
2020-07-04 Thread Exactly musty
Are you serious from scratch?don't you read the documentation 

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how to give permission to a logged in specific user in a list of users profile

2020-07-05 Thread Exactly musty
how can i specify a user in django templates, for example i have a page 
which consist of list of users available but i want it to show "Talk to a 
patient" for only the logged in user on his own profile here is what am 
saying in picture and here is my code, i actually don't know how to put the 
code i have tried many code but it does show Talk to a patient for every 
users or it wont show at all,i attached a picture to it,that shows what am 
saying,i checked the doc but couldn't find anything to use,so i wanted to 
try the custom templates tags,but i still don't how to comport the code in 
the templatetags views


class Doctor(models.Model):
('Male', 'Male'),
('Female', 'Female'),
user = models.OneToOneField(CustomUser, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=
True, related_name="doctor")
image = models.ImageField(default='jazeera.jpg', upload_to='profile_pics
full_name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
bio = models.TextField()
speciality = models.CharField(max_length=300)
describtion = models.CharField(max_length=100)
status = models.ManyToManyField(Status)
gender = models.CharField(max_length=6, choices=GENDER_CHOICES)
location = models.CharField(max_length=100)
certification = models.CharField(max_length=300)
place_of_work = models.CharField(max_length=300)

{% if request.user == doctor %}
Talk to a Patient
  {% endif %}

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Re: How to access custom template using auth_views?

2020-07-05 Thread Exactly musty
i recommend you use django-allauth,for its easier, you won't have to
struggle for authentication as django has taken care of everything for you

On Sun, Jul 5, 2020 at 8:58 PM Yasir Iqbal  wrote:

> I am having difficulty to access my custom template when I tried to logout
> or password_change and I redirect to django built-in template. Only login
> is working fine with my login custom template.Can anyone help me
> please.Thanks
> Here is my code
> from django.urls import path
> from django.contrib.auth import views as auth_views
> from . import views
> urlpatterns=[
> #path('login/',views.user_login,name='login'),
> path('',views.dashboard, name='dashboard'),
> path('login/',auth_views.LoginView.as_view(),name='login'),
> path('logout/',auth_views.LogoutView.as_view(template_name=
> 'registration/logged_out.html',next_page=None),name='logout'),
> #change password url
> path('password_change/',auth_views.PasswordChangeView.as_view(
> template_name='registration/password_change_form.html'), name=
> 'password_change'),
> ]
> --
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Re: How to access custom template using auth_views?

2020-07-05 Thread Exactly musty
try this then clear cache on your browser path('logout/', auth_views.
LogoutView.as_view(template_name='registration/logged_out.html'), name=

On Sunday, July 5, 2020 at 8:58:25 PM UTC+1, Yasir Iqbal wrote:
> I am having difficulty to access my custom template when I tried to logout 
> or password_change and I redirect to django built-in template. Only login 
> is working fine with my login custom template.Can anyone help me 
> please.Thanks
> Here is my code 
> from django.urls import path
> from django.contrib.auth import views as auth_views
> from . import views
> urlpatterns=[
> #path('login/',views.user_login,name='login'),
> path('',views.dashboard, name='dashboard'),
> path('login/',auth_views.LoginView.as_view(),name='login'),
> path('logout/',auth_views.LogoutView.as_view(template_name=
> 'registration/logged_out.html',next_page=None),name='logout'),
> #change password url
> path('password_change/',auth_views.PasswordChangeView.as_view(
> template_name='registration/password_change_form.html'), name=
> 'password_change'),
> ]

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Static not working on unix while working on windows

2020-07-06 Thread Exactly musty
Try this

Basic security check

2020-07-06 Thread Exactly musty
Bro you should probably host it before talking about security,I am talking 
about buying a domain name and hosting for yourself 

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django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: The included URLconf 'simplesocial.urls' does not appear to have any patterns in it

2020-07-07 Thread Exactly musty
Show your and your imports

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Re: Static not working on unix while working on windows

2020-07-07 Thread Exactly musty
Oh,have you run migration yet,if you haven't, you need to sometimes while 

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Re: Django

2020-07-07 Thread Exactly musty
You wont get your question answered if you snap your code with your phone,is 
either you copy and paste the code or screen shot your laptop,ain't seeing shit 
if you want your question you should edit it

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2020-07-09 Thread Exactly musty
For any database you are using use this after your database is been set 
appropriately with the help of django doc Python makemigrations
Python migrate

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Sending email from contact form to all superuser.

2020-07-14 Thread Exactly musty
You will use django send_mail in your views,just go to the django doc,and 
search for send_mail

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NoReverseMatch if "url" template tag not used with app_name

2020-07-14 Thread Exactly musty
You are using django url, so it should be the same name you gave your url in 
your e.g path('',homeview.as_views, name='home-page') 

So if I want to call this url in my template I will use the django url which is 
{% url 'home-page' %}.

You will have to check your url and see if what you named it matched what you 
wrote in your django template 

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Re: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'django'

2020-07-16 Thread Exactly musty
Are you sure you are in your virtual environment, if not make sure you 
activate your env then install all requirements before you migrations or 

On Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 7:50:11 PM UTC+1, harshith kumar pedarla 
> I'm getting this error
>  Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:/Users/lenovo/Desktop/Django Projects/telusko/telusko/", 
> line 16, in 
> from django.contrib import admin
> *ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'django'*
> could someone please help in resolving this error in pycharm in Django in 
> virtual env

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Re: How to provide background image via url() in django

2020-07-16 Thread Exactly musty
i encounter alot shit when adding static to a url background images,django 
templates can be shitty sometimes,because sometimes it wont pick up due to 
some spacing ,its very annoying,here is what i do either i write the same 
code by myself again beneath it but mostly it always worked by copying 
another url background image then i edit it,let me explain, in your 
templates you must have another url background images you have added static 
to and it worked just copy it beneath your main problem then edit it after 
editing delete the problem and restart your dev server

On Friday, July 17, 2020 at 12:08:11 AM UTC+1, sunday honesty wrote:
> Hi django users, pls help me with this:
> In case we supply background image via the url() function as 
> background-image: url("some_path/image.png")
> How do we do this in django static files?
> I tried 
> url("{% static 'some_path/image.png' %}")
> but it didn't work, how do I do this pls?

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Re: How to save images posted by application users

2020-07-16 Thread Exactly musty
I also had the same problem long time ago I remember i felt like hanging 
myself,here is what I did, i deleted the media folder,created by django, try 
this if it will work 

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can't find index

2020-07-17 Thread Exactly musty
Look at the error closely, as it says it all, in your project url django cant 
find the path index,its a url problem, check it if you got it well spelt

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Login and Registration

2020-07-19 Thread Exactly musty
Read the doc or follow MDN tutorial 

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Re: New Comer Alert !!!

2020-07-21 Thread Exactly musty
this is the reason am active on facebook, i get to get my problem solved 
than i do in stackoverflow

On Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at 2:07:28 AM UTC+1, David Kyenshak wrote:
> Hello everyone, my name is David. I'm new to django. I've been doing 
> django for Four months now and i must say I've enjoyed every bit of it. 
> Though i encountered challenges errors along the way, but its all worth 
> it. once again i'm glad to be here and am happy to meet you guys.
> and please if there's a Whatsapp group or any social media platform you 
> guys recommend, i'd be happy to join
> Thanks 

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Re: Not found media/some.jpg

2020-07-21 Thread Exactly musty
delete the media folder and add image again from your admin

On Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at 3:56:35 AM UTC+1, Salima Begum wrote:
> Hi all,
> Here, i am using three image fields in PostAd form. Images are not saved 
> to the media folder. Can anyone help me please.
> In
> class classifieds(models.Model):
> title = models.CharField(max_length=60)
> description = models.CharField(max_length=600)
> price = models.IntegerField()
> image = models.ImageField(upload_to='photo/', null=True, blank=True)
> image2 = models.ImageField(upload_to='photo/', null=True, blank=True)
> image3 = models.ImageField(upload_to='photo/', null=True, blank=True)
> added_date = models.DateTimeField(editable=False)
> modified_date = models.DateTimeField()
> In
> MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'media')
> MEDIA_URL = *'/media/'*
> In urls):
> urlpatterns += static(settings.MEDIA_URL,
> document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
> In
> snippet of
> if request.method == 'POST':
> title = request.POST['title']
> description = request.POST['description']
> price = request.POST['price']
> image = request.POST['image']
> image1 = request.POST['image1']
> image2 = request.POST['image2']
> I am getting this error 
> Thanks in advance

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Re: Need Help : Custom User Model

2020-07-22 Thread Exactly musty
Months ago I was looking for those same thing, I read the doc but wasnt 
clear enough I had to follow tutorials not until I learnt it, now I use it 
on all my project, which i added django allauth but i recommend reading 
this and following this tutorial, if you a newbie custom user model can be 
a pain in the ass read and follow this 
tutorial,if you dont understand I can give you a github repo which I do 
copy from to start other project 
On Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at 8:31:41 PM UTC+1, Joel T wrote:
> I'm a newbie to web development and more so with the use of django. How do 
> I create a custom user model that has additional fields for other users of 
> my web app while keeping the default django user model for myself - 
> mid-project. I appreciate the help. 
> Thanks.

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Re: Need Help : Custom User Model

2020-07-22 Thread Exactly musty
Reach me I would give you my github repo to copy it from

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looking for solution

2020-07-27 Thread Exactly musty
The way you wrote your django url is not correct,the " should be like the 
"cart" not " cart " python count empty space 

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Can't change my site name from

2020-07-27 Thread Exactly musty
If I should understand you very well,its because you are using Custom user 
model,and you probably clone it from a github repo,it can't change itself mate, 
go the admin panel, then click on site, you should change it from 
to your website name

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Re: having an issue with my admin site after an upgrade from django 3.0 to 3.1

2020-08-14 Thread Exactly musty
Yes I have solved the problem,I made an hard clear cache, and hard refresh
or you use django jazzmin

On Fri, 14 Aug 2020, 10:50 am Tobias Lindenberg, 

> I have the same problem, do you have a solution yet?
> schrieb am Dienstag, 11. August 2020 um 20:49:07
> UTC+2:
>> Done that already but still not working and I use another browser but
>> still the same
>> On Tue, 11 Aug 2020, 6:59 pm carlos,  wrote:
>>> Hi, clean your cache navigator??
>>> On Tue, Aug 11, 2020 at 11:04 AM Exactly musty 
>>> wrote:
>>>> [image: adm.jpg]
>>>> [image: adm1.jpg]
>>>> hi i recently upgraded my django 3.0 to 3.1, then i started the project
>>>> that i have been working on lately,actually my project is working perfectly
>>>> but once i switch to the admin i don't get any error tho but i can't edit
>>>> or change anything to my project anymore from the admin,here is a
>>>> screenshot,if i slide into the admin i get to see the normal site admin but
>>>> once i clicked any of my model i get the second screenshot
>>>> PS: i am using custom user model and posgresql
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>>> att.
>>> Carlos Rocha
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