.) The purpose of the system is to
>>>>>>> try to reduce current data siloing and give employees role-based
>>>>>>> access to the specific data entry and reports they need, as well as to
>>>>>>> replace some manual and redundant business processes. The system needs
>>>>>>> to be cross-platform (Windows/Linux), open source and is primarily for
>>>>>>> LAN use.
>>>>>>> My experience is mostly PHP/web/app development, but I have developed
>>>>>>> a few LAN apps using Java/Servoy (like Filemaker). I am leaning
>>>>>>> towards Python/Django - but wondering whether this may be
>>>>>>> unnecessarily web-specific. I really felt Servoy development was very
>>>>>>> rapid, and it was cross-paltform, but it was not open source (not to
>>>>>>> mention that anything custom needed to be Java which I find too
>>>>>>> verbose/ slow to develop in). Or maybe Open Office Base and some
>>>>>>> scripting is sufficient to handle my needs.
>>>>>>> So, my main question is: Does a web framework like Django sound like a
>>>>>>> reasonable platform to build a LAN Dashboard for a mid-sized company?
>>>>>>> Or am I thinking too much like a web developer?
>>>>>>> Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> >

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2009-08-13 Thread Jonas Obrist

Hi djang-users

Is anyone using psyco in django? Does it work and is it useful (as in: 
do you get great speed improvements)?


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Re: Psyco

2009-08-13 Thread Jonas Obrist

Torsten Bronger wrote:
> Hallöchen!
> Jonas Obrist writes:
>> Is anyone using psyco in django? Does it work and is it useful (as
>> in: do you get great speed improvements)?
> I've once seen a benchmark indicating considerable improvements of
> Django performance with psyco, but only on 32 bit systems.  On 64
> bit, psyco was a slight drawback.
> Tschö,
> Torsten.
As far as I knew psyco is 32bit only anyway...

Also: does anyone know if I have to put 'import psyco; psyco.full()' 
into every file or if there's a central place where I can enable it for 
the whole django and my whole app? I'm on a 32bit system and have 
performance issues...

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Re: Psyco

2009-08-13 Thread Jonas Obrist

Matthias Kestenholz wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 5:35 PM, Jonas Obrist wrote:
>> Torsten Bronger wrote:
>>> Hallöchen!
>>> Jonas Obrist writes:
>>>> Is anyone using psyco in django? Does it work and is it useful (as
>>>> in: do you get great speed improvements)?
>>> I've once seen a benchmark indicating considerable improvements of
>>> Django performance with psyco, but only on 32 bit systems.  On 64
>>> bit, psyco was a slight drawback.
>>> Tschö,
>>> Torsten.
>> As far as I knew psyco is 32bit only anyway...
>> Also: does anyone know if I have to put 'import psyco; psyco.full()'
>> into every file or if there's a central place where I can enable it for
>> the whole django and my whole app? I'm on a 32bit system and have
>> performance issues...
> Are you using WSGI? runner.wsgi (or whatever your wsgi script is
> named) might be a good point to put the psyco import. I'm not sure if
> it works as expected though.
> I'm asking myself a bit whether it is really the python code which is
> running too slow on your system. Have you profiled your website /
> webapplication? Maybe the reason for the slowness lies elsewhere? F.e.
> complicated Javascript code, too many DB queries or something else?
> Matthias
Well it's generally bad design, I'm working on that now. But some extra 
speed can never harm... I'm using WSGI and will try putting it into the 
wsgi script.

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Re: Psyco

2009-08-13 Thread Jonas Obrist

Igor Sobreira wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 12:35 PM, Jonas Obrist  <>> wrote:
> Torsten Bronger wrote:
> > Hallöchen!
> >
> > Jonas Obrist writes:
> >
> >
> >> Is anyone using psyco in django? Does it work and is it useful (as
> >> in: do you get great speed improvements)?
> >>
> >
> > I've once seen a benchmark indicating considerable improvements of
> > Django performance with psyco, but only on 32 bit systems.  On 64
> > bit, psyco was a slight drawback.
> >
> > Tschö,
> > Torsten.
> >
> >
> As far as I knew psyco is 32bit only anyway...
> Also: does anyone know if I have to put 'import psyco; psyco.full()'
> into every file or if there's a central place where I can enable
> it for
> the whole django and my whole app? I'm on a 32bit system and have
> performance issues...
> Maybe you should cache everything possible before trying psyco. 
> But I'm curious about Psyco improvements in Django too. Let us know if 
> you get any speed improvements.
> -- 
> Igor Sobreira
> <>
> <>
> >
Caching isn't really an options since I only have  VPS with very little 
RAM and from reading the docs good caching is done with memcached... 
which uses loads of RAM. Once I have the app stable and everything I'll 
write some benchmarking for it and I'll run some tests without psyco as 
well. This will probably take quite a while though.

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Re: Psyco

2009-08-13 Thread Jonas Obrist

Igor Sobreira wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Jonas Obrist  <>> wrote:
> [...]
> > >
> Caching isn't really an options since I only have  VPS with very
> little
> RAM and from reading the docs good caching is done with memcached...
> which uses loads of RAM. Once I have the app stable and everything
> I'll
> write some benchmarking for it and I'll run some tests without
> psyco as
> well. This will probably take quite a while though.
> Filesystem cache should work. Not as fast as memcached (of course), 
> but I would certainly try it.
> Good luck.
> -- 
> Igor Sobreira
> <>
> <>
> >
What about caching things which require pickle? I was thinking of 
caching some regex objects. Or to be more precise, I write a forum which 
makes use of BB Code which is stored in a database. I'm trying to 
optimize it now that for each request it has to compile the bbcodes only 
once (they're regular expressiosn). Right now they're just a filter 
which loops through all rows in the database.

All other issues I had performance wise have to be reanalyzed since I 
change the database model completely so it hopefully works faster...

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mass-updating question

2009-08-13 Thread Jonas Obrist

Hi django-users

I try to do as much as I can in ORM without python looping etc. So I 
wonder if the following code could be done in one update:

for parent in
parent.postcount += 1
parent.lastpost = post

Basically do something like:

thread.forums.allparents.update(postcount += 1, lastpost=post)

I'm well aware that += is completely wrong there, it's just to 
illustrate my idea.


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Re: if forloop.counter

2009-08-13 Thread Jonas Obrist

When ideas fail wrote:
> Hello, i know you can have things like {% if forloop.last %}
> but is it possible to have an if statement that matches the value of a
> forloop counter
> so it would be like:
> {% if forloop.counter = 6 % }
> or similar and how could i do that?
> Thanks
> >
{% ifequal forloop.counter 6 %}
{% endif %}


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Re: mass-updating question

2009-08-13 Thread Jonas Obrist

Alex Gaynor wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 2:51 PM, Jonas Obrist wrote:
>> Hi django-users
>> I try to do as much as I can in ORM without python looping etc. So I
>> wonder if the following code could be done in one update:
>> for parent in
>>parent.postcount += 1
>>parent.lastpost = post
>> Basically do something like:
>> thread.forums.allparents.update(postcount += 1, lastpost=post)
>> I'm well aware that += is completely wrong there, it's just to
>> illustrate my idea.
>> Jonas
> If you're using django 1.1 you can use the new F() objects so it'd look like:
> thread.forums.allparents.update(postcount = F('postcount')+1, lastpost=post)
> Alex
I read in the docs that F is for filters... but if that works, thanks!


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Re: how much python do i need to know to learn/use Django?

2009-08-13 Thread Jonas Obrist

snfctech wrote:
> I currently know zero Python and want to start a project with Django
> ASAP.  I've got the opportunity through my work to either take a 5-day
> Python bootcamp or a Django bootcamp - not both.
> I don't anticipate having a whole bunch of time to brush up on Python
> before the Django class - but is that necessary?  How much Python do I
> need to know before learning/using Django?  Would a little brush up on
> Python + intensive Django be okay?  Or should I use my resources for
> intensive Python and then use online tutorials/ books for Django?
> Also important to note:  The project I want to start may involve using
> SQLAlchemy and/or Elixir if the Django ORM doesn't support multiple
> database connections in time.
> Thanks for the tips.
> >
Hi again snfctech

In my personal opinion, python is rather easy to learn (I tried a couple 
of other languages but had huge problems learning them). Also I find 
django pretty straight forward, so after learning the basics of python, 
the syntax etc, I'd say you can learn it by coding django. It'll be a 
bit hard in the beginning and your code will be buggy but that's the way 
you learn! I learned the basics of python in about a day and 'okay' 
python skills in about a month of casual coding. Now after a bit more 
than half a year I'd say I'm rather good at it, only learning from other 
code and online stuff.


PS: I also highly recommend hopping into some IRC channels once you got 
some code which you need help with, usually there's helpful people on 
there (eg. #django or #python)

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Problem running django through fcgi on shared hosting

2009-08-14 Thread Jonas Obrist

I try to get django (1.0.2) to run on a shared hosting (with python 
2.5.2) through fcgi (with flup 1.0.2).

I've written a very simple app to test this:


I use this script to run it:


with the .htaccess:

Problem: I get an error when calling the page (using

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "django.fcgi", line 9, in 
line 114, in run
line 84, in run
socket.error: (22, 'Invalid argument')

Which of course raises a 500 error.

Anyone got any ideas how to fix this? Been trying everything I could 
think of and followed two different guides:

No success


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Re: Problem running django through fcgi on shared hosting

2009-08-14 Thread Jonas Obrist

Thing is I already got my bluehost account for other projects, so 
getting another host kills my budget. Also the contract is running for 
another good 10 months so switching now isn't an option either. I only 
recently started django coding, so now I have to use what I have... But 
I see what you mean.

Oli Warner wrote:
> I apologise in advance for a reply that isn't going to seem 
> immediately useful.
> Don't host django sites on shared systems that don't wont help users 
> host their sites with them. Seriously. I've tried both Dreamhost (did 
> it!) and Bluehost (failed miserably). You spend hours, if not days, 
> hacking around and you end up with something that is far from ideal.
> With a host that does care about Django, you copy your site onto their 
> server and it runs.
> If you can afford it ($10/month) I'd seriously suggest a low-end VPS. 
> They make life even easier.
> On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 5:02 PM, Jonas Obrist  <>> wrote:
> I try to get django (1.0.2) to run on a shared hosting (with python
> 2.5.2) through fcgi (with flup 1.0.2).
> I've written a very simple app to test this:
> /myproject/
> /myproject/
> <>:
> /myproject/home/
> <>:
> I use this script to run it:
> django.fcgi:
> with the .htaccess:
> Problem: I get an error when calling the page (using
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "django.fcgi", line 9, in 
>  File
> "/home1/ojiich/lib/python2.5/site-packages/flup-1.0.2-py2.5.egg/flup/server/",
> line 114, in run
>  File
> "/home1/ojiich/lib/python2.5/site-packages/flup-1.0.2-py2.5.egg/flup/server/",
> line 84, in run
>socket.error: (22, 'Invalid argument')
> Which of course raises a 500 error.
> Anyone got any ideas how to fix this? Been trying everything I could
> think of and followed two different guides:
> No success
> Jonas
> >

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Render template tags together

2009-08-16 Thread Jonas Obrist

hi django-users

I try to improve the performance of my web app and one of the things I 
want to do is render all occurrences of a certain tag at once instead of 
each on its own. The reason is simple: Each template tag loops over a 
series of regex pattern out of a database which it has to compile. 
Imagine the following:

for occurrence in templatetag:
for pattern, substitution in database:
regex = re.compile(pattern)
regex.sub(substitution, occurrence.content)

Now what I'd prefer is doing:

for pattern, substitution in database:
regex = re.compile(pattern)
for occurence in templatetag:
regex.sub(substitution, occurrence.content)

Sort of collecting all tags in a template with that name and render them 
collectively. Any ideas how I can achieve that with a custom template tag?


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Re: Using custom table instead of "user" in django

2009-08-17 Thread Jonas Obrist

Here's what I did:

I took the built in auth system and changed it a bit, or to be more 
precise I changed all imports within auth (because I moved it within the 
pythonpath) and edited

Whole code:

If you wanna use it:

Add the folder in the archive to your pythonpath.

Add 'auth' to your installed applications

Set 'USER_MODEL' in your settings file to the model you use (string).


NOTE: I did NOT test this yet!


PlanetUnknown wrote:
> Guys,
> I have a quick question. I am attracted to django due to its
> flexibility however there is something bothering me now.
> My question is can I use a custom table, say "consumer" instead of the
> one provided my django ?
> Here are the reasons -
> 1.) I have my whole DB model around this consumer table and want to
> keep it.
> 2.) This table has a lot more fields than what the user has, which are
> custom and uses the "email address" as the username.
> I know no. 2 has a solution of using a custom backend, but there are
> so many out there that they confuse me. Also,I don't want to use the
> "admin" part of django since I'll have a custom app. for that, but
> which works on "consumer"
> I'm worried if I there is no way around using the django provided
> "user" I'll have to re-invent the wheel, is that true ? e.g. session
> management, etc. Not afraid of coding, but the whole reason I chose
> django was to not do this.
> Any direction by the Gurus is appreciated.
> Thanks.
> >

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Re: Get results from query depending on another query

2009-08-18 Thread Jonas Obrist

course = Course.objects.filter(group__user=request.user)

Chris McComas wrote:
> I have a model that has a FK to django.contrib.auth.models Group. I
> run a query that gets all the groups that a user is a member of:
> groups = Group.objects.filter(user=request.user)
> Then I want to run a query for that model that gets and entries in
> that model where the group FK is one of the groups in the groups
> query. So like:
> course = Course.objects.filter(group=groups)
> How can I do this?
> >

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Re: Editors of choice

2009-09-07 Thread Jonas Obrist

I use eclipse with PyDev + Web Developement tools (and a bunch of other 
addons :D) and I really like it. Only thing that bugs me is the lack of 
a django syntax highlighter but that might be hard to find.

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Re: django forum

2009-09-20 Thread Jonas Obrist

dijxtra wrote:
> Is there a free robust django forum app? Or more precisely, a free and
> robust forum app which uses django.contrib.auth for authentication?
> Or should I just try out those several projects enabling django to
> access phpBB's user info and use phpBB3?
> >
There's django-forum and a couple of others (google them). I'm also 
working on a forum system in django which I plan to release one day. But 
at the moment I fear it's too unstable and coupled to other parts of my app.

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Need help with file uploads

2009-09-21 Thread Jonas Obrist

Hi django-users

I try to figure out how to upload files using django.

I have two models which are involved here:

Post, which has a user and content.
Attachment, which has a filefield (attachment), a user and a FK to Post.

This is how it should work:
Step 1:

The form is displayed with all fields
If user clicks on 'add attachment button' go to step 2
If user clicks on 'submit' button go to stop 4

Step 2:

Check if a file is submitted
Check user file size and count quota
Check file for viri with pyclamav
Check file size
Check file type
If all checks are positive, go to step 3
Else show an error page and go to step 1

Step 3:
Save the newly uploaded file to the Attachment model
Go to Step 1 and display the uploaded attachments (not as part of 
the form)

Step 4:

The rest of the form is saved to the Post model
The currently orphaned attachments get linked to the created Post model
Display a success page

The step where I have problems is step 3. After checking the file 
content using pyclamav I tried to store the data in the attachment model 
using: Attachment(owner=request.user, attachment=data) where data is the 
file content. This saved correctly with no errors but the file path (eg 
attachment.url) doesn't point to the upload_to folder (it points to the 
root media folder) and the file wasn't created. How could I do that?


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File storage: Filesystem vs Database

2009-09-22 Thread Jonas Obrist

Hi django-users

I wanna store files (attachments to forum posts) outside the MEDIA_ROOT 
to restrict file downloads to registered users. So I'd have to server 
them through django instead of apache. What would be the better way to 
do this: Store them in a the database or store them in the filesystem as 
actual files?


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Re: File storage: Filesystem vs Database

2009-09-22 Thread Jonas Obrist

Thanks to both Javiers!

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licensing question

2009-09-29 Thread Jonas Obrist

Hi django-users

I have a question about the license Django is released under (BSD). Or 
to be more precise about:

3. Neither the name of Django nor the names of its contributors may 
be used
   to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
   specific prior written permission.

I've take then code from django.db and stripped it off any need of 
anything else in django and done other changes so that it can be used 
for non-django purposes (I plan to use it in EventScripts projects). I'm 
really bad at naming my projects so I just wanted to name it djangodb. 
However then I read the license of Django more closely and I'm not sure 
if I'm allowed to do so. Is using 'Django' as part of my module's name 
'endorse or promote' my derived product?
Also I don't quite get the term 'Redistributions in binary form' since 
basically any redistribution in a digital way is binary. My project will 
be open source, does that mean I have to ship it with the BSD license or 
can I leave it away?


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Re: licensing question

2009-09-29 Thread Jonas Obrist

Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> First off - IANAL, so the following lawyering is non-professional
> opinion, and doesn't constitute legal advice, etc etc.
> My reading of this is that yes, what you are proposing would be a
> violation of the license. You're forking Django to produce a new
> product, and then want to leverage the Django name to promote and give
> visibility to your product. Even if it doesn't violate the letter of
> the license on some technicality, IMHO it certainly violates the
> spirit of the license.
> However, completely aside from the legality is the necessity. What is
> it that prevents you from using the standard Django install in a
> non-web project? I've used Django's libraries in non-web tools, but I
> didn't need to fork Django in order to do so.
> If you really do need a separate library, why start a forked project?
> Why not try to do this within the Django project itself? You're not
> the first person to say that it should be possible to use parts of
> Django in isolation - the template system and the database library are
> common candidates for this - but this is the first time I recall
> anyone volunteering to do the actual work. It seems a pity to fork an
> entire project just so you can use a small part of it - especially
> when you haven't asked if we're interested in pursuing the idea.
> What sort of modifications did you need to make? Did you need to
> modify any source files, or is this just a matter of deleting
> irrelevant directories and files? Could this be handled using a
> distutils configuration?

Thanks for your view on this. Just to make on thing clear: I don't want 
to promote or make my product 'visible'. The main reason I want to keep 
django in it's name is so people don't credit me for the work...

The reason I forked this project is that I want it to be able to use in 
ESP (EventScripts Python, see To do 
this I needed to allow multiple databases (connections) to use the lib, 
on cost of this I dropped all engine support but sqlite3. Further it 
should be easily usable without any other django part (especially 

Anyway unless someone else comes up with a plausible answer I probably 
have to think of another name...

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2009-10-21 Thread Jonas Obrist

Hi django-users

I wrote a django app called 'django-bbcode' which parses bbcode (or any 
whatever you want it to) into html (or whatever you want it to). The 
code is hosted on for 
all those who are interested.

I also wondered if there is any site where I can post my app (some sort 
of django addons list), since the only one I knew (djangopluggables) is 

- ojii

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issues with the ORM used outside of django

2009-11-17 Thread Jonas Obrist
Hi fellow djangonauts

A while back I isolated the django ORM to run completely without all the 
rest of django, to be able to use it in EventScripts (a plugin for the 
source game server (counter strike and others) allowing to develop 
plugins in python). It worked well for me and my tests were all 
positive, however recently another developer found the following problem 
when trying to run a filter query on a table:

  File "c:\games\steam\steamapps\abi_dalzim\source dedicated 
server\cstrike\addons\eventscripts\", line 211, in tick
  File "c:\games\steam\steamapps\abi_dalzim\source dedicated 
server\cstrike\addons\eventscripts\_libs\python\", line 
173, in tick
  File "c:\games\steam\steamapps\abi_dalzim\source dedicated 
server\cstrike\addons\eventscripts\_libs\python\", line 
155, in _executenode
function(*a, **kw)
  File "c:\games\steam\steamapps\abi_dalzim\source dedicated 
server\cstrike\addons\eventscripts\climbtimer\", line 274, 
in checkLoop
Run.objects.add_run(str(currentMap), steamid, 
es.getplayername(player), timeTaken, players[player][1])
  File "c:\games\steam\steamapps\abi_dalzim\source dedicated 
server\cstrike\addons\eventscripts\climbtimer\", line 37, in 
players = Player.objects.filter(steamid=steamid)
  File "c:\games\steam\steamapps\abi_dalzim\source dedicated 
line 129, in filter
return self.get_query_set().filter(*args, **kwargs)
  File "c:\games\steam\steamapps\abi_dalzim\source dedicated 
line 494, in filter
return self._filter_or_exclude(False, *args, **kwargs)
  File "c:\games\steam\steamapps\abi_dalzim\source dedicated 
line 508, in _filter_or_exclude
clone = self._clone()
  File "c:\games\steam\steamapps\abi_dalzim\source dedicated 
line 671, in _clone
query = self.query.clone()
  File "c:\games\steam\steamapps\abi_dalzim\source dedicated 
line 238, in clone
TypeError: descriptor '__dict__' for 'Empty' objects doesn't apply to 
'BaseQuery' object

For some reason the query cloning doesn't work. It's running on 
python2.5.1 and the modified source I use can be found on

I'd really appreciate any input on why that issue occurs and more 
importantly, how to possibly fix it.



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Re: Testing Django applications

2009-12-15 Thread Jonas Obrist
HB wrote:
> Hey,
> Grails framework offers a huge set of tools to facilitate testing
> (unit and integration)
> I heard the same thing is true for Rails
> Does Django offers the same thing?
> Thanks.
> --
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Python comes with several ways of doing unit testing, read the django 
docs on this topic:

Also the development server in Django is a brilliant way to test your 
app without having to set up a full blown apache.


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Re: how to develop cms on django

2010-07-19 Thread Jonas Obrist

On 06/30/2010 10:57 AM, bruno desthuilliers wrote:

On 29 juin, 12:29, samie  wrote:

sir i am a beginner in python and django..

i want develop a content management system using django..

plz help me wht shld i do from where shld i start..

I think the very first thing to do would be to avoid the sms style.


i am learning python from google videos

What about learning it from the official tutorial and other good
quality free online resources listed in the official doc ?

Being a core developer of django-cms [1], I can tell you that developing 
a CMS is far beyond a beginners level! I really urge you to use an 
existing solution, such as ours or another CMS as you can find on the 
wiki [2].



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Divio is looking for Django Developers!

2010-07-22 Thread Jonas Obrist

Hello everyone

We here at Divio [1], the company behind the django-cms [2] are 
currently looking for Django developers interested in either working 
full time or on a freelance basis for us.

The quick and dirty details:

- You must be fluent in either English or German (or both)
- You must have experience with Django and know Python well. django-cms 
knowledge is not required, but a plus.
- You don't have to work on location, but it would be highly preferred 
if you could for at least some days a week.

- It is a plus if you can start immediately

If you're interested, please send your application to either me 
( or Simon Zmoos ( Make sure 
you include your github or bitbucket profile if you have it, so we can 
have a look at your code.

Jonas Obrist


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Re: How to store and retrieve objects to/from session?

2010-08-28 Thread Jonas Obrist
Have you tried to just dump the object into the session?

On Aug 28, 2010 12:41 PM, "Andy"  wrote:
> I know I can store simple key/value pairs to session. Is it possible
> to store entire objects to session?
> I want to enable un-logged-in users to submit form data. After the
> form is submitted, I want to store the form data in session and then
> redirect the user to sign-in. After they sign in, I'd retrieve the
> stored form data from session and save it to database.
> For example:
> if request.method == 'POST':
> form_object = CommentForm(request.POST)
> Now if the user is not signed in, I want to save form_object to
> session, and later retrieve it from session after the user has signed
> in.
> Is there a way to save entire objects to session?
> --
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postgres CREATE DATABASE from django

2010-11-06 Thread Jonas Obrist
Hi everyone

I know what I try to do sounds like something one shouldn't, but I
have my reason [1]...

I want to CREATE DATABASE from django (in a request/response cycle) on
postgres, so I do connections['default'].cursor().execute("CREATE
DATABASE somename"). That gives me a 'CREATE DATABASE cannot run
inside a transaction block' postgres error. Now if I call
leave_transaction_management before I do the query, I get a Django
TransactionManagementError with "This code isn't under transaction

Does anyone have a smart idea how I could solve this?



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Making a (part of a) django website downloadable

2010-01-05 Thread Jonas Obrist

Hello django-users

I try to make a part of my website downloadable. Namely it's a wiki-like 
app for documentation of an open source project, for which I would like 
to offer downloadable copies. How would I pack a part of my app into a 

What I tried so far is just render the pages (by iterating over all 
objects in the models) and add them to a tar file, however of course the 
URLs are not correct, since the are all rooted. Same goes for js which 
assumes to be in /js/ where it isn't of course.

Does anyone have any tips on how to solve this or knows a python/django 
module which helps with this?

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Re: Django or CMS.

2010-02-05 Thread Jonas Obrist
Have a look at django-cms [1], it should be able to do what you need. 
And if there's some extra functionality you need it's very easy to 
program it.


Rob B (uk) wrote:

The design agency I work for are looking into CMS options.  Being a
Django man myself I'm hoping to convince them to build one using

Requirements are roughly:

Page control (creation/drafts/published/withdrawn/deletion)
Page revisions
View draft pages on site for testing
In-place editing for simple text updates
Editable Navigation
Wysiwyg editors
Image upload (mass select)
Tagging (pages, images, clients)
Smart site search
Limiting user publishing rights

I can't seem to find a decent CMS that would fit the criteria.  What
are people's opinions / experiences with CMS'?  What would you
recommend?  Thanks


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Re: Installation without root access

2010-02-11 Thread Jonas Obrist

orbital_fox wrote:

Is there a way and guides on how to install django without having root
access on a system? What are the requirements?

With regards,
Orbital Fox

This is possible but not very nice. I run some sites off a shared 
hosting. You do need shell access though.


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Re: remote desktop control using Django

2010-02-16 Thread Jonas Obrist
If you're new to web apps I strongly suggest you'll have a go at 
something easier than what you plan. Generally you could do what you 
intend with django, since the crazy stuff is going to be in the frontend 

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ANN: django-multilingual-ng

2010-02-19 Thread Jonas Obrist

Since the official django-multilingual [1] does not support Django 1.2 (and has 
some other annoying things in my opinion), I decided to create a new project 
based off django-multilingual which works in 1.2 and has some other 
improvements. This project is called django-multilingual-ng, it's on the 
cheeseshop [2] (so you can easy_install/pip install it) and github [3].

Changes from django-multilingual:

- django 1.2 (beta 1) compatible
- deprecated language_id's in favour of languege_code's to make code easier to 
write and allow changes to settings.LANGUAGES without corrupting the database
- admin UI improvements (a tabbed interface for languages instead of showing 
all languages inline and forcing users to fill all of them in)
- an easy command to convert django-multilingual apps to django-multilingual-ng 
(database migration, requires south)

The high level API stays the same, this means you can use the same syntax to 
make your models multilingual as in django-multilingual. Due to the language_id 
depreciation some low level APIs have changed. However they should make things 
easier, not harder.

Currently the two things this project is missing is documentation and more 
testing. I've tested it in my project and I can't find any issues.

If you have a look at it and maybe even use it, please give me your feedback 
and especially report any bugs you encounter.

Jonas Obrist


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Re: Any CRM based on django?

2010-02-19 Thread Jonas Obrist
Not sure if this is what you're looking for but just searching for 
django-crm on google got me

Massimiliano della Rovere wrote:

At work we are planning move from Sugar CRM PRO to something else
free. I'd love moving to something python based, but it seems the only
free and reliable solution is VTiger 5 written in php.

Does anybody here know any CRM based on django?


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Re: noob: cyclic import issue

2010-03-29 Thread Jonas Obrist

On 03/29/2010 10:28 AM, vamsy krishna wrote: very new to django and am having some problem with my code...

say i've two modules...mod1 n mod2...n views in both modules have
certain generic functions which i need to import from each

(in of mod1)

from mod2.views import xyz

(and in of mod2)

from mod1.views import abc

and this ofcourse is throwing an import error saying cannot import
name do i get this working? thanks in advance

I recommend creating an (or however you want to name that) and 
put 'xyz' and 'abc' in there. Then do:


from utils import xyz, abc


from utils import xyz, abc

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DjangoCon Europe 2012 Early Bird registration and Call For Papers

2012-03-20 Thread Jonas Obrist
Hello Django users,

A few days ago we launched the full website for this years DjangoCon
Europe. Early bird registration as well as our call for papers is now open.
We also posted the details for our sponsoring options and would love to
gain you as a sponsor for DjangoCon Europe 2012.

DjangoCon Europe will be held in Zurich, Switzerland from the 4th of June
to the 6th of June, followed by two days of sprints.

The early bird registration will run until the 31st of March, so sign up
now! The call for paper will be until the 15th of April.

More information and sign up on

If you have any questions or problems, don't hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

Jonas Obrist, Co-Chair DjangoCon Europe 2012

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Re: Where are the women?

2012-04-25 Thread Jonas Obrist
Hi everyone,

I'm one of the organizers of DjangoCon Europe 2012 and as Daniele pointed 
out, it made me sad when seeing the amount of women that submitted a talk. 
While we have no statistics of a gender breakdown for the tickets sold so 
far, just glancing at the list of names makes me sad.

I wonder how much of this is just bad organizing and communication from our 
part, and how much it is because there are less women in the Django 
community than men (if that's even the case). On that note, thanks for 
giving your views on this topic everyone.

I will see which suggestions we can still implement for DjangoCon Europe 
and if you have any more suggestions, please feel free to contact me 
directly at, as I often forget to check mailing lists.

We'll publish a code of conduct soon, the reason why this was not done yet 
is because I naively thought that it is unnecessary, as 
everything usually mentioned in a code of conduct is covered by Swiss law 
anyway (especially discrimination).

Jonas Obrist

On Wednesday, April 25, 2012 8:28:07 PM UTC+2, Katie Cunningham wrote:
> If you want to get more women to a conference, a few things have been 
> successful on this side of the pond: 
>  - Scholarships set aside for female attendees 
>  - Specifically invite potential female speakers to talk, or at least 
> submit a talk 
>  - Reach out to women-based tech groups, and make sure they know about 
> the conference 
>  - Talk to females that are already attending, and see if they can share a 
> room 
>  - Encourage sponsors to sponsor costs for a female attendee. 
>  - Have a code of conduct that is public, explicit, and enforced. 
> Even doing the scholarships for a few spots shows that your conference 
> shows that you're serious about women attending. I don't know, when 
> looking into a conference, whether your conference is going to be one 
> where I'm going to get cat-called or one where I'm going to feel 
> completely at home. 
> Katie Cunningham 

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Django CMS 2.3 Released!

2012-06-29 Thread Jonas Obrist
Today I am very excited that we just released Django CMS 2.3, with Django
1.4 support.

You can read the release notes at Django at

Best regards,

Jonas 'ojii' Obrist

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DjangoCon Europe 2012: June 4-6, in Zürich, Switzerland

2011-12-20 Thread Jonas Obrist
Hi all,

We are excited to announce the dates for DjangoCon Europe 2012. The 
conference will be held in Zürich, Switzerland from June 4th to June 6th 
2012, followed by two days of sprints.

The conference will be at Stadion Letzigrund [1] and the sprints will be at 
Cigarettenfabrik Zürich directly at the river.

We have not yet finalized our budget, but we will announce the ticket 
prices as soon as we know them.

We also launched our website, which you can find at where 
we will keep you up to date. Also make sure you follow @djangocon on 

Looking forward to see you in Zürich in June!


Jonas Obrist


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Re: Django CMS

2011-12-27 Thread Jonas Obrist
Hi there, if you're asking about django CMS (, you 
should use the proper mailing list to ask 

Also, I do not fully understand your questions. Could you maybe try to 
explain a bit better what you're trying to achieve?

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Re: Django CMS and django-admin-tools are together?

2011-12-27 Thread Jonas Obrist
"but I read that django-admin-tools is one of django-cms apps."

that is incorrect. The initial design and idea started on our blog [1] but 
it was never implemented by us, so someone else did and thus 
django-admin-tools was created.


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django CMS security release issued

2012-12-04 Thread Jonas Obrist
We just issued a security release for the django CMS to fix a vulnerability
in the page_attribute template tag, which allowed admins with restricted
permissions to elevate their permissions through XSS.

All django CMS users are encouraged to update their django CMS
installations immediately.


- Jonas

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ANN: The Django-CMS 2.1 Release Candidate 1 has been released!

2010-12-24 Thread Jonas Obrist

The first Release Candidate for the Django-CMS 2.1 was just released and is
ready for testing. Please keep in mind that this is a release candidate, 
and not

a final release yet!


Please report any issues you find with this release to our issue tracker at, thank you.
The Release Candidate 1 has all the new features fo the Django-CMS 2.1 and
countless bugfixes since Beta 3.

This Release Candidate would not have been possible without the 
contribution by
the community, a total of 68 different people have committed to the 

since it's last stable release, 2.0.2.
Special thanks however go to Eric Robitaille, whos contribution to the 
were absolutely priceless, and Řyvind Saltvik, who fixed bug after bug 
the last two weeks and thus allowed us to make this release. Both of 
them are

now also core committers.

So what's new in 2.1?

* Frontend Editing!
  You can edit your contents directly on the site, as an alternative to 
the more

  abstract admin panel.

* Better integration of 3rd party applications!
  It is now easier then ever to integrate any 3rd party Django 
applications into

  your CMS or make your Django application CMS-Ready.

* "Placeholders"
  It is now possible to use the Django-CMS Plugin based content 
architecture in
  any Django model using the new Placeholder Fields! This even comes 
with full

  blown frontend editing.

* Menu Refactor
  The menu code has been strongly refactored since 2.0 and it is now 
easier to

  extend and alter the menus.

* Better Docs, Better Tests, Better Code
  Our documentation is now hosted on the amazaing and was
  improved vastly and is still being improved until 2.1 final. On top 
of that
  our testing infrastructure, our test suite and our test coverage has 
  significantly as well. And in the process of fixing a lot of bugs, we 
  also improved the readability and maintainability of the Django-CMS 

  to make it easier for new developers to get around.

* And lots more!

Wishing you a merry Christmas in the name of the Django-CMS core 
developers team,

Jonas Obrist

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Re: RE: The Django-CMS 2.1 Release Candidate 1 has been released!

2010-12-26 Thread Jonas Obrist
Hi fred

There's a lot of sites running it actually, for a list go to, otherwise I can tell you that companies 
such as PBS, National Geographic, Vodafone and a lot more use it. 

If by example site you mean a site you can play around on, we plan to launch 
a full demo site with our 2.1 final.


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Re: Full text indexing in small site

2010-12-26 Thread Jonas Obrist
Have a look at haystack [1]. What engine you use pretty much depends on what 
you can install, for your small site even whoosh should be enough.



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ANN: The django CMS 2.1 Release Candidate 2 has been released!

2010-12-31 Thread Jonas Obrist
The second Release Candidate for the Django-CMS 2.1 was just released 
and is
ready for testing. Please keep in mind that this is a release candidate, 
and not

a final release yet!


Please report any issues you find with this release to our issue tracker at, thank you.

This second Release Candidate fixes a few bugs found in 2.1 RC1 as well 
as a
compatibility problem with Django 1.2.4 which was released shortly after 

The bugs fixed in RC2 are:

- #621: Page changelist in admin is incompatible with Django 1.2.4 when 
using multiple sites
- #624: Saving pages with a language not available to the site currently 
being browsed, but available to the target site of the page
- #631: MultilingualURLMiddleware does not work with single-quoted urls 
in templates

- #630: Pages cannot be added if CMS_MODERATOR is False

There are currently no known issues with RC2.

So what's new in 2.1?

* Frontend Editing!
  You can edit your contents directly on the site, as an alternative to 
the more

  abstract admin panel.

* Better integration of 3rd party applications!
  It is now easier then ever to integrate any 3rd party Django 
applications into

  your CMS or make your Django application CMS-Ready.

* "Placeholders"
  It is now possible to use the Django-CMS Plugin based content 
architecture in
  any Django model using the new Placeholder Fields! This even comes 
with full

  blown frontend editing.

* Menu Refactor
  The menu code has been strongly refactored since 2.0 and it is now 
easier to

  extend and alter the menus.

* Better Docs, Better Tests, Better Code
  Our documentation is now hosted on the amazaing and was
  improved vastly and is still being improved until 2.1 final. On top 
of that
  our testing infrastructure, our test suite and our test coverage has 
  significantly as well. And in the process of fixing a lot of bugs, we 
  also improved the readability and maintainability of the Django-CMS 

  to make it easier for new developers to get around.

* And lots more!

In the name of the django CMS Core Developers team I wish you all a 
happy new year and enjoy our RC2!

Jonas Obris

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Re: django cms without django admin

2011-01-10 Thread Jonas Obrist

As already mentioned, this belongs to

But let me just quickly say that there's no sane way to get the CMS running 
without admin. The whole point in having a CMS is to be able to edit content 
easily, for which you need admin.

I have no idea what kind of security concerns you have, but seeing you want 
to use 2.0.2 they can't be serious, since you'd use 2.1 otherwise.


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Django CMS 2.1 Release Candidate 3 was just released!

2011-01-14 Thread Jonas Obrist
The django CMS core team just released the third release candidate for 
version 2.1.


Please report any issues you find with this release to our issue tracker at, thank you.

Unfortunately, the release candidate 2 had a nasty bug in it which would 
break our MPTT page tree when moderation is enabled and certain actions 
were performed on certain types of trees. This issue was now resolved, 
thanks to the amazing effort of Ųyvind Saltvik.

There were also a couple of less serious bug fixes:

* Issue 658, Invalid search fields on global page permission admin
* Issue 648, Frontend-editing on/off toggle fails when the current URL 
contains an anchor.
* Issue 642, Short description of CMS plugins fails when no actual 
plugin instance is available.

* Issue 641, 'PageUserForm' object has no attribute 'permission_acessor'
* Issue 639, get_page_from_request fails when not being called on an 
admin URL but not a CMS admin URL.

* Countless documentation and testing improvements.

Please help testing this third release candidate and enjoy our django CMS.

In the name of the whole django CMS core developer team,

Jonas Obrist

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django CMS 2.1 final was just released!

2011-01-26 Thread Jonas Obrist
We are very proud to announce that a few moments ago, the django CMS 
team released the final release for version 2.1.0. This new version adds 
new exciting features to our CMS and fixes many issues.

Whats new in 2.1?

- Frontend-editing. This is probably the most noticeable new feature, 
allowing you to edit your CMS pages directly on the page, rather than in 
the admin panel. This feature even works for non-CMS pages, if they use 
the newly introduced Placeholder Fields, see the next point.
- Placeholder Fields. A new model field allowing developers to use the 
full power of the CMS plugin system on their own models. This feature is 
already used in some third party extensions, such as the cmsplugin-blog, 
which even uses the full power of plugins and placeholders to provide 
multilingual content.
- Improved Menu. With the new menu, it is easy for developers to extend 
the menu tree with custom menu nodes, to link to non-CMS content on 
their websites.
- Better Apphooks. Apphooks are the CMS way to integrate third party 
Django applications into the CMS. Coupled with the new menu and possibly 
Placeholder Fields, it is as easy as never before to make your Django 
application integrate seamlessly into the django CMS. You can even make 
your application CMS-ready, without having the CMS as a dependency!
- Better tests. We've increased our test coverage a lot and have more 
robust continuous integration, building against Django 1.2 and Django 
trunk as well as Python 2.5 and 2.6. We also decreased the time required 
to run the test suite by a lot, making it easier for developers to test 
their code.
- Better documentation. We've listened to all the feedback we got on our 
documentation and carefully improved and extended it. It is also hosted 
on now, allowing us to provide you with multiple 
versions of our documentation with ease.
- More core developers. We increased our bus factor by adding more core 
developers, so welcome Ųyvind Saltvik and Eric Robitaille to the django 
CMS team! Of course we're looking forward to welcome more developers in 
our team. So go ahead and fork us on github and start hacking!

At this point, we would like to thank the over 150 people who 
contributed to the django CMS, without you, there would be no 2.1 
release today! We're looking forward to your future contributions and to 
all the developers contributing to the CMS.

Together with this new release, we also release our new 
website. We've update the design and integrate with amazing services 
such as and Also, we now have a 
proper demo set up, which allows you to play around on a fresh django 
CMS instance. The demos are generously hosted by

In the name of the django CMS developer team,

Jonas Obrist

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django CMS 2.1.1 released!

2011-02-09 Thread Jonas Obrist
We just released django CMS 2.1.1 to fix an issue brought to light by 
Django 1.2.5.

After todays Django 1.2.5 security release [1], the django CMS AJAX 
requests stopped working, due to lacking CSRF protection. This critical 
issue has now been fixed in the 2.1.1 release.

Changes in this version:

* Fixed CMS AJAX requests not being CSRF protected, thus not working in 
Django 1.2.5

* Fixed toolbar CSS issues in Chrome/Firefox

We strongly urge everyone to upgrade to both Django 1.2.5 and django CMS 


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django CMS 2.1.2 released

2011-02-16 Thread Jonas Obrist
We just released django CMS 2.1.2 to fix a CSRF issue occuring in some 
browser with django CMS 2.1.1.

This release fixes the CSRF issues happening on Ajax requests in older 
Internet Explorers (and according to some reports also other browsers) 
as well as a CSRF issue when adding embbeded plugins to text plugins.

Changes in this version:

- Fixed CMS Ajax requests CSRF protection.

Many thanks to Krzysztof Bandurski, Angelo Dini, Manuel Schmidt and 
kar1m for helping solving us this issue.

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ANN: Security release issued for the django CMS

2011-02-22 Thread Jonas Obrist
Today the Django CMS team is issuing a security release for the 2.1 
series, version 2.1.3, to fix a serious security issue. All 2.1 releases 
as well as any git checkout newer than April 8th 2010 are affected and 
anyone using any of these versions is strongly urged to upgrade immediately.

For details please refer to the blog post here:

Jonas Obrist

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