Homepage in Django

2013-09-27 Thread Iuri Machado
Hello everyone, I've got a silly question. 

Let's say I've create a project called CAFis. My folder structure should be 

  - CAFis
  |  - __init__.py
  |  - settings.py
  |  - urls.py
  |  - wsgi.py

If I want to create a homepage for my project, should I create a views.py, 
inside the subfolder CAFis, with only a function called index and then 
create a templates/static subfolder inside the subfolder CAFis?

(New structure)

  - CAFis
  |  - templates
  |  |  - index.html
  |  - static
  |  |  - foo.js
  |  |  - foo.css
  |  - __init__.py
  |  - settings.py
  |  - urls.py
  |  - views.py
  |  - wsgi.py

Thanks in advance!


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Re: Homepage in Django

2013-09-27 Thread Iuri Machado
Thank you buddy! :)

Em sexta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2013 10h02min27s UTC-3, vicherot escreveu:
> Thats its one aproach other its to handle directly with your webserver. I 
> delegate to webserver all static stuff and leave django to handle dinamic 
> thing.
> see ya!
> 2013/9/27 Iuri Machado >
>> Hello everyone, I've got a silly question. 
>> Let's say I've create a project called CAFis. My folder structure should 
>> be like:
>> CAFis
>>   - CAFis
>>   |  - __init__.py
>>   |  - settings.py
>>   |  - urls.py
>>   |  - wsgi.py
>> If I want to create a homepage for my project, should I create a 
>> views.py, inside the subfolder CAFis, with only a function called index and 
>> then create a templates/static subfolder inside the subfolder CAFis?
>> (New structure)
>> CAFis
>>   - CAFis
>>   |  - templates
>>   |  |  - index.html
>>   |
>>   |  - static
>>   |  |  - foo.js
>>   |  |  - foo.css
>>   |
>>   |  - __init__.py
>>   |  - settings.py
>>   |  - urls.py
>>   |  - views.py
>>   |  - wsgi.py
>> Thanks in advance!
>> I.
>> -- 
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> -- 
> Rafael E. Ferrero

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