Hey Rajesh,
Thank you so much for your comment. Somehow Google didn't sent me a
message that I had a reply on my post, so that's why I'm late with my
I think your solution looks neat, but this way I would still need 2
ajax requests wouldn't I?
Doesn't self.options.pop('fields', None) delete the fields key from
the json data?
I'm not that familiar with Python yet, so I'm probably wrong. Please
enlighten me :-)
The dirty hack I came up with:
data = json_serializer.serialize(users.object_list,
ensure_ascii=False, fields=('username', 'first_name', 'last_name',
return HttpResponse('[{"numpages": "' +
str(users.paginator.num_pages) + '", "start_index": "'+
str(users.start_index()) +'", "end_index": "'+ str(users.end_index())
+'", "count": "'+ str(p.count) +'", "has_next": "'+
str(int(users.has_next())) +'", "has_previous": "'+
str(int(users.has_previous())) +'", ' + data[2:],
It's isn't pretty, but it works. I'm going to try your solution, I
will reply if it works.
On 2 okt, 21:41, Rajesh Dhawan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> > I have the following:
> > [snip]
> > def people_json(request):
> > userobjects = User.objects.filter(is_superuser=False).extra(order_by
> > = ['auth_user.username+0'])
> > p =Paginator(userobjects, 10)
> > pagenumber = request.POST.get('pagenumber', 1)
> > try:
> > users = p.page(pagenumber)
> > except:
> > users = p.page(1)
> > json_serializer = serializers.get_serializer("json")()
> > data = json_serializer.serialize(users.object_list,
> > ensure_ascii=False, fields=('username', 'first_name', 'last_name',
> > 'email'))
> > return HttpResponse(data, mimetype='application/javascript')
> > [/snip]
> > This will return aJSONstring to the browser that I use to make a
> > people overview that uses AJAX.
> > Anyway, because I have to draw 'previous' and 'next' buttons, I want
> > to attach some extra data to thejsonresponse.
> > For example I would like to concatenate the following list to the
> > response:
> > pageinfo = [p.start_index(), p.end_index(), p.paginator.count,
> > p.has_next(), p.has_previous()]
> > I tried to convert users.object_list to a list and concatenate it with
> > pageinfo, but that doesn't work ( tells me str doesn't have the
> > attribute _meta ).
> > I don't want to use html as a response because that would throw more
> > bytes over the pipe. ( it's also slower ).
> > I also don't want to use 2 separate requests because that would be
> > more overhead ( 2 separate requests take more time and it would also
> > result in to 2 queries because thePaginatorhas to be initiated once
> > again ).
> > Does anyone have a good solution for this problem? Using Django has
> > been a great experience but things like this take a lot of time.
> You could register your own[1] serializer class that extends the built-
> inJSONserializer.
> You serializer would be something like this:
> from django.utils import simplejson
> from django.core.serializers importjson
> class Serializer(json.Serializer):
> def __init__(self, dict):
> self.dict = dict or {}
> def end_serialization(self):
> self.options.pop('stream', None)
> self.options.pop('fields', None)
> self.dict['objects'] = self.objects
> simplejson.dump(self.dict, self.stream,
> cls=json.DjangoJSONEncoder, **self.options)
> See this setting to register your own serializer:
> [1]http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/settings/#serialization-modules
> Let's say you registered this custom serializer as "my_json". You'd
> use it like this:
> dict = {'pageinfo':pageinfo} # where pageinfo is your previously
> mentioned list
> json_serializer = serializers.get_serializer("json")(dict)
> data = json_serializer.serialize(users.object_list,
> ensure_ascii=False, fields=('username', 'first_name', 'last_name',
> 'email'))
> The "dict" can contain any keys and values that
> django.utils.simplejson can encode.
> -RD
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